UbuntuIRC / 2008 /07 /21 /#ubuntu-irc.txt
Initial commit
=== Pici` is now known as Pici
[17:08] <newz2000> Can someone remind me how to become operator in my channel?
[17:09] <jpds> newz2000: See: /msg ChanServ help op
[17:09] <newz2000> thanks jpds
[17:09] <jpds> Welcome.
[17:12] <newz2000> Does anyone mind if I add instructions on becoming op and deop to the OperatorGuidelines page?
[17:15] <jpds> newz2000: I was just thinking of doing likewise.
[17:15] * newz2000 doing it now
[17:17] <newz2000> done: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcTeam/OperatorGuidelines
[17:24] <jpds> newz2000: If you use xchat you may find http://www.kaarsemaker.net/software/chanserv/ to be useful in operating channels.
[18:52] <unafilliate> Hello friends
[18:53] <unafilliate> anyone can help me regarding ubuntu channels ownership ?
[18:54] <ompaul> it is owned by the irc council
[18:55] <unafilliate> ompaul : then is there any way to be a part of irc council , cause i want to help my country fellows , cause the website is down , and the only source available is irc , unfortuantely that is also so running
[18:56] <unafilliate> *so = no
[18:59] <unafilliate> i believe i can do help , as i have regular free time and i have done lot of help on websites , also i m offering first free LAMP based ubuntu powered shells , for project proof https://launchpad.net/~paracha and my portal http://shellweb.net ,
[18:59] <unafilliate> ompaul : Can you tell where should i go and ask for #ubuntu-pk , cause i m really intrested to run it
[19:09] <unafilliate> hii Ekushey
[19:14] <Ekushey> hi unafilliate :)
[19:15] <unafilliate> hello
[19:15] <unafilliate> :)
[19:15] <unafilliate> how are you
[19:21] <ompaul> unafilliate, I am not in a position to affect what you are talking about
[19:22] <unafilliate> no problem
[19:22] <unafilliate> thats always been happening since long with 3rd world countries
[19:22] <unafilliate> i am use to of it
[19:22] <unafilliate> :)
[19:32] <Ekushey> i'm doing fine, thanks for asking, unafilliate :)
[19:32] <Ekushey> how are you?
[19:35] <unafilliate> I am fine too , thanks for your reply
[19:35] <unafilliate> :)
[19:52] <Ekushey> no problem unafilliate :)
[19:52] <unafilliate> :)
[19:53] <unafilliate> Ekushey : I need to know , how i can get operator status for ubuntu loco irc channel (ubuntu-pk) to start help my country men ,
[19:57] <Ekushey> unafilliate, you don't actually need to get op access to help
[19:57] <jussi01> what does pk stand for??
[19:57] <Ekushey> in most channels on this networks you'll see channels with not ops... look at this channel :)
[19:58] <Ekushey> jussi01, pakistan
[19:58] <jussi01> ahh
[19:58] <jussi01> unafilliate: Ekushey is right - you dont need op status to help
[19:59] <unafilliate> oright
[19:59] <unafilliate> :)