UbuntuIRC / 2008 /07 /10 /#ubuntu-bugs.txt
Initial commit
[00:46] <LimCore> hi
[00:46] <LimCore> did network stoped working in sokme ubuntus revcently?
[00:46] <LimCore> pc -ethernet- moded-router setup stoped working suddenly; arp -p shows some things, but dhclient doesnt get no response
=== Hobbsee` is now known as Hobbsee
[02:33] <snadge> i think we should discuss some irritating bugs.. which have been there for ages.. just to see if its common to all of us ;)
[02:33] <snadge> ill start with compiz .. windows fade to black when they become "unresponsive" .. i like this feature, but has anyone else experienced flaws with it?
[02:34] <snadge> eg.. a really busy window can appear to be "crashed"
[02:34] <snadge> same with a really laggy window coming from a remote X client
[02:36] <snadge> i have a remote install of suse happening in costa rica, from australia.. and its amusing to watch the window alternate between color and monochrome .. in some instances the entire X server can stop responding until its caught up
[02:39] <Hobbsee> heh
[02:39] <Hobbsee> yeah, that one is alawys fun
[02:40] <snadge> i think next time i'll choose the ssh option
[02:40] <snadge> but suse recommends graphical first, go figure
[02:40] <snadge> next bug.. not sure if its nvidia specific or not
[02:41] <snadge> typing text into a gnome terminal, sometimes a character isnt displayed correctly.. like its just missing or a blob
[02:41] <snadge> but the char is actually there.. if you backspace and retype it.. it 'fixes' it.. and it seems to happen rather randomly
[02:42] <snadge> not sure if that ones been fixed.. i seem to be unable to reproduce it here at work, intel video
[02:44] <Hobbsee> it's a bug in the applications, that they don't respond to the pings quickly enough, iirc.
[02:44] <snadge> we could call that one "corrupted graphics with compiz"
[02:44] <snadge> just like.. sometimes when a new window is created
[02:44] <snadge> its full of garbage until its painted properly
[02:45] <snadge> seems to be specific to nvidia proprietry drivers though
[02:46] <snadge> again unable to reproduce that here at work with intel drivers
[02:48] <RAOF> snadge: "Full of garbage until painted" is, I think, EXA + Composite. Or possibly driver related, but it's certainly not exclusive to the nvidia driver.
[02:49] <snadge> this has been going on for quite some time though.. i think gutsy did it too
[02:49] <snadge> same with the corrupted font in terminal
[02:49] <snadge> again its not major font corruption.. just the occasional seemingly random glitch
[02:50] <snadge> only reason i notice it is because i use irc in gnome terminal
[03:50] <Hew> What do we do when reports are not in English? Ask for details in English and mark as incomplete?
[03:57] <shirish> hi all, can somebody look up my Bug # 247003
[03:57] <shirish> Bug #247003
[03:57] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 247003 in gnome-session "gnome-session crashed on Intrepid 8.10 alpha 1+" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/247003
[04:32] <maco> is this where hug day is?
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[04:41] <LaserJock> maco: I believe so yes
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[04:42] <maco> LaserJock: ok. oh, hi :)
[04:44] <LaserJock> hi
[04:57] <maco> Bug #45167 looks like it was triaged a few days ago by dereck, so should that be changed on the hug day page?
[04:57] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 45167 in linux-source-2.6.15 "snd_hda: Default mixer channel is PCM instead of Front" [Wishlist,Invalid] https://launchpad.net/bugs/45167
[04:58] <maco> its listed on the wiki page...i dont know if it should be removed or just marked green with his name for it
[05:18] <maco> hey guys
[05:19] <maco> if a bug is marked confirmed but needs to be tested in intrepid, does it go back to "new"?
[05:23] <RAOF> maco: "Incomplete" seems a better status.
[05:23] <maco> ok
[05:32] <Hew> #ubuntu+1 is silent as usual. Does anyone know if Intrepid has Live CDs yet? I don't want to tell reporters to test with something that doesn't yet exist.
[05:33] <Awsoonn> wow, I came in just to ask that very question...
[05:33] <Awsoonn> way to go Hew
[05:34] <Hew> np, but we have yet to receive an answer :P
[05:34] <Awsoonn> the standard responses say 'scheduled' so, I'm going with it
[05:35] <maco> alpha 1 does
[05:35] <maco> alpha 2's will be out today
[05:35] <Hew> yea, I heard that Alpha 2 would have it, which is close/now according to the schedule
[05:35] <maco> er, i assume alpha 1 has a live cd
[05:35] <maco> but i'm sure 2 does
[05:35] <maco> er, will...in the next 24 hours
[05:35] <Awsoonn> nope~
[05:36] <Awsoonn> A1 is alt installer only
[05:36] <Hew> yea, bad assumption :P, I read alpha 1 does not have Live CD, but that alpha 2 does. I just wanted to check before telling a large report to test with it
[05:38] <Awsoonn> http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/daily-live someone forced a second build yesterday it seems
[05:38] <Awsoonn> so I imagine it is go, lets see if the daily boots shall we? That will be a good indicator
[05:39] <Hew> ah cool, looking good
[05:42] <Awsoonn> dunno though, the kernel from two days ago killed itself before i could blink :/
[05:58] <snadge> could be worse.. could be the released version of opensuse 11.0 ;)
[05:58] * snadge sniggers
[05:58] * Awsoonn assumes that was a bad day for SUSE
[06:03] <snadge> probably not, overall its great
[06:03] <snadge> i just personally ran into a few show stoppers
[06:28] <theidiotthatisme> Howdy
[06:29] <Awsoonn> theidiotthatisme: doo~
[06:29] <theidiotthatisme> :-)
[06:29] <theidiotthatisme> How are you?
[06:29] <Awsoonn> awake.... barely~ ^_^
[06:30] <theidiotthatisme> Yeah, I'm tired but not sleepy, if that makes sense
[06:31] <Awsoonn> I get ya, every morning I hit that wall~
[06:31] <Awsoonn> so have you hugged a bug yet???
[06:31] <Awsoonn> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBugDay/20080710
[06:33] <theidiotthatisme> I just started triaging today :-)
[06:34] <theidiotthatisme> Our LoCo was talking about holding a bugjam at our meeting today, so I looked into what I could do and decided to try some triaging
[06:39] <theidiotthatisme> Awsoonn: Your next hug day is tomorrow?
[06:39] <Awsoonn> Today in some parts of the world :)
[06:39] <theidiotthatisme> well yeah, today here too :-)
[06:41] <Awsoonn> seee!
[06:41] <Awsoonn> it's triage time~
[06:44] <theidiotthatisme> :-)
[06:45] <theidiotthatisme> It is easier than I thought it would be, but I cant get into the very technical ones
[06:48] <theidiotthatisme> How do I respond to a bug report that is a feature request and not a bug?
[06:50] <Awsoonn> you need someone with 'the power' to mark it as such
[06:50] <Awsoonn> say it as such and paste the bug # here, someone will usually take care of it
[06:50] <greg-g> theidiotthatisme: so you ask someone in here to set the importance of a bug to "wishlist"
[06:50] <greg-g> what Awsoonn said
[06:51] <Awsoonn> greg-g: :)
[06:52] <theidiotthatisme> Okay, so you dont invalidate them? (I'm going by off the Wiki of Triaging Bugs)
[06:52] <theidiotthatisme> https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/rhythmbox/+bug/246812
[06:52] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 246812 in rhythmbox "rhythmbox should perform feed discovery when subscribing to a podcast" [Undecided,New]
[06:53] <Awsoonn> can you link me to that page?
[06:53] <thekorn> good morning, and happy hug day!
[06:53] <theidiotthatisme> ;)
[06:53] <theidiotthatisme> Good morning
[06:53] <Awsoonn> thekorn: Happy bug day!
[06:55] <theidiotthatisme> Awsoonn: What do you think?
[06:55] <Awsoonn> indeed it is a feature request :)
[06:56] <theidiotthatisme> :-) Now according to: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Bugs/HowToTriage#head-75d49ef9b5993eb63e802bc4bf2b1c5f3527d664
[06:56] <theidiotthatisme> Under invalidating it says you can invalidate feature requests, would I do that or report it here for "wishlist"
[06:57] <Awsoonn> Well, I would like a link to that wiki page so that I can update it, I would report it here for "wishlist"
[06:58] <theidiotthatisme> Awsoonn: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Bugs/HowToTriage#head-75d49ef9b5993eb63e802bc4bf2b1c5f3527d664
[06:59] <theidiotthatisme> Awsoonn: Sorry, here:
[06:59] <theidiotthatisme> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Bugs/HowToTriage#head-9616b38c0082ca6cf24ee047abf79d9999db1e18
[07:03] <theidiotthatisme> :-)
[07:09] <theidiotthatisme> Awsoonn: So would I normally just come here and say something like "Will someone add bug (#) to wishlist?"
[07:10] <Awsoonn> yup!
[07:10] <Awsoonn> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Bugs/HowToTriage
[07:11] <Awsoonn> how's that? is it clear? I'm a bit sleepy afterall~
[07:12] <theidiotthatisme> That's much better
[07:12] <theidiotthatisme> Especially since I found another one :-P
[07:12] <Awsoonn> good
[07:12] <snadge> will ubuntu improve my sex life?
[07:13] <Hobbsee> no
[07:13] <iceman> snadge: before, I used windows. I had no sex life, no friends, and my computer crashed all the time
[07:13] <Awsoonn> snadge: cannot divide by zero
[07:13] <iceman> snadge: now I use ubuntu.
[07:13] <Hobbsee> Awsoonn: nice call. i was htinking something along those lines, too.
[07:13] <theidiotthatisme> Will someone wishlist bug 247172 ?
[07:13] <iceman> snadge: and my computer doesn't crash anymore ^^
[07:13] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 247172 in devscripts "patch dget to suggest dgetlp" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/247172
[07:16] * Hobbsee hits it with the stick
[07:16] <theidiotthatisme> lol
[07:16] * Hobbsee would prefer for launchpad to just fix their stuff, though.
[07:16] <Hobbsee> seeing as they had plans to, a while ago.
[07:38] <theidiotthatisme> More wishlisting: bug 246316
[07:38] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 246316 in update-notifier "Shouldn't bug user when updates are impossible to get" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/246316
[07:53] <Rocket2DMn> theidiotthatisme, ill take care of it
[07:53] <theidiotthatisme> thank you :-)
[07:55] <Rocket2DMn> np, done
[07:57] <theidiotthatisme> :-)
[07:57] <theidiotthatisme> Sorry if I find a lot, I usually just browse for stuff I understand and that happens to be some :-)
[07:57] <Rocket2DMn> thats cool, we need all the help we can get
[08:01] <theidiotthatisme> Yeah
[08:02] <theidiotthatisme> Our LoCo is planning a bugjam, if it ends up being online would it be better to do it on a thursday (hug) day?
[08:03] <Awsoonn> That is up to your Loco, the normal amount of help will be available as any other Thursday,
[08:04] <mouz> good morning all -_-
[08:04] <Awsoonn> If your loco is going to have a lot of new triagers, there might be more help during the jam.
[08:04] <Awsoonn> *tosses a bug at Mouz*
[08:05] <Awsoonn> guess what day it is~
[08:05] <mouz> :)
[08:05] <theidiotthatisme> There are going to be quite a few new ones
[08:05] <theidiotthatisme> :-)
[08:05] <Awsoonn> I take it you're going to be a fearless leader?
[08:07] <theidiotthatisme> Actually it wasn't my idea, it was vorian's and another person in our LoCo, I just wanted to know what I was doing before we hit it so I could help if needed :-)
[08:08] <Awsoonn> ^_^ smart man
[08:08] * Awsoonn thinks
[08:08] <theidiotthatisme> Thank you :-P
[08:08] <Awsoonn> or woman...
[08:09] <Awsoonn> :D
[08:09] <theidiotthatisme> man lol
[08:20] <theidiotthatisme> Keeping an eye on the untriaged list and working the loco site
[08:21] <Awsoonn> the never ending list itself ^_^
[08:21] <snadge> where the fsck has xmms gone?
[08:21] <snadge> and wtf is xmms2?? it doesnt even appear to have a gui
[08:21] * snadge has a heart attack
[08:22] <RAOF> snadge: xmms has been dead for _years_, and has finally been removed from the archives.
[08:22] <snadge> so thats what happens to abandoned packages hey?
[08:22] <RAOF> xmms2 is one of those crazy "let's make a music daemon" projects.
[08:22] <RAOF> snadge: After long enough, and with enough unfixed bugs, yes.
[08:22] * Awsoonn underlines _finally_
[08:22] <snadge> never mind that its been abandoned for years but everyone still uses it because everything else blows
[08:22] <RAOF> snadge: You are _welcome_ to fix it.
[08:23] <snadge> what.. so it just simply doesnt even compile anymore?
[08:23] <snadge> it still depends on gtk 1.2 doesnt it?
[08:23] * Awsoonn cheers on snadge
[08:23] <RAOF> Oh, it does. It's just that it had a huge pile of bugs, which obviously weren't being fixed, and indeed, depends on gtk1.2, which is also heading out of the archives.
[08:24] <snadge> well none of the bugs ever affected me personally.. and unless they're new bugs caused by different versions of things
[08:24] <RAOF> Have a look at bugs.debian.org/xmms - 36 Important bugs, 120 normal bugs.
[08:25] <snadge> let me guess.. for gnome users, that liked how xmms works.. that leaves a huge gaping hole
[08:25] <RAOF> Oh, and that may be artificially deflated; it seems Kmos has been at the mass-bug unfiling.
[08:25] <RAOF> snadge: Audacious?
[08:25] <RAOF> beep?
[08:25] <RAOF> THere are at least two xmms-descendants currently maintanied.
[08:25] <snadge> yeah.. iirc, beep is like xmms.. except with 5% of its features
[08:26] <snadge> i installed audacious... ahh thats where i went wrong.. i installed audacity ;)
[08:26] <snadge> loaded it up and was like YIKES
[08:26] <RAOF> snadge: For the rationale, check out http://lists.debian.org/debian-devel/2007/07/msg00026.html
[08:27] <RAOF> Also, apparently it's bmpx :)
[08:27] <snadge> ok.. so audacious has a very amusing extremely lagged move the window feature
[08:27] <Rocket2DMn> sound like good reasons to remove a package to me
[08:28] <snadge> i bet it has something to do with the knob jockeys that took over xmms
[08:28] <snadge> the sound people.. oss?
[08:28] <RAOF> snadge: Again, you're welcome to take xmms, fix some of the bugs, and re-introduce it to the archives.
[08:29] <RAOF> The main reason it's been removed is that no-one has cared enough to fix it.
[08:29] <snadge> which validates my above point
[08:30] <Awsoonn> g'night all~ before it's not night anymore.... :)
[08:30] <theidiotthatisme> lol gnight
[08:30] <snadge> im just evaluating audacious as a candidate for its replacement
[08:30] <Rocket2DMn> hey im looking at bug 246843 - does this exist because it was disabled for Ubuntu so that reports are filed with apport or directly on LP?
[08:30] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 246843 in firefox-3.0 "no access to "about:crashes"" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/246843
[08:31] <snadge> playing ubuntu sax.ogg ;) hey thats actually kinda groovy
[08:33] <snadge> fail.. segfaults when loading a web url
[08:34] <RAOF> Ah. That would be the xmms bug coming through, then :)
[08:34] <snadge> well that works in xmms ;)
[08:34] <RAOF> Not all the time, according to the Debian bug :)
[08:35] <snadge> i have xmms on hardy, must've been left over from a gutsy upgrade
[08:35] <snadge> or whatever the last packaged version was
[08:35] <snadge> and i use it to listen to streaming radio all the time
[08:36] <Rocket2DMn> No comments on the FF3 bug?
[08:36] <snadge> checkin it
[08:36] <Rocket2DMn> even if it was blocked intentionally b/c its more integrated with Ubuntu, it should at least say its been disabled
[08:37] <snadge> i'll try beep... i hate it when projects become obsolete before something better replaces them
[08:37] <Hobbsee> asac: ^
[08:39] <Rocket2DMn> i am going to mark that bug as Triaged, i see no reason that it should be producing that error. i can duplicate the problem myself
[08:39] <snadge> Rocket2DMn: if you choose not to install the feedback agent.. then im presuming that feature is disabled
[08:39] <Rocket2DMn> by default, it is disabled
[08:40] <snadge> i personally wouldn't call that a bug.. ubuntu distributes a modified version of firefox, mozilla understandly wants nothing to do with it
[08:40] <Rocket2DMn> i know, thats why its filed under firefox-3.0 (Ubuntu) and not filed upstream
[08:40] <snadge> so who should the bug be reported to?
[08:41] <snadge> the firefox code reports it to mozilla.. which seems like an undesirable outcome
[08:41] <Rocket2DMn> well its not assigned to anybody, its just filed under firefox-3.0 (Ubuntu)
[08:42] <snadge> basically what you're asking is for the ubuntu firefox packages.. to modify the crash/feedback reporting system
[08:42] <snadge> packagers
[08:42] <snadge> rather than just disable it
[08:42] <snadge> which is more a feature request than a bug?
[08:43] <Rocket2DMn> yes, the thought had occurred to me
[08:43] <Rocket2DMn> i need to know that the reason it is acting like this is because it's done on purpose tho
[08:44] <snadge> well im only guessing.. but i'd say theres a very high probability of that
[08:44] <snadge> this is why in debian its called "IceWeasel"
[08:45] <snadge> because its not really firefox anymore.. ironically its to remove confusion
[08:46] <snadge> maybe you want to run the official ff3 linux.. see if you still get the crashing problem
[08:47] <Rocket2DMn> unfortunately im not running across any documentation that says its been disabled on purpose
[08:47] <snadge> you could download the source package for firefox3, and look at the diff
[08:48] <snadge> and the changelog
[08:50] <Rocket2DMn> you mean this: http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/main/f/firefox-3.0/firefox-3.0_3.0~b5+nobinonly-0ubuntu3.diff.gz
[08:51] <Rocket2DMn> there is nothing about "about:crashes"
[08:54] <Rocket2DMn> I will mark the bug as triaged with low importance for now. if a developer says otherwise, then we can add the expected functionality to wishlist
[08:54] <Rocket2DMn> sound good snadge ?
[08:55] <snadge> + * Use official branding for beta too as homepage/releasenotes URLs
[08:55] <snadge> + are maintained that way. Disable crash reporter.
[08:55] <snadge> + - update debian/patches/firefox-profilename
[08:55] <snadge> + - update debian/rules
[08:55] <snadge> + - update debian/firefox-3.0-final.desktop
[08:55] <snadge> thats from the changelog
[08:56] <Rocket2DMn> i saw that, but isnt it just for beta 3.0~b1+nobinonly-0ubuntu1
[08:56] <Rocket2DMn> i guess that carries through doesnt it
[08:56] <Rocket2DMn> hmm
[08:57] <snadge> yeah because in no future version did they say it was re-enabled
[08:57] <snadge> and from what i can see in the diff, it appears to be commented out.. in the latest diff
[08:57] <Rocket2DMn> then we are left asking SHOULD it be re-enabled?
[08:57] <snadge> well i can tell you now.. the answer is probably no
[08:58] <snadge> consider this.. the feature was designed and coded by mozilla.. so that if theres a problem with "Firefox" it makes the process of reporting the crashdump etc much easier
[08:58] <snadge> but see for yourself.. ubuntu does not distribute firefox.. theres a 100k compressed diff of changes
[08:59] <snadge> if you were mozilla.. you wouldn't want crash reports from the ubuntu version of firefox
[09:00] <Rocket2DMn> i understand that logic in that, but that's also making assumptions. they MAY not want crash reports from the ubuntu version
[09:00] <snadge> if its crashing for you i would suggest a couple of easy things you can do
[09:00] <Rocket2DMn> youre probably right though
[09:01] <snadge> #1 try to reproduce the problem in an officially released version of firefox
[09:01] <Rocket2DMn> im not having problems, its a bug report
[09:01] <snadge> that has the advantage of if it the problem is reproduceable.. you can report it directly to them
[09:01] <snadge> ahh ok
[09:02] <Rocket2DMn> snadge, https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/firefox-3.0/+bug/246843
[09:02] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 246843 in firefox-3.0 "no access to "about:crashes"" [Undecided,New]
[09:02] <snadge> if ubu firefox crashes.. you can probably gdb the dumped core.. and post a backtrace, and the steps to reproduce the issue
[09:02] <snadge> to the ubuntu launchpad
[09:03] <Rocket2DMn> although there have been a fair number of reports about FF3 crashing, this is just about why the about:crashes page is not available
[09:03] <mouz> if i take up a bug from https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBugDay/20080710, how do i know someone else is not working on it?
[09:03] <snadge> its a tough call.. if its crashing for lots of people, ubu firefox should be modified to send the crash dumps to the ubuntu ff3 maintainers
[09:04] <Rocket2DMn> ok, well i guess we can add this to Wishlist since we know it was disabled
[09:05] <snadge> i might go home i think ;)
[09:06] <Rocket2DMn> lol its 1am here
[09:06] <Rocket2DMn> thanks for the help snadge
[09:06] <snadge> dont thank me.. thank my employer ;) hehe
[09:06] <Rocket2DMn> haha, if only i got paid for the time i put into Ubuntu
[09:07] <Rocket2DMn> id be a wealthy man
[09:10] <theidiotthatisme> It's 4am here O:-)
[09:11] <snadge> 6:11pm
[09:13] <Rocket2DMn> 6:11 pm huh, where do you live?
[09:13] <snadge> gold coast, australia
[09:13] <Rocket2DMn> so its Thursday evening there?
[09:14] <snadge> but i work in brisbane.. which is about 60kms away
[09:14] <snadge> it is indeed
[09:16] <Rocket2DMn> im in California, the day is just starting
[09:46] <mouz> please note until now the stock replies had a minor issue. i edited UbuntuBugDay/20080710 to replace 'the the' with 'the' in a few places.
[09:49] <theidiotthatisme> noted
[10:11] <mouz> could somebody please look at bug 72851? I opened the 'linux' kernel task for it. After that I read the comments and it seems the bug is solved. Then I tried to remove the linux kernel task, but I could not. Now there is an incomplete 'Ubuntu' affects distribution. It seems the bug can be considered solved.
[10:11] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 72851 in linux-source-2.6.20 "Intel HDA is not working anymore" [Low,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/72851
[10:16] <gnomefreak> mouz: ok looking
[10:17] <gnomefreak> mouz: what one did you want changed?
[10:18] <mouz> gnomefreak: what now is Ubuntu, incomplete
[10:18] <gnomefreak> mouz: to invalid fix released?
[10:19] <gnomefreak> it looks like from your comment in here that ubuntu task should never have been opened is this correct?
[10:19] <mouz> gnomefreak: invalid
[10:19] <savvas> you could set it as incomplete, and ask if they have problems with the latest stable release, i.e. hardy 8.04.1 ?
[10:19] <mouz> gnomefreak: yes that is correct
[10:20] <gnomefreak> what about kernel task?
[10:20] <gnomefreak> savvas: from the bug report it seems its fixed atleast from reporters POV
[10:20] <mouz> gnomefreak: first i set kernel task, then i tried to remove it, in the process i emptied an input box, then it became ubuntu task
[10:21] <savvas> ah true :)
[10:21] <gnomefreak> mouz: should it stay open or closed?
[10:21] <mouz> gnomefreak: it should be closed
[10:21] <gnomefreak> i havent seen ben comment after the fix comments
[10:21] <gnomefreak> mouz: ok
[10:22] <gnomefreak> done
[10:22] <mouz> gnomefreak: thanks :)
[10:22] <gnomefreak> np
[10:39] <theidiotthatisme> Would bug 247210 be a wishlist?
[10:39] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 247210 in firefox-3.0 "double click on a string, should select a word" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/247210
[10:40] <persia> theidiotthatisme: Indeed.
[10:56] <Hobbsee> i can't really see that as a bug..
[10:56] <Hobbsee> most of the time, wouldn't you want the entire url?
[11:06] <persia> Ah, yes. "double click on a string, should select a word" is wishlist. "double clicking in the address bar should select a word" is NOTABUG.
[11:17] <Hobbsee> persia: then mark it as such?
[11:18] * persia is successfully prodded
[11:18] <Hobbsee> :)
[13:38] <mouz> I'm having a look at bug 96061. I think I should set the status to 'Fix Released' (see also the last comment for the bug). Would someone please put a second pair of eyeballs on that :)
[13:38] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 96061 in linux-source-2.6.20 "No sound on IBM T43 laptop" [Medium,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/96061
[13:40] <Hobbsee> mouz: yeah, i probably would, and ask them to reopen it if they're still experiencing the issue
[13:40] <mouz> ah yes
[13:47] <mouz> Hobbsee: thanks :)
[13:48] <Hobbsee> y/w
[13:49] * norsetto wonders how many pairs of eyeballs Hobbsee has
[13:50] <Hobbsee> norsetto: hmm?
[13:50] <Hobbsee> norsetto: i multitask reasonably well
[13:51] <Hobbsee> it's one of the reasons i like release management and such
[15:42] <hggdh> question for all -- which package deals with gnome auto-login?
[15:42] <Hobbsee> gdm?
[15:43] <seb128> gdm!
[15:44] <hggdh> duh...
[15:45] <gnomefreak> seb128: double clicking a file in $HOME doesnt open it with gedit anymore not sure what is trying to open it but fails to open with a unknown header*
[15:45] <gnomefreak> have to use open with > text editor (and gedit is crashing half the time when used but thats another bug)
[15:46] <seb128> gnomefreak: what ubuntu version?
[15:46] <hggdh> thanks, Hobbsee and seb128
[15:47] <seb128> anyway not now, open a bug I'll look later
[15:47] <seb128> hggdh: you are welcome
[15:48] <gnomefreak> seb128: intrepid
[15:48] <gnomefreak> ok
[15:57] * persia proxies a boo from norsetto
[15:57] <bddebian> Boo
[15:57] <bddebian> ;-)
[16:12] <sn9_> how might i be able to find out the status of an SRU?
[16:12] <bdmurray> sn9_: Do you know the bug associated with that SRU?
[16:12] <sn9_> LP: #246834
[16:13] <sn9_> heh, i thought ubottu would provide a link
[16:13] <persia> The status ought be in the log for bug #246834
[16:13] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 246834 in xkeyboard-config "No support for for Mac-like keyboard layouts with extra characters" [Undecided,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/246834
[16:14] <sn9_> i set the bug status to In Progress because it's not in -proposed
[16:15] <persia> sn9_: Bugs should only be "In Progress" when someone is actually working on them.
[16:15] <sn9_> how can i tell?
[16:16] <sn9_> there is a usable hardy debdiff in the bug -- it just needs an upload, afaict
[16:19] <sn9_> persia: ?
[16:21] <hggdh> sn9_, what persia meant is that bugsquad should not set in progress -- this is a status that the maintainers will set when they get to work on the bug
[16:21] <hggdh> sn9_, in this case, I agree it was confusing, since Loic was also dealing with the bug
[16:21] <sn9_> hggdh: i had mistakenly set it to Fix Committed before, and i thought i was correcting that
[16:21] * persia echoes hggdh, but notes that anyone is welcome to work on a bug, if they like.
[16:22] * hggdh is still too slow to keep up with persia :-)
[16:22] <hggdh> I was writing the same :-D
[16:24] <hggdh> sn9_, we should probably set it to triaged, and wait for the fixes to be accepted (then fix committed, followed by fix released). The last comment suggests the Intrepid one has not yet made it to the repositories
[16:25] <sn9_> hggdh: it's been in intrepid for a couple of days
[16:25] <hggdh> humpf
[16:25] <sn9_> that's why i had mistakenly set it to Committed before
[16:26] <hggdh> sn9_, right, the last comment is about hardy... sorry
[16:28] <hggdh> the problem is that Loic gave no indication if the debdiff was accepted or not.
[16:28] <hggdh> sn9_, are you the reporter on this bug?
[16:29] <sn9_> i provided the patch to upstream
[16:29] <hggdh> so the bug is assigned to you -- in progress is correct
[16:29] <sn9_> the third comment is mine
[16:30] <hggdh> ah, you are Daniel
[16:30] <hggdh> it woudl still be a correct usage of 'in progress'
[16:31] <sn9_> right
[16:31] <hggdh> OK.
[16:32] <hggdh> but back to your original question -- we would depend on (probably) Loic to answer to waht is the current status
[16:33] <hggdh> for the SRU
[16:33] <sn9_> Loïc (lool on freenode) had asked about possible regressions
[16:34] <sn9_> however, he apparently defines "regressions" more narrowly than i do
[16:34] <sn9_> i filed bug #246850
[16:34] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 246850 in libx11 "certain keyboard layouts irreparably broken in hardy; fix already in intrepid" [Unknown,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/246850
[16:35] <sn9_> the SRU would trigger it, but it is there even without the SRU
[16:36] <sn9_> i doubt it would qualify for an SRU, but i was told to request that anyway
=== sn9_ is now known as sn9
[17:28] <mouz> The URL to the intrepid alpha2 in the stock replies on https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBugDay/20080710 gives a 404.
[17:29] <mouz> (http://www.ubuntu.com/testing/intrepid/alpha2)
[17:30] <james_w> there is no alpha 2 yet :-)
[17:30] <james_w> It's due to be released later today, it is unfortunate to have that though
[17:31] <mouz> ok
[18:05] <chrisccoulson> hey guys, just looking at https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux-source-2.6.22/+bug/174199 from the bug day list. this is for Gutsy kernel, but there's already a comment saying it's fixed in Hardy. should i still add the linux task but mark it fixed as opposed to incomplete?
[18:05] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 174199 in linux-source-2.6.22 "NVidia CK804 soundcard detected but no sound" [Medium,Incomplete]
[18:07] <bdmurray> ogasawara: ^
[18:07] <ogasawara> chrisccoulson: I'll take a quick look
[18:08] <chrisccoulson> thanks!
[18:11] <hefe_bia> was just looking at that, too - had the same question :)
[18:11] <ogasawara> chrisccoulson: yup, I'd recommend opening the "linux" task and marking "Fix Released" based on the comment. However, I'd add a note asking Boris (the original reporter) if it's not fixed for him to switch the status back to "New"
[18:11] <chrisccoulson> ok, no problem!
[18:11] <ogasawara> chrisccoulson: I'd also set the linux-source-2.6.22 task to "Won't Fix" as it's not really SRU worthy.
[18:13] <hefe_bia> I guess I should do the same for bug 136810 then?
[18:14] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 136810 in linux "snd-hda-intel - Lenovo N100, headphones does not mute speakers" [Undecided,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/136810
[18:14] <chrisccoulson> i might need to ask someone here to set the status to 'wont fix' actually. i can't do that
[18:14] <ogasawara> chrisccoulson: I can do that for you
[18:15] <hefe_bia> ogasawara: Could you please have a look at the above mentioned bug, too? As I can't set to won't fix, either.
[18:15] <stgraber> ah ?? "standard" users can't mark a bug as won't fix ?
[18:15] <ogasawara> hefe_bia: yup, reading it right now
[18:15] <bdmurray> stgraber: yes, Triaged, Won't Fix and importance are all ACL'ed
[18:16] <stgraber> ok, I became a bug control member when only importance was ACL'ed (well, Triaged and Won't fix didn't exist back then :))
=== mcas_away is now known as mcas
[18:19] <ogasawara> hefe_bia: the comment you posted looks great. I'll "Won't Fix" the linux-source-2.6.22 task.
[18:20] <hefe_bia> ogasawara: thanks!
[18:20] <chrisccoulson> ogasawara - bug 174199 is ready for you to 'wont fix'
[18:20] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 174199 in linux "NVidia CK804 soundcard detected but no sound" [Undecided,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/174199
[18:20] <ogasawara> chrisccoulson: thanks, I'll take care of it
[18:20] <chrisccoulson> thanks!
[19:37] <hefe_bia> ogasawara: bug 154411 has been fixed in hardy, too. Don't know if it's SRU-worthy...
[19:37] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 154411 in linux-source-2.6.22 "2.6.22-14 Sound does not work on iMac (Intel first Gen) REGRESSION" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/154411
[19:38] <ogasawara> hefe_bia: lemme look
[19:40] <ogasawara> hefe_bia: yah not SRU worthy, I'll close it against 2.6.22
[19:41] <sn9> i think bug #229027 is SRU-worthy
[19:41] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 229027 in powernowd "scaling_governor falls back to performance when ondemand is not supported; fix enclosed" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/229027
[19:42] <ogasawara> sn9: I'll take a look in a sec
[19:43] <hefe_bia> I think its a dupe
[19:44] <ogasawara> hefe_bia: a dupe of which bug?
[19:44] <sn9> hefe_bia: of bug #229672? nope
[19:44] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 229672 in gnome-power-manager "g-p-m requires twiddling in gconf-editor to for cpufreq to be operable on some machines" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/229672
[19:45] <hefe_bia> of bug 223812 which should maybe be edited to be more broad
[19:45] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 223812 in powernowd "[hardy] Regression: powernowd no longer works with nforce2 cpufreq driver" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/223812
[19:45] <hefe_bia> But 229672 is related to this, too.
[19:47] <hefe_bia> I had a similar patch in 223812 as in 229027, but I feared there might be timing issues if the switch to ondemand is not fast enough.
[19:48] <sn9> hefe_bia: the patch in 229027 is more correct than the patch in 223812
[19:48] <hefe_bia> Decided to blacklist the affected chipsets.
[19:49] <sn9> the status check should precede the /sys check
[19:51] <hefe_bia> I'll take a look at all those bugs and try to update the debdiff accordingly. Have to go now...
[21:58] <sn9> how long does it take a debdiff pushed to hardy-proposed to get to the http://people.ubuntu.com/~ubuntu-archive/pending-sru.html page?
[22:07] <bdmurray> sbeattie will know the answer to that
[22:07] <bdmurray> oh, maybe not that list
[22:07] <bdmurray> I think that one is updated hourly
[22:08] <sn9> it's been two hours
[22:08] <sbeattie> It also depends on the archive source getting updated as well.
[22:09] <sn9> how long is that?
[22:10] <sbeattie> I don't know, you'd need to ask pitti.
[22:10] <sbeattie> Sorry.
[22:11] <sn9> hmm, been meaning to talk to him anyway
[22:24] <sn9> is bug 246850 SRUable at all?
[22:24] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 246850 in libx11 "certain keyboard layouts irreparably broken in hardy; fix already in intrepid" [Unknown,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/246850
=== asac_ is now known as asac
=== jjesse_ is now known as jjesse
[23:05] <sn9> is bug 246850 SRUable at all?
[23:05] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 246850 in libx11 "certain keyboard layouts irreparably broken in hardy; fix already in intrepid" [Unknown,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/246850
[23:15] <Awsoonn> bug #242990
[23:15] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 242990 in xorg "xorg does not synchronize to vertical refresh" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/242990
[23:16] <Awsoonn> what should be done with that?
[23:17] <Awsoonn> I can't tell if it is my monitors ghosting or if I really do see what he sees
[23:24] <RAOF> Awsoonn: That's wishlist, and not really X11's fault, IIUC.
[23:25] <sn9> RAOF: but bug 246850 _is_ libx11's fault
[23:25] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 246850 in libx11 "certain keyboard layouts irreparably broken in hardy; fix already in intrepid" [Unknown,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/246850
[23:25] <RAOF> Awsoonn: There is a mechanism for vsync, things (particularly compositing window managers) just need to use it.
[23:25] <RAOF> sn9: Right. But that's not the bug I was commenting on :)
[23:26] <RAOF> sn9: That bug could do with perhaps a trifle more description; could you summarise the debian bug in the LP description?
[23:27] <sn9> RAOF: in debbugs, it's a pretty long discussion
[23:27] <RAOF> Which is why you should summarise it :)
[23:27] <sn9> RAOF: i think the title does that, but if you disagree, feel free to suggest
[23:29] <RAOF> So, the title should be "Finnish keyboard layout missing some dead-key sequences", right?
[23:30] <RAOF> That does seem like a reasonable SRU candidate (although I'm not on any relevant team), but the bug as filed isn't particularly helpful.
[23:30] <RAOF> Statements like "irreparably broken" correlate well with poor bugs :)
[23:30] <sn9> after the xkb-data SRU, it won't be exclusive to finnish anymore
[23:31] <sn9> it will then affect the US layout
[23:31] <RAOF> What xkb-data sru?
[23:31] <sn9> the one the release managers are sitting on
[23:31] <RAOF> Then this should be mentioned on that SRU bug, definitely.
[23:32] <sn9> on the xkb-data one? the sponsor didn't seem to think so
[23:33] <RAOF> sn9: Could you point me at the SRU bug you're talking about? If it's going to partially break keyboard layouts, it shouldn't make it out of hardy-proposed.
[23:34] <sn9> the reason i'm hesitant about proclaiming that 246850 also needs an SRU is that the only viable fix is a backport from intrepid
[23:34] <RAOF> Cherry-picking the compose changes isn't an option?
[23:35] <sn9> in 246850? that would pretty much be identical to a backport
[23:35] <sn9> bug 246834 is the xkb sru
[23:35] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 246834 in xkeyboard-config "No support for for Mac-like keyboard layouts with extra characters" [Undecided,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/246834
[23:37] <RAOF> sn9: So, we're only talking about mac keyboards, right?
[23:37] <sn9> huh? a keyboard is a keyboard
[23:37] <sn9> hardware is irrelevant
[23:38] <sn9> read the forum thread
[23:38] <RAOF> That SRU bug you pointed me to suggests that only the mac layout is changing. Is this not true?
[23:38] * RAOF grumbles. This is why the information should be on the _bug_.
[23:39] <sn9> also, the upstream bug report
[23:44] <RAOF> sn9: Again, that patch only changes the mac keyboard layout.
[23:44] <RAOF> As such, any problems should be restricted to those using the mac keyboard layout, no?
[23:44] <sn9> the one labeled "mac" -- which is hardware-independent
[23:44] <RAOF> Right.
[23:45] <sn9> that's rather backwards, since there would be no "those using the mac layout" right now, because it never worked
[23:45] <RAOF> So, the bug you've filed is really misleading? The keyboard layout isn't going to be irreparably broken; at worst, you'd need to move from mac?
[23:46] <sn9> the 246834 sru makes it finally work for the first time, but exposes 246850
[23:47] <sn9> 246850 was already there, affecting the finnish layout, and that would be expanded now
[23:47] <RAOF> But now I'm not actually sure what 246850 is about - the upstream bug is only about finnish.
[23:48] <sn9> yes, because that's where the debian bug originator found the bug
[23:48] <RAOF> But what _is_ the bug?
[23:49] <RAOF> A sub-bug is that some compose sequences don't work with the finnish layout.
[23:49] <RAOF> What is the rest?
[23:49] <RAOF> And why isn't it documented in Launchpad :)
[23:50] <sn9> the bug is that updates to libx11's treatment of keysyms is out of sync with updates to the dev files
[23:50] <RAOF> Right. So, that should be the title of the bug.
[23:51] <sn9> it was an upstream screwup that was quickly corrected, but not before debian packaged it. debian soon fixed it, but it got into hardy
[23:51] <RAOF> I'm not arguing that it's not a bug. I'm suggesting ways that you can change your existing bug to make it more useful. And hence, more likely to be dealt with.
[23:51] <RAOF> This sort of information should be in the launchpad bug.
[23:52] <RAOF> The person who assesses it's SRU-
[23:52] <sn9> i could attach a transcript of what was just said
[23:52] <RAOF> That would be fine.
[23:52] <RAOF> Basically, the launchpad bug should contain all the information needed for a determination of whether it's SRU-worthy or not.
[23:53] <RAOF> The person conisdering it is not going to come into #ubuntu-bugs and ask if anyone here can actually explain what the problem is :)