UbuntuIRC / 2008 /07 /10 /#ubuntu-java.txt
Initial commit
=== doko_ is now known as doko
[06:03] <lenards> there meeting tomorrow is at UTC 15:00?
[06:36] <dholbach> good morning
=== dholbach_ is now known as dholbach
=== dholbach_ is now known as dholbach
[08:06] <dholbach> so.... Meeting today at 15:00 UTC?
[08:06] <dholbach> Koon said he can't make it tonight
[08:07] <dholbach> doko: did you have a chance to look at anything related to maven already?
[08:07] <dholbach> because Koon said he didn't have the time yet
[09:12] <doko> dholbach: no, focusing on openjdk
[09:27] <dholbach> doko: OK
=== dholbach_ is now known as dholbach
[14:02] * robilad waves
[14:23] <persia> Hey robilad.
[14:31] <robilad> hi persia - everything ok?
[14:31] <persia> robilad: I believe so. Roadmap is a little sparser than I'd like, but it's a beginning :)
[14:32] <persia> Did we ever change the time of the meeting? I remember talking about 14:00, but the wiki page still says 15:00.
[14:32] <robilad> i think we left it at 15
[14:34] <robilad> are the logs from last meeting online somewhere?
[14:39] <persia> http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/2008/07/03/%23ubuntu-meeting.html
[14:39] <persia> Yeah, 14:00 was only discussed here, as it was better for man-di. Maybe we can change after this week?
[14:41] <robilad> yeah - I'll poke man-di again, and we should put 14 h on the agenda
[14:41] <persia> robilad: You'll add it, or shall I?
[14:41] <robilad> I'll do it
[15:34] <robilad> persia: thanks for the logs
[15:36] <persia> robilad: Did you get the minutes also?
[15:37] <robilad> yes, they were sent out on the list
[15:37] <robilad> should I add thme to the wiki?
[15:37] <persia> Probably a good idea.
[15:53] <dholbach> I won't be able to run the meeting, but will be there
[15:53] <dholbach> I need to sort out some other few things
[15:53] <persia> robilad: Are you up for chairing?
[15:55] <robilad> not really, don't know how to use the fridge system yet
[15:56] <robilad> persia: can you take ove this time, and I'll take the next one?
[15:56] <persia> robilad: Fridge system?
[15:57] <robilad> the bot running ubuntu-meeting
[15:58] <persia> Oh, we forgot to reserve it. One just emails ubuntu-news-team@lists.ubuntu.com and gives the date, time (UTC) and meeting name. We'll get the room for free this time, but ought send a note for next time.
[15:58] <persia> That said, it's just a reservations system.
[15:59] <robilad> ok, good to know, thanks!
[16:01] <persia> Let's get started then.
[16:04] <tzulberti> hi
[16:08] * persia reminds everyone that the Java team meeting is happening in #ubuntu-meeting, as it's fairly quiet so far.
[16:43] <persia> robilad: Let me just finish updating the roadmap, and I'll walk you through the minutes.
[16:43] <persia> robilad: Also, what's your WikiName?
[16:45] <robilad> Robilad
[16:46] <persia> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Robilad ?
[16:48] <robilad> yah
[16:49] <robilad> though there is nothing on that page yet
[16:50] <persia> OK :)
[16:50] <persia> Now, for minutes.
[16:50] <persia> First, create a new wiki page for the minutes (e.g. https://wiki.ubuntu.com/JavaTeam/Meeting/Minutes2008-07-10 )
[16:51] <persia> Once that is there, add a link to the minutes and the log from https://wiki.ubuntu.com/JavaTeam/Meeting
[16:52] <robilad> ok.
[16:52] <robilad> should be up in 90 minutes, i've got a phone call coming up in 5
[16:52] <persia> Also, you may want to remove the agenda items covered when updating the page.
[16:53] <persia> To set the next meeting, edit https://wiki.ubuntu.com/JavaTeam/Header, and send a mail about the meeting to ubuntu-news-team@lists.ubuntu.com to reserve #ubuntu-meeting.
[16:54] <persia> With luck, I'll be asleep when you finish your call, but I'll try to answer any questions in scrollback, and someone else might also have an answer.
[16:55] <robilad> thank you very much for your kind help, persia!
[16:55] <persia> robilad: No, thank you for doing the minutes :)
[16:57] <robilad> np
[19:48] <cvasilak> hi there, anyone knows when the new jdk update 7 will be released as an update for the current jdk in ubuntu?