UbuntuIRC / 2008 /07 /10 /#ubuntu-installer.txt
Initial commit
[00:18] <cjwatson> evand: are you still likely to be able to get that localechooser work merged today for a ubiquity upload? I guess we're falling off the end of your working hours now though
[00:33] <udit99> Hey guys, I need to check an assumption. If I need to ensure that a package ends up on the pool of an installer CD,
[00:33] <udit99> is it sufficient that the package is listed in the seed file that germinate takes as an input
[00:33] <udit99> ?
[00:35] <udit99> Because I have a package that is listed in the germinate seeds but does not end up on the ISO
[00:36] <cjwatson> your assumption is correct in principle
[00:36] <cjwatson> (I say in principle because obviously something is going wrong!)
[00:36] <cjwatson> check each step along the transformation path: specifically the raw germinate output, and the task files output by germinate-to-tasks
[00:37] <cjwatson> might also want to check the germinate log (I think it's saved in _germinate_output or similar) to see if it complained about the seed entry
[00:38] <hardwire> germinate eh?
[00:45] <udit99> im assuming that germinate logs to the cdimage logs too...will check there
[00:46] <cjwatson> no, it'll be alongside its output
[00:46] <cjwatson> err, sorry, I'm completely wrong
[00:46] <cjwatson> yeah, it'll be in the main cdimage log file
[00:49] <udit99> ok.. but I can see the package in the tasks file... which makes me believe that debian cd is whats causing the problem, not germinate
[00:53] <cjwatson> ok, that narrows it down
[00:53] <cjwatson> quickest step is to check for further mentions of it in the log
[00:53] <cjwatson> is this package in the same archive as all the others?
[00:53] <cjwatson> have you triple-checked that its Filename field in Packages.gz is correct?
[01:00] <udit99> the only mentions of the package name in the log are from germinate (complaining no source available) and later on there is a warning that says the package has no sources (ignored)
[01:00] <udit99> but not surprising because i have no source packages in my repo
[01:01] <udit99> i'm going to triple check the path in Packages right now...
[01:01] <cjwatson> worth trying '/path/to/debian-cd/tools/apt-selection cache show packagename'
[01:02] <cjwatson> (substitute /path/to/debian-cd and packagename as appropriate)
[01:03] <cjwatson> also, there are various temporary files constructed by debian-cd along the way
[01:03] <cjwatson> check whether it's in the 'list' file (should be in a scratch directory named hardy-i386 or similar)
[01:07] <udit99> ok. triple checked the location of the package as listed in Packages file. all is well with that.
[01:21] <udit99> i'm not having luck wtih the apt-selection script... will have to play with that some more. I think i am missing an env var.
[01:21] <udit99> as for the list file...
[01:22] <udit99> I'm looking at scratch/xubuntu/daily/apt/hardy-i386/apt-state/lists/
[01:22] <udit99> and there is a load of files in there. Is that what you mean?
[01:24] <udit99> there is a file in there called ...ftp_dists_hardy_universe_binary-i386_Packages in there and it contains the package in question.
[01:46] <cjwatson> no, that's not what I mean
[01:46] <cjwatson> should be more like scratch/xubuntu/daily/tmp/hardy-i386/list
[04:27] <evand> cjwatson: negative; I had to run out after my core hours, I should be able to finish things up in the morning.
[09:13] <S[h]O[r]T> it seems that when i try to do a network install i often get Your network is probably not using the DHCP protocol alot. i see there is d-i netcfg/dhcp_timeout string 60
[09:14] <S[h]O[r]T> but that is not related to i think the initial network configuration but during the install if the server times out. If that is correct is there anyway to change the timeout for the initial network configuration with DHCP
[09:16] <S[h]O[r]T> if i restart the installer it seems to all work ago
[09:16] <S[h]O[r]T> *ok
[11:09] <saispo> cjwatson: ping ?
[11:20] <cjwatson> saispo: pong
[11:20] <saispo> hi :)
[11:20] <cjwatson> S[h]O[r]T: you're mistaken; netcfg/dhcp_timeout *is* for the initial network configuration with DHCP
[11:23] <saispo> cjwatson: have you an idea why germinate gave me this :
[11:23] <saispo> * Downloading file:///home/eole/mirror/seeds/ubuntu.hardy/eole
[11:23] <saispo> ? Unknown eole package: blacklists
[11:24] <saispo> i have the same configuration on two machines, one work, the second don't grab all eole seeds :/
[11:27] <cjwatson> saispo: the error message means that the 'blacklists' package in the 'eole' seed was not found in whatever archive you pointed it at. You should be able to confirm this with the downloaded Packages file (which should be left around in the current directory) and it may be due to pointing it at the wrong archive.
[11:28] <saispo> i export all for localdebs...
[11:29] <cjwatson> I'm afraid I am unable to debug your problem at a distance
[11:29] <cjwatson> but that is what the message means
[11:29] <S[h]O[r]T> hmmm thanks cj
[11:30] <cjwatson> saispo: you might also try removing all the *Packages and *Sources files before trying again, bearing in mind that germinate will generally use cached versions of those in preference to re-downloading them
[11:30] <saispo> it's strange, he get some localpackages which his in Ubuntu Packages but with a higher version in my local repos, but does not get the packages which is not in Ubuntu Packages. You're right, i think it's about the local Packages but when i start the project, the files are generated and the packages files tell me i found 499 files...
[11:30] <saispo> ok thanks
[11:31] <saispo> you want to see a log file for example ?
[11:32] <S[h]O[r]T> now its working ;)
[11:32] <cjwatson> saispo: err, I don't think it will really help me. I've told you what the problem is and the most likely causes
[11:33] <saispo> yep, i will continue to investigate
[11:33] <cjwatson> saispo: what is your germinate command line?
[11:33] <cjwatson> S[h]O[r]T: great
[11:33] <saispo> cjwatson: the same as in run-germinate
[11:34] <cjwatson> no, I don't want you to refer to a script which has changed a number of times over the years and which presumably you must have customised anyway
[11:34] <cjwatson> what is your germinate command line?
[11:38] <saispo> ok
[11:39] <saispo> + /home/eole/mirror/cdimage/germinate/germinate.py --seed-source file:///home/eole/mirror/seeds/ --mirror file:///home/eole/mirror/cdimage/scratch/eole/daily/germinate/ --seed-dist ubuntu.hardy --dist hardy,hardy-security,hardy-upda+tes,hardy-proposed --arch i386 --components main,restricted,universe --no-rdepends
[11:41] <saispo> local is missing no ?
[11:41] <cjwatson> that's a very odd thing to use as --mirror. --mirror should point to an actual archive - the sort of thing you'd put in sources.list.
[11:41] <cjwatson> and, yes, if you need to add another component to --components, do so
[11:42] <saispo> mirror must be the ubuntu archive i rsync all days ?
[11:42] <cjwatson> that and your own archive, presumably
[11:42] <saispo> ok
[11:43] <saispo> separated by "," ?
[11:43] <cjwatson> you can supply multiple --mirror options for multiple archives
[11:43] <cjwatson> no, like --mirror http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ --mirror http://mirror.example.org/path/to/my/mirror/
[11:43] <saispo> k, thanks
[11:43] <cjwatson> germinate has a manual page ...
[11:43] <saispo> it's strange, i have the same germinate commands on the other machines, and all work :/
[12:12] <saispo> cjwatson: i suspect the building of 1.filelist_local
[12:40] <saispo> no problem, i investigate, thanks :)
[12:55] <saispo> cjwatson: eole eole.build-depends eole.build-sources eole.depends eole.seed eole.seed-recommends eole.seedtext eole.sources this file have been generated by germinate ?
[12:55] <cjwatson> yes
[12:56] <saispo> ok the difference between the two machine are for example the eole file which have all fine in one machine, and not on the other
[12:57] <saispo> but on the machine which have not packages in eole file, she have all in eole.seed...
[12:57] <saispo> strange
[13:11] <saispo> cjwatson: i found why, thanks for your help ! it's about an env variables for localdebs which is handled incorrectly in this case, why... don't know at this time :)
[13:18] <cjwatson> ok
[16:28] <nasrat> I'm working on a project that is using cdimage to build their own variant. Now I see it was excluding tango-icon-theme and human-icon-theme in lists2cd as they are in non-free
[16:28] <cjwatson> Ubuntu doesn't have a component called "non-free" ...
[16:28] <nasrat> I know
[16:29] <nasrat> but list2cds matches on Section:
[16:29] <nasrat> foreach (grep { $packages{$_}{"Section"} =~ /Xnon-free/ }
[16:29] <nasrat> the X is mine
[16:29] <cjwatson> hmm, but tango-icon-theme has Section: universe/gnome
[16:29] <nasrat> hmm ok
[16:29] <cjwatson> and human-icon-theme has Section: x11
[16:29] <nasrat> so maybe I've a stale package
[16:30] <cjwatson> where are you getting your Packages files from?
[16:30] <cjwatson> oh, are you building them yourself or something?
[16:30] <cjwatson> I see that those two packages are in non-free in Debian
[16:31] <nasrat> ok let me try track down where they were from
[16:31] <cjwatson> so if you rebuilt the Packages file yourself (e.g. using apt-ftparchive or dpkg-scanpackages without giving it a proper Ubuntu override file) then you'll see that kind of symptom
[16:31] <nasrat> ah yes we're doing that
[16:31] <nasrat> ok
[16:31] <cjwatson> the override files are available in http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/indices/
[16:32] <nasrat> and I just need them in the right place and cdimage/debian-cd will dtrt?
[16:32] <cjwatson> well, the code that's calling apt-ftparchive is presumably your own
[16:32] <cjwatson> but if you get the Packages file right, it should
[16:33] <nasrat> ok
[16:33] <nasrat> thanks that gives me enough to get on with, just getting my head around it all
[16:34] <cjwatson> righto
[17:28] <compbrain> If i've got a early-command that is doing machine provisioning (generating a name/ip, etc) how hard is it to loop in a display of that information to the console?
[17:35] <cjwatson> you mean something like a note that the installer would need to press Enter to acknowledge?
[17:35] <cjwatson> pretty fiddly; you'd have to create a debconf template for yourself ...
[17:38] <compbrain> I'm debating turning off framebuffer (in text mode) and just dumping out to tty1 or the like
[17:38] <compbrain> or something equally ugly and hackish
[18:18] <evand> update on localechooser: when it gets called a second time from tzsetup, it doesn't seem to be respecting that its been preseeded and asks localechooser/continentlist and countrylist, which causes the wrong values to get selected.
[18:18] <evand> Once I figure out what's causing this, it should be ready for commit.
[18:20] <cjwatson> replace the preseeding of localechooser/alreadyrun with 'rm -f /var/lib/localechooser/preseeded'
[18:20] <cjwatson> at a guess
[18:24] <evand> no such luck; picking through the code now.
[21:00] <CIA-1> partman-base: cjwatson * r101 ubuntu/debian/changelog: releasing version 121ubuntu3