UbuntuIRC / 2008 /07 /19 /#ubuntu-mythtv.txt
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[01:02] <CRXLPY> is it possible to use mythtv to play an iso created in mytharchive?
[01:02] <tgm4883_laptop> CRXLPY, I don't see why not
[01:02] <tgm4883_laptop> mythvideo plays iso's
[01:03] <CRXLPY> ok so I run mythvideo on the command line?
[01:03] <tgm4883_laptop> err, no
[01:03] <tgm4883_laptop> IIRC your iso should be in your video dir right?
[01:03] <tgm4883_laptop> do you have mythvideo installed?
[01:04] <CRXLPY> it is in the mytharchive work dir
[01:06] <tgm4883_laptop> ok you can either move it to the video directory or make mythvideo also use the mytharchive directory
[01:06] <CRXLPY> ok ty
[01:07] <tgm4883_laptop> then just either rescan your movie collection or enable browse mode and you should be able to play it in there
[01:07] <tgm4883_laptop> off to eat
[01:26] <CRXLPY> is there a free listings service for mythtv and us-cable?
[01:31] <rhpot1991> CRXLPY: not any longer
[01:32] <rhpot1991> just pay for SD, its well worth it
[01:32] <CRXLPY> thanks
[01:39] <darthanubis> just noticed today my video playback starts real fast, then stops for 4sec, then repeats that cycle
[01:40] <darthanubis> ffmpeg got updated today dunno if that had an effect?
[01:40] <darthanubis> I have not rebooted, only restarted the backend
[01:40] <darthanubis> this is not cool
[01:41] <darthanubis> What could I do to remedy this? Ever heard of this before?
[02:16] <CRXLPY> ok I been looking for a while but no solution found yet. I cant get rid of scratchy audio. I have seen kludges that kinda fix it but only so much and not permanently. besides they require source code edits and were done with older versions of mythtv.
[02:49] <tgm4883_laptop> CRXLPY, PVR-500?
[02:53] <CRXLPY> was afk sorry
[02:53] <CRXLPY> wintv tuner card but not a pvr
[02:53] <CRXLPY> tgm4883_laptop^^
[02:54] <tgm4883_laptop> hmm, don't know then
[02:54] <tgm4883_laptop> you could try changing the audio input to see if it fixes it
[02:55] <CRXLPY> where is the audio input seting, I dont see it
[02:56] <tgm4883_laptop> do it from the command line while watching live tv
[02:56] <tgm4883_laptop> i can give you the command for my pvr-500
[02:56] <tgm4883_laptop> but i don't guarentee its the same
[02:56] <tgm4883_laptop> sec
[02:57] <tgm4883_laptop> i have to change it away, then back
[02:57] <tgm4883_laptop> v4l2-ctl -d 0 --set-audio-input=0
[02:57] <tgm4883_laptop> then
[02:57] <tgm4883_laptop> v4l2-ctl -d 0 --set-audio-input=1
[03:00] <CRXLPY> do it while I watch tv?
[03:05] <tgm4883_laptop> yes
[03:05] <tgm4883_laptop> that way you can see if it fixes it
[03:05] <CRXLPY> tgm4883_laptop I dont have a v4l2-ctl nor do I see it in synaptic
[03:07] <CRXLPY> I guess I will run v4l-ctl instead
[03:07] <CRXLPY> I dont have that either
[03:08] <tgm4883_laptop> hmm
[03:08] <tgm4883_laptop> IIRC it's in ivtv-tools
[03:08] <CRXLPY> I am running mythbuntu 8.04
[03:09] <CRXLPY> this card does not use the ivtv module
[03:12] <CRXLPY> the ivtv module is for cards with the mpeg2 chip like the pvr-*50's
[03:24] <MythbuntuGuest07> Hi there! I was wondering if someone copuld suggest a good HTPC case that would work well with Mythbuntu.
[03:27] <MythbuntuGuest07> I was looking at the Thermaltake DH102 VH2001BNS or something similar. Any help will be a big help, thanks!
[03:29] <CRXLPY> you are looking for hdtv/atsc/qam card I assume? or an analog tv?(pal/ntsc)
[03:30] <CRXLPY> any hauppauge card will work (WinTV PVR-xxxx)
[03:31] <CRXLPY> the mythtv site has a list of compatable cards
[03:31] <MythbuntuGuest07> It would be an hdtv but primarily I would like to get the drivers for the case working. I'll pick up the other bits on the way.
[03:32] <CRXLPY> MythbuntuGuest07 here ya go http://www.mythtv.org/wiki/index.php/Tuner_Card#Cards_that_work
[03:32] <CRXLPY> wintv pvr-1600
[03:32] <darthanubis> are we talking cards or cases?
[03:32] <CRXLPY> card
[03:33] <MythbuntuGuest07> No sorry man I'mtalking about the case.
[03:33] <CRXLPY> I dont know what the case driver would be... I just get a powersupply for cases
[03:33] <darthanubis> becaus eyou typed "card" above
[03:33] <darthanubis> Cases don't have drivers
[03:33] <darthanubis> why would they?
[03:34] <CRXLPY> ask MythbuntuGuest07 he says he needs case drivers
[03:34] <MythbuntuGuest07> I'm looking for a good HTPC case. Most have some sort of drivers for XP and Vista. The drivers anr for things like the remote or a touch panel. I'll post the link.
[03:35] <darthanubis> weird
[03:35] <darthanubis> the touch panel?
[03:35] <CRXLPY> oh, ic, I thought thermaltake sounded wierd for a card
[03:35] <MythbuntuGuest07> http://www.thermaltake.com/product/Chassis/desktop/dh102/vh2001bns.asp
[03:35] <darthanubis> I would not worry about any drivers
[03:35] <darthanubis> unless you plain on running Vista
[03:36] <darthanubis> otherwise, drop the driver stuff
[03:36] <darthanubis> and just worry about getting a good
[03:36] <darthanubis> card
[03:36] <darthanubis> cases are cases
[03:36] <MythbuntuGuest07> That's the link if someone want to have a look.
[03:36] <darthanubis> look on newegg and pick a case
[03:36] <CRXLPY> it looks flashy, are you trying to make one to sell?
[03:37] <darthanubis> yeah looks cool
[03:37] <MythbuntuGuest07> No it's for me. It's a project for fun.
[03:37] <darthanubis> but I'd go for something more simple
[03:37] <MythbuntuGuest07> Maybe it's too ambitious.
[03:38] <darthanubis> http://www.qrdc.com/Quiet_Computer_PC_Parts/Silent_HTPC_Case
[03:39] <MythbuntuGuest07> Thanks dartthanubis!
[03:39] <MythbuntuGuest07> sorry darthanubis...
[03:39] <darthanubis> np
[03:40] <darthanubis> you like that page;)
[03:43] <MythbuntuGuest07> Thanks for the help guys, much appreciated!
[03:46] <CRXLPY> np
[03:46] <CRXLPY> I was away looking for stories with linux and that case..... found none
[03:50] <MythbuntuGuest07> Yea I didn't have much luck either. Too bad. I can think of a bit of fun to be had with that touch screen. If only I knew how to do something with it. I'm not goiung to get it if I have to be stuck using XP or Vista. Linux need s more support from hardware manufactures.
[03:51] <CRXLPY> give it 2-3mos it will be working. meanwhile you can get the restof the bugs worked out using a simple pc case
[03:53] <CRXLPY> I just want my audio to stop scratching
[03:53] <MythbuntuGuest07> Yea that sounds like the plan. Thanks again for all the help. I'm sure I'll be asking again. Cheers!
[04:02] <CRXLPY> darthanubis do you have input on my scratchy issue? I am using a wintv tuner card (not a pvr) so I dont use the ivtv module therefore I dont have v4l2-ctl which seems to be involved in alot of fixes that I have found
[04:03] <darthanubis> frontend playback settings
[04:04] <darthanubis> enable audio buffering see if that fixes it
[04:04] <darthanubis> how is your regular system audio,? Is it scratchy as well?
[04:12] <CRXLPY> afk sorry
[04:12] <CRXLPY> bak now
[04:14] <CRXLPY> I am starting up kdetv to check audio through it
[04:23] <CRXLPY> sound is fine through the card darthanubis. I can hear no noise at any volume using the line input, but the line input is out of sync, of course
[04:25] <CRXLPY> the scratchy comes in on the captured audio from the tuner
[04:29] <darthanubis> enable audio buffering see if that fixes it
[05:37] <rickwookie> Hi there, anyone able to help me figure out why I can't start mythbuntu-control-centre?
[09:32] <laga> rickwookie: open a terminal, type "mythbuntu-control-centre", hit return and look for error messages
[09:55] <Loki6> Hello I have some ideas to improve the MythBuntu manual and the contect of two of the MythBuntu website pages. Can someone tell me who I need to speak about this or where to begin?
[09:55] <laga> Loki6: #ubuntu-mythtv-dev
[09:56] <laga> most devs read the back log
[09:56] <Loki6> Where can i find the backlog?
[09:57] <laga> no, i meant to say that you should go there and tell us what you want to tell us and people will read it. i'll read it right now and discuss it ;)
[09:57] <laga> i'm not sure if we have public logs for the developer channel
[09:58] <Loki6> I started developing on MythTV a few week ago but because I really like MythBuntu, I would like to help with that as well
[09:59] <Loki6> because I needed to read a lott about these projects I discovered some gaps in the documentation someone who works on it would nog see as soon.
[09:59] <laga> well, then come to #ubuntu-mythtv-dev
[10:00] <Loki6> ow by the way, i juist remembered I talked to you some time ago about adding a section to the manual about DVB-s and paytv setups. I've finished this and it ready to add to the documentation
[10:00] <laga> cool :)
[10:01] <Loki6> I already have more that 50 people using it in holland, also its being used by the Dreambox community to replace their older dreamboxes
[10:01] <Loki6> way cool
[10:01] <laga> very nice
[10:01] <Loki6> They also helped me find easy way to add channel listing for wich I will write something for myth
[10:02] <Loki6> yesterday I received a technotrend DVB-C 1501 card to test it on cable
[10:02] <laga> are you going to work on mythtv's channel scanner?
[10:03] <Loki6> I discovered MythTV follows the dvb protocol a litte to strict, so that needs some work
[10:03] <Loki6> If people lett me, i would be glad to work on it
[10:03] <laga> well, it's more like broadcasters not following the DVB specs but smoking crack instead :)
[10:03] <Loki6> YOU ARE RIGHT
[10:03] <laga> Loki6: you should talk to danielk, he's working on a rewrite of the channel scanner
[10:04] <laga> you can often find him as danielk22 in #mythtv
[10:04] <Loki6> ok
[10:04] <Loki6> Ik will
[10:04] <laga> but he's not near a computer this weekend, so you might try the mailing lists
[10:04] <Loki6> about the scanner
[10:04] <Loki6> ok on gossammer i think?
[10:04] <laga> well, you can't write mails thru gossamer
[10:04] <laga> look on mythtv.org
[10:05] <Loki6> I know how... i'm already registered to the mailing list
[10:05] <laga> ah, great
[10:05] <Loki6> about the scanner if you have the time
[10:06] * laga has lots of spare time :)
[10:06] <Loki6> ha ha ha
[10:06] <Loki6> thats cool... I would like to have that to
[10:06] <Loki6> but a man needs to make time for his hobbies
[10:06] <Loki6> ;)
[10:06] <laga> summer break \o/
[10:06] <laga> yes
[10:07] <Erhapp> Hello
[10:07] <Loki6> in two week I will... till then I need to work a little over... our goverment just decided to build new biometric systems and I'm the bleading engineer on it eh leadengineer i mean
[10:08] <Erhapp> Can anybody help me setting up my frontend box so that upon boot it wakes my backend using WOL. (The WOL part on the backend is working, I just don't now how to set up the frontendbox)
[10:10] <Loki6> about the scanner of myth, its indeed following the dvb standard, but most dvb boxes have extra configuration options: you can set the frequency, network ID (and symbol rate, QAM format which you don't need to change)
[10:10] <Loki6> Because you can see myth as een advance dvb box (sorry for the analogy) myth should support this as well.
[10:11] <laga> yeah, i think i remember some problems because of the NID.. you need to set it for some networks
[10:11] <Loki6> As I see it now, people need to use dvbapps to scan their channels to the database
[10:12] <Loki6> I have not tested it yet, my tt budget card is winking to me... but promised my girl to get some food first (Women tend to have their fridge stuffed with this stuff)
[10:12] <laga> yay, food
[10:12] <Loki6> yes indeed, like ziggo in the netherlands
[10:13] <Loki6> yah food: guys just use caffee and pizza but girls... the need to be difficult about it ;)
[10:13] <Loki6> don't let her hear it...
[10:14] <Loki6> laga about the mythBuntu website...
[10:14] <laga> as i said (twice already), it's better to join #ubuntu-mythtv-dev so that the other guys see it
[10:15] <Loki6> excuse... ill do that in a minut
[10:15] <Loki6> erhapp did you look at the mythTV wiki?
[10:15] <Loki6> your question is explained their, i can get you the url if your still here
[10:16] <Loki6> If not I won't bother ;)
[10:17] <Erhapp> loki6: Yes I did look at the wiki but I could find anything that fits
[10:17] <Erhapp> loki6: I would love to get the url.
[10:21] <loki0> excuse got disconnected because of a experiment... stupid stupid
[10:21] <loki0> still there?
[10:21] <loki0> the url: http://www.mythtv.org/wiki/index.php/Wake-on-LAN
[10:21] <Erhapp> yep
[10:22] <loki0> look at the part about the eh magic packet you need to send
[10:22] <loki0> you just need to send it from you startup script...
[10:22] <Erhapp> Ok, I saw that page
[10:22] <laga> um
[10:22] <laga> you can just use mythfrontend for that?
[10:22] <Erhapp> so that is the part i was missing
[10:22] <loki0> explainations about startup scripts you can find anywhere on the net
[10:22] <laga> there is a setting somewhere ;)
[10:22] <loki0> jups
[10:23] <Erhapp> So I need to put the command in the startup script?
[10:23] <loki0> okay... i'm still in the learning proces to and as a programmer I tend to do stuff the technical way
[10:23] <Erhapp> Or did laga mean that you could als do it in mythfrontend?
[10:24] <loki0> yes you can do that
[10:24] <loki0> but laga just suggested there is a setting somewhere for this
[10:25] <Erhapp> Laga: How would I do it from mythfrontend?
[10:25] <loki0> an idea: could you add this kind of command to you boot loader? so the backend is there almost at the same time as the backend?
[10:26] <Erhapp> I'm not sure I can answer your question Loki. If you can explain it to me I'm willing to try it...
[10:27] <laga> loki0: you nee da network connection to send the magic pack..
[10:27] <laga> err
[10:28] <Erhapp> laga: I understand that part. But how do i make the frontend send the package?
[10:28] <loki0> again my connection was lost :(
[10:28] <laga> loki0: you nee da network connection to send the magic packet.. so you can't do it in the boot loader.
[10:28] <laga> Erhapp: you can configure a wake on lan command in mythfrontend
[10:29] <loki0> yah thought about it while my connection was comming back ;)
[10:29] <loki0> your right
[10:29] <Erhapp> laga: ok, and were should i do that?
[10:29] <loki0> laga the command before or after loading the frontend executed?
[10:30] <loki0> because I think it would be beter to execute it before... this saves a few seconds
[10:32] <loki0> look at page 80 of the manual its somewhere near that page
[10:33] <loki0> erhapp I need to ask some questions on the dev channel and that do some other stuff... hopes this helped you solving your problem
[10:33] <Erhapp> ok, what should i be looking for in the manual?
[10:34] <Erhapp> Just to make sure am searching in the right direction
[10:35] <loki0> just look at the page and it comes to you
[10:35] <loki0> you can get the installation manual from MythBuntu.com
[10:37] <loki0> in that page its explained where to configure this kind of stuff after that you can experiment a little. Just remember or write down what you changed.
[11:45] <rickwookie> Hi there - again... ...in response to an earlier question I posted - when I run mythbuntu-control-centre at the end of the error traceback I get: AttributeError: ControlCentre instance has no attribute 'mb_apple_trailers_checkbox'
[11:46] <laga> rickwookie: are you running intrepid
[11:46] <rickwookie> yep
[11:46] <laga> well, then file a bug report please
[11:47] <zagibu> i can watch dvb-c streams from my card just fine in mplayer with mplayer dvb://"channelname", but HD channels don't play...why?
[11:47] <rickwookie> Where do I do that. I mean is that a separate place for mythbuntu bugs?
[11:47] <zagibu> and yes, I DO have a HD card
[11:48] <laga> zagibu: they are probably encrypted?
[11:48] <laga> your mplayer doesn't support h.264 good enough?
[12:21] <zagibu> they are not encrypted
[12:22] <zagibu> and they are listed as mpeg/4 in my frequency table not h.264
[12:24] <zagibu> i also have the problem that mythtv can't get an F-LOCK on any channel, but I guess this has to do with the fact that it doesn't fill in the database correctly when doing the channel scan
[12:25] <zagibu> i've read about it somewhere and I am confident that a resolution exists...
[12:29] <rickwookie> bug filed
[12:37] <MythbuntuGuest57> hi
[12:40] <Mazga> hi
[12:45] <Mazga> i´ve tried mythbuntu and i´ve to say great!, i have installed front and backend an one PC now i wanna have one or more backends with about 5 frontends - i know its possible but can someone explain me when the tv cards are only in the backends presents how do the frontend select there tvchannel? or i have to put one tv card for each frontend user?? i´m asking because i still have three diferent tv cards built in, dvb-t, dvb-s2 a
[12:48] <laga> Mazga: if you don't get an answer, try posting in the forum (or search it first). i've got to run now
[12:49] <Mazga> i think i´ve time ;)
[12:49] <Mazga> i´m looking for such a system about half a year and i think mythbuntu is the right think for me
[12:59] <zagibu> wel, if you want to watch differnt channels on all frontends, then you need a tuner for each frontend, yes
[13:01] <zagibu> maybe there are dual-tuner dvb cards available, to make hardware installation a bit easier
[13:04] <Mazga> ok i know one tuner one tv channel
[13:05] <Mazga> but if i have 3tv crads and 5 frontends and 3 of 5 wanna watch tv how they can seect there tv card?
[13:06] <Mazga> how does the frontend1 kowns which tv cards is not in use?
[13:06] <jduggan> coz the backend tells it
[13:07] <Mazga> and if every three tv tuner are in use which msg got frontend nr.4 that theres no free tv card?
[13:07] <zagibu> yeah, the backend automatically selects an available card
[13:08] <Mazga> but not on every tv card are the same stations available eg: dvb-t != dvb-s2
[13:08] <jduggan> Mazga: also, check out multirec if you think you're likely to fill all three tuners :)
[13:10] <zagibu> i think you could make different videosources for each card, so that they have separate channel lists...not sure, though
[13:12] <zagibu> i have my own share of problems...if I do a czap -r "SDTV-Channel", i can do a cat /dev/dvb/adapter0/dvr0 and get some output
[13:13] <zagibu> but if I do a czap -r "HDTV-Channel", i get nothing with cat...and my network operator told me that NO channels are encrypted, not even HD channels
[13:14] <zagibu> maybe the drivers are not yet ready for hdtv?
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[14:50] <aclose72> good day everyone
[14:50] <aclose72> can someone tell me how to verify what video driver i'm currently using?
[14:50] <aclose72> i'm running MythBuntu 8.04 with the latest updates
[14:51] <aclose72> i have an Intel G35 chipset and would like to use the latest Intel driver
[14:51] <aclose72> i selected use OSS driver during setup
[15:05] <aclose72> looking through dmesg output i see that at startup an Intel 965G chipset is detected
[15:08] <darthanubis> os[Linux 2.6.24-19-generic x86_64] distro[Debian lenny/sid] cpu[2 x Intel(R) Core(TM)2 Duo CPU E4600 @ 2.40GHz (GenuineIntel) @ 1.20GHz] mem[Physical: 2.0GB, 41.6% free] disk[Total: 299.8GB, 59.2% free] video[Intel Corporation 82945G/GZ Integrated Graphics Controller] sound[HDA-Intel - HDA Intel]
[15:08] <aclose72> looking at the Xorg logs, i'm seeing Intel 965 G1 Integrated Graphics Controller rev 3
[15:08] <aclose72> and Intel unknown chipset
[15:09] <aclose72> i 'think' it's loading the I810 Intel driver
[15:11] <jduggan> i think 'intel' is the recommended driver to be using these days
[15:11] <aclose72> yeh, that's what i want to use
[15:12] <aclose72> but i'd like the latest that supports the G35 chipset
[15:12] <aclose72> so i'm trying to verify what i'm currently running
[15:12] <aclose72> and then upgrade if possible
[15:12] <darthanubis> if you look in synaptic, you'll see the intel package and the i810 package installed
[15:15] <aclose72> ah.
[15:16] <aclose72> i see them under xserver
[15:17] <aclose72> looks like the version i have of the 810 is 2:1.7.4-0ubuntu7
[15:18] <aclose72> and there's another intel driver that supports the 965 chipset listed as 2:2.2.1-1ubuntu13.4
[15:18] <aclose72> both are installed
[15:18] <aclose72> but which one is running/loaded?
[15:21] <aclose72> looking at the intellinuxgraphics.org site, it looks like the latest driver is 2.4
[15:22] <aclose72> anyway to determine if the synaptic db contains that version?
[15:22] <aclose72> or maybe it hasn't been bundled yet, so it's not available except as source..?
[15:23] <darthanubis> type glxinfo
[15:23] <aclose72> in synaptic or terminal?
[15:23] <darthanubis> OpenGL renderer string: Mesa DRI Intel(R) 945G 20061017
[15:24] <darthanubis> terminal
[15:24] <darthanubis> Look for that line
[15:24] <aclose72> gotta install the mesa-utils package first :)
[15:26] <aclose72> Mesa DRI Intel 965G 4.1.3002 x86/MMX/SSE2
[15:27] <darthanubis> looks like its using the correct driver
[15:27] <darthanubis> what glxgears give you?
[15:28] <aclose72> some sharp lookin gears :)
[15:28] <aclose72> 7865 frames in 5 s
[15:28] <aclose72> 1572.884 fps
[15:29] <aclose72> picture and everything looks good
[15:29] <aclose72> i'd just like to be able to make use of the HDMI out on this board
[15:29] <darthanubis> have you tried using it?
[15:29] <aclose72> ASUS P5E-VM HDMI
[15:30] <aclose72> yeah, bios and boot show up
[15:30] <aclose72> but then i get a blank screen
[15:30] <aclose72> maybe there's a way to toggle between the display outputs?
[15:31] <darthanubis> maybe
[16:07] <aclose72> hm, not sure what i did. but the HDMI out is working now :)
[16:08] <aclose72> thx again darthanubis
[16:08] <aclose72> now on to the next battle ;)
[16:08] <darthanubis> np:)
[16:16] <brewmaster> i just did a fresh install of mythbuntu, and i can't get mythtv-setup to run without giving me "Can't connect to database?"
[16:16] <brewmaster> i can't seem to find any solution
[16:17] <brewmaster> tons of people have posted in various forums
[16:17] <brewmaster> i believe i have the proper qt / mysql packages installed
[16:17] <brewmaster> any ideas?
[16:17] <aclose72> when you did the install, did you accept all the defaults? or did you attempt to customize the installation?
[16:18] <aclose72> did you make any changes to the IP address related stuff i guess is what i'm getting at :)
[16:18] <brewmaster> i used the alternate install CD
[16:18] <brewmaster> no, localhost, port 3306
[16:18] <aclose72> and the ports are the default ports?
[16:19] <brewmaster> yep
[16:19] <brewmaster> i even ran dpkg-reconfigure mythtv-commom and mythtv-database
[16:20] <aclose72> i'm not sure what those two would do for you since you install that stuff by default
[16:20] <aclose72> are you seeing any errors or anything in the logs?
[16:21] <aclose72> check '/var/logs'
[16:21] <brewmaster> sec
[16:25] <brewmaster> http://pastebin.ca/1076706
[16:26] <aclose72> did you change the password to the db during setup?
[16:27] <brewmaster> no, but i have since
[16:27] <aclose72> that could be the prb
[16:27] <brewmaster> it still matches /etc/mythtv/mysql.txt
[16:27] <brewmaster> i.e., it was changed as well
[16:27] <aclose72> and who are you logged in as?
[16:27] <brewmaster> i just tried a 'grant all privileges on *.* ' for the mythtv user
[16:27] <brewmaster> lemme see if it works...
[16:31] <brewmaster> that did it
[16:31] <aclose72> :)
[16:31] <aclose72> cool
[16:34] <brewmaster> next problem ... :(
[16:35] <brewmaster> my capture card is driving me crazy
[16:35] <brewmaster> kworld 120 FTL!
[16:35] <brewmaster> i could only get analog OTA working in MCE
[16:36] <aclose72> i'm no help there
[16:36] <aclose72> i don't have kworld card
[16:36] <aclose72> i'm still trying to sort out my HDHR :)
[16:44] <brewmaster> heh
[16:44] <brewmaster> i'm so pissed i bought this card
[16:44] <aclose72> have you checked out the wiki for info on it?
[16:44] <aclose72> http://www.mythtv.org/wiki/index.php
[16:45] <brewmaster> yeah, my card is experimental
[16:45] <aclose72> ah
[16:45] <brewmaster> so i got the most recent v4l-dvb source and compiled
[16:45] <brewmaster> i'm not sure what to do next
[16:45] <aclose72> :)
[16:45] <brewmaster> i.e., how to get /dev/videoX file to show up
[16:45] <aclose72> sorry, i can't help you there
[16:45] <aclose72> i'm still fairly linux illiterate
[16:46] <aclose72> i know just enough to get myself into trouble :)
[16:46] <brewmaster> heh
[16:55] <aclose72> hmm, i just attempted to record a half hour show which looks like it completed when looking in the recording manager
[16:56] <aclose72> however, when selected, it says myth cannot find the file
[16:56] <aclose72> i see the file on the fs in my /media/storage1 dir, which was configured as one of my storage groups dirs
[16:57] <darthanubis> may need to reconfigure your mythdatabase
[16:57] <aclose72> ?
[16:57] <aclose72> through the control centre?
[16:58] <brewmaster> is the 2.6.24-19 kernel held back for any reason?
[16:58] <aclose72> or mythtv-setup?
[16:58] <darthanubis> whatever makes you comfortable
[16:58] <darthanubis> I'd recommed dpkg-reconfigure mythtv-database
[16:58] <darthanubis> or use gkdebconf
[16:58] <aclose72> brew, on the myth mailing list i've seen some discussion regarding current/newer kernels having some issues
[16:59] <aclose72> thx darth, i'll give that a try :)
[16:59] <brewmaster> can i force it?
[16:59] <brewmaster> my capture card only works with
[16:59] <aclose72> you may want to look into the know issues first
[16:59] <darthanubis> thats the lates kernel
[17:03] <aclose72> darth, before i run that command :) i'm trying to figure out what it does
[17:03] <aclose72> is it only to reset the root password for mysql?
[17:03] <aclose72> i'm not having any db connection issues that i can see
[17:04] <darthanubis> the cmd will tell you exactly before any changes are made
[17:04] <darthanubis> think abou tit
[17:04] <darthanubis> and why would I have you reset your root pw to mysql?
[17:04] <darthanubis> makes no sense
[17:05] <darthanubis> your mythtv database may be misconfigured
[17:06] <darthanubis> after its reconfigure then you may want to repair and or optimize the database, which can be done from mythweb, or phpadminmysql
[17:06] <darthanubis> or you can read up about it
[17:10] <darthanubis> yourrecording files that myth does no see...thats a databse issue
[17:11] <darthanubis> myth looks at the database to tell you if the file exist or not
[17:11] <aclose72> yep
[17:11] <aclose72> just ran the dpkg-reconfigure command
[17:11] <aclose72> i didn't get any msgs on the console
[17:12] <darthanubis> did you run it on mythtv-databse package?
[17:12] <aclose72> and don't see anything in the mysql logs/errr files
[17:12] <aclose72> yes
[17:12] <darthanubis> because you did not follow directions to the letter
[17:12] <aclose72> sudo dpkg-reconfigure mythtv-database
[17:12] <aclose72> hmm, maybe i don't know what my root password is :)
[17:15] <aclose72> ok, tried it with a bogus passwd and got an error
[17:15] <darthanubis> sudo apt-get install gkdebconf
[17:15] <aclose72> so i think the passwd i originally used was good
[17:15] <darthanubis> that will give you a frontend to dpkg-reconfig
[17:15] <darthanubis> much easier
[17:15] <aclose72> i do get Starting MySQL database Server mysqld after running the cmd
[17:15] <aclose72> but no other output
[17:18] <darthanubis> run gkdebconf
[17:18] <darthanubis> find mythtv-database
[17:18] <darthanubis> click it
[17:19] <aclose72> done
[17:20] <aclose72> localhost, root, entered my passwd
[17:22] <darthanubis> does your mythweb work?
[17:22] <aclose72> it did :)
[17:22] <aclose72> checking again now
[17:23] <aclose72> yeah, still able to connect and see the guide
[17:23] <darthanubis> goto the mythweb mian menu and goto database, and repair and optimize it
[17:24] <darthanubis> then check "recorded programs" and see if your files are there
[17:24] <aclose72> it says everything is status ok
[17:25] <darthanubis> still run the repair and optimize cmds
[17:25] <aclose72> recorded prgms shows title and other meta-data info
[17:25] <aclose72> the thumbnail is blank/question mark
[17:25] <darthanubis> you can delete it and rerecord another program
[17:25] <darthanubis> or
[17:26] <darthanubis> use phpadminmysql to find the entry in the database and manually delete it
[17:26] <darthanubis> I've had to do this one or twice
[17:26] <aclose72> k, i'll give that a try
[17:26] <darthanubis> my sure in recorded details you are showing ALL programs
[17:26] <aclose72> it was a test recording :)
[17:28] <aclose72> deleted via mythweb
[17:28] <aclose72> should i manually remove the mpg from my storage group?
[17:28] <aclose72> it's still sitting there
[17:28] <darthanubis> now I've deleted via mythweb, where it deleted nothing
[17:28] <darthanubis> yes
[17:30] <darthanubis> does mythweb still show the file in the database?
[17:32] <aclose72> no, all cleaned up
[17:32] <darthanubis> good
[17:32] <aclose72> i just kicked off two new recordings through the front end guide
[17:32] <aclose72> i see them in mythweb with thumbnails now
[17:32] <aclose72> we'll see how they turn out
[17:32] <aclose72> i think my channel config may still be a bit off
[17:33] <aclose72> for testing i've tried watching live tv and some of the channels just give me a blank screen
[17:33] <aclose72> i'm sure i've got their xmlid's set up correctly
[17:34] <aclose72> double checked that
[17:34] <aclose72> and i see guide data for everything now
[17:34] <aclose72> i only have 10 channels to go through, so it's not too ba
[17:35] <darthanubis> 10?
[17:36] <aclose72> i only have an HDHR hooked up
[17:36] <aclose72> and only get 10 unencrypted channels
[17:39] <aclose72> i can view one of the recordings in progress
[17:39] <aclose72> when attempting to view the other it just gives me a blank screen
[17:40] <aclose72> even though in the view recordings pane i see an animted thumbnail
[17:41] <sebrock_> just made an upgrade here to Hardy and I get a lot of ata6.00 errors "soft resetting link", anyone seen this before?
[17:41] <aclose72> nope
[18:08] <aclose72> i'm reading through the Optimizing Performance page on the mythtv wiki
[18:08] <aclose72> since i'm using XFS for my storage directories, i've updated fstab to use allocsize-512m as suggested
[18:09] <aclose72> looking at the HD DMA Access section i've run the hdparm /dev/sda command
[18:09] <aclose72> i'm not seeing the output i expect :)
[18:10] <aclose72> aclose@MythBoxHD:~$ sudo hdparm /dev/sda
[18:10] <aclose72> IO_support = 0 (default)
[18:10] <aclose72> 16-bit)
[18:10] <aclose72> HDIO_GET_UNMASKINTR failed: Inappropriate ioctl for device
[18:10] <aclose72> HDIO_GET_DMA failed: Inappropriate ioctl for device
[18:10] <aclose72> HDIO_GET_KEEPSETTINGS failed: Inappropriate ioctl for device
[18:10] <aclose72> readonly = 0 (off)
[18:10] <aclose72> readahead = 256 (on)
[18:10] <aclose72> geometry = 38913/255/63, sectors = 625142448, start = 0
[18:10] <aclose72> any thoughts?
[18:13] <aclose72> brb
[18:23] <darthanubis> hdparm -tT /dev/sda
=== aclose72 is now known as aclose72|away
=== aclose72|away is now known as aclose72
[18:36] <aclose72> cached reads clock at 1874 MB/sec
[18:36] <aclose72> buffered reads clock at 76 MB/sec
[18:37] <aclose72> do either of those tell me if DMA is turned on? :)
[18:37] <aclose72> i suspect it is since i set it up in the bios
[18:37] <aclose72> i thought...
[18:45] <tgm4883_laptop> hdparm -I /dev/sda
[18:48] <aclose72> sudo hdparm -d /dev/sda
[18:48] <aclose72> HDIO_GET_DMA failed: Inappropriate ioctl for device
[18:48] <aclose72> sudo hdparm -d /dev/sda
[18:48] <aclose72> HDIO_GET_DMA failed: Inappropriate ioctl for device
[18:48] <aclose72> sudo hdparm -d /dev/sda
[18:48] <aclose72> HDIO_GET_DMA failed: Inappropriate ioctl for device
[18:54] <aclose72> i was trying to check this out because a couple of my test programs look as though they recorded, and i can see the animated thumbnails in recording manager, but when attempting to play them i just get a blank screen
[18:55] <aclose72> top doesn't show that the machine is struggling wth anything
[18:55] <aclose72> it shouldn't
[18:55] <aclose72> :)
[18:56] <aclose72> hmm, but looking at the mythfrontend output shows otherwise
[18:56] <aclose72> Error: BadAlloc (insufficient resources for operation) 11
[18:57] <tgm4883_laptop> aclose72, post output of hdparm -I /dev/sda
[18:58] <aclose72> k, just a sec, rebooting
[18:58] <spiritssight> Is any one will to either call me or allow me to call them from the USA and get help to get my system running, I have been trying for about a month now and still don't have thing up and running as they should be
[18:59] <spiritssight> I am going away tomorrow and would like to know that when I come back I will be able to use my system including my TV
[19:03] <jack_> I've been trying to get my Hauppauge HVR 1800 working with MythTV. Could someone help me get started with it?
[20:16] <aclose72> i'm still seeing some weird behaviour when watching specific recordings
[20:16] <aclose72> they show up in the manage recordings and have their animated thumbnails
[20:16] <aclose72> but when i attempt to play them i get a blank screen
[20:17] <aclose72> some of the output in the mythfrontend log looks like it could be errors
[20:17] <aclose72> but i'm not sure :)
[20:17] <aclose72> i'll snip a section and post it on pastebin...
[20:19] <aclose72> http://pastebin.ca/1076896
[20:20] <aclose72> the first 13 lines are obviously errors :)
[20:20] <aclose72> then i see mention of MVs not available, ac-tex damaged,
[20:21] <aclose72> i'm making these recordings with an HDHR
[20:21] <aclose72> my machine should have more than enough power to play these back
[20:28] <aclose72> hmm, one thing i notice when running mythtv-setup
[20:29] <aclose72> when i exit i get the message that setup was unable to write to my storage groups
[20:29] <aclose72> i'm guessing that's because i'm logged in as aclose and not mythtv
[20:29] <aclose72> mythtv has full rights to those dirs
[20:30] <aclose72> i know there's a mythtv user on the system installd by default
[20:30] <aclose72> but i'm automatically logged in as aclose whenever the machine is booted
[20:30] <aclose72> could that be causing my weird issue?
[20:31] <darthanubis> no
[20:32] <darthanubis> is your user part of the mythtv user group
[20:32] <darthanubis> ?
[20:38] <aclose72> yeah, i am
[20:39] <aclose72> mythtv:x:110:ubuntu,aclose
[20:41] <aclose72> mythtv owner & mythtv group have full rights to all storage group dirs on my machine
[20:42] <darthanubis> switch to the mythtv user and go into that dir and try to create a test file
[20:42] <darthanubis> with the touch command
[20:43] <darthanubis> sudo su mythtv
[20:43] <aclose72> will do
[20:44] <aclose72> yep, no prob there
[20:45] <darthanubis> weird
[20:45] <darthanubis> have you logged off and back on?
[20:45] <darthanubis> since adding that group?
[20:45] <aclose72> yeah. i've rebooted several times since install
[20:46] <aclose72> i was added to the mythtv group when i installed/configured i believe
[20:46] <darthanubis> dunno where the permissions could be wrong
[20:46] <aclose72> but everytime i come out of mythtv-setup it asks me if i know what i'm doing cause it can't write a test to the storage group dirs :)
[20:46] <darthanubis> it totally sounds permissions related
[20:47] <aclose72> yeah, i agree
[20:47] <darthanubis> I had a bad permission issue like that once before
[20:47] <darthanubis> it was maddening
[20:47] <aclose72> for the most part it seems to be recording
[20:47] <aclose72> so the backend is reading and writing from the storage groups dir
[20:47] <darthanubis> is it storing to that dir?
[20:47] <aclose72> yeah
[20:47] <darthanubis> well your straight then?@?
[20:48] <aclose72> it goes back and forth between /media/storage1 & /media/storage2
[20:48] <aclose72> i'm only kinda straight
[20:48] <aclose72> that ddin't come out right :)
[20:48] <darthanubis> ??
[20:48] <darthanubis> lol
[20:48] <aclose72> it appears to be recording
[20:49] <aclose72> but i can't always play back the recording
[20:49] <darthanubis> playback via what?
[20:49] <darthanubis> the frontend?
[20:49] <aclose72> mythfrontend
[20:49] <aclose72> yeah
[20:49] <darthanubis> weird
[20:49] <aclose72> looking in the recording manager i see the recorded vid
[20:49] <aclose72> and it has the little animated thumbnail displaying
[20:50] <aclose72> when i select that vid, the screen blanks and sits for a bit
[20:50] <aclose72> lots of stuff gets spitout to the FE.log
[20:50] <aclose72> http://pastebin.ca/1076896
[20:52] <darthanubis> seems to be dependent upon what type of video you try to play
[20:52] <darthanubis> did you install all of the codecs?
[20:52] <aclose72> yep
[20:52] <darthanubis> like restricted formats
[20:52] <aclose72> these vids are recorded via HDHR though
[20:53] <aclose72> so they are mpg2
[20:53] <aclose72> but yes, i did install the extra codecs from control panel
[20:53] <darthanubis> #2008-07-19 12:46:45.009 [mpeg2video @ 0xb73feb88]Warning MVs not available
[20:54] <darthanubis> that does not sound good?
[20:54] <aclose72> :) nope
[20:54] <darthanubis> I'm not an expert. I just get my issues fix alone mostly
[20:54] <aclose72> i spose i could try uninstalling the extra codecs and reinstalling them...
[20:54] <darthanubis> So I have time, to try to help you deduce the problem
[20:55] <aclose72> well i appreciate the help :)
[20:55] <darthanubis> np
[20:55] <darthanubis> #
[20:55] <darthanubis> 2008-07-19 12:46:46.038 [mpeg2video @ 0xb73feb88]ac-tex damaged at 32 17
[20:55] <darthanubis> plenty of errors
[20:56] <darthanubis> you should try analog verse digital recordings etc
[20:56] <darthanubis> I'd also add mediuntu repos to your apt sources via synaptic or whatever
[20:56] <darthanubis> if you have not already
[20:58] <aclose72> looing through synaptic right now
[20:58] <darthanubis> no
[20:58] <darthanubis> google medibuntu
[20:58] <aclose72> oh
[20:59] <darthanubis> https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Medibuntu#Adding the Repositories
[20:59] <aclose72> i see. repository howto :)
[20:59] <darthanubis> good
[20:59] <darthanubis> I like you
[20:59] <darthanubis> you catch on quick!
[20:59] <aclose72> heh. i try to do some leg work before i beg for help
[20:59] <aclose72> i just haven't gotten too far
[20:59] <darthanubis> thats excellent!
[20:59] <darthanubis> thats how its done
[21:00] <darthanubis> once you have the medibuntu repo added
[21:00] <darthanubis> update your system
[21:00] <darthanubis> some myth stuff should get upgraded
[21:01] <aclose72> k
[21:05] <aclose72> hmm. i updated the repo list, or created it; and added the gpg key
[21:05] <aclose72> when running the update manager it didn't find anything new
[21:05] <aclose72> even after hitting check
[21:06] <aclose72> i see medibuntu in the /etc/apt/source.list.d/ dir
[21:06] <aclose72> do i need to reboot before trying to use it?
[21:12] <aclose72> well, i did do an update a couple hours ago and it found new stuff
[21:12] <aclose72> so even though i wasn't querying the medibuntu repo i did get an update
[21:13] <aclose72> and i do show all the proprietary codecs back in the list
[21:14] <darthanubis> it did not update immediately for me either
[21:15] <aclose72> oh, ok
[21:15] <darthanubis> did you enable proposed and backports?
[21:15] <darthanubis> if you have not , I did
[21:15] <darthanubis> much more updates than just long term release setup
[21:15] <aclose72> are you on 7.10 or 8.04?
[21:16] <darthanubis> 8.04
[21:16] <darthanubis> 8.04.1
[21:16] <darthanubis> actually;)
[21:19] <Obeah> I just installed 8.04 as a frontend only. It's not seeing all the recordings... what could be going on?
[21:19] <aclose72> yeah, it looks like all the hardy related repos are available in the default sources.list
[21:19] <aclose72> did you connect it to your backend?
[21:20] <Obeah> It's connected through a router via ethernet
[21:20] <aclose72> when you did the FE install, it should have asked you if you have a BE running and for its IP address
[21:21] <aclose72> are you sure you gave it the correct address?
[21:21] <Obeah> Yeah it picks up 6 or 7 of the shows but theres more it doesn't seem to see
[21:21] <LyosNorezel> can mythbuntu fit in a 1-2GB SD card?
[21:21] <darthanubis> and is th ebackend running mythtv .021?
[21:22] <Obeah> Haven't looked at that... it's been installedand working fine for several weeks
[21:22] <aclose72> Obeah, your FE & BE have to be running the same version
[21:22] <aclose72> or at least speaking the same protocol :)
[21:22] <darthanubis> LyosNorezel, no
[21:23] <aclose72> the recordings that are missing, were they all recorded with your tuners?
[21:23] <Obeah> Iyes
[21:23] <aclose72> or are they videos that might be in your library?
[21:23] <Obeah> not videos
[21:23] <aclose72> so they're all mpeg2 files? or nuv.
[21:23] <LyosNorezel> darthanubis: damn... I was hoping I could cram the OS onto an SD card and use a FreeNAS server for the video files
[21:23] <Obeah> no nuv
[21:24] <aclose72> do you have storage groups configured?
[21:24] <aclose72> on the BE?
[21:24] <Obeah> I guess the recording it is seeing were recorded before I re-installed the new Mythbuntu version
[21:24] <aclose72> and maybe not set up on the FE
[21:24] <Obeah> no storage groups
[21:24] <darthanubis> brb
[21:25] <aclose72> are any of the recordings you're seeing currently on the BE?
[21:25] <Obeah> the frontend is 8.04.1 and the master f/b end is just 8.04
[21:25] <aclose72> or are they all on the FE?
[21:25] <Obeah> everything shows on the BE
[21:25] <aclose72> that's good
[21:25] <Obeah> the FE is FE only
[21:25] <aclose72> right
[21:26] <aclose72> but some of the shows on the BE are not showing up on the FE
[21:26] <aclose72> are they all in the same dir?
[21:26] <Obeah> If there's differences btwn the 8.04 and 8.04.1 wouldn't the updates bring it to the same versions of everyhting?
[21:26] <Obeah> yes... same dir
[21:26] <aclose72> you're ok on version
[21:27] <aclose72> can you check the file permissions on those files?
[21:27] <aclose72> are they all owned by mythtv?
[21:27] <aclose72> and all in the group mythtv?
[21:27] <Obeah> yes.. Just a sec, I'll ssh and see
[21:28] <Obeah> Can't think... what's the default dir for recordings?
[21:28] <aclose72> i think it's /var/lib/mythtv/recordings
[21:29] <Obeah> yeah
[21:31] <aclose72> were you able to determine file permissions?
[21:31] <Obeah> ok...haven't looked at every file but so far the owner of the MPEGs is "avahi-autoipd - Avahi autoip daemon"
[21:32] <aclose72> ?
[21:32] <aclose72> that doesn't sound quite right :)
[21:33] <aclose72> and all of your recordings were made with Myth?
[21:37] <aclose72> Obeah, were all your recordings made by Myth?
[21:37] <Obeah> Hardy locked up after I posted the owner info
[21:37] <Obeah> Yes they were
[21:37] <aclose72> interesting
[21:37] <aclose72> on your backend, do all those programs show up in the db are regular recordings?
[21:38] <aclose72> i guess i mean, can you get to them on the frontend of your backend :)
[21:38] <Obeah> Yes the master FE?BE plays them no problem
[21:38] <aclose72> if so, check your group listing on the BE
[21:38] <aclose72> 'cat /etc/group'
[21:39] <Obeah> ok
[21:39] <aclose72> see if that funky username is in there and part of any of your other groups
[21:40] <aclose72> i think the simplest fix is to just reset the permissions on those recordings
[21:40] <aclose72> chmod, chgrp back to mythtv
[21:40] <aclose72> then you should see them on your 2nd FE
[21:40] <Obeah> ok, I'll try it
[21:40] <aclose72> i'd keep an eye on that dir though
[21:40] <Obeah> I can chmod the whole dir?
[21:40] <aclose72> yeah
[21:40] <aclose72> i think it's chmod -R
[21:41] <aclose72> maybe little r
[21:41] <aclose72> :)
[21:41] <aclose72> but yes
[21:41] <Obeah> I'll look at the man
[21:41] <aclose72> -R
[21:41] <aclose72> --recursive
[21:41] <Obeah> ok
[21:41] <aclose72> same for chgrp -R
[21:43] <Obeah> join #mythbuntu
[21:44] <aclose72> i think you're already there :)
[21:44] <Obeah> lol
[21:44] <aclose72> i didn't think there was a separate mythbuntu channel
[21:45] <Obeah> thought that's what I joined???
[21:45] <aclose72> i think this is ubuntu-mythtv
[21:45] <aclose72> same diff really
[21:45] <darthanubis> you can try #mythtv-users
[21:45] <darthanubis> but they are a bunch of wiseasses
[21:46] <aclose72> :)
[21:46] <darthanubis> no ppl skills there
[21:46] <aclose72> i figured a distro specific irc would be a bit more helpful
[21:46] <aclose72> cause ppl here won't blame the distro and say go find help elsewhere :)
[21:46] <darthanubis> yeah
[21:46] <darthanubis> right
[21:46] <Obeah> I asked my first question there and got roundly chewed out because it was only vaguely related to myth
[21:47] <darthanubis> see
[21:47] <Obeah> last ? I asked!
[21:47] <aclose72> they probably have a lot more traffic there
[21:47] <darthanubis> they do
[21:47] <Obeah> Ok I'm gonna go have a look at the FE
[21:48] <Obeah> biab
[21:48] <aclose72> and probably a lot more n00bs :)
[21:48] <aclose72> hmm, still have some kinda hardware prob i'm guessing
[21:49] <aclose72> i just tried playing an HD avi wth mplayer through mythvideos and it exhibits the same behaviour as tv recordingswere
[21:49] <aclose72> blank screen
[21:49] <aclose72> ooh, but i get an X11 error in the frontend logs with this one :)
[21:50] <aclose72> error: BadAlloc (insufficient resources for operation)
[21:50] <aclose72> actually i've seen that one before :(
[21:50] <darthanubis> aclose72, is this a mythbuntu install or ubuntu with mythtv installed?
[21:50] <darthanubis> my backend is my desktop
[22:14] <Obeah> hmmm... permissions are 775 owner and group are both mythtv but the FE still doesn't see all the recordings
[22:14] <Obeah> maybe I need to restart the backend?
[22:20] <Obeah> I'm stumped!
[22:45] <joat> does anyone have a schema map for the mysql database for myth? i'm trying to write a function that tells myth to rescan the tv (or video) folder
[23:36] <TheOther> I am trying to get ivtv running on hardy with a hauppage 350 card. The framebuffer's working, but I can't start x. I must be doing something wrong with my xorg.conf, but I can't tell what.