UbuntuIRC / 2008 /07 /21 /#ubuntu-marketing.txt
Initial commit
=== meoblast is now known as meoblast001
[02:33] <meoblast001> ive descovered something
[02:33] <meoblast001> it is IMPOSSIBLE to get anyone to switch to Ubuntu
[02:33] <cody-somerville> meoblast001, oh
[02:33] <cody-somerville> I've switched a number of people
[02:34] <meoblast001> well when i ask ppl to try it out
[02:34] <meoblast001> they always say no
[02:34] <meoblast001> i tell them of the features, they think its going to be too hard of a switch
[02:34] <meoblast001> or they dont want to do itbecause they're too lazy to put in a cd rom
[02:34] <meoblast001> i have a friend who is suffering from a major virus in Windows that wont let him open his web browser
[02:35] <meoblast001> he wont even try Ubuntu out
[02:35] <meoblast001> i have him my live cd
[02:35] <meoblast001> every time i have a problem in ubuntu they tell me to switch to windows
[02:35] <meoblast001> when i had a major system crash every 1 month in windows compared to every 6 months in ubuntu
[02:35] <cody-somerville> meoblast001, I'm not sure what to tell you but there are some great resources on the wiki to help you
[02:36] <meoblast001> i'm also quite angry because usplash crapped on me and no one knows how to help me
[02:36] <meoblast001> its hard to show off ubuntu when usplash fails on shutdown and my "friend" has to stare at a terminal shutting the system down
[02:36] <meoblast001> they'd be like "thats too complicated i dont want it"
[02:37] <meoblast001> and even if i explain "only my computer does that" they wont believe me
[02:37] <cody-somerville> I'm pretty sure usplash on shutdown kinda disappeared for everyone due to xorg changes.
[02:37] <meoblast001> cody_somerville: didnt do it to me
[02:38] <johnc4510-laptop> if i set someone down at my laptop, and they start using it, they usually say: "Oh this is great"
[02:38] <meoblast001> cody-somerville: when i did Ctrl+Alt+F1 for maintance it stoppped working and hasnt worked since
[02:39] <meoblast001> johnc4510-laptop: well no one really wants to come in my house or hang out with me.... Aspergers Syndrom..... not many friends
[02:39] <johnc4510-laptop> ah, don't sell yourself short
[02:39] <johnc4510-laptop> :)
[02:40] <meoblast001> when my comptuer broke last night, i was thinking about just giving up on using my comptuer
[02:40] <meoblast001> but then from 8 - 10 i'd just eat stuff and get fat and i dont want to be fat
[02:41] <meoblast001> i need a new comptuer
[02:42] <meoblast001> i cant even use CD-ROMS on this thing
[02:42] <meoblast001> but im too poor to buy a new computer
[02:47] <cody-somerville> : (
[02:47] <cody-somerville> omg. :(
[02:48] <johnc4510-laptop> odd
[03:14] <meoblast001> you see what i get "(10:13:26 PM) Jason White: its cuz of ur OS"... ppl always blame every problem i have on Ubunt
[03:14] <meoblast001> u