UbuntuIRC / 2008 /07 /17 /#ubuntu-devel.txt
Initial commit
[00:21] <emgent> heya
[00:21] <NCommander> hola emgent
[00:21] * NCommander needs a main sponsor
[00:22] <NCommander> I solved the long running mono crashbug
[00:22] <NCommander> https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/mono/+bug/247782
[00:22] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 247782 in mono "Ubuntu mono patch dont_check_proc_self_exe causes random segfaults in mono" [Undecided,Confirmed]
[00:22] <emgent> NCommander: subscribe ubuntu-main-sponsors
[00:22] <NCommander> did
[00:22] <emgent> ok now wait :)
[00:22] <NCommander> not my strong suite ;-)
[00:23] <emgent> argh mono
[00:23] <NCommander> Yeah
[00:23] <NCommander> The bug was one of the ubuntu patches
[00:23] <NCommander> A "genius" commented out an entire function to determine the root path so mono would function on an unionfs filesystem
[00:23] <NCommander> THe end result is it causes mono to randomly crash
[00:23] <emgent> gh
[00:24] <NCommander> This resolves the f-spot crash ftbfs, and the evo-sharp one
[00:24] <NCommander> And probably a few others
[00:24] <NCommander> https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/transproxy/+bug/247886 - BTW, I need an MOTU sponsor, care to donate emgent ;-)
[00:24] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 247886 in transproxy "FTBFS fix on AMD64/SPARC/IA-64" [Medium,In progress]
[00:24] <emgent> hahaha
[00:24] <emgent> ok i take a look
[00:26] <emgent> NCommander: remember to add LP bug number in changelog
[00:26] <emgent> LP: #bug
[00:26] <NCommander> d'oh
[00:26] <NCommander> THat debdiff been sitting awhile, its before I started doing that
[00:26] <emgent> no problem i will fix it first to upload.
[00:26] <emgent> now i should test it.
[00:26] <emgent> wait.
[00:27] * NCommander waits
[00:31] <emgent> NCommander: processed.
[00:32] <NCommander> sweet
[00:32] <NCommander> ANother day, another FTBFS resolved
[00:32] <NCommander> Once that mono one goes, quite a few FTBFS will be resolved
[00:32] <emgent> NCommander: try to see eclipse
[00:33] <NCommander> what's wrong with eclipse?
[00:33] <emgent> listed FTBFS in dad
[00:34] <emgent> (if i remember well)
[00:34] <NCommander> Ugh
[00:34] <NCommander> Got any idea why?
[00:34] <emgent> nope i dont use it
[00:35] <NCommander> http://science.slashdot.org/science/08/07/16/1831256.shtml - Wow, way too many bad buns
[00:56] <emgent> NCommander: done. Thanks for your work in Ubuntu.
[01:13] <NCommander> Well, my HDD is making a wonderful grinding noise
=== mthaddon changed the topic of #ubuntu-devel to: Launchpad is going down from 02:00 UTC until 03:00 UTC for a code update | intrepid alpha-2 released, archive open | Ubuntu 8.04.1 released | Development of Ubuntu (not support, not application development on Ubuntu) | #ubuntu for support and general discussion for dapper/feisty/gutsy/hardy, #ubuntu+1 for intrepid | #ubuntu-motu for getting involved in development | http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment | See #ubuntu-
=== mthaddon changed the topic of #ubuntu-devel to: intrepid alpha-2 released, archive open | Ubuntu 8.04.1 released | Development of Ubuntu (not support, not application development on Ubuntu) | #ubuntu for support and general discussion for dapper/feisty/gutsy/hardy, #ubuntu+1 for intrepid | #ubuntu-motu for getting involved in development | http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment | See #ubuntu-bugs for http://wiki.ubuntu.com/HelpingWithBugs
=== NCommanders is now known as NCommander
=== asac_ is now known as asac
[04:44] <ScottK> If there's anyone around in ubuntu-main-sponsors, Bug 249300 can be unsubcribed.
[04:44] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 249300 in libnet-dns-perl "Please sync libnet-dns-perl 0.63-2 (main) from Debian unstable (main)." [Wishlist,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/249300
[05:22] <kees> superm1_: cool, yeah, the lpia changes look good to me. thanks!
[05:33] <ScottK> kees: I's appreciate it if you'd add me to ubuntu-main-sponsors.
[05:45] <kees> ScottK: sure thing, one sec
[05:45] <ScottK> Thanks.
[05:46] <kees> ScottK: done! :)
[06:29] <Hobbsee> asac: whatever those last changes were in your network manager ppa, did anyone test them?
[06:29] <Hobbsee> nm doesn't even seem to start for me now
[06:45] <nxvl> Hobbsee: can you please take a look at Bug 248260
[06:45] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 248260 in terminator "Please sync terminator 0.9-1 (universe) from Debian unstable (main)." [Wishlist,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/248260
[06:49] <Hobbsee> nxvl: is it urgent?
[06:50] <nxvl> Hobbsee: not really, just getting old
[06:50] <nxvl> Hobbsee: if you add it to your ToDo i will be happy
[08:04] <efnx> hi all
[08:05] <efnx> i have some programming questions
[08:05] <efnx> if you're up for them
[08:05] <Hobbsee> did you read the /topic?
[08:06] <efnx> so this is a development channel without any talk of developing apps?
[08:06] <efnx> hmmm
[08:06] <efnx> sorry i wasted your time
[08:07] <efnx> what is the appropriate channel?
[08:07] <Laney> #<name of language> is a good bet
[08:09] <efnx> my questions involve finding out which language is appropriate
[08:09] <efnx> hehe
[08:12] * micahcowan sighs
[08:12] <micahcowan> what's the command for editing debian/changelog again?
[08:13] <ion_> dch
[08:13] <micahcowan> thanks much
[08:13] <ion_> dpkg -L devscripts
[08:14] <micahcowan> Again, thanks :)
[08:15] <micahcowan> (I can never remember what devscripts is called either; when I install it, it tends to be installed via apt-get build-dep, I think.
[08:45] <pitti> Good morning
[08:45] <pitti> kirkland: pong
[08:45] <pitti> nxvl: pong
[08:45] <pitti> yay for contentless pings :
[08:53] <ion_> pitti: ping
[08:54] <pitti> hi ion_
[08:54] <ion_> Hi :-)
[09:00] <tseliot> morning
[09:00] <pitti> hey tseliot
[09:00] <tseliot> pitti: hi ;)
[09:26] <asac> Hobbsee: are you talking about "my" ppa or ~network-manager?
[09:51] <mdz> pitti: grep -i doesn't seem to fold case properly in Hardy with en_US.UTF-8 (C works). do you know where I might look to track it down?
[09:52] <mdz> pitti: er, Intrepid
[09:52] <pitti> mdz: bug 241990 got a detailled analysis and a patch 9 hours ago
[09:52] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 241990 in grep "[master] grep -i fails to work on intrepid" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/241990
[09:52] <pitti> I haven't looked at it yet, though
[09:53] <mdz> pitti: thank you
[10:21] <calc> is there a tag or something else for unreproducible bugs?
[10:22] * pitti ususally uses needsinfo
[10:22] <calc> i don't want to just mark them invalid but i'm getting so far what appears to be a lot of bugs i can't reproduce at all
[10:26] <slangasek> 'incomplete'?
[10:26] <pitti> right, sorry
[10:28] <seb128> cody-somerville: how is bug #249020 a gtk bug? what fileselector backend is xubuntu using?
[10:28] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 249020 in gtk+2.0 "Places list in "Save As" not up to date" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/249020
[10:28] <calc> yea i guess i can leave it as incomplete of course those get cleaned eventually
[10:28] <calc> but if i can't reproduce it i can't fix it either so i guess its not too big of a problem
[10:28] <pitti> calc: I consider that a good compromise between "get out of my eyes" and not closing them immediately
[10:29] <Keybuk> who feels like reviewing my package of pywebkitgtk?
[10:29] <Keybuk> http://launchpadlibrarian.net/16086285/pywebkitgtk_0.2%2Bgit20080708-0ubuntu2_source.changes
[10:30] <cody-somerville> seb128, I'm pretty sure it uses the gtk fileselector.
[10:30] <Keybuk> http://launchpadlibrarian.net/16086287/pywebkitgtk_0.2%2Bgit20080708-0ubuntu2.dsc
[10:30] <Keybuk> http://launchpadlibrarian.net/16086286/pywebkitgtk_0.2%2Bgit20080708-0ubuntu2.tar.gz
[10:30] <seb128> cody-somerville: right, the gtk selector is not supposed to list vfs locations
[10:31] <cody-somerville> seb128, which one is?
[10:31] <seb128> cody-somerville: the gnome-vfs and gio ones which are in libgnomeui
[10:31] <seb128> that's fixed in intrepid where the only backend is gio now and is in gtk
[10:31] <cody-somerville> seb128, okay, thanks.
[10:32] <mdz> Keybuk: isn't there a tool which can be pointed to <url to dsc> and download a source package? that would be handy to add to apt-get source
[10:32] <Keybuk> mdz: not for launchpad that I know of
[10:32] <liw> mdz, dget ?
[10:32] <slangasek> 'dget', but it requires the files to be in the same directory
[10:32] <seb128> cody-somerville: is libgnomeui installed on xubuntu?
[10:32] <liw> oh, but the urls are different
[10:32] <slangasek> which evidently the above files are not
[10:33] <liw> enhancing dget for that would be good, then
[10:33] <mdz> slangasek: which they are in PPAs
[10:33] <cody-somerville> seb128, it is, yes.
[10:33] <mdz> slangasek: oh, not the librarian URLs
[10:33] <slangasek> mdz: right and right :)
[10:33] <seb128> mdz: ubuntu-dev-tools has a dgetlp doing that
[10:34] <Ng> on a similar note, if someone posts a url to a code.lp.net URL, is there something which will grab that branch? I seem to have to open the URL to get a lp:~foo/bar that bzr will use
[10:34] <seb128> dgetlp http://launchpadlibrarian.net/16086287/pywebkitgtk_0.2%2Bgit20080708-0ubuntu2.dsc
[10:34] <liw> or perhaps it would be possible for launchpad to do (redirect?) urls that work with dget?
[10:34] <mdz> slangasek: http://ppa.launchpad.net/scott/ubuntu/pool/main/p/pywebkitgtk/ has adjacent URLs
[10:34] <mdz> seb128: neat
[10:36] <seb128> cody-somerville: gconftool-2 --get /desktop/gnome/interface/file_chooser_backend?
[10:37] <cody-somerville> seb128, one second. booting vanilla Xubuntu.
[10:38] <cody-somerville> seb128, gio on Intrepid
[10:39] <seb128> cody-somerville: as said intrepid has no backend now, the new gio backend is in gtk
[10:40] <seb128> anyway that bug is not a gtk one, the hardy gtk is not supposed to list vfs locations
[10:40] <cody-somerville> Okay, sounds good.
[10:41] <seb128> oh, the applications can also specify that the fileselector mode, maybe this one is using the local one
[10:41] <seb128> what application is the one described there?
[10:41] <seb128> hum, he didn't specify
[10:42] <cody-somerville> seb128, looks like abiword
[10:42] <cody-somerville> http://launchpadlibrarian.net/16086449/save_as.png <-- the file type is ODF
[10:42] <seb128> I don't have abiword installed to try
[10:43] <cody-somerville> I'm also pretty sure that we use abiword-gtk
[10:43] <seb128> ok, so that's likely an abiword gtk choice to not use gnome-vfs
[10:43] <Keybuk> is there an abiword gtk anymore?
[10:43] <Keybuk> I thought they all got merged in 2.6
[10:43] <seb128> hardy didn't have 2.6
[10:44] <Keybuk> ahh
[10:52] <seb128> mdz: btw did you fix your compiz workspace switching keybinding issue?
[10:53] <milian> I think I've spottet a bug in libplot-dev : it is compiled with PNG support (at least it depends on libpng), but in plotter.h is a #define INCLUDE_PNG_SUPPORT missing
[10:53] <milian> I just added it manually and now I can use PNGPlotter in my C++ program
[10:54] <milian> before it did not work
=== hunger_t is now known as hunger
[10:55] <milian> I'll report a bug. but if there's anybody who has the ability to update the packages in backport, please do so. it's just one added line
[11:02] <Mithrandir> humm, python2.5 2.5.2-2ubuntu5 was removed from -proposed?
[11:03] <Mithrandir> that seems slightly unfortunate, since python2.5-dev was then uninstallable for me.
[11:03] <slangasek> yes, packages in -proposed aren't guaranteed to not be rolled back
[11:04] <Mithrandir> hm, that's not very well communicated, I think.
[11:04] <slangasek> this one was rolled back because it was blocking 8.04.1 CD builds and had an insufficient SRU justification at the time
[11:04] <mdz> seb128: mvo asked about which compiz settings backend I was using, and I told him
[11:04] <mdz> I don't think I heard more after that
[11:05] <mvo> mdz: did you switched from flat-file to gconf to test if that would fix the issue?
[11:05] <mdz> mvo: no
[11:05] <mvo> could you please try that?
[11:05] <mdz> yes
[11:05] <slangasek> Mithrandir: probably true that it's not communicated well. bug report on software-properties-gtk, maybe?
[11:05] <TheMuso> pitti: If sound-juicer is removed from desktop-recommends, what will be available for CD ripping?
[11:06] <mdz> mvo: seems to work
[11:06] <pitti> TheMuso: rhythmbox does that just fine, and much better integrated
[11:06] <TheMuso> pitti: Oh ok, I'm guessing it uses bits of sound-juicer at the backend then?
[11:07] <pitti> TheMuso: I think it has its own implementation, but I'll check with Seb
[11:07] <TheMuso> pitti: No big deal, just wondering.
[11:07] <pitti> TheMuso: just gstreamer
[11:07] <Mithrandir> slangasek: or perhaps on apt-setup.
[11:07] <Mithrandir> (since I don't usually use graphical tools)
[11:07] <slangasek> oh, does apt-setup handle configuring of -proposed?
[11:07] <cjwatson> if you pass apt-setup/proposed=true, yes
[11:08] <slangasek> hmm, difficult to document it better in the case of preseeding :)
[11:08] <cjwatson> oh, you mean the comment
[11:08] <Mithrandir> slangasek: it writes the initial sources.list, which could then have a url to a page telling you the policy for each pocket.
[11:08] <cjwatson> apt-setup does have a comment for proposed
[11:08] <cjwatson> but only if preseeded
[11:09] <Mithrandir> well, this install is from back in 2004..
[11:09] <Mithrandir> it's post-warty, but only barely.
[11:10] * liw does not think that warrants a system-cleaner plugin, but would not be opposed to someone writing one :)
[11:10] <seb128> mdz: ok, mvo has been faster than me on this one ;-)
[11:16] <mdz> mvo: which one is the default?
[11:16] <mdz> mvo: I don't think I ever changed it
[11:17] <mvo> mdz: the default is gconf, but I suspect for a brief period the gconf plugin was broken and then compiz automatically switches back to flat-file
[11:21] <pitti> asac: can we build firefox against the external rhino packages instead of using the internal copy? it just went to main yesterday for openjdk
[11:25] <mdz> mvo: permanently?
[11:30] <mvo> mdz: unfortunately yet, that is something that needs fixing (it should probably just fail to start instead of falling back)
[11:38] <asac> pitti: rhino?
[11:38] <asac> pitti: thats a java javascript interpreter
[11:39] <pitti> asac: doko said ffox has an internal copy?
[11:39] <asac> pitti: its developed by mozilla, yes. but afaict its not used by ffox ...
[11:39] * asac looking
[11:39] <pitti> ok, thanks
[11:40] <doko> so what does ffox use for js?
[11:40] <asac> doko: spidermonkey
[11:40] <asac> doko: e.g. xulrunner javascript
[11:41] <asac> doko: dont see any rhino files in xulrunner tree ... except Development/upstream/mozilla/mozilla/extensions/irc/js/lib/connection-rhino.js
[11:41] <asac> but thats not something different and we dont build the irc extension
[11:42] <doko> ok
[11:46] <Karnaugh> is there a rootfs.sort file for hardy anywhere?
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[12:29] <norsetto> asac: is it too late already for gnome-mplayer/gecko-mediaplayer?
[12:41] <emgent> moin
[12:52] <Hobbsee> asac: ~network-manager
[12:52] <slangasek> bitwise negation of network-manager?
[12:53] <Hobbsee> slangasek: there's a dget-lp too, as LP haven't implemented dget yet
[12:53] <Hobbsee> slangasek: no :)
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[13:37] <pitti> mdz: argh, I should have interpreted "tehtool" more carefully, I guess :)
[13:38] * slangasek grins
[13:44] <robertj> I'm on hardy with the -restricted driver and am getting some corruption as seen at the bottom of the image at http://pr0t0n.homeip.net/~robertj/boohoo.png, is this a known issue or should I file a bug? Also, what is this kind of visual corruption called so I can better search launchpad?
[13:51] <Riddell> cjwatson: casper fix for KDM committed, should I upload?
[13:52] <Riddell> cjwatson: was there a bug for that? I don't see it in the milestone list
[13:53] <pitti> for a few days now I get empty root-owned "2.6.26" files in my home and other directories; does that happen to other people as well?
[13:54] * pitti blinks at the kernel team
[13:56] <pitti> Riddell: any luck with polkit-kde yesterday?
[13:56] <Hobbsee> pitti: not here
[13:57] <Riddell> pitti: no, didn't get an answer from the author either about what's happening with it, will poke him again
[13:58] <pitti> Riddell: ok; do you actually aim for getting that into intrepid, or are you fine with kdesudo for the time being?
[13:58] <Riddell> pitti: kpackagekit is working well and uses policykit so I hinted when I e-mailed them yesterday they might want to look at polkit-kde
[13:58] <pitti> Riddell: right, I saw your mail on the upstream ML
[13:59] <Riddell> pitti: I doubt it's worth me spending time on it, so I guess kdesudo is the working plan
[14:00] <tseliot> Riddell: what's the problem with polkit-kde?
[14:00] <Riddell> tseliot: "doesn't work"
[14:00] <Riddell> tseliot: I don't know enough about the internals of policykit to say why it doesn't work
[14:01] <tseliot> Riddell: can I see the code?
[14:01] <Riddell> tseliot: you can indeed, http://websvn.kde.org/trunk/playground/base/PolicyKit-kde/
[14:02] <tseliot> Riddell: thanks, I'll play with it and see what happens
[14:02] <Riddell> tseliot: good luck!
[14:03] <tseliot> I'll need it ;)
[14:03] <pitti> tseliot: it complains at startup that it cannot allocate a PolkitContext or so; it doesn't actually sound like a hard bug, but I don't know how complete the implementation is in general
[14:04] <tseliot> pitti: doesn't Pardus use it already?
[14:04] <pitti> might be, but maybe with an older PK or so
[14:05] <tseliot> I think I have Pardus in a virtual machine somewhere. I'll look into this issue
[14:05] <tseliot> found
[14:07] <Riddell> tseliot: yeah, this is a KDE 4 port of Pardus' code
[14:11] <tseliot> Riddell: they still use the kde 3 version, right?
[14:15] <Riddell> tseliot: pardus does yes
[14:16] <Riddell> tseliot: http://svn.pardus.org.tr/pardus/devel/desktop/kde/PolicyKit-kde/
[14:19] <pitti> mvo: I just tried pypolkit-0.1, BTW; it works just fine for the client side
[14:21] <kirkland> pitti hiya
[14:22] <kirkland> pitti: I think I was pinging about your conffile comments on ecryptfs-utils, but I understand now that you're talking about the auth-client-config bits
[14:23] <pitti> kirkland: exactly
[14:23] <kirkland> pitti: sorry, i had totally forgotten about those
[14:23] <kirkland> pitti: those are temporary, stop gap measures, until such time as we have a pam configurator
[14:24] <kirkland> pitti: i'm merging right now, and I'll fix that up
[14:24] <pitti> kirkland: thanks
[14:24] <pitti> kirkland: btw, since you seem to know about auth-client-config
[14:25] <pitti> kirkland: I have that package libpam-ck-connector
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[14:25] <pitti> kirkland: after installation I need to add a line to /etc/pam.d/common-session (if it isn'tthere ye)
[14:25] <pitti> kirkland: can I do that with auth-client-config?
[14:26] <kirkland> pitti: yes, basically you just need to create a template for auth-client-config
[14:26] <kirkland> pitti: s/template/profile/
[14:26] <kirkland> pitti: auth-client-config can generate that for you, actually
[14:27] <pitti> kirkland: is there an example I can look at? I need that for one of my specs
[14:27] <kirkland> pitti: sure, ecryptfs-utils
[14:27] <kirkland> pitti: in intrepid
[14:27] <pitti> kirkland: cool, I'll do that
[14:27] <kirkland> pitti: look at debian/ecryptfs.acc
[14:29] <Riddell> pitti: looks like network-manager for KDE 4 isn't ready yet, so we do need dbus-1-qt3 in main (bug 249453), also openbabel is synced for a re-review
[14:30] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 249453 in dbus-1-qt3 "dbus-1-qt3 main inclusion review" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/249453
[14:30] <kirkland> pitti: start with a pristine PAM setup
[14:30] <pitti> mvo: OTOH, my current code for obtaining a PK auth is 5 lines...
[14:30] <kirkland> pitti: make your change
[14:30] <kirkland> pitti: or changes
[14:30] <kirkland> pitti: and then run auth-client-config -S
[14:30] <tseliot> Riddel: I think that this is the full code of the kde 3 policykit package: https://svn.uludag.org.tr/uludag/trunk/PolicyKit-kde/
[14:30] <kirkland> pitti: that'll generate the profile you need to add to the package
[14:30] <pitti> Riddell: ok, noted
[14:31] <pitti> Riddell: I'm not too scared about adding pure language bindings
[14:31] <kirkland> pitti: and in your package, you'll want to install it to etc/auth-client-config/profile.d/WHATEVER
[14:31] <Riddell> tseliot: yes, that looks more like it
[14:31] <pitti> kirkland: it seems that ecryptfs is the only real user of that so far :)
[14:32] <kirkland> pitti: hmm, jdstrand might know of some other consumers
[14:33] <jdstrand> pitti: ldap-auth-config
[14:33] <pitti> ah, right
[14:34] <jdstrand> pitti: hi btw!
[14:34] <pitti> hey jdstrand, good morning
[14:48] <Riddell> slangasek: where do you notice KDE packages recommending on the dbg packages?
[14:48] <norsetto> seb128: thx for confirming bug 247909
[14:48] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 247909 in claws-mail "clawsmail ftbfs with gtk+-2.13" [Undecided,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/247909
[14:49] <seb128> norsetto: no problem, thank you for the clear description and looking in the upstream bug tracker too
[14:51] <slangasek> Riddell: did you get the url I dropped in scrollback yesterday, or shall I fetch it again?
[14:51] <Riddell> slangasek: let me look in the logs
[14:53] <slangasek> Riddell: it looks like ktorrent is to blame
[14:53] <Riddell> slangasek: can't find it in the logs
[14:54] <slangasek> Riddell: http://people.ubuntu.com/~vorlon/kubuntu-recommends-diff
[14:55] <slangasek> Riddell: so one upload will apparently take out... 156MB or something :)
[14:56] <Riddell> hmm, lots of kde 3 stuff in there too which shouldn't be
[14:59] <slangasek> zul: so do you have an opinion on including samba 3.2 in intrepid still?
[15:02] <zul> slangasek: mathiaz and I were discussing it and we think it would be a good idea
[15:02] <mathiaz> slangasek: I think that's the way to go
[15:02] <slangasek> ok
[15:02] <slangasek> good :-)
[15:02] <mathiaz> slangasek: are you planning to upload 3.2 to unstable ?
[15:03] <mathiaz> slangasek: otherwise we'd have to pull it from experimental
[15:03] <slangasek> mathiaz: yes, next week or so I think
[15:03] <slangasek> you'll want -3, -2 isn't ready yet
[15:04] <mathiaz> slangasek: if you plan to upload to unstable, then we can wait until 3.2 reaches unstable
[15:04] * slangasek nods
[15:04] <zul> cool, are we going to put all of those ubuntu patches back (ie the modifications to smb.conf)
[15:04] <slangasek> pull them back?
[15:04] <slangasek> I hope you're going to do a standard merge :)
[15:04] <mathiaz> zul: well - it will be a standard merge
[15:04] <zul> mathiaz: ok thats what I thought
[15:07] <jcristau> slangasek: 3.0.31 ftbfs on goetz because of an unclean chroot fwiw, in case you haven't noticed
[15:12] <smagoun> cjwatson: I'm having trouble with germinate on hardy, I understand you're the one to talk to. I created a new package in ubuntu-meta (based on ubuntu-desktop) that pulls from 2 custom seeds I have in bzr. I have a custom version # for ubuntu-meta (e.g. 1.102foo1).
[15:12] <mvo> pitti: thanks
[15:13] <smagoun> cjwatson: when I run the update script in ubuntu-meta, it updates my new seed properly but doesn't update the changelog - it thinks there are no changes, even though germinate properly regenerates things from my updated seeds.
[15:14] <slangasek> jcristau: ah, thanks; I hadn't looked too closely, still assumed it was a buildd catch-up issue
[15:15] <slangasek> gar, kdelibs4-dev again?
[15:15] <slangasek> Perhaps I should revisit that build-conflicts, anyway
[15:17] <StevenK> update-alternatives: unable to make /usr/lib/firefox/plugins/libjavaplugin.so.dpkg-tmp a symlink to /etc/alternatives/firefox-javaplugin.so: No such file or directory
[15:17] <StevenK> Has anyone seen that?
[15:29] <slangasek> StevenK: not since about a month before the hardy release when it was fixed?
[15:29] <ion_> benc: /etc/kernel/prerm.d/last-good-boot from my patch made it into the package, but it requires the change to /usr/sbin/kernel-helper which doesn’t seem to have been applied.
[15:30] <bryce_> calc: https://launchpad.net/launchpad-gm-scripts
[15:30] <StevenK> slangasek: It's showing up in intrepid, which makes me curious ...
[15:30] <bryce_> calc: there is a bzr branch you can check out, which has a README explaining the scripts and how to install them
[15:30] <calc> bryce_: thanks!
[15:31] <calc> anyone know if these 'lzma decoder' errors that people report are just due to bad downloads or something else?
[15:32] <StevenK> slangasek: So, more information, please? :-)
[15:33] <slangasek> StevenK: the problem is simply that the package creating the alternative has failed to arrange to create the target directory first
[15:33] <slangasek> StevenK: nothing more to it than that
[15:35] <StevenK> slangasek: Ahh, so I need to sprinkle in mkdir -p ?
[15:36] <slangasek> StevenK: you need to ship the directories in the package...
[15:37] <StevenK> slangasek: Right, so iz a icedtea-gcjwebplugin bug
[15:50] <calc> bryce_: oh yea are the greasemonkey scripts still broken with the new pages?
[15:51] <calc> bryce_: i tried using them but they don't seem to work
[16:23] <Riddell> bryce: kcmshell4 display
[16:32] <bryce_> Riddell: thanks
[16:34] <bryce_> calc: btw you may want to edit the karma-suffix gm script to add teams you care about (the list is about mid-way down the script)
[16:35] <bryce_> calc, also all the scripts should work. If you find any issues (or make any enhancements), let us know.
[16:41] <calc> bryce_: i found out the cp instructions apparently don't work
[16:42] <calc> bryce_: and it also doesn't work if you have adblock plus unless you disable it on the lp servers
[16:42] <calc> oh and you have to have ABP disabled to install the scripts as well
[16:44] <StevenK> slangasek: I don't think icedtea-gcjwebplugin did this in Hardy. So I need to do it for the update-alternatives in Intrepid?
[16:44] <slangasek> StevenK: it's not an update-alternatives change.
[16:45] <bryce_> calc: thanks, I'll update the docs
[16:45] <slangasek> StevenK: update-alternatives has TTBOMK always expected the calling package to take care that the target directory exists first
[16:46] <mathiaz> slangasek: I'm working on cn=config upgrade - do you think this should be done in the preinst or the postinst ?
[16:46] <slangasek> mathiaz: postinst
[16:59] * calc loves the greasemonkey scripts :)
[17:29] <ion_> Funny, aptitude wanted to remove aptitude, since it was removed from ubuntu-minimal’s dependencies.
[17:29] <ion_> pitti: Was that intentional?
[17:39] <cjwatson> Riddell: casper> please go ahead
[17:39] <cjwatson> smagoun: germinate> could I have a pointer to the bzr branches in question and a pointer to your existing ubuntu-meta package (i.e. a reproduction recipe) together with a dump of the output you're getting, please?
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[17:57] <mario_limonciell> smagoun, the old "lists" of packages need to be present in the directory for it to determine what's changed
[17:58] <mario_limonciell> so if you were just using the bzr branch of ubuntu-meta to get started, those likely wouldn't be there
[17:58] <mario_limonciell> you'd need to copy them from the latest "release" of ubuntu-meta i believe
[18:17] <cjwatson> mario_limonciell: yeah, though he said he already had a custom version so I was assuming this was on top of that
[18:18] <cjwatson> plus, I think germinate-update-metapackage's response to that situation would be to claim that everything was added, wouldn't it?
[18:18] <cjwatson> oh, no, I'm mistaken on that one
[18:18] <cjwatson> so yeah, could be something like that
[18:19] <mario_limonciell> yeah at least i remembered running into that way back when when first dealing with creating a meta based off ubuntu-meta
[18:32] <DarkAudit> Are these two actually bugs, or me not knowing what I'm doing: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/apt-build
[18:39] <mathiaz> slangasek: IIUC all of the code related to ldbm->bdb migration in slapd can be dropped.
[18:39] <slangasek> oh, we were carrying that around just for the hardy release, weren't we \o/
[18:40] <mathiaz> slangasek: oh - ok - I wasn't sure about htat
[18:40] <mathiaz> slangasek: if that was for hardy - then yes
[18:40] <mathiaz> slangasek: that will simplify a lot !
[18:40] <slangasek> yes, I think if you look back at the svn history, Russ already removed it once and I asked to re-add it for hardy's benefit (dapper upgrades)
[18:41] <mathiaz> slangasek: great - that means we don't need to dump any database
[18:41] <mathiaz> slangasek: should the code be kept around ?
[18:41] <slangasek> mathiaz: no, that's what VCS history is for :-)
[18:41] <slangasek> oh, well -
[18:41] <slangasek> if you mean the code to *do* a database dump and reload, yes it should
[18:41] <slangasek> since that applies every time we have to deal with a bdb upgrade or a backend change
[18:42] <slytherin> Can I request here a sync to be processed that has been pending for almost a week now? Or should I leave it as it is?
[18:42] <mathiaz> slangasek: ok - I'll keep the code around then - it won't be used the maintainer script though.
[18:42] <slangasek> right
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[18:54] <ion_> benc: Hi. Did you notice my message?
[18:55] <BenC> ion_: Yeah, can you send me a diff?
[18:56] <ion_> benc: A new one?
[18:57] <BenC> ion_: yeah, against the current tree if you don't mind
[18:58] <ion_> benc: Will do, a moment.
[18:59] <BenC> ion_: thanks
[19:01] <slytherin> Can someone please process a sync bug - bug #247712
[19:01] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 247712 in statcvs "Please sync statcvs 1:0.4.0.dfsg-2 (multiverse) from Debian unstable (main)" [Wishlist,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/247712
[19:10] <geser> slytherin: as there is currently a developer sprint, I guess sync request make take some time to get processed
[19:10] <slytherin> geser: Oh, ok
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[20:20] <smagoun> cjwatson: germinate> thanks for your help. I sent you mail with links to the (private for now) seeds and ubuntu-meta source
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[21:16] <cody-somerville> smagoun, were you able to come up with a more optimal solution?
[21:25] <smagoun> cody-somerville: nope, not yet
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[23:00] <vbman11> so i'm sorry in advance for this question, I just got a new computer and went to compile an app when I remembered that there is a package I need to be able to compile and I forgot the name of the package.
[23:01] <vbman11> can anyone help me
[23:04] <LaserJock> vbman11: perhaps you're thinking of build-essential ?
[23:04] <vbman11> yes!!!
[23:04] <vbman11> thats it
[23:04] <vbman11> thanks!
[23:04] <LaserJock> vbman11: no problem
[23:05] <vbman11> wow I feel stupid
[23:07] <vbman11> that should come pre installed
[23:07] <StevenK> Not all users want to build stuff
[23:07] <vbman11> not all have to
[23:08] <vbman11> It's not like it's a huge package
[23:08] <vbman11> w/ all of it's dependencys
[23:08] <StevenK> It is, actually.
[23:09] <vbman11> how big
[23:09] <vbman11> I didn't really look
[23:09] <vbman11> It didn't look that big when I glanced at the numbers
[23:10] <LaserJock> I can't remember if it's on the CDs or not
[23:10] <LaserJock> but if it isn't then that would defiantly be why
[23:11] <vbman11> ok
[23:11] <LaserJock> even 1MB counts when the CD is oversized :-)
[23:11] <vbman11> ohh
[23:12] <vbman11> I'm setting up a mythbox
[23:12] <vbman11> and I need to install ALOT of packages to get the s-video working
[23:13] <LaserJock> however, it does look to me like build-essential is on the CD, but not installed by default
[23:13] <vbman11> my card is an ati radeon 7000 pci
[23:13] <vbman11> (really old comp, no agp or pcie)
[23:14] <vbman11> ohh ok
[23:15] <vbman11> well thanks for everyones help
[23:20] <LaserJock> hmm, I don't really know why it's not installed, it is on the CDs, whatever