UbuntuIRC / 2008 /07 /19 /#ubuntu-kernel.txt
Initial commit
=== jepler_ is now known as jepler
=== asac_ is now known as asac
[04:38] <Drk_Guy> How can i enable UDF support?
[04:38] <Drk_Guy> Do i have to recompile=
[04:38] <Drk_Guy> ?
=== thegodfather is now known as fabbione
[16:09] <tallmtt> I am having issues compiling a kernel from git - I am now compiling a kernel with only make then make modules_install - is this way risky to my system?
[19:31] <prahmod> can anyone tell me about the kernel in ubuntu
[19:31] <prahmod> i am quite new to thsi topic but interested
[19:34] <pwnguin> leann had a good discussion / posting during open week
[19:34] <prahmod> ????
[19:34] <pwnguin> prahmod: I'll see if i can find a link for you
[19:35] <pwnguin> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MeetingLogs/openweekhardy/UpstreamKernels
[19:35] <prahmod> plzz man get me one.i am very much interested.but even plz u don't mind talking to me about it
[19:35] <pwnguin> its more oriented towards the upstream kernel than what ubuntu ships
[19:35] <prahmod> ok got that.do share some useful links
[19:35] <prahmod> so can we go slow.
[19:35] <pwnguin> the wiki in the subject of this channel is also useful ;)
[19:36] <prahmod> well i do understand kernel but what does the upstream kernel mean??
[19:36] <pwnguin> Linus Torvalds writes the linux kernel, along with his army of volunteer kernel hackers
[19:37] <pwnguin> they store and publish their work at kernel.org
[19:37] <pwnguin> this work is basically patches migrating from one person to the next and so on until torvalds approves the work
[19:38] <pwnguin> at which point it flows to places like ubuntu, debian, the public at large
[19:38] <pwnguin> kernel.org is the "upstream project"
[19:39] <pwnguin> sometimes ubuntu kernel developers apply patches that aren't in upstream, and that's one differnce
[19:40] <pwnguin> the build process is also a bit different, since ubuntu kernels are built for a wide variety of people and purposes, while people building an upstream kernel usually know exactly what they want
[19:41] <prahmod> ok.i am getting some idead
[19:41] <prahmod> idea
[19:41] <prahmod> and how do i get a kernel file at the kernel.org
[19:42] <pwnguin> before we do that, let me ask you about technical proficienceis
[19:42] <prahmod> ok
[19:42] <pwnguin> how confident are you with UNIX and C programming?
[19:42] <prahmod> go on
[19:43] <prahmod> well i am quite perfect in c and c++
[19:43] <prahmod> and i have also a good knowledge in vb and java.
[19:43] <prahmod> talking to u truely i shifted to linux just a few week back
[19:44] <prahmod> so i am trying to adjust man
[19:44] <pwnguin> (I'm always a bit worried when people declare themselves perfectly knowledgable about a language, but for this it shall suffice)
[19:45] <pwnguin> hmm
[19:45] <prahmod> welll perfect means i have a quite good knowldge but not the whole sum
[19:45] <pwnguin> heh, this is an odd definition, but im not here to quiz you
[19:46] <prahmod> b frank man so lets get started
[19:46] <prahmod> will you??
[19:46] <pwnguin> im thinking;
[19:47] <pwnguin> ok. so you're ok with programming but not quite ready to join in with the ubuntu kernel team's work
[19:47] <pwnguin> http://kernelnewbies.org/ looks like a good site to learn more
[19:48] <prahmod> no i don't mean that.well i am interested to join that group.but i think i should get prepared first
[19:48] <pwnguin> indeed
[19:49] <tallmtt> what is the harm in compiling a git kernel with "make && make modules_install" in ubuntu
[19:49] <pwnguin> tallmtt: im thinking you might overwrite modules for a currently installed kernel
[19:50] <tallmtt> That is what I'm worried about - I am getting errors using the make-kpkg (ubuntu way)
[19:51] <pwnguin> tallmtt: did you see the link i pasted?
[19:51] <tallmtt> kernelnewbies?
[19:51] <pwnguin> openweekhardy
[19:51] <tallmtt> pwnguin: going there now
[19:53] <prahmod> pwnguin:can u give me some idea.from where should i get started so as to understand and able to write kernel in future
[19:55] <pwnguin> well, I think a good first step is to be able to build and run a kernel
[19:55] <pwnguin> theres a lot of configuration involved with the kernel, so its going to be a lot of reading
[19:55] <Kano> if you know how to compile extra drivers ;)
[19:56] <pwnguin> the next step is probably understanding how to use git to get source, diff source and get changelogs. then figuring out how the ubuntu kernel is built
[19:56] <prahmod> compiling extra drivers? well till now i even don't know about compiling files in linux as i am a new user
[19:57] <prahmod> can we go slowly
[19:57] <pwnguin> prahmod: if you're not familiar with UNIX programming, your best bet is to write a hello world C project, then find GNU's hello world project
[19:57] <pwnguin> and compare
[19:57] <prahmod> how can i build a kernel and run it???
[19:58] <pwnguin> prahmod: the kernel newbies website has that information
[19:58] <pwnguin> http://kernelnewbies.org/KernelBuild
[19:58] <tallmtt> pwnguin: Ok - I have been doing everything as is described but when typing "fakeroot make-kpkg --initrd --append-to-version=-custom kernel_image kernel_headers" I get a lot of errors
[19:58] <prahmod> so GNU is a compiler.is that?
[19:59] <prahmod> got that link
[19:59] <tallmtt> I am new to using git and only doing so because of a driver available from it for a wireless card
[20:00] <pwnguin> tallmtt: pastebin some of the errors maybe?
[20:02] <tallmtt> pwnguin: sure - http://pastebin.com/m41b2b0ac
[20:02] <pwnguin> thats not good
[20:03] <pwnguin> pastebin rt2x00dev
[20:03] <pwnguin> or if you have a public gitweb that'd also work
[20:03] <tallmtt> pwnguin: that is the driver I need also - the git is from rt2x00 for RaLink wireless cards
[20:04] <prahmod> so should i dowload git-core???
[20:04] <tallmtt> There is a public gitweb - hold on
[20:04] <tallmtt> http://git.kernel.org/?p=linux/kernel/git/ivd/rt2x00.git;a=summary
[20:04] <tallmtt> Is that what you wanted?
[20:05] <pwnguin> sure
[20:05] <Kano> rt2800?
[20:05] <pwnguin> so uh, thats a pretty busy git at the moment
[20:05] <pwnguin> tallmtt: which commit do you have?
[20:06] <tallmtt> pwdguin: I downloaded it yesterday
[20:06] <pwnguin> there have been 8 patches since then
[20:07] <tallmtt> Yeah - but the feature I need is already comitted and should be working
[20:07] <pwnguin> except for the part where it isnt building
[20:07] <tallmtt> :)
[20:08] <prahmod> and later i need to download the git file.am i getting right???
[20:08] <pwnguin> prahmod: #kernel-newbies on irc.oftc.net can help you a lot better than I can I think
[20:10] <tallmtt> For background info: I have an rt61pci wireless card whose driver works in managed mode but i want master mode to use it as an AP
[20:14] <pwnguin> tallmtt: so how did you piece this code together?
[20:14] <pwnguin> just grabbed the whole thing from git?
[20:14] <tallmtt> pwnguin: yes
[20:15] <pwnguin> try updaing to the latest
[20:15] <pwnguin> if that doesn't work, you probably want to take it upstream
[20:19] <tallmtt> thanks
[20:21] <pwnguin> did it work?
[20:43] <tallmtt> no it didn't
[20:45] <tallmtt> pwnguin: thanks again for your help, I need to go right now - will try more later
[21:28] <pwnguin> np