UbuntuIRC / 2008 /07 /09 /#ubuntu-mythtv.txt
Initial commit
[00:20] <some1> hello, when i try to watch live tv nothing happens, even though my hauppauge pvr-150 seems to be detected & configured in the backend setup as a mpeg2 card
[00:23] <tgm4883_laptop> some1, please pastebin your /var/log/mythtv/mythbackend.log file
[00:23] <tgm4883_laptop> !pastebin | some1
[00:23] <Zinn> some1: Please use paste.ubuntu.com for all configs or multiple line output, pastebin is preferred for large amounts of output as it cuts down on spamming multiple lines.
[00:24] <hads> What package is it that creates the structure under /var/lib/tftpboot/ltsp - mine is empty.
[00:25] <some1> tgm4883_laptop: ok http://pastebin.com/f488f181e
[00:26] <tgm4883_laptop> 2008-07-08 19:14:03.459 TVRec(1) Error: Problem finding starting channel, setting to default of '3'.
[00:26] <tgm4883_laptop> seems to be important
[00:27] <tgm4883_laptop> did you go though all the steps of mythtv-setup?
[00:27] <tgm4883_laptop> #
[00:27] <tgm4883_laptop> 2008-07-08 19:14:03.461 ChannelBase(1) Error: InitializeInputs():
[00:27] <tgm4883_laptop> #
[00:27] <tgm4883_laptop> Could not get inputs for the capturecard.
[00:27] <tgm4883_laptop> #
[00:27] <tgm4883_laptop> Perhaps you have forgotten to bind video
[00:27] <tgm4883_laptop> #
[00:27] <tgm4883_laptop> sources to your card's inputs?
[00:28] <tgm4883_laptop> actually, going back further in your log
[00:28] <tgm4883_laptop> you can't login to your db
[00:29] <Frans-Willem> Was just about to say that
[00:29] <tgm4883_laptop> some1, is this a frontend/backend on the same system?
[00:29] <tgm4883_laptop> Frans-Willem, yea I tend to jump to the end of logs and work backwords
[00:29] <some1> yep it is, saw that earlier in the log, but it seems that it connected to the db eventually
[00:30] <some1> hmm maybe not all the setup steps got completed properly
[00:31] <tgm4883_laptop> some1, start mythbuntu-control-centre and do the connection test
[00:32] <some1> it wont allow that, all the stuff below Launch MythTV Setup is greyed out
[00:33] <tgm4883_laptop> sec
[00:34] <some1> yay, well at least live tv is working, i guess the input settings had not been configured
[00:34] <some1> its only getting the first 20 of my 100 cable tv channels though
[00:35] <tgm4883_laptop> some1, sounds like you on us-bcast instead of us-cable
[00:35] <tgm4883_laptop> in mythtv-setup
[00:35] <some1> hmm ok, let me try and find that setting
[00:36] <some1> where is that an option?
[00:37] <some1> ah ok found it
[00:37] <tgm4883_laptop> it's in mythtv-setup. You can set the system default in (i believe step 1), you can also set it up per tuner (I believe when you set each tuner up step 2?)
[00:43] <some1> great, that worked! now if only the guide info would show up, it all says "unknown" for each station
[00:44] <tgm4883_laptop> for every station, or for just the new ones?
[00:47] <some1> all of them
[00:47] <Frans-Willem> Hmmmz
[00:47] <Frans-Willem> Pick ext3 or XFS ?
[00:48] <some1> uh where is that? ext3 i'd assume
[00:48] <Frans-Willem> Err
[00:48] <Frans-Willem> That was more something aimed at the general public :p
[00:48] <Frans-Willem> I'm reinstalling my box, wondering whether to pick ext3 or xfs
[00:49] <tgm4883_laptop> Frans-Willem, for what partition?
[00:49] <some1> XFS is rather old, unless there is some reason to use it, pick ext3
[00:49] <tgm4883_laptop> some1, where do you get your channel data from?
[00:49] <tgm4883_laptop> some1, what you just said is incorrect
[00:49] <hads> I use JFS for data partitions myself. EXT3 for the rest
[00:50] <jasperbg> Frans-Willem: I've found XFS really good for MythTV
[00:50] <jasperbg> and i'm not sure why one would say it's old
[00:50] <tgm4883_laptop> ext3 for /, XFS for recordings partition (although as hads said, JFS should work too)
[00:50] <jasperbg> it's certainly mature
[00:50] <jasperbg> but is still actively developed
[00:50] <some1> North America (schedulesdirect.org) which is the only option besides EIT
[00:50] <Frans-Willem> ...
[00:50] <tgm4883_laptop> some1, did you run mythfilldatabase?
[00:50] <some1> yep
[00:51] <some1> it runs automatically when setup closes
[00:51] <Frans-Willem> Ok, so Ext3 for the main HDD, JFS or XFS for the recordings disks ?
[00:51] <tgm4883_laptop> Frans-Willem, yes
[00:51] <some1> what's the reason for that? ext3 is journaling just like JFS
[00:51] <tgm4883_laptop> some1, can you pastebin your backend log again
[00:51] <hads> XFS/JFS handle large files well.
[00:51] <some1> http://pastebin.com/f7ee64d19
[00:52] <hads> And a fsck doesn't take years on a large partition
[00:52] <Frans-Willem> (also reading this: http://www.extremetech.com/article2/0,2845,2055105,00.asp)
[00:53] <hads> Aha, ltsp-update-kernels does what I want.
[00:53] <Frans-Willem> k, apparently XFS has better write performance, that'll be it then
[00:53] <tgm4883_laptop> some1, are you say that your live tv works now?
[00:54] <some1> tgm4883_laptop: yep its just that the channel guide shows "unknown" for all channels
[00:56] <Frans-Willem> Ok, so now three disks: One set up as Ext3 (mounted as /) and swap, other two as XFS respectively mounted on /mnt/disk2 and /mnt/disk3
[00:57] <Frans-Willem> I opted to simply use /mnt/diskX instead of /var/lib/mythtv/recordings and /var/lib/mythtv/recordings2 because that would only confuse me and I don't want to pick one as a primary one
[00:57] <Frans-Willem> Instead I'll just remove the default storage group, and add new ones for /mnt/disk2 and /mnt/disk3
[00:57] <Frans-Willem> anyone feel like telling me that's wrong before I hit "Forward" ;)?
[00:57] <tgm4883_laptop> Frans-Willem, sounds good, can I make one suggestion?
[00:57] <Frans-Willem> Sure, shoot
[00:57] <tgm4883_laptop> are the two recording disks identical?
[00:58] <Frans-Willem> No
[00:58] <Frans-Willem> One is like 1GB bigger
[00:58] <Frans-Willem> and one is WD while the other is Maxtor
[00:58] <tgm4883_laptop> perfect
[00:58] <Frans-Willem> RAID ?
[00:58] <tgm4883_laptop> i suggest that instead of disk1 and disk2, you do maxtor and wd
[00:59] <tgm4883_laptop> or even better
[00:59] <tgm4883_laptop> maxtor###
[00:59] <Frans-Willem> I now named them after the SATA channel they are on ;)
[00:59] <tgm4883_laptop> where ### is the # of gigabytes
[00:59] <tgm4883_laptop> Frans-Willem, heh, that works too
[00:59] <tgm4883_laptop> as long as you know which one is which if you ever want to upgrade
[00:59] <Frans-Willem> And I intend to swap at least one of em out later (it's bloody unreliable, already showing some bad sectors)
[01:01] <some1> any ideas what could be wrong with my program guide? it totally blank
[01:03] <tgm4883_laptop> some1, try this. Go into mythtv-setup, remove the channel lineup(step 3), put it in again(step 3), reconnect it to the tuner (step 4) then run mythfilldatabase again
[01:08] <Frans-Willem> Btw, does anyone know of a way to mount Windows shares in a way that won't hang when the windows box is unavailable ?
[01:41] <hads> Bummer, seems my diskless client has issues with the LTSP image.
[01:55] <hads> Actually it's not the client, looks like there's something wrong with the image I created.
[01:58] <hads> The error I'm getting is "nbd: sysfs_create_file failed!<4>sysfs: duplicate filename 'pid' can not be created" part-way through the boot sequence. Anyone seen that before?
[02:04] <hads> Aha, found some better error messages without quiet splash.
[02:04] <hads> "mount: Mounting /dev/nbd0 on /rofs failed: No such device" at least google has some results for that.
[02:07] <some1> tgm4883_laptop: ok tried that, program guide is still all blank / unknown :(
[02:20] <thedarkone> hey al
[02:20] <thedarkone> all
[02:21] <thedarkone> anyone know why i get this when i start apache2
[02:21] <thedarkone> apache2ctl start
[02:21] <thedarkone> Syntax error on line 104 of /etc/apache2/sites-enabled/mythweb.conf:
[02:21] <thedarkone> Invalid command 'php_value', perhaps misspelled or defined by a module not included in the server configuration
[02:21] <some1> oh well thanks for all the help, ill get the program guide working eventually :D
[02:23] <jasperbg> thedarkone: the PHP apache module is not installed or not set up correctly
[02:24] <thedarkone> jasperbg what one do i need
[02:24] <jasperbg> thedarkone: i'm not sure i understand your question. #php or similar might be a better place to get help on setting up PHP in apache, regardless
[02:35] <bmathis> hello everyone
[02:36] <bmathis> how do you requeue a job to transcode after if failed and I fixed the problem that made it fail?
[02:49] <rhpot1992> from the job menu when you are viewing your recordings, or via mythweb
=== rhpot1992 is now known as rhpot1991
[03:02] <bmathis> rhpot1992: makes sense... thanks
[03:04] <rhpot1991> np
[03:14] <spiritssight> May I ask where should I go for geting a blank screen when trying to watch TV using Mythbuntu+
[03:16] <rhpot1991> check your logs?
[03:16] <rhpot1991> !logs | spiritssight
[03:16] <Zinn> spiritssight: MythTV logs are stored in /var/log/mythtv/
[03:33] <spiritssight> one sec
[03:33] <spiritssight> what am I looking for
[03:33] <spiritssight> I don't know any thing about this stuff
[03:38] <rhpot1991> things that indicate something is wrong
[03:39] <spiritssight> there is a few things tolds the bottom that look wrong but I don't uderstad how to go about fixing them, can you please help
[03:39] <spiritssight> http://pastebin.com/d700d1eb4
[03:41] <rhpot1991> spiritssight: do you have the 3rd party video drivers running correctly?
[03:44] <spiritssight> are you talking about the ATI
[03:44] <spiritssight> I think I have the xrandr once used
[03:44] <rhpot1991> whatever you may have
[03:45] <spiritssight> why should that be enabled or can I use the open onces
[03:46] <rhpot1991> depends on your card I think, I'm not really an ATI expert
[03:47] <spiritssight> ok I am asking someone in the ATI area brb
[03:50] <spiritssight> why is the issue related to the video drivers
[03:52] <rhpot1991> 2008-07-08 14:28:50.080 VideoOutputXv Error: Could not find suitable XVideo surface. 2008-07-08 14:28:50.080 VideoOutputXv: Falling back to X11 video output over a network socket.                               *** May be very slow ***
[04:01] <spiritssight> I am not having any luck finding out any information about this issue
[04:05] <rhpot1991> spiritssight: install the ATI proprietary drivers and it should fix that
[04:06] <spiritssight> really
[04:18] <hads> AHA! linux-ubuntu-modules wasn't installed in my base image so the initrd didn't have squashfs support.
[06:19] <hads> Hmm doesn't look like there's a mapping for Back in the default mythbuntu mceusb2 config
[06:20] <superm1> yeah use stop instead
[06:23] <hads> I've just replaced it with my config. Just been playing with the LTSP diskless stuff converting my old diskless frontend.
[06:25] <hads> Took me a few hours to figure out my broken root image. Seems to be working now except for not being able to cleanly shutdown.
[06:25] <superm1> what'd you break?
[06:26] <hads> No idea what I did. The chroot didn't have linux-ubuntu-modules installed so squashfs wasn't available so it couldn't boot.
[06:26] <superm1> wooh yuck
[06:26] <superm1> did you get a log?
[06:27] <hads> Not that I'm aware of. I used m-c-c to do the initial chroot build step but then I didn't like that because I didn't know what it was doing :) So I did the ltsp-update-image by hand so I could see the output.
[06:28] <superm1> ah
[06:28] <hads> Does m-c-c keep logs? If so they may be still there.
[06:28] <superm1> no, but that's probably a good idea
[06:28] <superm1> especially for stuff like this
[06:28] <hads> Not sure why it didn't install linux-ubuntu-modules
[06:29] <superm1> well thankfully thats an easy enough fix
[06:29] <hads> Yeah, once you figure out WTH is going on :)
[06:34] <hads> Overall I'm impressed with m-c-c etc. It all works very well.
[06:35] <hads> It's good that it uses standard stuff underneath and doesn't try to be too magic.
[06:37] <superm1> well its still a bit too monolithic for what my view of it should be
[06:37] <superm1> once it gets broken down a little better, it should be easier to add new stuff to
[06:40] <hads> That mceusb2 config definitly has some odd bits.
[06:42] <superm1> well if you've got some ideas, very open to them
[06:44] <hads> Sure. There's currently no Back or Record buttons defined. Which I find best at Esc and R respectively.
[06:45] <hads> RecTV is mapped to R currently which doens't seem quite right. Unfortunately keys need to be mapped in myth to make that row of buttons work well.
[06:48] <hads> I map the big green Home button to a MainMenu jumppoint as well but that requires config in myth too.
[06:49] <hads> Lastly the closest button to menu on the remote is DVD menu which I map to M
[06:51] <superm1> well wehn i was saying ideas, in the form of bus
[06:51] <superm1> bugs
[06:51] <superm1> because i wont remember them right now :)
[06:52] <hads> heh, fiar enough, I'll make a patch one day and submit it.
[07:34] <bmathis> i need a new remote for my front end and dont want to spend a lot of money. does anyone know if a mediagate remote which is supposedly MCE "certified" will work or not?
[07:34] <bmathis> heres a link: http://www.yesbuy.net/microsoft-windows-vista-remote-control-receiver-1-channel-ir.html
[07:34] <bmathis> or does anyone know where to get a fairly decent priced remote?
[07:35] <hads> The Microsoft MCE remotes are good and cheap.
[07:35] <bmathis> cheapest I found was about $40, but im a cheap bastard
[07:35] <bmathis> the link above is a "certified" ms remote for $20 cheaper
[07:36] <hads> Depends where you are and what currency you're talking about I guess.
[07:36] <bmathis> im in the US
[07:37] <hads> No idea but we can get the OEM MS MCE remotes for NZ$45 so you should be able to get them for less than that.
[07:37] <bmathis> ive been lookin for awhile now.... but thanks!
[07:40] <bmathis> i changed my search to oem and found an open box generic from newegg: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16880100202R
[07:41] <bmathis> what do you think?
[07:43] <hads> *Looks* like an mceusb2
[07:43] <bmathis> yeah... but doesnt come with the ir blaster... movin on :(
[08:04] <tgm4883_laptop> yea it does
[11:27] <_M0SPN_> Hi all
[11:28] <_M0SPN_> I have a quick question: Mythbuntu 8.04, the only record group 'out of the box' is Default, hence all my LiveTV 'recordings' are doing the default 'auto expire after 1 day but hang around until disk space requires deletion'
[11:29] <_M0SPN_> I've read that if a LiveTV group exists, LiveTV content is automagically put in this group, with the added benefit of being deleted on expiry
[11:31] <_M0SPN_> So, do I just need to add this record group? Is there a database setting for 'delete LiveTV on expiry' or is it really all automatic?
[11:31] <_35mmslr_> Hi all, got a problem. when on playback of recorded shows it will skip back in the recording randomly between 1min and 60 mins. It does not happen all the time and I can find no pattern. Been googling for hours and I cant find any other ppl with this problem. I am running a mythbuntu 8.04 box.
[11:33] <_M0SPN_> _35mmslr_ I've noticed the odd skip back of 3 or 5 seconds - nothing like a minute or an hour though
[11:33] <_35mmslr_> _M0SPN_, I cant work it out. It drove the wife nuts last night watching a film
[11:34] <_M0SPN_> It's not the ad-skipping going mental is it?
[11:35] <_M0SPN_> There's a setting for autorewind after ads somewhere - probably isn't this but it's the only thing that comes to mind. I'm a n00b though - I'm sure others here will be able to offer some proper advice :)
[11:35] <_35mmslr_> not sure, I could try turning off the add skip. Thanks for the advice
[11:36] <_M0SPN_> I'd try playing a program using mplayer from the desktop - see if it skips then
[11:36] <_M0SPN_> _35mmslr_: I see you're in the UK?
[11:37] <_M0SPN_> I am too - had nothing but problems with ad-detection
[11:37] <_35mmslr_> _M0SPN_, yep. I neve liked ad protection
[11:37] <_M0SPN_> It occasionally detects ad breaks (but often not) but mroe annoyingly it often detects ad breaks where there aren't any. Who sections of shows just vanish :)
[11:37] <_35mmslr_> Always had problems on my old gbpvr box
[11:37] <_M0SPN_> who/whole
[11:38] <_35mmslr_> think I will disable it and see if that helps
[11:39] <_M0SPN_> _35mmslr_ Are you using mythbuntu?
[11:40] <_35mmslr_> yep. 8.04
[11:40] <_M0SPN_> Did you have a 'LiveTV' record group out of the box?
[11:40] <_35mmslr_> think so
[11:40] <_35mmslr_> I am in the backend no so will check
[11:41] <_M0SPN_> I only have 'default', therefor all recordings (and LiveTV viewings) expire after a day and hang around until disk space forces deletion
[11:41] <_M0SPN_> whereas the LiveTV group should expire after a day then force deletion
[11:41] <_35mmslr_> nope. i only have default aswell
[11:41] <_M0SPN_> how odd
[11:42] <_M0SPN_> Apparently if a LiveTV record group exists, Myth will automagically use this for LiveTV recordings, then delete on expiry - freeing disk space and also de-cluttering the recorded programs screen
[11:43] <_35mmslr_> makes sense
[11:43] <hads> Recordings will always get deleted when nessecary anyway.
[11:44] <_M0SPN_> hads: I realise they will to create space, but with my storage that's likely to be some time in the future
[11:44] <hads> Does it matter?
[11:44] <_M0SPN_> hads: Not to me, but my other half is annoyed by the cluttered 'recorded programs' display
[11:45] <_35mmslr_> lol. it is always the other half that causes the stress
[11:45] <_M0SPN_> we have loads of 3 minute 'livetv' recordings from her channel hopping :(
[11:45] <hads> Well sure, you could just create a small LiveTV group if you wanted.
[11:46] <hads> Or filter the live tv programs from the recorded programs page
[11:46] <_M0SPN_> hads: this is what's confusing me. Are you suggesting a LiveTV storage group with limited disk space, or a LiveTV record group with it's own expiry/deletion ruls?
[11:46] <_M0SPN_> ah yes a filter could work - I've not looked into that
[11:46] <hads> Either or.
[11:47] <_35mmslr_> Damn, I already have the advert skip turned off so it is not that causing the problems
[11:47] <_M0SPN_> But ... as I lack a LiveTV group, everything is currently in Default, therefor I couldn't filter. I'll create the group and have a play ...
[11:48] <hads> Sure you can filter.
[11:48] <hads> Press m in the watch recordings page
[11:49] <hads> You can also set it up in the settings too.
[11:49] <hads> We have ours set to show all the LiveTV stuff under a single LiveTV entry.
[11:50] <_M0SPN_> oh now this is confusing me ... MythWeb is showing some shows as belonging to the LiveTV group
[11:50] <_M0SPN_> But I can't see they LiveTV group listed anywhere else
[11:50] <_M0SPN_> Can I assume it's a valid group, but generally hidden?
[11:51] <_M0SPN_> ie, I can't schedule a normal recording and assign it to the LiveTV group?
[11:51] <_M0SPN_> _35mmslr_: Hopefully someone else will be along with other ideas then
[11:51] <_35mmslr_> thanks _M0SPN_
[11:52] <hads> It's separate to the storage groups functionality, things that are watched live will automatically be in the livetv recording group.
[11:53] <_M0SPN_> ok
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[14:15] <spiritssight> can someone please help me get my TV working in mythtv
[14:15] <spiritssight> I am using a ATI
[14:26] <jphillip> !ask | spiritssight
[14:26] <Zinn> spiritssight: Please don't ask if anyone is around or if it is alright to ask a question. Many people check back periodically and may answer your question when they see it. IRC is not normally an instant fix so check back often for an answer.
[14:28] <_35mmslr_> Zinn, do we just post the question straight in the channel or is there a bot monitoring the questions?
[14:29] <jphillip> _35mmslr_ ask your question and wait for a user to answer
[14:30] <jphillip> if someone knows they will answer, unfortunately IRC is not an instant fix so you might have to wait a while or ask again later
[14:30] <_35mmslr_> k,thanks. Thats what I did but just wanted to check
[14:30] <_35mmslr_> i'm in no rush. :)
[14:30] <jduggan> what you mean its not an instant fix??? i pay you good money for support!!
[14:31] <_35mmslr_> lol
[14:31] * _35mmslr_ thinks jduggan needs a refund
[15:54] <Haegin> hey, are there any recommendations on partitioning?
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[16:58] <_35mmslr_> update to my problem. When it does skip back it says on the screen Jump Back.
[17:00] <_35mmslr_> it just did it and jumped back 9 mins
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[17:09] <scant> I've never installed MythBuntu 8.04, but I would like to have /var/lib/myth be on a seperate partition, does anyone know if I do this during the install, or do I have to wait until the install is finished?
[17:10] <laga> you can do that during install
[17:11] <_35mmslr_> did a jump back again. 12 mins that tome
[17:11] <_35mmslr_> *time
[17:12] <scant> laga: I've been reading the pdf install manual and the forums, but I haven't been able to find information on how to have /var/lib/myth be on a seperate partition, I'm an inexperienced linux user, and not using LVM, I think you can either make soft or hard links to remap /var/lib/myth to another partition, or change the configuration so it looks at the mount point for the other partitio
[17:49] <Yoshwa> Mon disque dur était plein et depuis je ne peux plus lancer MythTV. Quelqu'un a une piste?
[17:58] <zabbadapp> scant: made a separate partition for /home, and then did a softlink from /var/lib/mythtv -> /home/my_user/media ...
[17:59] <zabbadapp> works great
[18:04] <tgm4883_laptop> heh
[18:05] <tgm4883_laptop> jduggan, for your refund, please pm me your SSN, your bank account number, your birthday, your mothers maiden name, the credit card number that you wish your refund to go back to, your dogs name, your neighbors kids favorite movie, and a twix bar
[18:06] <scant> zabbadapp: I haven't been through a MythBuntu install, at what point can I do that?
[18:08] <tgm4883_laptop> scant, just mount the other partition at /var/lib/myth
[18:13] <scant> tgm4883_laptop: I understand that's what I can do to have /var/lib/myth be on another partition, but at what point can I do that?
[18:14] <zabbadapp> scant: i did the softlink after the install was completed ... since nothing was stored there yet ... and even if there was, it's just a matter of moving the content over to the new location (pay attention to accessrights though)
[18:18] <scant> zabbadapp: after the install completed but before reboot? does MythBuntu reboot after the install is finished?
[18:21] <zabbadapp> scant: any time you want really ... i relocated it before i started recording or copying stuff into the original location .. but it's no big deal to do later either ... mythtv have no clue that it changed, it just follows the same old path which happens to point to a different partition
[18:23] <scant> zabbadapp: how do I get to a xterm window during the live cd install?
[18:24] <zabbadapp> scant: i did it once everything seemed to be running (after several reboots, and after playing around with the system a bit), so i never needed an xterm during install -- if that is why you wonder
[18:25] <Yoshwa> My Hard Drive was full and since I can no more launch MythTV. Has someone any hint?
[18:25] <laga> Yoshwa: did you free it again?
[18:25] <scant> zabbadapp: MythBuntu reboots after install?
[18:25] <Yoshwa> Yes I did.
[18:25] <zabbadapp> scant: yes .. and asks you to remove the cd
[18:26] <scant> zabbadapp: can I get to a xterm before the 1st reboot?
[18:26] <laga> Yoshwa: then try running
[18:26] <laga> perl /usr/share/doc/mythtv-backend/contrib/optimize_mythdb.pl
[18:28] <Yoshwa> Nothing happens with Frontend; controll center ask password, seems to launch, then nothing too; backend asks for confirmation of launch, then nothing if fill database.
[18:28] <zabbadapp> scant: i'm not sure, but i think so .. otherwise you can always jump to the console (alt + F1 or F2 ...then ctrl+alt + F7 to return to graphics)
[18:28] <scant> zabbadapp: cool, thanks
[18:29] <laga> Yoshwa: run:
[18:29] <laga> perl /usr/share/doc/mythtv-backend/contrib/optimize_mythdb.pl
[18:29] <Yoshwa> laga, with sudo?
[18:30] <zabbadapp> scant: sorry, i mixed the two togheter ... it's ctrl + alt + F1 ... Fx to switch to console, and alt + F7 to return to graphics
[18:30] <laga> Yoshwa: not needed usually
[18:31] <scant> zabbadapp: do you or anyone else know what's the earliest point during an 'Advanced Install' I can switch to console to remap /var/lib/myth?
[18:31] <laga> um
[18:31] <laga> cant you just do that in the partitioner?
[18:31] <Yoshwa> without_sudo: DBI connect('database=mythconverg:host=localhost;port=3306','mythtv',...) failed: Access denied for user 'mythtv'@'localhost' (using password: YES) at /usr/share/perl5/MythTV.pm line 337
[18:31] <Yoshwa> Cannot connect to database:
[18:31] <scant> laga: are you talking to me or someone else?
[18:32] <laga> scant: talking to you
[18:32] <Yoshwa> with sudo: No config found; attempting to find mythbackend via UPnP.
[18:32] <Yoshwa> No backends found. Please copy /root/.mythtv/config.xml from a working MythTV installation instead.
[18:32] <Yoshwa> Compilation failed in require at /usr/share/doc/mythtv-backend/contrib/optimize_mythdb.pl line 15.
[18:32] <Yoshwa> BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at /usr/share/doc/mythtv-backend/contrib/optimize_mythdb.pl line 15.
[18:33] <zabbadapp> scant: once again, you can do it at any later point ... infact, i think it would be the far easiest way ... as long as you do not record any show or copy some music etc into mythtv's folders, they will stay exactly the same forever
[18:33] <scant> laga: i don't know, I'm semi-new linux user, and I've been using myth/linux, but not MythBuntu and I've never done a MythBuntu install, but I would like to know what's the earliest point I can remap via softlink /var/lib/myth to another partition, I can't seem to find this information in the manual
[18:33] <Yoshwa> should I reinstall with Synaptic?
[18:34] <scant> zabbadapp: i would like to know the earliest point I can remap /var/lib/myth, not the latest point in time that I can remap /var/lib/myth
[18:34] <laga> scant: why would you do that with a softlink? just mount the partition?
[18:34] <scant> laga: that's what someone suggested, so that's what I'm asking about, if mounting is easier or better, than I can do that too
[18:34] <laga> Yoshwa: maybe you need to look at your mysql error logs in /var/log/daemon.log (IIRC)
[18:35] <zabbadapp> scant: ok, then i don't know :-) ... and laga's method may be easier for you -- i just explained that softlinking worked very straightforward
[18:35] <laga> if you are doing a fresh install, i'd recommend just mounting it
[18:36] <scant> laga: are you suggesting I just mount the 'other partition' as /var/lib/myth? if so, what's the earliest point I can do that?
[18:36] <laga> scant: in the partitioning step in the installer. it'd also help if you just tried it instead of asking the same question over and over again
[18:37] <scant> laga: I don't have a spare system to test this with and I don't want to loose data
[18:37] <laga> then you better get a backup ;)
[18:37] <scant> laga: i can't backup either
[18:38] <Yoshwa> What should I look for in it, laga?
[18:39] <scant> laga: i'm sorry if you feel i'm asking the same question over and over again, i'm trying to figure out how I can do this, and the manual doesn't seem to go into advanced partitioning
[18:39] <scant> and mounting
[18:39] <zabbadapp> scant: or install a virtual machine (i.e. virtualbox) and try it a bit first ... it helps alot to have a complete picture of things to come if you want some special setup
[18:39] <laga> yes, try a virtual machine especially if you don't want to lose data
[18:40] <scant> zabbadapp: i may be able to do that, and eventually I may, but I thought you guys would be able to tell me exactly what point I can do this, and how
[18:40] <laga> scant: i guess nobody has the complete installer memorized.
[18:40] <laga> you can do it in the partitioner. it doesn't get any more specific than that. .)
[18:41] <laga> make sure not to format your partition ;)
[18:42] <scant> oh well, thanks anyways, i'll try searching the forums more
[18:42] <zabbadapp> scant: and you can always bail out before commiting the partition changes .. eventually you A) try vbox, or B) get tired and go for it .. (may end in disaster, may work perfectly)
[18:43] <laga> yeah, try vbox.
[18:43] <laga> i doubt you'll get more hand holding by searching the forums ;)
[18:43] <scant> zabbadapp: i'm not looking for hand holding
[18:43] <scant> opps
[18:43] <scant> laga: i'm not looking for hand holding
[18:44] <laga> heh. no, you just want to know where exactly in the installer you can mount your file system. ;)
[18:45] <scant> laga: kind of, i don't think that's hand holding, i'm sorry if you do, i thought that was a very specific question, with a very specific answer
[18:46] <laga> scant: we probably have different ideas then, so let's agree to disagree. i can really recommend virtualbox for trying out new distributions, it's also a great toy. i'm sure playing around with mythbuntu in virtualbox will be more educational than searching the forums
[18:46] <laga> but what you end up doing really is up to you :)
[18:47] <scant> the manual doesn't go into advanced installs, that's why i came in here
[18:48] <laga> yeah, nobody is blaming you for anything.
[18:48] <scant> ok, i just thought someone would be able to tell me how to do this, i thought that's what this channel was for, help, rather than, go try it in a sandbox
[18:49] <laga> do you think we're not telling you because a) we don't know so you need to try yourself b) we know but we're not telling you because we're mean
[18:55] <scant> laga: i don't know why i haven't received the answer i was looking for, but i expected someone would be able to tell me there was an install step in the 'Advanced Install' to mount a partition on the root filesystem, or if I would have to switch to the console myself, and at what point I could do that, because i'm think after the partitioning step, the bootable partition gets erased
[18:56] <laga> well
[18:57] <laga> you were told that in here, i guess.
[18:57] <laga> so why are you complaining?
[18:57] <scant> i didn't think i was, sorry
[18:58] <scant> i guess there is a mount step in the 'Advanced Install', but I didn't see anyone say that
[18:58] <laga> because nobody knows for sure.
[19:00] <laga> and if nobody knows, then nobody is gonna tell you. at least nobody knew what you wanted in that level of detail. i know the possibility is there in the partitioner and that should be enough for you to figure it out yourself. what you are *demanding* here is hand-holding, and yes, you are indeed complaining that nobody can do that.
[19:00] <laga> see.
[19:00] <zabbadapp> scant: i think the advanced install of mythbuntu is quite like the one in ubuntu ... you may wanna hunt for screenshots of that to get an idea of what's ahead
[19:00] <laga> i could give you an answer. however, that would require me to fire up my virtualbox to take a look.
[19:00] <laga> which is obviously not going to happen because i'm not doing your work
[19:01] <zabbadapp> scant: the partitioner and so is probably exactly the same as in ubuntu
[19:01] <scant> laga: i'm not demanding anything, and i still don't think i'm asking for handholding, i thought we agreed to disagree
[19:01] <laga> sorry if i come across as rude, but your expectations seem a little bit high :)
[19:01] <laga> scant: okay, i'm going to leave you alone then and go back to work. good luck :)
[19:02] <scant> how do i know if no one knows the answer to my question if i don't ask it
[19:02] <scant> i don't think the question i asked is high in detail level, many people in the forums have the same question, but i haven't been able to find the steps involved
[19:03] <scant> I think 8.10 will have the install steps to have a 2 drive (os and data) setup i'm asking about
[19:04] <scant> zabbadapp: thanks for the suggestion, I didn't know they were the same, pictures or textual descriptions are useful
[19:07] <jphillip> I don't feel like reading everything back so I'll just throw this out here, using your home dir with recordings is a bad idea, can lead to lots of permission headaches
[19:08] <scant> jphillip: is this in reference to my question?
[19:10] <jphillip> its a reference to someone saying to symlink /var/lib/myth to /home/blah
[19:10] <scant> jphillip: yeah, that's me, i wasn't planning on symlinking /var/lib/myth to my home dir, but thanks for the warning
[19:12] <thedarkone> hey all
[19:12] <thedarkone> whatz is should be in http.conf mine is blank
[19:17] <sigma_12> how do you select extra packages in the alternate installer?
[19:21] <jphillip> for starters wait more than 30 seconds for an answer
[19:22] <jphillip> thedarkone I think it is supposed to be blank
[19:25] <thedarkone> well i can't get appache2 to start
[19:25] <thedarkone> it gives a error php_value
[19:30] <jphillip> ff Easy_Rider9999: #ubuntu-mythtv ("Leaving.")
[19:30] <jphillip> silly putty
[20:40] <Frans-Willem> Morning, anyone here ?
[20:41] <jphillip> !ask Frans-Willem
[20:41] <Zinn> Sorry I don't know about ask Frans-Willem
[20:41] <jphillip> !ask | Frans-Willem
[20:41] <Zinn> Frans-Willem: Please don't ask if anyone is around or if it is alright to ask a question. Many people check back periodically and may answer your question when they see it. IRC is not normally an instant fix so check back often for an answer.
[20:45] <scant> i'm curious to know why the MythBuntu manual notes VIA DMA issues but fails to mention this is no longer an issue(i think) with newer boards and was an issue with boards made like 5-8 years ago
[20:48] <Frans-Willem> jphillip: Not specifically in for questions, just hanging around wondering if anyone else is ;)
[20:48] <jphillip> some of us are here :)
[20:50] <Frans-Willem> I messed up my backend installation yesterday :(
[20:50] <Frans-Willem> I intended to write a proper guide on how I did everything step by step, so I could repeat it at my parents' house
[20:51] <scant> I believe the VIA DMA issue was chipsets such as the VT8363 because of a bug. I'm not a VIA history or hardware expert, but I believe the DMA bug has been fixed for a long time.
[20:51] <Frans-Willem> But then I fucked up something, had to fix something, forgot how I did it so I couldn't describe it
[20:51] <Frans-Willem> And now after running the updates some of the manual config hacks have been broken by updating the system :/
[20:51] <Frans-Willem> Guess I should've done that before messing with config files :/
[20:55] <Frans-Willem> So anyone feel like giving me some tips before I set about to re-install my backend again ?
[20:55] <Frans-Willem> Like which order to do things ?
[20:55] <hugolp> I am having problems when trying to use gstreamer players and mythtv at the same time
[20:56] <hugolp> if I am playing a movie with gstreamer and I start mythtv the mythtv video goes in slow-motion
[20:56] <hugolp> same if I start mythtv first, then gstreamer movie goes slow-motion
[20:56] <hugolp> it was fine in gutsy
[20:57] <hugolp> anyone has heard of something similar?
[21:06] <jphillip> why are you running both at once?
[21:07] <hugolp> jphillip: I discovered it when I paused mythtv live tv to run a short video on totem.
[21:07] <hugolp> I know its not a common thing but it should not happen and it wasnt happeningn before
[23:09] <cva> Since upgrading to .21 directv.pl no longers works correctly within mythtv to control my directv receiver. From the command line all is well. I'm wondering if .21 is expecting a different return value than previous versions.
[23:30] <tgm4883_laptop> cva, post your channel change command
[23:43] <cva> the command is "/usr/local/bin/directv.pl"
[23:44] <cva> I can post some debug to pastebin if needed
[23:44] <cva> from the CLI all is well
[23:44] <cva> I can do a get_channel and it reports fine
[23:44] <cva> I've tried from version 1.6 to 1.9
[23:45] <cva> http://www.pdp8.net/directv/directv.shtml is the script I use