UbuntuIRC / 2008 /07 /21 /#ubuntu-mythtv.txt
Initial commit
[00:40] <Tuv0k> now MCC won't install packages
[00:40] <Tuv0k> Hardy is the buggiest
[00:40] <hads> Works well here.
[00:41] <Tuv0k> try enabling xfs optimizations if you can?
[00:41] <Tuv0k> it won't download xfsdump
[00:41] <Tuv0k> it thinks other software managers are running
[00:41] <hads> I don't use XFS
[00:51] <BoxOfSnoo> Hi, does anyone else have crackly audio issues with the latest release? In everything, not just live tv or playback.
[00:55] <Tuv0k> used to
[00:55] <Tuv0k> goto sound settings and change the defaults
[00:56] <BoxOfSnoo> from/to...?
[00:57] <Tuv0k> from whatever it is now to anything that does nto give scratchy sound
[00:57] <Tuv0k> or search the forums for the known issue and get your read on
[00:57] <Tuv0k> whichever is easiest
[00:57] <BoxOfSnoo> super unhelpful. Done all that, thanks.
[00:58] <Tuv0k> then it'd be fixed
[00:58] <Tuv0k> don't cry because you can follow diretions
[00:58] <Tuv0k> not
[00:59] <BoxOfSnoo> apparently not. You didn't really read my question right either. Never mind, you can sit here and act superior I'll try other stuff.
[00:59] <Tuv0k> https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/alsa-driver/+bug/196287
[00:59] <Tuv0k> lazy
[01:00] <hads> You scared them off already
[01:00] <Tuv0k> yeah right
[01:00] <Tuv0k> they bit the hand that fed them
[01:01] <Tuv0k> and I still was proving the link
[01:01] <Tuv0k> go figure
[01:01] <rhpot1991> my main pc has always done that, through different iterations of mobos and speakers, I've always assumed it was something related to the case introducing interference
[01:02] <frozenskunk1> Can someone give me a hand getting lirc to work with a command IR mini? It hasn't worked wince the upgrade to 8.04. I can see input using mode2 -m -d /dev/lirc1, but can never see anything using irw. I've tried multiple hardware.conf and lircd.conf files.
[01:02] <Tuv0k> while palying regular sound you heard crackling?
[01:02] <rhpot1991> mostly music, and popping
[01:02] <Tuv0k> frozenskunk1, I feel for you
[01:03] <frozenskunk1> others have this joy then?
[01:03] <Tuv0k> I just have had issues before with lirc and my remote
[01:03] <Tuv0k> but I guess mythbuntu got it covered now
[01:03] <Tuv0k> even after a fresh kernel
[01:04] <Tuv0k> but that was when I was running unstable
[01:04] <Tuv0k> Hardy Alpha
[01:04] <frozenskunk1> I had gotten it working without too much trouble when I switched to the commandIR under 7.10, but when I upgraded to 8.04 it broke, and I STILL haven't gotten it working...
[01:05] <frozenskunk1> I've tried everything I can find and gone through all the steps on the commandIR troubleshooting section, but just can't get it going...
[01:10] <Tuv0k> and he logs off like that?
[01:26] <frozenskunk> Sorry, router crashed, did I miss any ideas on my lirc issue?
[01:30] <Tuv0k> negative
[01:30] <frozenskunk> any ideas on where I might look for answers, other than the usual places? I've scoured them pretty well over the last 3 months...
[01:34] <superm1> frozenskunk, using the new driver?
[01:34] <superm1> or the old one?
[01:34] <frozenskunk> not sure, everything is up to date on update manager...
[01:34] <frozenskunk> haw can a verify?
=== Tuv0k is now known as darthanubis
[01:54] <superm1> frozenskunk, well if you aren't intentionally using it, then you dont have it
[01:54] <superm1> i'm notsure how well the old style commandir is supported on it anyhow
[01:54] <superm1> so whats happening with yoru device though?
[01:54] <superm1> dont see anything on irw, so maybe try to re-record your lircd.conf for your remote
[01:55] <frozenskunk> basically it hasn't worked since I upgraded to 8.04, i've tried several lircd.conf files from the internet which appear to be well supported, and I never had problems iwth that before ,I am using a hauppage A415 remote
[01:56] <frozenskunk> I can see input using mode2 -m -d /dev/lirc0, but nothing in irw.
[01:57] <frozenskunk> although since you mentioned the driver, I've been poking around looking at that, and when I check the syslog, I never see this: COMMANDIR USB device now attached to commandir0
[01:57] <frozenskunk> Receiving on #1 Transmitting on #1 2 3 4, which according to a web page I found, I should
[02:14] <superm1> well so do try to record with irrecord
[02:14] <superm1> see if the lircd.conf that it spits out is anybetter
[02:15] <frozenskunk> ok, i haven't done that yet, let me give it a shot
[02:25] <frozenskunk> any idea if I should chase down the syslog issue?
[03:16] <frozenskunk> superm1: I tried to do an irrecord on a lircd.conf file I had downloaded to use with my remote, when i do 'irrecord testlirc' I get the following:
[03:16] <frozenskunk> irrecrod: could not get file information for /dev/lirc
[03:16] <frozenskunk> irrecord: default_init(): NO such file or directory
[03:16] <frozenskunk> irrecord: could not init hardware (lircd running ? --> close it, check permissions)
[03:17] <superm1> frozenskunk, you have to provide -d /dev/lirc0
[03:17] <superm1> or similar
[03:19] <ian_001> i just enabled network control but when trying to connect to the machine over telnet i am getting connection refused, i checked iptables and it seems to have no rules installed, is there something i could be missing?
[03:20] <frozenskunk> superm1: that got me started, thanks!
[03:22] <ian_001> sorry for the question, of cours ethe second i asked i solve dmy issue, i had changed the port and didnt realize i needed a reboot
[03:23] <superm1> ian_001, most people use SSH instead of telnet though
[03:23] <superm1> in an effort to be more secure
[03:27] <ian_001> ill be honest, im somewhat new to network control, if i use ssh does it become ssh->telnet ?
[03:28] <ian_001> or is ssh a replacement for telnet?
[03:28] <defendguin> yup
[03:28] <defendguin> its a secure replacement for telnet
[03:28] <defendguin> telnet = not encrypted
[03:29] <ian_001> ok, i wasnt sure if ssh was a wrapper around telnet
[03:29] <defendguin> afik its a completely different project
[03:31] <hads> ian_001: You mean network control in mythfrontend? If so you'll need to restart the frontend.
[03:31] <hads> And you can't use ssh for that.
[03:32] <hads> SSH is a replacement for telnet, but controlling mythfrontend via telnet is something different again.
[03:32] <ian_001> sadly i just tried connecting remotely and was unable to do it
[03:33] <ian_001> locally it works absolutely fine
[03:33] <hads> You mean on the frontend `telnet localhost 6546` ?
[03:34] <superm1> oh didnt realize you were trying to do remote control of mythfrontend via telnet
[03:34] <superm1> defendguin, you pung earlier?
[03:34] <hads> superm1: That's what I'm guessing
[03:35] <ian_001> ok, i had left the local connection open, closing that allowed the remote connection, i assumed multiple connections were allowed
[03:35] <defendguin> yeah i was reading some ubuntu forums and i saw a post of yours about how you were configuring your mouse and i thought you might be able to shed some light on something
[03:38] <defendguin> let me find the post
[03:41] <defendguin> superm1: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=217086&highlight=cm3000
[03:42] <defendguin> i was using the mouse driver in my xorg file but i switched to evdev after reading this post and it seems as though each time i try to use the tilt wheel or middle click x crashes
[03:44] <defendguin> Option "WHEELRelativeAxisButtons" "4 5" can you use these options if you use the mouse driver?
[03:53] <frozenskunk> superm1: I've tried to irrecord and it goes through the motions, but never saves any changes to the file I am running it on, I'm doing 'sudo irrecord -d /dev/lirc0 testlirc' and when I check test lirc after running there are no changes.
[03:56] <frozenskunk> superm1: never mind, I just saw it was output as testlirc.conf
[03:58] <SHADOW__X> hello everyone
[03:59] <SHADOW__X> i was wondering how i can fix ntsc audio using a pinnacle pctv hd 800i because of an also issue i do not hear anything
[03:59] <SHADOW__X> i am currently using mythbuntu 8.04
[04:01] <ian_001> using the telnet control of mythtv is there a way to get a list of the songs or play a specific song? i see that i can jump to mythmusic and use the key command to change the song but i dont see a way to jump to a specific song
[06:45] <doje> hi all, I just installed mythbuntu 8.04 and the install failed during install packages select. can I get back to that from the CLI now that it's booted up ?
[07:39] <superm1> doje, sure
[07:40] <superm1> you can look at the log in /var/log/syslog first though
[07:40] <superm1> and see if it tells you where went wrong
[07:40] <superm1> but the command is "ubiquity"
[07:40] <superm1> which should automatically choose the mythbuntu frontend
[07:41] <doje> I have the log console here - "Couldn't find task mythbuntu-frontend"
[07:42] <doje> superm1: I was using the alternate CD so I could PXE boot it - I also tried burning it but the result was the same
[07:42] <doje> superm1: I'm buring the "Desktop" version now
[07:57] <doje> superm1: there's nothing starting with "ub" in root or user paths - I'm going to try the other CD
[07:58] <doje> superm1: I saved the /var/log directory and a dmesg if you want me to check for anything
[14:57] <sebrock> from where is the x11vnc server started in 8.04? I need to change a option parameter
[15:54] <superm1> its started from the /usr/share/mythtv/session.sh i think
[15:54] <superm1> or at least some script /usr/share/mythtv
[15:54] <superm1> sebrock, ^
[16:21] <ron_> whats the trick to getting the audio output louder? i have tried 2 sound cards and now have a sb live
[16:33] <tgm4883_laptop> ron_, you could try a couple things
[16:33] <tgm4883_laptop> first, have you increased the volume in alsamixer?
[16:33] <tgm4883_laptop> second, make sure mythtv volume is up
[16:33] <tgm4883_laptop> last you could increase the volume that mythtv records shows at
[16:35] <gregL> <tgm4883_laptop how do you increase the volume that mythtv records at?
[16:36] <tgm4883_laptop> gregL, it's either in the recording profiles found in the frontend or it's tuner specific and found in mythtv-setup
[16:36] <tgm4883_laptop> default is 70
[16:36] <tgm4883_laptop> which i've found is good, but some tv's don't have very good speakers
[16:37] <tgm4883_laptop> that only will increase the volume on the recordings though, so if you have trouble hearing dvd's too it wont help that
[16:37] <gregL> Ok yeah i seen that..My dvb card is always low for some reason...
[16:38] <gregL> Sometimes to the point that you really have to strain to hear...
[16:38] <tgm4883_laptop> oh
[16:38] <tgm4883_laptop> that you probably won't be able to fix
[16:38] <tgm4883_laptop> sorry, i always forget the disclaimer about preencoded content
[16:39] <tgm4883_laptop> eh, I'd look anyway though, just in case
[16:39] <gregL> I like the card, it's an air2pc and it work's well except for the sound.
[16:42] <gregL> Thanks...
[17:08] <sebrock> superm1, thanks
[18:42] <sebrock> superm1, sorry cant fint anything x11vnc in any script
[18:54] <sebrock> nervermind I found it
[18:55] <sebrock> /usr/share/mythbuntu/session.sh
[18:56] <Seeker`> how do you setup mythfilldatabase to grab only the channels found by the tuner
[19:58] <Seeker`> if I have a nova-t 500, why is it that when I have something due to record and I am watching tuner 1, with nothing happening on tuner 2, it doesn't automatically start recording on tuner 2, and instead takes over tuner 1 for recording and leaves tuner 2 doing nothing
[20:53] <zabbadapp> Seeker`: there is an option "minimize live-tv collision" or some such, which will pick recordings from the beginning of available tuners, and live-tv from the end of available tuners (if the have the same channels) ... it is not perfect, and live-tv may pick a currently recording tuner if multirec is enabled and if the default channel is available within that mux. Someone else may explain better, because I always
[20:53] <zabbadapp> record a show to avoid any surprises if more than one recording starts.
[21:47] <tgm4883_laptop> Seeker`, zabbadapp another solution that exists right next to that option is to allow live tv to move scheduled recordings to different tuners.
[22:13] <dschan> anyone here?
[22:13] <zabbadapp> yes
[22:14] <dschan> hi! great!
[22:14] <dschan> can you help me with my mythbuntu setup?
[22:14] <zabbadapp> what is the problem
[22:15] <dschan> got a new mboard today and try to set it up from the scratch. however, channelscan does not work (dvb-t germany ruhrgebiet)
[22:16] <dschan> ...it DID work with a former installation...
[22:20] <dschan> zabbadapp? still there or not interested? need more info?
[22:24] <zabbadapp> sorry, was looking at http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BcQ7RkyBoBc ...
[22:25] <zabbadapp> anyway, was that the channelscan from within mythtv?
[22:26] <dschan> yes
[22:27] <dschan> sry, dont have flash support, yet...
[22:29] <dschan> i tried to import a channels.conf but mythtv told me that it's not able to parse the file.
[22:29] <zabbadapp> ok, have you tried just letting it scan the entier frequency range? it will find your channels, even if it take longer time
[22:30] <zabbadapp> i had problems importing any kind of frequencies also and gave up ... until i realised i didn't need one
[22:30] <dschan> i'll try again, but i'm sure that i tried everything for about a thousand times... anyway... just a sec
[22:34] <dschan> got the german version installed. I tried sth like "entire scan of all known transponders" and it returns sth like "error adjusting transponder frequency" then the next dialogue box appears and does ... nothing...
[22:34] <zabbadapp> else you can install "apt-get install dvb-utils" to use the command "scan /usr/share/doc/dvb-utils/examples/scan/dvb-t/de-NameOfClosestTransmitter" ... you may get better error messages from the commandline
[22:35] <dschan> how can i find out about my closest transmitter?
[22:35] <zabbadapp> it has a normal name ... tab to see all de-(something)
[22:35] <zabbadapp> de-Hamburg or whatever
[22:36] <dschan> scanning /usr/share/doc/dvb-utils/examples/scan/dvb-t/de-Ruhrgebiet
[22:36] <dschan> using '/dev/dvb/adapter0/frontend0' and '/dev/dvb/adapter0/demux0'
[22:36] <dschan> main:2247: FATAL: failed to open '/dev/dvb/adapter0/frontend0': 16 Device or resource busy
[22:36] <zabbadapp> ok, you got mythtv running and it locks all ..
[22:36] <dschan> ok. mom
[22:36] <zabbadapp> there is an option to have it releas a tuner if it not is in use
[22:37] <dschan> cant i just close mythtv?
[22:37] <zabbadapp> yes .. that works too
[22:38] <dschan> scanning /usr/share/doc/dvb-utils/examples/scan/dvb-t/de-Ruhrgebiet
[22:38] <dschan> using '/dev/dvb/adapter0/frontend0' and '/dev/dvb/adapter0/demux0'
[22:38] <dschan> initial transponder 538000000 0 2 9 1 1 3 0
[22:38] <dschan> initial transponder 586000000 0 2 9 1 1 3 0
[22:39] <zabbadapp> a working channel should give a line like this: "0x0000 0x0316: pmt_pid 0x0316 D -- SILVER (running, scrambled)"
[22:40] <zabbadapp> ah! i think I know the problem, have you enabled the internal amplifier of the T-500 ?
[22:40] <dschan> ok. hmmm. how can i get this ;-) .... however, thanks for your help so far!
[22:41] <dschan> internal amplifier? i don't think so. never heard of it
[22:41] <dschan> had good reception(?) during scan (99%)
[22:42] <zabbadapp> do you have a line "options dvb-usb-dib0700 force_lna_activation=1" in the file /etc/modprobe.d/options ?
[22:42] <dschan> where should i look for this line?
[22:42] <zabbadapp> less /etc/modprobe.d/options
[22:43] <dschan> not at all
[22:43] <dschan> shall i add?
[22:44] <zabbadapp> yes, do that -- it can't get any worse .... lna = low noise amplifier (or something like that .. I have a T-500 too, and without that line it didn't work at all for me .. and it is a common knowledge for this card)
[22:45] <dschan> wow. didnt know that... how can i load the new options
[22:45] <dschan> by the way: Great to have a patient and nice helper online! THANK YOU SO MUCH!
[22:46] <zabbadapp> i don't know, i would do the windows way (reboot) ...
[22:46] <dschan> ok, then I'll be off for a couple of minutes... cheers and cu later
[22:47] <zabbadapp> do you have the T-500 firmware in /lib/firmware/2.6.xxxx-generci/ also?
[22:47] <dschan> just a sec
[22:49] <zabbadapp> called dvb-usb-dib0700-(something).fw .... dmesg | grep -i dvb will show if it is loaded (and what name your version of v4l expects it to be named)
[22:50] <dschan> i hae got that le. hoi am u th pceson oth crd
[22:50] <zabbadapp> it should be ok, because i don't think you would have any dvb-device else
[22:50] <dschan> sorry, again
[22:50] <dschan> i have got that file. however i have the pci version
[22:51] <zabbadapp> yes, but the T-500 has an usb-device built in to the pci card (really!) .. som the dvb-hardware is actually two usb-dongles put on a pci-card
[22:52] <dschan> ok?! wow...
[22:52] <zabbadapp> confusing but nothing to care about .. it works, and was probably a lot cheaper/faster for Hauppage to manufacture
[22:52] <dschan> jack@mediencenter:/lib/firmware/2.6.24-19-generic$ dmesg | grep -i dvb
[22:52] <dschan> [ 42.488577] saa7146: register extension 'budget_ci dvb'.
[22:52] <dschan> [ 42.488686] DVB: registering new adapter (TT-Budget/WinTV-NOVA-T PCI)
[22:52] <dschan> [ 42.525717] input: Budget-CI dvb ir receiver saa7146 (0) as /devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:14.4/0000:03:06.0/input/input5
[22:52] <dschan> [ 42.749957] DVB: registering frontend 0 (Philips TDA10045H DVB-T)...
[22:52] <dschan> [ 2575.585949] tda1004x: waiting for firmware upload (dvb-fe-tda10045.fw)...
[22:52] <dschan> [ 2607.633577] tda1004x: waiting for firmware upload (dvb-fe-tda10045.fw)...
[22:52] <dschan> [ 2676.281124] tda1004x: waiting for firmware upload (dvb-fe-tda10045.fw)...
[22:52] <dschan> [ 2753.649676] tda1004x: waiting for firmware upload (dvb-fe-tda10045.fw)...
[22:52] <dschan> [ 2851.362137] tda1004x: waiting for firmware upload (dvb-fe-tda10045.fw)...
[22:53] <dschan> [ 2878.953401] tda1004x: waiting for firmware upload (dvb-fe-tda10045.fw)...
[22:53] <dschan> [ 2893.998147] tda1004x: waiting for firmware upload (dvb-fe-tda10045.fw)...
[22:53] <dschan> [ 2982.336375] tda1004x: waiting for firmware upload (dvb-fe-tda10045.fw)...
[22:53] <hads> !pastebin
[22:53] <zabbadapp> hmm, is that a T-500 ? ...
[22:53] <Zinn> http://mythbuntu.pastebin.com/
[22:53] <dschan> however, i have got a directoy 2.6.24-16-generic too
[22:55] <zabbadapp> i think i mixed you up with someone else, i see you never said it was a T-500 :-( sorry ... so the LNA-amplifier was wrong for you
[22:56] <dschan> DVB: registering new adapter (TT-Budget/WinTV-NOVA-T PCI)
[22:56] <dschan> ...is what i have
[22:57] <zabbadapp> yes, sorry once again .. nova-T is not one of those pci-usb cards .. so forget my ramblings about that :) ... however, the "scan" command is real and works just as good for you as for my nova T-500
[22:58] <dschan> sure ... had a vdr vefore and used it there. however i seem to be too stupid to apply old knowledge (or patience...) :D
[23:00] <zabbadapp> what kind of antenna do you have? does it require a power inserter and is it running? to me it seems like you are getting extremely bad reception so even channel scans fail
[23:00] <zabbadapp> (you know, like if you forgot to plug in the aerial :) )
[23:01] <dschan> i played a lot with that and in the mythtv channel scan (backend) i had brilliant reception
[23:01] <dschan> antenna type ...
[23:01] <dschan> http://www.vdr-wiki.de/wiki/index.php/DVB-T_Antennen
[23:02] <dschan> just checked the plug again .. was fine
[23:04] <zabbadapp> did the scan command say anything important at all? use the pastebin if needed: http://mythbuntu.pastebin.com/
[23:04] <dschan> i'll try ... can i delete options dvb-usb-dib0700 force_lna_activation=1
[23:05] <zabbadapp> yes, but i don't think it makes any difference, so you don't need to reboot right now
[23:05] <zabbadapp> (since you dont have that module at all)
[23:06] <dschan> http://mythbuntu.pastebin.com/d1ce49f1a
[23:07] <dschan> ok, so i'll throw it out again .. for the cleanliness :-)
[23:09] <zabbadapp> yes, you should remove it... :-) i have no idea what could be wrong ... when I had a really bad directional antenna, i would get the channels of at least one mux (depending on how I pointed it), so I knew that my card wasn't completly dead ... but you get nothing :-(
[23:10] <zabbadapp> i mean, i got the channels of one mux when doing scan ... i could never watch them because there were so many errors in the reception :-) ... bought a new antenna then
[23:11] <dschan> ??? Maybe something wrong with drivers or so? the ardware should be fine... This antenna is a lot better than an amplidied one I tried.
[23:11] <zabbadapp> especially since you know it has worked before
[23:12] <zabbadapp> i have to give up, maybe someone else can step up and resolve this?
[23:12] <dschan> yep. and the area i live in is only a couple of kilometres out of a major city. i had about 25 perfect programmes
[23:13] <dschan> however: thank you so much for your help!!
[23:13] <zabbadapp> no problem, good luck
[23:13] <dschan> thx
[23:13] <dschan> anyone else any idea?
[23:30] <dschan> can anybody help? signal strenght: 99% ...
[23:31] <dschan> timeout scan no signal
[23:40] <Seeker`> is there a way to get xmltv to download only the listings for channels that can be found by scanning
[23:45] <zabbadapp> Seeker`: during the configuration of xmltv, you should have answered "yes" only to channels you wanted, you can correct that by editing .mythtv/<name_of_source>.xmltv so that channel=tv1.com becomes channel!tv1.com to disable a certain xmltv channel
[23:46] <Seeker`> is there a way of doing it automatically, so I dont have to go through the 250 or so channels
[23:48] <zabbadapp> there is most certainly some way to automate that :-) but i don't think there is a ready solution for it
[23:49] <zabbadapp> see it as a chance to flex those scripting skills a bit :D