UbuntuIRC / 2008 /07 /21 /#ubuntu-ops.txt
Initial commit
[00:16] * popey hugs Myrtti
[00:21] * Myrtti hugs popey back
[00:33] <ubottu> In #ubuntu, KDB9000 said: ubottu: what is the problem?
[00:51] <Myrtti> enough of leachin popeys 3G... greets from wolves. keep the house standin up until tuesday
[00:52] <popey> @_
[00:52] <popey> :) even
[00:53] <Myrtti> Luv ya all. die to poåular request, u-ops *didn't* have a group hug,
[00:53] <Myrtti> tatah.
[00:55] <SNuxoll> someone mind banning James|Lappy in -ot, he just left......
[01:12] <qobblyqu> hi
[01:17] <qobblyqu> no one around, then?
[01:17] <nickrud> what's up qobblyqu
[01:18] <qobblyqu> http://scrutator.lo2k.net/Master/sortChannel/channel=%23ubuntu-offtopic seems to be logging parts of the ubuntu-offtopic conversations
[01:18] <qobblyqu> are we aware of this?
[01:19] <nickrud> qobblyqu no, I wasn't. Not sure if anyone is, I'll bring it up with the right people
[01:20] <qobblyqu> thanks
[01:20] <nickrud> qobblyqu no, thank you
[01:30] <gnomefreak> i wonder if its that dmsg guy
[01:30] <gnomefreak> @login
[01:30] <ubottu> gnomefreak: The operation succeeded.
[01:30] <nickrud> seems older than that ...
[01:32] <gnomefreak> lets find out who is logging it ;) i have 15 minutes or so
[01:33] <gnomefreak> hmmmmm thats alot of channels
[01:33] <gnomefreak> #ubuntu is included in it
[01:38] <gnomefreak> well lets wait and see what he says
[01:41] * gnomefreak cant view .so in terminal what encoding is it?
[01:41] <gnomefreak> UTF8 i thought
[01:43] <sajes> There's a guy named "James|lappy" that keeps coming in #ubuntu-offtopic periodically and spamming for people to join his server and abusing ubottu.
[01:43] <sajes> He's gone at the moment, but he'll most likely be back.
[01:44] <gnomefreak> sajes: its better to let us know before he leaves ;) ill be around a bit i will scroll
[01:44] * gnomefreak would like to warn him before i ban him
[01:45] <sajes> gnomefreak: I was watching TV when he was actively doing it this time.
[01:46] <gnomefreak> sajes: i know i dont expect you to always be watching but ive seen this 2 times in this channel and both times he was gone but i will keep eye open while im online
[01:46] <gnomefreak> maybe 5 minutes if im lucky but today has been a crap of a day
[01:46] <sajes> gnomefreak: Thanks. I'm going to go back to watching TV :)
[01:46] <gnomefreak> saok
[02:47] <ubottu> In #ubuntu-motu, cody-somerville said: !gettingstarted is <reply> A great place to start your MOTU adventure is https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MOTU/GettingStarted
[03:00] <nickrud> !gettingstarted
[03:00] <ubottu> Sorry, I don't know anything about gettingstarted
[03:01] <nickrud> !gettingstarted is <reply> A great place to start your MOTU adventure is https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MOTU/GettingStarted
[03:01] <ubottu> I'll remember that, nickrud
[03:01] <nickrud> !gettingstarted > cody-somerville
[03:01] <ubottu> cody-somerville, please see my private message
[03:06] <ubottu> In ubottu, cody-somerville said: !kudos is <reply> Thanks!
[03:15] <ubottu> In ubottu, cody-somerville said: xubuntu-compiz is <reply> You can find an excellent tutorial on how to configure Xubuntu with compiz at http://xubuntublog.wordpress.com/2007/12/09/xubuntu-compiz-pretty-pretty-xubuntu/
[03:19] <SNuxoll> I need to remember to /part here when I'm done.....
[03:24] <danc3> is anyone here aware that the two Floodbots are battling each other (again) over the +J/-J command in the main #ubuntu channel...?
[03:31] <Pici`> ...
[03:31] <Hobbsee> come on ops, you're supposed to be around.
[03:31] <Pici`> Yes, we know
[03:32] <danc3> ok, is anyone doing anything about it?
[03:32] <Hobbsee> danc3: *raises eyebrow*
[03:32] <Hobbsee> i thought you were watching the channel.
[03:32] <danc3> I see Hobbsee is trying
[03:32] <danc3> yes
[03:32] <danc3> but it just keeps happening
[03:32] <Pici`> I just got here
[03:33] <Hobbsee> i'ts not happening now.
[03:33] <Hobbsee> that i've seen, anyway
=== Pici` is now known as Pici
[03:33] <danc3> well, yes, after you turned off Floodbot 1
[03:33] <Pici> They're automatic
[03:33] <Hobbsee> correct.
[03:34] <Hobbsee> floodbot 3 appears to be the one that wants control, so it can have it.
[03:34] <danc3> well, one is apparently set up to turn mode +J on, and the other is set up to turn it off. That doesn't seem correct to me.
[03:34] <Hobbsee> it's not.
[03:34] <danc3> ok
[03:34] <Hobbsee> as in, it's not set to do that.
[03:35] <Hobbsee> they usually work, but sometimes screw up
[03:35] <danc3> well, it must be, because if they're both activated, that's what happens
[03:35] <Hobbsee> afaik, only one is supposed to be op'd at once.
[03:35] <Hobbsee> LjL: poke
[03:35] <danc3> the real question becomes whether you want mode +J on or not...
[03:36] <Hobbsee> we tend to, yes.
[03:36] <Hobbsee> and have it automatically changing, based on the people numbers.
[03:36] <Pici> And other factors
[03:36] <Hobbsee> yes
[03:36] <danc3> understood... just don't see why you'd need two Floodbots at once, I guess
[03:37] <danc3> anyway, thanks for fixing it, toodle-ooo
[03:54] <ubottu> In ubottu, cody-somerville said: xfce-panels is <reply> Did your panels disappear? Press alt+f2 and run: xfce4-panels | Want to theme your panels? See http://xubuntu.wordpress.com/2007/10/12/howto-set-a-background-image-for-your-panel/
[04:00] <Hobbsee> !xfce-panels is <reply> Did your panels disappear? Press alt+f2 and run: xfce4-panels | Want to theme your panels? See http://xubuntu.wordpress.com/2007/10/12/howto-set-a-background-image-for-your-panel/
[04:00] <ubottu> I'll remember that, Hobbsee
[09:32] * jussi01 yawns
[09:36] * jussi01 pokes and prods Hobbsee
[09:37] * Hobbsee attacks jussi01 with the Long Pointy Stick of DOOM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!™
[09:37] <jussi01> hehe
[09:37] <jussi01> Hobbsee: Ive something cute for you to see... want to see?
[09:39] <Hobbsee> yes :)
[09:40] <jussi01> Hobbsee: http://jussi01.com/upload/uploads/20080721-114021-20072008320.jpg
[09:43] <Hobbsee> very cute :)
[09:43] <jussi01> its so funny when he is uncurling like that
[09:44] <Hobbsee> yup :)
[10:27] <Flannel> hmmm. Who do I talk to regarding "You've joined too many channel" errors?
[10:29] <jussi01> Flannel: a freenode staffer - nalioth could do it, or PriceChild I assume
[11:14] <gnomefreak> pricechild is staff?
[11:15] <gnomefreak> oh god help us ;) j/k pricey
[11:28] <jussi01> gnomefreak: rofl
[11:28] <jussi01> lolcatz :P:P http://mine.icanhascheezburger.com/view.aspx?ciid=1589588
[11:31] <gnomefreak> bty has james|lappy come back in -ot yet today?
[11:35] <jussi01> havent seen him, but havent been looking either
[11:35] <jussi01> gnomefreak: who is he?
[11:36] <gnomefreak> jussi01: someone that kept coming in and spamming about his server and talking crap about ours or our channels or whatever it was
[11:37] <gnomefreak> everytime i was told he had left i was gonna warn him before banning him
[11:38] <jussi01> gnomefreak: ahh...ok - I notice that james_bomb is using the real name "New Now Know How" why do I remember that as a nick?
[11:40] <gnomefreak> it was banned but it blocked out all chatzilla clients
[11:40] <jussi01> ahah
[11:41] <gnomefreak> cant remember nick that made us ban it
[11:41] <jussi01> gnomefreak: Im circulating this virally, so just so you know - there is an @mark function in ubottu - please use it!!
[11:41] <gnomefreak> why do i keep getting 06:40 < gnomefreak > !info firefox-2 edgy
[11:41] <gnomefreak> 06:40 < ubottu > 'edgy' is not a valid distribution
[11:42] <gnomefreak> its not only edgy
[11:42] <gnomefreak> mark?
[11:42] <jussi01> is edgy supported stiil?
[11:42] <gnomefreak> can you explain
[11:42] <jussi01> gnomefreak: example:
[11:42] <gnomefreak> good question
[11:43] <jussi01> @mark gnomefreak because he deserves a mark (test)
[11:43] <ubottu> jussi01: The operation succeeded.
[11:43] <gnomefreak> yeah until 9.04
[11:43] <jussi01> gnomefreak: now go look at the bt
[11:43] <jussi01> stdin: ping?
[11:43] <gnomefreak> can i have link
[11:43] <jussi01> gnomefreak: for?
[11:43] <gnomefreak> bantracker
[11:43] <gnomefreak> i never got it when bots changed
[11:43] <jussi01> gnomefreak: do @btlogin
[11:43] <gnomefreak> @btlogin
[11:44] <jussi01> gnomefreak: did you get the pm?
[11:44] <gnomefreak> wasnt sure if you migrated that as well
[11:44] <gnomefreak> jussi01: and the point of mark is?
[11:45] <jussi01> gnomefreak: for adding comments - when you ban or after.
[11:45] <gnomefreak> ok i think ill try it next ban
[11:45] <gnomefreak> is 7.10 edgy or fiesty?
[11:45] <gnomefreak> feisty
[11:45] <jussi01> gnomefreak: if i understand correctly, edgy was supported for 18 months - that meant till april this year...
[11:46] <jussi01> gutsy
[11:46] <gnomefreak> ah
[11:46] <jussi01> rofl
[11:46] * gnomefreak CRS
[11:46] <jussi01> edgy was 6.10
[11:46] <jussi01> gnomefreak: which client you use?
[11:47] <gnomefreak> irssi
[11:47] <jussi01> with autobleh?
[11:47] <gnomefreak> the newest i think
[11:47] <gnomefreak> i got it from damn i cant remember shit today
[11:47] <gnomefreak> i got it from ikonia
[11:47] <gnomefreak> had to look at nick list
[11:48] <jussi01> gnomefreak: autobleh also allows you to add a reason at the time of ban ie. /abrn nick reason here
[11:48] <gnomefreak> abr allowed me to do it to but i think if i left it out it would use default
[11:48] <bazhang> !xfce-panels
[11:48] <ubottu> Did your panels disappear? Press alt+f2 and run: xfce4-panels | Want to theme your panels? See http://xubuntu.wordpress.com/2007/10/12/howto-set-a-background-image-for-your-panel/
[11:48] <Hobbsee> gnomefreak: no, edgy is not supported.
[11:48] <Hobbsee> anymore
[11:48] <gnomefreak> Hobbsee: i know
[11:49] <gnomefreak> i was mixed up on version 6.10 and 7.10
[11:49] <gnomefreak> @whoami
[11:49] <ubottu> gnomefreak: gnomefreak
[11:49] <gnomefreak> yay it works
[11:49] <jussi01> Hobbsee: please note the above conversation about @mark :)
[11:49] <Hobbsee> mmm kay
[11:50] <Hobbsee> anyone know the answer to mdz in -meeting?
[12:39] <joejaxx> could someone that has a blog on planet remove my blog from the list? :P
[13:10] <stdin> jussi01: pong?
[13:16] <Pici> heh
[13:27] <ubottu> In #ubuntu, phracker said: ubottu: what is the most secure ftp server
[13:28] <Pici> taken care of... I hope.
[13:30] <bazhang> language chan for ukraine?
[13:30] <Pici> It would be #ubuntu-ua, I dont know if that exists though
[13:31] <bazhang> it exists but only one user
[13:31] <bazhang> actually none now that I parted
[13:31] <jpds> phracker: http://wooledge.org/mywiki/FtpMustDie
[13:32] <Pici> ugh, I HATE ASC vs BIN
[13:32] <Pici> hate hate hate
[13:33] <TheSheep> now, now
[13:33] <bazhang> phew
[13:33] <TheSheep> hate leads to suffering
[13:34] <Pici> If FTP is going to be the one suffering, I'm all for it
[13:34] * jpds thinks we need a !ftp-must-die, like the Debian bot has.
[13:35] <TheSheep> Pici: if you ever had to work with EBDIC, you'd like ASC more
[13:35] <Pici> TheSheep: I've only had to deal with it once.
[13:36] <Pici> We have an AS/400 here.
[13:36] <TheSheep> nice
[13:38] <Pici> I'm just tired of transferring a 150mb text file, only to find that its either: a) mangled my line endings b) removed my line endings (Nearly all text editors/viewers freak out when you have 1 line of 150mb of text) c) timed out after 10 seconds of non-activity so you need to connect and login again to transfer the file.
[13:48] <ubottu> SNuxoll called the ops in #ubuntu-offtopic (fay_elf)
[14:34] <bazhang> heh PM from Sinister
[16:14] <bazhang> lukas_ has been directions to make the cube many times.
[16:14] <bazhang> err given
[16:14] <Pici> Indeed.
[16:14] <Pici> Perhaps he should be directed to a Polish channel?
[16:14] <bazhang> he was; said no one would answer his questions.
[16:14] <bazhang> wonder if he is banned there.
[17:53] * Mez waves to -ops
[17:53] <Mez> where was the meeting the other day?
[17:54] <Jack_Sparrow> Yes and all we did was talk about you
[17:54] <Mez> Where was it - So I can read logs
[17:54] <Mez> I didn't actually know about it till popey pointed it out
[17:55] <Jack_Sparrow> :) just teasing you.. I have no idea...
[17:56] <popey> -meeting Mez
[17:57] <Mez> popey, ah thanks ;) (any idea the time (ish))?
[17:57] <Mez> popey, did you send me a copy of your irssi config?
[17:57] <popey> not yet :)
[17:57] <Mez> popey, ah. No wonder I dont have it
[17:58] * Mez has a lot of email to catch up on
[18:08] * nalioth pokes Flannel
[18:14] <Seeker`> was the council meeting last weekend?
[18:14] <Mez> Seeker`, couple of days ago apparently?
[18:17] <stdin> Jul 19 22:00 UTC
[18:18] <Mez> stdin -meeting?:
[18:19] <nalioth> Seeker`: you snooze, you lose
[18:20] <stdin> Mez: yeah
[18:25] <Seeker`> :(
[18:26] <Flannel> nalioth: ack
[18:35] <ikonia> #join #ubuntu-meeting
[18:35] <ikonia> oops
[18:37] <ompaul> FAIL
[18:37] * ompaul looks for popey
[18:37] <nalioth> ah, good day, ompaul
[18:37] <ompaul> nalioth, good evening
[18:38] <Jack_Sparrow> Hey now.. good MORNING
[18:38] <Jack_Sparrow> :)
[18:38] <ompaul> Jack_Sparrow, I beg to be in a different timezone :)
[18:38] <Jack_Sparrow> I beg to be in warm climate
[18:39] <Jack_Sparrow> I saw your picture from the meeting, not at all what I imagined.. Not that I was imagining anything mind you
[18:39] <nalioth> Jack_Sparrow: trade places witcha
[18:39] <Jack_Sparrow> no thanks
[18:39] <nalioth> ompaul: which cyborg body did you send to this meeting? :P
[18:40] <nalioth> Jack_Sparrow: you wanted a "warm climate' ( it's plenty warm here - with extra 'warm' )
[18:40] <ompaul> the one in the debian teeshirt
[18:40] <ompaul> OF FAIL
[18:40] <ompaul> it was a bucket of fail from the start and it got worse ;-)
[18:40] <ompaul> actually it was great and I was glad I was there
[18:40] <Jack_Sparrow> nalioth I am in sunny warm southern calif usa
[18:40] <Mez> ompaul, :D
[18:41] <Mez> ompaul, back home safe then?
[18:41] * ompaul looks at mez
[18:41] * ompaul nods at mez
[18:41] <Mez> good to hear (so am I)
[18:41] <Jack_Sparrow> MY wife said she wants us to go to the next one.. I think she just wants another european vacation
[18:41] <ompaul> good stuff
[18:41] <Mez> I didnt actually see you on sunday ...
[18:41] <ompaul> Mez, you did not see much on Sunday
[18:41] <ompaul> :P
[18:41] <Mez> ompaul, surely my singing wasnt that bad you had to hide from me all day?:@
[18:42] <ompaul> Mez, it was my singing what was rubbish
[18:42] <Mez> ompaul, I saw a lot...
[18:42] <Mez> ompaul, I didnt hear you :(
[18:42] <ompaul> games without frontiers
[18:42] <Mez> I went after my "song"
[18:42] <ompaul> ahhhh
[18:43] <ompaul> well we had some serious fun then including every scotch guy including one irish guy (not me) doing 500 miles
[18:43] <ompaul> it went down a storm
[18:43] <Mez> ompaul, I was f**king tired (still am - am tempted to go jump in bed right now!)
[18:43] <ompaul> pity the debian guys didn't
[18:43] <ompaul> Mez, on sunday you looked like someone had eaten enough of your brain not to kill you but to stop you from understanding there was sunday :)
[18:43] <Mez> ompaul, did you enjoy yourself though
[18:44] <ompaul> yeah
[18:44] <ompaul> it was brilliant
[18:44] <Mez> ompaul, during the day ? LMAO!... what a great description
[18:44] <Mez> I wasnt actually feeling THAT bad on sunday
[18:45] <ompaul> Mez, you walked by me n richard having a water/something and you looked .... well that would be O4O
[18:45] <Mez> ompaul, what time was that ?
[18:45] <Mez> (ish)
[18:46] <ompaul> when the doors were open around 10:30 or 11
[18:47] <Mez> ompaul, yeah, I was a leedl bit tired still then (I ignored my alarm and slept till 8:05
[18:47] <Mez> then did the coffee run
[18:47] <ompaul> I went in to see the mass debate and I have to give 1.000,000 points to Jeremy Allison for saying "it is not RHEL it is Red hat enterprise GNU/Linux"
[18:48] <ompaul> btw if you ever see my door open like that feel free to wake me by phone call or whatever and I can close the damn thing
[18:48] * ompaul was not robbed
[18:48] * Mez was busy during the masturbate
[18:48] <Dave2> That was Matthew Garrett wasn't it?
[18:48] <Mez> ompaul, I dont have your number...
[18:48] <ompaul> Mez, room number = phone number
[18:48] <ompaul> aRGH
[18:48] <ompaul> Dave2, no
[18:48] <Mez> ompaul, oh, yeah
[18:48] * Mez facepalms
[18:48] <ompaul> Dave2, he said NOT RHEL
[18:49] <ompaul> he said "Red had enterprise linux"
[18:49] <ompaul> and after this happened twice allison got pissed with them all and said that
[18:49] <ompaul> he did not look happy at all
[18:49] <Dave2> ahh, yes
[18:50] <ompaul> there was one point I was going to make on the desktop and I will do it in #u-o after my dinner
[18:50] <ompaul> however when I went to make it they had gotten into this rubbish crack they were smokin that the point would have been lost
[18:50] <ompaul> I mentioned it with feilim and he thought I was on the button
[18:51] <ompaul> unafilliate, how can we assist you at this time
[18:51] <unafilliate> hi
[18:51] <unafilliate> i just want to know about #ubuntu-pk channel
[18:51] <ompaul> the other phrase is worn out and will be back from the repair shop soon with a new coat of paint
[18:51] <ompaul> unafilliate, you should be asking in #ubuntu-irc
[18:51] <unafilliate> i want to run the channel and help my country men
[18:51] <ompaul> when it is a locale issue
[18:52] <unafilliate> thank you ompaul
[18:52] <ompaul> unafilliate, is there anytyhing else?
[18:52] <ompaul> unafilliate, is there anything else?
[18:53] <unafilliate> so nice of you
[18:53] <nalioth> wht was that about?
[18:53] * ompaul sends Dave2 off on a minu hunt
[18:53] <ompaul> nalioth, you too
[18:53] <ompaul> exact that was what you see it as
[18:54] * Mez googles "lugradio live grease"
[18:54] <Dave2> hmm?
[18:54] <ompaul> cheers dinner
[18:57] <Jack_Sparrow> Recurring ban evader n=sj@host82.190-139-49.telecom.net.ar
[18:59] <Mez> For those of you who didn't attend LRL... http://linkpot.net/shortfall/
[19:01] <Jack_Sparrow> Mez I could have gone all year without that link
[19:01] <Mez> Jack_Sparrow, mrben ftw :D
[19:12] <smallfoot-> plz unban me from #ubuntu-offtopic
[19:12] <smallfoot-> i banned many time long month!!!
[19:12] <smallfoot-> :(
[19:12] <smallfoot-> it is Hobbsee fault, he was the one responsible, he banned me!
[19:14] <Flannel> smallfoot-: It's your own fault, not Hobbsee's.
[19:14] <smallfoot-> well, he banned me, if he didnt ban me, i wouldnt be banned, so its his fault
[19:15] <Flannel> smallfoot-: Hobbsee will be the one to unban you when the time comes, in the mean time, you should read: http://www.ubuntu.com/community/conduct/ and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines
[19:15] <Pici> Actually, Hobbsee said that we are free to deal with it.
[19:15] <smallfoot-> i waited long time month, im still not unban
[19:15] <smallfoot-> he forgot me
[19:15] <smallfoot-> oh
[19:15] <Pici> I spoke to her about it.
[19:16] <smallfoot-> listen to pici, hes smart guy, you are free to deal with it, you are clever, unban me
[19:16] <Pici> I dont have time at the moment, just passing through, Flannel you can do the honors.
[19:16] <Pici> Flannel: you have acces to the bantracker, right?
[19:16] <Flannel> smallfoot-: You still need to read and understand those pages
[19:16] <Flannel> Pici: yeah
[19:16] <smallfoot-> Flannel, you have the honour
[19:16] <Pici> okay, sorry to leave you hanging here, just busy on my end.
[19:16] <nalioth> smallfoot-: please don't blame your behaviour on others
[19:16] <nalioth> smallfoot-: you act, and consequences follow your actions.
[19:17] <smallfoot-> yeah, but i forgot what i did
[19:17] <smallfoot-> if you don't remember it, it dont count, thats the rules
[19:17] <nalioth> see you later, smallfoot-
[19:17] <smallfoot-> err, i meant "if you dont remember it, it never happend"
[19:17] <smallfoot-> im still not unbanned
[19:18] <nalioth> have a nice day, your request will be acted up on by those involved
[19:18] <smallfoot-> but Hobbsee said you are free to deal with it
[19:18] <smallfoot-> and listen to pici hes a smart man, unban me
[19:18] <Flannel> smallfoot-: please keep op related issues out of the non-op channels
[19:19] <smallfoot-> i do, just someone talked to me about osmething, so i ahd to explain
[19:19] <Jack_Sparrow> It had nothing to do with your ban
[19:19] <smallfoot-> Flannel, you have the honour to unban me, -- Pici> I dont have time at the moment, just passing through, Flannel you can do the honors.
[19:19] <ompaul> smallfoot-, now here we go ...
[19:19] <smallfoot-> listen to pici hes the boss, he told to unban me
[19:19] <ompaul> smallfoot-, tell me have you read the pages
[19:19] <ompaul> there is no boss called Pici there is an op
[19:19] <Pici> I meant that he can deal with it, whether that results in an unban or not is up to him.
[19:20] <smallfoot-> :(
[19:20] <smallfoot-> pici please unban me, you are cute
[19:20] * Pici rolls eyes, goes back to work
[19:20] <smallfoot-> :(
[19:20] <ompaul> smallfoot-, have you read these? http://www.ubuntu.com/community/conduct/ and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines there is no point in talking to us until you tell us you have
[19:20] <smallfoot-> yes
[19:20] <ompaul> and there is no point in saying you have
[19:20] <ompaul> if you don't know what it was that you did that caused you to get banned
[19:20] <smallfoot-> and it say i must not use bad language, but i think i did sometimes by accident when i get angry
[19:21] <smallfoot-> well, it say i must be nice, and not use bad words, and must be friendly
[19:21] <smallfoot-> but i got angry and said something bad
[19:22] <ompaul> smallfoot-, just a moment
[19:22] <smallfoot-> ok
[19:22] <ompaul> @btlogin
[19:25] <ompaul> smallfoot-, you ehhhhh you are not acting in an angry fashion
[19:25] <smallfoot-> oh
[19:25] <smallfoot-> i forgot what i did
[19:25] <ompaul> I have read the logs of your activity
[19:25] <ompaul> you can't do those outbursts so here is the simple rule
[19:25] <ompaul> today is monday in most parts of the world
[19:25] <smallfoot-> i just know someone told me many times not to use bad language, then i did it again by accident
[19:26] <ompaul> rubbish there is no by accident
[19:26] <smallfoot-> well, its not like i try to cuss, its just sometime it happens
[19:26] <ompaul> so you can come back tomorrow and use full words,
[19:26] <ompaul> cuss ... curse, and swear lord kildare ... it is a song
[19:26] <smallfoot-> song?
[19:26] <ompaul> actually cussin' as you refer to it is just generally insulting to those around you
[19:26] <ompaul> so what you do is this
[19:27] <ompaul> come back tomorrow in 24 hours
[19:27] <ompaul> and then we will see that you come in politely
[19:27] <ompaul> not demanding but with a more reflective attitude
[19:27] <ompaul> smallfoot-, them's the breaks as they say
[19:28] <smallfoot-> ok
[19:28] <smallfoot-> but i didnt mean to insult anyone particular, i didnt go like "HEY YOU!! YOU MDFRKR!!" lol
[19:28] <ompaul> you will be welcome to come back in about 24 hors
[19:28] <smallfoot-> i was just generally upset
[19:28] <smallfoot-> oh, ok
[19:28] <ompaul> smallfoot-, and we don't need caps lock on
[19:29] <ompaul> and we don't want badly spelt cussin
[19:29] <smallfoot-> yeah, but i used it to demonstrate the way i talk when im uspet
[19:29] <ompaul> cos it just rubs us up the wrong way
[19:29] <ompaul> we will work with you
[19:29] <smallfoot-> oh
[19:29] <ompaul> you got to work it out, if you insult one person you insult all the channel
[19:29] <smallfoot-> it sucks when im banned, because i cant talk about ubuntu, and if talk about stuff in #ubuntu they get upset at me, because im only allowed to talk about support
[19:30] <smallfoot-> oh
[19:30] <ompaul> so you are outside the social norms for IRC and therefore you will find yourself
[19:30] <ompaul> outside the social grouping that exists
[19:30] <ompaul> support only in #ubuntu
[19:30] <ompaul> respectful chatter in #ubuntu-offtopic
[19:31] <ompaul> bring your common sense along and we will all get along famously
[19:31] <smallfoot-> yeah, but i get so angry, someone made a patch to gtk to make it have alpha transparency and look pretty, but then nobody put it in gtk, so now my desktop cant look pretty
[19:32] <smallfoot-> and im stuck with 2.6.24, because they dont make new kernel, so i cant use webcam, because only 2.6.26 have UVC support
[19:33] <Jack_Sparrow> smallfoot- Sure you can, buy a supported webcam
[19:33] <smallfoot-> and then i download this game from the repository, and i cant play it, because it wont connect to server because its old version, and they wont put the new version, so i cant play it
[19:33] <ompaul> smallfoot-, this is not going to happen in a package based disto
[19:33] <ompaul> distro
[19:34] <smallfoot-> Jack_Sparrow, well the webcam is supported in 2.6.26 since it uses the UVC standard
[19:34] <ompaul> smallfoot-, so here we go is there anything else
[19:34] <smallfoot-> oh no, hmm now i must leave, so i dont get banned, because then i cant come back and ask to get unbanned
[19:35] <Jack_Sparrow> smallfoot- this is not per the topic of this channel either.. do you have any furter questions relating to your ban
[19:37] <ompaul> sometimes enter is such a cruel key :)
[19:38] <PriceChild> ompaul: good trip home?
[19:39] <ompaul> PriceChild, it was ok
[19:40] <ompaul> laura had a bit of an adventure
[19:40] <PriceChild> laura?
[19:40] <Mez> PriceChild, you enjoy your walk to the other side of wolves?
[19:40] <ompaul> ahh
[19:40] <Mez> ompaul, which Laura?
[19:40] <PriceChild> Mez: bus :P
[19:40] <Mez> czajkowski?
[19:40] <ompaul> yeap
[19:40] <Mez> PriceChild, lazy f**k
[19:40] <Mez> ompaul, an adventure eh? (and apparently you pointed me out to her for some reason!)
[19:40] <ompaul> I will be back in a few minuyte
[19:41] <ompaul> Mez, rock window bus shaken driver motorway stop of the unofficial sort
[19:41] <ompaul> etc
[19:41] <Mez> ompaul, the adventure?
[19:44] <Dave2> I.....seee
[19:45] <ompaul> I have to do some work here back in a bit
[20:02] <ompaul> back
[20:18] <mneptok> forth
[20:19] <Pici> left
[20:20] <jussi01> right
[20:20] <jussi01> nini all!
[21:21] <Dave2> su
[21:22] <Dave2> err.
[21:56] <tonyyarusso> Though shalt not err while sued.
[21:57] <Pici> If thou errs, thou might be sued.
[22:01] <elkbuntu> Mez, obfuscated swearing is still swearing. we dont accept it of our users, we certainly dont expect it of our ops.
[22:01] <Mez> elkbuntu, apologies.
[23:10] <ompaul> I had to go again
[23:10] <ompaul> and I went
[23:10] <ompaul> then I came back
[23:11] <ompaul> wow is me
[23:11] <nalioth> well-travelled is you
[23:12] <ompaul> I was out doing some advocacy
[23:20] <Myrtti> uah.
[23:22] <Myrtti> hello folks
[23:22] <Myrtti> back in Finland
[23:23] * Pici waves
[23:28] * Dave2 wavse also
[23:28] <Dave2> ...waves
[23:28] * Dave2 then heads up to bed.
[23:29] <Myrtti> ha.
[23:34] <elkbuntu> how was it hon?
[23:34] * elkbuntu tickles Myrtti
[23:36] <Myrtti> loverly ♥
[23:36] <Myrtti> just Loverly <3
[23:47] <Myrtti> anything interesting happened?
[23:48] <Pici> um
[23:48] <Pici> We had an IRC Council meeting
[23:49] <Pici> 2 open council spots were announced
[23:50] <Myrtti> oh
[23:50] <Pici> People interested should email the council list address which I cannot remember at this time
[23:51] <Myrtti> ok