UbuntuIRC / 2008 /07 /23 /#ubuntu-irc.txt
Initial commit
[01:35] <persia> Could I request a temporary join/part block for x-Dieu in #ubuntu-mobile?
[01:36] <nalioth> what is he doing?
[01:37] <persia> client it joining and quitting from excess flood repeatedly over the past several hours at high frequency. I don't believe anyone to be driving right now.
=== trucMuche is now known as WalloO
=== WalloO is now known as trucMuche
=== fdd is now known as mem
=== mem is now known as core0
=== core0 is now known as fdd
=== BlueT__ is now known as BlueT_
[14:47] <sbc> Hi everyone. I just became a Ubuntu member yesterday. Can anyone here help me set up the irc cloak pleas?
[14:52] <Myrtti> !register | sbc, follow this guide first, please
[14:52] <ubottu> sbc, follow this guide first, please: Information about registering your nickname: http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#userregistration - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname.
[14:52] <jpds> sbc: Hi, please make sure you've set up your nick as per http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#nicksetup
[14:54] <sbc> I'm pretty sure my nick is registered as per those guides. Is there something I have forgotten?
[14:55] <jpds> sbc: You may /msg me what /msg NickServ info gives you to check.
=== sbc is now known as sbc_
=== sbc_ is now known as sbc
[14:59] <jpds> nalioth, PriceChild: When you get back, can you please look into sbc's cloak request - email is set and secondary nick has been grouped.
[15:00] <sbc> jpds: thank you :)
[15:00] <jpds> Welcome.
=== bazhang is now known as jokey
=== jokey is now known as bazhang
=== Ekushey- is now known as Ekushey
[19:08] <nalioth> sbc: what is your launchpad page?
[19:09] <sbc> nalioth: https://launchpad.net/~soeren-b-c/
=== unaffiliate is now known as unafiliated
=== Ekushey- is now known as Ekushey