UbuntuIRC / 2008 /07 /19 /#launchpad.txt
Initial commit
[00:06] <cody-somerville> beuno, its done!
[00:06] <beuno> cody-somerville, yay! welcome to the future
[00:06] <cody-somerville> beuno, launchpad shows the same info
[00:06] <cody-somerville> beuno, is that because the scanner is behind?
[00:07] <beuno> cody-somerville, yeap, ignore the scanner
[00:07] <beuno> you can check with: bzr info lp:branch
[00:08] <cody-somerville> beuno, Standalone branch (format: unnamed)
[00:08] <beuno> right, it lies remotely
[00:08] <beuno> cody-somerville, what's the URL?
[00:09] <cody-somerville> lp:sapidlib
[00:09] <cody-somerville> ~sapidlib-dev-core/sapidlib/devel
[00:10] <beuno> cody-somerville, beuno@beuno-laptop:~$ bzr info http://bazaar.launchpad.net/%7Esapidlib-dev-core/sapidlib/devel
[00:10] <beuno> Standalone branch (format: pack-0.92)
[00:10] <cody-somerville> Is that good?
[00:10] <beuno> http tells you the truth for some reason
[00:10] <beuno> cody-somerville, yes :)
[00:10] <beuno> you're all done
[00:11] <beuno> at some point either LP would let you upgrade, or we should allow upgrading through bzr+ssh
[00:11] <beuno> billions of gb of transfer are wasted each time you have to upgrade
[00:11] <cody-somerville> beuno, and you say sftp://is faster than lp
[00:11] <cody-somerville> er... lp:sapidlib
[00:11] <cody-somerville> because it uses bzr+ssh
[00:11] <beuno> cody-somerville, *just* for the initial branch
[00:12] <cody-somerville> so would spell out the entire push command and tell it to remember?
[00:12] <cody-somerville> *would I
[00:12] <beuno> operations that are dumb, and just need to download/upload everything
[00:12] <beuno> cody-somerville, no, for push use lp:
[00:12] <beuno> because incremental pushes are faster with the smart server
[00:12] <cody-somerville> odd... is lauchpad slow today?
[00:12] <cody-somerville> Because I remember branching this in like 10 seconds.
[00:12] <beuno> I've heard that from a few people, so it just may well be
[00:13] <beuno> I don't even know who to poke about it at this hour
[00:13] <beuno> Rinchen?
[00:14] * Rinchen wakes up
[00:14] <Rinchen> sorry the above isn't very clear...issue?
[00:14] <beuno> Rinchen, there have been quite a few complaints in the last few hours about bazaar being slow on LP
[00:15] <beuno> doing normal operations, branching/pushing/pulling
[00:15] <Rinchen> mthaddon, spm - can you check the bzr servers please? ^^
[00:15] <Rinchen> sometimes they can be a bit... needy.
[00:16] <beuno> Rinchen, it would be cool to have a list of people to poke for each part of LP
[00:16] <mthaddon> Rinchen, will check
[00:16] <beuno> I never know who does what, and at what timezone
[00:16] <Rinchen> beuno, we're going to start an "on call developer" program soon
[00:16] <Rinchen> we've been thinking about it since December
[00:16] <Rinchen> basically the person to poke would be in the IRC topic
[00:16] <beuno> that would be perfect
[00:17] <beuno> I wasn't sure if the JFDI in the meeting went through :)
[00:17] <Rinchen> we may also create a "poke bot"
[00:17] * beuno stops bugging LP folks and goes walk the dog before it explodes
[00:18] <beuno> thanks Rinchen
[00:18] <aa_> sorry to repeat :)
[00:19] <aa_> hi, seems I can't obsolete a branch that is a vcs import from the days when the project used to use svn. I get the "change branch details" for other branches but not this one. This is the branch I am talking about: lp:~vcs-imports/pida/trunk
[00:19] <Rinchen> aa_, I might be able to help you.
[00:19] <Rinchen> aa_, you want it set to obsolete?
[00:20] <aa_> Rinchen: um, yes please, something that won't show up in the list
[00:20] <aa_> I think obsolete is best
[00:21] <Rinchen> aa_, are you concerned with how it looks on code.lp.net or do you want to stop the import itself?
[00:22] <Rinchen> aa_, two separate areas for me to tweak
[00:22] <aa_> Rinchen: both
[00:23] <aa_> Rinchen: well, you can import it as much as you like, it's your processor/bandwidth/etc, but I think it's best :)
[00:23] <aa_> Rinchen: mainly I don't want people to easily check out the source and try to use it
[00:24] <Rinchen> aa_, ok, I think I got you fixed on both
[00:24] <Rinchen> aa_, The import you need a bzr expert or lp admin to help you with
[00:25] <Rinchen> aa_, but the status you can change. I've done both for you though
[00:25] <aa_> great that works, thanks
[00:25] <aa_> but in the UI I couldn't change the status of that branch
[00:25] <aa_> only for other branches, but not that one
[00:25] <aa_> Rinchen: perhaps because I am using edge.
[00:26] <Rinchen> aa_, for the UI, you can still see the branch but it's hidden because I set it to an inactive status (merged in this case). e.g. https://code.launchpad.net/pida
[00:26] <Rinchen> https://code.edge.launchpad.net/pida
[00:27] <aa_> yeah, perfect
[00:27] <Rinchen> aa_, hmm it might be because it was an import. I can't compare right away because I have full privs
[00:27] <aa_> I wonder why I can't change the status myself
[00:27] <aa_> maybe becuase the branch belongs to vcs-imports?
[00:27] <Rinchen> aa_, yes, that was my thought
[00:28] <aa_> I guess that could be a bug
[00:28] <Rinchen> aa_, the test would be to do this: https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~vcs-imports/pida/trunk/+edit
[00:28] <aa_> forbidden
[00:28] <Rinchen> aa_, there we go. I think this is why the bazaar experts team was created
[00:29] <Rinchen> we wanted to get a few reliable folks to be able to help out with requests for imports.
[00:29] <Rinchen> and other fun things
[00:29] <aa_> I guess it's a change, since the project group used to own that branch
[00:29] <aa_> the pida group
[00:29] <aa_> but at some point vcs-imports pwned it
[00:29] <Rinchen> yes.
[00:30] <Rinchen> we have a lot of security in place to prevent authorized changes
[00:30] <Rinchen> sometimes we're too smart for our own good :-)
[00:30] <aa_> heh
[00:30] <aa_> I'll shout at kiko next time I see him ;)
[00:32] <aa_> Rinchen: thanks for the help, that's great
[00:32] <aa_> bye everyone
[00:34] <enygmata> hello all, i'd like to have some help to set up my project... i already pushed the code to bazaar but i cant see the files using launchpad.. and i'd like to know how to "scan" a branch...
[00:35] <beuno> enygmata, what's the URL? code scanner is a bit behind, so it's probably already pushed, just delayed in showing it
[00:35] <enygmata> beuno https://code.launchpad.net/eope/
[00:35] <enygmata> i recreated the branch tonight to see if i could solve the problem...
[00:36] <enygmata> but nothing
[00:36] <beuno> enygmata, http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~heuripedes/eope/trunk/changes
[00:36] <beuno> branch is fine, Launchpad code scanner just needs to catch up. You can use that URL meanwhile, and branch/push/pull normally
[00:37] <enygmata> ohhhh man thank you :)
[00:37] <beuno> enygmata, :)
[00:37] <enygmata> oh and hehe.. is it possible to delete series/releases? :S
[00:38] * beuno deffers the question to Rinchen
[00:38] <Rinchen> enygmata, it is, but it's painful
[00:38] <enygmata> x.x
[00:45] <cody-somerville> beuno, it is still branching :(
[00:46] <beuno> cody-somerville, blame mthaddon. Unfortunetly, I can't do much more then annoy people
[00:46] <beuno> packs should branch *way* faster then knits
[00:47] <beuno> you have to get like 1/50th of the amount of files, so latency goes down quite a lot
[00:48] <mthaddon> cody-somerville, I can't see anything wrong on the codehosting server - load is low, all indicators are there's nothing wrong with the server - so I'm not really sure what to suggest - besides trying to follow up with a bzrlp developer
[00:49] <beuno> cody-somerville, can you run the branch command with the additional -Dhpss flag?
[00:49] <beuno> that will spit out more information to ~/.bzr.log
[00:49] <beuno> specifically transfer speeds
[00:55] <cody-somerville> http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/28368/
[00:56] <beuno> cody-somerville, it's trying to do packs<>knits conversion on the fly
[00:56] <beuno> not goof
[00:56] <beuno> *good
[00:57] <cody-somerville> but I already upgraded it :/
[00:57] <cody-somerville> beuno, is it writing directly to the branch or is it safe to cancel?
[00:57] <beuno> cody-somerville, it's not writing to LP, so you can cancel safely
[00:58] <beuno> cody-somerville, you have other bzr projects in /home/cody-somerville/projects/?
[00:58] <cody-somerville> for sure
[00:58] <beuno> can you do 'bzr info' in: /home/cody-somerville/projects/
[00:59] <cody-somerville> bzr: ERROR: Not a branch: "/home/cody-somerville/projects/".
[00:59] <beuno> and, if it says "not a branch", try in: /home/cody-somerville/projects/sapidlib
[00:59] <cody-somerville> beuno, I just noticed there is a sapidlib folder on my desktop and I'm pretty sure I called the upgrade with my desktop being the cwd.
[00:59] <cody-somerville> bzr info shows: Unshared repository with trees (format: dirstate or dirstate-tags or knit)
[01:00] <beuno> cody-somerville, there ya go
[01:00] <cody-somerville> Is that my new branch?
[01:00] <beuno> are there other branches in /home/cody-somerville/projects/sapidlib?
[01:00] <cody-somerville> no
[01:00] <beuno> alright, kill the /home/cody-somerville/projects/sapidlib/.bzr dir
[01:01] <beuno> and re-branch
[01:01] <cody-somerville> I already deleted sapidlib all together.
[01:01] <beuno> ok, branching should be *way* faster now
[01:01] <cody-somerville> but... I just tried to run bzr checkout in ~/Desktop/sapidlib/ and it says:
[01:01] <beuno> and, we owe mthaddon a beer :)
[01:01] <cody-somerville> cody-somerville@mercurial:sapidlib$ bzr checkout
[01:01] <cody-somerville> bzr: ERROR: Not a branch: "/home/cody-somerville/Desktop/sapidlib/.bzr/branch/".
[01:02] <cody-somerville> beuno, oh? Did he fix something?
[01:02] <beuno> cody-somerville, no, it wasn't his fault :p
[01:02] <mthaddon> beuno, easiest beer I ever earned :)
[01:02] <beuno> cody-somerville, delete /home/cody-somerville/Desktop/sapidlib/
[01:03] <cody-somerville> deleted
[01:03] <beuno> and try: bzr co lp:sapidlib
[01:04] <cody-somerville> done
[01:04] <beuno> so it was at an acceptable speed now?
[01:15] <cody-somerville> beuno, yes
[01:15] <cody-somerville> beuno, but aren't I using centralized model now?
[01:16] <beuno> cody-somerville, right. You can use branch instead of checkouts
[01:16] <beuno> I chose checkout to test because it downloads slightly less information
[01:16] <beuno> delete, and repeat with branch
[01:16] <beuno> anywhere you want :)
[01:22] <cody-somerville> Do checkouts work in shared repositories?
[01:22] <wgrant> cprov: I like the look of some of those new blueprints.
[01:23] <wgrant> cody-somerville: Yes.
[01:25] <cprov> wgrant: uhm, right, but we don't have a solution to grant you access to the wiki pages yet :(
[01:26] <wgrant> cprov: I think we're used to being surprised by the implementation by now.
[01:27] <cprov> wgrant: well, well ..
=== cprov is now known as cprov-zZz
[01:28] <wgrant> The derivative archive stuff will be very useful for lots and lots of people - we'll finally be able to use jigdo again!
[01:28] <cprov-zZz> wgrant: yes, lot of news coming in that area (very soon)
[01:34] <cody-somerville> cprov-zZz, really? :) most exciting.
[02:26] <DBO> how do I set a milestone for my project?
[02:46] <wgrant> DBO: You can create milestones inside one of your project's releases.
[02:48] <DBO> thank you wgrant
[02:56] <hubuntu> the spreadubuntu project is testing LP as our unique OpenID provider
[02:57] <hubuntu> I saw a blueprint for a drupal module for that purpose
[02:58] <hubuntu> I have installed the openID module on drupal and it works for logging in with users that add the openID link to their profiles. Our idea is to not make a profile but rather just use the LP data for ID purposes and head into the site as fast and seamless as possible
[02:58] <hubuntu> well, pep installed it... I have been testing it ;)
[03:03] <pep> hubuntu: it is maybe a bit late ;)
[03:06] <hubuntu> good night gents
[03:17] <emet> hey
[03:17] <emet> um
[03:17] <emet> https://code.launchpad.net/~jbenjos/pash/gsoc
[03:17] <emet> still says "scanning"
[03:17] <emet> can it really be delayed that much?
[03:17] <emet> was like 12 hours ago
[03:18] <wgrant> emet: The branch scanner seems to have been having significant issues over the past 36 hours.
[03:18] <wgrant> It's not normally this bad.
[03:19] <emet> what is it "scanning"?
[03:19] <emet> is it like going to fix my project's bugs for me or something? :o
[03:20] <wgrant> emet: It needs to work out data about the branch.
[03:20] <wgrant> To list the latest revisions, among other things.
[03:22] <emet> does the scanner run on a 486 computer powered by a dead hamster?
[03:22] <wgrant> It looks like it now.
[03:22] <wgrant> But I suspect it's busy with some huge branches.
[03:22] <wgrant> Or just broken.
[03:22] <emet> probably broken
[03:22] <emet> I mean, 12 hours
[03:23] <wgrant> Yes.
[03:23] <emet> maybe it should be restarted or something
[03:23] <wgrant> Probably, but there seems to be nobody around with sufficient power.
[03:23] <emet> hmm
[03:24] <emet> well that sucks
[03:24] <emet> I need my code to be public by the weekend
[03:24] <emet> I might have to SVN it somewhere
[03:24] <wgrant> It doesn't need to be scanned to become public.
[03:24] <emet> really? there doesn't seem to be options to view the source code for the public
[03:25] <wgrant> Grmpf.
[03:25] <wgrant> Indeed.
[03:25] * wgrant tries something.
[03:25] <wgrant> If it is indeed that broken, I'm sure we can wake somebody up about it.
[03:26] <Peng_> Loggerhead is at http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~you/project/branch/changes
[03:26] <wgrant> That timed out for me.
[03:26] <Peng_> The branch scanner doesn't help users view the code anyway.
[03:26] <wgrant> Which is why I think it's very broken.
[03:26] <wgrant> And I think we need to poke somebody.
[03:26] <Peng_> Heh.
[03:26] <wgrant> I have an awake sysadmin on my contact list.
[03:27] <Peng_> http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~jbenjos/pash/gsoc/changes works for me.
[03:27] <Nafallo> wgrant: damn you. I'm hardware admin, not sysadmin :-)
[03:27] <wgrant> I can checkout the code, though.
[03:27] <wgrant> Hah, indeed Loggerhead works now.
[03:27] <wgrant> THis is not encouraging.
[03:27] <emet> oh goodie
[03:27] <emet> thanks for that Peng_
[03:28] <wgrant> emet: You can tell people to use bazaar.launchpad.net to browse, or check it out by formulating the bzr URL themselves.
[03:28] <Peng_> You're doing another initial checkin?
[03:28] <emet> no
[03:28] <Peng_> There's already one other branch with an initial checkin from April.
[03:28] <emet> that's a different branch
[03:28] <emet> they will be merged eventually
[03:29] <Peng_> They're two unrelated branches; merging will be a pain.
[03:30] <emet> indeed
[03:34] <emet> I'm going to have to do another push soon, will that kill launchpad at this rate?
[03:35] <Peng_> Heh.
[03:36] <pep> good night
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=== Ursinha is now known as Ursinha-afk
[09:35] <Abelian> what does "this branch has not been scanned yet" mean? I can push and branch etc, but none of it shows up in launchpad?
[10:12] <BjornT> Abelian: the web ui isn't directly connected to the branch. there is a script that scans the branches and update the ui. normally this is quite fast, but at the moment something is making the script slow, so it might take a while for the ui to be updated.
[10:16] <Abelian> BjornT: cheers
[10:17] <Peng_> Slow or down?
[10:18] <BjornT> Peng_: slow. very slow.
[10:46] <Peng_> Huh.
[10:56] * wgrant is confused at Peng_'s confusion.
[10:58] <Peng_> Slow is odder than down.
[10:58] <wgrant> Somewhat.
[11:09] <thumper> We think there was a regression in bzrlib for a particular call that we use. One of the guys landed a branch yesterday that makes it 20 times faster :) We will get this into production Monday most likely
[11:11] <Peng_> That sounds good.
[11:11] <Peng_> Did he make bzrlib faster or lp faster?
[11:13] <thumper> our use of bzrlib
[12:33] <netmask> hi, I have registered a branch, and pushed some code around 10 hours ago, but since then it shows in "This branch has not been scanned yet" state. is there anything wrong going on?
[12:51] <LarstiQ> netmask: the branchscanner is tied up atm it seems, so your branch isn't special in that regard right now.
[12:51] <LarstiQ> 12:09:00 < thumper> We think there was a regression in bzrlib for a particular call that we use. One of the guys landed a branch yesterday that makes it 20 times faster :) We will get this into production Monday most likely
[12:51] <LarstiQ> netmask: ^^
[12:57] <netmask> LarstiQ: many thanks for the information
[14:15] <nedko> how often is run soyuz publishing cron job?
[14:48] <nedko> mwhudson: jack trunks imports fail: http://launchpadlibrarian.net/16187402/jackit-jack1-trunk-log.txt
[15:16] <alex-weej> ello
[15:17] <alex-weej> how do i make a team on launchpad?
[15:17] <alex-weej> oh wait, found it :)
[15:31] <hansengel> Hi - can someone tell me how long it typically takes for translations to be approved? I've been waiting two days so far.
=== hansengel is now known as hansengel|away
[15:54] <kblin> hi folks
[15:59] <kblin> somehow since the launchpad redesign, my FF3 sometimes fails to render the pages correctly, as if the CSS wouldn't load. is that just me? I'm currently browsing the launchpad bugs, but I didn't find a bug report for that yet
[16:00] <andrea-bs> kblin: mh... have you tried to delete the cache?
[16:00] <kblin> hm, didn't nuke the whole cache yet, good point
[16:00] <kblin> as a reload fixes it :)
[16:00] <kblin> my bad
[16:01] <andrea-bs> no problem :)
[16:01] <kblin> ok, I just cleared the cache, but still got it
[16:02] <andrea-bs> can you take a screenshot, please?
[16:04] <kblin> sure
[16:04] <kblin> http://jade.worldforge.org/screenshots/launchpad_not_loading_css.png
[16:04] <kblin> as I said, looks pretty much like a cache issue
[16:06] <andrea-bs> let me try with FF3 (I'm using epiphany)
[16:07] <andrea-bs> I can't reproduce this bug
[16:07] <kblin> well as I said, only happened a couple of times
[16:07] <kblin> let me clear the cache again, just to be sure
[16:08] <andrea-bs> ok
[16:09] <kblin> hm, so either clearing the cache in ff3 is broken or launchpad
[16:09] <kblin> but I only get that once per type of page and a reload seems to fix it
[16:09] <kblin> rather a ff bug than a launchpad bug
[16:09] <kblin> so never mind
[16:10] <andrea-bs> yes, it seems a ff bug
[16:11] <kblin> just been so long since I last had a caching issue that I forgot about it :)
[16:13] <Pegasus> hey can someone delete my account?
[16:14] <andrea-bs> Pegasus: you can deactivate your account from this page: https://launchpad.net/people/+me/+deactivate-account
[16:14] <Pegasus> thx
[16:14] <andrea-bs> Pegasus: you are welcome :)
[16:15] <andrea-bs> Pegasus: sorry if I ask you this question, are you deleting your account because you receive too much mails from launchpad?
[16:16] <Pegasus> no, I've registered an account on shipit.kubuntu.org and don't need it anymore
[16:16] <andrea-bs> ok, thank you!
[16:18] <kblin> andrea-bs: the only thing with launchpad emails is that for some funny reason they sometimes show up on the top of my mailbox and sometimes on the bottom, even though the mailbox is ordered by date/time of arrival of the mail
[16:19] <kblin> in kmail
[16:22] <andrea-bs> kblin: Sometimes there are delays, but not too often. How old are the mails in the bottom that you receive (minutes/hours/days)?
[16:22] <kblin> months
[16:23] <kblin> er
[16:23] <kblin> well, the old ones
[16:23] <kblin> and sometimes there's bunches of new ones that are minutes old
[16:25] <andrea-bs> kblin: so, sometimes you receive mails older than one month?
[16:25] <kblin> no, sorry
[16:25] <kblin> I misunderstood the question
[16:25] <kblin> all emails I get are pretty recent
[16:26] <kblin> but sometimes they get sorted as if they were older than, say 2007-07-21
[16:26] <kblin> and sometimes not
[16:27] <andrea-bs> this seems a kmail bug
[16:27] <kblin> I don't know what causes the "let's pretend the email is old" sorting, but it's consistent per bug
[16:27] <andrea-bs> because the date of the e-mail sent by launchpad is correct, but kmails puts them on the bottom, right?
[16:27] <kblin> sometimes
[16:28] <kblin> i.e. all the emails I get for bug 220463 go to the top of my mailbox just fine
[16:28] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 220463 in kvm "unable to boot linux vm's that are not Debian derived." [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/220463
[16:29] <kblin> and e.g. bug 250063 emails go to the bottom, in reverse order
[16:29] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 250063 in sear "Upgrade Guichan dependency to version 0.8.1" [Medium,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/250063
[16:31] <kblin> I've only ever seen that for launchpad emails as well
[16:32] <kblin> never seen it on e.g. bugzilla emails or mailing lists
[16:34] <andrea-bs> mh... could you give me the source of a "bad" mail (if it doesn't contain sensible information), please?
[16:34] <andrea-bs> use pastebin.ubuntu.com to paste the source
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[17:41] <pep> taht's funny, shipit's got the simons-say-launchpad favicon too now :)
[18:01] <kblin> ahrg, durnit
[18:02] <Laibsch> what is the IP of neumayer?
[18:02] <Laibsch> https://code.launchpad.net/~vcs-imports/gnucash/trunk
[18:03] <Laibsch> ping mwhudson ^^
[18:16] <Laibsch> nevermind, the issue is sorted out now
[20:02] <luke-jr> How do I use bzr on Debian?
[20:02] <luke-jr> bzr: ERROR: Not a branch: /root/src/lp:~armagetronad-ct/armagetronad/0.2.8-armagetronad-sty+ct/
[20:02] <beuno> luke-jr, are you trying to branch from alunchpad?
[20:02] <beuno> *launchpad
[20:02] <luke-jr> I guess
[20:03] <beuno> luke-jr, what version of bzr are you using?
[20:03] <luke-jr> whatever Debian has
[20:03] <beuno> which is...?
[20:03] <beuno> 'bzr version' should tell you
[20:04] <luke-jr> Bazaar (bzr) 0.11.0
[20:04] <beuno> ok, that's a very old version
[20:04] <beuno> I strongly recommend you upgrade
[20:05] <luke-jr> that's the latest for Debian 4.0
[20:05] <beuno> either way, that version of bzr doesn't understand "lp:project" URLs
[20:06] <luke-jr> so how do I get a checkout?
[20:06] <beuno> and the format the branch you are trying to get isn't supported in versions under bzr 0.92
[20:06] <tormod> someone here who can have a look at https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-core-dev/casper/trunk/ - I can not get/browse the code
[20:06] <beuno> luke-jr, IIRC, there are backports for debian stable of bzr, and, if not, you can install from source, which should be trivual
[20:07] <luke-jr> beuno: I run stable for a reason.
[20:07] <beuno> luke-jr, right, well, you can't get that branch with bzr 0.11
[20:08] <beuno> tormod, that doesn't look good. Can you file a question requesting an admin look at it? https://answers.launchpad.net/launchpad-bazaar
[20:09] <tormod> beuno, thanks, will do
[22:24] <pep> Hi
[22:24] <pep> I can't remember who I talked with about the 2 spread ubuntu projects, about deletion or renaming, etc...
[22:27] <pep> We discussed and it is nonsense to keep two projects, we are going to host all the code in one project like we wanted to originally, could someone please delete the https://edge.launchpad.net/diy-spreadubuntu project?
[23:13] <bdrung_> hi, launchpad has problems with its css designs
[23:14] <bdrung_> sometimes the css files are not loaded. e.g. i opened https://code.launchpad.net/~bdrung/5-a-day-data/main and looking in the source shows that https://launchpad.net/+icing/revNone/+style-slimmer.css is the css destination.
[23:14] <wgrant> Ooh dear.
[23:14] <bdrung_> when i reload the page, it is updated to https://launchpad.net/+icing/rev6717/+style-slimmer.css
[23:15] <wgrant> Is the revision number in the footer also None when that happens?
[23:15] <wgrant> Indeed it is.
[23:16] <bdrung_> yes
[23:16] <wgrant> And it's a weekend too.
[23:16] <bdrung_> <!-- Launchpad 1.99 (rNone) --> instead of <!-- Launchpad 1.99 (r6717) -->
[23:16] <wgrant> Yep.
[23:18] * wgrant laments the lack of a weekend developer/sysadmin presence.
[23:26] <Bioinforomed> Hello
[23:26] <wgrant> pep: Ask a question at the answers URL in the topic.
[23:26] <pep> I'll re-ask :)
[23:27] <Bioinforomed> I'm new to Launchpad and am thinking of hosting a project there and have some really basic questions. Is this the right place to ask them?
[23:27] <wgrant> I can't think of anywhere better.
[23:28] <Bioinforomed> Basically, I'm shopping around for alternatives to hosting on Sourceforge
[23:28] <Bioinforomed> My group has developed a fairly useful set of tools to analyze genetic data that we'd like to make available as open source.
[23:29] <wgrant> Open sourcing is always good.
[23:29] <wgrant> And in my experience SourceForge is not.
[23:29] <Bioinforomed> We've struggled through a year of licensing issues with the US Federal goverment lawyers (it was developed for the National Cancer Institute)
[23:29] <Bioinforomed> And we have groups from all over the word lined up to use and extend the software
[23:30] <wgrant> Licensing can be one of the least fun parts of dealing with software :(
[23:30] <Bioinforomed> So after looking around, Launchpad stood out as being rather more user oriented than many of the other sites
[23:31] <Bioinforomed> Thankfully we managed to push a very simple BSD-like license through the legal channels. Other open source projects within the NCI have not been so fortunate.
[23:32] <Bioinforomed> So... I have questions: First, I've registered the project and even pushed a branch. But it hasn't been "scanned" yet.
[23:32] <wgrant> Excellent. I'm an Ubuntu dev, and we have an unfortunately large number of science-related packages that have decided to write their own license, and have thus become non-free.
[23:33] <wgrant> Aha, lots of people have had that problem today. It seems there is a speed issue with the scanner that appeared a couple of days ago. I hear it will be fixed within a couple of days.
[23:33] <Bioinforomed> It doesn't give me the option to browse the code, though I can pull the code and push updates to it.
[23:33] <wgrant> But that only affects the UI - the branch is still fully useable.
[23:33] <wgrant> Try http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~path/to-your/branch
[23:33] <Bioinforomed> Also, the site is having stylesheet issues today... half of my page reloads come back unstyled
[23:35] <pep> wgrant: that was the question: https://answers.edge.launchpad.net/launchpad/+question/38202 sorry about the re-opening, we should have sticked to our point :/
[23:35] <wgrant> Bioinforomed: I've only seen that happening today. There appear to be no official LP people around right now.
[23:35] <Bioinforomed> Very nice: http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~bioinformed/glu/main/ seems to do the trick
[23:35] <wgrant> Bioinforomed: If it is annoying you too much, you could use edge.launchpad.net, which seems to be unbroken, but might have other bugs due to running newer code.
[23:36] <Bioinforomed> wgrant: Does edge share the same backend data, just newer frontend code?
[23:36] <wgrant> But I imagine the stylesheet issue will be fixed as soon as a sysadmin hears about it.
[23:36] <wgrant> Bioinforomed: It doe.
[23:36] <wgrant> *does
[23:37] <wgrant> staging.launchpad.net has newer code, but a different copy of the database, so you can try things out there without spamming anybody or polluting the database.
[23:38] <Bioinforomed> Next question: Most traditional open source projects use mailing lists to organize communication with users and developers. I don't see that on Launchpad. Is that something that I would have to provide externally?
[23:38] <wgrant> Launchpad mailing lists are team-oriented.
[23:38] <wgrant> You can create a mailing list for each team.
[23:39] <Bioinforomed> How does one create a team?
[23:39] <wgrant> https://launchpad.net/people/+newteam
[23:39] <bdrung_> can it be that edge is newer than staging?
=== bdrung_ is now known as bdrung
[23:39] <wgrant> bdrung_: It is slightly newer, but I'm not sure that's the reason.
[23:40] <wgrant> As it hasn't been like this all the time since the rollout.
[23:40] <Bioinforomed> wgrant: The URL works, but how would I navigate there from the site?
[23:40] <wgrant> Bioinforomed: From the home page: 'People & Teams', 'Register a team'
[23:41] <wgrant> mpt: Thankyou for making that easier to explain and navigate to!
[23:41] <Bioinforomed> So obvious, yet I was looking within the project options
[23:41] <bdrung> wgrant: some hours ago i detected this css bug the first time
[23:42] <wgrant> bdrung: Around how often does it happen?
[23:43] <wgrant> elmo: Since no LOSAs seem to be around and LP CSS is broken... are you around?
[23:45] <bdrung> 4/30
[23:46] <wgrant> That is strange.
[23:46] <bdrung> but an hours ago it was every third page (by guess)
[23:47] <bdrung> reloading the same page help (sometimes it needs 2-5 reloads till css is correct)
[23:51] <Bioinforomed> wgrant: I'm trying to create a team and set the notification email address to myself. LP is complaining that the address is already associated with a user. Am I misinterpreting what it is asking for?
[23:51] <wgrant> Bioinforomed: You don't have to set the email address on a team.
[23:51] <wgrant> If you don't set one, emails will go to all members, which is probably what you want unless you have a mailing list.
[23:51] <Bioinforomed> I just don't want moderation requests going to the general mailing list
[23:52] <wgrant> I think they should go to the team admins.
[23:52] <Bioinforomed> Great-- then I'll leave that blank
[23:52] <Bioinforomed> Do most projects bother with renewal periods?
[23:53] <wgrant> My teams expire people after a while, or they collect a lot of cruft.
[23:53] <Bioinforomed> What period is typically used?
[23:53] <wgrant> I generally use a year.
[23:53] <wgrant> or two.
[23:53] <Bioinforomed> Thanks. I'm sorry to pester you so much.
[23:54] * wgrant has little else to do whilst waking up.
[23:54] <Bioinforomed> I don't see my project in the "list of related projects". Do you know how that gets populated?
[23:55] <wgrant> Of the team?
[23:55] <Bioinforomed> Yes
[23:55] <wgrant> You'd have to set the team as some attribute of the project.
[23:55] <wgrant> Just giving it a similar name will not link them in any way.
[23:56] <wgrant> Which team have you created?
[23:56] <bdrung> wgrant: you have time?
[23:56] <wgrant> bdrung: Hm?
[23:56] <Bioinforomed> glu-users and glu-dev
[23:56] <bdrung> wgrant: you said that you have little else to do
[23:57] <wgrant> bdrung: You probably want to set glu-dev as the maintainer or driver of the project, and move the branch to it.
[23:57] <wgrant> bdrung: It's before 9am on a weekend. Of course.
[23:57] <wgrant> Er, Bioinforomed ^^
[23:59] <bdrung> wgrant: it's 00:57 and saturday is over. but: if you have nothing to do you can review bug #246408. ;)
[23:59] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 246408 in matplotlib "Please merge matplotlib 0.98.1-1 from Debian/unstable" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/246408