UbuntuIRC / 2008 /07 /19 /#kubuntu-devel.txt
Initial commit
[01:00] <JontheEchidna> bah
[01:00] <JontheEchidna> power outage
[01:01] <JontheEchidna> It was only for a split second but somehow it messed up the DNS server our router kept choosing something awful
[03:13] <vorian> evening
=== kewark is now known as m4v
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=== milian_ is now known as milian
=== Jucato_ is now known as Jucato
=== dorins_ is now known as dorins
[09:54] <Wubbbi> Riddell: bug 249948 . I have fixed it. Could you upload please? :)
[09:54] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 249948 in kdebase-workspace "kdebase-workspace-wallpapers 4:4.0.98-0ubuntu5 failt to install" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/249948
[10:08] <Wubbbi> Riddell: ??? are you here?
[10:10] <Wubbbi> dont seems so :(
[11:27] <tictric> Riddell, just a question. Nepomuk & Soprano issue solved yet or is it something more elaborate that's missing?
[12:35] <Nightrose> can anyone confirm that opening konqueror kde3 from kickoff opens konqueror kde4 in KDE 4.1 RC1?
[12:35] <Nightrose> it worked before
[12:35] <Nightrose> but seems broken since at least RC 1 - maybe beta 2
[12:36] <Nightrose> same for kate
[12:37] <Nightrose> same from kickoff...
[12:37] <Nightrose> apachelogger: ^
[12:43] <Dinofly> Nightrose: same for me
[12:43] <Nightrose> Dinofly: thx
[13:50] <ilkin> hi
[14:21] <coreymon77> anyone there?
[14:23] <jussi01> oh noes, its coreymon77
[14:23] <jussi01> run! :P
[14:24] <coreymon77> hey
[14:24] <coreymon77> miss me?
[14:27] <Hobbsee> oh noes!
[14:28] <Hobbsee> coreymon77: i'm sure that's a question that should never be asked :P
[14:28] <Hobbsee> someone might just say yes.
[14:28] <coreymon77> so
[14:28] <coreymon77> ive been gone for a while
[14:28] <coreymon77> and will still be gone for a while
[14:28] <jjesse> so you just stepped in to say hi
[14:28] <coreymon77> i just have a little time where i have internet access for cheap
[14:29] <coreymon77> im in israel, on a trip with my camp
[14:29] <coreymon77> so, i have a little free time now, and the rate at the kiosks in the hostel we are staying at isnt bad
[14:29] <coreymon77> so, im online for a bit, thought i would check things out
[14:32] <coreymon77> so, how you guys doing?
[14:41] <coreymon77> blah
[14:41] <coreymon77> anyone there
[14:41] <jjesse> doing good
[14:42] <jjesse> sorry new baby is fusing
[14:43] <coreymon77> hey! congrats!
[14:43] <jjesse> thanks coreymon77
[14:45] <jjesse> morning rafallo_
[14:45] <jjesse> doh
[14:45] <jjesse> morning ryanakca
[14:46] <coreymon77> good afternoon
[14:51] <coreymon77> i have to go
[14:51] <coreymon77> bye everybody
=== hunger_t is now known as hunger
[17:30] <apachelogger> Nightrose: eihter the patches broke or someone removed them
[17:32] <Nightrose> apachelogger: can you check? ;-)
[17:32] <apachelogger> Nightrose: just look at the launchpad diff from .83 to .98
[17:33] <Nightrose> meeting :(
[17:33] <Nightrose> sorry
[17:55] <apachelogger> JontheEchidna: you sent ubuntu1 of konq-plugins
[18:03] <echidnaman> apachelogger: oops
=== jtechidna is now known as JontheEchidna
[20:02] <JontheEchidna> apachelogger: resent konq-plugins
[20:02] <JontheEchidna> I can't figure out how to use them after I've installed the debs though :(
[20:07] <JontheEchidna> Oh, I probably have to add the folder to the scan list
=== skreechmiester is now known as Daskreech
[20:09] <JontheEchidna> well that didn't work
[20:09] <JontheEchidna> Maybe I put in the wrong location...
[20:12] <JontheEchidna> bah
[20:12] <JontheEchidna> anybody know how to use konq-plugins?
=== jtechidna is now known as JontheEchidna
[22:17] <Daskreech> !ntfs > Hondo_Kitsune
[22:17] <ubottu> Hondo_Kitsune, please see my private message
[23:16] <Riddell> I got my screen session back!
[23:16] <Riddell> apachelogger: do we have any amarok alpha packages for hardy?
[23:17] <jtechidna> Riddell: You moved Blue_Curls from -wallpaper to -data, right?
[23:18] <Riddell> jtechidna: yes
[23:18] <jtechidna> bug 249948
[23:18] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 249948 in kdebase-workspace "kdebase-workspace-wallpapers 4:4.0.98-0ubuntu5 failt to install" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/249948
[23:19] <Nightrose> Riddell: amarok alpha 1 should be in kubuntu-members-kde4
[23:20] <Nightrose> for hardy
[23:20] <Riddell> lovely
[23:20] <Nightrose> and yay for screen session ;-)
[23:21] <Daskreech> Riddell: Whooot
[23:24] <Riddell> jtechidna: uploading
[23:24] <jtechidna> I'll be sure to tell Wubbbi
[23:29] <Riddell> jtechidna: please do
=== jtechidna is now known as JontheEchidna
[23:35] <vorian> hallo!
[23:35] <vorian> man, long week
[23:36] <JontheEchidna> Hi
[23:36] <JontheEchidna> hi to vorian and Czessi
[23:36] <vorian> how's things?
[23:36] <JontheEchidna> good
[23:36] <vorian> coolio
[23:39] <JontheEchidna> Bah, KOffice2 won't build with an updated pbuilder
[23:39] * JontheEchidna goes over to pastebin
[23:41] <vorian> JontheEchidna: have you checked out the krita-data-kde4.install file?
[23:41] <JontheEchidna> It's a build-dep issue
[23:41] <JontheEchidna> http://paste.ubuntu.com/28558/
[23:41] <vorian> oh?
[23:42] <vorian> lemme see
[23:42] <JontheEchidna> after that it goes through configuring all the packages it downloaded
[23:43] <vorian> that's odd
[23:43] <JontheEchidna> and then says it can't satisfy build-deps
[23:43] <vorian> pbuilder update?
[23:44] <JontheEchidna> I created the pbuilder half an hour ago
[23:44] <vorian> hmph
[23:44] <JontheEchidna> It's done this for a few days
[23:44] <vorian> hmm
[23:46] <JontheEchidna> When I try to update it, it says: Upgrading for distribution hardy
[23:46] <JontheEchidna> I used this to create it: sudo pbuilder create --distribution intrepid
[23:46] <vorian> did you enable main universe multiverse?
[23:47] * JontheEchidna didn't do anything except sudo pbuilder create --distribution intrepid
[23:47] <vorian> ah
[23:47] <JontheEchidna> How would I enable multiverse and universe?
[23:47] <vorian> hold on a sec
[23:48] <vorian> JontheEchidna: http://paste.ubuntu.com/28561/
[23:49] <JontheEchidna> what's the \ for?
[23:49] * JontheEchidna is curious
[23:50] <vorian> it allows the second line, creating the --other mirror in one command
[23:50] <JontheEchidna> oh, so commands can only be so long?
[23:50] <JontheEchidna> Or is it just to be nice to people with 80-char wide terminals?
[23:52] <JontheEchidna> or maybe they're trying not to stretch the wiki page
[23:57] <Daskreech> JontheEchidna: It's just easier to read
[23:57] <Daskreech> it escapes the carriage return cahr
[23:57] <Daskreech> char