UbuntuIRC / 2008 /07 /10 /#xubuntu.txt
Initial commit
[00:18] <iilh> hi all
[00:18] <iilh> i can't see my xfce panels anymore... anyone can help me?
[00:19] <iilh> i already tried sudo dpkg-reconfigure xfce4-panel && sudo dpkg-reconfigure xfce4-session but nothing...
[00:20] <leche> iilh, is it running?
[00:20] <iilh> what, leche?
[00:21] <leche> iilh, is the process running?
[00:21] <leche> xfce4-panel
[00:21] <iilh> ahh
[00:21] <iilh> i see, wait
[00:21] <iilh> no
[00:22] <iilh> the only xfce-related running is xfce-mcs-manage
[00:22] <iilh> leche
[00:23] <leche> iilh, so just run xfce4-panel and see what happens
[00:23] <iilh> ok i try
[00:24] <iilh> ok worked! :)
[00:25] <leche> iilh, hehe
[00:25] <iilh> thanks :)
[00:25] <leche> yw
[00:25] <iilh> ehm, now is disappeared
[00:25] <iilh> when i've closed the terminal
[00:26] <leche> ofc
[00:26] <leche> run it with alt + f2
[00:26] <iilh> ok
[00:26] <iilh> ah lol, true
[00:26] <leche> i think it should autostart then
[00:27] <leche> but not sure
[00:27] <leche> ok, i go sleep
[00:27] <leche> n8
[00:27] <iilh> i didn't remembered that closing a terminal after having called a program, would close the program too
[00:27] <iilh> ok leche, thank you again
[00:27] <iilh> leche, only a second...
[00:28] <iilh> too late LOL..
[00:36] <lc2> indeed.
[00:41] <iilh> LOL
[00:41] <iilh> i go now, goodbye all
[00:42] <lc2> bai
[01:01] <rvtcadmin> hello, i'm a bit of a newbie. I'm using a laptop my colleague gave me that's xfce. i want to switch back to the gnome desktop.
[01:01] <rvtcadmin> I tried loggin out and selecting gnome, but it said it was not installed.
[01:02] <rvtcadmin> however, when i look in the usrs/share directory, it appears to be there. how can i know for sure if it is already installed or not
[01:02] <rvtcadmin> ?
=== genelyk1 is now known as Genelyk
[03:39] <z662> does anyone know where i can find a good tutorial on setting up an irc server on ubuntu server?
[03:40] <z662> or what documentation to read
[04:21] <rambu1> Hello, I would like to request help changing my screen resolution beyond the max available in the GUI. Can someone help me force the screen resolution to 120 Hz?
=== adam is now known as maxamillion
=== adam is now known as maxamillion
[05:58] <TeslaTony> Are there any known issues running xubuntu-desktop and ubuntu-desktop (or any other remixes) together?
[06:01] <lc2> there shouldn't be
[06:04] <TeslaTony> I like to install Xubuntu alongside other DEs, any a problem of some sort usually crops up immediately afterwards
[09:40] <ocs__> hi. how can i force an x window app (my_app) to be displayed at position x,y on the screen ?
=== TheSheep_ is now known as TheSheep
=== kloeri_ is now known as kloeri
[12:04] <rockyrock> hi guys, i bought a USB Dialup modem and i plugged it in, but i can't know if ubuntu installed it correctly or even if it recognizes it. Can anybody help me with this plzzz
[12:04] <rockyrock> i have only dialup available
[13:46] <caspix> hello
[13:47] <caspix> how r u doin guys?
=== adam is now known as Guest31034
=== adam_ is now known as maxamillion
[14:24] <deej> Hello, wonder if anyone can help - I'm trying to install xubuntu with the alternate CD on an old celeron laptop and it just white-screens after starting syslogd?
[14:24] <deej> computer's not dead (alt-ctrl-del still works) but cd-rom stops and it just does nothing
=== __alexconrad is now known as AlexCONRAD
[14:45] <deej> hello?
[14:59] <Cheesasaurus_Rex> Hey, I'm having a problem with font thumbnails
[14:59] <Cheesasaurus_Rex> They're not showing up
=== maxamill1on is now known as maxamillion
[16:48] <MrGreencastle> Is there anyway to completely get rid of the background fade/colour in the quit dialog? It really looks ugly with compiz enabled...
[18:53] <vinnl> j #xubuntu-devel
[18:53] <vinnl> >.<
[19:05] <zoredache> vinnl: hi
[19:05] <vinnl> Hey zoredache
[19:30] <josh[]> is there any way to get my removable media to show up in gtk bookmarks?
[19:30] <josh[]> right now they are just in xfce's places and thunar
[19:30] <josh[]> (im on 8.04.1)
[19:31] <vinnl> josh[], where would you like them to appear?
[19:31] <josh[]> everywhere gtk bookmarks show up. eg, file open dialog
[19:31] <vinnl> Well, you could bookmark them like every other bookmark, but that'll only work when the media is mounted and uses the same mountpoint
[19:32] <josh[]> right...
[19:32] <josh[]> well i know in gnome removeable media shows up in gtk bookmarks
[19:32] <josh[]> and it shows nicely in places....
[19:32] <josh[]> :x
[19:32] <vinnl> Yeah I know, not sure what does that
[19:33] <josh[]> i thought maybe itd be some hal daemon but thats over my head... i wouldnt know where to look
[19:33] <vinnl> Perhaps you could file a bug at bugs.ubuntu.com, would be a nice feature to have for Xubuntu too :)
[19:33] <josh[]> yeah i might have to, i havent seen anything related to this after a couple minutes of googling
=== TheSheep_ is now known as TheSheep
[22:32] <vidd> is there a way to auto-arrange icons on the desktop?
=== gaurdro_ is now known as MenschenFleisch