UbuntuIRC / 2008 /07 /19 /#kubuntu.txt
Initial commit
[00:01] <dwidmann> Chrysalis: I've a better idea ... I wrote a script for enabling/disabling flash ... I'll just use that if I think I'm going somewhere that will invoke browser death
[00:01] <Chrysalis> well, you can always just kill it, thats what i was doing till i got tired of it
[00:02] <Chrysalis> once you kill it everthing goes back to normal
[00:02] <dwidmann> the browser just .... hangs.
[00:02] <dwidmann> killing the browser does work ... .but I'm hoping for a more optimal solution ... disabling flash is the best one I've decided to try so far, and the script makes it easier/faster than uninstalling/reinstalling flashplugin-nonfree package
[00:03] <dwidmann> more stable too to boot
[00:03] <Chrysalis> i meant killing the nsplugingwrapper, worked for me
[00:03] <dwidmann> Hey, it also gets rid of 50% of ads, also another nice improvement
[00:04] <dwidmann> hmm, that will work? I suppose I could try that later
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[00:35] <gabriel> hola
[00:36] <gabriel> ==
[00:36] <gabriel> =)
[00:37] <buckethead> Hmm. How far back would I have to disable the NIC card to run a linux system on a network without the network seeing it?
[00:38] <gabriel> jojo, this is an english chat, XD, I was talkin spanish XD
[00:43] <tanner> Hi, everybody! i just switched from Windows XP, to Kubuntu 8.04. however upon installing and setting up my system, i came to reaize that configuring Wine so that i can run World of Warcraft is a bit beyond me, even after ive looked through the winehq website as well as the wowwiki page that talks about how to configure wine to run WoW,. i was wondering if there are any users out there that may be able to help me set up WoW to run on my
[00:43] <tanner> machine or at least help me to figure out exactly what i need to do and in what order.
[00:46] <kozz> buckethead: pull the plug would be safest I guess :)
[00:49] <buckethead> kozz: Safest yes, Also easiest to forget. I'm going to try to come up with a way to code it in with a shortcut to enable it if its "safe".
[00:52] <buckethead> Not sure if 'ifconfig eth0 down' will secure it enough.
[01:00] <WillMc> Hello all
[01:00] <Dr_willis> hi
[01:02] <WillMc> Does anyone know why my game of freecell dumps when I try to use it.
[01:04] <Dr_willis> if you Like Solitare type games. PySol is a Must get. :)
[01:05] <Dr_willis> No idea why freecell would dump.
[01:09] <dwidmann> kde4 + kpatience = win
[01:09] <Dr_willis> i will stick with PySol. :) for now.
[01:15] <dwidmann> Dr_willis: have you at least tried kde4's solitaire? ... it's kpat-kde4 if you ever feel like trying it :)
[01:15] <Daisuke_Ido> dwidmann: kpatience is required to kcope with all of the kbugs in kde4
[01:16] <dwidmann> Indeed it is, in fact, kdegames-kde4 is 67%of the reason I have kde4 installed :)
[01:16] <Daisuke_Ido> whoosh
[01:18] <Dr_willis> I like the 500+ variations of solitare in pysol. and of course the wife DEMANDS i install it on every machine in the house, windows, or linux. :) I wonder if they got a port to the gp2x yet.. that will keep her happy in the car.
[01:21] <XenThraL> uh, how do I copy from an xterm window?
[01:24] <mmantler> hi
[01:26] <raman> ! wireless
[01:26] <ubottu> Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs
[01:26] <raman> ! wirelessthx
[01:26] <ubottu> Sorry, I don't know anything about wirelessthx
[01:28] <dwidmann> I think kpat lists only about 17 "game types"
[01:36] <Dr_willis> i rember ages ago Pysol had a bunch of Majong/tile games also. but seems like those vanished last i looked.
[01:37] <RaceDrv709> I have my monitor connected to a KVM switch and can't change the resolution to anything higher than 800x600
[01:37] <Walzmyn> Rosegarden is telling me it needs the JACK server - exactly what package am I looking for?
[01:37] <engineer> what's the problem now RaceDrv709
[01:37] <RaceDrv709> screen resolution crap
[01:38] <RaceDrv709> can't change it to anything higher than 800x600\
[01:38] <genii> RaceDrv709: Did it work at higher resolution without the kvm?
[01:38] <Walzmyn> RaceDrv709, it's probably not detecting it properly though the KVM
[01:39] * RaceDrv709 goes under desk to connect monitor to his computer and bumps his head for the umpteenth time
[01:40] <genii> Walzmyn: My thinking also. ATI are especially bad for this
[01:40] <dedi_> anyone here got multiscreen with nv driver working?
[01:41] <Walzmyn> dedi_, you mean, NOT the propritary driver?
[01:41] <Dr_willis> dedi_, I normally install nvidia drivers, use the nvidia-xsettings tool to enable twinview, restart X server, and i might have to run nvidia-settings to tweak the config/res a bit
[01:41] <Dr_willis> Im not sure if the normal 'nv' drivers can even do this. :)
[01:41] <Walzmyn> Same here. Works just about as good as winders.
[01:41] <dedi_> Dr_willis: but with nvidia driver?
[01:42] <Dr_willis> well i think they sort of can.. but with issues. :) on some of my box's
[01:42] <Dr_willis> like they get the res wrong, and the primary display wrong, and they just cloned the display
[01:42] <dedi_> its so terribly slow with nvidia drivers on kde4
[01:42] <Walzmyn> so, what exactly am I looking for when rosegarden calls for the JACK server?
[01:42] <Dr_willis> I dont use kde4, so never noticed.
[01:42] <Dr_willis> !info jackd
[01:42] <ubottu> jackd (source: jack-audio-connection-kit): JACK Audio Connection Kit (server and example clients). In component universe, is optional. Version 0.109.2-1ubuntu1 (hardy), package size 89 kB, installed size 396 kB
[01:43] <Walzmyn> Dr_willis, so jackd is the correct package? good, half way home
[01:43] <Walzmyn> now I just need to figure out how to turn is on
[01:43] <Walzmyn> is == it
[01:44] <Dr_willis> Walzmyn, no idea. :) its the only JACK i know of., that has todo with sounds.
[01:44] <yao_ziyuan> is upgrading locales a critical step in upgrading from 7.10 to 8.04? this step was not successful and i killed it. how do i redo it manually?
[01:45] <Walzmyn> Dr_willis, there's 3 dozen packages that come up. They're all to do with this one, i just wasn't sure which was the primary package
[01:46] <yao_ziyuan> solved
[01:46] <Dr_willis> I think the 'JACK' stuff is for serious sound editing. :) somthing ive never gotten into.
[01:46] <Dr_willis> Unless you count converting wav to ringtones for the wife
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[01:59] <ubuntu__> Greetings...is anyone available and willing to help me recover from a serious system crash?
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[02:02] <ubuntu__> okay...thanks
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[02:10] <Dr_willis> recover in what way? what kind of crash? we need details. :)
[02:16] * genii sips his coffee
[02:21] <ckd> greetings how can i show any Folder an my desktop with plasma ?
[02:22] <Dr_willis> Theres some kde4 plasma addon for that I thought i saw mentioned in the various kde4 web sites/reviews. :)
[02:22] <Dr_willis> but the kde4 channel may know more.
[02:22] <Dr_willis> !kde4
[02:22] <ubottu> KDE 4.0.5 is the latest major release of the K Desktop Environment. Packages can be found at http://kubuntu.org/announcements/kde-4.0.5.php - Support in #kubuntu-kde4
[02:23] <tsunami> hola una consulta nomas
[02:23] <ckd> thx
[02:23] <genii> !ar
[02:23] <ubottu> La comunidad local de Argentina se puede encontrar en #ubuntu-ar y en su canal de offtopic: #ubuntu-ar-cafe
[02:24] <tsunami> instale el kubuntu 8 con kde4 y no me creo un usuario
[02:24] <tsunami> asi que no puedo pasar mas de la pantalla de logueo
[02:25] <genii> !ar | tsunami
[02:25] <ubottu> tsunami: La comunidad local de Argentina se puede encontrar en #ubuntu-ar y en su canal de offtopic: #ubuntu-ar-cafe
[02:25] <tsunami> guauu perdon
[02:31] <XenThraL> anyone know what could be causing a segmentation fault every time I exit a opengl program?
[02:32] <XenThraL> it just started happening all of the sudden :\
[02:41] <pablo_> hola
[02:42] <pablo_> alguien conoce algun canal de gambas?
[02:42] <genii> !uy
[02:42] <ubottu> Sorry, I don't know anything about uy
[02:43] <genii> Hmm. pablo #ubuntu-es #ubuntu-ar #ubuntu-br
[02:44] <XenThraL> http://paste.ubuntu.com/28376/
[02:45] <XenThraL> anyone - any ideas at all
[02:45] <XenThraL> ?
[02:50] <avik42> I installed kubuntu on my hp laptop .. I used to run ubuntu.. under ubuntu my volume control keys worked but it doesn't under kubuntu .. also under ubuntu I could turn off the tap on my touchpad.. I can't figure out how to get either to work under kubuntu .. anyone know why?
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[03:33] <darcy> Could someone help me? I'm having trouble with the Wine program.
[03:33] <MrBlue182> Sorry, I'm no good with wine =[
[03:33] <MrBlue182> I'm here to see if anyone can help me install kde 4.1 on ubuntu
[03:33] <darcy> anyone know anything about wine
[03:33] <dr_Willis> >hic<
[03:33] <dr_Willis> !kde4
[03:33] <ubottu> KDE 4.0.5 is the latest major release of the K Desktop Environment. Packages can be found at http://kubuntu.org/announcements/kde-4.0.5.php - Support in #kubuntu-kde4
[03:33] <Jucato> MrBlue182: #kubuntu-kde4
[03:34] <Jucato> darcy: #winehq have people good with wine
[03:34] <Jucato> s/have/has/
[03:34] <MrBlue182> #kubuntu-kde4
[03:34] <MrBlue182> wups
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[03:40] <Guest89116> anyone having trouble with their touchpads on compaq or hp laptops?
[03:40] <Guest89116> I have a button that turns your touchpad off and on.
[03:41] <Guest89116> anyway, it's taking like 5 seconds for the gui to work again, but the terminal works fine. I'm using kubuntu 8.04 64-bit amd version.
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[03:54] <dr_Willis> I have no issues with my hp or compaq laptops here and the touchpad buttons
[03:54] <dr_Willis> I like the on/off button. :)
[03:59] <luis> i need some help here
[04:00] <luis> i open my laser with a saw
[04:00] <luis> and trying to attach it to my memory stick
[04:00] <bazhang> #hardware luis
[04:01] <luis> ok
[04:27] <AMDpenguin> is 20GB enough for /?
[04:30] <buckethead> AMDpenguin: Yes.
[04:30] <buckethead> So I've only got one pcmcia card.. How can I troubleshoot it under linux to determine if the problem is the card or the slot?
[04:31] <AMDpenguin> is 400GB overkill for it?
[04:32] <AMDpenguin> ?
[04:32] <buckethead> Heh. Overkill? No such thing says the guy with a terabyte lying around.
[04:39] <srinath> kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk
[04:45] <Search4Lancer> how do I associate the MMS protocol with a program?
=== raman is now known as Novii
[04:56] <Novii> how do i find out what my wireless card brand is?
[04:58] <MacAnthony> Novii: lspci should list something about network adapter
[04:58] <MacAnthony> should have a line with 'Ethernet'
[04:59] <MacAnthony> so: lspci | grep Ethernet
[04:59] <MacAnthony> might work
[05:00] <MacAnthony> bah, you wanted wireless
[05:01] <MacAnthony> not Ethernet then - mine says "Network Controller"
[05:04] <Novii> found it :)
[05:05] <Novii> now to look for a driver
[05:05] <Novii> !wireless
[05:05] <ubottu> Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs
[05:06] <Novii> Broadcom Corporation BCM4312 802.11a/b/g [14e4:4312] (rev 02)
[05:06] <Novii> thats my driver I think
[05:06] <Novii> not on the ubuntu wifi docs page :(
[05:06] <MacAnthony> so the bcm43xx-fwcutter might work then
[05:09] <Novii> getting install....
[05:15] <Novii> MacAnthony: u here?
[05:15] <MacAnthony> yep
[05:16] <Novii> I Installed it, how do I browse for available networks?
[05:16] <MacAnthony> I could never get knetwork manager to work with that on fiesty
[05:16] <MacAnthony> so I switched to wicd
[05:16] <MacAnthony> you can do it from the command line
[05:17] <Novii> can you give me the command?
[05:17] <Novii> plus I installed kismet, which isnt visible in the internet tab either.. and doesnt launch
[05:17] <MacAnthony> iwlist scan <networkinterface>
[05:18] <MacAnthony> so for me: iwlist scan eth1
[05:18] <MacAnthony> hm
[05:18] <MacAnthony> scratch that
[05:18] <MacAnthony> just iwlist scan
[05:19] <Novii> yeah that worked, says no scan result..
[05:19] <Novii> how do I get kismet to work?
[05:20] <Novii> I couldnt get some other programs to work either ..
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[05:22] <MacAnthony> is there not a publicly broadcasted ESSID around you?
[05:23] <MacAnthony> what does ifconfig say for your wireless interface?
[05:25] <Novii> ifconfig doesnt display for wlan0
[05:26] <Novii> only for eth0,ppp and lo
[05:28] <Kernel> ok can i change the amount of times konsole beeps at me....everytime i hit tab it beeps...id prefer it to be after 2-3 tabs to make it beep
[05:29] <MacAnthony> it beeps cause it's telling you something
[05:29] <Kernel> yea
[05:29] <Kernel> i know.
[05:30] <Kernel> but would like it to not beep as much...its annoying when trying to get work done
[05:30] <MacAnthony> I think you can turn it off
[05:30] <MacAnthony> but I don't think you can set it when it does it
[05:30] <Kernel> ah ok. off will do
[05:30] <MacAnthony> settings->bell->of
[05:31] <MacAnthony> off
[05:31] <MacAnthony> or none, I guess it is
[05:31] <Kernel> much better. thanks
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[05:48] <Kernel> how do i open the kubuntu restricted manager?
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[06:06] <buckethead> Should be under System -> Hardware manager (or something really close.)
[06:07] <buckethead> Why would /var/log/messages show me inserting my pcmcia card reader (right driver and all) but pcsc_scan shows nothing?
[06:09] <nicholas> Hey
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[06:10] <sanassar> Im accessing Konversation from gnome
[06:11] <sanassar> Hello?
[06:12] <Jucato> yes?
[06:12] <buckethead> hello, gnome guy.
[06:13] <sanassar> Hey
[06:13] <sanassar> Gnome + KDE is cool
[06:13] <sanassar> I got to go for a quick second
[06:14] <Kernel> hello all can someone help me out with lvm?. i had lvm set up for my data on another distro and just recently installed kubuntu...i now want to restore the lvm set up without losing my data
[06:14] <Kernel> !lvm
[06:14] <ubottu> Tips and tricks for RAID and LVM can be found on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RaidConfigurationHowto and http://www.tldp.org/HOWTO/LVM-HOWTO
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[06:16] <sanassar> Back
[06:16] <sanassar> Switched to KDE
[06:18] <sanassar> Hey
[06:19] <Meanie> hello
[06:19] <sanassar> Hey
[06:19] <Meanie> can somebody help me?
[06:19] <sanassar> Whats your problem
[06:25] <buckethead> He's mean. Thats the problem :)
[06:26] <Meanie> lol no buckethead
[06:27] <Meanie> buckethead: do you use irssi or konversation?
[06:30] <buckethead> konversation
[06:31] <Meanie> okay im using it right now
[06:31] <Meanie> that lag thing at bottom right
[06:31] <buckethead> yeh.
[06:31] <Meanie> when i get on irc.dal.net it starts at 1 .. and goes all the way to 180 .. and i get disconnected .. and i reconnect and does the same cycle over and over... but its not doing it on this server .. could you please tell me what would cause that
[06:32] <buckethead> Does dalnet disconnect people with excessive lag?
[06:33] <buckethead> Does it require a certain reply (like a ctcp version or the like) within a certain time?
[06:33] <buckethead> Do other clients on your same system give the same problem?
[06:33] <Meanie> umm .. i dont think
[06:33] <Meanie> yeah
[06:33] <Meanie> irssi does
[06:33] <buckethead> I've got to step out for a minute, That should keep you busy. :)
[06:33] <Meanie> i havnt connected to a different server with irssi though
[06:33] <Meanie> huh?
[06:34] <Meanie> can anyone else help me?
[06:34] <Meanie> lol
[06:38] <Kernel> hello all....anyone elses mplayer "stay on top" not work? mine just always says disabled.....im using shift + t to enable it.
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[06:39] <sanassar> How do I save my nickname in Konversation
[06:40] <Ermenguer> sanassar: settings | identities
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[07:48] <blistov__> wtf. libdvdread and dvdcss dont' work with kubuntu 8.04
[07:48] <blistov__> anyone know why?
[07:48] <blistov__> is this known?
[07:51] <geek> blistov__: using the medibuntu ones?
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[08:09] <mincho> Anybody know how to change global configuration. I want to use konqueror instead of dolphin to open my usb in the first time. I mean right after my usb disk is plugged in
[08:10] <raziel_> hi
[08:10] <raziel_> alguien de mexico
[08:14] <Spiro> Greetings, I made a change into my network hardware. I removed my additional NIC and enabled my embeded NIC (nVidia Corporation CK804 Ethernet Controller) Now I do not have network connectivity. How to install the driver for my NIC?
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[08:22] <Spiro> Greetings, I made a change into my network hardware. I removed my additional NIC and enabled my embeded NIC (nVidia Corporation CK804 Ethernet Controller) Now I do not have network connectivity. How to install the driver for my NIC?
[08:44] <amerigo> modem
[08:45] <amerigo> where i can found information about connection by mobile (used like a modem)
[08:45] <amerigo> ???
[08:50] <dorins_> amerigo: I just had to connect my mobile through usb, and knetworkmanager detected it as a network device
[08:51] <dorins_> amerigo: do you see it in knetworkmanager if you right click on the systray icon?
[08:56] <kurt> Hello
[09:03] <scretch> In where are games installed pls?
[09:05] <ahumedo> @scretch: what do u mean?
[09:05] <gnomefreak> /usr/share? never looked but you can run locate name of game | less so you can read it at your own pace just use the page up and page down keys to go to next screen or back a screen
[09:05] <ahumedo> Why is my xvinfo command tell me I have no adaptor present?
[09:06] <ahumedo> But in live cd, it told me I have one
[09:07] <ahumedo> the absence of xv caused me unable to play 3d apps or games smoothly
[09:07] <ahumedo> more over the video. I have to use x11 as video output
[09:33] <emons> hi guys, on amarok is there a button/way to get back to the current playing song position in playlist in case i opened a new one or im just browsing the current playlist, i remember in itunes there was...?
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[09:38] <yao_ziyuan> i deleted kmix's K menu item by mistake. how do i install it back?
[09:40] <ilkin> gwenview--problem with this viewer---when it opens photo with resalution i.e. 1200x1600 photo overflows screen
[09:41] <ilkin> how to make it resize big photoes while opening?
[09:45] <yao_ziyuan> or anyone please copy your kde3 k menu item's command for kmix here
[09:47] <ilkin> could anybody help me please
[09:47] <ilkin> ?
[09:51] <ilkin> what is the best vector image editor for Kubuntu?
[09:55] <ilkin> help me in choosing right soft for my Kubuntu please
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=== Guest40151 is now known as PolitikerALT
[09:58] <ilkin> where is all???????????
[10:06] <aleboco> hi guys, if i want to exclude al hidden file from a backup with rsync... what do i have to write?
[10:06] <Schorfi> ilkin: try inkscape
[10:06] <aleboco> --exclude "/my/home/.*" ??
[10:07] <jackault> My external flash drives and ipod are being recognized by the computer but it can't mount my external hard drive.
[10:07] <jackault> I might've screwed something in the 'Disk and Filesystems' config...
[10:07] <ilkin> Inscape is vector editor, isnt it? Can it be alternative for Corel Draw in Windows
[10:08] <Schorfi> yes it is, but i don't know both :)
[10:08] <level1__> hi, I need help properly removing scim from my system
[10:09] <ilkin> then what is the best bitmap editor for Kubuntu? life Photoshop?
[10:09] <level1__> I removed it with apt, and now all kde apps are incredably unresponsive... on the terminal, it says its waiting for scim
[10:09] <level1__> gimp or krita
[10:10] <Schorfi> ilkin: gimp and krita
[10:10] <level1__> lololol
[10:10] <Schorfi> :)
[10:11] <ilkin> then for what Blender 3D exists?
[10:13] <Schorfi> well, for 3drendering, i guess?
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[10:15] <ilkin> and the last question, image view and MSN Messenger for Kubuntu(with audio and video chat support)
[10:15] <ilkin> *image vieewer
[10:18] <PolitikerALT> I don't think tht there exists an MSN messenger with audio support - but kopete and amsn have video chat support
[10:19] <ilkin> what about image viewer?
[10:20] <PolitikerALT> digikam maybe
[10:20] <ilkin> does digikam resize big photoes while opening?
[10:21] <PolitikerALT> I think so, at least gwenview does so (if you want it do do), but mom, I'll have a look
[10:22] <ilkin> gwenview does not resize big res. photoes
[10:22] <ilkin> after opening you should zoom out instead
[10:23] <PolitikerALT> hmm... doesn't view → fit to window size work?
[10:25] <milos_> digikam does "fit to window" by default
[10:26] <ilkin> PolitikerALT thank you it works now)
[10:30] <timo_> hello, i'm using kubuntu kde 4.1 and having a problem with compiz...
[10:30] <timo_> when i press ctrl-alt-left to switch desktops, often plasma crashes
[10:31] <timo_> I restarted plasma and now it seems to work again, but next time i boot it will crash again...
[10:41] <timo_> does anybody know why plasma crashes when i use compiz to switch desktops?
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[11:31] <FoxIII> Hi all.
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[11:36] <FoxIII> Just got a message saying "kdemediamanager not running" I've tried searching for this program, but unable to find the command to start it. Any ideas?
[11:52] <amok47> !de
[11:52] <ubottu> Deutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu und Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #xubuntu-de und #edubuntu-de
[11:54] <yao_ziyuan> in my kubuntu 8.04, Lock Session does not black out the screen. how do i black out the screen?
[11:55] <yao_ziyuan> actually, it blacks out after 5 seconds
[11:56] <yao_ziyuan> not immediately
[11:56] <yao_ziyuan> i want immediately
[11:57] <balaaa> It takes 2 seconds on my Kubuntu 8.04
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[12:05] <Filipp> do plasma repositories for Hardy exist?
[12:09] <FoxIII> Got it sorted. Just did a reboot. <sigh>
[12:10] <olimpico> I have a very weird problem since I updated to the last Ubuntu kernel. My LAN card is changing the MAC Address every time I reboot. And every time a new eth(X+1) is detected. Someone has an idea why this is happening?
[12:32] <raffaele> salve
[12:39] <raffaele> vi volevo chiede se esiste una sorta di msn plus per Kubuntu..
[12:39] <sigma_> where do i put scripts that I want to run at startup?
[12:42] <tekstacy> !apt-fix
[12:42] <ubottu> If an APT front-end crashed and your database is locked, try this in a !terminal: « sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a »
[12:51] <bobi> hi
[12:55] <bobi> ich habe ein kleines problem,ich kann nicht wirless online gehen.
[12:57] <yao_ziyuan> !xfree86
[12:57] <ubottu> Sorry, I don't know anything about xfree86
[13:09] <sigma_> i have a script that configures ip tables to share my inet connection, however I have to run it before I connect each time. Is there any IPtables config file that I can put the contents of the script into to make it run automatically when the pc starts? putting the file into the /etc/init.d/ did not work
[13:15] <ilkin> hi again
[13:16] <ilkin> what do katapult and Skim do? What are there functions in Kubuntu system?
[13:20] <ilkin> what do katapult and Skim do? What are there functions in Kubuntu system? Please explain who knows
[13:23] <jussi01> !info katapault
[13:23] <ubottu> Package katapault does not exist in hardy
[13:23] <jussi01> !info katapult
[13:23] <ubottu> katapult (source: katapult): item launcher for KDE. In component main, is optional. Version (hardy), package size 414 kB, installed size 3144 kB
[13:23] <jussi01> ilkin: start katapult, and pres alt+space
[13:23] <ForgeAus> does Kopete do Yahoo profiles?
[13:24] <jussi01> ilkin: skim is for translations
[13:26] <ilkin> nothing happened after pressing alt-spc only Katapult's icon appeared
[13:26] <jussi01> ilkin: now start typing the name of a program
[13:27] <jussi01> ilkin: its a fast way to start a prgram
[13:27] <ilkin> ooo cool I didnt know that thanks
[13:27] <jussi01> :)
[13:28] <ilkin> I want to start Kmail but it doesnt start
[13:29] <jussi01> ilkin: try kontact
[13:29] <jussi01> ie. starting kontact,not kmail
[13:30] <ilkin> I know Kontact, but how to start only Kmail
[13:31] <bobi> kann mir bitte jemand sagen wie ich madwifi.tar.gz treiber installieren kann
[13:31] <komp4> h
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[13:32] <female_31> h
[13:33] <jussi01> !de | bobi
[13:33] <ubottu> bobi: Deutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu und Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #xubuntu-de und #edubuntu-de
[13:33] <ilkin> Is Skim important for system? Can i delete it without suffering other programs?
[13:33] <jussi01> !info skim
[13:33] <ubottu> skim (source: skim): smart common input method platform for KDE. In component main, is optional. Version 1.4.5-4ubuntu3 (hardy), package size 1235 kB, installed size 2716 kB
[13:33] <ilkin> sooo?
[13:34] * jussi01 has noidea if it can be removed
[13:34] <bobi> well sorry i just need help to install a driver madwifi.tar.gz for my atheros wireless card,thx
[13:36] <ilkin> I deleted Skim)) It seems no problem
[13:39] <ilkin> Is it possible repair Kubuntu without formatting?
[13:39] <ilkin> Is there any soft for that?
[13:40] <PhilRod> depends what the problem is
[13:41] <ilkin> lets say I want to restore initial programs that are now removed
[13:41] <ilkin> or whole system
[13:43] <kaminix> Why can't cut USB connections just fix themselves like in Windows and (I guess) Mac? Why does my heart have to stop eachtime a USB storage device accidently gets dissconnected without a proper umount while in use?
[13:43] <kaminix> Isn't the USB standard open?
[13:43] <ilkin> for example Windows can repair itself from installation disc
[13:44] <kurt> ja
[13:44] <PhilRod> ilkin: well, if you want to reinstall programs that have been uninstalled, install them in adept
[13:46] <ilkin> then how to repair system? for instance several weeks ago Kubuntu rejected to run and each time it started in command line mode
[13:46] <ForgeAus> so whats planned for Intrepid?
[13:48] <jussi01> ForgeAus: probably best to askin #kubuntu-devel or #ubuntu+1
[13:49] <ForgeAus> yeah I figured that
[13:50] <PhilRod> ilkin: then you try to diagnose the problem - my first guess would be that your X config is/was broken
[13:50] <ilkin> what is x config?
[13:53] <ilkin> how to check whether it is broken or not
[13:53] <ilkin> ?
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[14:14] <klerfayt> !hibernate
[14:14] <ubottu> Sorry, I don't know anything about hibernate
[14:15] <klerfayt> wow, nothing about hibernate/suspend?
[14:20] <coreymon77> hi everybody!
[14:23] <stevec_> hi
[14:23] <BluesKaj> Howdy
[14:24] <coreymon77> heya
[14:27] <stevec_> kde4 is coming along nicely, rc1 seems prety good now
[14:28] * jussi01 points stevec_ to #kubuntu-kde4
[14:44] <ForgeAus> is kubuntu up to firefox 3 yet?
[14:44] <coreymon77> yup
[14:44] <coreymon77> has been for a long time
[14:44] <ForgeAus> just checking
[14:48] <eagles0513875> is kde4 worth trying
[14:49] <ForgeAus> yes
[14:50] <eagles0513875> last i tried it pre 4.1 it was missing alot of functionality
[14:51] <eagles0513875> is it still missing a bunch of functionality
[14:51] <coreymon77> i have to go
[14:51] <eagles0513875> later coreymon77
[14:51] * jussi01 reminds eagles0513875 that kde4 support is in #kubuntu-kde4 :)
[14:52] <eagles0513875> jussi01: thanks
[14:52] <eagles0513875> just trying to get some opinions of people who have tried it and went back to 3
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[15:16] <siegie> Has anyone expirience with kgtk, i can't compile it "Could NOT find QtGlobal header " but libqt-dev is installed. Do i need something else?
[15:17] <PhilRod> siegie: probably need to pass a --with-qt option to configure, or maybe try setting QTDIR first
[15:18] <siegie> okey thanks i will try
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[15:27] <lesergi> hi people
[15:27] <lesergi> whats'up
[15:41] <lucent_> Hi peeps, need some help with something i haven't been able to find on the net so far. Had a little accident with my fstab file... in that it and the backup both got deleted :S have almost restored it fully, but I am getting an error about permissions when trying to write a CD.. can anyone help me out?
[15:41] <maui> hi guys i have kubuntu and just installed banshee music player but when i opened it, it says there was an issue with the dbus, what's that? is it like banshee is only for gnome and doesn't work on kde? help
[15:50] <siegie> PhilRod: okey now i have the following problem "cMake Error: Internal CMake error, TryCompile configure of cmake failed"
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[15:50] <BluesKaj> PhilRod, do you have build-essential installed ?
[15:51] <BluesKaj> !build essential
[15:51] <ubottu> Sorry, I don't know anything about build essential
[15:51] <BluesKaj> !build-essential
[15:51] <ubottu> Compiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first)
[15:51] <siegie> build-essential is installed
[15:53] <PhilRod> siegie: no idea what that error means, sorry. You could try asking in #kde I guess
[15:56] <sigma> how do i force dpkg to install a file?
[15:57] <BluesKaj> siegie, try installing banshee with adept , it's in the repos
[15:57] <steveny> hello all:) can anyone suggest a decent rpg(turn based) that will work with wine or out of box? I have played fallout to death...thank you
[15:58] <siegie> okey i'm trying
[16:00] <Pegasus> hey everyone, where can i delete my "shipit.kubuntu.org" account?
[16:00] <siegie> hmm nothing
[16:00] * BluesKaj wishes there was a linux gamerz chat ...tired of these unrecognizeable questions :)
[16:00] <BluesKaj> not listed siegie ?
[16:01] <siegie> i installed it
[16:01] <sigma> Pegasus: why would you want to do that?
[16:01] <siegie> but still getting the same error with cmake
[16:01] <Pegasus> because i don't need it anymore
[16:01] <siegie> sigma: dpkg -i --force-help
[16:02] <Pegasus> also someone hacked my pc and now maybe has my private adress :S
[16:02] <sigma> Pegasus: i dont think you can, i think if you dont use it after a while it just disapears
[16:06] <BluesKaj> siegie, remove banshee in adept , then do, sudo dpkg -r banshee
[16:06] <eagles0513875> dwidmann: installing kde4 as we speak
[16:06] <BluesKaj> then reinstall with adept
[16:08] <siegie> BluesKaj: ik wil try but i don't see the point
[16:09] <BluesKaj> it might clean up some orphaned dependencies
[16:09] <siegie> i think banshee is an audio player
[16:09] <BluesKaj> yes it is
[16:09] <siegie> and what has it to with kgtk?
[16:14] <eagles0513875> !aptfix
[16:14] <ubottu> If an APT front-end crashed and your database is locked, try this in a !terminal: « sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a »
[16:32] <petgrill> hi i dont know what happen i just moved in to a new house and i use a new connection to the internet and i cant see the thumbnails of pictures in sites like google.image and deviantart can anyone help me plz?
[16:33] <petgrill> i also sometimes cant see the thumbnails at youtube
[16:34] <petgrill> i use firefox
[16:35] <petgrill> 2 not 3
[16:35] <lesergi> :S
[16:35] <lesergi> all others images you can see?
[16:35] <petgrill> yes
[16:35] <lesergi> :S
[16:35] <petgrill> only prob with thumbnails
[16:36] <petgrill> and basically all small photos
[16:36] <lesergi> have you tried running firefox with new conf? mv .mozilla .mozilla.bak
[16:37] <lesergi> it is not real solution, but...
[16:37] <petgrill> should i install firefox 3?
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[16:59] <emons> help with setting guarddog? i set allow IRC and it doesn't
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[17:11] <Guest31003> hallo
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[17:23] <lesergi> is there any application in order to sync home dirs??
[17:24] <lesergi> I need sync home directory from desktop pc to laptop
[17:24] <lesergi> I think svn, cvs or hg are not good for that
[17:37] <jinzougen> I have AMD64 Kubuntu, how do I get flash working in Firefox?
[17:38] <jinzougen> Hardy.
[17:38] <Admiral_Chicago> have you checked out this:
[17:38] <Admiral_Chicago> !flash
[17:38] <ubottu> To install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash (a recent version for !Dapper is available in !backports) - See also !Restricted and !Gnash
[17:38] <kaminix> Hey. I have a USB stick I need to use as SWAP. I've already run mkfs.swap and swapon for /dev/sdb1, but it won't show up in htop anyway. What do I need to do?
[17:39] <jinzougen> OK yeah I read about doing the 32-bit firefox and plugins things.
[17:39] <jinzougen> Does anyone know about the quality of these open-source alternatives?
[17:40] <kaminix> Oh, nevermind. The swap is on. :)
[17:45] <_CrashMaster_> jinzougen: Anything in the repo's can generally be considered stable. The quality is really up for you to decide, based on the packages relevance to what you're trying to accomplish
[17:45] <jinzougen> ok I'll check them out. Do they integrate into firefox automatically or will I have to set it up somehow?
[17:46] <jinzougen> aparently swf-player does
[17:46] <_CrashMaster_> Firefox will usually pickup and install a plugin automatically. If it can't for some reason, it will generally provide a link to the authors site which provides steps for a manual install.
[17:46] <z_klanu> hello
[17:47] <_CrashMaster_> hello z_klanu
[17:47] <z_klanu> whats up?
[17:47] <jinzougen> Well swf-player seems to work just fine. Thanks for the help guys.
[17:57] <_CrashMaster_> Anyone looking for help that hasn't received it yet? I'm bored.
[17:59] <bruno> hi
[17:59] <bruno> Brazil?
[18:01] <bazhang> !br
[18:01] <ubottu> Por favor use #ubuntu-br ou #ubuntu-pt para ajuda em português. Obrigado.
[18:01] <bazhang> bruno ^^
[18:01] <minimax> what is the restricted drivers manager for kubuntu?
[18:01] <Jucato> bazhang: gone :)
[18:02] <Jucato> minimax: jockey-kde (K Menu -> System)
[18:02] <bazhang> Jucato, I saw too late :)
[18:02] <minimax> Jucato: apparently the gtk one gives up (sees no restricted drivers)
[18:03] <minimax> Jucato: but jockey-kde can't find any restricted drivers, either
[18:03] <minimax> Jucato: might have to settle for software rendering then...
[18:03] <Jucato> minimax: they use the same backend, so I wouldn't be surprised...
[18:03] <Jucato> you might have to do it manually..
[18:05] <minimax> Jucato: I also can't modprobe nvidia... FATAL: Error running install command for nvidia
[18:06] <Jucato> minimax: I'm guessing you need to have the driver installed properly first
[18:06] <Jucato> !nvidia
[18:06] <ubottu> For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto
[18:31] <dick-richardson> I'm trying to enable desktop effects, but am told
[18:32] <dick-richardson> "compositing is not supported on your system"
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[18:37] <Cyntrax> Hello
[18:37] <alanx> Cyntrax: hi
[18:39] <plinio> hi all1
[18:39] <plinio> What program i use for open .db extension in ubuntu?
[18:41] <partha_> plinio: generally you never open .db files. However, kexi uses .db extension. Some picture viewer software create .db files to manage their database.
[18:43] <_CrashMaster_> thumbs.db is the bain of Windows
[18:43] <_CrashMaster_> ... bane?
[18:43] <plinio> is .db game
[18:43] <plinio> .db cssrpg game
[18:43] <plinio> is doc
[18:44] <plinio> open editor text windows, but no open editor text linux
[18:47] <_CrashMaster_> plinio: Can you access a terminal window?
[18:55] <elo> what's a good program for web designing to use on linux? similar to what homesite used to be like (now dreamweaver [FAIL])
[18:56] <Githzerai> elo: try with quanta
[18:56] <Jucato> kompozer too
[19:12] <patco444> Proactol™ is a groundbreaking development in weight loss treatment, and is exactly what over weight people have been waiting for - http://track.moreniche.com/hit.php?w=119443&s=38
[19:33] <mrs> anybody know what the dev name is for a line-in on a sound card?
[19:33] <darcy> anybody use ConvertXtoDVD???
[19:35] <darcy> I can't get ConvertXtoDVD run through Wine to acknowledge the DVD Burner, can someone help?
[19:37] <stdin> darcy: I doubt you can burn anything from wine. but the people in #winehq would know
[19:38] <ellypho> How does one change channels eg #winehq
[19:43] <stdin> ellypho: type /join #winehq
[19:46] <not-alone> привет ребят
[19:51] <not-alone> подскажите пожалуста, где можно скачать Glib
[19:52] <Jucato> !ru | not-alone
[19:52] <ubottu> not-alone: Пожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке / Pozhalujsta posetite #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke
[20:04] <not-alone> thanks
[20:04] <not-alone> sorry
[20:04] <not-alone> i think that it is russiam channel
[20:05] <not-alone> but ...
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[20:15] <corin> hi
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[20:17] <corin> i have a problem
[20:21] <pulaski> Hello, does anyone know if it is likely a driver for the Sound Blaster "Fatal1ty X-Fi Platinum" sound card with the I/O drive is under development or suggest a channel where this question would be more appropiate?
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[20:22] <smarty> Hey -- anyone know how to install google earth with the .bin file i downloaded? (sorry, im a n00b)
[20:24] <smarty> no one?
[20:24] <om> #kubuntu-kde4
[20:27] <kcma2> good morning all
[20:28] <kcma2> i have an acer 5570Z and i want to load Kubuntu on it, it has a dual core and 1 gig of ram which version should i use the 64bit or 32 and why?
[20:31] <kcma2> behulor behulor?
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[20:38] <kcman> hello i have a question about installs of kubuntu
[20:38] <kcman> i want to put kubuntu on my acer 5570Z and i want to know what i should use 64 bit or 32 and why?
[20:42] <wesley> !puregnome
[20:42] <ubottu> If you want to remove all !KDE packages and have a default !Ubuntu system follow the instructions here << http://psychocats.net/ubuntu/puregnome >>
[20:45] <dick-richardson> I'm running kde4 and the desktop isn't my full screen size. http://abe.midco.net/vauxje/pics/snapshot1.png
[20:46] <zabbadapp> kcman: With 4 gigs and 32 bit you only get 3 gigs of ram (unless the motherboard and bios and some kernel settings are designed to support more with 32 bit)... So if you have more than 3 gigs of ram, use 64 bit ...
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[21:04] <kaminix> How do I create and upload a deb file to the repositories? The edict dictionary files are almost a year old, and it's just a couple of text files to copy to /usr/share/edict
[21:05] <genii> kaminix: They'll know in #ubuntu-motu
[21:10] <Dr_willis> isent that what the 'ppa' stuff is for also. to allow personal repos.
[21:10] <spiel_mit_feuer> hey.. can someone help me figure out what a certain program is ive seen used on KDE?
[21:10] <Dr_willis> !ppa\
[21:10] <ubottu> Sorry, I don't know anything about ppa\
[21:10] <Dr_willis> !ppa
[21:10] <ubottu> With Launchpad's Personal Package Archives (PPA), you can build and publish binary Ubuntu packages for multiple architectures simply by uploading an Ubuntu source package to Launchpad. See https://help.launchpad.net/PPAQuickStart.
[21:10] <spiel_mit_feuer> http://www.kde-look.org/CONTENT/content-pre1/84112-1.jpg
[21:11] <spiel_mit_feuer> whats that at the bottom?
[21:11] <spiel_mit_feuer> with the reflective icons
[21:11] <Dr_willis> !avant
[21:11] <ubottu> Avant Window Navigator is a dock-like navigation bar for the Linux desktop that positions itself at the bottom of the screen. Homepage http://wiki.awn-project.org/ Awn-Manager can be found the Gutsy !backports repository and in Universe in Hardy
[21:11] <Dr_willis> looks like that program to me.. "awn" :)
[21:12] <spiel_mit_feuer> avant looks cool
[21:12] <spiel_mit_feuer> let me get it
[21:12] <Dr_willis> I find it useless
[21:13] <Dr_willis> :P
[21:14] <semistud2354> can someone tell me how to send a file with kopete??
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[21:14] <semistud2354> a picture
[21:15] <tinden> When installing Kubuntu 8.04.1 from the alternate install cd on i386 and using the Guided "encrypted LVM" option, I noticed that during the process, it doesn't seem to random fill the hard drive like Debian Etch does. It finishes the partitioning, formatting and starts installing files way to quick for it to have random filled the drive. It never reports that it is going to random fill the drive, and I'm certain that it doesn't. I have a 40
[21:15] <tinden> took when installing Debian Etch with encrypted LVM. Is this a bug, an oversight or by design?
[21:16] <Dr_willis> I think part of your comment/question.. and I got no idea on if its by design, or oversight.
[21:16] <Dr_willis> part of the Q. got lost. Heh.. Im typing too fast.
[21:17] <tinden> Sorry. I'll try again.When installing Kubuntu 8.04.1 from the alternate install cd on i386 and using the Guided "encrypted LVM" option, I noticed that during the process, it doesn't seem to random fill the hard drive like Debian Etch does. It finishes the partitioning, formatting and starts installing files way to quick for it to have random filled the drive. It never reports that it is going to random fill the drive, and I'm certain that i
[21:17] <tinden> long the random fill took when installing Debian Etch with encrypted LVM. Is this a bug, an oversight or by design?
[21:19] <Dr_willis> The forums may have some deeper discussion of the topic. at least you may have better luck with the forums then here.
[21:21] <Dr_willis> I would guess its by design.
[21:23] <tinden> I found this page regarding the process: https://help.ubuntu.com/8.04/installation-guide/i386/module-details.html and it states "When using encrypted LVM, the installer will also automatically erase the disk by writing random data to it. This further improves security (as it makes it impossible to tell which parts of the disk are in use and also makes sure that any traces of previous installations are erased), but may take some time depe
[21:23] <tinden> its *supposed" to be doing it, but it isn't as far as I can tell.
[21:24] <Dr_willis> No idea, on how to prove it one way or another. :) other then watching the isntall processes from a different console as it installs. I guess.
[21:27] <genii> In alternate you can view what it's doing on console4
[21:27] <genii> Alternate/server
[21:28] <tinden> Even just doing a zero-fill of the drive takes much longer than the installer is taking to begin installing the system packages, so I certain that the installer isn't writing the whole drive with random bits, which would take at least as long to do as writing zeros to it.
[21:30] <tinden> Anyone here tried a guided encrypted lvm install with kubuntu?
[21:32] <Dr_willis> Hmm.. if writing random bits.. I wonder if it wold really need to randomize every bit.. what it it just did every other bit... :)
[21:32] <Dr_willis> Then again. this is all for the truely security addict.
[21:35] <yanina> hello, I have a problem, somehow my KDE is not starting KWin
[21:35] <yanina> how I get KWin to start on each login of every user into KDE??
[21:35] <helpy> anyone using crossover for linux ?
[21:36] <timo_> in kubuntu kde, i can change the system settings, and the settings manager remembers them, but they are not applied... does anybody know why?
[21:37] <helpy> did you check you session settings on logon screen ?
[21:37] <helpy> go to sessions and select start from last session
[21:37] <timo_> nope, didn't check that yet... i'll do that immediately
[21:38] <helpy> :)
[21:38] <yanina> how I set a variable globally on each start
[21:38] <yanina> like KDEWM?
[21:38] <timo_> but one other thing... i noticed that it says (in red) "Attention! Read help!" when i go to Convenience tab in Login Manager...
[21:38] <helpy> what do you mean ?
[21:39] <helpy> what does it say ?
[21:39] <helpy> by the way timo_ you need to restart x to go to sessions :)
[21:39] <timo_> i know :)
[21:39] <helpy> :))
[21:39] <Dr_willis> somthing is weird if 'kde' session from the KDM login is not running kwin, or compiz. ugh.. You dident install and remove compiz by any chance did you?
[21:39] <timo_> but it seems like a warning, but when i press the Help button, nothing happens :(
[21:39] <helpy> weird
[21:39] <helpy> did you google it ?
[21:40] <Dr_willis> timo_, its just warning you about setting up auto-login s4essiion
[21:40] <timo_> i did google it, i found someone having exactly the same problem here: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=112056
[21:41] <timo_> ok, thanks doc
[21:41] <timo_> i'll go restart x now.. be right back :)
[21:42] <Dr_willis> quick - lets all change nicks!
[21:42] <Dr_willis> :)
[21:43] <yanina> were does the KDEWM var gets set at boot?
[21:43] <yanina> there is a but when you uninstall compiz on kubuntu 8
[21:43] <yanina> it will let KDEWM set to compiz so you dont have window manager on start up
[21:43] <yanina> and no window borders
[21:43] <Dr_willis> Uninstalling compiz - used to goof things up. I had to fix that once.. after that i learned to not remove compiz. :)
[21:44] <Dr_willis> if you removed compiz, you may need to look in to the 'alternatives' feature of ubuntu.
[21:45] <yanina> this is the culprit script
[21:45] <yanina> file /etc/X11/Xsession.d/25enable-compiz
[21:45] <yanina> should be removed but is not
[21:45] <yanina> does a export KDEWM="/usr/bin/compiz"
[21:45] <Dr_willis> there ya go.
[21:45] <yanina> so if you don't have compiz you get no borders
[21:45] <yanina> someone fill a bug fix
[21:45] <yanina> I must reboot, thanks everybody
[21:46] <Dr_willis> if [ -e $HOME/.kde/share/config/compizasWM ] ; then
[21:46] <Dr_willis> is whats in my script. :)
[21:46] <Dr_willis> so by removing that .kde/share/config/compizasWM - in theory it would default to kwin. i think.
[21:52] <FrameFever> which automake version does I have to install?
[21:52] <FrameFever> to work with kdevelop?
[21:52] <FrameFever> 1.9?
[21:52] <FrameFever> there are 5 versions available
[21:55] <Dragnslcr> Heh, glad I caught that conversation. I was trying to figure out why Compiz was loaded when I started KDE4
[21:56] <Dr_willis> :)
[21:56] <Dr_willis> i feel compiz has caused more problems.. then its worth.. Heh :P
=== nicholas is now known as sanassar
[21:57] <sanassar> Hey
[21:57] <sanassar> Anyone know how to make keyboard shorcuts
[21:57] <jussi01> !shortcuts
[21:57] <ubottu> keyboard shortcuts can be set in K -> System Settings -> Keyboard & Mouse. Try also "Input Actions" in KControl. If your multimedia keys don't work with that, try the 'keytouch' package, explained at https://wiki.kubuntu.org/KDEMultimediaKeys - See !Keyboard for changing layouts
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[21:58] <jussi01> sanassar: ^^
[21:58] <sanassar> Hi
[22:03] <sgallinger> is there a way I can test my ati card to see if it working ?
[22:06] <MachinTrucChose> hi
[22:06] <MachinTrucChose> For some reason the volume icon has disappeared from my system tray. It's been gone for a few days now, rebooting does not bring it back. Which command opens it?
[22:06] <Hondo_Kitsune> Ok, i am having no end of problems with my NTFS drive
[22:07] <Hondo_Kitsune> I have ntfs-3g and it has solved nothing
[22:09] <Hondo_Kitsune> *clears throat* should I try #ubuntu?
[22:09] <MachinTrucChose> probably
[22:09] <genii> MachinTrucChose: kmix
[22:10] <MachinTrucChose> thank you, genii
[22:10] <genii> MachinTrucChose: Yer welcome
[22:14] <BSG75> hi .. my fresh kubuntu install is having issues with pulse audio. I am moving from ubuntu .. under ubuntu there is no problem and things work like a dream since Edgy
[22:15] <BSG75> Pulse audio works great under ubuntu Hardy.. is this a kde setting thing or is there an known issue with kubuntu install?
[22:16] <not-alone> this problem are in mandriva kubuntu SUSe and other distr
[22:18] <BSG75> not-alone: can you point me to a work-around or a solution? I have sound, can I use alsamixer and disable pulse audio?
[22:18] <not-alone> we must configure pulse audio o use another audio server
[22:18] <not-alone> you have sound but...
[22:19] <not-alone> what?
[22:19] <Dr_willis> Hondo_Kitsune, you may want to state the whole ntfs problem, to the whole channel.
[22:19] <dorins> BSG75: I think kubuntu hardy still installs alsa by default
[22:19] <dorins> I don't have pulse audio installed
[22:20] <dorins> sound works great
[22:20] <Dr_willis> Pulse audio uses alsa i thought. Its an addational layer.
[22:20] <BSG75> dorins: yeah .. that's how I have sound. But I it cuts off and apps like mplayer gives error saying it cannot connect to Pulse audio
[22:20] <Dr_willis> BSG75, tell mplayer to use alsa, not pulseaudio. is what i normally do
[22:20] <Hondo_Kitsune> QUnprivileged user cannot mount NTFS block using the external FUSE. Either mount as root or rebuild ntfs-3g with integrated FUSE and setuid root.
[22:20] <Dr_willis> makes mplayer start up a lot faster also.
[22:20] <BSG75> Dr_willis: will do
[22:20] <Hondo_Kitsune> I followed the instructions on the site and they did not fix it
[22:21] <Dr_willis> Hondo_Kitsune, other then trying the 'ntfs-config' tool, to check/enable it - not sure. I dont have any external ntfs drives to test.
[22:21] <Dr_willis> all my external USB drives are ext3 :)
[22:21] <Hondo_Kitsune> both are enabled
[22:22] <Hondo_Kitsune> it is whinging about FUSE
[22:22] <Hondo_Kitsune> and if i mount it as root, i then can't write to it as "fox"
[22:22] <BSG75> also can one of you please tell me a) how I can control my volume using my laptop volume button which I was able to do in ubuntu b) how I can turn of click on my touchpad of my laptop.. in ubuntu you go under mouse and it shows a tab with touchpad and you turn click off.. is there something similar in kde?
[22:24] <Dr_willis> Hondo_Kitsune, perhaps the user is not in the proper groups.
[22:24] <Hondo_Kitsune> I checked
[22:24] <Hondo_Kitsune> "fox" is
[22:25] <Dr_willis> other then seeing if the user can mount manually with the ntfs-3g command. Not sure where to troubleshoot next.
[22:26] <Hondo_Kitsune> what is the NTFS-3g command.
[22:26] <Dr_willis> my ntfs-3g command is not SUID.
[22:26] <Hondo_Kitsune> how is it implimented?
[22:26] <Dr_willis> Its the command thats doing all the real work.
[22:27] <Dr_willis> ntfs-3g --help gives ussage, and examples
[22:27] <dorins> BSG75: for a) : open system settings, and select Keyboard & Mouse-> Keyboard Shortcuts, select component KMix and set the shortcut keys you want
[22:27] <Dr_willis> Example: ntfs-3g /dev/sda1 /mnt/win
[22:27] <dorins> BSG75: that's for kde4, should be something simmilar for kde 3
[22:28] <dorins> BSG75: don't know about b)
[22:28] <BSG75> dorins: thank you. I haven't used kde in a LONNG time .. I am trying it again because my friend is all raving about it .. it's a bit of a change :)
[22:29] <BSG75> definitely like 4.1 .. I am not so sure why my friend is so excited about 4.0
[22:29] * Dr_willis waits for service pack 1 for kde 4.1 :P
[22:30] <BSG75> ***Dr_willis: when does that come out? :)
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[22:30] <Dr_willis> It will be in the Zippy Zebra release of ubuntu!
[22:30] <Dr_willis> :)
[22:30] <BSG75> I am thinking of installing ubuntu and then installing 4.1 that way everything will be working <fingers crossed>
[22:31] <BSG75> I tried the intrepid .. I was having some stabality issues but it's alpha so I doubt it's any where close to the finished product
[22:32] <dorins> BSG75: heard people saying that installing over ubuntu is better, never actually tried myself
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[22:33] <icheyne> why does my PCM output keep resetting to a really low default?
[22:33] <BSG75> dorins: yeah .. I was avoiding that on purpose .. then I will have gnome to fall back to .. that kinda kills an honest evaluation
[22:33] <icheyne> volume output that is
[22:34] <BSG75> grrr .. I need to find out how to disable my stupid touchpad .. it's very very annoying to type
[22:35] <Dr_willis> Thats why i alwyas look for laptops with a 'touchpad off' button. :)
[22:35] <BSG75> Dr_willis: :(
[22:36] <BSG75> brb .. I wonder if I unplug my external mouse if kde will autodetect my touchpad and give me option to turn off click :)
=== milenm3 is now known as kUbuntu
=== kUbuntu is now known as kUbuntu2
[22:38] <kUbuntu2> Anyone able to help with mounting .iso in kubuntu 8.04?
[22:39] <genii> !iso
[22:39] <ubottu> To mount an ISO disc image, type « sudo mount -o loop <ISO-filename> <mountpoint> » - There is a list of useful cd image conversion tools at http://wiki.linuxquestions.org/wiki/CD_Image_Conversion - Always verify the ISO using !MD5 before !burning.
[22:39] <soldieruk400> hi all
[22:40] <soldieruk400> im new to ubuntu so if anyone uses it cool
[22:40] <BSG75> :( .. it doesn't see my laptop touchpad as a touchpad but an actual mouse
=== robert__ is now known as Guest17724
[22:41] <soldieruk400> well i got a problemb .i have just switched from vista home and so far so good .just wish i new how to get the cube and muck around with the settings
[22:43] <genii> soldieruk400: If you go ask in channel #compiz-fusion they'll probably assist :)
[22:43] <soldieruk400> thank you
[22:44] <BSG75> I am about to install compiz .. I think plasma can now support compiz wallpaper
[22:44] <BSG75> <fingers crossed> here goes
[22:45] <Dr_willis> i dident think kde4 and compiz played together. :)
[22:45] <genii> Dr_willis: It keeps crashing on mine so I'm always back into kde3
[22:46] <BSG75> Dr_willis: LOL hence <fingers crossed> not going back to kde4 ..
[22:46] <Dr_willis> im waiting for sevice pack 1001 for kde4.19928810920332.1/2
[22:46] <Dr_willis> :)
[22:47] <tdela> Hey guys, whats the "supported until october 2009" mean, is it recommended i download KDE4 Remix, community support only?
[22:49] <BSG75> tdela: I am using Remix .. it's very stable .. but it depends on how comfortable you are on linux
[22:49] <di48lo> I am missing window borders, how can i restore them?
[22:50] <tdela> BSG75: I am very familiar but I need a stable, no hassle desktop, my job is an IT and im thinking of switching from freebsd as a desktop to kubuntu, but i don't wanna spend more time fixing my own desktop than our servers
[22:50] <di48lo> kde4-kubuntu-compiz
[22:50] <Dr_willis> alt-f2 -> run kwin --replace di48lo
[22:50] <di48lo> cheers Doc
[22:50] <tdela> BSG75: so really, what i should probably know is, the support until october 2009 really means what?
[22:50] <Dr_willis> ive been using jwm + rox as my main desktop/filemanager
[22:52] <BSG75> tdela: I have not found any issue other than the pulse audio not working .. nothing critical. honestly I have no idea what "support until oct 09" means ... I would think it would mean for paid customer support .. but I could be totally talking through my rear end
[22:52] <tdela> oh
[22:53] <tdela> does all 8.04 come with kde4?
[22:53] <tdela> BSG75: thanks btw. :)
[22:53] <BSG75> tdela: no .. you can get ubuntu .. which is gnome
[22:53] <BSG75> tdela: there is also one for xfce
[22:53] <tdela> i would rather kde4.
[22:53] <tdela> but all kubuntu's have kde4? or just kde4 remix version?
[22:57] <di48lo> hey so I replaced kwin but now my compiz doesn't seem to work?
[22:57] <BSG75> my compiz just installed the engine but I can find anywhere to turn on the effects LOL
[22:58] <_2> !compiz | lol
[22:58] <ubottu> lol: Kubuntu is not shipping with compiz installed or enabled by default. You can still install it and have your eyecandy goodness from KMenu -> System -> Desktop Effects - further help in #compiz-fusion
[22:59] <di48lo> hmm I don't have a KMenu->system?
[23:00] <_2> lsb_release -r
[23:00] <di48lo> do other people here run kde4?
[23:00] <_2> !kde4 | di48lo no this is not the kde4 channel
[23:00] <ubottu> _2: Error: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)
[23:00] <_2> !kde4 | di48lo no this "is" not the kde4 channel
[23:01] <ubottu> di48lo no this "is" not the kde4 channel: KDE 4.0.5 is the latest major release of the K Desktop Environment. Packages can be found at http://kubuntu.org/announcements/kde-4.0.5.php - Support in #kubuntu-kde4
[23:01] <tom___> I need help with openoffice
[23:02] <BSG75> RAWR I got it working
[23:03] <BSG75> now all I need to install is the compiz setting manager I think .. holly his noodly appendages, I am getting excited over kde .. I must have a feaver :)
[23:05] <_2> ubottu ubottu us obviously not intelligent!
[23:05] <ubottu> _2: Error: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)
[23:05] <_2> ubottu ubottu is obviously not intelligent!
[23:05] <_2> oops.
[23:05] <BSG75> lol
[23:06] <Pici> _2: Please don't do that.
[23:07] <_2> Pici why doesn't the bot have any way to "NOT" key on the word 'is' without >>> <ubottu> _2: Error: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)
[23:08] <Pici> _2: Because you are addressing the bot, it doesnt know any better.
[23:08] <_2> is is a very useful english word. wouldn't something else have been more prudent than "is" ?
[23:09] <_2> set maybe
[23:11] <_2> Pici or if only the pipe would cause ubottu to stop parsing commands and count the remainder of a line as comment
[23:20] <aajacky> hai bro, how to browsing use konqueror? cos my konqueror not function. but if use firefox is working
[23:31] <SebNaitsabes> !konqueror
[23:31] <ubottu> Sorry, I don't know anything about konqueror
[23:36] <BSG75> compiz fusion works beautifully with kde4 .. you hardly have to do anything other than to install it .. but the thing is that you have to reboot in order for them to show up for some reason. At least for now
[23:36] <BSG75> err that's 4.1 I am using.
[23:37] <garysteinert> im trying to get amarok to comile from svn, the wiki says i should reinstall the strigi library, anyone know what package that would fall under?
[23:37] <garysteinert> noone on the amarok channel seems to know?
[23:38] <dedi_> my server has kde as default X, but it loads gnome when remote connecting a new X session (from a gnome client). any ideas?
[23:39] <BSG75> dedi: what session is default under your remote connection settings?
[23:39] <dedi_> BSG75: same as local
[23:41] <bobo> haha
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[23:43] <SuperMonster> I have a Dell Inspiron 530 I have been wanting to try Ubuntu/Xubuntu/Kubuntu on, however when I put in the Ubuntu/Xubuntu/Kubuntu/etc disks, and try to boot, I end up in BusyBox and *Ubuntu will NOT fully boot past the scrolling logo and the scrolling bar. One person on the forums asked that I try setting my SATA from IDE to RAID, I don't see how that could help?
[23:43] <genii> dedi_: Maybe http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=29126