UbuntuIRC / 2008 /07 /09 /#ubuntu-testing.txt
Initial commit
[03:31] <saivann> brainstorm.ubuntu.com gives many failure message
[03:32] <saivann> The proxy server received an invalid response from an upstream server.
[03:32] <saivann> While trying to retrieve the URL: http://brainstorm.ubuntu.com/idea/5029/
[03:32] <saivann> The following error was encountered:
[03:32] <saivann> * Connection to kumquat.canonical.com Failed
[03:32] <saivann> The system returned:
[03:32] <saivann> (110) Connection timed out
[03:32] <saivann> The remote host or network may be down. Please try the request again.
[08:49] <BUGabundo> hi guys
[08:49] <BUGabundo> I'm getting: E: /var/cache/apt/archives/xserver-xorg_1%3a7.4~0ubuntu1_amd64.deb: subprocess new pre-removal script returned error exit status 1
[09:07] <davmor2> BUGabundo: try running dpkg --confiugre -a
[09:10] <BUGabundo> thanks davmor2
[09:11] <BUGabundo> I already got it fix
[09:11] <davmor2> ah right :)
[09:11] <BUGabundo> there was a prob with a folder on /var/cache
=== ara_ is now known as ara
[12:30] <davmor2> Yay live iso at last :)
[12:30] <stgraber> do they boot ?
[12:33] <davmor2> stgraber: no idea I just ran the update script and it started to download daily-live for the first time :)
[15:00] <davmor2> stgraber: slightly over size by about 100 meg
[15:00] <davmor2> trying vm
[15:11] <davmor2> stgraber: no it doesn't boot
[15:12] <stgraber> :(
[15:16] <davmor2> drops into initramfs
[15:17] <stgraber> good, at least kernel loads :)
[15:19] <davmor2> well who know might gett live cd's before the next alpha :)
[16:18] <melat0nin> are all 8.04 isos now 8.04.1?
[16:22] <stgraber> that should be the case yes
[16:22] <melat0nin> kewl.. am building a new box for my mum :D
[17:24] <stgraber> I have a lug meeting tonight so I probably won't attend the meeting or will only attend a short part of it
[17:24] <stgraber> sorry
[17:25] <sn9_> i'd like to inquire into the status of an SRU: LP #246834
[17:25] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 246834 in xkeyboard-config "No support for for Mac-like keyboard layouts with extra characters" [Undecided,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/246834
[17:26] <sn9_> hmm, when did ubotu become ubottu?
[17:27] <LaserJock> stgraber: :(
[17:59] <sn9_> am i asking in the wrong place?
[18:00] <davmor2> I got to sod off at 18:30 too :(
[18:03] <davmor2> ara: ping meeting
[19:47] <nand> heno: sorry, missed the meeting. Indeed it's maybe time to set up #ubuntu-brainstorm. Who is responsible of setting up channels? Or we can use it without setup, maybe
[19:48] <heno> nand: you can just create one
[19:48] <LaserJock> nand: you want https://wiki.edubuntu.org/IrcTeam/CreatingChannels
[19:48] <nand> heno, LaserJock: ok, thanks
[19:48] <LaserJock> but make sure to do the "Open the channel for public access, using " part down at the end
[19:48] <LaserJock> that tripped me up
[19:49] <sbeattie> Okay, iso tracker is updated with interpid alpha 2 information
[19:49] <LaserJock> btw, #ubuntu-quality should be all set up and ready to go so have at it :-)
[19:49] <sbeattie> I marked Hardy .1 as hidden rather than released, in a monkey-see-monkey-do action.
[20:10] <afflux> the md5sum of the intrepid alternate amd64 does not seem to be correct
[20:10] <afflux> (the one shown at http://iso.qa.ubuntu.com/qatracker/info/1747)
[20:11] <afflux> it looks like it's the one for the i386 image
[20:13] <sbeattie> afflux: you sure you don't want http://iso.qa.ubuntu.com/qatracker/info/1746
[20:14] <sbeattie> 1747 looks to be linked from the i386 item, how'd you get there?
[20:14] <afflux> I thought so. doh. sorry.
[20:14] <afflux> I must've clicked on the i386 testing link for some reason...
[20:15] <sbeattie> No problem, I barely know what I'm doing in setting up the iso tracker, so it's quite likely I messed something up.
[20:15] <afflux> hehe
[20:21] <davmor2> sbeattie: shame on you ;)
[20:22] <sbeattie> davmor2: uh, I induce shame upon myself in many ways, you're going to have to be more specific. :-)
[20:22] <davmor2> :D LOL
[20:23] <davmor2> so what are people testing?
[20:25] <afflux> is it just me? ubuntu-alternate-i386 does not seem to work with virtualbox at all, some kernel oops or so. (can't read the full thing)
[20:25] <davmor2> afflux: is it dropping into initramfs
[20:26] <afflux> nope - last line is: kernel panic - not syncing: attempted to kill the idle task!
[20:26] <davmor2> hang on
[20:26] <afflux> three lines above says "code: bad EIP value."
[20:28] <davmor2> seem's fine in kvm
[20:29] <sbeattie> Hrm. I'd heard something about kvm problems booting intrepid
[20:29] <davmor2> sbeattie: no it's just slow at drawing the gfx
[20:29] <sbeattie> https://launchpad.net/bugs/243677
[20:30] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 243677 in kvm "intrepid kernel 2.6.26-2-generic (amd64) won't boot as kvm guest" [High,In progress]
[20:31] <davmor2> sbeattie: seems to be working here
[20:45] <afflux> found the LP bug. How exactly should I link it with the iso.qa tracker? With every i386 testing target or only once?
[20:45] <afflux> bug 246067
[20:45] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 246067 in linux "Kernel panic during boot after upgrading to kernel" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/246067
[20:46] <davmor2> afflux: whatever test you are trying add the bug number in the box where it says bugs
[20:47] <afflux> it will fail for all tests in virtualbox with this image (and maybe others)
[21:03] <davmor2> no kvm installer worked and it droped into initramfs after
[21:15] <bdmurray> My mouse is behaving badly in vmware with kubuntu
[21:17] <davmor2> burning to cd
[21:21] <bdmurray> everything I click brings up a widgets menu
[21:24] <davmor2> Riddell: ping
[21:26] <davmor2> bdmurray: Riddell will be the one to hit with a big hammer for that one ;)
[21:26] <bdmurray> am I not alone?
[21:26] <davmor2> I'm not running vmware
=== asac_ is now known as asac
[22:39] <mrooney> hello everyone!
[22:41] <mrooney> I hear I should come here for various reasons, 1) I would like to register an avant-window-navigator section in brainstorm and 2) I was wondering if ubuntu hosts qa/development related blogs anywhere
[22:44] <james_w> hey mrooney
[22:44] <mrooney> hi james_w!
[22:44] <james_w> I think there was a #ubuntu-brainstorm channel created today
[22:44] <mrooney> oh neat
[22:45] <mrooney> I got the impression from reading brainstorm that this is a brainstorm/qa type channel but it doesn't overly sound like it from the topic
[22:45] <james_w> for the second question, there is an ubuntu-qa blog, what were you thinking of?
[22:45] <james_w> it was, but it wasn't entirely appropriate as you noted.
[22:45] <mrooney> well I just wanted to start my own blog about triaging, what's coming in new releases, things to look forward to in new packages, etc. and I wasn't sure if ubuntu offered any services for ubuntu related blogs
[22:46] <mrooney> there are the planets but it appears they might all just be hosted elsewhere
[22:46] <james_w> yeah, I think ubuntu only has planets
[22:47] <james_w> There's always wordpress.com and the like
[22:47] <sbeattie> mrooney: actually, there's a qa blog at blog.qa.ubuntu.com that gets fed into planet ubuntu.
[22:48] <sbeattie> It's admin'ed by the people doing brainstorm, so you may wish to ask for access over in #ubuntu-brainstorm
[22:58] <stgraber> In your case, best is to setup your own blog and add it to Planet (you need to be an Ubuntu member to do so)
[22:59] <stgraber> the QA blog is mainly use for announcements and call for testing regarding the whole Ubuntu project. I don't think it's appropriate to use it for a single package.
[23:14] <mrooney> stgraber: that makes sense, though the two issues were unrelated