UbuntuIRC / 2008 /07 /20 /#ubuntu-marketing.txt
Initial commit
[00:01] <Flannel> pep: You can make sure you don't miss subpages with [[Navigation macro in the wiki too
[00:04] <Flannel> Or, whomever goes about moving it
[00:04] <hubuntu> Not sure about moving it
[00:04] <pep> mhh
[00:04] <pep> why hubuntu
[00:04] <pep> ?
[00:05] <pep> Flannel: I'm not sure I see what you mean with the [[Navigation macro, you can move it if you wish...
[00:05] <Flannel> That is... [[Nagivation(children)]] that'll give you a TOC of children which you can make sure all get moved (more importantly, none get left behind)
[00:05] <hubuntu> Cause is impportant to keep in mind that it's not only the diy part
[00:05] <Flannel> hubuntu: What does that have to do with moving it under /Projects?
[00:06] <pep> Ok, hubuntu we can put it in /SpreadUbuntu/OldProjects/..
[00:06] <hubuntu> Donno
[00:06] <Flannel> pep: Yeah, I dont mind doing it
[00:06] <Flannel> It'll just be /Projects/SpreadUbuntu/Old/*
[00:07] <Flannel> instead of /Projects/Spreadubuntu
[00:07] <Flannel> which means we can move our /Spreadubuntu into /Projects where it should be
[00:07] <pep> yes
[00:07] <pep> but we'll move diy-website too while we're at it
[00:08] <Flannel> Yeah
[00:08] <Flannel> I was just thinking that
[00:08] <pep> so /SpreadUbuntu/Old/SpreadUbuntu and SU/Old/diy-website, well you see what I mean :)
[00:08] <Flannel> Mhmm
[00:08] <Flannel> That way we don't lose the content, but still can cleanup the /MT section
[00:09] <pep> jupp
[00:09] <pep> it's good because they did a lot of work on it
[00:09] <hubuntu> Maybe /mt/projects/su ? Was that the proposition?
[00:10] <pep> yes, that will be where the current su will be
[00:10] <pep> let flannel do you'll like it ^^"
[00:10] <hubuntu> Oki
[00:10] <hubuntu> :)
[00:11] <Flannel> hubuntu: yeah, we'll move the current /MarketingTeam/SpreadUbuntu to /MarketingTeam/Projects/SpreadUbuntu and the old stuff to /MarketingTeam/Projects/SpreadUbuntu/Old/*
[00:12] <hubuntu> Well any other discussion issues?
[00:13] <pep> mh let me think
[00:14] <pep> sugui?
[00:14] <hubuntu> Meisok sigues ahi?
[00:14] <meisok> yes
[00:14] <hubuntu> Sugui is a wonderful idea, but we will most likely have to wait to fully implement it
[00:15] <hubuntu> It will be leonov with many plugins and specific for the repo project on LP
[00:16] <hubuntu> Leonov is a client for LP, so you can do everything you can do in LP but in a client. A lot of things can be done offline too. It is geniaal
[00:18] <pep> ahh yes, got to decide about a logo too... we've got this http://dicidailleurs.houbsi.org/uploads/file/su-pre.png and http://dicidailleurs.houbsi.org/uploads/file/SU-pre_2.png
[00:18] <hubuntu> It's meisoks idea
[00:18] <pep> Personally I like a world in the middle, but only one second layer, of either normal discs or small ubuntu logos.
[00:19] <pep> (sorry for interrupting, I like sugui, even if it's a little premature :-) but it's really good.)
[00:19] <Flannel> I like the fractal idea.
[00:20] <hubuntu> Fractal? Donno understand
[00:20] <pep> in the logo I think...
[00:20] <hubuntu> Ah ok
[00:20] <Flannel> I like the big logo
[00:21] <Flannel> (on the second link)
[00:21] <pep> I think it's too heavy..
[00:21] <Flannel> don't like the font of the first one. I think I like the second and third words on the first link
[00:21] <pep> and too triangular..
[00:21] <Flannel> pep: Perhaps the middle logo on the second link?
[00:21] <Flannel> only one layer deep?
[00:21] <pep> yes same for the writing
[00:22] <pep> yes exactly
[00:22] <pep> I like that one
[00:22] <pep> middle logo second link
[00:22] <pep> hubuntu? meisok? :)
[00:22] <pep> anyone else?
[00:23] <Flannel> I don't think we really need to decide on a logo at the current time ;)
[00:23] <hubuntu> Im watching
[00:23] <pep> nah just taking ideas Flannel
[00:23] <hubuntu> Surfing in a n810 and edge.. Takes time to nsee the link
[00:23] <pep> if anyone's got another subject go ahead
[00:24] <pep> hehe
[00:26] <hubuntu> Agree w logo in link 2
[00:26] <hubuntu> 2ndlogo in w<@ link
[00:27] <hubuntu> Logo 2 in link 2
[00:27] <hubuntu> Like ubuntu-title as font
[00:28] <hubuntu> The color play in lines 3 and 4 in link 1 is nice
[00:28] <hubuntu> Meisok?
[00:28] <meisok> i like all :P
[00:28] <hubuntu> ;)
[00:28] <meisok> but you can modify or create new ideas
[00:29] <meisok> *but I can...
[00:29] <hubuntu> Nice work as a start meisok and pep
[00:29] <hubuntu> Good to have designers with us
[00:29] <pep> heh, meisok is the designer :)
[00:29] <hubuntu> Graphical designers
[00:29] <pep> I'm just ful of too many ideas
[00:32] <meisok> :)
[00:32] <hubuntu> Ok... Now we have the classification system, the backend, the front end
[00:33] <hubuntu> Shall nwe register the project?
[00:33] <pep> well yes, classification system in the works
[00:33] <pep> hubuntu: at launchpad?
[00:33] <pep> uhn
[00:33] <pep> yes :)
[00:33] <pep> the spreadubuntu project
[00:33] <hubuntu> And can somebody explain how branches and bzr works?
[00:33] <pep> diy-spreadubuntu will be deleted hopefully :/
[00:33] <hubuntu> Yes, for the site code and the repo
[00:34] <hubuntu> Site involving diy and everything else we wll be up to
[00:34] <pep> I will pull the site code over once I've installed the couples of last modules
[00:35] <hubuntu> We should pull it once in a while
[00:35] <hubuntu> The db too
[00:37] <pep> yes
[00:37] <pep> I'll take care of it as I have ftp access, just e-mail me if you want it to be pulled for any reason
[00:37] <pep> mhh
[00:37] <hubuntu> :)L
[00:37] <Flannel> hubuntu: Register what project?
[00:38] <Flannel> hubuntu: we've already got one registered
[00:39] <hubuntu> I mean two branches (site code and site content(as in the repo))
[00:39] <hubuntu> Or register another for the repo and the material exclusively
[00:40] <pep> well taht has time realy
[00:40] <Flannel> We shouldn't register an official material one just yet, we can use the same one we're using for the code
[00:40] <pep> not exactly the same
[00:40] <pep> it will be deleted as it is under diy-spreadubuntu right now :/
[00:40] <Flannel> Because we'll want well defined test data
[00:40] <Flannel> pep: we have lp/spreadubuntu
[00:40] <pep> ah yes
[00:41] <pep> the old one sorry -_-
[00:41] <hubuntu> Ok
[00:41] <hubuntu> It sounds like the best approach till we go live
[00:41] <Flannel> Eh, even functional.
[00:42] <Flannel> I just don't want to open stuff up to commits before we have a somewhat working site. Since anyone who commits will have a moving target for structure/meta information/etc
[00:42] <pep> true
[00:42] <hubuntu> True
[00:43] <hubuntu> It's good to have people that knows their way in this team
[00:43] <hubuntu> I really believe we are going to achieve great results
[00:43] <pep> hehe
[00:43] <hubuntu> You guys are just good at what you do, which makes us agood as a team
[00:45] <hubuntu> Ok i have an off-topic question
[00:45] <pep> bring it on
[00:45] <hubuntu> I'm woeking in a video scrfipt for an ubuntu commerciaal
[00:46] <hubuntu> I'a goot actors, post production(/animation experts, profesional photographers anand the eager to make the most succesful viral videpo forubuntu
[00:46] <pep> (by the way this is our testserver if you didn't know: http://spreadubuntu.houbsi.org
[00:47] <hubuntu> We are 5 days away and are to work on the script
[00:47] <hubuntu> 5 days on vacation..
[00:48] <hubuntu> :)
[00:48] <hubuntu> Any ideas of what a ubuntu promo video should have?
[00:48] <hubuntu> I believe it should show ubuntu in the background of life
[00:49] <hubuntu> But not be central, just shown ubjuntu as part of people's lifes
[00:49] <hubuntu> (Children, grandpas, students, professionals, anyone/anywhere)
[00:49] <pep> depends what message you want to transmit.... accessible, complete, reliable...
[00:50] <hubuntu> I want to transmit that Ubuntu is just a part of life for some, and it could be part of yours too
[00:52] <pep> credibilising the use of linux
[00:52] <pep> =)
[00:52] <Flannel> hubuntu: You should talk to meoblast001 if you ever see him
[00:53] <hubuntu> Nickserv
[00:55] <hubuntu> Hhh
[00:55] <hubuntu> Thx Flannel
[00:56] <hubuntu> Does he work with video/promotiion?
[00:57] <Flannel> I... think so.
[00:57] <hubuntu> Know where he hangs?
[00:58] <Flannel> He was here last night
[00:58] <hubuntu> Ok... I'll look for him later.
[00:58] <Flannel> er... 17-13 hours ago
[00:58] <pep> Last seen : Jul 19 10:09:20 2008 (13 hours, 44 minutes, 46 seconds ago)
[00:59] <hubuntu> I saw it pep
[00:59] <hubuntu> ;) Thx
[01:00] <pep> and if you were asking for his location, I suppose Ohio, trusting his IP
[01:02] <hubuntu> Didn't check that... ;)
[01:04] <pep> heh
[01:05] <pep> got nothing to do at 2 am
[01:05] <pep> :)
[01:05] <meisok> hehe
[01:07] <Flannel> Alright. I've moved the stuff to /Old/ and the new stuff under /Projects. The old SpreadUbuntu is now /MT/Projects/SpreadUbuntu/Old/Spread, because for some reason /SpreadUbuntu wouldn't work
[01:07] <pep> maybe too many steps to jump
[01:09] <Flannel> I don
[01:09] <Flannel> I don't think so, since it's subpage went to /SpreadUbuntu/Whatever fine
[01:09] <Flannel> but, its no big deal either way
[01:09] <Flannel> I've updated /Projects/ I don't know what else might need to eb updated though
[01:10] <pep> ah right I see
[01:10] <Flannel> Just sort of odd
[01:16] <hubuntu> Ood?
[01:16] <hubuntu> Are we gOod?
[01:22] <pep> still to prove ;-
[01:22] <pep> ;)
[01:24] <hubuntu> Flannel, pep, meisok and everyone else who is reading (cody ;) thanks. I'm off
[01:24] <pep> bye
[01:25] <hubuntu> We should think of the blueprints/task part of the LP project
[01:25] <hubuntu> And how to continue (use cases documented normally in the wiki)
[01:25] <hubuntu> Ok.. Good night/day
[01:26] <pep> good idea the use cases
[01:26] <pep> gdnight
[01:27] <Flannel> Bye hubuntu
[01:28] <meisok> gdnight
[01:28] <meisok> all..
[01:28] <hubuntu> Bye people's
[01:28] <hubuntu> Asomen
[01:28] <pep> bye meisok
[01:28] <hubuntu> ;)
[01:28] <pep> (everyone's leaving :-)
[01:28] <meisok> ciao! pep hubuntu Flannel ;)
[01:28] <pep> let's keep saying goodbye for another hour
[01:28] <pep> plz
[01:29] <pep> bye hubuntu
[01:29] <pep> sleep well meisok
[01:29] <pep> xD
[01:29] <pep> (sorry :p)
[01:29] <pep> I'm tired :)
[01:29] <meisok> XD
[01:30] <pep> was online until 5am yesterday and got up at half past 7 \o/
[01:32] <meisok> yeah!!
[01:33] <hubuntu> 5 almost but stood up 1130 ;)
[04:32] <meoblast001> hi
[05:18] <meoblast001> hi ppl
[05:20] <Flannel> Howdy meoblast001
[05:21] <meoblast001> Flanne: hi how is life going
[05:22] <meoblast001> Flannel rather
[05:22] <Flannel> meoblast001: Going fine. How about yourself?
[05:23] <meoblast001> Flannel: same old crappy life
[05:44] <meoblast001> hola
[05:44] <meoblast001> BHSPitLappy
[05:44] <BHSPitLappy> hi?
[05:45] <meoblast001> hi =D
[05:59] <meoblast001> Flannel: so what's been going on here previos to me joining?
[06:09] <Flannel> meoblast001: Not a whole lot. We had a discussion this afternoon regarding spreadubuntu details
[06:09] <meoblast001> Flannel: whats spreadubuntu?
[06:10] <Flannel> Its one of the projects the marketing team is currently working on. A website that is a repository for Ubuntu materials (posters, flyers, images, etc) and an information site to new users (what Ubuntu is, how to get it, etc)
[06:21] <meoblast001> Flannel: oh