UbuntuIRC / 2008 /07 /20 /#kubuntu.txt
Initial commit
[00:00] <genii> SuperMonster: Likely the boot image doesn't know what kind of driver to use for the device it is booting from. If you have an external USB enclosure with cd I'd try install from there.
[00:01] <SuperMonster> Enclousure ?
[00:02] <dedi_> genii: tried it, no luck
[00:02] <genii> SuperMonster: External box
[00:02] <genii> dedi_: I'm out of immediate ideas on it then
[00:03] <SuperMonster> genii: I have 2 external USB2 hard drives, and 2 networked computers.
[00:04] <genii> SuperMonster: You could plug a CD drive into the ribbon of one of the external hd boxes instead of the hd and try from there.
[00:05] <SuperMonster> genii: I didn't have this error back on my old p2 system. Or I did, and I restarted and it'd load without errors. I don't understand what is the big deal now.
[00:05] <genii> SuperMonster: I had this same issue with Asus p5k motherboard, the cd install always choked when it tried to decide what IDE/SATA driver to use. But it got finished when I used the external CD
[00:05] <SuperMonster> genii: Perhaps I should disconnect all non-needed devices to see if it boots ?
[00:05] <dedi_> genii: thanks anyway :) i will remove gnome :D just trying to find out whats the best way to remove the most but dont break gnome apps
[00:06] <SuperMonster> genii: Such as the external HDs ?
[00:06] <genii> SuperMonster: Since the installer has drivers for external USB devices built in it works right off. From external hd I have not tried however, just external CD
[00:08] <SuperMonster> genii: are you saying to hook one of my ribbon cables in to one of my other computers ?
[00:08] <SuperMonster> (CD drives)
[00:09] <genii> SuperMonster: You said you have 2 external USB2 hard drives, yes?
[00:09] <SuperMonster> Yes.
[00:09] <genii> SuperMonster: If so, you can open up the box, unhook the HD that is in it. Then plug into there a CD unit instead
[00:09] <genii> Then try install from that
[00:10] <SuperMonster> Both the computer, and the External hard drives are under warenty.
[00:10] <genii> SuperMonster: Ah, then perhaps not
[00:10] <genii> SuperMonster: Is the other computer already running a linux?
[00:11] <SuperMonster> The other computers are used by other family members.
[00:11] <SuperMonster> So no.
[00:11] <genii> OK
[00:11] <genii> I was going to suggest a netboot way instead but you'd have to commandeer one of their boxes for that
[00:12] <SuperMonster> I could take one over when they aren't grabing around. Yes, but not install linux on them.
[00:13] <genii> SuperMonster: You can use livecd actually for netboot way. You need 2 cd drives in the box for this way though
[00:13] <genii> One for livecd, one for installing to remote box with
[00:14] <SuperMonster> My old P2 system has 2 CD drives
[00:14] <SuperMonster> CD-ROM and a CD-RW
[00:14] <SuperMonster> The CD-ROM is shady though
[00:14] <genii> SuperMonster: That would work, if the CDROM holds up.
[00:15] <SuperMonster> That is very unlikley, sometimes it wont even open anymore. And sometimes it doesn't read. So I just unplugged it.
[00:16] <djmaze> As a developer and Fedora user i have a few questions regarding kubuntu. Any project insider around?
[00:18] <genii> djmaze: Perhaps enquire in #kubuntu-devel #ubuntu-devel or #ubuntu-motu
[00:18] <djmaze> thanks will look there
[00:19] <genii> SuperMonster: Hmm. Did you try Alternate CD yet? It may give something informative on the stdout console of alt-f4 which could help decide what the problem is
[00:20] <SuperMonster> No. I just used the CDs I got from shipit or whatever
[00:21] <genii> SuperMonster: I would suggest d/l the alternate cd (unless impossible like on dialup or so) and attempt install from there
[00:21] <SuperMonster> One person said I could try using "F1" for some boot options ?
[00:22] <genii> SuperMonster: The cd has some primitive help on it there, kernel options you could tell it or such. But probably nothing useful in this specific instance
[00:24] <SuperMonster> And I have sat, so I have a daily "FAP"
[00:30] <SuperMonster> What would the alternative CD have the current shiped one doesn't BTW?
[00:30] <_2> !alternate
[00:30] <ubottu> The Alternate CD is a classical text-mode install CD. It supports a wider range of hardware than the !LiveCD, and can also be used as an upgrade CD. Look for the alternate checkbox on the Kubuntu download page - See also !minimal - Torrent at http://releases.ubuntu.com/kubuntu/8.04/kubuntu-8.04-alternate-i386.iso.torrent
[00:32] <Pici> Its not a LiveCD
[00:32] <SuperMonster> So it has a better chance of working?
[00:33] <genii> Yes, with more hardware drivers
[00:33] * _2 wonders what means "LiveCD"
[00:34] <SuperMonster> So the install will not be graphical and such ?
[00:34] <genii> Text, yes
[00:35] <_2> the installer will not have pictures. the installed system should.
[00:35] <SuperMonster> OK
[00:35] <SuperMonster> LOL yeah of course.
[00:35] <genii> _2: livecd runs the actual OS from itself. The alternate and server cd don't do this, only install the system
[00:35] <_2> genii then the alternate install CD is a "LiveCD"
[00:36] <genii> _2: No, it doesn't run (k)ubuntu off the cd only installs it
[00:36] <_2> genii they both "alternate and server" run the ubuntu/linux system
[00:36] <_2> yes it does.
[00:36] <genii> Mine don't
[00:36] <_2> it doesn't start a gui but the *buntu system is running.
[00:36] <_2> boot the thing and press alt+f2
[00:37] <genii> Well you can get busybox
[00:37] <genii> But thats not a fullblown system
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[00:37] <_2> is it "busybox" ?
[00:37] <genii> Yes
[00:37] <_2> sense what versiom ?
[00:38] <_2> certenly didn't used to be
[00:38] <SuperMonster> So do I need the "server edition" or is the alternative CD labeled still "alternative"
[00:38] <genii> my 6.06 through current all have busybox on console 2 and 3 for instance and a stdout on console 4
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[00:39] <genii> SuperMonster: Alternate is better for you, the server cd installs apache,mysql and php and ni gui
[00:39] <genii> *no gui
[00:40] <SuperMonster> Yeah, never mind that.
[00:40] <_2> genii hmmm busybox shell but at any rate that is even a "live system" but i'll not persue this any farther
[00:40] <SuperMonster> BTW: "Check here if you need the alternate desktop CD. This CD does not include the Live CD, instead it uses a text-based installer."
[00:41] <genii> SuperMonster: Thats the one
[00:41] <SuperMonster> Yeah I was just clearing up that mumbo jumbo said that confused the hell out of me :-)
[00:43] <genii> SuperMonster: Anyhow, if install is failing on text install, you can toggle to 4th console with alt-f4 to see what messages it's spitting out,, which could be informative. You can return to install screen with alt-f1
[00:43] <SuperMonster> So this would be better than "Hey, I messed up and sent you to BusyBox" ?
[00:43] <SuperMonster> And actual get me somewhere on what the issue was?
[00:44] <genii> Yes, hopefully :)
[00:44] <SuperMonster> I am guessing I can download whatever Ubuntu I want, and use whatever graphical interface later , KDE,Gnome,etc?
[00:44] <SuperMonster> and the outcome of the error should be the same ?
[00:45] <SuperMonster> (since it is now)
[00:47] <genii> SuperMonster: All the normal discs have a common base install, then ubuntu-desktop xubuntu-desktop or xubuntu-desktop as a package which decides if gnome xfce or kde. The server install is a special case which uses another method called tasksel
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[00:48] <genii> I put xubuntu-desktop twice, one of those should be kubuntu-desktop :)
[00:49] <_2> and all the other *buntu's
[00:49] <SuperMonster> I don't see the alternative CD on shipit, bleh.
[00:49] <genii> SuperMonster: I know. I wish they would ship those
[00:50] <SuperMonster> genii: I wish they'd ship Xubuntu also.
[00:50] <genii> SuperMonster: For now only Gnome and KDE are official versions
[00:50] <di48lo_> how do I change the boot sound?
[00:50] <SuperMonster> genii: Xubuntu isn't "offical" ?
[00:51] <genii> SuperMonster: Not as far as I know
[00:51] <SuperMonster> I thought it was, just not Fluxubuntu or whatever
[00:51] * SuperMonster shrugs
[00:51] <_2> _album - Live album [------]
[00:51] <_2> heh. oops
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[00:53] <gkffjcs> hello all, where is documentation kept in ubuntu I installed a package that was supposed to have documentation, but I have no Idea where to find it.
[00:55] <genii> Usually they are in somewhere like /usr/share/ubuntu-docs
[00:55] <gkffjcs> ahh! found it, thanks
[01:01] <icheyne> !pcm
[01:01] <ubottu> Sorry, I don't know anything about pcm
[01:02] <epimeth> hi guys... I'm pretty confused. I've installed openssh server a number of times without problems before, but it isn't working for me now
[01:02] <epimeth> the server is not responding to what seems to be *anything*
[01:03] <epimeth> ping requests just hang, as does the ssh request
[01:03] <dr_Willis> sounds almost like firewall rules.
[01:03] <epimeth> I didn't set any
[01:03] <dr_Willis> but i dont recall ever seeing ping just 'hang'
[01:03] <_2> epimeth iptables -L
[01:03] <epimeth> and I know that none are configured by default
[01:04] <_2> actually there are iptables rules by default they are just all "accept"
[01:04] <epimeth> all are policy ACCEPT
[01:04] <epimeth> _2: ^
[01:05] <_2> epimeth i'd sujest you purge it and reload it then. you may have a borked sshd_conf
[01:06] <massive> hey, is there someone that can tell me where i can find source file editor for cpp files in qt 4 ??
[01:06] <epimeth> _2: how do I purge and reload?
[01:07] <lavacano201014> OK, things have changed since I installed Kubuntu last time.
[01:07] <_2> epimeth apt-get remove --purge openssh-* ;apt-get install ssh
[01:07] <_2> as root of course
[01:07] <lavacano201014> I reinstalled just because my hard drive filled up, and Amarok doesn't tell me it can't do MP3s the same way.
[01:07] <hsystemx> epimeth: sudo dpkg --purge PACKAGEname
[01:07] <epimeth> _2: ahh... I thought you meant the rules
[01:08] <Pici> lavacano201014: install the kubuntu-restricted-extras package
[01:08] <hsystemx> for reinstalling then just do apt- or aptitude stuff.
[01:08] <lavacano201014> Pici: Thanks
[01:08] <Pici> lavacano201014: no problem :)
[01:08] <_2> epimeth no they are telling you that iptables (firewall) is NOT the issue
[01:08] * lavacano201014 will wait for the updater to finish then do so
[01:09] <epimeth> lol... I know :-)
[01:09] <_2> epimeth and testing your sshd on localhost is a good idea. it will also rule out upstream blockage
[01:09] <dr_Willis> ssh issue wouldent be affecting ping however..
[01:09] <dr_Willis> yes. need to determine if its a server issue, or local box issue.
[01:10] <_2> ping ? i must have missed that
[01:10] <epimeth> so here's the thing... sshing localhost works
[01:10] <epimeth> yea, ping doesn't work either
[01:10] <dr_Willis> <epimeth> ping requests just hang, as does the ssh request
[01:10] <epimeth> yea
[01:10] <_2> ok it's upstream
[01:10] <dr_Willis> you are ssh/pinging by ip? or by name?
[01:10] <_2> step to the next gateway and test.
[01:11] <epimeth> by ip
[01:11] <epimeth> name doesn't work as I have not yet set up the dns
[01:11] <sky_> hello everyone, I need some help, I installed kubuntu on my PC, when I install the ATI drivers (I have a radeon X700) the screen goes all black and I can't acess x server
[01:11] <dr_Willis> and the ip of the server is correct? :) Not a typo.. heh.
[01:11] <epimeth> I'm actually setting up the server now but since I'm borrowing the monitor and keyboard I want to get ssh working first
[01:11] <massive> edit /etc/X11/xorg.conf
[01:12] <_2> !ati | sky_
[01:12] <massive> i've x1600 and there were some problems
[01:12] <epimeth> dr_Willis: yea, its correct
[01:12] <sky_> ok what do I edit ?
[01:12] <ubottu> sky_: For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto
[01:13] <_2> dr_Willis i'll leave you and epimeth to sort that out, too many cooks can burn kool-aide ;/
[01:14] <hsystemx> sky , use envy. sudo apt-get install envy
[01:14] <jhutchins_lt> !sata
[01:14] <ubottu> Sorry, I don't know anything about sata
[01:14] <epimeth> dr_Willis: you still with me? :-(
[01:15] <dr_Willis> I got a grandbaby running around the house. i may have to run after him at any time. :)
[01:15] <dr_Willis> 2 yr olds are so fun.
[01:15] <dr_Willis> 'stop sticking a fork in the outlet!' :)
[01:16] <epimeth> _2: its okay, I can take multiple inputs :-)
[01:16] <dr_Willis> but im here for now. :)
[01:16] <dr_Willis> but im out of ideas.
[01:16] <epimeth> dr_Willis: awww
[01:16] <epimeth> dr_Willis: and you're the grandad so you can spoil him/her rotten!
[01:18] <dr_Willis> Yep.
[01:19] <epimeth> lets add some weirdness now! I ssh from the server to the client successfully and then I can ssh from the client back to the server successfully
[01:19] <dr_Willis> I think its time to enable verbose logging for the ssh server. :) can you ping sucessfully now?
[01:20] <dr_Willis> verbose logging for the client also - may help.. its sounding very weird.. Your dog dident chew on the network cables did it?
[01:20] <epimeth> not at all
[01:20] <epimeth> what network cables? what dog, for that matter?
[01:20] <epimeth> :-)
[01:21] <epimeth> but yea.... no ping, and now I can't ssh into the client
[01:21] <epimeth> wtf?!?!?
[01:21] <dr_Willis> So this is a wireless network?
[01:21] <dr_Willis> Dident turn on the microwave?
[01:21] <dr_Willis> Ive about totally given up on wireless for now.
[01:22] <epimeth> I was wrong... it was just slow
[01:22] <epimeth> okay, so I'm connected to the laptop (client) from the server now
[01:22] <epimeth> laptop is wireless, server is wired
[01:22] <epimeth> hrm... now it *is* responding to pings?!?!
[01:23] <epimeth> and now it isn't
[01:24] <epimeth> garr
[01:30] <di48lo_> how do I change the look of the main toolbar in kde4?
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[01:33] <epimeth> thanks anyway, guys... I gotta run
[01:33] <epimeth> di48lo_: click on the icon thingy on the right of the toolbar
[01:43] <sponix> anyone else in here have issues with k3b 1.0.4 kdelibs 3.5.9 ? Laptop stops burning DVD's and errors at 50% all the time, and Desktop the drive itself gives a scsi hardware error, and fails to respond after burning 1 DVD, have to reboot the box to get the DVD drive to respond again ... Using Ubuntu 8.04.1
[01:44] <_2> 2 yr olds indeed. and the stop sticking the fork in the outlet thingy makes me think. i'm more of a tell them what will happen if they do it, and that it will hurt, and then; if they still want to, let them. seems much more efficent to me. going around trying to make life "safe" is futile in the first place and in the second place they will figure out how to remove the safty cover and stick the fork in there anyway. a
[01:44] <_2> sponix file a bug and check the bug reports
[01:45] <sponix> just find it hard to believe that no one else is having the same issues
[01:46] <_2> if they are, what makes you think they will be in here right now ?
[01:46] <sky_> hey I got it ???
[01:46] <sky_> I have 3d now
[01:46] <sky_> but when I try to usa visual efects
[01:46] <sky_> the screen goes all white
[01:47] <_2> sounds like ati to me
[01:47] <sky_> it is
[01:47] <sky_> X700
[01:48] <sky_> _2 any sugestions ???
[01:48] <_2> sky_ no. sorry.
[01:48] <sky_> np
[01:48] <_2> sky_ other than "don't buy propritary hardware" ;/
[01:49] <_2> open source people have been screeming that for two decades it's just not being heard.
[01:49] <genii> sponix: My reply from #ubuntu-offtopic to you: [20:46:55] <genii> sponix: I find if you have verifying on and it's alaptop drive which doesn't respond to the command it gives to eject and reload, it halts at 50%
[01:51] * genii screems some more for good measure
[01:52] <_2> :)
[01:52] <_2> it's just not being heard
[01:53] <sponix> genii: yeah, that is a good call, but I don't have it set to verify, and it truely is only a 50% burn, the DVD is unreadable/unusable after
[01:53] <sponix> genii: good thought though
[01:57] <genii> sponix: Perhaps you only have 2Gb (half a DVD's worth) of swap space or combo of available ram/swap space
[01:58] <_2> genii what would that have to do with it ? i use k3b with no swap and only 256m ram /tmp might affect it but ram/swap ?
[01:59] <sponix> genii: another good though, but my root / and crap / both have well over 4G free, and this box has 2G of ram with nothing going...
[02:00] <genii> _2: I had this issue previously when burning cds when swap was less than 700Mb. dunno why
[02:00] <_2> genii hmm in hardy ?
[02:01] <genii> _2: Feisty actually
[02:02] <_2> maybe some "write to ram" special trick they tried in that version ? idk. never saw any such an issue.
[02:02] <sponix> hmm, I do only have 2G of Swap, but never had an issue prior
[02:03] <_2> sponix test if you want to. sudo swapoff -a and try to burn one. that should tell if that's the cause or not.
[02:03] <sponix> the default gnome burning app Brasero (or whatever) seems to do just fine on my desktop, it doesn't lock the drive, and haven't tried it on this laptop to see if it does past 50% burns yet though
[02:05] <di48lo> how do I change the boot sound??
[02:06] <_2> there is a size limitation on swap and on ram kernel can only access so much reguardless of what is actually there. you might setup 20T of swap space but only 4g (i386) will be accessable iirc
[02:06] <_2> system settings system sounds
[02:08] <sponix> _2: yeah, worth a shot on the 50% burn thing... Seems strange though, because a lot of systems don't even use swap these days
[02:08] <fkm> di48lo, "System Settings" > "Notifications" > "System Notifications" > "KDE is starting up"
[02:08] <di48lo> I dont seem to have an option there for start sound
[02:09] <_2> sponix i haven't used swap in several years (excption being photo editing which needs more ram than i actually have)
[02:10] <magic_ninja> how is kde these days
[02:10] <_2> di48lo what kde ?
[02:10] <_2> magic_ninja healthy wealthy and wise
[02:11] <_2> well maybe no so wealthy
[02:11] <magic_ninja> i've noticed quite a few of the best apps out there are for kde, i was thinking about trying it out
[02:11] <_2> and maybe not so wise
[02:11] <_2> maybe i should have just said "fat and sassy"
[02:11] <Pici> For KDE? Most applications are not tied to a specific DE
[02:11] <magic_ninja> what is it....kubuntu-desktop
[02:12] <_2> magic_ninja if you want the ubuntu'ized fell then yes, else "kde"
[02:12] <magic_ninja> Pici, they aren't, but you can tell the differences
[02:13] <_2> yeah tied to "gtk" or to "qt"
[02:13] <di48lo> so anyone got any tips on how to change my boot sound?
[02:13] <di48lo> kde4-kubuntu-compiz
[02:14] <magic_ninja> damn 500mb
[02:14] <_2> di48lo ah kde4
[02:14] <_2> !kde4 | di48lo
[02:14] <ubottu> di48lo: KDE 4.0.5 is the latest major release of the K Desktop Environment. Packages can be found at http://kubuntu.org/announcements/kde-4.0.5.php - Support in #kubuntu-kde4
[02:14] <di48lo> yeah
[02:14] <magic_ninja> that package isn't found di48lo
[02:15] <di48lo> hmm, so I can't?
[02:15] <_2> di48lo Support in #kubuntu-kde4
[02:15] <di48lo> I used to use mandriva and there were sweet menus for all this stuff but am having trouble finding this setting
[02:15] <_2> if you ask in there. you "might" get an answer
[02:16] <di48lo> cheers guys
[02:19] <_2> what's wrong with this statement "On computers, optical discs were originally intended for storing video."
[02:20] <_2> sounds like a third graders sciense report.
[02:20] <_2> it's from wikipidia, what would one expect...
[02:24] <_2> "However, in the case of Linux, the free operating system was meeting resistance in the consumer market because of the difficulty and effort and risk involved with installing an additional partition on the hard disk, particularly the ext2 filesystem. " <<< methinks the author was high on crack...
[02:28] <sponix> http://www.timhardy.net/wordpress/bytopic/howto/ ............ This seems to be my problem with k3b
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[02:33] <scripted_> hi
[02:34] <scripted_> can someone answer a couple of noob linux questions for me?
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[02:37] <_2> sponix did you also file a bug ?
[02:37] <alaQ> scripted_: feel free to ask anything.
[02:38] <_2> scripted_ it's call kcontrol
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[02:39] <scripted_> i just wanna know how i can tell how much space is left on a hard drive. im used to windows and when right clicking a drive and going to properties it gives you a graphical representation of how much has been used. where can i view something similar
[02:39] <sponix> _2: haven't yet, was going to try the work around, but been a long time since I've built anything from source, looking for the fancy apt-get to tell it to install the source and crap for k3b deps
[02:40] <_2> "LiveDistros can be used for many purposes, including...cracking/stealing passwords" wikipidia
[02:40] <reldruh> scripted_: the easiest way I've found to do that is to open konqueror, right click on any folder and go to properties
[02:40] <reldruh> scripted_: the last line should give you the information you're looking for
[02:40] <_2> sponix sudo apt-get install build-essential ;sudo apt-get source k3b
[02:41] <_2> scripted_ df -h
[02:41] <sponix> _2: know where it dumps the sources ?
[02:42] <grinias> scripted_: df -h from a konsole
[02:42] <_2> sponix /usr/src by defautl
[02:42] <scripted_> ty
[02:43] <sponix> _2: actually, seems it dumped k3b in CWD ;)
[02:43] <_2> there is a gui "pie chart" type disk usage thingy i don't recall it's name
[02:43] <_2> sponix heh cool
[02:43] <scripted_> even the command to get the usage is helpful thanx.
[02:44] <_2> df == disk free du == disk usage
[02:44] <_2> du -sh
[02:44] <sponix> _2: so, if I do apt-get build-dep k3b, and it installs all those deps, will apt-get autoremove or apt-get remove build-dep k3b do anything for me to unclutter my system ?
[02:44] <_2> ^ that will show space used in the $PWD
[02:45] <scripted_> thanks. its just taken me hours to install xfi soundcard driver and winmx.
[02:45] <scripted_> didnt fancy spending another couple of hours trying to find out
[02:45] <_2> sponix sorry you lost me at the third left turn
[02:47] <scripted_> bbl
[02:48] <scripted_> thanks again
[02:48] <_2> sponix ok i have reread that Q a few times. short answer is idk.
[02:49] <_2> sponix if it doesn't try installing and useing deborphan alternatively debfoster is quite handy.
[02:55] <R2LM> How do you use Pulseaudio in Kubuntu? When I go to Kmenu > KDE System Settings > Sound System > Hardware, and where I select the audio device (ALSA, OSS, etc) there's no Pulseaudio listed. Don't I need to specify it here?
[03:01] <_2> ( /bin/echo -e "\nDisk Free Space Information:" ;/bin/df -lh ;/bin/echo -e "/nDisk Usage Information for $PWD" ;/usr/bin/du -sh ;/bin/echo -e "\n\nProcess table listing in tarressed format" ;ps fax ) | less
[03:03] <_2> !pulseaudio
[03:03] <ubottu> PulseAudio is a sound server intended as a drop-in replacement for !ESD - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PulseAudio for information and installation instructions
[03:03] <_2> R2LM see if that helps ^
[03:03] <kaiwen> hi, does anyone know how to install mac os x or html widgets in plasma?
[03:04] <_2> !kde4 | kaiwen probably someone in there --->
[03:04] <_2> if the bot ever catches up
[03:04] <kaiwen> no one is there
=== keith_ is now known as compilerwriter
[03:08] <_2> "LiveDistros can be used for many purposes, including...cracking/stealing passwords..." << wikipidia.org - true, but; i would think it hardly needs pointed out... so can just about any boot disk...
[03:09] <kaiwen> so no one knows how?
[03:09] <kaiwen> there isn't any documentation online
[03:09] <kaiwen> about how to install them
[03:10] <bazhang> #kubuntu-kde4 kaiwen
[03:12] <bazhang> http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=752772 coming in kde4.1 kaiwen
[03:13] <kaiwen> not necessarily
[03:13] <kaiwen> it already works
[03:13] <kaiwen> somehow
[03:13] <kaiwen> other people hav esaid
[03:14] <bazhang> who said this kaiwen ? got a link? because google delivers a goose egg
[03:14] <kaiwen> wait, there is a guy at kubuntu-kde4
[03:14] <kaiwen> u can
[03:14] <bazhang> then ask in that channel kaiwen
[03:15] <kaiwen> i am
[03:16] <dedi__> now my remote X sessions dont use gnome anymore, but kde3.5 instead of kde4 :>
[03:20] <_2> ~/.dmrc
[03:25] <dr_Willis> Hmm... wikipidia.org goes to ---> http://www.ndparking.com/wikipidia.org
[03:28] <_2> ?
[03:28] <_2> yeah it does
[03:28] <_2> strange
[03:29] <dr_Willis> 'name domain parking
[03:30] <dr_Willis> 'name domain parking' = Sneak In the back door advertising.. :)
[03:31] <_2> you know. i don't hava a problem with advertisments sense i started browsing the web in the console
[03:31] <dr_Willis> when a site acts like its a 'search' engine. :) just to show you ads.. i have issues.. :)
[03:32] <_2> i do find the occasional "flash" site that i just can't see...
[03:32] <dr_Willis> I did find a site the other day that had a Anti-virus popup/animation that made it look like it was scanning your suste, and finding viruses.
[03:32] <_2> dr_Willis heh. but i don't see adds
[03:32] <dr_Willis> I should of bookmarked it. :)
[03:32] <dr_Willis> You dont see much
[03:32] <dr_Willis> you dont miss much either.
[03:33] <_2> :)
[03:33] <genii> dr_Willis: Hehe there was one like that insisted i install antivirus2000 or such. Apparently I had corrupted a .dll someplace
[03:33] <_2> it's probably still in the history
[03:33] <dr_Willis> genii, that sounds like the one i saw
[03:34] <genii> dr_Willis: I downloaded the installer and scanned it with clamav but didn't find anything in it
[03:34] <dr_Willis> iver trained the wife to click on the 'x' button to close any popups.. Not the Ok/Cancle buttons. :)
[03:34] <_2> on the one hand i'd like to see the page. on the other there are no "popup" anything in the console
[03:35] <dr_Willis> genii, heh. This one looked like it was running 'just an animation' that seemed to be a program that was actually scanning your syustem,.. then finding a virus.. then linking ya to a site to buy protection
[03:35] <hsystemx> !unlock apt
[03:35] <ubottu> Sorry, I don't know anything about unlock apt
[03:35] <hsystemx> !lock
[03:35] <ubottu> Sorry, I don't know anything about lock
[03:35] <genii> dr_Willis: Sounds like the same one, yeah
[03:35] <dr_Willis> gotta love a xp-clone fake dialog box, on a linux machine
[03:35] <hsystemx> !lock apt
[03:35] <ubottu> Sorry, I don't know anything about lock apt
[03:35] <genii> !aptfix
[03:35] <ubottu> If an APT front-end crashed and your database is locked, try this in a !terminal: « sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a »
[03:35] <hsystemx> !lapt
[03:35] <ubottu> Sorry, I don't know anything about lapt
[03:35] <_2> !adeptcrashfix
[03:35] <_2> ah the bot is ignoring me ?
[03:36] <genii> _2: Nah it points to same factoid
[03:36] <spiel_mit_feuer> quick question.. is it better to have your /home partition as primary or logical?
[03:36] <genii> Primary
[03:36] <_2> genii oh yes. i see it, but eariler that wasint the case.
[03:37] <_2> spiel_mit_feuer depends on how you setup the rest of the disk actually
[03:37] <_2> there is a limit on primary partitions
[03:37] <hsystemx> damn i love konsole ... adept is unstable... prefer typing apt...
[03:37] <spiel_mit_feuer> there will be only 3 partitions.., /, /home, and swap
[03:37] <dr_Willis> spiel_mit_feuer, it dozsent really matter. I tend to use all primaries. since i dont use more then 4 partitions.
[03:37] <_2> i personally don't use either/any partitions
[03:38] <genii> I just don't like that logical partitions get messy if you have to try and revover data from there later
[03:38] <_2> spiel_mit_feuer i'm with dr_Willis on your answer there, if you only intend three, it doesn't really matter then
[03:38] <genii> *recover
[03:39] <_2> genii heh. yeah but: you aren't supposed to be "having to recover" data :)
[03:40] <_2> backups backups backups nothing can replace backups
[03:40] <dr_Willis> "Redundant array of fileservers"
[03:40] <spiel_mit_feuer> so.. should my /home be primary or logical though?
[03:40] <dr_Willis> for all my.. err.. vacation videos.. backing up
[03:40] <dr_Willis> spiel_mit_feuer, it does not matter.
[03:41] <dr_Willis> spiel_mit_feuer, may be easier in the long run to make it primary
[03:41] <spiel_mit_feuer> ok
[03:41] <_2> dr_Willis questionable vacation you have there :)))
[03:41] <genii> I actually have raid1 boot drives, then 5 disk raid5 for my data
[03:41] <spiel_mit_feuer> can i convert a logical to primary or no?
[03:41] <dr_Willis> its Research! Honest!
[03:41] <dr_Willis> spiel_mit_feuer, Not sure.. i always use primaries when i can
=== _2 is now known as Agent_bob
[03:41] <Agent_bob> research you say ?
[03:42] <dr_Willis> For my err.... Book! yea thats it...
[03:42] <dr_Willis> :P
[03:42] <spiel_mit_feuer> ok
[03:42] <spiel_mit_feuer> bbl
[03:44] <grinias> Agent_bob: use wubi
[03:45] <genii> Gah. Wubi
[03:45] <Agent_bob> grinias heh. i don't do windows
[03:45] * dr_Willis pukes at the mention of wubi. :)
[03:45] * genii spits in the general direction of wubi
[03:46] <dr_Willis> I do find virtualbox under windows + a few linux disrtos. to be handy
[03:46] <Agent_bob> i have ran qemu + win95 in linux a time or three
[03:47] <Agent_bob> copple of things that i hadn't "ripped" to foss yet needed attention. that's all
[03:47] <dr_Willis> wife was doign that for ages.. :) easier for me to 'backup' her windows setup that way and move it to new machines
[03:48] <Agent_bob> yeah and the hardware doesn't change either
[03:48] * Agent_bob remember the M$-reboot-os from years gone by
[03:49] <dr_Willis> a few times she would crash to linux, and get confused. :) I had her login to linux, auto start a minimal window manager, and vmware front end,
[03:50] <Agent_bob> dr_Willis why didn't you put the startup script into a loop that would check for a break command to bail out on
[03:50] <Agent_bob> then a crash would just restart the reboot-os
[03:51] <dr_Willis> I put a large icon on her desktop for her to run :) then she discovered pysol on the linux 'os under the os' and she started playing it more
[03:51] <Agent_bob> :)
[03:51] <Agent_bob> Xsol
[03:52] <Agent_bob> xboard too
[03:53] <dr_Willis> She likes this one 'kiddy' solitare game thats very easy. ;)
[03:53] <dr_Willis> Baby Spider or somthing like that
[03:54] <Agent_bob> :)
[03:55] * Agent_bob finds a deck of cards more realistic than a computer sol
[03:55] <dr_Willis> We need a good Golf Game for Linux! :)
[03:55] <Agent_bob> tho maybe not as easy
[03:55] <dr_Willis> I rember golf games being soooooo popular years back
[03:56] <Agent_bob> kolf is good for about two rounds after that it's worthless
[03:56] <genii> They need to make some uber mini-putt X golf game
[03:57] <dr_Willis> ive seen a lot of 'casual games' being sold that are 'redone/enhanced' classics :) like the old 'robots' game.
[03:57] <Agent_bob> mini-putt is so uhh why not real golf ?
[03:57] <genii> Because real courses don't have windmills, interesting obstacles, etc
[03:57] <dr_Willis> Putt-Putt-Golf :)
[03:58] <dr_Willis> Extreme!-Putt-Putt-Golf :)
[03:58] <Agent_bob> putt-putt-poot ooops
[03:58] <genii> Yeah
[03:58] <dr_Willis> 'land mines'
[03:58] <genii> I'd try it :)
[03:58] <dr_Willis> I seem to recall some 'extreme' golf game for the consoles, or somthing. :P
[03:59] <dr_Willis> GBA has a golf/rpg game. :)
[03:59] <Agent_bob> nine tendoo had one back in the day
[03:59] <dr_Willis> wii bowling.. is king with the kids.
[04:00] <dr_Willis> well night all
[04:01] <Agent_bob> 910dough that is...
=== root is now known as root_
[04:02] <Agent_bob> can't stay root long around here
[04:03] <goetzc> hi
[04:03] <Agent_bob> goetzc
[04:04] <REdnEk> hi ya'll
[04:04] <Agent_bob> REdnEk
[04:04] <REdnEk> how'd I get dis dang CD to start installn the software?
[04:05] <REdnEk> The choices come up but, when I hit enter, not a dam thang
[04:05] <REdnEk> F4, F1, F6, nuthin happens.
[04:06] <REdnEk> any smartones in here?
[04:06] <Agent_bob> !install
[04:06] <ubottu> Ubuntu can be installed in a lot of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall. Don't want to use a CD? Try http://tinyurl.com/3exghs - See also !automate
[04:06] <REdnEk> k, let me see if that werks...
[04:06] <Agent_bob> k, you do that.
[04:07] <di48lo> how can I get my kubuntu to boot with emerald?
[04:07] <REdnEk> can't find kernel image from the cmd line: "boot:". maybe this CD image is hosed..
[04:07] <Agent_bob> !compiz | di48lo i think there may be a better channel for that Q
[04:07] <ubottu> di48lo i think there may be a better channel for that Q: Kubuntu is not shipping with compiz installed or enabled by default. You can still install it and have your eyecandy goodness from KMenu -> System -> Desktop Effects - further help in #compiz-fusion
[04:08] <Agent_bob> REdnEk now there's a noval though. "maybe this CD image is hosed." did you check that ? md5 sums are avalable at the dl site
[04:11] <goetzc> someone know is there is a plasmoid or something like that, that shows the cpu usage in the panel?
[04:12] <Agent_bob> !kde4 | goetzc probably more likely to find help with kde4 in...
[04:12] <ubottu> goetzc probably more likely to find help with kde4 in...: KDE 4.0.5 is the latest major release of the K Desktop Environment. Packages can be found at http://kubuntu.org/announcements/kde-4.0.5.php - Support in #kubuntu-kde4
[04:13] <goetzc> thanks
[04:13] <Agent_bob> !welcome
[04:13] <ubottu> Hi! Welcome to #kubuntu!
[04:13] <Agent_bob> pfft missed that one.
[04:13] <cEmx> hi all.
[04:13] <Agent_bob> !ty
[04:13] <ubottu> You're welcome! But keep in mind I'm just a bot ;-)
[04:14] <goetzc> hehe
[04:15] <Agent_bob> we don't talk to each other here, we just sic the bot on them...
[04:15] <Agent_bob> :)))
[04:15] <REdnEk> alright thanks A. BOB... I'll check back later if'n I can't get 'er done...
[04:15] <goetzc> !hehe ?
[04:15] <ubottu> Sorry, I don't know anything about hehe ?
[04:15] <Agent_bob> REdnEk see the !ty post above :)
[04:16] <REdnEk> !ty
[04:16] <ubottu> You're welcome! But keep in mind I'm just a bot ;-)
[04:16] <Agent_bob> some days are just like that i guess
[04:20] <Agent_bob> far far away, long long ago. i'll be back when...
[04:21] <di48lo> how to make emerald run
[04:22] <flaccid> di48lo: emerald is no longer supported, compiz-fusion is but
[04:22] <di48lo> hmm, ok then how do I change my window styles
[04:23] <flaccid> di48lo: system settings | appearance . are you running any effects atm?
[04:23] <di48lo> yeah, compiz
[04:24] <flaccid> !compiz | di48lo
[04:24] <ubottu> di48lo: Kubuntu is not shipping with compiz installed or enabled by default. You can still install it and have your eyecandy goodness from KMenu -> System -> Desktop Effects - further help in #compiz-fusion
[04:24] <flaccid> to get kwin back, run kwin --replace & in konsole
[04:34] <ForzaPalermo> what is the default META key?
[04:34] <flaccid> ForzaPalermo: i think its usually the windows key, but im not fully sure
[04:34] <ForzaPalermo> i tried that already :(
[04:35] <flaccid> tried how?
[04:35] <flaccid> otherwise its probably alt
[04:35] <ForzaPalermo> forget it i got it
[04:35] <flaccid> what is it?
[04:35] <ForzaPalermo> hey, can we set the windows key to have the kde menu go up
[04:36] <ForzaPalermo> likek the windows menu
[04:37] <flaccid> not that i know of but i could be wrong. #kde might be able to advise
[04:37] <CrazyPoultry> this may not be the right place to ask but it's worth a try, is anyone aware of a parametric modeling program that works under linux or wine?, soildworks will not, nor will alibre(i know pro/e makes a native version, but i do not hold a license for it)
=== ubuntu is now known as zkelter
[04:56] <Taggnostr> hello
[04:58] <mr---t-> !hi
[04:58] <ubottu> Hi! Welcome to #kubuntu!
[04:58] <liwei> hello
[04:59] <liwei> hello
[04:59] <mr---t-> !hi
[04:59] <ubottu> Hi! Welcome to #kubuntu!
[05:00] <Taggnostr> I'm downloading kubuntu from http://www.kubuntu.org/getkubuntu/download and I have some question: 1) is this a live cd? 2) the last time I downloaded it it was a dvd, why it is a cd now? 3) I have a intel core 2 duo cpu that supports 64bit, I choose the 64bit version but it says "amd64", will it work with my cpu too? 4) does it have kde 4?
[05:01] <grinias> Taggnostr: it will work
[05:01] <liwei> dvd is kde3, while cd is kde4
[05:02] <Taggnostr> I can only see the cd there
[05:02] <Taggnostr> but if it is a live cd and it has kde4 it should be fine
[05:04] <liwei> kde4 is not good enough by now
[05:04] <Taggnostr> why not?
[05:05] <liwei> kde4 is an other kde, at least i think so
[05:05] <liwei> kde4和快得
[05:33] <Taggnostr> I've found a cd, I'm going to burn what I've downloaded and try it
[05:47] <Taggnostr> burned, I'm trying it now, is there a way to test all the hardware, like the webcam and bluetooth?
[05:47] <usuario> hola
[05:47] <usuario> hello
[05:50] <flaccid> Taggnostr: just use the cd in livecd mode and check the hcl
[05:50] <flaccid> !hcl | Taggnostr
[05:50] <ubottu> Taggnostr: For lists of supported hardware on Ubuntu see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport - To help debugging and improving hardware detection, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingHardwareDetection
[05:50] <flaccid> !hi | usuario
[05:50] <Taggnostr> thanks
[05:50] <ubottu> usuario: Hi! Welcome to #kubuntu!
[05:50] <flaccid> np
[05:50] <flaccid> !webcam | Taggnostr
[05:50] <ubottu> Taggnostr: Instructions for using webcams with Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Webcam - Supported cams: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsMultimediaWebCameras
[05:50] <usuario> how are you
[05:50] <flaccid> good thanks
[05:51] <usuario> dou you speak spanish
[05:51] <flaccid> no i do not usuario
[05:51] <flaccid> !es | usuario
[05:51] <ubottu> usuario: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.
[05:51] <Taggnostr> can I do sudo apt-get from the live cd?
[05:51] <usuario> ubottu
[05:51] <flaccid> Taggnostr: yep
[05:51] <usuario> hey spak spanish
[05:52] <Taggnostr> will it save it on the ram?
[05:52] <usuario> hola
[05:52] <flaccid> Taggnostr: yeah in the livecd session only
[05:52] <Taggnostr> ok
[05:52] <flaccid> usuario: english only in this channel
[05:53] <usuario> ok how change the channel men? to the to be peapole speak spanish
[05:53] <flaccid> usuario: /join #kubuntu-es
[05:53] <hcooh_> you have to type "/join #ubuntu-es"
[05:53] <usuario> dj darkman
[05:54] <Taggnostr> the apt-get didn't worked with the programs listed here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Webcam
[05:54] <flaccid> Taggnostr: specify the error(s) please
[05:54] <soldieruk400> hi all having a mare with my new install of ubuntu upgrade
[05:55] <Taggnostr> couldn't find package camorama
[05:55] <Taggnostr> same for vlc
[05:55] <flaccid> !info camorama
[05:55] <ubottu> camorama (source: camorama): gnome utility to view and save images from a webcam. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.19-2 (hardy), package size 203 kB, installed size 1488 kB
[05:55] <flaccid> Taggnostr: you have to enable the universe repos first in adept
[05:55] <flaccid> !info vlc
[05:55] <ubottu> vlc (source: vlc): multimedia player and streamer. In component multiverse, is optional. Version 0.8.6.release.e+x264svn20071224+faad2.6.1-0ubuntu3 (hardy), package size 1113 kB, installed size 3228 kB
[05:55] <soldieruk400> mines the packedge maniger
[05:55] <flaccid> and multiverse for vlc..
[05:55] <flaccid> soldieruk400: whats the actual error?
[05:56] <soldieruk400> E: dpkg was interrupted, you must manually run 'dpkg --configure -a' to correct the problem.
[05:56] <soldieruk400> E: _cache->open() failed, please report.
[05:56] <soldieruk400> there it is
[05:56] <flaccid> soldieruk400: run sudo dpkg --configure -a
[05:57] <soldieruk400> how do u do that lol
[05:57] <Taggnostr> how can I enable the universe repos?
[05:57] <flaccid> soldieruk400: run konsole, then issue the command
[05:57] <flaccid> !adept | Taggnostr
[05:57] <ubottu> Taggnostr: adept is the Kubuntu package manager. Howto: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/AdeptHowto
[05:57] <soldieruk400> ok ill try
[05:57] <soldieruk400> thank you
[05:57] <flaccid> Taggnostr: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories/Kubuntu
[05:58] <flaccid> np
[05:59] <soldieruk400> when you say console is that the terminal
[05:59] <flaccid> soldieruk400: its a console emulator. its in the system menu of the kmenu
[05:59] <yarara> yo soy la yarara de argentina y quiero conectarme a un canal en español
[05:59] <flaccid> !es | yarara
[05:59] <ubottu> yarara: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.
[05:59] <soldieruk400> cool
[06:00] <yarara> si pero como ubuttu?
[06:00] <flaccid> yarara: english only channel here.
[06:00] <mr---t-> we need a spanish "i'm jus a bot" factoid
[06:01] <yarara> yes pils tankiu
[06:01] * flaccid goes to mow the lawn
[06:02] <Taggnostr> ok, I installed camorama but it doesn't seem to see the webcam
[06:04] <flaccid> Taggnostr: thats why its a good idea to check the support first
[06:05] <soldieruk400> im starting to think remote desk top time lol
[06:06] <Taggnostr> I can't find my notebook here https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LaptopTestingTeam/Sony
[06:07] <soldieruk400> ok who would like to sort my problembs out on remote desc top
[06:08] <soldieruk400> wish i understud the linux stuff lol
[06:10] <dave11> !es
[06:10] <ubottu> En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.
[06:12] <soldieruk400> any one for chat
=== joseph is now known as iss_student
[06:16] <Taggnostr> I can't close adept manager anymore :\
[06:16] <Taggnostr> is there a way to kill it?
[06:16] <dave11> !remote desktop
[06:16] <ubottu> Sorry, I don't know anything about remote desktop
[06:16] <iss_student> Can anybody help me with how to get realtek sound working in Kubuntu 8.04
[06:21] <Taggnostr> is there a way to unlock adept?
[06:21] <Taggnostr> it's opened and it works, just I can't close it
[06:24] <usuario> hello
[06:24] <usuario> im linux and you
[06:25] <Taggnostr> anyway, the bt seems to work, the usb ports too, I wasn't able to test the webcam but everything else seems fine, is there anything else that I have to check before install?
=== usuario is now known as sergiox
=== sergiox is now known as sergitox
[06:29] <sergitox> bye
[06:29] <osiris> anyone else have a problem with ktorrent leaking ram like crazy ?
[06:30] <sergitox> putos rekete tri mal parios toditos q no saben español
=== sergitox is now known as sergiox
[06:35] <frybye> Hi all...
[06:36] <frybye> with kubuntu 8:04 and both kde3 and 4.1 when I switch to full-screen for stuff from youtube etc the refresh rate is abismal.. very slow.. in a window the video play is fine - just in full screen terrible - any ideas???
[06:37] <frybye> I have a amd- x2 and a nvidia 8500gs with 256mb gra-ram - which should be well enough to give a fluid video-play in full screen...
[06:38] <frybye> the restricted nvidia drivers are installed...
[06:40] <panfist> i'm in the middle of a kubuntu installation right now, it got to about 90% and then it said "failed to install grub on hd0." the first two partitions on this disk are NTFS with windows on them. if i skip installing grub, my old bootloader should still be there and i can still get into windows and add kubuntu to the bootloader later, right?
[06:42] <z0omal1> glad2cu
[06:43] <frybye> panfist.. du you have -one- version of windows installed.. ie - vista -or- xp -- I had hellish problems trying to add kubutu as a 3rd o.s. with xp -and- vista...
[06:43] <frybye> so who has an idea about this problem with full-screen video not working when in a window it is fine???
[06:44] <frybye> panfist - the only real soloution to this was when I bought another pc and installed kubuntu on that...
[06:45] <panfist> fry no unfortunately i have xp and vista, i can live without one of them for now tho as long as i can get at least one and kubuntu
[06:45] <spiel_mit_feuer> looking for an opinion.. more of a vote as to what everyone thinks is the best media player for linux?
[06:46] <panfist> i had the best luck with mplayer once i got it working
[06:46] <spiel_mit_feuer> doesnt amarok play video files using an mplayer plugin?
[06:47] <panfist> i have no idea
[06:47] <panfist> <--noob
[06:48] <serzholino> maybe using some script
=== kUbuntu2 is now known as Ronaldo2
[06:58] <spiel_mit_feuer> hey
[06:58] <spiel_mit_feuer> im umm.. doing the unthinkable
[07:00] <frybye> spiel_mit_feuer: I have mplayer plugin installed - it works fine when in a window but awefull in full screen - I am here right now trying to find a soloution for this problem...
[07:00] <frybye> mplayer is fine in a window ...and I am sure there will be a way to get it to work full-screen ok too.. just don't know the anser myself...
[07:03] <spiel_mit_feuer> brb
[07:06] <spiel_mit_feuer> hmm.. i guess ill never get screenlets to work on kde
[07:07] <Davou> hello hello room
[07:07] <frybye> hmmm... I seem to have found the soloution to my problem with missing full-screen video.. I used synaptic and saw that i only had the base packet for mplayer installed and not the mplay for kde installed.. done that and it works now.. coool...
[07:07] <Davou> should I take a ticket?
[07:08] <frybye> davou - ticket???
[07:09] <frybye> well - I am off to explore myvideo.de and so on a bit now.. bye...
[07:09] <Davou> I was hoping to get some help with a dbus problem im having
[07:11] <spiel_mit_feuer> anyone think they can help me get screenlets working?
[07:15] <spiel_mit_feuer> k... typed sudo screenlets-manager from a console and it says error, please install python image module
[07:28] <lks> turning on the numlock in settings don't seemed to have done anything?
[07:29] <lks> which is the file can i find out to check and turn on from there....thx
[07:29] <frybye> re: my problem with the full screen video play in mplayer appears NOT to have been solved.. anybody have a tip...?
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[07:46] <frybye> I have a question about irc client konversation (nobody is answering in #konversation - ) under settings - identity - autoidenty - what do i need to enter under "service??"
[08:06] <Lvl21nerd> does Kubuntu differ from Ubuntu in appearance alone or are there other differences?
[08:10] <frybye> Kubuntu is more configurable...
[08:11] <Lvl21nerd> meaning what exactly?....example maybe?
[08:14] <kevin_> isn't it a different desktop environment
[08:15] <Lvl21nerd> its more similar in layout to Windows than vanilla Ubuntu right?
[08:18] <frybye> Lvl21nerd: yeah - that too - but I am a newbie myself with kubuntu - so dont exect too much expert opinion etc from me..
[08:19] <frybye> Lvl21nerd: so why dont you just try it with a live-cd/dvd???
[09:27] <gurkentraeger> when i wanted to compile the new 2.6.26, i got the error include/asm/fixmap_32.h:110: interner Compiler-Fehler: Segmentation fault
[09:28] <gurkentraeger> is the gcc version my problem?
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[09:44] <kcma2> i am about to install kubuntu on my acer 5570Z it currently has vista on it and i would like to know if i should expect to run into trouble?
[09:47] <Taggnostr> kcma2: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LaptopTestingTeam/Acer
[09:47] <flaccid_> kcma2: you could try google to check each piece of hardware or how people have reported it goes. best thing to do is boot the livecd and see how you go using that. essentially the livecd session is the same as installed system wise
[09:49] <kcma2> flaccid i like the livecd on that laptop and the research of the internet has told me that most owners of that very same model have put some type of linux on it
[09:51] <flaccid_> kcma2: sounds good then
[09:51] <kcma2> flaccid lol thanks
[09:51] <kcma2> flaccid i think i will start with the live cd do a lspci and see what i am up against
[09:55] <berto_> sssss
[09:56] <berto_> c e nessuno
[09:56] <luca_b> !it
[09:56] <ubottu> Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie!
[09:56] <berto_> come si fa a cambiare canale?
[09:57] <luca_b> berto_: /join #ubuntu-it
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[10:09] <Lvl21nerd> im back
[10:09] <Lvl21nerd> to continue the discussion from b4....kubuntu is basically a more windows-ish version of ubuntu right?
[10:12] <pag> "it has a menu at the bottom == it is windows" pretty intresting logic :\
[10:13] <flaccid_> its probably better than windows UI theory yes
[10:15] <Lvl21nerd> i didnt call it windows
[10:15] <rhjj> hello
[10:15] <Lvl21nerd> i just said it more closely resembled windows than vanilla ubuntu
[10:15] <rhjj> i like kubuntu
[10:15] <Lvl21nerd> hello rhjj
[10:15] <Lvl21nerd> i like ubuntu
[10:15] <Lvl21nerd> havent tried kubuntu
[10:15] <rhjj> ok ioi
[10:15] <rhjj> tried?
[10:15] <rhjj> what?
[10:15] <rhjj> why?
[10:15] <Lvl21nerd> but i have tried opensuse KDE and Mandriva
[10:16] <Lvl21nerd> they were intersting
[10:16] <rhjj> ok
[10:16] <flaccid_> well thats all in the eye of the beholder...
[10:16] <rhjj> they were intersting
[10:16] <Lvl21nerd> i might try kubuntu soon but i actually just got this installation working today
[10:16] <flaccid_> its KDE so you would know it already
[10:16] <Lvl21nerd> gnome is gneat
[10:17] <Lvl21nerd> i am new to IRC though....whats a channel with some interesting talk?
[10:18] <rhjj> is kubuntu server?
[10:18] <Lvl21nerd> huh?
[10:18] <Lvl21nerd> do channels depend on the server>?
[10:18] <rhjj> this is my kubuntu wonder
[10:19] <flaccid_> rhjj: no its not, but you can use it for if you really needed/want
[10:19] <rhjj> kubuntu wonder
[10:19] <rhjj> my
[10:19] <flaccid_> Lvl21nerd: #kubuntu-offtopic or perhaps ##linux if you want chit chat
[10:19] <rhjj> oh
[10:19] <Lvl21nerd> i c i c
[10:19] <rhjj> hull
[10:19] <rhjj> hm;;
[10:19] <Lvl21nerd> seems most IRC channels i have peeked into are all about technical stuff
[10:19] <Lvl21nerd> which is nice
[10:20] <Lvl21nerd> least i know where to go for tech support
[10:20] <rhjj> thank you~buy
[10:20] <flaccid_> pretty much what freenode is for etc. you can see list of chans with /list etc.
[10:20] <flaccid_> ci0
[10:20] <flaccid_> bye i mean
[10:22] <Lvl21nerd> on a serious note....
[10:22] <Lvl21nerd> i have a friend who wants to talk to me over IRC
[10:22] <Lvl21nerd> how do i connect to them....we both joined the same channel and didnt see the other
[10:23] <Schorfi> maybe you were on different networks?
[10:23] <Lvl21nerd> quite possible
[10:23] <Lvl21nerd> how do i rectify that situation
[10:23] <Schorfi> you are on the freenode-network
[10:23] <Schorfi> ask him, on which he was
[10:24] <Lvl21nerd> how do i change network
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[10:24] <Lvl21nerd> i sorta got thrown on this one by default....is it cuz im using pidgin?
[10:25] <Schorfi> maybe... i don't know pidgin and IRC
[10:25] <Lvl21nerd> rats
[10:25] <Schorfi> usually you enter a new network with /server <irc.freenode.org>
[10:25] <flaccid_> just goto the same server and channel. /server irc.freenode.org
[10:26] <Lvl21nerd> hmmm k lemme try that real quick
[10:30] <Lvl21nerd> im not seeing where to input that
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[10:33] <helloween82> hi
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[10:35] <jeroen_hd> Hi
[10:36] <helloween82> spricht jemand deutsch hier?
[10:37] <Schorfi> ja, aber noch mehr in #kubuntu-de
[10:38] <helloween82> ich bin linux neuling und hätte gern tips für ne vernünftige partition
[10:38] <Schorfi> wie gesagt, auf deutsch nur in #kubuntu-de
[10:38] <helloween82> ok danke cu
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[10:56] <wamty> i have an annoying problem (or feature? dont know), if a key is pressed on my keyboard i cannot move the mouse. seems to have sth to do with touchpads and mouseemu package wich isnt installed? im using kubuntu 8.04
[11:15] <tolis> yo!
[11:16] <tolis> i installed kubuntu, but couldn't make flash videos play on firefox
[11:16] <tolis> new in linux
[11:16] <Githzerai> tolis: sudo apt-get install flashplugin-nonfree
[11:17] <Githzerai> tolis: that is a terminal command
[11:17] <tolis> i just put this command to the terminal?
[11:17] <tolis> trhat's it?
[11:17] <Schorfi> welcome to the wonderful world of kubuntu ;)
[11:17] <tolis> thanks
[11:18] <tolis> :-DD
[11:18] <Githzerai> tolis: yes, and run it. If u like u can use adept package manage for the same thing.
[11:18] <tolis> i'm sure it is but needs some time...
[11:18] <Githzerai> it's quicker this way, though ;)
[11:23] <tolis> thanks
[11:23] <tolis> it worked!
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[11:29] <tolis> problem with sound card!
[11:29] <tolis> can't get any sound from my laptop
[11:29] <tolis> any ideas?
[11:31] <Githzerai> tolis: little more information would be usefulll: card, laptop, manufacturer...
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[11:32] <tolis> it's a sony vaio vgn-nr21z
[11:32] <tolis> i'm not sure about the sound card...
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[11:33] <PhilRod> tolis: what apps have you tried to play sound with? what happens? have you checked that the volume isn't muted?
[11:34] <PhilRod> (that last one got me for about a day when I first installed kubuntu)
[11:35] <tolis> i played video on youtube
[11:35] <tolis> it seems is not muted
[11:36] <tolis> it's not for sure
[11:36] <PhilRod> try kmix, and alsamixer in the konsole
[11:36] <Githzerai> tolis: can u play music with amarok? Did u get kubuntu startup theme sound ?
[11:37] <tolis> i did actually when i installed it initially
[11:37] <tolis> but then when i was playing with the preferences
[11:37] <Githzerai> !sound | tolis:
[11:37] <ubottu> tolis:: If you're having problems with sound, first ensure ARTS is running, by going to K Menu -> System Settings -> Sound System and making sure "Enable the sound system" is checked. If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP3
[11:37] <tolis> i selected advance linux sound architecture
[11:38] <tolis> which took for ever to finish
[11:38] <tolis> and i canceled it
[11:40] <Githzerai> tolis: U should check those links first. Common sound problems are explained there. I think it's a sound level problem in alsamixer or something similar. If u ever played any sound on Kubuntu then soundcard does work, rest is a smaller trouble. ;)
[11:41] <tolis> u r right thanx
[11:42] <tolis> can "times new roman" and "arial" appeard on kubuntu?
[11:43] <tolis> i mean on software...such as firefox
[11:44] <Githzerai> !info kubuntu-restricted-extras | tolis
[11:44] <ubottu> tolis: kubuntu-restricted-extras (source: ubuntu-restricted-extras): Commonly used restricted packages. In component multiverse, is optional. Version 15.2 (hardy), package size 3 kB, installed size 32 kB
[11:45] <tolis> alright...
[11:46] <tolis> the thing is that how do i get those restricted extras
[11:46] <tolis> and how i install them
[11:46] <tolis> is there a magic command?
[11:46] <Githzerai> !info msttcorefonts | tolis
[11:46] <ubottu> tolis: msttcorefonts (source: msttcorefonts): Installer for Microsoft TrueType core fonts. In component multiverse, is optional. Version 2.4 (hardy), package size 34 kB, installed size 196 kB
[11:46] <tolis> :-DD
[11:47] <Githzerai> tolis: Use adept package manager, its in menu -system - package manager. Or use command line: sudo apt-get install msttcorefonts kubuntu-restricted-extras ;)
[11:51] <tolis> is this the way to play mp3s
[11:51] <Githzerai> tolis: yes
[11:51] <tolis> i mean there is a restricted package to download
[11:51] <tolis> which on is this?
[11:51] <tolis> one*
[11:52] <Githzerai> tolis: yes, but it's da dependancy of kubuntu-restricted-extras
[11:52] <flaccid_> !mp3 | tolis
[11:52] <ubottu> tolis: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats
[11:54] <tony403> anyone know if the next kubuntu is going to have 4.1 in it?
[11:54] <flaccid_> !intrepid | tony403
[11:54] <altctrl> hello! would soe tell me how to check which version of kubuntu i am using and how to upgrade to the current one?
[11:54] <ubottu> tony403: Alpha Software: Intrepid Ibex is the code name for K/ubuntu 8.10, due October 2008 - #ubuntu+1 for discussion. Kubuntu Intrepid will have KDE 4 as the default Desktop Environment - see https://wiki.kubuntu.org/KubuntuIntrepidVersion | Warning lots of breaking software between now and October!
[11:54] <flaccid_> !upgrade | altctrl
[11:54] <ubottu> altctrl: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes
[11:55] <altctrl> but from which system.. how to check it?
[11:55] <flaccid_> altctrl: lsb_release -a
[11:55] <altctrl> it has different instruction for different kubuntu i think i have feisty but not sure.. and wanna check it
[11:55] <altctrl> ok let me see
[11:56] <altctrl> 7.04 thank you flaccid
[11:56] <flaccid_> np
[11:57] <tolis> why the sound system is restarting again and again?
[11:57] <tony403> thanks, should've known. kde will be 4.1 non-RC by then
[11:57] <tolis> i just changed the preferences and pressed apply
[11:58] <flaccid_> tony403: not sure if they know which version yet. goto #ubuntu+1
[12:01] <Githzerai> tony403: should be 4.1.2 or 4.1.3 by then ;)
[12:01] <tony403> thanks, looking forward to it. wonder if they'll still include kde 3.x?
[12:01] <flaccid_> it will still be available in repos
[12:02] <Githzerai> tony403: as an option, but not default. similar to hardy, just switched kde options ;)
[12:16] <mark_> hey
[12:16] <flaccid_> !hi
[12:16] <ubottu> Hi! Welcome to #kubuntu!
[12:16] <drew> hi there
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[12:16] <mark_> anybody know the best way to get directx apps to run under kubuntu?
[12:17] <mark_> i have vmware and wine, but wine keeps messing my .exe's up when i execute
[12:17] <flaccid_> mark_: goto #wine
[12:17] <flaccid_> hmm they barred that channel
[12:17] <flaccid_> !appdb | mark its dependent for a start on the compat
[12:17] <ubottu> mark its dependent for a start on the compat: The Wine Application DB is a database of applications and help for !Windows programs that run under !WINE: http://appdb.winehq.org
[12:18] <flaccid_> mark_: wine and vmware are totally separate
[12:18] <mark_> well the program i am using works with wine, it's porgramming language software, that works just when i compile the program
[12:19] <mark_> it messes up
[12:21] <mark_> it says that wine supports my app, it just isn't working on directx stuff, you got any good tips for ati graphics cards?
[12:24] <Guest52183> i got a problem after installing kubuntu
[12:24] <Guest52183> i cant get into vista now, how do i get it on the grub menu again?
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[12:26] <flaccid_> mark_: your situation is complex. my only tip, go native.
[12:26] <flaccid_> !grubfix | Guest52183
[12:26] <ubottu> Sorry, I don't know anything about grubfix
[12:26] <flaccid_> !fixgrub | Guest52183
[12:26] <ubottu> Guest52183: grub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto
[12:26] <Guest52183> will that be the same for kubuntu?
[12:27] <flaccid_> yep Guest52183
[12:27] <mark_> what is native flaccid?
[12:27] <Guest52183> so this will give me a fix?
[12:27] <flaccid_> mark_: no compat layer. do multi/dual boot and worst case use virtualisation
[12:27] <Guest52183> and get vista back?
[12:27] <flaccid_> Guest52183: correct. what happens when you turn on your computer now ?
[12:27] <Guest52183> all i get is kubuntu
[12:28] <flaccid_> i can't say because you have given limited info
[12:28] <Guest52183> yes sorry
[12:28] <Guest52183> i installed vista on 80gb and kubuntu on 320gb hdd
[12:28] <flaccid_> Guest52183: so grub already works?
[12:28] <Guest52183> installed vista first
[12:28] <Guest52183> then kubuntu
[12:28] <Guest52183> brb dinner time!
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[12:37] <sigma> i installed apache, how do i release the server to the world so that people can see it from my external ip address?
[12:38] <flaccid_> sigma: make it accessible via your router/firewall
[12:38] <flaccid_> for most people thats going to be port forwarding
[12:38] <sigma> flaccid_: where do i do that?
[12:39] <flaccid_> on your router/firewall? there is none in ubuntu by default so it usually comes down to your wan connection
[12:39] <flaccid_> its a simple forward of port 80 tcp to the ubuntu server
[12:42] <scripted> hey.. can i ask why amarok wont find my music. ? they are mp3's in an ntfs drive is this why?
[12:42] <flaccid_> scripted: no idea. do you get an error? you might want to try #amarok
[12:43] <scripted> its amarok im using. no errors just says biulding collection. but only 5 tracks are displayed
[12:43] <flaccid_> scripted: maybe its still building the collection.
[12:44] <scripted> thanks ill try on that channel
[12:53] <Guest52183> okay im back flaccid
[12:53] <Guest52183> you there still
[12:53] <Guest52183> ?
[12:53] <Guest52183> any other info you nee
[12:53] <Guest52183> d
[12:54] <flaccid_> !enter | Guest52183 yes i am here
[12:54] <ubottu> Guest52183 yes i am here: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!
[12:54] <Guest52183> thanks for your help
[12:54] <Guest52183> okay i wont use enter, why is that?
[12:55] <flaccid_> Guest52183: pastebin sudo fdisk -l; cat /boot/grub/menu.lst
[12:55] <Guest52183> what is that for
[12:55] <flaccid_> Guest52183: to reduce flooding/number of lines pasted to the channel
[12:55] <flaccid_> !pastebin | Guest52183
[12:55] <Guest52183> okay
[12:55] <flaccid_> its so you don't flood up the chan
[12:55] <Guest52183> okay
[12:56] <flaccid_> Guest52183: goto http://paste.ubuntu.com and paste the output of the command i mentioned above, then provide the return URL
[12:56] <Guest52183> what is it for?
[12:57] <Guest52183> sorry what am i suppossed to do, im a bit of a noob
[12:58] <flaccid_> Guest52183: you goto that site above, create a new paste and paste the output of sudo fdisk -l; cat /boot/grub/menu.lst and then you paste the URL here so we can look. this is for pastes that are more than 3 lines
[12:58] <Guest52183> you are a really helpful person flaccid, so I thank you for your patience and help
[12:58] <Guest52183> okay i will give it a go
[12:58] <flaccid_> np
[12:58] <Guest52183> i put that code in terminal correct
[12:59] <Guest52183> then i paste it in the ubuntu paste bin?
[12:59] <flaccid_> Guest52183: yeah so sudo fdisk -l; cat /boot/grub/menu.lst in konsole and paste it to pastebin
[12:59] <Guest52183> its huge
[13:00] <Guest52183> you sure you want it all
[13:00] <flaccid_> Guest52183: yes in the pastebin, not here in the channel, thus the reason for pastebin
[13:00] <Guest52183> i did that now what happens?
[13:01] <flaccid_> after pasting it, paste the URL of the pastebin here so i can look at it
[13:01] <Guest52183> okay here it is http://paste.ubuntu.com/28694/
[13:02] <flaccid_> thanks
[13:02] <Guest52183> np
[13:02] <Guest52183> wow thats efficient
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[13:02] <flaccid_> Guest52183: ok now run this in konsole sudo update-grub and let me know what it says
[13:03] <Guest52183> using ubuntu paste?
[13:03] <flaccid_> Guest52183: only if more than 3 lines
[13:04] <Guest52183> okay here is it http://paste.ubuntu.com/28696/
[13:05] <flaccid_> Guest52183: ok, repaste your /boot/grub/menu.lst please
[13:05] <Guest52183> the first one?
[13:05] <flaccid_> yeah
[13:06] <Guest52183> isnt that the first link?
[13:06] <Guest52183> or is that gone
[13:08] <Guest52183> so what do i do next?
[13:08] <flaccid_> Guest52183: goto konsole and issue: cat /boot/grub/menu.lst
[13:08] <flaccid_> then pastebin that output for me
[13:10] <Guest52183> ta for that, here it is http://paste.ubuntu.com/28703/
[13:10] <flaccid_> hmmm doesn't detect your win system
[13:11] <Guest52183> thats funny because it shows up as a hdd and i can get ointo it as well
[13:11] <Guest52183> the folders and all are still there
[13:11] <flaccid_> well not really. grub is totally different from the OS.
[13:11] <Guest52183> oh
[13:12] <Guest52183> so vista gone?
[13:12] <flaccid_> no, its boot entry is and update-grub does not detect, so we put in manual
[13:12] <Guest52183> oh okay
[13:14] <flaccid_> Guest52183: have a look at this http://paste.ubuntu.com/28704/ . now copy that and paste it after this line in your current /boot/grub/menu.list : ### END DEBIAN AUTOMAGIC KERNELS LIST
[13:14] <flaccid_> just leave a blank line above and below what i pasted ..
[13:15] <flaccid_> after you have done that, reboot and try selecting it from the boot menu
[13:15] <soldieruk400> hi all
[13:16] <soldieruk400> im having a bit of a dramer with my graphics
[13:16] <soldieruk400> im a nebie to ubuntu 8
[13:16] <soldieruk400> has anyone got the time to message me ?
[13:19] <flaccid_> !ask | soldieruk400
[13:19] <ubottu> soldieruk400: Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-)
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[13:22] <Guest52183> sorry flaccid what do i do?
[13:23] <Guest52183> i copied the text, put it in terminal?
[13:26] <Guest52183> im not sure what to do with the text flaccid
[13:27] <Guest52183> do i enter the text after i type something in terminal?
[13:27] <Guest52183> oh i'd like to increas the boot time its too short
[13:30] <Guest52183> you there flaccid?
[13:30] <flaccid_> Guest52183: ok run this: kdesudo kate /boot/grub/menu.lst
[13:30] <flaccid_> then paste it in as advised
[13:31] <Guest52183> after ###end debian automatic kernels list?
[13:31] <Guest52183> can i change the boot time in there and have no boot time?
[13:33] <flaccid_> Guest52183: yes. change timeout 3 to something like timeout 10
[13:33] <flaccid_> (its in seconds)
[13:34] <BSG75> earlier versions of kde used to have a control panel that showed all your devices.. where do I find that now a days? and also, how do I tell kde to show mounted devices on the desktop?
[13:35] <Guest52183> so 0 would be no time?
[13:35] <flaccid_> BSG75: kcontrol or kinfocenter ? and right click desktop | configure desktop | behaviour | device iconds
[13:35] <flaccid_> Guest52183: i assume so
[13:35] <Guest52183> so then i go save and exit?
[13:36] <flaccid_> Guest52183: yep and reboot
[13:36] <BSG75> flaccid_: thank you
[13:36] <flaccid_> then you can try selecting that entry and see how it goes
[13:36] <Guest52183> okay rebooting hope to see you soon
[13:36] <flaccid_> ok np
[13:36] <Guest52183> thanks for your help
[13:36] <Guest52183> will do
[13:36] <flaccid_> Guest52183: this won't affect your other entries so it shouldn't be a problem..
[13:36] <flaccid_> cya soon
[13:36] <BSG75> kde has changed a LOT since I last used it
[13:36] <Guest52183> as the governator says i'll be back
[13:40] <fredthemonkey> !mount
[13:40] <ubottu> Partitioning programs: !GParted or QTParted (also "man mkfs" for formatting) - Mounting partitions in Kubuntu, go to System Settings -> Advanced Tab -> Disks & Filesystem. See also !fstab and !DiskMounter
[13:40] <fredthemonkey> !iso
[13:40] <ubottu> To mount an ISO disc image, type « sudo mount -o loop <ISO-filename> <mountpoint> » - There is a list of useful cd image conversion tools at http://wiki.linuxquestions.org/wiki/CD_Image_Conversion - Always verify the ISO using !MD5 before !burning.
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[13:50] <Guest10151> you there flaccid
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[13:51] <Guest10151> grub doesnt show vista
[13:51] <Guest10151> same as usual althouh i changed to time to 60 secs and that worked
[13:52] <flaccid_> are you sure you saved it right? otherwise, its booting off a different mbr
[13:52] <flaccid_> pastebin /boot/grub/menu.lst if you want a check
[13:53] <Guest10151> bash: /boot/grub/menu.lst: Permission denied
[13:54] <scripted> is k3b comparible to nero? di they have the same functionality?
[13:54] <scripted> *do
[13:55] <BSG75> scripted: similar
[13:55] <flaccid_> Guest10151: how did you get that?
[13:55] <scripted> cheers
[13:55] <Guest10151> i dont know
[13:55] <Guest10151> like i said im a noob
[13:56] <pag> flaccid_, iirc menu.lst is read-protected from non-root
[13:56] <flaccid_> Guest10151: explain what is done before that
[13:56] <scripted> me too guest10151
[13:56] <Guest10151> new to kubuntu and linux
[13:56] * scripted waves
[13:56] <flaccid_> pag: thus why i recommended kate under kdesudo
[13:56] <scripted> :0)
[13:56] <pag> flaccid_, sorry, must have missed that
[13:56] <Guest10151> i pasted in what you gave me /boot/grub/menu.lst
[13:57] <scripted> can someone give me some "must have" programs that i might not already have?
[13:57] <flaccid_> Guest10151: what command did you use to edit it?
[13:57] <BSG75> scripted: what do you use your computer mostly for?
[13:57] <Guest10151> cant remember
[13:58] <scripted> torrents. burning stuff. irc winmx browsing
[13:58] <flaccid_> Guest10151: goto kdesudo kate /boot/grub/menu.lst and make sure you pasted in what i pasted to pastebin.. if you do not have the option on boot , you failed to save it which probably means you did not run it under kdesudo kate ..
[13:58] <scripted> im trying to tag my mp3's properly at the moment.
[13:58] <scripted> i dont do much gaming though
[13:58] <flaccid_> scripted: nothing really to do. use amarok for tagging. k3b for burning, konversation for irc.
[13:59] <scripted> iv managed to get winmx going and virtual dj.
[13:59] <scripted> will google earth work ok on linux?
[13:59] <flaccid_> scripted: there is a linux version of google earth
[13:59] <Guest10151> well its in there down the bottom
[13:59] <pag> scripted, I reccomend easytag for tagging.. it's a bit more advanced than amarok imho (and yes, google-earth will work)
[13:59] <Guest10151> so it must have saved
[13:59] <scripted> well ill get that then lol
[13:59] <flaccid_> !info mixxx | scripted you might wanna try this too
[13:59] <ubottu> scripted you might wanna try this too: mixxx (source: mixxx): Digital Disc Jockey Interface. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.6.0~beta2-0ubuntu1 (hardy), package size 1553 kB, installed size 3024 kB
[14:00] <flaccid_> Guest10151: i don't know what you have done. you can pastebin files if you need them checked by us
[14:00] <BSG75> scripted: I use amarok it's very nice. I use gaim/pidgin for all my chat including irc... torrent client there is about a million under adept .. just search for torrent. You would want dvd support and some of the codecs. google for unofficial ubuntu .. there are instructions for the gstreamers :)
[14:00] <Guest10151> got that paste bin file again
[14:00] <Guest10151> the link
[14:00] <scripted> digital fisc jockey any good? i like virtual dj but it is a bit flasky under linux.
[14:00] <scripted> *disc
[14:00] <Guest10151> maybe i put it in again
[14:01] <Guest10151> maybe i put it in the wrong place
[14:01] <flaccid_> Guest10151: i dont know. but you can pastebin /boot/grub/menu.lst if you want me/us to check
[14:01] <BSG75> scripted: sorry I am moving in from using gnome.. kde default apps still gives me the creeps .. so I am very biased.. my opinion on default apps are not very valid at the moment
[14:01] <Guest10151> okay you got the link again
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[14:02] <Guest10151> for pastebin that is
[14:02] <flaccid_> !pastebin | Guest10151
[14:02] <ubottu> Guest10151: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #kubuntu channel topic)
[14:02] <Guest10151> ta
=== HappyTux is now known as messy
[14:04] <scripted> well cheers for the help all.
[14:04] <wesley> hello i am trying to mount my jfs sda3 but i dont know right how to force it
[14:04] <scripted> i bet i will have more questions soon
[14:04] <flaccid_> wesley: how are you trying to mount it?
[14:04] <Guest10151> okay here it is http://paste.ubuntu.com/28712/
[14:04] <scripted> i am still finding installing programs tricky but i think i will get used to it
[14:05] <flaccid_> Guest10151: ah you pasted in the line numbers too :)
[14:05] <flaccid_> :(
[14:05] <Guest10151> what did i do?
[14:05] <BSG75> LOL
[14:05] <Guest10151> fucked it up
[14:06] <Guest10151> im a noob
[14:06] <wesley> flaccid i am trying in live modus
[14:06] <BSG75> don't feel bad .. I have done that .. mind you there were limit blood in my alcohol stream but I have done that :)
[14:06] <Guest10151> ;(
[14:06] <flaccid_> Guest10151: not your fault. just make it like this and reboot: http://paste.ubuntu.com/28713/
[14:06] <Guest10151> i did have a smoke before but im new
[14:07] <Guest10151> i think its more the noob part than the smoke
[14:07] <BSG75> all part of the fun of learning :)
[14:07] <flaccid_> i've been smoking and drinking all night but hey annoying line numbers in pastebins don't help anyone
[14:07] <BSG75> soon you will be helping others and that's just the bestest part of linux :p
[14:07] <Guest10151> what
[14:07] <BSG75> flaccid_: LOL flaccid .. so true
[14:08] <Guest10151> what did i do
[14:08] <flaccid_> Guest10151: just at the bottom. line numbers from other paste thats all
[14:08] <BSG75> flaccid_: did I tell you, I got compiz-fusion to run perfectly with kde4.1 last night :)
[14:08] <flaccid_> so if your menu.lst is as above in my pastebin then sweet as
[14:09] <Guest10151> im not used to working with text and stuff, im a windows noob
[14:09] <flaccid_> BSG75: driver?
[14:09] <Guest10151> hence why i want to start using linux
[14:09] <flaccid_> Guest10151: just work with it under kdesudo kate and sweet
[14:09] <BSG75> flacced_: no the whole wm instead of Kwin
[14:09] <Guest10151> so i paste what you gave me over what i have and it will fix it?
[14:10] <flaccid_> BSG75: yes. i am asking which video driver?
[14:10] <BSG75> flaccid_: sorry nVidia
[14:10] <flaccid_> Guest10151: in theory, yes. backup the menu.lst first: sudo cp /boot/grub/menu.lst /boot/grub/menu.lst.backup
[14:10] <flaccid_> BSG75: yeah nvidia = no problems
[14:11] <flaccid_> well close to none anyway
[14:11] <Guest10151> how do you know all these commands and they work?
[14:11] <Guest10151> and where do i put what you just gave me? in terminal?
[14:11] <BSG75> flaccid_: hopefully ati will be better now that it's supporting OS :) .. I went back to Kwin though ..
[14:12] <BSG75> I want to see what kde does in default mode
[14:12] <Guest10151> okay i did that in terminal and it saved it i think
[14:12] <flaccid_> Guest10151: experience i hope. so what you need to do is run this in alt+f2 : kdesudo /boot/grub/menu.lst and then edit/add
[14:12] <Guest10151> alt f2?
[14:12] <flaccid_> Guest10151: its the same thing you did, but no line numbers. so if you compare the difference between mine and yours paste..
[14:13] <flaccid_> Guest10151: alt+f2 by default is run command
[14:13] <Guest10151> okay so the one you gave me put it in that
[14:13] <flaccid_> well im confused sorry
[14:13] <Guest10151> so am i
[14:13] <flaccid_> [23:06] <flaccid_> Guest10151: not your fault. just make it like this and reboot: http://paste.ubuntu.com/28713/
[14:14] <flaccid_> see the above pastebin. make your /boot/grub/menu.lst exactly like it via kdesudo kate /boot/grub/menu.lst then reboot
[14:14] <scripted> You don't seem to be running an X server (no DISPLAY set).
[14:14] <scripted> what does that mean?
[14:14] <flaccid_> i don't know how simpler i can make it
[14:14] <Guest10151> okay so you know how the line number goes down to 154 do i put what you gave me in paste bin over the top of whats in menu lst kate?
[14:14] <Guest10151> numbers and all
[14:14] <flaccid_> scripted: probably running a script that needs X but can't get to it
[14:15] <flaccid_> Guest10151: negative. NEGATE all line numbers. no numbers at the start of each line..
[14:15] <wesley> i get errors by mounting that sda3
[14:15] <Guest10151> okay
[14:15] <flaccid_> wesley: specify errors
[14:16] <scripted> Google Earth and its installer both require X11.
[14:16] <wesley> http://paste.ubuntu.com/28718/
[14:16] <scripted> is that emacs?
[14:16] <flaccid_> !googleearth | scripted
[14:16] <ubottu> scripted: Google Earth is now available, for free (only as in price), for Linux, too. To download it see http://earth.google.com/download-earth.html - A package for Ubuntu is available in the !Medibuntu repository
[14:16] <scripted> i d/l the bin
[14:16] <flaccid_> wesley: english only here
[14:16] <scripted> ran the install and got that message
[14:17] <flaccid_> scripted: we generally support the above repos which is 3rd party anyway as its non-free
[14:17] <Guest10151> okay brb
[14:17] <flaccid_> its also possible you are running the install incorrectly. but yeah its available in medibuntu repos.
[14:17] <flaccid_> otherwise google the error messages.
[14:19] <wesley> http://paste.ubuntu.com/28721/
[14:22] <guest> okay
[14:22] <guest> flaccid
=== guest is now known as Guest93845
[14:23] <Guest93845> when i got to boot menu vista was there, but when i click to go to vista is says BOOTMGR is missing press ctrl+alt+del to restart
[14:24] <flaccid_> one sec
[14:24] <Guest93845> k i go boil the jug
[14:24] <flaccid_> this could be why update-grub failed to detec
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[14:28] <Guest93845> back
[14:28] <flaccid_> Guest93845: couple of possibilities. take out chainloader +1 from the entry and try again. if that fails, you still need an mbr for the windows partition
[14:29] <Guest93845> whats the thing again for kate lst i will write it down this time?
[14:29] <flaccid_> Guest93845: kdesudo kate /boot/grub/menu.lst
[14:29] <flaccid_> see windows still needs its own mbr which is a PITA
[14:30] <Guest93845> ta will do
[14:30] <Guest93845> brb
[14:32] <slow-motion> hi
[14:34] <noober> okay back flaccid
[14:34] <noober> i remove chainloader +1 and when i click vista the screen flashes and nothing happens
[14:35] <flaccid_> noober: im not sure what your problem is now, sorry
[14:36] <noober> oh
[14:36] <noober> thanks for your help then
[14:36] <noober> anyone else have any ideas?
[14:37] <flaccid_> google it...
[14:37] <flaccid_> google the exact error message + grub
[14:38] <noober> the missing bootmgr on is it i guess
[14:38] <flaccid_> well im a bit confused because there can only be 1 mbr, so im not sure why vista is not being detected by update-grub and such. maybe there is something wrong with it
[14:39] <noober> okay
[14:39] <flaccid_> get a 2nd opinion from somewhere. im just the tip of the iceberg mate..
[14:40] <noober> indeed
[14:40] <noober> thanks again
[14:40] <flaccid_> !indeed
[14:40] <ubottu> Sorry, I don't know anything about indeed
[14:40] <flaccid_> lol
[14:40] <flaccid_> np
[14:40] <noober> wtf is that
[14:40] <flaccid_> a bot
[14:40] <noober> thought so
[14:40] <noober> hmm
[14:41] <nightwolf> Hi all!
[14:41] <noober> do you know anything about networking with windows i cant seem to access the other computer in samba
[14:41] <noober> hi
[14:41] <flaccid_> !samba | noober
[14:41] <ubottu> noober: Samba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT.
[14:41] <flaccid_> needs to be installed and set up first ^^
[14:41] <noober> oh
[14:42] <noober> so how we set it up?
[14:42] <flaccid_> read above
[14:42] <noober> hmm
[14:42] <noober> k
[14:43] <flaccid_> hmm thats a bit crap
[14:43] <flaccid_> 1sec
[14:43] <flaccid_> noober: you want to set up samba server on ubuntu box right?
[14:43] <noober> indeed
[14:44] <noober> i can actually see the other computer just cant connect
[14:44] <noober> also updating samba
[14:44] <flaccid_> i was going to amend the wiki, but i cannot due to a login but which is reported but not resolved. https://wiki.ubuntu.com/?action=fullsearch&context=180&value=samba&titlesearch=Titles try them
[14:44] <flaccid_> noober: oh, then its the other way around
[14:44] <flaccid_> you want to connect to a samba server?
[14:44] <noober> whats the other way around
[14:44] <MementoMori> hi
[14:45] <noober> i want to connect to the other computers
[14:45] <noober> which i can see, they run xp
[14:45] <flaccid_> noober: that is done out of the box, nothing to do
[14:45] <flaccid_> noober: whats the error??
[14:45] <noober> hang on
[14:45] <noober> i hope its not a windows thing on the other computer which i suspect it is
[14:45] <flaccid_> its likely
[14:46] <noober> the file or folder smb://i? does not exist
[14:46] <flaccid_> noober: is i the host?
[14:46] <noober> host of what?
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[14:47] <flaccid_> the samba server
[14:47] <noober> no
[14:47] <flaccid_> then whats the go
[14:47] <noober> it is the other computer aa want to connect to
[14:47] <flaccid_> yes that is called a host
[14:47] <noober> i is other computer running xp
[14:48] <flaccid_> thats not a good hostname. nevertheless, what does host i return in konsole?
[14:48] <flaccid_> the command is: host i
[14:48] <noober> hang on, what would i type?
[14:48] <noober> way ahead of me
[14:49] <noober> Host i not found: 2(SERVFAIL)
[14:50] <flaccid_> noober: yep so resolution is your problem
[14:50] <flaccid_> noober: have you tried with the ip instead of hostname?
[14:50] <noober> can you tell me why i or AAnot a good host name?
[14:50] <MementoMori> noober: can you access the server with smb://server_ip from dolphin/konqueror?
[14:50] <noober> woah there to much info
[14:50] <flaccid_> noober: single characters is not a good practice. but each to their own..
[14:50] <noober> slow down please
[14:50] <noober> okay thanks for the explanation
[14:50] <flaccid_> try the ip and get back to us :)
[14:51] <noober> which ip? host?
[14:51] <flaccid_> noober: you should know that
[14:51] <noober> i know mine'
[14:51] <flaccid_> smb://ip_of_computer_in_question as MementoMori advised
[14:51] <noober> why should i know it
[14:51] <noober> im nobber
[14:51] <noober> noober
[14:52] <flaccid_> noober: because we assume you are admin
[14:52] <noober> oh i see your message , see mementomori
[14:52] <noober> nice
[14:53] <flaccid_> eg. smb://
[14:53] <flaccid_> instead of smb://flaccidrocks
[14:53] <noober> yeh just tried that
[14:53] <flaccid_> awesome
[14:53] <noober> smb:// No such file or directory
[14:53] <flaccid_> noober: where are you putting that?
[14:53] <MementoMori> noober: is the samba server (the windows pc) in your lan segment or is there a router beetween the client and the server?
[14:53] <noober> terminal
[14:53] <noober> oh ffs
[14:53] <flaccid_> noober: no this is for konqueror
[14:54] <noober> sory noober
[14:54] <flaccid_> smb for terminal is much more complicated. for now you just want to use konqueror.
[14:55] <MementoMori> noober: you can try to ping your lan broadcast address to discover pc online
[14:55] <noober> time out on server
[14:55] <noober> is error
[14:55] <MementoMori> noober: what's your lan ip?
[14:56] <noober> for this comp AA
[14:56] <flaccid_> noober: find the IP of the server you want to connect to and goto konqueror and put in smb://IP_of_Server
[14:56] <flaccid_> AA ?
[14:56] <noober> sorry this is confusing
[14:56] <flaccid_> if it fails. contact the admin of the computer
[14:56] <flaccid_> indeed
[14:56] <olimpico> How can I change the character encoding of KDE?
[14:57] <olimpico> I have googled for hours and found nothing!
[14:57] <flaccid_> olimpico: try #kde
[14:58] <MementoMori> olimpico:
[14:58] <noober> okay i put ip address in konquer and it still says the same thing
[14:58] <MementoMori> olimpico: system setting -> regional and settings ->spell check
[14:58] <Mojo_risin> hi guys. doesn't kaffeine plays .mov videos? i can hear only sound :(
[14:59] <noober> timeout on server
[15:00] <MementoMori> Mojo_risin: you are missing the video codec
[15:00] <flaccid_> noober: if the IP is right, you can port scan it and also goto ##windows for help
[15:00] <olimpico> MementoMori: But that's only for Spellcheck, isn't it?
[15:00] <bjb1959> any ideas if krfb is broken in kde 4.1 rc1? it starts disconnected and I have to use killall krfb to log off or reboot.
[15:01] <Mojo_risin> MementoMori: i don't think so, but what is the package anyway?
[15:01] <flaccid_> bjb1959: wrong channel dude
[15:01] <MementoMori> Mojo_risin: wait a min
[15:01] <Mojo_risin> ok
[15:02] <flaccid_> i've had mov working fine in kaffeine but it still comes down to codecs and which ones
[15:03] <Mojo_risin> it seems someone is having the same problem: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=487197
[15:03] <MementoMori> Mojo_risin: try kubuntu-restricted-extras w32codecs gstreamer0.10-plugins-base gstreamer0.10-plugins-good gstreamer0.10-plugins-bad gstreamer0.10-pitfdll
[15:03] <MementoMori> or only kubuntu-restricted-extras w32codecs
[15:03] <Mojo_risin> MementoMori: ok
[15:04] <bjb1959> flaccid_ no one seems to respond on the kubuntu-kde4 channel, any ideas about a good channel to go to?
[15:04] <flaccid_> bjb1959: no ideas.
[15:04] <flaccid_> lol
[15:04] <MementoMori> Mojo_risin: you'll need to add medibuntu repository
[15:04] <hibread> hey guys. Is there a package that pulls in a whole heap of video/audio codecs?
[15:05] * flaccid_ laughs his freeekin head off
[15:05] <flaccid_> hibread: not really no
[15:05] <Mojo_risin> MementoMori: yes, i'm noticing that, do you have the url?
[15:05] <MementoMori> hibread: kubuntu-restricted-extras w32codecs from medibuntu
[15:06] <MementoMori> Mojo_risin, hibread https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Medibuntu
[15:08] <hibread> MementoMori: cheers for that
[15:08] <MementoMori> hibread: yrw
[15:10] <noober> I'm still here
[15:12] <Mojo_risin> MementoMori: ok, i installed the two packages but only sound still
[15:12] <Mojo_risin> have to restart anything?
[15:12] <MementoMori> Mojo_risin: restart kaffeine
[15:12] <MementoMori> or run kaffeine --wizard from konsole to check your env
[15:13] <Mojo_risin> MementoMori: yeah, that one i did
[15:13] <Mojo_risin> ah cool
[15:13] <Mojo_risin> libdvdcss not found
[15:13] <MementoMori> Mojo_risin: so install libdvdcss2
[15:13] <Mojo_risin> installing...
[15:15] <MementoMori> Mojo_risin: you can try also installing vlc or mplayer
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[15:17] <Mojo_risin> MementoMori: mplayer work :)
[15:22] <noober> okay got contact with one of the computers, the other one says it still doesnt exist
[15:22] <noober> and it also had a network problem the other week
[15:26] <DarkAudit> KDE 3.5 is still the preferred version for home desktop installs?
[15:27] <perihan> hello , i have problem with installing tomcat 5.5 I use both sun java and openjdk but when i tried to install tomcat through adept it said JAVA_HOME was not set
[15:28] <perihan> so i set it to point to openjdk
[15:28] <perihan> but still same error when i do sudo apt-get install -f
[15:28] <perihan> can anybody give an opinion please?
[15:28] <MementoMori> perihan: http://www.howtogeek.com/howto/linux/installing-tomcat-6-on-ubuntu/
[15:29] <MrKennie> I was wondering, is it possible to use krdc with the desktop install CD? I'm looking into ways to install remotely.
[15:30] <MementoMori> MrKennie: just try
[15:30] <perihan> thanks mementoMori but my friend made it run with same method
[15:30] <perihan> i want to use adept
[15:30] <MementoMori> perihan: same or different?
[15:31] <MrKennie> MementoMori: OK =) Just I don't have any keyboard or monitor attacched right now, be kinda useful if it was enabeld by default.
[15:31] <perihan> same method with adept and setting JAVA_HOME manually
[15:31] <perihan> the problem is tomcat cannot see jre in JAVA_HOME
[15:32] <MementoMori> perihan: how did you set JAVA_HOME ?
[15:33] <perihan> export JAVA_HOME=/usr/lib/jvm/java-6-openjdk
[15:33] <MementoMori> perihan: you have to export it and then run adept (aptitude is better)
[15:33] <perihan> and i can access java with $JAVA_HOME/bin/java
[15:33] <perihan> but tomcat cannot
[15:33] <MementoMori> perihan: ok, then run sudo aptitude install what_you_need
[15:34] <perihan> i have installed tomcat but wasnt able to configure it cause it doesnt see my JAVA_HOME
[15:35] <MementoMori> perihan: so why you was talking about adept?
[15:36] <perihan> i first installed it via adept in kubuntu
[15:36] <perihan> but it gave an error while configuring
[15:36] <MementoMori> perihan: I dont want to install tomcat on my pc but you should check if inside /etc/init.d/tomcat you can set it
[15:36] <perihan> so i ran apt-get -f in konsole
[15:36] <MementoMori> perihan: so do you have it installed or not?
[15:37] <perihan> downloaded but not installed
[15:38] <MementoMori> so please run sudo aptitude install tomcat_packages and paste if you get errors
[15:38] <perihan> ok
[15:38] <MrKennie> well, the answer to using krdc to install is a no.
[15:38] <combo> how to launch eterm? it says it's not installed but i've just installed it and create user.cfg file :/
[15:39] <MementoMori> MrKennie: why not?
[15:39] <MrKennie> MementoMori: it's not started, neither is SSH.
[15:39] <MementoMori> MrKennie: cant you start it manually?
[15:39] <MrKennie> if I have no keyboard or monitor attached, no.
[15:40] <perihan> here it is but a little bit long
[15:40] <MementoMori> MrKennie: same problem with alternate cd?
[15:40] <perihan> perihan@perihan-laptop:~$ sudo aptitude install tomcat_packages
[15:40] <perihan> Reading package lists... Done
[15:40] <perihan> Building dependency tree
[15:40] <perihan> Reading state information... Done
[15:40] <MementoMori> perihan: use http://paste.ubuntu.com
[15:40] <perihan> Reading extended state information
[15:40] <MementoMori> perihan: http://paste.ubuntu.com
[15:40] <perihan> Initializing package states... Done
[15:40] <perihan> Building tag database... Done
[15:40] <MrKennie> network is up, that I'm sure of. I'll look into the other CD's.
[15:40] <perihan> Couldn't find any package whose name or description matched "tomcat_packages"
[15:40] <perihan> Couldn't find any package whose name or description matched "tomcat_packages"
[15:40] <perihan> The following partially installed packages will be configured:
[15:40] <MementoMori> perihan: lol
[15:40] <perihan> tomcat5.5 tomcat5.5-admin tomcat5.5-webapps
[15:40] <perihan> 0 packages upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded.
[15:40] <perihan> Need to get 0B of archives. After unpacking 0B will be used.
[15:40] <perihan> Setting up tomcat5.5 (5.5.25-5ubuntu1) ...
[15:40] <perihan> * no JDK found - please set JAVA_HOME
[15:40] <perihan> invoke-rc.d: initscript tomcat5.5, action "start" failed.
[15:41] <perihan> http://paste.ubuntu.com/28735/
[15:41] <perihan> thanks i am a newbee sorry for rubbish
[15:41] <MementoMori> perihan: run sudo aptitude install tomcat5.5 tomcat5.5-admin tomcat5.5-webapps
[15:43] <perihan> memento: still same error packages are downloaded but not able to install them cause it cannot see JAVA_HOME
[15:43] <MementoMori> have you exported JAVA_HOME ?
[15:43] <perihan> yep
[15:44] <perihan> memento: i can access java with $JAVA_HOME/bin/java
[15:45] <MementoMori> do you have a file like /etc/init.d/tomcat or similar?
[15:46] <perihan> yes there is one
[15:46] <perihan> tomcat5.5
[15:47] <MementoMori> then edit it and set the JAVA_HOME
[15:47] <MrKennie> try sudo -i, then export JAVA_HOME=whatever and then try installing?
[15:47] <legycsapo> hi all
[15:47] <legycsapo> can somebody help me? :)
[15:48] <legycsapo> plz...
[15:48] <MrKennie> legycsapo: what is the nature of your kubuntu emergency?
[15:48] <legycsapo> how can I save my network settings?
[15:48] <legycsapo> with network profiles not working...
[15:49] <MrKennie> wireless?
[15:49] <legycsapo> no
[15:49] <legycsapo> i must change my MAC adress every time I start Kubuntu
[15:49] <MrKennie> oh
[15:49] <perihan> thanks MrKennie it worked
[15:50] <perihan> i think it when i say sudo each time it cleans up previous env var
[15:50] <MementoMori> legycsapo: you can try editing /etc/network/interfaces
[15:50] <legycsapo> ok
[15:50] <legycsapo> with nano, or with something else?
[15:51] <MementoMori> legycsapo: what you want
[15:51] <MementoMori> legycsapo: you need root privileges
[15:51] <MrKennie> legycsapo: you can use kdesudo kate /etc/network/interfaces if you perfer a graphical way of doing it
[15:52] <legycsapo> i want to save the new MAC address
[15:53] <legycsapo> so....what can i write to save the mac?
[15:53] <legycsapo> ...in the interfaces file...
[15:54] <albuntu> how to add local folder to sources list
[15:54] <MrKennie> legycsapo: you should be able to yes
[15:54] <MrKennie> legycsapo: man interfaces and look for hwaddress
[15:55] <legycsapo> auto lo
[15:55] <legycsapo> iface lo inet loopback
[15:55] <legycsapo> address
[15:55] <legycsapo> netmask
[15:55] <legycsapo> that's my file :D
[15:55] <aomegax4> hi
[15:55] <MementoMori> legycsapo: rtfm
[15:56] <aomegax4> I have a problem with compiz and kde4...
[15:56] <MrKennie> try adding hwaddress ether 12:34:56:78:90:AA (repalce the mac address with your desired address
[15:56] <MrKennie> legycsapo: as MementoMori `man interfaces` it explains everything.
[15:56] <aomegax4> when I active Desktop Rotate or Expo in Compiz Setting Manager the screen becames black -.-
[15:57] <legycsapo> ok
[15:57] <aomegax4> what is the problem?
[15:58] <aomegax4> besides I don't see icon in K menu applications
[15:59] <MrKennie> MementoMori: I should probably stop being lazy and jsut plugin a kbd, mouse and monitor to install kubuntu on this machine =)
[15:59] <legycsapo> iface eth0-work inet dhcp this means that my eht0 device is set to automatic DHCP??
[16:00] <MrKennie> legycsapo: so you need a profile for work and one for home or whatever?
[16:01] <legycsapo> just for home
[16:02] <MrKennie> I'm not sure eth0-work is valid anyway
[16:02] <legycsapo> but i saved a profile with the right settings and didnt worked
[16:02] <MrKennie> did you restart networking?
[16:03] <legycsapo> yes
[16:03] <MrKennie> and look for any messages.
[16:04] <MrKennie> error messages
[16:04] <legycsapo> every time i restart my computer, i must set the mac adress and the eht0 device to automatic dhcp
[16:04] <MrKennie> yes, according to the manual you use hwaddress ether <the mac address>
[16:07] <MrKennie> when you restart networking you can verify using ifconfig | grep HWaddr
[16:16] <aomegax4> does anybody help me?
[16:19] <MrKennie> aomegax4: Just ask your question and somebody may be able to help.
[16:21] <ubuntu> Hove do i change the keyboard?
[16:21] <MrKennie> what do you mean by "change"?
[16:23] <jussi01> !keyboard
[16:23] <ubottu> To switch your keyboard layout on GNOME: System -> Preferences -> Keyboard (GNOME) - KDE: K -> System Settings -> Regional & Language -> Keyboard Layout (KDE) - Xfce: see https://help.ubuntu.com/6.10/xubuntu/desktopguide/C/switch-keyboard-layout.html - See also !Shortcuts
[16:28] <Betus> !Shortcuts
[16:28] <ubottu> keyboard shortcuts can be set in K -> System Settings -> Keyboard & Mouse. Try also "Input Actions" in KControl. If your multimedia keys don't work with that, try the 'keytouch' package, explained at https://wiki.kubuntu.org/KDEMultimediaKeys - See !Keyboard for changing layouts
[16:28] <ubuntu> Thaks, I made it now
[16:37] <omicron23> hi there. where are the kde icons stored on kubuntu hardy?
=== ubuntu is now known as LitaRita
[16:42] <Neumaennl> hi, I just installed kubuntu because I was sick of my previous distro, but I can't connect to the internet with it because the drivers for my network cards (Intel 3945ABG and Realtek RTL-8169) don't seem to be installed. Could you please tell me where to get the packages for them and whether I need to install additional stuff to be able to connect to the net?
[16:43] <Jsn0327> How do you add a shortcut to a device in the "Storage Media" section of kubuntu?
[16:44] <SHAMO> hi i just removed .....ICEauthority file.....?? is that bad ??
[16:44] <aomegax4> my problem is between kde4 and compiz
[16:44] <SHAMO> i removed it because i coundt login into my pc
[16:46] <grinias> SHAMO: i had to remove it too, without problem
[16:46] <aomegax4> why don't I see icon in K menu applications?
[16:47] <aomegax4> (i have kde4)
[16:47] <SHAMO> okey cool ..^_^!)
[16:49] <grinias> aomegax4: I asked the same at #kubuntu-kde4
[16:50] <aomegax4> and so? what must I do?
[16:50] <aomegax4> there is no solution for this?
[16:51] <LitaRita> reinstall...that is aleays a selution
[16:51] <aomegax4> -.-
[16:51] <aomegax4> not for me
[16:51] <LitaRita> There is always seefood
[16:51] <LitaRita> seafood
[16:52] <aomegax4> what is seafood?
[16:53] <aomegax4> is it a slang or other? what means? :S
[16:54] <LitaRita> food from the sea.......like salmon
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[16:55] <aomegax4> -.- it isn't important for my problem thanks...
[16:55] <SHAMO> knoppix is beter...-_-!!)...
[16:56] <LitaRita> It is better than suiside
[16:57] <aomegax4> is your point of view...I trust in relativism :D
[16:58] <LitaRita> Hove d i install flash in Kubuntu?
[16:58] <aomegax4> from adept
[17:12] <minsu0806> ttt
[17:12] <minsu0806> ㄷㄹㄷㄹ
[17:14] <faileas> hmm
[17:14] <faileas> is there any app for loading videos onto an ipod from kubuntu?
[17:15] <faileas> its a 6g/classic
[17:16] <minsu0806> huk
[17:16] <minsu0806> english dul dul dul
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[17:29] <chem> good afternoon!
[17:30] <engineer> hey old german, old pal
[17:33] <chem> could anybody tell me, howto update qt from 4.2.3 to 4.3.5? I have Kubuntu 7.04
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[17:45] <minsu0806> eee
[17:45] <minsu0806> ㄸ
=== minsu0806 is now known as gen
[17:46] <vinny> hallo
[17:46] <gen> hello
[17:46] <vinny> i has a problem
[17:46] <vinny> uhh
[17:46] <gen> ?
[17:47] <gen> o.o?
[17:47] <gen> what's t matter
[17:49] <vinny> ok, i was settin up my wireless internet right? didnt know what type of card an imac used so i had to use the ndiswapper of course. got that workin fine. then i attempted to make a static ip or whatever(forget what its called lol) for it and i messed up and erased the settings and now i cannot access web pages. I can still connect to my router and download updates from adept though...
[17:50] <vinny> makes sense?
=== chem is now known as chemiker
[17:50] <vinny> so now the question is, how do i fix that?
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[17:51] <vinny> anyone?>
[17:52] <gen> OTL
[17:52] <vinny> huh
[17:52] <vinny> ohh
=== XuMuK is now known as Sergej
[17:52] <vinny> feelin mighty hungry myself
=== Sergej is now known as SergejRill
[17:52] <gen> ;;;
[17:53] <gen> good luck T.T
[17:53] <vinny> lol
=== vinny is now known as vinny[lunch]
[17:54] <gen> I was gave up same problem too
[17:55] <nhn> Hi! So whats the secret dabce you ahve to do to get one of the new Mac keyboards to behave in a sane way? I have been running Gentoo so far where the kb just worked with no issues at all, and now on a fresh kubuntu I have keys switching places and numlock does not work as expected....
[17:55] <nhn> secret dance*
[17:55] <gen> dul dul dul
[17:55] <tolis> hi!
[17:56] <gen> nobody korean?
[17:56] <gen> t.t
[17:56] <gen> T.T
[17:56] <tolis> how do i install beryl?
[17:56] <gen> apt-get install
[17:57] <gen> http://blog.naver.com/doriya82?Redirect=Log&logNo=80042331105
[17:58] <tolis> it can't fing a beryl package..why???
[17:58] <tolis> find*
[17:58] <gen> you can install beryl if u can read the korean
[17:58] <faileas> is there any app for loading videos onto an ipod from kubuntu?
[17:59] <gen> ipod?
[17:59] <tolis> i can't
[17:59] <gen> hm
[18:00] <gen> what is your graphic card?
[18:00] <tolis> why don't u make an english version to help us all...
[18:01] <tolis> gforce 8 series
[18:01] <gen> sorry;; just I'm korean;;
[18:03] <SergejRill> could anybody tell me, howto update qt from 4.2.3 to 4.3.5? I have Kubuntu 7.04 . Adept doesn't find neuer packages on the repositories, I don't know wich one should I add to get Qt updated.
[18:03] <faileas> gen: ipod classic
[18:07] <gen> #korea
[18:07] <ubunturos> is there a channel like that?
[18:07] <shaffy> what is the website to post text screen dumps on here?
[18:08] <ubunturos> shaffy: see /topic
[18:09] <gen> ubunturos: ???
[18:09] <ubunturos> gen: #korea, is there a channel like that?
[18:10] <shaffy> thank you ubunturos.
[18:10] <ubunturos> shaffy: welcome
[18:10] <aomegax4> why can't I see icon in K menu applications in kde4?
[18:11] <gen> ubunturos: o.o
[18:11] <shaffy> help anyone? i have a simple script that when loaded, should execute the two programs simultaneously. the problem, however, is that the second program executes only after the first program has been manually terminated. http://pastebin.com/d79b09c81
[18:11] <aomegax4> can anybody help me to solve my provlem? :S
[18:11] <gen> eee
[18:12] <gen> english is very hard T.T
[18:12] <ubunturos> gen: TT?
[18:12] <gen> T.T <- sad, and tears
[18:12] <gen> korean's usage
[18:12] <ubunturos> ah, I see
[18:12] <ubunturos> ok
[18:13] <gen> T,.T
[18:13] <gen> ubunturos: where are u from?
[18:13] <ubunturos> gen: India
[18:14] <gen> a~ha~
[18:16] <Dragnslcr> shaffy- if you put an & after a program name, it will run in the background, and the script will continue immediately
[18:17] <shaffy> Dragnslcr: thank you very much!
[18:18] <neumaennl> hi guys, I finally got connected to the net with my freshly installed Kubuntu 8.04.1, but only via ethernet and not via wlan
[18:18] <engineer> ok
[18:19] <neumaennl> I have an intel 3945abg and I've tried several things, but I can't get it to work
[18:19] <neumaennl> tell me what info you need to get a better insight on the problem
[18:20] <Hondo_Kitsune> I just installed parallels for linux using "apt-get install parallels" but I keep getting the following error: http://paste.ubuntu.com/28760/
[18:21] <happosade> try virualbox
[18:21] <happosade> it's something like parallels
[18:21] <Hondo_Kitsune> happosade: it does not do what i want it to do
[18:21] <Hondo_Kitsune> I already have it
[18:21] <happosade> ok
[18:22] <Hondo_Kitsune> I have used Parallels in the past, and it does what I want it to do
[18:22] <Hondo_Kitsune> I have also used VMWare, but I cannot get the RPM to install on my rig
[18:23] <genii> Ubuntu doesn't use RPM
[18:23] <Hondo_Kitsune> I know
[18:23] <faileas> Hondo_Kitsune: you will need to use the tarba;; for vmware
[18:23] <Hondo_Kitsune> but the download is an RPM
[18:23] <Hondo_Kitsune> and I dont know how to compile tarballs :(
[18:23] <Hondo_Kitsune> XD
[18:23] <Hondo_Kitsune> But, I'd like to use Parallels
[18:24] <faileas> Hondo_Kitsune: there's howtos on the internet. i can't remember if the current kernel needs the any-any patch
[18:24] <engineer> ./configure make install
[18:24] <faileas> naw
[18:24] <engineer> ./configure && make install
[18:24] <faileas> not for vmware server
[18:24] <engineer> ah
[18:24] <engineer> ye no
[18:24] <Hondo_Kitsune> anyway, back to my previous question, Parallels. I get an error when trying to run it. and before you say it i Have run parallels-config
[18:24] <Hondo_Kitsune> http://paste.ubuntu.com/28760/
[18:24] <engineer> ./configure+something
[18:25] <faileas> naw
[18:25] <Hondo_Kitsune> it is not a tarball
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[18:25] <Hondo_Kitsune> it is a deb, i install and try and run it
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[18:26] <faileas> Hondo_Kitsune: what's the error parallels config gives? and do you have kernel headers?
[18:26] <Hondo_Kitsune> http://paste.ubuntu.com/28760/
[18:26] <Hondo_Kitsune> that is the error, taken directly from Konsole
[18:26] <engineer> SergejRill_ update your system with sudo aptitude update
[18:27] <faileas> Hondo_Kitsune: it appears you're missing kernel modules for the software
[18:27] <engineer> vmware normally compiles the modules needed
[18:27] <Hondo_Kitsune> How do i get them? it does not tell me which ones i need. I though DEBs were supposed to install all the dependancies the package needed
[18:27] <Hondo_Kitsune> engineer: But I am using Parallels
[18:28] <faileas> Hondo_Kitsune: probably running the conscript scipt with kernel headers should work
[18:28] <faileas> *config
[18:29] <Hondo_Kitsune> ok, how do i do that sudo parallels-config <?>
[18:29] <faileas> yeah
[18:29] <Hondo_Kitsune> what do i put in the <?>
[18:29] <faileas> you MAY need some additional packages... can't remember what tho
[18:29] <Sydero> Does anyone know how to rearrange the widgets on the taskbar?
[18:30] <Sydero> rearrange the order*
[18:30] <Sydero> for KDE 4
=== vinny[lunch] is now known as vinny
[18:30] <genii> Sydero: I'm guessing KDE4 here. It's painful
[18:30] <Hondo_Kitsune> try #KDE
[18:30] <engineer> just drag them
=== vinny is now known as vinny13
[18:30] <Sydero> dragging doesn't work
[18:30] <genii> Sydero: I had to remove them all then add them back in the order I wanted
[18:30] <Sydero> yeah that's what I did :/
=== vinny13 is now known as vinny
[18:31] <vinny> hallo
[18:31] <Sydero> but now the pager widget is on the right side
[18:31] <genii> Sydero: They may know a better way in #kubuntu-kde4 channel
[18:31] <vinny> i has a problem
[18:31] <vinny> ok, i was settin up my wireless internet right? didnt know what type of card an imac used so i had to use the ndiswapper of course. got that workin fine. then i attempted to make a static ip or whatever(forget what its called lol) for it and i messed up and erased the settings and now i cannot access web pages. I can still connect to my router and download updates from adept though...
[18:31] <engineer> well
[18:31] <engineer> then widgets are locked
[18:31] <engineer> if you can't drag then
[18:31] <engineer> m*
[18:31] <SergejRill_> engineer, both aptitude and apt-get hold because of connect problem to one server
[18:31] <Sydero> Why do you need a static ip?
[18:31] <engineer> SergejRill_ change to another server
[18:32] <vinny> because of bit torrent
[18:32] <vinny> and i have like 7 computers
[18:32] <Sydero> DHCP usually maintains your ip address regardless
[18:32] <engineer> Sydero ip static is better
[18:32] <engineer> for a server in a lan
[18:32] <Hondo_Kitsune> So, WHAT command do i use?
=== mbox is now known as mbo
[18:32] <mbo> hi
[18:33] <vinny> what he said
[18:33] <Hondo_Kitsune> faileas: How do i put the headers into the command?
[18:33] <mbo> does someone have a valid download link for "RSConsole" i dont find it anywhere on the web
[18:33] <engineer> vinny so what do you want?
[18:33] <faileas> Hondo_Kitsune: its a package. the config script should pick up on it automatically i think
[18:33] <Hondo_Kitsune> didn't
[18:34] <Hondo_Kitsune> I have run parallels-config three or four times
[18:34] <genii> mbo: RSCOnsole is a part of the Unix suite called CATIA
[18:34] <genii> mbo: Its not open source
[18:34] <vinny> ahh sorry
[18:34] <engineer> geez...i woudl have switched to vmware by now
[18:34] <vinny> i want to be able to go on webpages lol
[18:34] <Hondo_Kitsune> and reinstalled, AND used the package on their site. al lthe same problems
[18:34] <faileas> is there any app for loading videos onto an ipod classic from kubuntu?
[18:35] <alkjdf> engineer try Qemu if wine and wmware are going you hard times...
[18:35] <SergejRill_> engineer, could you tell someone which can replace http://ubuntu.osuosl.org ?
[18:35] <alkjdf> engineer install tiny windowxp in it
[18:35] <engineer> !pastebin
[18:35] <ubottu> pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #kubuntu channel topic)
[18:35] <Hondo_Kitsune> alkjdf: Not trying to install windows. and it is me that is having the problems with parallels. I use VirtualBox for windows
[18:35] <vinny> AHH
[18:36] <engineer> vinny http://paste.ubuntu.com/28764/
[18:36] <Hondo_Kitsune> and WINE
[18:36] <alkjdf> Hondo_Kitsune why do you need windows?
[18:36] <engineer> alkjdf ?
[18:36] <Hondo_Kitsune> alkjdf: To run windows apps that dont work in WINE
[18:36] <engineer> SergejRill_ sudo nano /etc/apt/sources.list
[18:36] <Hondo_Kitsune> and dont have an OS alternative
[18:37] <Sydero> use virtualization ;)
[18:37] <engineer> vmare never failed on me
[18:37] <Hondo_Kitsune> alkjdf: anyway, I am not trying to install windows.
[18:37] <alkjdf> Hondo_Kitsune ok fair enough. well i have always used qemu in slackware and then i install tiny windows xp in it and run windows in linux for certain apps. works perfect and given that this is ubuntu i guess you just have to do apt-get qemu etc etc
[18:38] <Hondo_Kitsune> alkjdf: I DONT WANT TO INSTALL WINDOWS! I ALREADY HAVE IT WORKING! (falls over)
[18:38] <Sydero> or.... just find a linux alternative to the software
[18:38] <Hondo_Kitsune> *headdesk*
[18:39] <Sydero> What apps do you need?
[18:39] <alkjdf> Hondo_Kitsune installing windows is the only good way. these emulators that claim to be able to run every app without it are liars...
[18:39] <Hondo_Kitsune> alkjdf: I HAVE WINDOWS WORKING! DON'T YOU GET IT!
[18:39] <alkjdf> Hondo_Kitsune i had majour issues with both wine and vmware
[18:39] <alkjdf> oh ok
[18:39] <SergejRill_> engineer , opened, what shiould I change where?
[18:39] <Hondo_Kitsune> ugh.
[18:39] <Sydero> Hondo_Kitsune, you can either boot to windows to get the apps working, or install Windows in Virtual Box so you don't have to leave Linux
[18:40] <Sydero> your choice
[18:40] <Sydero> or just find their linux counterparts
[18:40] <alkjdf> Hondo_kitsune maybe linux and windows is not for you. metrosexuals usualy like OSX and macs
[18:40] <alkjdf> hondo_kitsune why the bold text?
[18:41] <Sydero> So what do you want?
[18:41] <engineer> SergejRill_ the server url
[18:41] <engineer> in all lines
[18:41] <Hondo_Kitsune> alkjdf: Because YOU and Sydero are REALLY IRRITATING! I mentioned SEVERAL times that it is NOT windows I am looking for. I WANT TO GET FRIKKING PARALLELS WORKING!
[18:41] <alkjdf> Hondo_Kitsune ok so you already got vmware or wine to work?
[18:42] <Hondo_Kitsune> alkjdf: But I want PARALLELS TO RUN SOMETHING ELSE!
[18:42] <Hondo_Kitsune> alkjdf: I have WINE and VirtualBOX for Windows
[18:42] <Sydero> Why even use parallels?
[18:42] <Hondo_Kitsune> Sydero: TO RUN A VIRTUAL COMPUTER WHAT ELSE!
[18:42] <genii> For some other purpose apparently
[18:42] <engineer> parallels owns
[18:43] <Hondo_Kitsune> genii: FINALLY, someone gets it!
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[18:43] <alkjdf> Hondo_Kitsune you sound very intense
[18:43] * Hondo_Kitsune runs sudo apt-get purge parallels
[18:43] <SergejRill_> engineer , once found , which server-name should I write?
[18:43] <Hondo_Kitsune> alkjdf: I don't appreciate ignorance
[18:44] <alkjdf> Hondo_Kitsune why not?
[18:44] <Hondo_Kitsune> alkjdf: it gets me uptight.
[18:44] <engineer> SergejRill_ hmm you could mess up something
[18:44] <alkjdf> Hondo_Kitsune ?
[18:44] <Hondo_Kitsune> alkjdf: It also proves what a prat you are if after five or six times of saying "I HAVE WINDOWS WORKING" you continue to think that is what I am looking to Virtualise
[18:45] <engineer> maybe it's better to use soemthing else like
[18:45] <alkjdf> Hondo_Kitsune i still think you should try to install tiny windows in qemu
[18:45] <alkjdf> :)
[18:45] <Hondo_Kitsune> alkjdf: You are of NO HELP at all.
[18:45] * Hondo_Kitsune goes to VMWare and attemprs to compile a TARBall
[18:45] <alkjdf> what a angry guy that was
[18:45] <engineer> SergejRill_ sudo aptitude install software-properties-gtk software-properties-kde
[18:46] <faileas> Hondo_Kitsune: look up a howto... it'll help HEAPS
[18:46] <Sydero> If VirtualBox and Parallels can do the same job, why use both?
[18:46] <engineer> use that tool instead
[18:46] <Sydero> when VirtualBox can handle more than one OS
[18:46] <faileas> alkjdf: well you weren't entirely answerin the qn he was asking...
[18:46] <Hondo_Kitsune> faileas: Thanks for the help
[18:46] <Sydero> use one or the other, no need for both
[18:46] <faileas> Sydero: virtualbox dosen't have USB does it?
[18:46] <Hondo_Kitsune> Sydero: Because VirtualBox is not doing the Job i want
[18:46] <alkjdf> faileas I just think that more positive wibes from him would go a long way
[18:46] <Hondo_Kitsune> faileas: Vbox does.
[18:46] <Hondo_Kitsune> Right. am going to eat
[18:46] <faileas> my bad
[18:47] <Sydero> virtualbox does have usb support
[18:47] <Sydero> http://www.virtualbox.org/wiki/VBox_vs_Others
[18:48] <engineer> 3D acceleration no
[18:48] <alkjdf> i dont like kde one bit
[18:48] <Sydero> neither does parallels
[18:49] <alkjdf> sydero lol
[18:49] <Sydero> you're probably too used to it
[18:50] <engineer> 64bit guest OS support no
[18:50] <Sydero> but planned ;)
[18:50] <Sydero> :P
[18:50] <faileas> alkjdf: then use another DE ;p
[18:51] <Sydero> use ion ;)
[18:51] <Sydero> or bash
[18:51] <alkjdf> faileas DE?
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[18:51] <SergejRill_> engineer 8 packages installed, what should I start now?
[18:51] <faileas> desktop environment
[18:51] <alkjdf> faileas I use homobuntu.
[18:51] <engineer> SergejRill_ go to system, software sources
[18:51] <alkjdf> faileas all colors are pink
[18:53] <Sydero> What version of KDE are you using alkjdf ?
[18:53] <alkjdf> 6.5
[18:53] <alkjdf> you ?
[18:53] <engineer> my system doesn't support 6.5
[18:53] <engineer> so i use 4
[18:53] <Sydero> wtf
[18:53] <Sydero> 6.5
[18:53] <Sydero> ok....
[18:53] <alkjdf> seriously thouse i use xfce in slackware
[18:53] <genii> So what years in the future are you guys from again?
[18:53] <alkjdf> though
[18:53] <Sydero> 2200
[18:53] <alkjdf> i dont like gnome or kde. its to bloated
[18:54] <Sydero> it took close to 200 years for 2 versions
[18:54] <alkjdf> i think there is a ubuntu with xfce
[18:54] <alkjdf> xubuntu or something
[18:54] <engineer> ye i hate xfce, too simple
[18:54] <Sydero> KDE4 runs fast
[18:54] <alkjdf> well both kde and gnome are like vista on steroids. way to bloated.
[18:54] <SergejRill_> engineer opened, which server should I set in place of ubuntu.osuosl.org?
[18:55] <Sydero> how are they bloated?
[18:55] <engineer> SergejRill_ Download From... other, select best server
[18:55] <Sydero> disabled some daemons if you have to
[18:55] <alkjdf> sydero like that will help. the GUI itself have become WAY to heavy and the maintainers of gnome and kde knows it to...
[18:56] <Sydero> way to heavy for a 486 yes
[18:56] <Sydero> too*
[18:56] <alkjdf> they had arguments about the direction. some argued that progress means it should become more lightweight the further into the versions it gets
[18:56] <alkjdf> sydero comon
[18:56] <Sydero> :D
[18:56] <alkjdf> :P
[18:56] <Sydero> that's why there are more than two DEs
[18:57] <Sydero> use ratpoison or ion
[18:57] <Sydero> they're nice and light
[18:57] <alkjdf> blackbox
[18:57] <alkjdf> fluxbox
[18:57] <alkjdf> xfce
[18:58] <Sydero> they're only heavy if you have a slow system
[18:58] <Sydero> Do apps actually run faster in blackbox than KDE?
[18:58] <Sydero> I doubt it
[18:58] <alkjdf> sydero with that logic it should be normal to get 5gb in ram and have 6ghrz cpus just to start it
[18:58] <the-fafa> does anyone know a way to rip a asp media stream to disc?
[18:58] <mjnbrn> I was wondering if someone could answer a question I have?
[18:59] <genii> !ask | mjnbrn
[18:59] <ubottu> mjnbrn: Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-)
[19:00] <mjnbrn> Is there a way to disable all the programs I had open before I shutdown from opening at my next login?
[19:00] <Sydero> You're not leaving us an option if you're asking to ask a question ;)
[19:01] <genii> K-Button ... System Settings ...Advanced.... Session Manager.. "On Login" section choose "Start with empty sesion"
[19:01] <genii> mjnbrn: ^
[19:02] <mjnbrn> Thank you genii :)
[19:02] <alkjdf> mjnbrn do you want to start without a GUI in konsole ?
[19:02] <genii> mjnbrn: np
[19:03] <Daisuke_Laptop> uhbuh... 'konsole
[19:03] <Daisuke_Laptop> ' is a gui app
[19:04] <alkjdf> maybe he want to reboot and want the computer to start in text mode
[19:04] <mjnbrn> alkjdf, nope. The only things I don't put a gui on are servers :)
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[19:04] <alkjdf> k
[19:05] <mark_> ok so i downloaded some ati drivers for kubuntu but the laptop seems to be working a lot harder than when i never had them on running graphics apps, any advice?
[19:05] <SergejRill_> engineer I changed that server, 3 times. It didn't help. The "bad" server is in another list, at the second table
[19:05] <alkjdf> it is really easy though you just do > sudo update-rc.d -f gdm remove and sudo update-rc.d -f gdm defaults
[19:06] <engineer> SergejRill_ change to a different one, there are several listed
[19:12] <SergejRill_> engineer the main repository works, the "bad" repository is in second table, there wine-repository is too. My problem is I cannot get Qt 4.3.5 from (k)ubuntu repositories, because there the 4.2.3 the latest is, and from debian-repository adept cannot get/analyse the lists
[19:12] * Hondo_Kitsune downloads the VMWare TarBall. WISH ME LUCK!
[19:13] <faileas> Hondo_Kitsune: good luck ;p
[19:13] <faileas> (and again) is there any app for loading videos onto an ipod classic from kubuntu?
[19:14] <engineer> SergejRill_ what's the package name again'
[19:16] <Hondo_Kitsune> Over half-an-hour remaining to DL
[19:16] <SergejRill_> engineer qt4-* all of them are 4.2.3 and I need at least 4.3.5
[19:17] <Sydero> How do I view shared folders over on Windows computers? And how do I add a networked printer (it has it's own ip address and all)?
[19:17] <engineer> SergejRill_ open sources again from that tool
[19:18] <miraclemaxim> my system can freeze somewhat when it's doing something like extracting large archives until it finishes. is this common
[19:18] <engineer> and in third party software, add this -> deb http://ppa.launchpad.net/kubuntu-members-kde4/ubuntu hardy main
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[19:22] <Ace2016> hi all
[19:22] <Ace2016> what package manager do you use?
[19:22] <engineer> synaptic
[19:22] <engineer> or aptitude
[19:26] <Ace2016> a gui one based on qt?
[19:26] <engineer> adept
[19:26] <engineer> but i find synaptic better
[19:26] <Hondo_Kitsune> 15 min.
[19:26] <Ace2016> 15 min?
[19:26] <engineer> didn't know there was a package manager named 15min
[19:27] * faileas uses apt ;p
[19:28] <Hondo_Kitsune> Ace2016: downloading VMWare
[19:28] <Ace2016> how big is it?
[19:28] <alkjdf> Hondo_Kitsune did you manage to install tiny windows in qemu?
[19:28] <Hondo_Kitsune> alkjdf: i AM GOING TO KILL YOU IN A MINUTE
[19:29] <alkjdf> Hondo_Kitsune ??
[19:29] <Hondo_Kitsune> alkjdf: I DO NOT WANT SODDING WINDOWS!
[19:29] <Dr_willis> !ohmy
[19:29] <ubottu> Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.
[19:29] <Dr_willis> :)
[19:30] <Ace2016> i don't get it, what did he say?
[19:30] <alkjdf> Hondo_Kitsune so why do you want to install it?
[19:30] <Hondo_Kitsune> Dr_willis: I have told him seven times, I don't want to install windows.
[19:30] <Ace2016> bsd?
[19:30] <Hondo_Kitsune> Ace2016: BackTrack
[19:30] <Ace2016> other linux distros?
[19:31] <tictric> afaikt nobody here wants to install windows
[19:31] <Ace2016> oh i see for testing the livecd
[19:32] <alkjdf> tictric Hondo_Kitsune want to install windows
[19:32] <Algyz> Hondo_Kitsune: install desktopbsd ;)
[19:32] * Dr_willis has no idea of the original problem.
[19:32] <aomegax4> can anybody help me to solve a virtualbox problem?
[19:32] <faileas> Hondo_Kitsune: he obviously wants to get a rise out of you, ignore him
[19:32] <Hondo_Kitsune> Can someone kick that idiot KingOfDos
[19:32] <Ace2016> aomegax4: what problem?
[19:32] <Hondo_Kitsune> oo
[19:32] <Hondo_Kitsune> not KingOfDos
[19:32] <aomegax4> I had virtualbox on kubuntu gutsy...now I have installed kubuntu hardy and I have installed virtualbox-ose but I don't succed to open my old .vdi...how can I do?
[19:32] <Hondo_Kitsune> alkjdf:
[19:32] <Algyz> aomegax4: there is vbox channel
[19:33] <alkjdf> Hondo_Kitsune so why do you want to use linux if you want to use windows via linux?
[19:33] <aomegax4> yes but nobody answer me...
[19:34] <Hondo_Kitsune> I DONT WANT TO USE F***** WINDOWS WITH LINUX
[19:34] <Hondo_Kitsune> I WANT TO USE BACKTRACK
[19:34] <alkjdf> Honto_Kitsune so why dont you just install backtrack and stop thinking about windows?
[19:35] <Dr_willis> ive never heard of 'backtrack'
[19:35] <alkjdf> windows xp is not backtrack
[19:35] <alkjdf> backtrack is a linux distro for people who call themself hackers
[19:35] <alkjdf> :P
[19:35] <Dr_willis> still.... never heard of it. :P
[19:36] <Pici> !ot
[19:36] <alkjdf> Dr_Willis dont worry most of its users are lame
[19:36] <ubottu> #kubuntu is the official Kubuntu support channel, for all Kubuntu-related support questions. Please use #kubuntu-offtopic for general chatter. Thanks!
[19:36] <Hondo_Kitsune> alkjdf: I am not thinking about Windows, I want to try out BackTrack, but I prefer Kubuntu
[19:36] <Sydero> and people who call themselves hackers are script kiddies?
[19:36] <alkjdf> Hondo_Kitsune so try kubuntu, it is free :)
[19:36] <Dr_willis> So... Install backtrack then? or is there a actual kubuntu support issue here?
[19:36] <Hondo_Kitsune> alkjdf: I AM USING KUBUNTU
[19:37] <alkjdf> lol Hondo must be high on crack
[19:37] <Hondo_Kitsune> I initially asked about an error installing Parallels
[19:37] <Hondo_Kitsune> then alkjdf became a prat and started being an idior
[19:37] <Hondo_Kitsune> *idiot
[19:39] <MrKennie> backtrack actually looks interesting from a security perspective.
[19:39] <alkjdf> MrKennie nha its worthless. just alot of apps you can get for any linux distro
[19:39] <Hondo_Kitsune> now, alkjdf either tell us about your problem, BE HELPFUL or GTFO
[19:39] <alkjdf> MrKennie the only real way of being secure on the internet is to pull out the eht0 plug or having real skills
[19:39] <tictric> Hondo_Kitsune, just in case you didn't notice. *You are being very rude*
[19:40] <MrKennie> heh
[19:40] <Hondo_Kitsune> tictric: I am aware of that, I am responding to alkjdf being a prat
[19:40] <alkjdf> tictric thank you. he has been harassing me ever since i came here
[19:40] <faileas> Hondo_Kitsune: just ignore alkjdf... seriously
[19:40] <alkjdf> oh now he is sending me private messages
[19:40] <alkjdf> sheesh
[19:41] <alkjdf> when will this insanity stop hondo?
[19:41] <alkjdf> hondo i also have logs :P
[19:41] * Dr_willis has tree trunks
[19:41] * tictric has /var/log/syslog
[19:41] <Hondo_Kitsune> tictric: Most ove us in here have that XP
[19:42] <MrKennie> what's that?
[19:42] <tictric> I don't
[19:42] <alkjdf> I dont
[19:42] <tictric> MrKennie, some funny OS
[19:42] <Hondo_Kitsune> /var/log/syslog
[19:43] <alkjdf> linux is not an operating system
[19:43] <Hondo_Kitsune> I responded to tictric saying he had it by saying that most of us in here have it too
[19:43] <MrKennie> oh, is it based on some sort of *nix?
[19:43] <tictric> Ey, that's actually funny here :)
[19:43] <alkjdf> Hondo well we know you like windows
[19:44] <Hondo_Kitsune> I use windows on my PC because I have to. I use Linux on my laptop because I want to
[19:44] <tictric> why don't we change to #kubuntu-offtopic ?
[19:44] <Hondo_Kitsune> and I was fed up with the colour blue
[19:44] <MrKennie> :)
[19:45] <alkjdf> hehe
[19:45] <alkjdf> i sent bill gates a laptop installed with windows vista as a goodbye gift when he left microshit
[19:45] <MrKennie> Hondo_Kitsune: why do you have to run Windows? J/W is all.
[19:45] <Hondo_Kitsune> 1min till DL completion
[19:46] <alkjdf> Hondo are you dl tiny windows?
[19:46] <Hondo_Kitsune> MrKennie: Game, driver and work compatibility.
[19:46] <MrKennie> Hondo_Kitsune: ah, Microshafted eh? shame. =(
[19:46] <SergejRill_> engineer where get I zliblg from? because of this package I cannot update:(
[19:46] <Hondo_Kitsune> alkjdf: Say that ONE MORE TIME and YOU will be the first thing i test BackTrack on!
[19:47] <alkjdf> hondo oh shit im sooo scared hondo is gonna use wireshark on me from backtrack and TRY to use some shitty exploits
[19:47] <MrKennie> I think the whole subject should be dropped now.
[19:47] <tictric> bye
[19:47] <jpds> !ohmy | alkjdf
[19:47] <ubottu> alkjdf: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.
[19:47] <Hondo_Kitsune> MrKennie: I actually agree
[19:48] <Hondo_Kitsune> Ok, i have the TAR.
[19:48] <alkjdf> ok hack me
[19:48] <alkjdf> :)
[19:48] <Hondo_Kitsune> Back to the issue at hand
[19:48] <alkjdf> lol
[19:48] <alkjdf> lol you probably would not even be able to hack me if i installed vnc server and gave you my password
[19:49] <Hondo_Kitsune> alkjdf: You were told to drop it
[19:49] <alkjdf> yeye
[19:50] <Hondo_Kitsune> heh, I forgot i had Kompile
[19:50] * Hondo_Kitsune runs Kompile
[19:50] <Freddy2> hello
[19:51] <MrKennie> welcome
[19:51] <gurkentraeger> hello!
[19:51] <alkjdf> hello freddy2, watch out for hondo he is gonna hack you
[19:51] <Hondo_Kitsune> ok, can we get an op to kick alkjdf
[19:52] <MrKennie> alkjdf: please, just let it go.
[19:52] <gurkentraeger> could you tell me where i can get a deb package for setting the clockspeed of my radeon gpu?
[19:52] <alkjdf> hehe ok
[19:52] <alkjdf> gurkentraeger have you treid the search engine for *.deb packages on debians url?
[19:52] <gurkentraeger> in debian etch there was an app called atifreq or so
[19:53] <gurkentraeger> where is that search engine?
[19:53] <alkjdf> one second
[19:53] <Hondo_Kitsune> gurkentraeger: try using synaptic or aptitude to search for atifreq
[19:53] <Hondo_Kitsune> they are built into Kubuntu/Ubuntu
[19:53] <alkjdf> gurkentraeger http://www.debian.org/distrib/packages
[19:53] <MrKennie> http://packages.ubuntu.com/ might be worth a shot
[19:56] <gurkentraeger> thank you i was searchin for rovclock and i found it.
[19:57] <Hondo_Kitsune> Kompile failed, it turns out configure doenst work
[19:57] <alkjdf> gurkentraeger on debians url?
[19:57] <Hondo_Kitsune> gurkentraeger: glad we could help
[19:58] <gurkentraeger> do you know some tool to change the graphiccards bios to permantly set the gpu clock a little slower..?
[19:58] <Hondo_Kitsune> hmm
[19:58] <alkjdf> gurkentraeger if you are using gnome there are inbuildt tools for this sort of thing
[19:58] <gurkentraeger> i think with rovclock i have to set it everytime i boot up
[19:58] <Hondo_Kitsune> alkjdf: this is #kubuntu, not #ubuntu.
[19:58] <Hondo_Kitsune> Of course he is using KDE
[19:59] <alkjdf> hondo he is using debian. both ubuntu and kubuntu is derived from debian you little elite haxxor
[19:59] <gurkentraeger> i am using kde..
[19:59] <Hondo_Kitsune> alkjdf: See
[19:59] <alkjdf> hondo_kitsune but they all share the same package system *.deb
[20:00] <gurkentraeger> but i could use any gnome tool in kde to i am for sure..
[20:00] <Hondo_Kitsune> alkjdf: DUH, but we were not talking about that
[20:00] <gurkentraeger> what is the name of this tool
[20:00] <gurkentraeger> =
[20:00] <gurkentraeger> ?
[20:00] <Hondo_Kitsune> (Quote): [19:58:28] <alkjdf> gurkentraeger if you are using gnome there are inbuildt tools for this sort of thing
[20:00] <Hondo_Kitsune> gurkentraeger: Most GNOME apps should run nativly in KDE, if you have GTK installed
[20:00] <gurkentraeger> named ... ?
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[20:11] <Hondo_Kitsune> How do you use the perl command again
[20:11] <Hondo_Kitsune> I have a pl script to install VMware
[20:14] <epimeth> Hondo_Kitsune: if you have perl installed and the script starts with a #!/bin/perl then you can just ./perlscript.pl
[20:15] <MrKennie> and it;s executable
[20:15] <SergejRill_> engineer thanks a lot!
[20:15] <Hondo_Kitsune> "Which directory do you want to install binary files?
[20:15] <Hondo_Kitsune> [/usr/bin] (Prompt)
[20:15] <Hondo_Kitsune> ok,` what do i do now?
[20:16] <MrKennie> is this for a manually installed package?
[20:16] <MrKennie> I have a habit of installing apps I build myself to /usr/local
[20:18] <Hondo_Kitsune> this is a perl package
[20:19] <dthacker> Hondo_Kitsune: Perl package or perl module?
[20:19] <Hondo_Kitsune> it is a *.pl file
[20:20] <Hondo_Kitsune> VMware
[20:20] <MrKennie> you should be safe with defaults.
[20:20] <MrKennie> just make sure you read each option and understand what it's about to do.
[20:20] <Hondo_Kitsune> it is working
[20:20] <Hondo_Kitsune> thx
[20:25] <Mojo_risin> there is any utility to read JVC moi files?
[20:34] <gurkentraeger> hello!
[20:34] <Silvercircle> tagchen, wie kann ich denn hier bei kubuntu compiz aktivieren?
[20:35] <gurkentraeger> do you know how i can avoid kde4 from restoring a session.
[20:35] <gurkentraeger> ?
[20:35] <gurkentraeger> welches kubuntu?
[20:35] <genii> !de
[20:35] <ubottu> Deutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu und Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #xubuntu-de und #edubuntu-de
[20:35] <gurkentraeger> @ Silvercircle: welches
[20:35] <Silvercircle> kde 4 aber gehe jetzt in -de ;)
[20:36] <engineer> gurkentraeger session manager under system settings
[20:36] <Mojo_risin> it is possible to add metadata to video files in kubuntu?
[20:38] <lino> whoami
[20:38] <alkjdf> is hondo still here?
[20:38] <Dr_willis> You are lino. :)
[20:38] <Hondo_Kitsune> alkjdf: I am, and I got VMwre working
[20:38] <Hondo_Kitsune> *VMWare
[20:39] <lino> thank you dr_willis....
[20:39] <ilkin> hi people
[20:40] <alkjdf> hondo_kitsune well thats good for you but I liked qemu better then vmware/wine
[20:40] <alkjdf> :)
[20:40] <ilkin> is there any driver for card reader for Kubuntu?
[20:40] <ilkin> card reader has USB interface
[20:41] <Dr_willis> ilkin, this built into a laptop? or just one ya plug into a usb port?
[20:41] <ilkin> plug into a usb port
[20:41] <jorgia> hello...how can i roll back from kde 4? right now it seems there are both 3.5 and 4 versions of some programs...please help?
[20:41] <Dr_willis> it shouldent need any special drivers.
[20:41] <Dr_willis> jorgia, you mean remove kde4?
[20:42] <alkjdf> hondo lol one time i was running debian and intalled windows with qemu inside it and when i ran windows inside of debian i installed this hacked version of oxs in windows which i ran inside of linux. :D
[20:42] <ilkin> but when i insert, Kubuntu doesnt see it
[20:42] <jorgia> Dr_willis yes...it seems right now there are both 3.5 and 4
[20:43] <jorgia> Dr_willis can i just uninstall the kde 4 package?
[20:44] <ProMax> Øàëîì
[20:44] <Sydero> How do I access shared folders on windows machines?
[20:44] <ProMax> smb
[20:44] <Sydero> ...
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[20:44] <ProMax> samba
[20:44] <Sydero> ah cool thanks
[20:45] <Sydero> thought I had to set it up
[20:45] <Sydero> but it's already done
[20:45] <ProMax> yes
[20:46] <ProMax> !google samba kubuntu
[20:46] <ubottu> ProMax: Error: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)
[20:46] <ProMax> who speak russian ?
[20:47] <ProMax> i have 1 problem
[20:47] <engineer> !ru
[20:47] <ubottu> Пожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке / Pozhalujsta posetite #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke
[20:47] <ProMax> dont creating makeinstall ]
[20:48] <anom01y> why does a kodak c330 work in digikam, but not a kodak c433
[20:48] <ProMax> http://sourceforge.net/project/downloading.php?group_id=6994&use_mirror=surfnet&filename=SING-1.1.tgz&11306794
[20:48] <anom01y> ??
[20:48] <ProMax> thanx
[20:50] <anom01y> anyone here know anything about digital cameras and digikam ??
[20:52] <Biomaze> Anyone here that could point me in the right direction to a error21 free install of kubuntu?
[20:54] <SergejRill_> bye!
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[21:11] <RaceDrv709> My nvidia graphics card driver will not install
[21:13] <RaceDrv709> typed what I needed in the terminal and it's telling me the file will not open
[21:14] <MrKennie> exact error?
[21:15] <MrKennie> RaceDrv709: before you continue, you have tried the nvidia drivers included in kubuntu?
[21:15] <RaceDrv709> can't open Nvidia-Linux-x86....
[21:16] <MrKennie> RaceDrv709: well, firstly you need to make it executable `chmod 755 NVIDIA-blahblah.run` then sudo ./NVIDIA-.....
[21:16] <MrKennie> RaceDrv709: but have yo utried the included drivers via the restricted driver manager?
[21:18] <RaceDrv709> yeah
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[21:18] <RaceDrv709> ... I think
[21:18] <MrKennie> RaceDrv709: OK
[21:18] <MrKennie> RaceDrv709: run the manager and see
[21:19] <RaceDrv709> Manager?
[21:19] <MrKennie> RaceDrv709: it will say if the restricted driver is in use or not
[21:19] <MrKennie> RaceDrv709: under K->System->Hardware Drivers Manager
[21:20] <Sydero> I just installed vim-gtk from adept
[21:20] <Sydero> and when I type vim-gtk into the terminal..... it says command not found
[21:20] <MrKennie> try gvim
[21:21] <Dekans> Kubuntu automatically mounts my windows partition when I want to access it, I have to entrer my password for it
[21:21] <Sydero> I don't see it in adept
[21:21] <MrKennie> Sydero: no, try running gvim
[21:21] <Dekans> this partition doesn't appear in the fstab
[21:21] <MrKennie> Sydero: soemtimes the application you want to run is not the same name as the package.
[21:21] <Dekans> how do I make kubuntu automatically mount this partition at startup without my password ?
[21:22] <Sydero> thanks
[21:22] <MrKennie> np
[21:23] <MrKennie> Dekans: you can mount it during boot time but you will have to edit fstab
[21:23] <Sydero> now all I hav to do is find an icon for it
[21:23] <genii> MrKennie: If it needs a password likely it's encrypted
[21:23] <MrKennie> genii: ah right, I don't know about that. :)
[21:23] <RaceDrv709> The manager says the driver is not in use
[21:23] <Dekans> I would like to do without editing the fstab, because kubuntu is able to handle it without writing the fstab
[21:24] <MrKennie> RaceDrv709: ok, click the checkbox and then it should install them for you.
[21:24] <Dekans> but it seems that I'll have to go back to a classic gesture of it
[21:25] <RaceDrv709> WTF (Another process is using the packaging system database (probably some other Adept application or apt-get or aptitude).
[21:25] <MrKennie> RaceDrv709: do you have adept open?
[21:25] <miraclemaxim> is your .deb package open
[21:25] <RaceDrv709> I try opening it and I get that
[21:25] <genii> Probably automatic updates chugging in background
[21:26] <Freddy2> genii: it seems you won't appear in atlantis anymore :D
[21:27] <genii> Freddy2: Smartass ;)
[21:28] <Freddy2> genii: 5th season may be the last, according to some rumors
[21:28] <MrKennie> that was short
[21:28] <genii> Ah
[21:29] <MrKennie> compared to sg1
[21:29] <Freddy2> sure, but the will have to move fast to close all the opened-substories they have
[21:29] <Freddy2> we'll see..
[21:30] <MrKennie> I've only got to season 8 of sg1 (playing catch up) and soon I will get atlantis and catch up with that too. =)
[21:30] <Freddy2> 9th and 10th are not really important.. atlantis is the right next way, sure
[21:32] <MrKennie> 9 and 10 still good?
[21:33] <Freddy2> they look like padding xD but you can see them, and of course you'll have to watch both films (ark of truth and continuum) if you want a true end for this series
[21:34] <Freddy2> morena baccarin is the main interest of the ori-saga :)_
[21:34] <anom01y> hi someone told me the udev rules in kubuntu would be the problem that I am having with digikam and my camera
[21:35] <anom01y> how can I check the udev rules ?
[21:37] <Jckl> i installed the upgrade for kubuntu and also installed the upgrade to amsn but am getting an error. It says that loading TkCximage has failed. Anyone know if this is a problem with the amsn install or a problem with my tcl/tk 8.5 ?
[21:38] <anom01y> wow Ive asked like 50 questions here and never had an answer
[21:40] <genii> Jckl: Perhaps see http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=753061
[21:40] <Jckl> ill take a look.. thanks
[21:41] <genii> anom01y: The udev rules are in /etc/udev/rules.d but very cryptic to sort through
[21:41] <anom01y> genii: I am trying to find the rules for a digital camera because I have one camera that works and the other does not work
[21:42] <anom01y> sorry, two cameras, one works, the other doesnt, almost same make/model but not quite
[21:43] <Jckl> genii: that ended up being for a different error.. thanks though i am gonna go search some more
[21:44] <anom01y> genii: what files should I look for to edit the rules for a digital camera ?
[21:52] <genii> anom01y: Likely 90-modprobe.rules
[21:54] <genii> or 80-programs.rules
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[22:05] <jorgia> please help...removed all kde4 packages using adept as suggested to go back to kde 3.5...but on reboot i had to go to root and start kdm manually...i got lucky...please tell me how to restore normal boot process
[22:06] <anom01y> Could not read file Could not lock the device.
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[22:09] <anom01y> sorry got disconnected so many times there not sure if anyone answered me or not
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[22:12] <chrisx86> hi, whats the difference between kubuntu 8.04 and kubuntu 8.04 kde remix
[22:12] <chrisx86> what does kde remix mean?
[22:12] <Dragnslcr> Uses KDE4 by default
[22:12] <chairman> i'm have problems configuring my Kmail w/my gmail account
[22:13] <chairman> can anyboddy help?
[22:14] <chairman> hello
[22:14] <anom01y> sorry got disconnected, again
[22:15] <chairman> heelllooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!11
[22:17] <mkquist> hi
[22:17] <jussi01> chairman: can we help you?
[22:17] <chairman> yes. i need help with my kmail
[22:18] <anom01y> why does digikam work for one of my cameras but not the other
[22:18] <anom01y> [14:12] <anom01y> both are kodak easyshares, one is a c330, the other a c433
[22:18] <jussi01> chairman: gmail is quite easy with kmail - the instructions are quite similar to gmails instructions for apple mail.
[22:18] <chairman> well i can't receive or send email thru it. can u help me plz?
[22:19] <Peter1987> Hi all!
[22:19] <chairman> my gmail address is tbent4000@gmail.com
[22:20] <jussi01> chairman: well what have you done? did you try following the instructions at gmailssite?
[22:20] <chairman> yes
[22:20] <jussi01> chairman: this is a publicly logged channel, not a good idea to give your email out
[22:20] <jussi01> chairman: so what eror does it fail with?
[22:21] <anom01y> I can probably get more help in #bash than here jeesh
[22:21] <mkquist> here comes the spam
[22:21] <chairman> caan't remember but only stmp failed or something and it can't pick up no incoming
[22:23] <jussi01> anom01y: if noone knows, no one answers :(
[22:24] <engineer> if no one answers, either no one knows or no one cares
[22:25] <carlos> waaa
[22:25] <carlos> no hay nadie
[22:26] <carlos> mmm como puedo hacer para reproducir DVD
[22:26] <anom01y> anyone here know anything about digital cameras ?
[22:26] <engineer> use k3b
[22:26] <engineer> i know a bit
[22:26] <engineer> i use them to take pictures
[22:27] <carlos> yes i use Kb3
[22:27] <jussi01> carlos: please only english in here :)
[22:27] <engineer> i like Carlos Santana
[22:27] <carlos> only english
[22:27] <jussi01> !info k9copy
[22:27] <engineer> awesome guitar player
[22:27] <ubottu> k9copy (source: k9copy): DVD backup tool for KDE. In component multiverse, is optional. Version 1.2.3-0ubuntu1 (hardy), package size 1517 kB, installed size 3056 kB
[22:27] <carlos> ok
[22:28] <jussi01> carlos: is that helpful?
[22:28] <carlos> dont play dvd
[22:29] <kartesus> hi ... how can i use more then 2 virtual desktops in kde4?
[22:29] <engineer> yes
[22:29] <kartesus> i went to pager settings but cant set more then 2
[22:29] <jussi01> carlos: you want to play dvd's?
[22:29] <jussi01> !dvd | carlos
[22:29] <ubottu> carlos: For playing DVD, see http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/video.html - "libdvdcss2" can be found at !Medibuntu or (for Feisty and earlier) http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages - Try k9copy (available in !Universe) for backing up DVDs
[22:30] <engineer> kartesus system settings
[22:30] <carlos> mmm ok
[22:30] <jussi01> kartesus: Kde4 support in #kubuntu-kde4 :)
[22:30] <kartesus> thanks jussi01 and engineer
[22:32] <kartesus> engineer: could make it through system settings... thanks
[22:36] <draik> How can I monitor the traffic on my network at home
[22:36] <draik> It shouldn't take me about 1-2 minutes to load Google.com
[22:39] <draik> Any help is greatly appreciated.
[22:42] <hasan> is htere a japonese channel ?
[22:42] <hasan> for kubuntu ?
[22:42] <Level15> draik: wireshark, tcpdump or even just iptraf
[22:42] <hasan> hi guys
[22:42] <hasan> is there a japanoese channel for kubuntu or ubuntu?
[22:43] <draik> Level15: wireshark doesn't find a device
[22:43] <Level15> draik: try iptraf
[22:43] <draik> Level15: Will it give me everything on my network and not just my computer?
[22:45] <Level15> draik: i think it can be made promiscuous to listen for everything
[22:45] <Level15> or try tcpdump
[22:51] <draik> Level15: It seems that it only listens to my computer only, not my whole network
[22:54] <Level15> draik: tcpdump
[22:54] <Level15> g2g
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[23:02] <smarty> How can i view the source for kubuntu?
[23:04] <smarty> anyone?
[23:08] <fanel> hello
[23:09] <fanel> who knows how to fix the sound in Ubuntu 8.04?
[23:09] <fanel> any ideas?
[23:10] <fanel> on a Toshiba laptop
[23:12] <grinias> fanel: are you sure that there is really a problem?
[23:12] <fanel> yes I am sure
[23:13] <fanel> I installed Ubuntu 8.04 from the original CD
[23:13] <fanel> a couple of times
[23:13] <fanel> and still I could get no sound at all
[23:13] <grinias> do you see kmix icon?
[23:13] <fanel> If I boot the laptop in windows
[23:14] <fanel> it works
[23:14] <luis> hello
[23:14] <fanel> hello
[23:14] <fanel> kmix?
[23:14] <luis> I'm lookig for help
[23:15] <fanel> I-
[23:15] <engineer> keep looking
[23:15] <fanel> I am looking for it
[23:15] <luis> :) help with the KDE configuration
[23:15] <tzd> fanel: have you tried the ubuntu channel regarding your sound issue?
[23:15] <fanel> I have tried before
[23:15] <luis> I've set the transparency on , my problem is that the kicker bar is also transparent
[23:15] <fanel> And I am trying it right now
[23:16] <engineer> disable transparency on kicker then
[23:16] <tzd> ok, just wondering since it was ubuntu and since their channel usually consists of more people
[23:16] <zabbadapp> fanel: tried "alsamixer" ? for me (kubuntu 8.04), volume was 0
[23:16] <luis> does anybody know how to set the kicker bar allways visible
[23:17] <luis> well how would you disable it on kiker?
[23:17] <luis> I've tried to set the preferences for that window.. but..
[23:17] <fanel> how could I reach the alsamixer?
[23:18] <fanel> type somethink in the terminal?
[23:18] <hoopoe> type alsamixer
[23:18] <tzd> luis: right click panel, choose "Edit panel" or whatever it is in English
[23:19] <tzd> luis: the second option from the bottom, the one above help
[23:19] <luis> (my kubuntu is in spanish) configure panel aha?
[23:19] <tzd> luis: yes most likely
[23:20] <luis> and then?
[23:20] <tzd> luis: then click the second button/tab from the top named "hide"
[23:20] <luis> block panels?
[23:20] <tzd> luis: and on there, make sure the top radiobutton is marked
[23:21] <tzd> luis: should be the second button i think?
[23:21] <luis> let me see if I can find what you say
[23:21] <tzd> ok
[23:21] <luis> (I've been fidling with this for hours now)
[23:22] <tzd> luis: yeah, i've done that in the past as well with various things... get's a bit boring after a while but you'll learn loads meanwhile though :D
[23:22] <luis> sorry, what is what the radio button should read?
[23:23] <luis> :) yea I know, but it's just that I can't get it to work
[23:23] <luis> whenever I set the transparency on , for some reason the menu bar turns transparent too
[23:23] <tzd> luis: hmm it's the top radio button... it should read something like: Only hide when the hidebutton is clicked
[23:24] <tzd> luis: oh, i thought it was hidden
[23:24] <tzd> then you could probably just ignore what i've adviced
[23:24] <luis> let me see , done, "only hide when the the hidding button is clicked"
[23:25] <luis> done but, still the same
[23:25] <tzd> luis: yeah, i thought you meant that it was hidden, not transparent
[23:25] <tzd> luis: to sort the transparent issue try this:
[23:25] <luis> my problem is that the transparency, for some reason turns transparent the kicker bar,
[23:26] <tzd> luis: 2 buttons down in the "KDE-Panel" window there's a different button called "design/look"
[23:26] <tzd> luis: click that button
[23:26] <luis> appearence?
[23:26] <tzd> luis: yes :) That's the correct translation :D
[23:27] <luis> ok
[23:27] <tzd> luis: in there you have panel/kicker background at the bottom
[23:27] <luis> yes , let me see
[23:27] <luis> theres a radio button, for "allow transparency"
[23:28] <tzd> luis: it should be the top check box... that one should be unchecked
[23:28] <miraclemaxim> when i switch from compiz to kwin as my window manager, windows randomly lose focus, but are clearly visible in front of me. cannot click on them unless i select them from the taskbar again
[23:28] <miraclemaxim> anyone have any ideas why that happens?
[23:28] <luis> hmm I've tried that
[23:28] <luis> the problem then is that , the kicker is still transparent , but now the background's grey
[23:29] <tzd> luis: what colour do you have for your wallpaper then?
[23:29] <luis> I have , no wallpaper
[23:29] <luis> just the color black
[23:30] <tzd> ok and when you have the radiobutton for allow transparency checked it's grey instead of black?
[23:30] <luis> when it's checked its black
[23:30] <luis> it becomes grey, when unchecked
[23:31] <tzd> ok then you just need to change the colour of your preference
[23:31] <luis> I've already tried that
[23:31] <tzd> oh, so you've checked the button underneath saying something like "activate background image"?
[23:32] <luis> also there's a button for "advanced options" , I've tried that, and tried to fidle with the option for "amount of taint"
[23:32] <luis> yes, I've tried with activate background image tooo
[23:32] <luis> sorry too*
[23:33] <tzd> luis: hmm then I'm afraid I don't know what to do... Are you running compiz perhaps?
[23:33] <luis> what is compiz :)?
[23:35] <tzd> luis: :) It's well hmm.... a lot of desktop effects imho.
[23:36] <earthsound> can someone help me repair my grub installation?
[23:36] <tzd> luis: if you google compiz you'll see what you can do with it. I find it a bit troublesome on Kubuntu (KDE) though and it uses some extra resources
[23:36] <luis> I see
[23:36] <luis> well
[23:36] <luis> transparency works fine and looks great
[23:37] <luis> it's worth it to try to solve this minor inconvinience with the menu bar
[23:37] <luis> :)
[23:37] <earthsound> i had 2 drives on this machine: 1 IDE (w/ windows) and 1 SATA (w/ an NTFS partition and a /, /home and swap partitions, with kubuntu 8.04 installed)
[23:39] <earthsound> the SATA drive was going bad, so I replaced it. as I didn't need anything off the old kubuntu install, I decided to just install 8.04.1 (from a desktop cd) fresh on the 2nd (new) drive
[23:39] <tzd> luis: ah ok :) Sorry I couldn't be much of help. I find it quite good to ask for help in another 12 hours or so... Then there's a lot of skilled people in that could help you out
[23:40] <earthsound> I got to the partitioning part of the installation, and resized the existing partition on the new SATA HD, using the end for the kubuntu install
[23:40] <earthsound> after successfully partitioning, copying files, etc, it spit the CD out and I rebooted but was greeted by an GRUB Error 22 instead of a boot menu
[23:41] <luis> tzd thank you very much :)
[23:41] <earthsound> I restarted and was going to go through the install process again to make sure everything was set up correctly the first time. when I got to the partition section of the install, i saw that everything looked good
[23:42] <tzd> luis: oh nothing to thank me for, i was unable to help you..
[23:42] <earthsound> the new HD had an NTFS partition, an ext3, and a swap partition...so I cancelled the install and it went ahead and booted into kubuntu, where I am now
[23:43] <earthsound> i don't know if I'm running off the cd or the hd...how can I tell?
[23:44] <FrameFever> nix
[23:44] <FrameFever> klappt nicht
[23:44] <FrameFever> kann trotzdem nur american english auswählen
[23:45] <luis> Gus is that you?
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[23:58] <diggernet> any KNetworkManager gurus in the house?