UbuntuIRC / 2008 /07 /20 /#ubuntu-mozillateam.txt
Initial commit
=== asac_ is now known as asac
[09:21] <asac> hi
[09:30] <nikolam> Hi.
[09:31] <nikolam> Could I use on Ubuntu packages from Debian, I compiled for Iceape/Seamonkey 1.1.11
[09:31] <nikolam> since there is no 1.1.11 Seamonkey in Ubuntu repo ?
[09:32] <nikolam> Should I post a bug about Newest Seamonkey not available in Ubuntu?
[09:33] <nikolam> There are many security-related things that are fixed in newer release
[09:42] <asac> hmm
[09:42] <asac> fta usually maintained the seamonkey package we have. I think he is still on holiday, so i guess that we should take over this release
[09:44] <asac> nikolam: was 1.1.10 skipped upstream?
[09:44] <asac> https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~mozillateam/seamonkey/seamonkey-1.1.dev
[09:44] <asac> thats our branch
[09:44] <asac> we could do the 1.1.11 packaging in their and then upload
[09:45] <asac> and create a .hardy branch based on that so we can do the "stable" maintenance in a "mature" branch ;)
[09:45] <nikolam> YES thats it! :)
[09:49] <nikolam> I never used to do that things with .diffs
[09:49] <asac> nikolam: i think first step is to post a bug about "security updates available"
[09:49] <asac> then update the branches and get that uploaded
[09:49] <nikolam> Ok will do that.
[09:50] <asac> nikolam: basically how it works is: bzr branch URL
[09:50] <asac> then dch -v1.1.11+nobinonly-0ubuntu1 -DUNRELEASED
[09:51] <asac> bzr commit -m "* open tree for 1.1.11 packaging"
[09:51] <asac> then do the required packaging, documentingin changelog etc.
[09:51] <asac> when done you do a
[09:51] <asac> dch -r -Dintrepid
[09:51] <asac> bzr commit -m "* RELEASE 1.1.11+nobinonly-0ubuntu1 to ubuntu/intrepid"
[09:52] <asac> and bzr push to lp:~YOURLPID/seamonkey/seamonkey-1.1.dev
[09:52] <asac> and let me know so i can review and merge that to our release branches
[09:53] <asac> to get a proper orig.tar.gz you probably have to do:
[09:53] <asac> ./debian/rules get-orig-source DEBIAN_TAG=SEAMONKEY_1_1_11_RELEASE=1.1.11
[09:54] <asac> this should get the right tarball, stripped with the binary only files we dont want
[09:55] <asac> for hardy you would do the same excpet that you would use s/intrepid/hardy-security/
[09:55] <asac> and as version
[09:55] <asac> 1.1.11+nobinonly-0ubuntu0.8.04.1
[09:56] <asac> and the branch to use to push to would be lp:~YOURLPID/seamonkey/seamonkey-1.1.hardy
[09:57] <asac> i dont think you need to change much on the packaging side. most likely its just documenting the release in changelog ... and maybe drop one patch or so if there was something applied upstream
[10:02] <nikolam> I wrote down every word you were saying. And installed bzr
[10:11] <asac> nikolam: instll bzr-builddeb as well
[10:12] <asac> we dont have full-source trees, so you basically put the orig.tar.gz in a tarballs directory next to your branch directory
[10:12] <asac> and run bzr bd --merge --dont-purge
[10:12] <asac> e.g.
[10:12] <asac> seamonkey-1.1.dev
[10:12] <asac> tarballs
[10:12] <asac> and then run the comment above in the seamonkey dir
[10:30] <nikolam> Will get something to eat. get back later. Thanks.
[11:10] <Volans> asac: there?
[11:10] <asac> Volans: yeah
[11:11] <Volans> automatic alert received, I have just now added the date to the wiki page that was still TBA
[11:11] <asac> yep
[11:11] <asac> have that too
[11:11] <asac> fine
[11:11] <Volans> I have just checked now the fridge agenda... but does not appear our meeting
[11:13] <asac> Volans: just pinged cody on -devel about it
[11:14] <asac> lets see what comes out of it
[11:14] <Volans> ok, I know that gnomefreak asked cody and tell him to ping himself or me when done
[11:14] <Volans> some days ago
[11:14] <asac> yeah. i am not even sure if he is the right to ask. if he doesnt reply ill see whoelse to ask
[11:16] <asac> asked on #ubuntu-news too now
[11:17] <Volans> in sunday is always diffult to have reply I think ;)
[11:17] <Volans> s/is/on/
[11:18] <asac> sure. hope they read the backlog ;)
[11:21] * asac taking shower
[12:23] * Volans lunch time bye
[17:57] <asac> @time EDT
[17:57] <ubottu> asac: Error: Unknown timezone: EDT - Full list: http://tinyurl.com/4vyvp8
[17:57] <asac> @time America/Pacific
[17:57] <ubottu> asac: Error: Unknown timezone: America/Pacific - Full list: http://tinyurl.com/4vyvp8
[17:57] <Volans> 9:57 ;)
[17:57] <Volans> los angeles
[17:58] <Volans> but EST is eastern... atlantic...
[17:58] <asac> @time America/Los_Angeles
[17:58] <ubottu> asac: Current time in America/Los_Angeles: July 20 2008, 09:58:19 - Next meeting: Asia and Oceania Ubuntu Membership Approval Board in 1 day
[17:58] <Volans> and now at New York is 12:58 in the morning
[17:58] <asac> @time America/Los_Angeles 20:50
[17:58] <ubottu> asac: Error: Unknown timezone: America/Los_Angeles 20:50 - Full list: http://tinyurl.com/4vyvp8
[17:58] <asac> @time America/Los_Angeles 20:50 UTC
[17:58] <ubottu> asac: Error: Unknown timezone: America/Los_Angeles 20:50 UTC - Full list: http://tinyurl.com/4vyvp8
[17:58] <asac> ;)
[17:58] <asac> damn
[17:58] <Volans> LOL
[17:58] <Volans> you are testing the bot or you need something?
[17:59] <asac> ubottu: what is 13:00 EDT in UTC+2?
[17:59] <asac> ;)
[17:59] <asac> i think the info above is enough
[17:59] <asac> but i felt lazy ;)
[18:00] <asac> oh ... they took my editor privileges away from ubottu
[18:00] <asac> hmm .... most likely its just that i never had that status with the new bot
[18:00] <Volans> LOL, maybe with ubottu3?
[18:00] <Volans> sorry ubot3
[18:01] <asac> so whats 1pm EDT for me ;)
[18:01] <Volans> NOW
[18:01] <Volans> 19
[18:01] <asac> really?
[18:02] <Volans> if EST is New York yes
[18:02] <asac> its 10am now
[18:02] <Volans> eastern USA time
[18:02] <asac> thats what i thought ;)
[18:02] <asac> but i mixed up the diretion ;)
[18:02] <asac> though eastern time was at "west coast" ;) lol
[18:02] <Volans> LOL
[18:02] <Volans> :D
[18:28] <asac> Volans:
[18:28] <asac> 12:51 < cody-somerville> asac,
[18:28] <asac> http://www.google.com/calendar/event?eid=amNzaXFybXAyaHIxZ25qcDg5bWY2NmR2cDQgajVxODVtbWk2dWp2anRpaTVzMW4zbGk1aW9AZw&ctz=Etc/GMT
[18:28] <asac> 12:51 < cody-somerville> asac, appears to exist to me
[18:29] <Volans> http://fridge.ubuntu.com/event/2008/08/01/month/all/all/1
[18:29] <asac> hmm
[18:29] * asac asks
[18:29] <Volans> ok :)
[18:36] <Volans> /TOPIC #ubuntu-mozillateam Welcome to the Ubuntu Mozilla Team: | Mailing List: ubuntu-mozillateam@lists.ubuntu.com | Please help Mozilla QA tracker: http://tinyurl.com/6yo6g7 | Firefox 3 released to hardy-updates! | Next meeting will be held on Sunday, 3rd August, 18:00 UTC (agenda available at: http://tinyurl.com/2ekzoq )
=== Volans changed the topic of #ubuntu-mozillateam to: #ubuntu-mozillateam Welcome to the Ubuntu Mozilla Team: | Mailing List: ubuntu-mozillateam@lists.ubuntu.com | Please help Mozilla QA tracker: http://tinyurl.com/6yo6g7 | Firefox 3 released to hardy-updates! | Next meeting will be held on Sunday, 3rd August, 18:00 UTC (agenda available at: http://tinyurl.com/2ekzoq )
[18:42] <asac> Volans: ok appears to be that they moved to a google calendar, but the webste is not integrated yet
[18:43] <asac> he will add it to the old db as well for now
[18:43] <asac> at least i think that he will ;)
[18:43] <Volans> ok, no problem, and the bot in the meeting channel il related to the google calendar?
[18:44] <Volans> I have added the date to this channel topic
[18:57] <armin76> buuuuuuuuuuumb!
[18:57] <armin76> !info firefox-3.0
[18:57] <ubottu> firefox-3.0 (source: firefox-3.0): safe and easy web browser from Mozilla. In component main, is optional. Version 3.0+nobinonly-0ubuntu0.8.04.1 (hardy), package size 1038 kB, installed size 3552 kB
[18:57] <armin76> omg not bumbed! :D
[19:03] <Volans> asac: he have added the meeting to the fridge calendar ;)
[19:04] <Volans> ehm.. Etc/GMT??? perhaps UTC/GMT -> http://fridge.ubuntu.com/node/1595
[19:09] * Volans go to dinner... see you
[19:09] <Volans> maybe we can put the agenda page on the announce in the fridge like others announcemet
[19:09] <Volans> bye
[21:53] <fretchen> Hello, I try to build sunbird from source. Two days ago everything worked fine, so I should have installed all the libs. But if i try to built the trunk or the 0.8 release, I get the following error message : /usr/include/pango-1.0/pango/pangocairo.h:71: erreur: «cairo_font_type_t» does not name a type . Does anyone know help for this ?
[22:08] <Jazzva> asac, what are we gonna do with extensions' merges? Are we gonna blacklist them on mom/dad?
[22:34] <asac> Jazzva: depends on whether we moved the extension to the new infrastructure yet I'd say
[22:34] <Jazzva> asac, moz-devscr and xpi.template? that infrastructure?
[22:48] <Jazzva> asac, can we check which extensions have been moved and then to ask for those to be blacklisted?
[22:49] <asac> Jazzva: hmm. if there is no debian package we probably dont need to blacklist them ;)
[22:49] <asac> Jazzva: yeha. moz-devscript + our branches
[22:49] <Jazzva> asac, of course... for those that have a package in debian ;))
[22:49] <Jazzva> there are few of them
[22:58] <asac> Jazzva: yeah. i guess we should start a first round of updates in the next week ;)
[22:58] <asac> Jazzva: does the check-extension script still work?
[22:58] * asac runs it ;)
[22:59] <asac> lets see what happens
[23:00] <asac> hmm upstream version is always empty
[23:01] <Jazzva> not sure... haven't tested it...
[23:01] <Jazzva> :)
[23:01] <asac> too bad still no upstream version
[23:01] <asac> http://paste.ubuntu.com/28823/
[23:02] <asac> thats what i got so far
[23:02] <asac> apparently lal branches are checked
[23:02] <Jazzva> am I stupid, or there is no reason why some branches are indented?
[23:04] <Jazzva> yes, upstream missing...
[23:04] <asac> not sure
[23:05] <asac> it looks that way on the terminal
[23:05] <asac> some columns appear to be right-indent
[23:05] <asac> maybe that one is pseudo-center ;)
[23:05] <Jazzva> hehe
[23:05] <fta> hi
[23:05] <asac> but looks strange ;)
[23:05] <fta> i'm back
[23:06] <asac> hah, right on time ;)
[23:06] <Jazzva> hey, fta :)
[23:06] <asac> fta: welcome
[23:06] <Jazzva> welcome back
[23:06] <fta> my desktop is all broken :( bad intrepid
[23:06] <asac> oh
[23:06] <asac> mine is still working ;)
[23:07] <asac> havent updated for a few days though iirc
[23:08] <Jazzva> i'm still on hardy :P
[23:08] <Jazzva> (and seems like i'm gonna stay on it for a while :(. because of projects for school i have to write, i need it stable)
[23:08] <fta> nvidia-glx-new is gone, and the new one is buggy (of course, the transition didn't work at all, i ended-up in 800x600 vesa), now I have huge stripes on the screen when i play videos
[23:08] <fta> pulse audio is once again broken
[23:09] <fta> it plays by default on the pc speaker
[23:09] <fta> ff3 is once again fighting for the dsp
[23:10] <fta> xchat is no longer using the default browser for opening links
[23:10] <fta> i get ephy instead of ff
[23:10] <asac> yeah nvidia is busted
[23:10] <asac> fta: oh. is ephy configured as x-www-browser or gnome-www-browser ?
[23:11] <fta> lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 23 2008-07-17 22:57 /etc/alternatives/x-www-browser -> /usr/bin/epiphany-gecko*
[23:11] <asac> see
[23:11] <asac> ;)
[23:11] <fta> lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 23 2008-07-15 22:20 /etc/alternatives/gnome-www-browser -> /usr/bin/epiphany-gecko*
[23:12] <asac> fta: either ephy greedily set itself as new default in recent upgrades or xchat lost ability to use gnome config
[23:12] <fta> in my gnome prefs, i have ff
[23:12] <asac> yeah
[23:13] <asac> maybe there was a xchat-gnome which is now gone?
[23:13] <fta> my fonts are bad, i guess they broke fontconfig once again (the lcd filter)
[23:13] <fta> far too many problem in the last 2-3 weeks
[23:13] <fta> +s
[23:14] <fta> even my laptop is broken
[23:14] <fta> brightness now makes the desktop unusable
[23:14] <fta> damn
[23:14] <asac> yeah. i guess too few core-devs already running intrepid. most likely will change right after alpha 2
[23:16] <fta> btw, in my script, urls are aligned on firefox-extensions, no particular reason, looked nicer to me
[23:16] <fta> if upstream version is no longer there, amo changed something
[23:24] <asac> most likely
[23:34] <fta> fixed
[23:34] * asac pull
[23:34] <asac> in devtools branch?
[23:34] <asac> or was that about something else ;)
[23:34] <fta> not commit yet, testing
[23:34] <fta> +ted
[23:35] <asac> ah
[23:38] <fta> pushed
[23:47] <asac> fta: did nss upgrade in intrepid kick your a
[23:47] <asac> ***? :)
[23:47] <asac> just wonder because i think three days ago there was a bogus control in intrepid too
[23:48] <fta> don't think so.
[23:48] <asac> good. then the cure came in time for you ;)
[23:59] <asac> fta: Bug 220568
[23:59] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 220568 in firefox-3.0 "firefox font changed to narrower, less readable font" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/220568
[23:59] <asac> is that related to your font issues?
[23:59] <fta> my whole desktop changed