UbuntuIRC / 2008 /07 /10 /#ubuntu-mobile.txt
Initial commit
=== davidm_ is now known as davidm
[03:31] <adrian_hung> identify hcj-login
[03:33] <emgent> adrian_hung: nice security.
[03:33] <adrian_hung> haha
[03:33] <adrian_hung> my mistake
[03:33] <persia> adrian_hung: Just be sure to change that: it hits public logs in 27 minutes.
[03:33] <emgent> adrian_hung: go to change it
[03:34] <emgent> heya persia :)
[03:34] <persia> emgent: Good night. Why are you still up?
[03:34] <adrian_hung> persia: thanks
[03:34] <adrian_hung> emgent: thanks
[03:34] <emgent> persia: working in some fix.
[03:34] <persia> emgent: It never ends :)
[03:35] <emgent> heheh :)
[03:35] <emgent> 4.35 am here
[03:39] <emgent> persia: have you saw my query ?
=== doko_ is now known as doko
=== DannyZ_ is now known as DannyZ
=== cprov is now known as cprov-lunch
[11:39] <Caponetta> Hi
=== DannyZ_ is now known as DannyZ
[14:09] <unimatrix9> hello there you all
[14:10] <unimatrix9> is there an way to setup the MID edition for demonstration on virtualbox?
[14:13] <unimatrix9> any one?
[14:21] <unimatrix9> is there an way to setup the MID edition for demonstration on virtualbox?
[14:22] <persia> unimatrix9: No need to repeat yourself just because nobody's paying attention :) Anyway, http://cdimages.ubuntu.com/mobile/releases/hardy/ has links for KVM: I'm not sure if they work in virtualbox, but you may be able to convert the image.
[14:22] <persia> Alternately, I suspect you can install the mccaslin image on a virtualbox host (although it might not be perfect).
[14:23] <unimatrix9> great
[14:23] <ogra> note that the image gets nearly twice as big if you convert it
[14:23] <unimatrix9> thanks for the nice response
[14:23] <unimatrix9> :)
[14:23] <ian_brasil> unimatrix: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/KVM this works on virtualbox too
[14:26] <lool> ian_brasil: You tried that out? Did you try installing guest drivers in there?
[14:26] <unimatrix9> i will try the mccaslin image
[14:26] <unimatrix9> for virtualbox
[14:27] <unimatrix9> thanks for the infp
[14:27] <unimatrix9> info
[14:27] <unimatrix9> *
[14:27] <lool> unimatrix9: You'd better follow the instructions onthe wiki page above
[14:27] <lool> The only downloadable virtual image is the kvm one
[14:27] <unimatrix9> run the kvm image in virtualbox?
[14:28] <lool> No, you can't, you'd need to convert it first
[14:28] <lool> Or rebuild it which is what the wiki page tells you how to do
[14:29] <ian_brasil> lool: no, the ubuntu-doc team is working on that page and this question came up before about virtualbox
[14:30] <unimatrix9> ok , well have to go, work thanks , ill will look into it all later, maybe there will be an how to run it in virtualbox on the wiki later...thanks again, for your time, check in later
[14:30] <unimatrix9> bye bye
[14:31] <unimatrix9> have an nice day :)
[14:31] <lool> ian_brasil: It /should/ work as ubuntu-vm-builder claims to support it; concerning the guest drivers, I did some work to port them, but dunno whether these currently /work/
[14:33] <ian_brasil> lool: i will try it out when i get a minute
[14:35] <lool> ian_brasil: Cool
[16:59] <lool> Meeting?
[16:59] <davidm> Meeting about to start
[17:00] <davidm> #startmeeting
[17:00] <MootBot> Meeting started at 11:01. The chair is davidm.
[17:00] <MootBot> Commands Available: [TOPIC], [IDEA], [ACTION], [AGREED], [LINK], [VOTE]
[17:00] <davidm> Good morning everyone.
[17:00] <davidm> We have no prior business from last week.
[17:01] <davidm> I do have a bit of news, I have located the mootbot meeting logs for the last two weeks so I'll post them today.
[17:01] <persia> Aren't we in #ubuntu-meeting this week?
[17:01] <BenLauDC> Hi
[17:01] <lool> persia: I wondered the same
[17:01] <davidm> Ah good point sorry
[17:02] <persia> #endmeeting
[17:02] <davidm> #endmeeting
[17:02] <MootBot> Meeting finished at 11:04.
[17:02] <davidm> Anyone looking for the normal weekely meeting please come to #ubuntu-meeting
[17:04] <ogra> ****** Mobile Meeting in #ubuntu-meeting from today on *******
[17:07] <davidm> Anyone looking for the normal weekly mobile meeting please come to #ubuntu-meeting, it will be held there from now on.
[17:08] <ogra> ****** Mobile Meeting in #ubuntu-meeting from today on *******
[17:19] <davidm> Anyone looking for the normal weekly mobile meeting please come to #ubuntu-meeting, it will be held there from now on.
[17:20] <davidm> ****** Mobile Meeting in #ubuntu-meeting from today on *******
[17:33] <davidm> ****** Mobile Meeting in #ubuntu-meeting from today on *******
[17:35] <lool> Mobile meeting ended
[17:43] <ogra> :)
[17:43] <ogra> lots of spam we produced
=== persia changed the topic of #ubuntu-mobile to: r #ubuntu-mobile is Ubuntu MID released! http://cdimages.ubuntu.com/mobile/releases/hardy/ | https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MobileAndEmbedded/FAQ | https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MobileAndEmbedded | Meetings every Thursday 16:00 UTC in #ubuntu-meeting
[17:47] <persia> I probably ought to have done that last week...
[17:49] * ogra smiles about the ltsp community discovering the eee as wlan thin client for ltsp http://www.arkki.info/howto/Asus_eee/Asus_eee_LTSP5_Hardy_05.png
[17:54] <lool> persia: "r #ubuntu-mobile is Ubuntu MID released!"?
=== persia changed the topic of #ubuntu-mobile to: Ubuntu MID released! http://cdimages.ubuntu.com/mobile/releases/hardy/ | https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MobileAndEmbedded/FAQ | https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MobileAndEmbedded | Meetings every Thursday 16:00 UTC in #ubuntu-meeting
[18:02] * persia steps away, and expects any further errors to be fixed by gnomes overnight.
=== robr_ is now known as robr
=== cprov-lunch is now known as cprov
=== matt_c_ is now known as matt_c
[22:02] <Fenario> RandyLinnell, ping
=== asac_ is now known as asac