UbuntuIRC / 2008 /07 /28 /#ubuntu-artwork.txt
Initial commit
=== DanaG1 is now known as DanaG
[14:11] <miguelneco> hola
[14:13] * _MMA_ waves.
[14:13] <miguelneco> ?????
[14:14] <tonic-pushcart> miguelneco: hello
[14:14] <miguelneco> heello
[14:14] <miguelneco> español
[14:15] <tonic-pushcart> miguelneco: ^_^ nz english
[14:15] <miguelneco> no hablo ingles
[14:16] <tonic-pushcart> :(
[14:16] <_MMA_> miguelneco: English channel. Sorry.
[14:16] <miguelneco> and sorry
[14:16] <miguelneco> :p
[14:17] <miguelneco> good bay
[14:18] <miguelneco> I, ARGENTINA
[14:31] <luisbg> need help with spanish
[14:32] <luisbg> necesitan ayuda con espanhol?
[14:32] <_MMA_> luisbg: miguelneco left the room.
[14:33] <luisbg> :(
[14:33] <luisbg> sorry it took me time to enter here
[14:36] <_MMA_> np
[14:42] <melat0nin> hello all
[14:42] <melat0nin> just fancied giving my support to Ken Vermette's brilliant mockups appearing on the mailing list in the last couple of days
[14:46] <nand> eh indeed, pretty good, I like these warm colors!
[14:47] <nand> I can help with packaging btw
[14:49] <melat0nin> i love the slightly offset border, it looks extremely classy
[14:49] * melat0nin is excited for Ubuntu's new look
[14:49] <melat0nin> (and all the positive publicity/new users it will generate!)
[14:50] <_MMA_> melat0nin: Are you under the impression that Ken's mockups will be the new look of Ubuntu?
[14:51] <melat0nin> no
[14:52] <melat0nin> but i hope so :)
[14:52] <melat0nin> what is the procedure for deciding on the final look? i mean before the SABDFL gives it the go-ahead
[14:53] <_MMA_> It basically seems to just throw it out there. A small team of people making a cohesive look following their vision will get further than people making mockups.
[14:54] <melat0nin> does MS just look through them and decide which is going to be used?
[14:54] <melat0nin> o.O
[14:54] <_MMA_> No
[14:55] <_MMA_> Its all very informal.
[14:56] <melat0nin> hmmm
[14:57] <melat0nin> seems mad for something so crucial :)
[15:01] <pwnguin> hmm. most people do no associate MS with shuttleworeth
[15:01] <pwnguin> arg
[15:02] <melat0nin> hehe
[15:02] <melat0nin> oops XD
[15:34] <_MMA_> dashua: Fix your connection.
[15:40] <dashua> _MMA_: Sorry mate. NM 7 giving me issues, back to wicd.
[15:40] <_MMA_> Ahh...
[16:03] <_MMA_> Hi Toma-.
[16:03] <Toma-> hey there
[16:03] <Toma-> question: why does ubuntus version of Tango have 'gnome-mime-*' in the mime type names?
[16:04] * _MMA_ shrugs.
[16:04] <_MMA_> Without looking, are they icons for specific filetypes?
[16:04] <Toma-> yeh
[16:05] <Toma-> the filenames are specific to the freedesktop rules, yet for some reason, its all scrapped in the ubuntu version
[16:08] <Toma-> also, how goes the ubuntustudio art?
[16:09] <_MMA_> Toma-: Slow. The biggest change will be the theme. But only to the trained eye. :P
[16:10] <Toma-> oic :)
[16:10] <_MMA_> Very little will change this release in the end.
[16:10] <Toma-> sorry i havent done much/anything lately :(
[16:11] <_MMA_> np
[16:11] <Toma-> but GTK theming is like pulling teeth for me
[16:11] <Toma-> its painfully restrictive. i cant even set a pixmap at the background without the damn thing tiling heh
[16:12] <_MMA_> :)
[16:14] <Toma-> http://members.iinet.net.au/~haste/e17/new-preview.png
[16:14] <Toma-> see!
[16:15] <Toma-> and more comparatively... http://members.iinet.net.au/~haste/e17/gtk-fail-lol.png
[16:16] <Toma-> _MMA_➜ anyway, if youre interested, i might be doing a GTK theme for my Grunge E17 theme some day soonish so the Ubuntu SE guys can use it too
[16:16] <Toma-> Ill show you when that comes about :)
[16:18] * _MMA_ looks.
[16:21] <_MMA_> Toma-: Im sure there's a way to do it. :)
[16:21] <Toma-> yeh, apt-get remove gnome :D
[16:22] <Toma-> there are other pixmap type engines, but i havent seen any that can do good things
[16:24] <_MMA_> Toma-: Not to be short but I've spent the past 3hrs sitting on my ass here getting some of the site updated. (logo is still off to the far right) Gotta go for a bit to do some stuff around the house. bbl.
[16:24] <Toma-> no problem :) see you around
[18:28] <geek_inn2> hi .....anyone
[18:29] <geek_inn2> i have my collection of artwork
[18:29] <geek_inn2> see gnome-look@dragoninsane
[18:30] <geek_inn2> i created some artwork with that name Dragoninsane hope you like it
[18:33] <geek_inn2> any developers in this room official
[18:33] <_MMA_> In what way?
[18:34] <_MMA_> And a clickable link would be best for your work.
[18:34] <geek_inn2> oh...but gnomelook gives option to search...go with dragoninsane
[18:34] <_MMA_> Too much like work. ;)
[18:35] <geek_inn2> actually i just now posted something on home page with name ubuntu brown sin
[18:35] <geek_inn2> just check out
[18:36] <geek_inn2> www.gnome-look.org/.../search.php?username=dragoninsane&PHPSESSID=2d9d727fc262f915e203644e58139535
[18:37] <_MMA_> 404
[18:38] <geek_inn2> oh you got page not found error
[18:39] <geek_inn2> i think better you open the gnome-look homepage
[18:39] <geek_inn2> i posted walls like with names: "ray of hope pink",purple or pink etc
[18:40] <_MMA_> It's pretty basic. I wouldn't feel it's anything good enough to ship with Ubuntu. http://www.gnome-look.org/usermanager/search.php?username=dragoninsane&action=contents&PHPSESSID=bb4cc0cd0b7d0fcd853a7f4f784628bc
[18:40] <geek_inn2> http://www.gnome-look.org/content/show.php/ubuntu+brown+sin?content=86130
[18:43] <pwnguin> kinda bad gradient
[18:43] <geek_inn2> ya thats what brown doesnt go well with other colors
[18:43] <pwnguin> i just meant, i can see the banding
[18:45] <geek_inn2> ok this is 1600 version :http://www.gnome-look.org/content/show.php/dark+ubuntu?content=86127
[18:45] <_MMA_> And the logo looks like it was cut from something. You can also see compression in the logo.
[18:45] <pwnguin> but i think the bar's been set a bit higher since hardy's heron wallpaper
[18:46] <geek_inn2> one more:http://www.gnome-look.org/content/show.php/pink+or+purple?content=86132
[18:46] <pwnguin> MMA's right -- the circle of friends should be taken from svg
[18:46] <_MMA_> pwnguin: Im sorry. Even stuff before Hardy is better than this.
[18:46] <_MMA_> This is uninspired.
[18:46] <geek_inn2> well i also posted some other things in there,but hey SVG is not supported in photoshop or windows
[18:47] <geek_inn2> ya nothing is inspired from ubuntu...official stuff the logo is exception
[18:47] <pwnguin> im pretty sure you can render an svg into a photoshop document just like you can with gimp
[18:47] <pwnguin> geek_inn2: you didn't like the heron?
[18:48] <geek_inn2> i do ....but its outdated now.......also brown ........yakhhhhhh
[18:48] <_MMA_> pwnguin: No. He misunderstood what I said.
[18:48] <_MMA_> *sigh*
[18:48] <geek_inn2> yikes....i dont like brown that much
[18:50] <pwnguin> i dont think anyone likes pink as much as you do ;)
[18:50] <geek_inn2> iam not professional in graphics...but still i managed to put some stuff there
[18:50] <geek_inn2> what is word of inspiration for me as beginner
[18:51] <geek_inn2> ya tell me what colors you like
[18:51] <pwnguin> well, it really doesn't matter much what colors I like
[18:51] <pwnguin> brown is the mandate
[18:52] <geek_inn2> i posted and tried all colors except red in my walls
[18:52] <geek_inn2> no almost all colors i posted there.....but i like pink and skyblue very much
[18:52] <geek_inn2> all colors*
[18:53] <geek_inn2> hey but iam just beginner
[18:55] <pwnguin> if you'd like an excuse to try out gimp, I have one
[18:55] <pwnguin> http://jldugger.livejournal.com/12544.html
[18:55] <geek_inn2> what
[18:55] <geek_inn2> i mean gimp doesnt give me natural feeling,the plugins/menus are all scrambled
[18:56] <pwnguin> indeed. familiarity is part of UI
[18:56] <geek_inn2> i need one window app,not 3
[18:56] <pwnguin> but dont worry
[18:56] <pwnguin> this is a no tools tutorial
[18:56] <pwnguin> http://gentoo-wiki.com/TIP_GIMP_Fractal_Backgrounds
[18:58] <pwnguin> anyways, just a suggestion if you really think photoshop can't render an svg into a bitmap
[19:00] <pwnguin> im no professional either, so I can't tell you how to use photoshop ;)
[19:01] <geek_inn2> when is this full of churning
[19:02] <pwnguin> "this"
[19:02] <geek_inn2> i meant this room
[19:03] <geek_inn2> i ...............mean busy dude
[19:03] <geek_inn2> i see no activity here
[19:03] <pwnguin> well
[19:03] <pwnguin> this is a pretty good level of activity
[19:03] <pwnguin> its no #ubuntu
[19:03] <pwnguin> thats just crazy
[19:04] <geek_inn2> ya something should happen
[19:04] <geek_inn2> i mean 3-4 people can talk
[19:05] <pwnguin> anyways, this channel mostly deals with proposals for default ubuntu art and other decisions
[19:06] <geek_inn2> when i was beginner(i mean when i first saw pc wallpapers) thought that they where good/best now i hate
[19:07] <geek_inn2> fractals/abstact art
[19:07] <geek_inn2> abstract
[19:08] <pwnguin> i think they're neat, and a pretty good way to get started exploring. they're not really "default" material
[19:34] <geek_inn2> does developers card about mockups and gnome-look mockups/deviant art mockups
[20:56] <darkmatter> geek_inn2: nope.. the developers don't care about anything but hiding outstanding bugs behind useless new features.. it's a freetard tradition
[22:04] <kwwii> _MMA_ is a wierdo
[22:06] <_MMA_> Why? Because I like to smear myself with peanut butter?
[22:08] <darkmatter> nah... I think it was the whole "_MMA_ mates with poodles" thing that earned ya the weird classification
[22:09] <_MMA_> Can't help it. They're oh so cute.
[22:10] <kwwii> 4 days and I will be on a plane
[22:10] <kwwii> 3 weeks without internet
[22:11] <kwwii> crazy stuff
[22:11] <_MMA_> Ouch. :)
[22:18] <kwwii> _MMA_: dude, how about the wallpaper and gdm, got it done yet?
[22:19] <kwwii> just let me know when it is done, I am flexible ;-)
[22:22] <_MMA_> Yeah. Right after I sort out my own. ;)
[22:25] <kwwii> see, that is the problem with the community, they're never willing to step up and take resonsibility
[22:25] <kwwii> :p
[22:26] <kwwii> "I pity the fool that have to deal with mark uninformed"
[22:26] <_MMA_> Feck Ubuntu. :P
[22:26] <kwwii> easy for you to say
[22:27] <_MMA_> Had I been paid...
[22:28] <kwwii> no doubt
[22:31] <_MMA_> kwwii: Don't think I've given up on the icon ideas we threw around. I just got things going on here and I just can't wrap my head around doing the work yet. Things should come into focus once I get my job situation settled.
[22:32] <kwwii> _MMA_: no worries, I am happy if you show up just so that I can give you shit once and a while