UbuntuIRC / 2008 /07 /24 /#ubuntu-java.txt
Initial commit
[00:00] <Vamkiir> And I have used both geany and eclipse as my ide's
[00:00] <Vamkiir> compiled and ran the program in both, I also tried compiling it with the command line.
[00:02] <Vamkiir> And it just tells me the Scanner class is not found.
[00:02] <Vamkiir> someone told me that the gcj did not support that class and that I should use build 1.4 or higher
[00:04] <Vamkiir> I am still getting used to linux recently converted from windows.
[01:43] <bob-the-blueberr> Hello?
[01:49] <bob-the-blueberr> HI. This is BOB
[14:59] <persia> Team Meeting in #ubuntu-meeting
[21:33] <slytherin> doko: I am getting this error in a certain package. - http://paste.ubuntu.com/30082/ The file seems to exist in Debian version of gcj-4.3. Should I file a bug for sync?
[21:37] <doko> slytherin: no, need to do a new upload
[21:38] <slytherin> doko: I just checked you have already uploaded same version.