UbuntuIRC / 2008 /07 /28 /#kubuntu-devel.txt
Initial commit
[00:06] <apachelogger> SolarWar: there you got 2 reviews ;-)
[00:06] <SolarWar> yay :)
[00:47] <SolarWar> hey apachelogger the complete GPL is in the COPYING file, perhaps you didnt see it ?
[00:49] <SolarWar> this is with respect to your last comment
[00:51] <SolarWar> apachelogger, and is this (http://rafb.net/p/hMjW8D47.html) acceptable for each source file?
[01:32] <Wubbbi> Riddell: Uploaded to REVU bug 252388 :)
[01:32] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 252388 in ubuntu "[needs-packaging] plasmoid-teacooker" [Undecided,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/252388
[01:33] <Wubbbi> JontheEchidna: are you away?
[01:33] <JontheEchidna> nope
[01:34] <Wubbbi> JontheEchidna: is this ok as I done it?
[01:34] <nixternal> yo yo
[01:34] <Wubbbi> http://revu.ubuntuwire.com/details.py?package=plasmoid-teacooker
[01:34] <JontheEchidna> !nixternal
[01:34] <ubottu> Oh no! The pointy-clicky Vista lover has arrived! He's rumoured to be giving out free money, too!
[01:34] <JontheEchidna> Wubbbi: yup, now you poke somebody to revu
[01:35] * nixternal hides when the word 'revu' is spoken
[01:35] <Wubbbi> JontheEchidna: like riddell?
[01:35] <JontheEchidna> nah
[01:35] <JontheEchidna> an motu
[01:35] <nixternal> ya, any MOTU can do a revu for you
[01:35] <Wubbbi> JontheEchidna: will this upload automatic or do I need to call someone?
[01:36] <JontheEchidna> once 2 motus say the package is good one of them will upload it to universe
[01:37] <JontheEchidna> actually, it'll be uploaded to a queue, and if the program's licensing and stuff checks out, it'll get uploaded
[01:37] <JontheEchidna> all you have to worry about is appeasing the motus ;)
[01:37] <Wubbbi> xD
[01:37] <Wubbbi> Why in universe and not Main?
[01:38] <JontheEchidna> btw, you don't really need to include anything other than "initial release LP: whatever" in the changelog for the initial release
[01:38] <JontheEchidna> universe is for community software
[01:38] <Wubbbi> ohhh ok
[01:38] <JontheEchidna> main is for core software like KDE itself
[01:38] <JontheEchidna> MOTU stands for "Masters of the Universe"
[01:38] <Wubbbi> JontheEchidna: that calls good xD
[01:39] <JontheEchidna> since they maintain the universe repo
[01:39] <Wubbbi> Well my part is done, and I think I Have done a good job :D
[01:39] <Wubbbi> Thx for your help :D
[01:39] <JontheEchidna> Wubbbi: I'll give some feedback for you to look at tomorrow
[01:40] <JontheEchidna> get some sleep man
[01:40] <Wubbbi> ^^
[01:40] <Wubbbi> It's 2:40 AM ... and I get sleep now xD I dont know but its like I have drunken much coffe xD
[01:42] <Wubbbi> Uhhh debian etch updated to r4 :D NICE xD
[01:44] <nixternal> stupid arse revu, only has me listed as a Contributor when i am the damn REVU Coordinator
[01:45] <Wubbbi> nixternal: OMG! my fault. I forgott to edit
[01:45] <Wubbbi> is it possible to edit my uploaded files? xD
[01:45] <nixternal> hehe, was just gonna tell you that I left a comment since that is all I could do
[01:45] <nixternal> Wubbbi: just edit and reupload..it will get overwritten
[01:46] <Wubbbi> ok :) sorry ^^
[01:46] <nixternal> no prob, the reason I caught that is because I got nailed with it in the past :)
[01:47] <JontheEchidna> I left a comment too
[01:47] <Wubbbi> JontheEchidna: where did you find the name of the guy?
[01:47] <JontheEchidna> In the .cpp file
[01:47] <JontheEchidna> he didn't give a real name there as far as I saw
[01:50] <Wubbbi> JontheEchidna: what do you mean with "Lines 14 and 15 (The description) of debian/copyright are over 80 characters long. Please split it up a bit." ???
[01:50] <JontheEchidna> The package description
[01:50] <Wubbbi> ahhh xD
[01:50] <JontheEchidna> The longest we want the lines is 80 characters wide
[01:53] <Wubbbi> done done done ... :D better?
[01:55] <Wubbbi> nixternal: I Have uploaded it ( The fixed version )
[01:56] <JontheEchidna> Have to wait until revu catches up. ;)
[01:56] <Wubbbi> ^^
[01:57] <Wubbbi> this will done every 5 Minutes?
[01:57] <JontheEchidna> I don't know exactly how long it takes
[01:57] <Wubbbi> ok it is done
[01:57] <Wubbbi> take a look :D
[01:58] <JontheEchidna> ooh, new revu is nice and fast
[01:58] <Wubbbi> xD
[01:58] <JontheEchidna> Wubbbi: the package isn't including the source
[01:58] <JontheEchidna> the tarball
[01:59] <Wubbbi> oO what?
[01:59] <JontheEchidna> the file you extract the program's source from isn't included
[01:59] <JontheEchidna> could you pastebin the output of debuild -S -sa to pastebin?
[01:59] <Wubbbi> UHHHHHHH
[01:59] <Wubbbi> -S -sa?
[01:59] <Wubbbi> I just done -S xD
[02:00] <JontheEchidna> -sa is "include original source"
[02:00] <JontheEchidna> heh, that's probably why it's failing
[02:00] <JontheEchidna> well, giving an error
[02:00] * Wubbbi slap his self
[02:00] <Wubbbi> xD
[02:02] <Wubbbi> ok new version uploaded ... lets wait :D
[02:02] <Wubbbi> Let's drink tea and wait xD
[02:06] <Wubbbi> now it take more time :/
[02:07] <JontheEchidna> there it is
[02:07] <JontheEchidna> still no original source
[02:07] <JontheEchidna> could you pastebin the output of debuild -S -sa to pastebin?
[02:08] <JontheEchidna> and the name of the tar.gz file the source came in
[02:11] <Wubbbi> here
[02:11] <Wubbbi> http://paste.ubuntu.com/31103/
[02:11] <JontheEchidna> dpkg-source: Warnung: unbekanntes Informationsfeld »Http« in den Eingabedateien in allgemeiner Abschnitt der Steuer-Infodatei
[02:11] <JontheEchidna> dpkg-source: Warnung: source directory './TeaCooker' is not <sourcepackage>-<upstreamversion> 'plasmoid-teacooker-0.2.0'
[02:12] <JontheEchidna> oops, only meant to paste the second line
[02:12] <Wubbbi> that means?
[02:12] <Wubbbi> how to fix?
[02:14] <Wubbbi> gello?
[02:14] <Wubbbi> hello
[02:14] <JontheEchidna> oh
[02:14] <JontheEchidna> sorry had to go do something quick
[02:15] <Wubbbi> xD
[02:15] <Wubbbi> k np
[02:15] <JontheEchidna> the directory has to be named plasmoid-teacooker-0.2.0
[02:15] <Wubbbi> in?
[02:15] <JontheEchidna> the source directory
[02:16] <Wubbbi> control?
[02:16] <JontheEchidna> no
[02:16] <JontheEchidna> the actual directory
[02:16] <JontheEchidna> that houses all the folders and plasmoid sources
[02:16] <JontheEchidna> the folder called "TeaCooker"
[02:17] <Wubbbi> I dont understand ... In the TeaCooker Filder?
[02:17] <Wubbbi> Folder
[02:17] <JontheEchidna> the TeaCooker folder should be named plasmoid-teacooker-0.2.0
[02:17] <Wubbbi> ahhhhh xD
[02:17] <Wubbbi> now understand xD
[02:17] <JontheEchidna> and TeaCooker.tar.gz should be named plasmoid-teacooker_0.2.0.orig.tar.gz
[02:19] <Wubbbi> ok
[02:20] <Wubbbi> done ... lets wait again :)
[02:27] <Wubbbi> there it is ;)
[02:27] <JontheEchidna> yay, that's better
[02:27] <Wubbbi> ^^
[02:28] <Wubbbi> any suggestions?
[02:29] <JontheEchidna> There is still the issue with the copyright name
[02:29] <Wubbbi> oO
[02:29] <Wubbbi> what isseu?
[02:30] <JontheEchidna> oh, nvm
[02:30] <Wubbbi> issue
[02:30] <Wubbbi> nvm?
[02:30] <JontheEchidna> nevermind
[02:31] <JontheEchidna> anybody know where the pyqt/pykde plugins for designer-qt4 are installed?
[02:31] <Wubbbi> ohhh ok :) Is this ok like this?
[02:31] <JontheEchidna> I think it's ok
[02:31] <JontheEchidna> you might want to poke vorian and apachelogger so they can look it over and advocate it
[02:32] <JontheEchidna> ...and visternal needs to get his revu-coordinator rights fixed
[02:32] <Wubbbi> apachelogger: is sleeping ( Its 3:32 am ) xD and vorian ... I dont know are you online?
[02:32] <JontheEchidna> might have to wait until tomorrow
[02:32] <Wubbbi> yes
[02:33] <Wubbbi> JontheEchidna: who ist visternal? xD you mean nixternal
[02:33] <Wubbbi> ?
[02:33] <JontheEchidna> yeah, that's how we tease him
[02:34] <JontheEchidna> since he's a vista lover
[02:34] <Wubbbi> nixternal: Is this ok like this? :)
[02:34] <JontheEchidna> !nixternal
[02:34] <ubottu> Oh no! The pointy-clicky Vista lover has arrived! He's rumoured to be giving out free money, too!
[02:34] <Wubbbi> LOL! xD
[02:39] <Wubbbi> what about making a package of this? http://kde-look.org/content/show.php/Qalculate?content=84618 Or allready done?
[02:41] <JontheEchidna> somebody's doing it
[02:41] <JontheEchidna> it's even on revu
[02:42] <Wubbbi> ahh ok :)
[02:53] <Wubbbi> Well I will go to bed now. goodnight and see you tomorow
[02:53] <Wubbbi> ;)
[03:03] <JontheEchidna> good night all
[03:32] <vorian> evening
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[09:51] <Wubbbi> Hello :) I'm Waked up :)
[10:07] <Riddell> happy Monday
[10:09] * Jucato grumbles about always being lost and disoriented during mondays... :/
[10:10] <Wubbbi> Riddell: hello :D
[10:12] <Nightrose> morning Riddell :)
[10:13] <Nightrose> apachelogger: ping
[10:17] <Jucato> moin Wubbbi, Riddell, Nightrose (pokemon!!!)
[10:17] <Nightrose> :P
[10:18] <Wubbbi> lol ... pokemon ... xD
[10:18] <Wubbbi> Nightrose: what kind of Pokemon are you?
[10:18] <Nightrose> *shrug*
[10:18] <Nightrose> don't know them well enough
[10:18] <Jucato> a cute one, definitely
[10:18] <Nightrose> Jucato will tell you
[10:18] <Nightrose> ;-)
[10:19] <Jucato> I'm still trying to figure it out though
[10:19] * jpds thinks Jucato has had too many video games.
[10:19] <Wubbbi> lol
[10:19] <Jucato> jpds: ironically, I have only played the pokemon games very slightly :)
[10:20] <Jucato> Nightrose: do you like/dislike cats?
[10:20] <Wubbbi> jpds: the problem with REVU is solved ;) AND ... I have uploaded it succesfull :D http://revu.ubuntuwire.com/details.py?package=plasmoid-teacooker
[10:20] <Jucato> (semi-random question)
[10:20] <jpds> Wubbbi: Yay.
[10:20] * Riddell cheers at http://thc.emanuele-gentili.com/utu.php
[10:20] <Nightrose> Jucato: love them
[10:20] * Nightrose waits for page to load
[10:21] <Jucato> Nightrose: then I have the perfect pokemon :)
[10:21] <Wubbbi> jpds: yesturasy ( Today ) At 3:30 AM -_- xD
[10:21] * Jucato waits for the page to load too
[10:21] <jpds> Wubbbi: You'll get that a lot around here.
[10:21] <Wubbbi> yesterday
[10:21] <Wubbbi> xD
[10:22] <Wubbbi> And If I update this to a new Upstream Releas, so I need to Upload it by REVU?
[10:22] <Nightrose> damn you Riddell ;-) that page takes ages to load
[10:22] <Nightrose> what is it?
[10:22] <Jucato> hehe
[10:23] <Nightrose> woahhh Riddell
[10:23] <Nightrose> congratulations
[10:23] <Jucato> t3h awesome!!!
[10:23] <Riddell> http://www.kubuntu.org/~jriddell/tmp/utu.html
[10:23] <Nightrose> ;-)
[10:23] * Nightrose hands Riddell some cookies
[10:23] <Jucato> congrats Riddell
[10:23] <Nightrose> indeed
[10:24] <jpds> Well, I made it to the top 100.
[10:24] <Jucato> !cookies | Riddell
[10:24] <ubottu> Riddell: Cookies are delicious delicacies.
[10:24] <jpds> congrats Riddell :)
[10:24] <Jucato> bah.. not that :)
[10:24] <Jucato> Nightrose: http://archives.bulbagarden.net/w/upload/8/8a/300Skitty.png btw
[10:24] <Nightrose> hehe and Harald is #9
[10:24] <Wubbbi> http://archives.bulbagarden.net/w/upload/8/8a/300Skitty.png HAHAHA xD Nightrose thats you!!! :D CUTE. :)
[10:25] <Nightrose> *lol* Jucato
[10:25] <Jucato> Nightrose: you know why I picked that? it cutely says "nya nya" or "nyi nyi"... sort of like your "nini" :)
[10:25] <Nightrose> ;-)
[10:25] <Jucato> oh and yes, it is so adorable :)
[10:42] <pgquiles> in kopete 0.12 (kde 3.5.9), when I'm sent a custom emoticon and I right click on "Import emoticon", I receive an error about $HOME/.kde/share/emoticons/Default not existing :-?
[10:44] <Riddell> pgquiles: I expect it's an upstream issue
[11:05] <pgquiles> Riddell: ok
[11:07] <pgquiles> Riddell: it's actually in launchpad: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/kopete/+bug/203658
[11:07] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 203658 in kopete "import emoticon broken in kopete when importing to the default emoticons" [Undecided,New]
[11:09] <Wubbbi> apachelogger: are you online?
[11:15] <Wubbbi> 2) Provide a watch file to catch new upstream versions. ... how to do that? ... Just a /debian/xxx file call watch?
[11:26] <apachelogger> <-- braindead
[11:26] <apachelogger> Wubbbi: now I am
[11:26] <apachelogger> Nightrose: pong
[11:27] <Nightrose> apachelogger: hey :) froscon - single room for the night from sunday to monday will be 43 euro i just got told :( take it anyway?
[11:28] <Nightrose> i really hope that is the final price then
[11:28] * apachelogger doesn't even know whether he can come at all -.-
[11:28] <apachelogger> but if I do I probably want to sleep ;-)
[11:28] <Nightrose> hehe well yea that is the thing
[11:28] <Nightrose> ;-)
[11:29] <Nightrose> so what do i do? order the room or do you want to do it on yoour own when there?
[11:29] <Nightrose> i assume there will be enough rooms sunday -> monday
[11:29] <Nightrose> at least that was the case last year when sebas and me checked in there
[11:30] * apachelogger could sleep at the airport :P
[11:30] <Nightrose> :P
[11:30] <apachelogger> Nightrose: I guess latter is more reasonable, right?
[11:30] <Nightrose> think so as well
[11:31] <apachelogger> ok
[11:31] <Nightrose> will do that then
[11:34] <Wubbbi> apachelogger: ok die frage hat sich erledigt ^^
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[11:57] <nixternal> mornin'
[11:58] <Riddell> hi nixternal
[11:58] <nixternal> howdy Riddell
[11:59] <Jucato> yo nixternal
[11:59] <Riddell> hmm, we could do with a Kubuntu version of https://wiki.kubuntu.org/IntrepidIbex/TechnicalOverview
[12:04] <apachelogger> hola nixternal
[12:05] <nixternal> Riddell: it seems they aren't doing the typical "Release Notes" now?
[12:06] <Riddell> nixternal: no, it's changed a bit
[12:06] <Riddell> I'm not sure on the details
[12:07] <apachelogger> cdbs makes packaging too easy
[12:08] <apachelogger> Wubbbi: teacooker is way too good :P
[12:09] <nixternal> Riddell: working on it now
[12:09] <Riddell> ooh
[12:13] <nixternal> what version of KDE 4 is currently in Intrepid?
[12:14] <\sh> apachelogger: sput and I are doing an overnight rock and roll over cologne, bonn, st. augustin from sat to sun....
[12:14] * Jucato is undecided on ScottK's thread :/
[12:14] <nixternal> !info kdebase-workspace intrepid
[12:14] <\sh> apachelogger: during froscon that is
[12:14] <ubottu> kdebase-workspace (source: kdebase-workspace): base workspace components from the official KDE 4 release. In component main, is optional. Version 4:4.0.98-0ubuntu6 (intrepid), package size 38 kB, installed size 312 kB
[12:14] <nixternal> that always works :)
[12:15] <Jucato> (not always.. but yeah :P)
[12:15] <apachelogger> \sh: that sounds frightening :P
[12:16] <\sh> apachelogger: sat -> sun == socializing event + after 2 or 3 most people will need to sleep...but not the two of us, eventually bonsaikitten will stay awake too ;)
[12:22] <apachelogger> Nightrose: when do I have my talk, and what is the talk about?
[12:22] <Nightrose> apachelogger: packaging - when is not decided yet - i am open for suggestions
[12:23] <apachelogger> *shrug*
[12:23] <apachelogger> hm, packaging
[12:23] <apachelogger> omg what to talk about
[12:24] <apachelogger> :S
[12:24] <Nightrose> :P
[12:24] <smarter> It's me or Adept is b0rken?
[12:24] <smarter> crash after start
[12:24] <apachelogger> smarter: intrepid?
[12:24] <smarter> yep
[12:24] <apachelogger> adept
[12:25] <smarter> why?
[12:25] <smarter> I need to test my patches, I've waited days to have an installable kdelibs and now it crashes :/
[12:25] <\sh> "Packaging, the WTF of today" (WTF here: Will To Fight) (/me just have to annotate the meaning now, there are a lot)
[12:27] <nixternal> Riddell: https://wiki.kubuntu.org/IntrepidIbex/TechnicalOverview/Kubuntu
[12:28] <nixternal> the caveats section needs some filling in
[12:47] <Wubbbi> apachelogger: meinst du dass es nicht mit Kde 4.0 kompartible ist?
[12:47] <apachelogger> Wubbbi: jo
[12:47] <apachelogger> also, halte ich für unwarhscheinlich
[12:47] <Wubbbi> ok also dann ab Kde 4.1
[12:47] <Wubbbi> :)
[12:48] <Wubbbi> so? "libplasma-dev (>= 4.1.0)"
[12:49] * nixternal gets ready for work
[12:49] <Wubbbi> oder so libplasma-dev (>= 4.1) ... oder ist das egal?
[12:50] <Jucato> bye nixternal
[12:51] <smarter> so, does anyone know why Adept crashes on Intrepid?
[12:51] <Wubbbi> smarter: This issue is know and wont fix, sice apedpt 3 is released
[12:52] <Wubbbi> since = untill
[12:52] <smarter> Wubbbi: you're sure that Adept3 will be released before intrepid?
[12:52] <Wubbbi> smarter: I dont know ... Riddell told me
[12:54] <Wubbbi> apachelogger: well upload done. Can you take a look please :)
[12:55] <apachelogger> Wubbbi: lat0rish
[12:55] * apachelogger needs to prepare kdepim for 4.1.0
[12:57] <Wubbbi> lat0rish? oO whats that?
[12:58] <Wubbbi> http://revu.ubuntuwire.com/details.py?package=plasmoid-teacooker
[12:58] <smarter> Wubbbi: later
[12:58] <Riddell> smarter: I'm not sure, it's a troubling matter
[12:59] <smarter> yep :/
[12:59] <apachelogger> most probably due to konsole
[12:59] <smarter> it crashes because the konsole part is not packaged?
[12:59] <smarter> apachelogger: yep: #1 0x000000000043f894 in adept::CommitProgress::loadKonsole (this=0x7f70bd11cb20) at /build/buildd/adept-2.1.3ubuntu26/./adept/adept/commitprogress.cpp:90
[12:59] <apachelogger> smarter: incompability I twould say :P
[13:00] <smarter> ah, it loads the konsole/kde4 part?
[13:00] <apachelogger> there is no konsole-kde3 in intrepid
[13:01] <apachelogger> oh, right
[13:01] <apachelogger> Nightrose: http://paste.ubuntu.com/31258/
[13:01] <apachelogger> happened when opening a web radio in konqueror
[13:01] <apachelogger> or rather from konqueror
[13:01] <apachelogger> well
[13:02] <apachelogger> something like konqueror -> click -> amarok -> crash
[13:02] <Wubbbi> ohhh ok
[13:38] <apachelogger> Wubbbi: uploaded to new queue
[13:38] <Wubbbi> apachelogger: thank you :)
[14:47] <Wubbbi> apachelogger: when can I download my package via apt?
[14:48] <apachelogger> not yet all
[14:48] <apachelogger> an archive admin as to pass it through new first
[14:48] <Wubbbi> and this will happen?
[14:48] <apachelogger> whenever someone feels like it :P
[14:48] <Wubbbi> xD
[14:49] <apachelogger> Wubbbi: tomorrow is Riddell's archive admin days, so you might want to poke him tomorrow ;-)
[14:49] <Wubbbi> good to know :)
[15:03] <Wubbbi> What do you think about to make a package of this? Callin "Kde-sysinfo-new" ???
[15:03] <Wubbbi> http://kde-look.org/content/show.php/New+sysinfo+1.0?content=85668
[15:03] <Wubbbi> *calling
[15:04] <apachelogger> Wubbbi: http://kde-look.org/content/preview.php?preview=2&id=85668&file1=85668-1.png&file2=85668-2.png&file3=&name=New+sysinfo+1.0&PHPSESSID=5e5e6c675fe9044ab470c7058335d4df
[15:04] <Wubbbi> oe "Kde4-sysinfo-new"
[15:04] <apachelogger> you would have to strip the non-free pictures
[15:04] <Wubbbi> Are there any free INTEL/AMD/NVIDIA/ATI Pictures?
[15:05] <Wubbbi> so I mean do they exist?
[15:05] <Wubbbi> Well first of all let me DL the source and take a look :)
[15:05] <apachelogger> well
[15:05] <apachelogger> not exactly free
[15:06] <apachelogger> these are tardemarks
[15:06] <apachelogger> *trade even
[15:06] <apachelogger> Wubbbi: best to talk to Riddell about that stuff
[15:06] <apachelogger> Wubbbi: https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~apachelogger/kio-sysinfo/ubuntu
[15:06] <Wubbbi> Riddell: are you here?
[15:06] <apachelogger> Wubbbi: you might have a look at the debian dir, maybe it is of any use
[15:06] * apachelogger never finished the package
[15:07] <apachelogger> Wubbbi: btw, I would go with kio-sysinfo for the name
[15:08] <Wubbbi> are Tardemark licents not allowed in Universe?
[15:08] <Wubbbi> I mean the hole programm is GPL
[15:09] <apachelogger> Wubbbi: I think these logos don't go well with the debian free software guidelines
[15:09] <Wubbbi> Hmmm ...
[15:10] <Wubbbi> I can remove them. But then it doesen't look so nice :D
[15:10] <apachelogger> freedom > looking nice
[15:10] <apachelogger> why else would we have used KDE 3 :P
[15:10] <Wubbbi> xD
[15:12] <Wubbbi> apachelogger: sorry das muss ich jetzt mal auf deusch fragen: Und wass ist, wenn ich diese symbole mit Hardware symbolen austausche? Also dann anstadt eine ATI logo z.B. eine grafikkarte?
[15:12] <Wubbbi> Das selbe mit dem prozessor
[15:12] <Wubbbi> etc.
[15:13] <Wubbbi> naja ich fang einfach mal an ( mir ist eh langweilig ^^ )
[15:13] <apachelogger> Wubbbi: müssen nur unter einer freien lizenz stehen
[15:14] <apachelogger> ich glaub oxygen hat ein processor icon und auch eines das pcimäßig aussieht
[15:14] <Wubbbi> ich lad mal die source von oxygen ;)
[15:15] <Wubbbi> -_- die ubuntu server sind heute wieder sehr schnell
[15:19] <Wubbbi> apachelogger: sind denn nur die firmenlogos unfrei oder auch die anderen dadrinne?
[15:20] <apachelogger> Wubbbi: weiß nit
[15:20] <apachelogger> die firmen logos sind mir aufgefallen :P
[15:21] <apachelogger> Wubbbi: aber der rest ist oxygen/crystalclear was man auf den screenshots sieht
[15:21] <Wubbbi> ok ... dann hau ich jetzt erstmal die Firmen sachen raus und replace die mit schönen neuen :D
[15:22] <Wubbbi> wenn die ubuntu server mal schneller machen ( 45,4kB/s ) -.-
[15:32] <Wubbbi> jtechidna: hello :)
[15:32] <jtechidna> hi
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[15:35] <Wubbbi> apachelogger: ok the download finished and it seems, that there are nice ( usefull ) pictures ;)
[15:37] <Wubbbi> hdd=system hdds= removeable?
[15:37] <apachelogger> Wubbbi: what do you mean?
[15:37] <apachelogger> jpds: bug 194438
[15:37] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 194438 in kmediafactory "8.04: Update to new KMediaFactory 0.6.0 for KDE4" [Wishlist,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/194438
[15:38] <Wubbbi> apachelogger: ist hdd die echte ( also im system integrierte ) Festplatte und hdds die removeable?
[15:39] <apachelogger> Wubbbi: kommt das im kio-sysinfo source vor?
[15:39] <Wubbbi> ja bei den bilder
[15:39] <Wubbbi> einmal hdds und einmal hdd
[15:39] <apachelogger> Wubbbi: *shrug* probieren
[15:40] <Wubbbi> aber bei meiner source ... also den von kde-look
[15:40] * apachelogger ist kein hellseher :P
[15:40] <Wubbbi> http://kde-look.org/content/preview.php?preview=2&id=85668&file1=85668-1.png&file2=85668-2.png&file3=&name=New+sysinfo+1.0&PHPSESSID=5e5e6c675fe9044ab470c7058335d4df bei dem da
[15:41] <apachelogger> Riddell: please take a look at the debdiff attached to bug 234514
[15:41] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 234514 in ktorrent-kde4 "New Upstream + package merge ktorrent 3.1" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/234514
[15:42] <Wubbbi> hmmm ... was kann ich den für die grafikkarte nehmen? da ist nix gescheites irgentwoe
[15:42] <apachelogger> Wubbbi: steck nen usb stick an und schau ;-)
[15:43] <apachelogger> Wubbbi: video-display vl?
[15:44] <apachelogger> Wubbbi: btw, ich hoffe dir ist bewusst, dass du das in debian/rules automatisieren musst ;-)
[15:44] <Wubbbi> joa das bekomm ich schon hin ^^
[15:44] <ryanakca> Any takers on website tasks? *points to the ML*
[15:44] <Wubbbi> apachelogger: ich hab gedacht audio-card oder? aber das sieht so 0815 aus xD
[15:45] <apachelogger> ryanakca: the mail was so long I couldn't read it :P
[15:46] <Wubbbi> hmm ok ich nehme video-display ;)
[15:47] <apachelogger> Wubbbi: up to you
[15:47] <Wubbbi> apachelogger: ok the icons are now replaced
[15:47] <apachelogger> ryanakca: you should make that a wiki page with short task introductions ;-)
[15:47] <apachelogger> anyway
[15:47] <Wubbbi> should i rename abou/suse to about/debian or about/ubuntu?
[15:48] <ryanakca> apachelogger: sure, I'll get to it now :)
[15:48] <apachelogger> ryanakca: you might want to steal emunkki from #rokymotion, he is doing the new amarok website and I guess with a bit of money we can get him to help us ;-)
[15:49] <apachelogger> Wubbbi: you really have to give me a context here :P
[15:49] <ryanakca> apachelogger: If you want to bribe him, feel free... but I'm broke :)
[15:50] <Wubbbi> apachelogger: that mean?
[15:51] <apachelogger> ryanakca: alternately we could lend him I guess
[15:51] <apachelogger> Nightrose: how about lending us emunkki?
[15:51] <apachelogger> Wubbbi: what about/suse?!?!
[15:51] <apachelogger> I have no clue what that is does or looks like :P
[15:52] <Wubbbi> apachelogger: a folder?
[15:52] <Wubbbi> sysinfo/src/about/suse/images
[15:52] <Wubbbi> thats the path to the icons. and it calls suse ... no good ;)
[15:52] <apachelogger> Wubbbi: I guess we just need ot add about/kubuntu replacing the stuff in there :P
[15:53] <Wubbbi> done
[15:53] <Wubbbi> add or rename to kubuntu?
[15:55] <Wubbbi> this line is not good " m_info[ OS_SYSTEM ] = readFromFile( "/etc/SuSE-release" ); "
[15:55] <Wubbbi> kubuntu dont habe /etc/SuSE-release
[15:56] <Wubbbi> habe xD ... have
[15:58] <Wubbbi> what patch do the kubuntu-releas have?
[15:58] <smarter> patch, patch :p
[15:59] <Riddell> apachelogger: what am I looking for in bug 234514? ktorrent 3.1.1 is already in
[15:59] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 234514 in ktorrent-kde4 "New Upstream + package merge ktorrent 3.1" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/234514
[15:59] <smarter> you could use something like "Ubuntu" + system("lsb_release -s -r"); // pseudocode, probably wrong
[15:59] <Wubbbi> smarter: path xD
[16:01] <smarter> if my code worked, it would be "Ubuntu " + system("lsb_release -s -r"); even
[16:02] <apachelogger> Riddell: 3.0.1 not 3.1.1
[16:02] <Wubbbi> m_info[ OS_SYSTEM ] = readFromFile( "Ubuntu " + system("lsb_release -s -r") ); like this?
[16:02] <apachelogger> Wubbbi: I think I have a patch for that in the old sysinfo
[16:03] <Wubbbi> can you give it to me?
[16:03] <Wubbbi> please
[16:03] <Riddell> apachelogger: ?
[16:03] <apachelogger> ah
[16:03] <apachelogger> stupid me
[16:04] <apachelogger> Riddell: please remove ktorrent-kde4 from intrepid
[16:04] <Riddell> apachelogger: I did some time ago
[16:04] <apachelogger> indeed
[16:04] <apachelogger> Riddell: sorry
[16:05] <Wubbbi> apachelogger: where is the patch?
[16:06] <apachelogger> Wubbbi: bzr branch lp:~apachelogger/kio-sysinfo/ubuntu
[16:07] <Wubbbi> should i take that sysinfo.cpp?
[16:07] <Wubbbi> use
[16:07] <smarter> Wubbbi: take the patch, see if it works, fix it if it does not
[16:08] <Wubbbi> ok
[16:08] <smarter> by the way, readFromFile is for reading from a file, so not it would not work like this :P
[16:12] <Wubbbi> ok done
[16:13] <alleeHol> digikam
[16:13] <smarter> apachelogger: why did you package the whole source and not just the debian/ dir? (:
[16:14] <apachelogger> smarter: because there are like 3000 different versions of kio-sysinfo
[16:14] <apachelogger> so I just made 3001 taking those parts which make sense for kubuntu
[16:14] <smarter> ok :P
[16:15] <smarter> and we're stealing the suse one for kde4?
[16:20] <apachelogger> smarter: suse initial started that whole thing
[16:20] <apachelogger> but never properly released code besides through their srpm
[16:20] <apachelogger> thus some distros kinda forked it's own version
[16:20] <apachelogger> then another
[16:20] <apachelogger> then someone combined these forks and published it at kde-apps
[16:21] <apachelogger> adding tons of pointless and broken features
[16:22] <Wubbbi> apachelogger: what should the package call?
[16:23] <Wubbbi> kio-sysinfo?
[16:24] <apachelogger> I think so
[16:24] <Wubbbi> ok
[16:25] <Wubbbi> ok first alpha of my package is done ... let me try to build/install/use ;)
[16:46] <Wubbbi> I get an error, when I try to build that package. http://paste.ubuntu.com/31335/ what does that mean?
[16:48] <apachelogger> !info libhd13-dev intrepid
[16:48] <ubottu> Package libhd13-dev does not exist in intrepid
[16:48] <apachelogger> Wubbbi: ^
[16:48] <jpds> pbuilder-satisfydepends-dummy: Depends: libhd13-dev which is a virtual package.
[16:48] <Wubbbi> and now?
[16:48] <Wubbbi> what to do?
[16:50] <Wubbbi> now
[16:51] <jpds> apachelogger: re: kmediafactory - don't have time to do it.
[16:51] <Wubbbi> apachelogger: und wie soll ich das jetzt builden, wenn es die datei nicht gibt?
[16:52] <apachelogger> Wubbbi: das paket muss irgendwie anders heißen :P
[16:53] <apachelogger> jpds: ok
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[16:53] <Wubbbi> -.-
[16:53] <Wubbbi> hwinfo-devel ??? gibt es das?
[16:54] <apachelogger> no
[16:54] <Wubbbi> -.-
[16:54] <apachelogger> debian packages have -dev suffixes :P
[16:55] <apachelogger> Wubbbi: lets digg some basics ;-)
[16:55] <Wubbbi> :P
[16:55] <Wubbbi> gut und was soll ich jetzt machen?
[16:55] <Wubbbi> xD
[16:56] <apachelogger> the package is called libhd13-dev because it holds the development headers of libhd13, libhd13 is called that way because it is a library with the name libhd and the soversion (kind of compatibility indicating version, like applications compiled against soversion 1 will probably not work with soversion 2)
[16:56] <apachelogger> so considering libhd soversion 13 is not anymore available
[16:56] <apachelogger> which one might have replaced it?
[16:57] <Wubbbi> 14? xD
[16:57] <apachelogger> !info libhd14-dev intrepid
[16:57] <ubottu> libhd14-dev (source: hwinfo): Hardware identification system library and headers. In component universe, is optional. Version 14.19-1 (intrepid), package size 736 kB, installed size 2164 kB
[16:57] <apachelogger> bingo :P
[16:57] <Wubbbi> hihi ^^
[16:59] <Wubbbi> pbuilder-satisfydepends-dummy: Depends: libhd14-dev which is a virtual package.
[16:59] <Wubbbi> -.-
[17:00] <Wubbbi> and now?
[17:00] <apachelogger> Wubbbi: you are building for intrepid?
[17:00] <Wubbbi> yes
[17:01] <apachelogger> ah
[17:01] <apachelogger> Wubbbi: you don't have universe activate for pbuilder
[17:01] <Wubbbi> -.-
[17:01] <Wubbbi> how to activate?
[17:03] <apachelogger> Wubbbi: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PbuilderHowto#head-5e61fa0f52f7f2442fb20f074813bd691744460b
[17:04] <Nightrose> apachelogger: sorry - was taking a nap - nope not going to give emunkki away ;-)
[17:04] <Wubbbi> thx
[17:05] <ryanakca> Nightrose: bummer :/
[17:06] <Nightrose> ryanakca: ;-) really - what do you need him for?
[17:07] <apachelogger> Nightrose: just lending
[17:07] <apachelogger> we might give him back
[17:07] <ryanakca> Nightrose: to help us tackle some of the website tasks... start page, feature tour, etc :)
[17:07] <Nightrose> ryanakca: ok - get in touch with him and try your luck - tell him apachelogger send you
[17:07] * Nightrose doesn't like the _might_ in there :P
[17:08] * Nightrose doesn't really mind
[17:08] <apachelogger> ^_^
[17:08] <Nightrose> i don't have anything to do for him right now anyway
[17:22] <Wubbbi> apachelogger: sould I build that package against Kde 4.1 or 3.5?
[17:22] <Wubbbi> 4.1 right?
[17:30] <Wubbbi> apachelogger: are you here?
[17:30] <Wubbbi> apachelogger: wie muss den die rule datei aussehen?
[17:30] <Wubbbi> weißt du das?
[17:33] <apachelogger> Wubbbi: die frage is sehr unpreziese
[17:33] <apachelogger> Wubbbi: und gegen welche KDE version kannst du dir nicht aussuchen
[17:33] <apachelogger> Wubbbi: programe für 4 kompilieren nicht mit 3 und anders rum
[17:36] <ryanakca> apachelogger: http://wiki.kubuntu.org/Kubuntu/WebsiteTasks
[17:41] <jpds> ryanakca: santiago-ve does some web programming.
[17:41] <apachelogger> ryanakca: did you ask that emunkki yet?
[17:42] <apachelogger> ryanakca: I am going to embedd some advertisment in my 4.1.0 blog, maybe it attracts some web minions ;-)
[17:42] <ryanakca> apachelogger: he's /away ... but I left a message
[17:42] <ryanakca> and thanks :)
[17:42] <Wubbbi> apachelogger: da es sich um intrepid handelt, würde ich sagen nehmen wir KDE 4.1 :)
[17:43] <apachelogger> Wubbbi: das hängt vom programm ab :P
[17:43] <Wubbbi> Depends on: KDE 4.x
[17:43] <Wubbbi> ;)
[17:44] <Wubbbi> uns was mus in die rule rein?
[17:44] <Wubbbi> das weiß ich net :(
[17:44] <Wubbbi> da hab ich:
[17:44] <Wubbbi> #!/usr/bin/make -f
[17:44] <Wubbbi> include /usr/share/cdbs/1/rules/debhelper.mk
[17:44] <Wubbbi> include /usr/share/cdbs/1/class/kde.mk
[17:44] <Wubbbi> but allways error :/
[17:44] <Wubbbi> also muss da noch mehr hin
[17:44] <Wubbbi> blos was? xD
[17:46] <apachelogger> Wubbbi: output du compilation s'il te plaît
[17:47] <apachelogger> sounds wrongish
[17:47] * apachelogger jumps into -kde4
[17:48] <Wubbbi> well I have to go now ... comming again in 2 hours :)
[17:48] <Wubbbi> see you
[17:48] <apachelogger> later
[17:55] <santiago-ve> ryanakca: what you need me for¡?
[17:56] <ryanakca> santiago-ve: hey, would you like to out with the website?
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[17:56] <santiago-ve> you know i've been interested on it :p
[17:56] <ryanakca> santiago-ve: http://wiki.kubuntu.org/Kubuntu/WebsiteTasks
[18:01] <ryanakca> santiago-ve: anything on there of interest?
[18:26] <santiago-ve> ryanakca: kubuntu start page
[18:26] <santiago-ve> and the countdown
[18:26] <santiago-ve> just to start
[18:58] <SolarWar> can I request comments on packages in revu here? :)
[18:59] <Riddell> SolarWar: KDE ones sure
[19:00] <SolarWar> oh, well the package does use QT :)
[19:00] <Riddell> that too
[19:00] <SolarWar> oh okay cool, I'm looking for review comments here (http://revu.ubuntuwire.com/details.py?package=qlix)
[19:07] <Riddell> testers wanted to dist upgrade tool bzr branch http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~jr/update-manager/update-manager-qt4/
[19:07] <Riddell> ooh, revu looks different
[19:09] <ryanakca> santiago-ve: great! Make sure to make a few mockups of the start page and poll the community about which one before actually implementing one.
[19:19] <Riddell> SolarWar: some comments added
[19:19] <SolarWar> thank you :)
[19:19] <Riddell> SolarWar: nearly there :)
[19:20] <SolarWar> I hope so :)
[19:23] <yuriy> hmm google search bar is broken
[19:28] <SolarWar> Riddell, how can i reproduce your comment about "debuild -S after a comple does not clean the sources" ?
[19:37] <Riddell> SolarWar: run debuild; debuild -S
[19:37] <Wubbbi> Hello :D
[19:37] <Wubbbi> apachelogger: hast du dir mal angeguckt was in die Rule muss?
[19:37] <Riddell> nine srach deutch
[19:38] <Wubbbi> Riddell: what? xD
[19:38] <Wubbbi> like dont speek german? xD
[19:38] <Riddell> best to stick to English, else nobody else can help
[19:39] <Wubbbi> Riddell: I know ... but apachelogger can speek german :)
[19:39] <Wubbbi> ^^
[19:39] <yuriy> s/nobody else/only one third of the other people here
[19:40] <smarter> Wubbbi: I think he meant "Ich spreche night Deutsch" :P
[19:40] <smarter> *nicht even
[19:40] <Wubbbi> xD
[19:44] <SolarWar> Riddell, after a build is completed, i should remove the files created in debian?
[19:51] <Wubbbi> apachelogger: are you away?
[19:56] <Nightrose> Wubbbi: the answer to that is very likely yes
[19:56] <Arby> Riddell: what's the plan for extragear 4.1 for hardy?
[19:56] <Nightrose> which is why you should ask in english so others can help you as well
[19:57] <Arby> apachelogger: was suggesting they should be left until after release
[19:57] <Arby> in favour of QA on the main body of kde
[19:58] <Wubbbi> Nightrose: I wanted to build that http://kde-look.org/content/show.php/New+sysinfo+1.0?content=85668 for Intrepid. But I dont know what the debian/rule should be :/
[20:09] <Wubbbi> jtechidna: can you help me?
[20:10] <Wubbbi> jtechidna: I want to build that http://kde-look.org/content/show.php/New+sysinfo+1.0?content=85668 for Intrepid. But I dont know what the debian/rule should call :/
[20:15] <Riddell> SolarWar: yes
[20:16] <Riddell> Arby: the main stuff is the priority as always, but if it's done or if extragear interests people then that can be done too
[20:17] <Arby> the main part of kde is done so I may as well start on extragear
[20:21] <Wubbbi> Riddell: can you help me?
[20:22] <Riddell> Wubbbi: it uses cmake
[20:23] <Wubbbi> and that mean?
[20:23] <Riddell> mkdir build; cd build; cmake ..
[20:23] <Riddell> or use cmake.mk from cdbs
[20:23] <Wubbbi> include cmake.mk?
[20:23] <Riddell> the full path to cmake.mk yes
[20:24] <Wubbbi> ok and that is? ^^
[20:25] <ryanakca> Wubbbi: include /usr/share/cdbs/1/class/cmake.mk
[20:25] <Wubbbi> ok
[20:25] <Wubbbi> thx
[20:25] <Riddell> I expect the debian/cdbs directory from any kde 4 package would work
[20:28] <Wubbbi> Riddell: thats all?
[20:28] <Wubbbi> dpkg-buildpackage: failure: debian/rules build gave error exit status 2
[20:28] <Riddell> SolarWar: "debian/rules should use dh_clean in the clean: rule "
[20:28] <Wubbbi> :/
[20:32] <Wubbbi> Riddell: you know what to do? or to fix?
[20:32] <Wubbbi> thats my rule
[20:32] <Wubbbi> s
[20:32] <Wubbbi> #!/usr/bin/make -f
[20:32] <Wubbbi> include /usr/share/cdbs/1/rules/debhelper.mk
[20:32] <Wubbbi> include /usr/share/cdbs/1/class/kde.mk
[20:32] <Wubbbi> include /usr/share/cdbs/1/class/cmake.mk
[20:33] <Riddell> that's the kde 3 kde.mk files
[20:33] <Wubbbi> ohhh
[20:33] <Wubbbi> i need kde 4 right? whats the path?
[20:34] <Wubbbi> /usr/share/cdbs/1/class/kde4.mk ???
[20:34] <Riddell> ddd
[20:34] <Riddell> hmm, power cut
[20:35] <Riddell> Wubbbi: no path yet, you have to copy the files from debian/cdbs from any kde 4 package
[20:35] <Wubbbi> ohhh ok
[20:35] <Wubbbi> any kde 4 package ... like kdebase4?
[20:36] <Riddell> kdepimlibs
[20:36] <Wubbbi> ok
[20:37] <Wubbbi> Riddell: just copy or edit?
[20:39] <Riddell> copy debian/cdbs/
[20:39] <Riddell> apachelogger: soo, time to upload the libs?
[20:41] <Wubbbi> Riddell: ok done ... nwo any changes on rules?
[20:42] <Riddell> well include the relevent file
[20:42] <Wubbbi> how that should call?
[20:42] <Riddell> copying from kdepimlibs would be an idea
[20:43] <Wubbbi> hihi ^^
[20:45] <Wubbbi> ok done
[20:45] <Wubbbi> now let's look if it works
[20:47] <Wubbbi> Riddell: what does this mean? make: *** No rule to make target `/usr/share/cdbs/1/rules/patchsys-quilt.mk'. Stop.
[20:47] <Riddell> it means you don't have /usr/share/cdbs/1/rules/patchsys-quilt.mk
[20:48] <Wubbbi> include it?
[20:48] <Riddell> no
[20:49] <Wubbbi> so I dont have to type " Include /usr/share/cdbs/1/rules/patchsys-quilt.mk" ?
[20:50] <Riddell> no
[20:50] <Wubbbi> what I have to do?
[20:51] <Wubbbi> debian/cdbs/kde.mk:3: /usr/share/cdbs/1/rules/patchsys-quilt.mk: No such file or directory
[20:51] <Riddell> install that file
[20:51] <Wubbbi> delete the line?
[20:52] <Wubbbi> what file?
[20:53] <Riddell> /usr/share/cdbs/1/rules/patchsys-quilt.mk
[20:53] <Wubbbi> how to install?
[20:53] <Riddell> apt-get install whatever package has that file
[20:53] <yuriy> !info quilt intrepid | Wubbbi
[20:54] <ubottu> wubbbi: quilt (source: quilt): Tool to work with series of patches. In component main, is optional. Version 0.46-6 (intrepid), package size 297 kB, installed size 824 kB
[20:54] <Wubbbi> ahhh thx :)
[20:55] <yuriy> Wubbbi: sudo aptitude install apt-file; sudo apt-file update;
[20:55] <yuriy> apt-file search
[20:55] <yuriy> is helpful ;)
[20:56] <Wubbbi> :) thx
[21:11] <Wubbbi> Riddell: m_info[ OS_SYSTEM ] = readFromFile( "/etc/SuSE-release" ); ... what to do with this ( sysinfo.cpp )
[21:11] <Wubbbi> Kubuntu is not suse ^^
[21:16] <Wubbbi> Riddell: ???
[21:26] <Wubbbi> ok the .deb is build ... but I cant install ... can someone test on Intrepid? Sending Via e-mail
[21:27] <Wubbbi> I'm on hardy
[21:27] <Wubbbi> ^^
[21:30] <Arby> Wubbbi: for the readFromFile() thing above I think the equivalent is /etc/lsb-release
[21:31] <Arby> try cat /etc/lsb-release
[21:31] <Arby> although that reports as ubuntu
[21:31] <Wubbbi> ahhh thx :)
[21:32] <devfil> Riddell: there?
[21:32] <yuriy> Wubbbi: didn't somebody provide a solution to that earlier?
[21:34] <Wubbbi> yuriy: yes but this wont work. But arby's solution seems to work ;O)
[21:34] <smarter> Wubbbi: I said to use lsb_release
[21:35] <Wubbbi> smarter: realy? ohh sorry i didn't read xD
[21:35] <smarter> "Ubuntu " + system("lsb_release -s -r")
[21:35] <Riddell> devfil: hi
[21:35] <smarter> or something like that, test, read doc, try things
[21:35] <smarter> Wubbbi: and not with ReadFromFile
[21:36] <yuriy> smarter: except system will give you the return code and not the output. there's another function you have to use
[21:36] <Wubbbi> What now? With ReadFromFile or read doc?
[21:36] <smarter> yuriy: that's why I said that he should test and read docs :P
[21:36] <devfil> Riddell: you know kdebase package better than me, so what do you think about bug 251452 ? I should fix it or the requested thing is not necessary?
[21:36] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 251452 in kdebase "[intrepid] kdebase should depend on kdebase-workspace" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/251452
[21:36] <yuriy> actually.. what language is this anyway
[21:37] <Wubbbi> I'm a Littlebit confused now.
[21:37] <Riddell> devfil: kdebase is an upstream package, if they want a kde meta package I recommend kubuntu-desktop
[21:37] <Wubbbi> I have changed this now
[21:37] <Wubbbi> m_info[ OS_SYSTEM ] = readFromFile( "/etc/lsb-release" );
[21:37] <Wubbbi> is that ok?
[21:38] <smarter> ...
[21:38] <Riddell> devfil: (or kde4-core)
[21:38] <smarter> Wubnbi: have you seen what's in /etc/lsb-release?
[21:38] <yuriy> Wubbbi: I doubt it
[21:38] <smarter> yuriy: it's KDE and it's not python(there's a semicolon) so it must be C++
[21:39] <Wubbbi> yuriy: hmmm ... and how to change it?
[21:39] <devfil> Riddell: so should't the bug be fixed?
[21:39] <smarter> Wubbbi: Read. Docs.
[21:39] <Wubbbi> what docs?
[21:39] <smarter> http://api.kde.org http://doc.trolltech.com
[21:39] <Wubbbi> smarter: yes I have read ... and It shows me ubuntu informations
[21:39] <smarter> and use google, and techbase.kde.org
[21:40] <apachelogger> Riddell: aye
[21:40] <Riddell> devfil: mark as invalid
[21:40] <Riddell> apachelogger: ooh ooh, let's go
[21:40] <smarter> Wubbbi: but it shows DISTRIB_ID= and stuff
[21:40] <apachelogger> Arby: extragear is already in the batdirectory
[21:40] <devfil> Riddell: ok ;)
[21:40] <Wubbbi> apachelogger: are you using Intrepid?
[21:40] <Riddell> devfil: with a polite explanation along the lines I gave above :)
[21:40] <apachelogger> Wubbbi: yes
[21:40] <devfil> Riddell: sure
[21:41] <Arby> apachelogger: it wasn't filled in on the batwiki so I assumed it wasn't done
[21:41] <Wubbbi> apachelogger: can you test a .deb for me? I will send you Via e-mail ... that would be great :)
[21:41] <Wubbbi> *file
[21:41] <apachelogger> Arby: vorian sent most of the intrepid stuff
[21:41] <apachelogger> Arby: can upload the tars if you want
[21:41] * apachelogger didn't have time to prepare the source packages yet
[21:41] <apachelogger> Wubbbi: sure
[21:42] <Wubbbi> apachelogger: thankyou ... what is you e-mail adress?
[21:42] <apachelogger> apachelogger@ubuntu.com
=== jtechidna is now known as JontheEchidna
[21:43] <Wubbbi> apachelogger: ok is sended. you just have to wait a little bit :)
[21:44] <Wubbbi> ok should be send now completly :)
[21:45] <Riddell> d
[21:45] <Wubbbi> apachelogger: und klappts?
[21:49] <apachelogger> Wubbbi: http://aplg.kollide.net/images/snapshot053.png
[21:49] <apachelogger> Wubbbi: not the OS information
[21:50] <apachelogger> +init took quite some time
[21:50] <apachelogger> at least 4 seconds until something showed up
[21:50] <Wubbbi> apachelogger: hmmm ok but it works ... that mean That it was possible.
[21:51] <apachelogger> the package seesm ok
[21:51] <apachelogger> *seems
[21:51] * JontheEchidna wishes he had a wide screen
[21:51] <Wubbbi> apachelogger: so damit ich besser mitkomme schreib ich jetzt mal auf deutsch. Also die OS anzeige ist falsch und das starten. noch was?
[21:51] <apachelogger> Wubbbi: das rendering offensichtlich ;-)
[21:51] <Wubbbi> apachelogger: wie bekomme ich das hin?
[21:52] <Wubbbi> oder wie bekomme ich das DISTRIB_ID= weg?
[21:52] <apachelogger> *shrug* code anguqen
[21:52] <apachelogger> das my documents muss weg
[21:52] <apachelogger> wir setzen den pfad nicht per default
[21:52] <apachelogger> +dolphin sollte aufgrufen werden bei den common folders
[21:53] <Wubbbi> d.h.?
[21:53] <Wubbbi> was muss weg? ... also in dem codes?
[21:53] <apachelogger> aye
[21:53] <apachelogger> rauspatchen
[21:53] <Wubbbi> wie?
[21:53] <apachelogger> ubuntu wiki -> packaging guide suchen -> bei den ergebnissen nach patch suchen
[21:54] <smarter> Wubbbi: du musst C++ lernen (:
[21:54] <Wubbbi> smarter: amen ;)
[21:55] <Wubbbi> aber ich finde dafür das das mein erstes "großes" project war, ist es garnicht so schlecht *stolzbin* ^^
[21:56] <Wubbbi> und die bösen unfreien bilder sind auch weg ;)
[21:56] <JontheEchidna> maybe I should take german as a third language...
[21:57] <apachelogger> JontheEchidna: im zweifelsfall einfach die OS zeile und das my documents rauspatchen
[21:57] <apachelogger> eh
[21:57] <apachelogger> Wubbbi: ^
[21:57] <JontheEchidna> lol
[21:57] * apachelogger is pretty drunkish again :P
[21:57] <Wubbbi> emmm ... ok ... that with pachting ... I cant do this ... Im too much noob for it. Or someone explain me ^^
[21:57] <apachelogger> but we have the 3rd design concept for the website project ;-)
[21:57] <apachelogger> Wubbbi: read the wiki
[21:58] <Wubbbi> hehe ... davon verstehe ich nur die hälfte ^^
[21:58] <apachelogger> the IMO easiest patch system is quilt
[21:58] <apachelogger> however a bit difficult to understand
[21:58] <apachelogger> so maybe smarter can give you an intro ;-)
[21:58] <smarter> apachelogger: before doing a patch, he should know what to patch and how :P
[21:58] <Wubbbi> *flüster* wenn es das auf deutsch gäbe, würde das schon ganz anderes aussehen ;)
[21:59] <smarter> Wubbbi: Zuerst, find what command could give you the output "Ubuntu 8.04", "Ubuntu 7.10", etc
[21:59] <Wubbbi> smarter: found
[21:59] <smarter> und it is?
[21:59] <Wubbbi> m_info[ OS_SYSTEM ] = readFromFile( "/etc/lsb-release" );
[22:00] <apachelogger> nah
[22:00] <smarter> *beep* wrong
[22:00] <Wubbbi> -.-
[22:00] <Wubbbi> ^^
[22:00] <apachelogger> either parse that file
[22:00] <smarter> apachelogger: nooo
[22:00] <Wubbbi> m_info[ OS_VERSION ] = uts.version;
[22:00] <Wubbbi> das hier?
[22:00] * apachelogger is wondering what smarter has in mind
[22:00] <Wubbbi> ;)
[22:00] <smarter> hint: I've posted the answer 2/3 times earlier
[22:01] <smarter> "lsb_release -s -r" << give you the version number
[22:01] <apachelogger> oh
[22:01] <apachelogger> dood
[22:01] <apachelogger> that
[22:01] <apachelogger> is
[22:01] <Wubbbi> ohhh
[22:01] <apachelogger> sick
[22:01] <apachelogger> by 100%
[22:02] <Wubbbi> smarter: ok what to change now?
[22:02] <smarter> Wubbbi: Denn, du must how to use a command in a C++ code gelernt
[22:02] <smarter> So, use google, or api.kde.org, or doc.trolltech.com
[22:03] <Wubbbi> smarter: hihi that can take month ;)
[22:03] <smarter> yep, but then you'll know and you'll remember it
[22:04] <smarter> and maybe you'll have learnt how to search something and find it
[22:04] * apachelogger got too many windows
[22:04] <smarter> which is a useful skill, when there's nobody around to help you
[22:04] <Wubbbi> yes
[22:04] <smarter> apachelogger: virtual desktop for the win ;)
[22:04] <smarter> apachelogger: and kwin desktop grid effect too
[22:05] <yuriy> smarter: until nvidia bugs start creeping in
[22:05] <apachelogger> smarter: virtual desktops are clutteringish
[22:05] <Wubbbi> also ... da wir ja nicht zeit bis November haben, wollte ich fragen was ich denn jetzt ändern muss/soll
[22:05] * smarter has an ATi :P
[22:05] * yuriy can't open more than a dozen windows when running at 1600x1200 before they start turning black
[22:05] <apachelogger> Wubbbi: you can search for the old kio-sysinfo on kde-apps
[22:05] <apachelogger> and look how they determine the distro there
[22:05] <Riddell> apachelogger: kde4libs and kdepimlibs uploaded to intrepid, shall I do hardy too?
[22:06] <apachelogger> Riddell: doing hardy already
[22:06] <apachelogger> kde4libs is dep-waiting for unknown reason
[22:06] <apachelogger> now I uploaded build1 of soprano
[22:06] <smarter> Wubbbi: take initiatives, try things, you're computer is not going to melt down
[22:06] <Wubbbi> apachelogger: done ... HÄ! ich versteh nix mehr. Ich hab doch gesagt wo wie was geändert wird. xD
[22:06] <apachelogger> Wubbbi: or you google on how to parse a file in c++ and implement it yourself
[22:07] <apachelogger> or you google now how to call an external binary from within c++ and prcoessing it's output
[22:07] <smarter> apachelogger: there's no need to parse a file when there's already a command for that
[22:07] <apachelogger> or you remove that line and poke upstream to implement in a reasonable manner
[22:07] <smarter> apachelogger: better :P
[22:07] <apachelogger> smarter: no
[22:07] <apachelogger> it's uggly
[22:07] <smarter> best :P
[22:07] <apachelogger> *ugly
[22:07] <apachelogger> the bash way of doing things
[22:07] <apachelogger> besides it is slower
[22:07] <apachelogger> and consumes more memory
[22:08] <smarter> I'm sure this app use lots of other calls to external binaries
[22:08] <yuriy> I wonder why there's no /etc/ubuntu-release though
[22:08] <apachelogger> smarter: but not the lsb_release
[22:08] <apachelogger> yuriy: because there is lsb :P
[22:08] <apachelogger> oh
[22:08] <yuriy> redhat and suse put in their own..
[22:08] <apachelogger> smarter: actually there might be a c++ lib to query the lsb information
[22:09] <apachelogger> yuriy: well, they are old ;-)
[22:09] <yuriy> though maybe that's just to be backward compatible to their pre-lsb releases
[22:09] <apachelogger> I think debian also got so a file
[22:09] <smarter> apachelogger: great
[22:09] <apachelogger> I even think we have that debian file in our etc ;-)
[22:09] <smarter> yep
[22:09] <yuriy> apachelogger: yep. running lenny/sid here according to /etc
[22:09] <smarter> */etc/debian_version
[22:09] <apachelogger> lol
[22:10] <Wubbbi> ok the bug with the folders is fixed. no default folders anymore ;)
[22:10] <smarter> it's late
[22:10] <smarter> g'night people
[22:10] <Riddell> 5th power cut tonight!
[22:10] * smarter hopes he will have the will to learn some PyQt tomorrow
[22:11] <yuriy> smarter: learn enough to fix my userconfig bug!
[22:11] <Wubbbi> now just the OS and the preformance
[22:11] <Riddell> smarter: do it!
[22:11] <yuriy> smarter: gn
[22:11] <smarter> yuriy: what's the bug? ;)
[22:12] <Riddell> apachelogger: where's it build-deping? I don't see it on https://edge.launchpad.net/~kubuntu-members-kde4/+archive/+builds?build_text=kde4libs&build_state=all
[22:12] <yuriy> speaking of which, anybody know why it would give a "underlying C++ object deleted" other than not calling the constructor as mentioned on the riverbankcomputing FAQ?
[22:14] <Riddell> yuriy: not calling the parent constructor is the main reason, we'd need to see the code to work out any more
[22:14] <Wubbbi> apachelogger: sorry aber ich raff garnix mehr ... also ich komm nicht vorran. Also das mit den Common-Folders Habe ich hinbekommen, die sind weg. Aber das mit dem OS und der performance bekomm ich nicht hin :(
[22:15] <yuriy> Riddell: on a related note, where should I put the code for a KDE4 version of userconfig?
[22:15] <apachelogger> Wubbbi: nicht alle sollen weg nur der für die documents ;-)
[22:17] <apachelogger> Wubbbi: bzgl os musst du rausfinden wie du die datei so parsen kannst, dass du die informationen ordnungsgemäß zusammenstopfen kannst
[22:17] <Riddell> yuriy: ooh well, wherever you want
[22:17] <Riddell> yuriy: guidance stuff tends to do to https://code.edge.launchpad.net/guidance
[22:18] <Riddell> bzr push bzr+ssh://<lpuser>@bazaar.launchpad.net/~<user>/guidance/<branch>
[22:18] <Riddell> and then into KDE's SVN at some suitable point
[22:18] <Wubbbi> ok ... nur dokuments jetzt drausen.
[22:19] <yuriy> Riddell: how does that relate to the code in kde/branches/extragear/kde3/utils/guidance
[22:19] <apachelogger> Wubbbi: http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~apachelogger/kio-sysinfo/ubuntu/annotate/7?file_id=sysinfo.cpp-20070522194201-i21xvic8s70oljp3-58
[22:19] <Wubbbi> apachelogger: hast du denn ne idde wie ich das orgentlich parsen können lassen kann xD
[22:19] <apachelogger> Wubbbi: search for lsb
[22:19] <Riddell> yuriy: that's the stable kde 3 version
[22:19] <apachelogger> Wubbbi: quite hackish solution but should be working
[22:19] <Riddell> yuriy: in KDE SVN it should go somewhere in playground until it's releaseable
[22:20] <yuriy> Riddell: the lp project is still an umbrella thing with a bunch of different utilities in it?
[22:21] <Riddell> yuriy: yes, just a handy place to put branches
[22:23] <yuriy> Riddell: are any of those a "stable" one that it would make sense to branch from?
[22:23] <Riddell> yuriy: you want to branch a stable userconfig?
[22:23] <Wubbbi> apachelogger: ok ... I will build a new .deb ... let's check if it was better *I Hope*
[22:23] <Riddell> yuriy: kde/branches/extragear/kde3/utils/guidance is the stable version
[22:24] <yuriy> Riddell: no, already did that, working off of that one. I mean if I want to push it to the bzr project
[22:25] <Wubbbi> /tmp/buildd/kio-sysinfo-1.0/src/sysinfo.cpp:725: error: 'IO_ReadOnly' was not declared in this scope
[22:25] <Wubbbi> /tmp/buildd/kio-sysinfo-1.0/src/sysinfo.cpp:727: error: 'class QTextStream' has no member named 'eof'
[22:25] <Wubbbi> that mean?
[22:25] <Riddell> yuriy: see push command above
[22:27] <Riddell> there's nothing current on lp for guidance except maybe the packaging
[22:27] <yuriy> oh, OK
[22:28] <yuriy> good cause I didn't know about the lp project at all before
[22:29] <Wubbbi> uff let me go to sleep. I will continue tomorow :/
[22:34] <yuriy> Riddell: ok, I created userconfig-kde4 branch. I'm out, but I'll work on it a bit tonight. I got stuck on that C++ error last night though so I think I need some help on that one
[22:44] <ryanakca> apachelogger: he/she is interested :)
[22:44] <apachelogger> cool
[22:48] <apachelogger> ryanakca: he, btw ;-)
[22:48] <emunkki> hello apachelogger ;)
[22:48] <apachelogger> howdy emunkki
[22:49] <ryanakca> apachelogger: thanks :)
[22:53] <Riddell> yuriy: exec_loop() is exec_() in pyQt4, changing that seems to make it do something
[22:56] <SolarWar> Hey gang, I'm at it again- I'd appreciate any comments on my package here: http://revu.ubuntuwire.com/details.py?package=qlix
[23:01] <Riddell> yuriy: however I see this exec_loop() is just a method in the file and the problem is self.userlist
[23:04] <Riddell> yuriy: when porting apps I always start small, rather than copying the whole file and adapting just copying the global bits and constructor and adapting then copying bits more at a time
[23:07] <Riddell> yuriy: just to distract you, here's something red hat are working on, maybe (or maybe not) UI ideas and code to steal http://www.redhat.com/archives/fedora-desktop-list/2008-May/msg00006.html
[23:14] <Riddell> yuriy: ah hah
[23:15] <Riddell> yuriy: line 105 needs a parent
[23:15] <Riddell> usershbox = KHBox(self)
[23:15] <Riddell> likewise 211
[23:15] <Riddell> groupsvbox = KVBox(self)
[23:15] <Riddell> it /should/ reparent itself when its part of self.addPage() but I guess not
[23:15] <Riddell> without a parent the object disappears at the end of the method
[23:20] <Wubbbi> ok I'm back now apachelogger are you online?
[23:21] * apachelogger is watching a movie
[23:21] <apachelogger> Wubbbi: you are missing includes
[23:21] <apachelogger> take a look at the heading parts of the source file you got the code from
[23:23] <Wubbbi> where?
[23:23] <Wubbbi> sysinfo.cpp?
[23:25] <Wubbbi> apachelogger ?
[23:25] <apachelogger> yes
[23:26] <Wubbbi> nooo. they both have the same include files
[23:28] <Wubbbi> apachelogger ??? was meinst du genau?
[23:29] <apachelogger> oh
[23:29] <apachelogger> I forgot
[23:29] <apachelogger> the code is Qt3 :P
[23:29] <Wubbbi> oO
[23:29] <apachelogger> Wubbbi: I think you should just remove the OS line
[23:29] <Wubbbi> ok
[23:29] <apachelogger> until you find someone to implement it properly
[23:30] <apachelogger> or upstream does
[23:30] <apachelogger> or you find out how to do it
[23:31] <Wubbbi> ok ... I have solved some other small bugs ( Performance ). I will build a .deb ... can you test please?
[23:37] <Wubbbi> apachelogger: ok e-mail sended. :)
[23:38] <Wubbbi> apachelogger: works?
[23:39] <apachelogger> didn't arrive yet
[23:39] <Wubbbi> hmm ... just wait ^^ "send succesfull" is here
[23:41] <Wubbbi> apachelogger: arived?
[23:41] <apachelogger> no
[23:41] <Wubbbi> -_-
[23:41] <Wubbbi> well ... wait xD
[23:43] <Wubbbi> and now?
[23:45] <Wubbbi> apachelogger: arived?
[23:46] <apachelogger> nope
[23:46] <Wubbbi> -_-
[23:48] <Wubbbi> apachelogger: and now?
[23:52] <Wubbbi> apachelogger
[23:52] <Wubbbi> apachelogger?
[23:53] <Wubbbi> apachelogger ?
[23:54] <apachelogger> this is getting floody
[23:54] <apachelogger> no it's not
[23:54] * apachelogger is busy with 4.1.0
[23:54] <Wubbbi> ok ^^