UbuntuIRC / 2008 /07 /23 /#launchpad-meeting.txt
Initial commit
=== mrevell is now known as mrevell-lunch
=== mrevell-lunch is now known as mrevell
[15:00] <barry> #startmeeting
[15:00] <MootBot> Meeting started at 09:02. The chair is barry.
[15:00] <MootBot> Commands Available: [TOPIC], [IDEA], [ACTION], [AGREED], [LINK], [VOTE]
[15:00] <barry> hello and welcome to this week's ameu reviewers meeting. who's here today?
[15:00] <bigjools> me
[15:00] <sinzui> me
[15:00] <gmb> me
[15:00] <jtv> me
[15:00] <bac> me
[15:00] <flacoste> me
[15:00] <cprov> me
[15:00] <intellectronica> me
[15:00] <salgado> me
[15:01] * barry kicks EdwinGrubb
[15:01] <EdwinGrubb> me
[15:01] <EdwinGrubb> ow
=== EdwinGrubb is now known as EdwinGrubbs
[15:01] <barry> BjornT: ping
[15:01] <barry> allenap_: ping
[15:02] <barry> [TOPIC] agenda
[15:02] <MootBot> New Topic: agenda
[15:02] <barry> * Roll call
[15:02] <barry> * Next meeting
[15:02] <barry> * Action items
[15:02] <barry> * Queue status
[15:02] <barry> * Mentoring update
[15:02] <barry> * Review process
[15:02] <barry> [TOPIC] next meeting
[15:02] <MootBot> New Topic: next meeting
[15:03] <barry> i won't be here, but salgado is going to chair. week +=1 ?
[15:03] <sinzui> I don't think I will attend
[15:03] <salgado> yes, I will
[15:03] <intellectronica> the bugs folks will have a sprint, but we'll probably be able to make it
[15:03] <barry> salgado: thanks
[15:03] * bigjools will not be here
[15:04] <BjornT> me
[15:04] <barry> [TOPIC] action items
[15:04] <MootBot> New Topic: action items
[15:04] <barry> * intellectronica to write up guidelines on check_permission in the wiki and email the ml for additional input
[15:05] <intellectronica> sorry, i haven't done any of my items this week :(
[15:05] <intellectronica> please let's carry them to next week
[15:05] <barry> intellectronica: i'm only letting you off the hook because i haven't done any of mine either :)
[15:06] <intellectronica> ;)
[15:06] <barry> we'll just carry them all forward
[15:06] <barry> [TOPIC] queue status
[15:06] <MootBot> New Topic: queue status
[15:07] <barry> sinzui says that there's strong evidence that a lot of reviewers are sprinting
[15:08] <barry> i see A LOT of merged branches have not been removed from PR
[15:08] <bigjools> death to PR
[15:08] <bigjools> keel eet
[15:08] <barry> thumper: wake up and jfdi!
[15:09] <barry> anything else on the queue?
[15:09] <barry> [TOPIC] mentoring update
[15:09] <MootBot> New Topic: mentoring update
[15:09] <bigjools> the GQ needs attending to
[15:10] <barry> bigjools: i know :( i don't know how much the foundations will be able to review this week
[15:11] <barry> i don't have anything on mentoring. anything from y'
[15:11] <barry> y'all?
[15:11] <barry> [TOPIC] review process
[15:11] <MootBot> New Topic: review process
[15:12] <barry> i have nothing. anything from you guys?
[15:13] * barry takes that as a "no"
[15:13] <barry> that's it from me. anything not on the agenda? if not, we can end early
[15:14] <jtv> yay!
[15:14] <barry> #endmeeting
[15:14] <MootBot> Meeting finished at 09:17.
[15:14] <barry> thanks everyone
[15:14] <bigjools> cheers
=== EdwinGrubb is now known as EdwinGrubbs
=== salgado is now known as salgado-lunch
=== Ursinha is now known as Ursinha-lunch
=== Ursinha-lunch is now known as Ursinha
=== salgado-lunch is now known as salgado
=== Moot2 is now known as MootBot
=== Moot2 is now known as MootBot
=== herb__ is now known as herb