UbuntuIRC / 2008 /07 /09 /#xubuntu.txt
Initial commit
[00:28] <Shaba1> hello anyone at the keys here
[00:28] <Shaba1> I lost the botton and top panels when I powered off how do I get them back
[00:28] <KEAL> why won't my damn computer start
[00:29] <KEAL> o.O
[00:29] <KEAL> ?
[00:29] <zoredache> Shaba1: try running 'xfce4-panel' press alt-f2 to get a run dialog box
[00:29] <zoredache> KEAL: because it is broke... Perhaps you would like to elaborate?
[00:30] <KEAL> keeps saying either kernel panic or doesnt do anything after finishing trace
[00:30] <zoredache> and? Is this a new install, are you booting from the livecd? Did you update the kernel, did you add a driver?
[00:30] <KEAL> btw the bios has dead flash
[00:31] <KEAL> i installed the os from a new iso 3 days ago
[00:31] <KEAL> ever since today it won't start xubuntu
[00:31] <zoredache> if it was working 3 days ago, what has changed? Did you add/remove anything?
[00:31] <KEAL> it's just a crappy computer
[00:32] <KEAL> how do i get it to progress beyond trae
[00:32] <KEAL> how do i get it to progress beyond trace
[00:32] <KEAL> there is a nonfunctional prompt
[00:32] <KEAL> just a blinking curso
[00:32] <KEAL> just a blinking cursor
[00:32] <KEAL> that doesn't respond
[00:32] <zoredache> you probably have read what it is telling you, and search for that error message on google or something
[00:32] <KEAL> there is no error
[00:33] <KEAL> took me 15 minutes just to get it to stop saying kernel panic
[00:33] <KEAL> :(
[00:34] <zoredache> try booting off the cd again. Try running something like the memory diagnostic...
[00:34] <KEAL> brb moving that computer into here -.-
[00:52] <KEAL> ok got computer in here
[00:52] <KEAL> once it is working i can use the mirc i have installed on xubuntu
[00:56] <KEAL> ok i have no f'ing clue what the f my computer is doing
[00:57] <KEAL> use the 'up' and 'down' keys to select which entry is highlighted.
[00:57] <KEAL> press enter to boot the selected OS, 'e' to edit the
[00:57] <KEAL> commands before booting, or 'c' for a command-line
[00:57] <KEAL> -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
[00:58] <KEAL> that is what is on the screen along wih an extended ascii gui
[00:58] <KEAL> the list is empty
[00:58] <KEAL> it's highlighting a blank line with and arrow pointing right on the right end
[00:59] <KEAL> what the heck do i do now?
[00:59] <KEAL> it has never done this before
[00:59] <zoredache> have you tried booting off the cd yet?
[00:59] <KEAL> how do i know which cd? my friend never labeled them
[01:00] <KEAL> and i am out of blank cd's
[01:00] <Shaba1> I thin that did is zoredache I am rebooting right now to be suer
[01:00] <Shaba1> sure
[01:00] <KEAL> should i just pop in a cd and see what happens until i find the right one?
[01:00] <KEAL> the hdd is formatted with xubuntu etc
[01:01] <KEAL> it shouldn't pop this up
[01:01] <zoredache> KEAL: trying cds shouldn't hurt anything
[01:01] <KEAL> it should go to xubuntu after it boots
[01:02] <KEAL> it's not even listening to my keyboard now -.-
[01:02] <hads> Sounds broken
[01:02] <KEAL> kernel panic
[01:03] <KEAL> [ 15.488622] Kernel Panic - not syncing: Attempted to kill the idle Task!
[01:03] <KEAL> then it froze
[01:04] <Shaba1> thank zoredache
[01:04] <Shaba1> I will be back
[01:04] <KEAL> [ 15.488622] Kernel Panic - not syncing: Attempted to kill the idle task!
[01:04] <zoredache> KEAL: and that is when you tried booting from a cd?
[01:04] <KEAL> that rather
[01:04] <KEAL> i have no idea what the hell it is trying to do
[01:04] <KEAL> the bios doesn't even have functional flash
[01:05] <zoredache> KEAL: if you don't know what is doing, then turn it off, and put the cd in and try to boot from it...
[01:05] <zoredache> if your flash is really, truly fried though you may have to accept that there is nothing you can do
[01:05] <KEAL> Starting up...
[01:05] <KEAL> Loading, please wait...
[01:06] <KEAL> /init: .: 24: Can't open /conf/arch.conf
[01:06] <KEAL> [ 16.173465] Kernel Panic - not syncing: Attempted to kill init!
[01:07] <KEAL> then it froze again
[01:07] <aro> g
[01:07] <KEAL> btw the pins on the pentium 4 are really short
[01:07] <KEAL> SOCKET 476 i think or 478
[01:08] <KEAL> i think it is an act of God that the machine runs at all
[01:10] <KEAL> ok it booted off cdrom
[01:10] <KEAL> i attempted to test cd for defects and it did kernel panic again -.-
[01:12] <KEAL> keeps saying kernel panic -.-
[01:12] <hads> Your hardware is broken
[01:12] <zoredache> I would guess that is is about 95% likely you have a hardware failure of some sort. Possibly having to do with your trashed flash, or maybe something to do with the ide controller
[01:12] <KEAL> either that or rebooting on it's own
[01:12] <KEAL> :(
[01:13] <KEAL> f this
[01:13] * KEAL goes to the garage to start anew on a new machine i have laying around
[01:15] <KEAL> ok God is seriously f'ing with my head today
[01:16] <KEAL> i was just in the garage and the wrong case was on the other computer
[01:16] <KEAL> i go out again and the right one is on it
[01:16] <zoredache> !language | KEAL
[01:16] <ubottu> KEAL: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.
[01:19] <xaer0> hallo
[01:21] <zoredache> xaer0: hello
[01:24] <xaer0> ive been using *buntu for about 3 years.. after playing around with openSUSE, Ubuntu, Fedora, GoblinX, Puppy Linux, and Slackware... Xubuntu beat all of em for me :L)
[01:24] <zoredache> great :)
[01:25] <xaer0> ive been thinking of getting more involved into the Xubuntu Community.. since my first dealings with a P2 350Mhz, a P3 800Mhz.. xubuntu work great
[01:26] <xaer0> hell even on this 1.8Ghz Semperon 3000+, 1GB 800Mhz RAM.. Xubuntu rules
[01:26] <xaer0> (overclocked my processor from 1.6 to 1.86Ghz)
[01:28] <xaer0> i want to make some artwork for icons and wallpaper... but most my experance is a Paint Shop Pro 9
[01:29] <xaer0> this new project lead for Xubuntu... oh man reading his Strategy Document. Smart Man !!
[01:30] <TheSheep> he does good work :)
[01:30] <xaer0> i see his launchpad is very active o_O more than me... i just help out in Fluxbuntu with Questions
[01:31] <xaer0> i dont have enof time to learn programming.. i love video/audio editing and making images
[01:32] <TheSheep> xaer0: have you tried medibuntu?
[01:32] <xaer0> i liked Ubuntu Studio more
[01:33] <xaer0> i just used WINE for my Fruitty Loops Studio
[01:33] <xaer0> and XVidcap for screen capture
[01:34] <xaer0> my girlfriend and i are trying to get some Video Game reviews up
[01:37] <TheSheep> cool
[01:37] <TheSheep> btw, you know gamelibrewiki.org?
[01:40] <xaer0> nope
[01:41] <xaer0> i an old school gamer... any thing from n64 and before
[01:41] <xaer0> i mostly run Emulators in WINE.. i still have WinXP install for MAME32++ and other emulators that arent ported to Linux like Magic PC Engine
[01:43] <TheSheep> xaer0: emulators in wine? there are native ones for most platforms...
[01:43] <xaer0> not the most supported or well made
[01:43] <TheSheep> xaer0: which platforms do you miss?
[01:43] <xaer0> N64, MAME, and TG-16... all have to have a GUI
[01:44] <xaer0> i dont like gaming with Command Line :(
[01:44] <TheSheep> no idea what tg-16 is, there are several graphical mame frontends and there is mupen64 for n64, no idea how good it is though
[01:45] <xaer0> the Turbo-Grafx 16 .. the first ever 16 bit system ever created. released in 1989 in the US and 1986 in Japan
[01:45] <xaer0> oh check this http://www.lockergnome.com/it/2008/07/07/ubuntu-at-best-buy/
[01:46] <xaer0> best buy now carried Ubuntu :)
[01:46] <xaer0> *carries
[01:48] <xaer0> well off to watch Hells Kitchen.. laters.. maybe ill get around to making images and logos for Xubuntu soon :L)
=== xaer0 is now known as xaer0_BBL
[01:59] <KEAL> test
[01:59] <KEAL> nearly electrocuted myself just now
[01:59] <KEAL> spilled a soda on a mess of cables
[02:35] <madchaz> hey all. having a prob with an old laptop. Installed xubuntu on it and now it stays stuck at loading manual drivers when I boot
[02:35] <madchaz> specs: P2 266Mhz. 192Mgs of ram. Builtin graphic (intel, I think)
[02:36] <madchaz> used to run gentoo on it, but got tired of updates taking 4 days to compile ;-)
[02:37] <madchaz> anyone as an idea?
[02:38] <mgroman> !ask
[02:38] <ubottu> Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-)
[02:38] <mgroman> all: ^
[02:39] <madchaz> well, I am trying to get my laptop to boot past 'loading manual drivers'. How do I do that? (how is that?)
[02:46] <madchaz> nice chanel. shitload of people, not one helpfull one
[03:19] <lc2> nice nick dos4gw
[03:22] <dos4gw> thanks!
[03:22] <lc2> :D
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[03:32] * lc2 drops pin
[04:50] <Yud_Zroc> how do u make an sd card bootable
[04:53] <Chaz> Hello, I was wondering If there is anything wrong with this setup? I was given a Windows Box via remote desktop to make a CoD server for our clan. I really prefer the Linux environment so I installed a Virtual Installation of Xubuntu and plan on running the CoD server from there. Is there anything wrong with this?
[04:56] <lc2> no
[04:56] <lc2> not that i see
[04:57] <lc2> though that depends on how well your virtualisation software plays with remote desktop
[04:57] <lc2> your = the
[04:59] <Chaz> if they ask me why I did this, am I right in saying that linux is a more reliable server, especially when this windows server has to be running in gui?
[04:59] <Chaz> and more efficient*
[04:59] <Chaz> lc2: am i right?
[04:59] <lc2> well
[04:59] <Chaz> uh oh :P
[05:00] <lc2> it's only going to be as reliable as the windows box and the virtualisation software
[05:00] <Chaz> huh
[05:00] <Chaz> whoopss.....g2g
[05:00] <Chaz> thx for your input lc2
[05:00] <lc2> kay
=== Jack_Of_Clubs_ is now known as Jilobyte
[05:55] <piju> hello
[05:55] <piju> i got problem here
[05:55] <piju> my browsing become slow
[05:55] <piju> http://pastebin.ca/1066334
[05:55] <piju> this is my firewall script
[07:10] <KEAL> piju ?
[07:20] <piju> ?
[07:23] <zoredache> debugging iptables rules is kinda off-topic here. I would suggest checking #iptables, or maybe #ubuntu-server...
[07:23] <zoredache> as a general reccomendation, why not do a tcpdump, or fire up etheral and see if you can see what is going on
[07:25] <zoredache> if enabling the firewall makes something slow it usually means you are blocking something. In tcpdump you'll often see something trying to retransmit the same packet several times
[07:26] <zoredache> another option would be to simple start clean and just add in one rule at a time, and test after each change
[07:27] <zoredache> btw, is that firewall something you wrote yourself from scratch, or did you use something to generate it?
[07:28] <hads> Do yourself a favour and use something to generate it if you aren't already.
[08:32] <Cuhar2_> hello
[08:32] <Cuhar2_> anyone is having problems with localization? I have xubuntu with the packages for spanish, but firefox is in english...
[08:33] <Cuhar2_> also the menus when exiting are not translated...
[09:04] <microwaver> anyone have any experience setting up a xubuntu startupsound?
[09:22] <TheSheep_> microwaver: in the login window settings
[09:30] <microwaver> TheSheep_, Hello sheepy, where can I find it in the GUI
[09:30] <microwaver> (native gnome user here :| :p)
[09:31] <SlidinZ> ? :p
[09:31] <TheSheep_> microwaver: in setting submenu
[09:31] <TheSheep_> it's the same gui as in gnome
[09:31] <TheSheep_> or you can start it from terminal with sudo gdmsetup
[09:35] <microwaver> the terminal thing works, I can't seem to find it in the xcfe desktop gui (don't have the gnome one anymore)
[09:36] <TheSheep_> microwaver: settings->login window
[10:17] <microwaver> TheSheep_, Thank you
[10:36] <microwaver> TheSheep_, can't seem to find a sound option in gdmsetup
[10:36] <microwaver> nvm
[11:23] <microwaver> TheSheep_, Do you know what those 'buttons' on the left hand side of applications are ? with th O in it?
[11:25] <TheSheep_> microwaver: "stick", they make the window visible on all workspaces
[11:25] <microwaver> TheSheep_, handy, love xubuntu so far, just one downside :P
[11:25] <TheSheep_> microwaver: you can customize which buttojns are visible and where in the window manager settings
[11:26] <microwaver> TheSheep_, no multiple dorpping / dragging on desktop
[11:27] <TheSheep_> microwaver: yeah, I don't keep anything on the desktop, it's cleaner
[11:28] <microwaver> TheSheep_, Mostly I download from FF straight to Desktop
[11:28] <microwaver> and somethimes when I unrar/zip things it gets clutterd
[11:31] * cody-somerville nods.
[11:32] <TheSheep_> microwaver: you can open the Desktop directory in your home dir
[11:33] <microwaver> any news on 'fixes' on that ? or reasons why it won't work in xfce and it does in gnome
[11:33] <microwaver> I know sheep. but my lazyness makes me do more work than I wouldn't be doing when i'm not lazy :
[11:40] <TheSheep_> microwaver: it will be fixed in next version of thunar
[11:43] <pronto> hello :)
[11:43] <microwaver> thunar is the nautilus of xcfe right ? :p
[11:43] <pronto> http://pronto185.com/linux/screens/windowshots/07_09_08_06:33:30window.png odd, error :o
[11:45] <JannoTT> Is there a way to add keyboard shortcut to System monitor?
[11:47] <microwaver> JannoTT,
[11:47] <microwaver> Applications > Settings > Settings Manager > Shortcuts
[11:49] <JannoTT> Dont have that "shortcuts" button on settings manager. :/
[11:50] <microwaver> no
[11:50] <microwaver> Applications > Settings > Settings Manager > Keyboard > Shortcuts
[11:50] <microwaver> sorry :)
[11:51] <daurn> hey
[11:51] <JannoTT> now i got it. Thanks
[11:51] <daurn> Disk Managment in my panel menu isn't runnign as root
[11:51] <daurn> how do I fix it?
[11:54] <JannoTT> Nice! Ctrl and numlock del button now makes system monitor pop-up.
[11:55] <microwaver> daurn, not sure what you're plannign to do
[11:56] <daurn> microwaver: when I goto Applications -> System -> Disk Management, it says I do not have permissions, and to run as root
[11:56] <daurn> I would think I need to edit the command to add gksu infront of the command being called?
[11:56] <daurn> but I don't know how to edit the menu
[11:56] <daurn> when I goto edit menu, you can only change the master menu, which actually includes the main section from another file
[11:59] <microwaver> daurn, you added Disk Management yourself ? did ya?
[11:59] <daurn> no?
[12:03] <microwaver> because when I go to Applications -> System > <there is no disk managemnt
[12:06] <daurn> hmmm
[12:06] <daurn> oh well
[12:06] <daurn> what do I use for managing partitions?
[12:08] <microwaver> you want to resize them and stuff?
[12:09] <daurn> yeah
[12:09] <microwaver> i've always used gParted
[14:05] <Shaba2> anyone at the keys here
[14:06] <kripz> What is the equivalent of Media Player Classic + FFDSHOW for Xubuntu??
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[14:20] <TheSheep_> kikr_: totem + ffmpeg
[14:25] <Shaba2> does anyone know how I can control the apci properties of my laptop
[14:25] <Shaba2> like how long it takes before it goes into standby mode,monitor off mode e.t.c
[14:26] <TheSheep_> Shaba2: you can install gnome-power-manager...
[14:32] <Shaba2> TheSheep_: apt-get install gnome-power-manager?
[14:32] <Shaba2> I assume
[14:32] <Shaba2> ?
[14:33] <TheSheep_> yeah, with sudo
[14:33] <Shaba2> thanks
[14:33] <Shaba2> ok second question
[14:34] <TheSheep_> shoot
[14:34] <Shaba2> Someone told me how to get vino to start up automagically at boot on this laptop I am typing on now
[14:36] <Shaba2> I just set up ubuntu on my moms laptop becasue I coudl not get her windows xp recovery disk to install without the laptop shutting down
[14:36] <Shaba2> BUT Now I do not remember the instuctions he gave me.
[14:37] <Shaba2> I have the script that he made in a dpaste
[14:37] <Shaba2> but do not know where I put it or how I start it up :(
[14:38] <Shaba2> any ideas
[14:38] <TheSheep_> can you show the script?
[14:38] <Shaba2> hold on
[14:39] <Shaba2> http://paste.ubuntu.com/23652/
[14:40] <TheSheep_> Shaba2: I can tell you how to start it n login, but not on boot
[14:41] <Shaba2> this is very important. Since its on my moms laptop. And trust me she will be calling me all hours of day or night asking questions. So I would rather just remote into her laptop and solve them
[14:41] <Shaba2> Well for her its the same thing since I have autologin set up
[14:45] <Shaba2> TheSheep_: ??
[14:46] <TheSheep_> Shaba2: just put it in ~/.config/autostart
[14:46] <TheSheep_> in a .desktop file
[14:47] <Shaba2> Ok hold on
[14:47] <TheSheep_> alternatively you could also just add it with settings->autostarted applications
[14:47] <Shaba2> I am on the xubuntu side of my laptop
[14:47] <Shaba2> I have vino set up that way on this machine.
[14:47] <Shaba2> but like I said I forgot how I did it.
[14:48] <Shaba2> let me check ~/.config/autostart
[14:50] <Shaba2> TheSheep_: No ts not in there
[14:50] <Shaba2> ah .desktop sounds familiar
[14:50] <Shaba2> where would I normally find those?
[14:55] <TheSheep_> Shaba2: all over the place, these are launcher files
[14:55] <TheSheep_> Shaba2: type 'locate .desktop' to get a list
[14:57] <Shaba2> Sorry to be so dense.But working and 11pm-7:30 am shift does not make ones mind the sharpest in the morning.
[14:57] <TheSheep_> Shaba2: I also don't know a solution
[14:57] <TheSheep_> Shaba2: I'm trying to guess...
[14:57] <TheSheep_> Shaba2: if you remember the name of the file you used, you can 'locate' it too
[15:00] <Shaba2> thanks TheSheep_ i will just leave a memo for cyphase.
[15:00] <Shaba2> He was the one that told me how to do it.
[15:03] <Shaba2> found it TheSheep_
[15:03] <Shaba2> you gave me enough hints to find where it was
[15:06] <Shaba2> Ok third question TheSheep_
[15:06] <Shaba2> if you are still here.
[15:06] <Shaba2> I have a wifi print sever that she(mom) brought
[15:06] <Shaba2> I have got it working in windows
[15:06] <Shaba2> how would I get it to print from xubuntu
[15:06] <Shaba2> and yes I know that is a very generic question
[15:18] <TheSheep_> Shaba2: there is some documentation on it on the desktop guide
[15:18] <TheSheep_> Shaba2: I'm not really familiar with printers either
[15:18] <Shaba2> desktop guide?
[15:19] <TheSheep_> https://help.ubuntu.com/xubuntu/desktopguide/C/index.html
[15:19] <TheSheep_> it's a little incoplete/outdated, but some info is in there
[15:20] <TheSheep_> !print
[15:20] <ubottu> Printing in Ubuntu is done with cups. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Printers - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsPrinters - http://linuxprinting.org - Printer sharing: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NetworkPrintingFromWindows
[15:38] <Shaba2> TheSheep_: I found this http://forums.linksys.com/linksys/board/message?board.id=Wireless_Print_Servers&thread.id=1021&view=by_date_ascending&page=1
[16:19] <CTZen> hello! I'm lookin for help
[16:20] <Myrtti> okies
[16:20] <Myrtti> I'm looking for eternal happiness but I guess I'll have to wait for that
[16:21] <CTZen> yeah maybe next release
[16:21] <Myrtti> I hope you don't have to wait that long
[16:34] <Myrtti> CTZen: let me get my crystal ball
[16:35] <CTZen> yep.. ok
[16:35] <CTZen> I got a second harddrive
[16:36] <CTZen> fat32 format mounted at /media/diskf32
[16:37] <CTZen> on xubuntu desktop there is a icon "filsystem"
[16:37] <CTZen> for the 1st harddrive
[16:37] <CTZen> how to add another icon for the second hardrive ??
[16:38] <CTZen> ok hit that ball --> Myrtti
[16:40] <Myrtti> well now. I think I've seen someplace a way to tweak that
[16:42] <Myrtti> hm, was wrong
[16:42] <Myrtti> anyway...
[16:42] <Myrtti> do a simple symbolic link to it?
[16:43] <Myrtti> ln -s /media/diskf32 $HOME/Desktop/diskf32
[16:45] <CTZen> ok
[16:45] <CTZen> is it the same as "Create launcher" ?
[16:45] <Myrtti> not exactly
[16:46] <Myrtti> symbolic link creates a link that you can use straight up
[16:46] <Myrtti> ie. save stuff to Desktop/diskf32/folder/foo/bar
[16:46] <Myrtti> it Just Works
[16:47] <Myrtti> for every and all of the apps
[16:48] <CTZen> ok... I did...
[16:48] <CTZen> hey7 cannot change the icon
[16:49] <CTZen> mmm... it does not shows on thunar either
[16:49] <CTZen> on the left panel
[16:49] <CTZen> I can see my home folder, trash, desktop, filesystem. floppy
=== kikr_ is now known as kikr
[19:13] <menovamike> Hi!
[19:15] <menovamike> I have a problem with autostarting apps in xubuntu: I put them in the autostart list, and nothing happens. I was just trying to get the autostarted apps function to run a script by giving it "sh /path/script.sh" as the command. Any ideas?
[19:24] <th0r> menovamike, first, make sure the script is executable, second try it without the sh. If I remember right I am running one or two that are called without the sh
[19:25] <menovamike> Great, I'll try it.
[21:58] <Shaba2> does anyone know how to connect to a networked print server.
[21:58] <Shaba2> I can connect to the admin page thru firefox using the url