UbuntuIRC / 2008 /07 /10 /#ubuntu-testing.txt
Initial commit
[08:44] <davmor2> anyone else having issues with auto detection of resolution?
[08:45] <davmor2> join #ubuntu-quality
[08:59] <persia> davmor2: Which video driver?
[09:00] <davmor2> intel
[09:00] <persia> Hmm. That's the one driver I haven't seen complaints about.
[09:01] <davmor2> actually I think it might be the monitors fault it does announce it's resolution correctly but I normally get some sort of image that I can adjust latter
[09:07] <persia> What are you running? Might this be a symptom of the transition away from bullet-proof X?
[09:14] <davmor2> I'm running intrepid Alpha 2 test i386 and the monitor is a relisys at 1024x768 at 60hz any randr command I use says not screen or something similar so I'm stuffed at the moment
[09:16] <davmor2> persia: is there a way to select a resolution at install time? You used to be able to select or is it all automatic now?
[09:24] <persia> davmor2: It's automatic, but can be overridden. As I understand it (I'm not an X expert), there is no xorg.conf by default, and the resolution is selected by analysis of the EDID provided by the monitor.
[09:25] <persia> You ought be able to adjust this with xrandr, where that is supported, although I don't know how to set the preference.
[09:25] <davmor2> yeah it the EDID that sucks on the monitor :(
[09:26] <persia> You could also force it by adding the right stanza to a custom xorg.conf, which is merged with the autodetected one when X starts.
[09:26] <persia> I think there is also a way to specify a custom EDID, although I don't know how that works.
[09:33] <davmor2> persia: thanks I'll look it up
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[17:42] <_MMA_> Hi all. Just wanted to mention Studio has big kernel issues atm and all disks will fail.
[17:43] <_MMA_> We're waiting on upstream issue to be sorted.
[17:44] <_MMA_> I dont even think new disks should be mentioned on the tracker 'till we got it sorted.
[17:45] <stgraber> ok
[17:46] <_MMA_> Kinda crappy but I don't want people going through the trouble when I know they will fail 'till the kernels sorted.
[17:47] <stgraber> what do you prefer ? removing them from the tracker or marking them as broken ?
[17:48] <_MMA_> Hmm...
[17:48] <_MMA_> Well what? The current disks?
[17:48] <stgraber> yes
[17:48] <stgraber> I can mark them as broken but that means fixed images will soon be released
[17:48] <_MMA_> Either or really. Your discretion.
[17:49] <_MMA_> well remove then.
[17:49] <stgraber> if you don't plan to have fixed images soon (as in ready for Alpha-2) it's better to remove them from the tracker so people don't expect them to come
[17:49] <_MMA_> Yeah. Axe them.
[17:49] <_MMA_> I don't have a solid time-frame for the fix. Certainly not for Alpha2.
[17:50] <stgraber> ok, removed
[17:50] <_MMA_> Cool.
[17:50] <stgraber> sbeattie: ^
[17:51] <_MMA_> slangesek: Is there anything I need to handle with you? Should you just not mark disks for Alphas 'till I tell you to?
[17:52] <sbeattie> stgraber: cool, thanks for taking care of it.
[17:52] <_MMA_> slangasek: ^^^
[17:53] * _MMA_ cant type today.
[17:54] <stgraber> _MMA_: no working -rt kernels ?
[17:54] <_MMA_> No sir. Alessio is waiting on something to happen upstream.
[17:54] <_MMA_> Some of it has to do with the scheduler I think.
[17:55] <_MMA_> Alessio is supposed to shoot off a email to the kernel list soon with the details.
[17:55] <slangasek> _MMA_: ah, sorry, I was aware UbuntuStudio wasn't a go for the alpha, but hadn't noticed that anything was posted
[17:56] <_MMA_> slangasek: np. Do you want me to just let you know when the kernel issues are sorted so we can get the next alpha after?
[17:57] <slangasek> _MMA_: yes, please
[17:57] <_MMA_> Cool. Hopefully this is sorted for Alpha3.
[17:59] <_MMA_> Thanx guys.
[18:48] <slangasek> sbeattie: do you happen to know why iso.qa has a comment that "Desktop images are available on http://cdimage.ubuntu.com but are not yet usable"? has someone confirmed them to be broken, or are they just oversized?
[18:49] <sbeattie> slangasek: I thought there was comments to that effect in yesterday's QA meeting
[18:50] <sbeattie> I haven't confirmed them to be broken, I can add them to the tracker and change the text.
[18:51] <sbeattie> slangasek: you wrote yesterday:
[18:51] <sbeattie> <slangasek> desktop images are still on the edge of being usable for alpha2; there's nothing there to be tested yet
[18:52] <sbeattie> <slangasek> cjwatson is actively working on the ubiquity problems, and we also have to cope with the fact that recommends-by-default has made the ubuntu desktop image 80MB oversized - and kubuntu 200MB oversized :)
[18:52] <sbeattie> Has that changed?
[18:52] <slangasek> ok, so it was based on my own comments, right :)
[18:53] <slangasek> I believe cjwatson iterated through the liveCD images late yesterday to get them working; someone should test to confirm
[18:53] <slangasek> (i.e., we should post them and see if they work)
[18:53] <cjwatson> they should at least boot
[18:53] <cjwatson> on the ubiquity problems, evand is working on that
[18:53] <cjwatson> yesterday's didn't boot
[18:55] <sbeattie> Okay, I'll add them to the iso tracker, but note that it's expected there are ubiquity problems.
[18:59] <sbeattie> "Desktop images are available and should be bootable; however there are known issues with the ubuiquity installer." sound okay?
[19:00] <sbeattie> Well, besdies the obvious speeling erors
[21:50] <slangasek> hrm, who revved the ISOs listed on the tracker (discarding all the previous test results)?
[21:51] * slangasek blahs at the tracker, not letting him restore the previous entries
[21:53] <slangasek> stgraber: is there some way to bring the 20080709 alternate images back to the page, despite having been superseded (in error)?
[22:01] <LaserJock> slangasek: should we not be testing 20080710?
[22:01] <slangasek> LaserJock: no, there haven't been any relevant changes between 20080709 and 20080710 for the alternates, and 20080710 only exists because I neglected to disable the cron jobs in time
[22:02] <LaserJock> hmm
[22:02] <slangasek> and there are already test results for 20080709, there's no reason to discard those in favor of 20080710
[22:03] <LaserJock> I've just downloaded 10, will that work or should I sync to 09 ?
[22:03] <slangasek> of which image?
[22:03] <LaserJock> all the i386 ones
[22:03] <slangasek> alternates -> please use 09; desktop -> 10
[22:03] <LaserJock> k
[22:04] <slangasek> and please test desktop first, I'm currently collating the alternate test results for 09 by hand
[22:04] <sbeattie> slangasek: sorry, my bad.
[22:04] <sbeattie> I should've asked first.
[22:05] <stgraber> slangasek: I'm not sure, give me a second to check
[22:05] <slangasek> sbeattie: lesson for the future... :)
[22:05] <LaserJock> slangasek: what about Server, does that need much testing?
[22:05] <slangasek> LaserJock: server has a complete set of tests for the 09 images
[22:05] <LaserJock> ah, ok
[22:05] <slangasek> well, more or less complete
[22:06] <LaserJock> well, I'll start with desktop in any case
[22:06] <sbeattie> LaserJock: The server team has some automation in place to do some basic installs and setup.
[22:06] <stgraber> someone remove them from the tracker so I can't put them back on it
[22:06] <sbeattie> (Or so I've been told, I need to query them about it)
[22:07] <slangasek> they do, yes
[22:07] <sbeattie> stgraber: removed? No, I just added the 0710 builds, but it replaced the 0709 builds.
[22:07] <slangasek> I removed the 0710 builds
[22:07] * sbeattie falls on sword.
[22:08] <slangasek> because that seemed the right way to get rid of them :)
[22:08] <slangasek> but it didn't bring 0709 back
[22:09] <sbeattie> Yeah, I was actually going to suggest that it'd be nice to display both builds when updated ones get added.
[22:10] <slangasek> :notes the line at the bottom of http://iso.qa.ubuntu.com/qatracker/result/1747/19: "You can't post or edit your result on an archived build or a build being currently rebuilt."
[22:10] <slangasek> so it thinks the build is archived or being rebuilt
[22:14] <stgraber> we used to have archive access and were able to revive builds from that but it's not possible with the current tracker
[22:14] <stgraber> (but it's one of the feature that'll be included in qatracker-ng)
[22:16] <slangasek> ok, so I'll continue collating these tests by hand, thanks
[22:16] * slangasek notes that Kubuntu doesn't seem to be getting much testing so far
[22:16] <slangasek> in any of the image iterations
[22:17] <sbeattie> I thought bdmurray was poking at kubuntu yesterday, but may not wish to fess up to it.
[22:17] <slangasek> heh
[22:18] <slangasek> well, the kubuntu alternates that still need testing are http://iso.qa.ubuntu.com/qatracker/test/1745 and http://iso.qa.ubuntu.com/qatracker/test/1744
[22:19] * stgraber tried ubuntu alternate manual and LTSP, both failed :(
[22:20] <stgraber> but that was yesterday, I'll try the new builds
[22:20] <slangasek> stgraber: failed how?
[22:20] <slangasek> there haven't been any particular changes between yesterday and today on alternate, AFAIK...
[22:21] <stgraber> manual failing when creating a custom encrypted LVM setup
[22:21] <stgraber> cjwatson is working on a fix for this one
[22:22] <stgraber> and LTSP is failing because ltsp-build-client can't access /cdrom
[22:22] <stgraber> I poked ogra about this one
[22:22] <slangasek> ok; I haven't seen enough progress on either of those to think they'll be fixed for alpha2
[22:22] <slangasek> feel free to test the 20080710 alternate, but if cjwatson hasn't said the bug is fixed...
[22:22] <LaserJock> hmm, what is the CD check *supposed* to do when it's done?
[22:25] <cjwatson> stgraber: I got it partially fixed this afternoon, but I think maybe not all the way there; the test cycle was fairly long in qemu and I didn't get a chance for a second run to track down the secondary bug I encountered and find out if it was transient or not
[22:26] <cjwatson> LaserJock: prompt with status of check, then reboot
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[22:27] <LaserJock> cjwatson: interesting
[22:27] <LaserJock> I'm trying to Desktop CD tests right now in VMware Player
[22:28] <LaserJock> and both the CD Check and LiveCD part boot into a blank tan screen
[22:28] <cjwatson> do you see usplash at any point?
[22:28] <LaserJock> yeah
[22:29] <LaserJock> it's after usplash
[22:29] <cjwatson> the cd check should never quit usplash
[22:29] <LaserJock> hmm
[22:29] <LaserJock> it was throbbing and then after a while it just went to that blank tan screen
[22:29] <cjwatson> in the desktop CD, the CD check uses usplash as a frontend, and the last thing it does is reboot
[22:29] <LaserJock> CPU seems pegged
[22:29] <cjwatson> mine (qemu) hasn't got past the throbber yet ... hmm
[22:30] <cjwatson> oddly, casper-md5check seems to work fine when run from a shell in the initramfs
[22:37] <cjwatson> I hate trying to debug usplash-level problems
[22:38] <cjwatson> because of course none of your output goes anywhere useful
[23:02] <LaserJock> cjwatson: ok .... I tried again but in qemu and after a long time it reboots and after a long time with the blank tan screen it gets to the desktop
[23:12] <slangasek> stgraber: did the LVM issue have a bug number?
[23:13] <sbeattie> LaserJock: did you get any weird screen artifacts while usplash was on cylon mode/
[23:13] <stgraber> cjwatson: did you open one ?
[23:13] <sbeattie> s/ on / in /
[23:13] <slangasek> "cylon mode" - heh
[23:14] <stgraber> people are watching too much BSG :)
[23:14] <LaserJock> sbeattie: not in qemu, did get some in VMware Player
[23:14] <sbeattie> stgraber: i haven't seen BSG in 20+ years, but cylons are burned into my brain.
[23:15] <stgraber> hehe
[23:16] <LaserJock> I've never seen BGS or heard of cylons, I just guessed
[23:16] <LaserJock> it's scientifically proven that I'm 80% nerd but only 20% geek
[23:16] <slangasek> stgraber: and has it been tested that LVM+crypt works when using the stock whole-disk encryption option?
[23:17] <stgraber> slangasek: yep, I tried the standard erase disk + encrypted LVM and it worked correctly
[23:17] <slangasek> LaserJock: blink; never having seen it I can understand, but never having heard of cylons, wow
[23:17] <slangasek> stgraber: ok, great
[23:18] <LaserJock> hmmpf, my mouse doesn't work in qemu :/
[23:19] <LaserJock> I wondered why the Trash was being opened every time I clicked
[23:19] <LaserJock> it's just stuck in the lower right-hand corner of the desktop
[23:21] <sbeattie> LaserJock: I'm seeing the same blank tan screen behavior you are when booting the Desktop disk into CD Check mode.
[23:22] <LaserJock> in real life or a VM?
[23:22] <sbeattie> In a VM.
[23:22] <sbeattie> I'll try in real life.
[23:22] <LaserJock> sbeattie: what kind of VM?
[23:22] <sbeattie> vmware server
[23:23] <LaserJock> interesting
[23:24] <sbeattie> Crud, oversized disk is going to make that harder to do.
[23:24] <stgraber> use DVD+RW, works fine and fast to burn
[23:26] <stgraber> my Sony DVD+RW for ISO testing has been formated + burnt at least 50 times and still work fine :) (never had that kind of result with good old CD-RW)
[23:27] <LaserJock> hmm, you guys seen a complaint about not being able to find the initrd while booting?
[23:27] <LaserJock> right after networking it says it can't find it, that doesn't seem like a good thing
[23:28] <stgraber> I'm download desktop amd64 at the moment but that looks weird, how could it boot without the initrd ?
[23:29] <stgraber> *downloading
[23:33] * stgraber looks at Desktop test results ... I'm not sure we can consider what looks like a VB bug a fail for all those testcases ...
[23:41] <sbeattie> Sigh, not only does my laptop not have a DVD burner, but my crash box is sufficiently elderly enough to not have a DVD drive.
[23:43] <slangasek> stgraber: so on the LVM bug, it looks like parted 1.8.8.git.2008.03.24-7ubuntu2 includes the partial fix cjwatson mentioned; should I roll a fresh alternate CD for you to test?
[23:43] <stgraber> would be great yes
[23:44] <slangasek> ok, building
[23:44] <stgraber> sbeattie: no screen artifacts in KVM (so far)
[23:45] <slangasek> stgraber: erm, yes, who is it that's been reporting all these failures?
[23:46] <slangasek> I'm doing an i386 alternate test now, because all the i386 reports were also marked as failures for the same reason
[23:46] <slangasek> so I want to see if the kernel is actually broken for me, or just in vb...
[23:47] <stgraber> hmm, after cylon-mode in Check CD I just get a black screen ... I guess at this point it was supposed to ask me to reboot ?
[23:47] <slangasek> probably
[23:48] <slangasek> stgraber: anyway, is there any way we could get this afflux person to test in an environment that's not known-broken?
[23:49] <stgraber> he's a new tester ... he created his account 5 days ago
[23:49] <stgraber> I'll see if he's on IRC
[23:50] <stgraber> left IRC 30 minutes ago :(
[23:50] <slangasek> well, maybe that means he's done testing for the night ;)
[23:51] <sbeattie> stgraber: I got screen artifacts in cylon-mode right away on my real hardware; I'm now verifying my iso's md5sum
[23:51] <stgraber> sbeattie: ok, I seem to have some problems with testing in KVM here ...
[23:51] <stgraber> after cylon-mode I just get a black screen even when trying a standard boot of the live environment ...
[23:52] <LaserJock> stgraber: that's what I'm getting with VMware Player
[23:52] <LaserJock> or wait
[23:52] <LaserJock> mine isn't black, it's tan
[23:53] <stgraber> well, it doesn't get to the point where the X server starts and you get into gnome ... so not very useful for testing :(
[23:53] <stgraber> I'm trying without usplash now
[23:57] <stgraber> same result, it actually gets black when starting X :(