UbuntuIRC / 2008 /07 /09 /#launchpad.txt
Initial commit
[00:02] <poolie> omg
[00:07] <jml> back
[00:07] <jml> poolie: what?
[00:08] <poolie> that's a lot of intent
[00:08] <poolie> your mouse finger must be sore
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[00:17] <fp_> hello
[00:30] <poolie> hello
[00:37] <jml> poolie: I just open a lot of tabs :)
[00:37] <jml> poolie: and then close them as I'm done.
[00:40] <poolie> i thought so
[00:40] <poolie> me too
[00:40] <jml> I'd really love gmail-style up/down navigation
[01:37] <jml> jelmer: hi
[01:37] <jelmer> jml, hi!
[01:37] <jml> jelmer: I'm looking at bug 242041 at the moment -- it's the last "new" bug on Launchpad Bazaar
[01:37] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 242041 in launchpad-bazaar "Remote branch registration is beholden to the registrant" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/242041
[01:38] <jml> jelmer: I'm having trouble figuring out what the actual underlying problem is.
[01:40] <jelmer> jml: So, I registered some of the branches on bzr-mirror.gnome.org
[01:40] <jelmer> and somebody expressed concern that I could delete one of those branches and break peoples workflow
[01:41] <jelmer> they also couldn't register the branches themselves since lp uses urls
[01:41] <jml> *nod*
[01:42] <jml> ok. I think I understand better now.
[01:42] <jml> (I think the problem was reading the bug from your POV rather than the concerned person's POV)
[01:50] <jelmer> jml: this is a bit related to the bugs about being able to programmatically change the owner of the branch and displaying the owner rather than the registrant
[01:51] <jelmer> since team-owned branches are probably trusted better than individual-owned ones
[01:52] <jml> jelmer: *nod*
[01:53] <jelmer> jml, another thing related to this
[01:53] <jelmer> jml: we've got a script that can register the branches on bzr-mirror.gnome.org
[01:53] <jelmer> at the moment we've only run it for the trunk of each project there but it also can register the other branches
[01:54] <jelmer> jml: however, that would register 5000 extra branches
[01:54] <jml> jelmer: what's the problem there?
[01:55] <jelmer> jml: concern that I would DDoS launchpad
[01:55] <jml> jelmer: yeah, that's an interesting concern :)
[01:56] <jelmer> jml: it should be able to handle that (given there's some 10k registered now)?
[01:56] <jml> jelmer: so, I don't think that would be a problem (we won't start mirroring all 5000 at once) but I'm not 100% sure.
[01:57] <jelmer> jml: Ok; I'll ask again once it's possible to change the owner of a branch
[01:57] <jml> gimme a sec to finish writing on this bug report :)
[01:58] <jelmer> jml: I manually changed the owner to "gnome-bzr-mirror" for the trunks of all projects
[01:58] <jml> jelmer: are these mirrored branches or remote branches?
[01:58] <jelmer> jml: what's the difference?
[01:59] <jml> jelmer: mirrored branches are remote branches that Launchpad tries to mirror.
[02:00] <jelmer> these are mirrored branches
[02:00] <jml> jelmer: ok.
[02:01] <jml> jelmer: you wouldn't know the bug number for changing the owner offhand, would you?
[02:01] <jelmer> jml, 242040
[02:01] <jelmer> ubottu, bug 242040
[02:01] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 242040 in launchpad-bazaar "Ability to set the owner when registering a branch" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/242040
[02:02] <jml> thanks.
[02:14] <wgrant> mwhudson: I have time now, if you're around.
[02:15] <mwhudson> wgrant: i'm kind of hungry for lunch
[02:15] <wgrant> mwhudson: Then eat.
[02:15] <mwhudson> wgrant: have you seen the comments on the bug you filed?
[02:15] <wgrant> mwhudson: I have.
[02:15] <mwhudson> ok
[02:16] <wgrant> As you say (or was it jml?), making the link more prominent would probably work. And maybe reducing that enormous body of text.
[02:21] <mwhudson> yeah, that's pretty bad
[02:22] <wgrant> mpt also pointed out that the Firefox references on every instance of that page are a bit strange.
[02:23] <mwhudson> ah yes
[02:23] <mwhudson> i think the whole series/release/milestone thing is a separate ui disaster though
[02:24] <wgrant> It certainly confuses lots of people.
[02:25] <mwhudson> it confused _me_ and i can read the source code to find out what's going on!
[02:25] * mwhudson goes for lunch
[03:00] <Hobbsee> oh *classy*
[03:14] <wgrant> mwhudson: The imports page also doesn't make it clear whether I should have added /trunk to the end of the Subversion URL. It does say that only trunk will be imported, but that doesn't help me with the URL.
[03:16] <Peng> Um, is it just me, or is LP slow?
[03:16] <Peng> Oh, no, it's just that some requests time out.
[03:25] <jml> wgrant: do you mean the new-imports page?
[03:28] <Peng> jml: I pressed the button to have LP try to access one of my bzr+http branches 10 or 20 minutes ago, but it hasn't happened yet. Is the puller down?
[03:28] <Peng> Or behind?
[03:29] <jml> Peng: I don't think so.
[03:29] <jml> Peng: I don't really have enough access to say though
[03:30] <Peng> Well, it hasn't done it yet.
[03:30] <jml> wgrant: bug 246803 filed.
[03:30] <Peng> It still says "Launchpad will try again shortly.". Usually it only takes a couple minutes.
[03:30] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 246803 in launchpad-bazaar "New import page should provide help on choosing right URLs for branches." [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/246803
[03:30] <jml> Peng: hmm.
[03:31] <jml> Peng: I'll chase it up once someone with access to the relevant box becomes available.
[03:33] <Peng> I just pressed it for another branch too.
[03:33] <jml> Peng: URLs?
[03:34] <Peng> jml: The first one was https://code.launchpad.net/~mnordhoff/pytz/pytz-2008c (as usual) and the second (just a minute ago) was https://code.launchpad.net/~mnordhoff/loggerhead/fix-atom-links
[03:34] <jml> Peng: thanks.
[03:34] <Peng> My trivial branches really don't deserve the amount of effort being put into this. :P
[03:35] <jml> Peng: heh.
[03:38] <alecwh> I'm having an issue with Launchpad, and it says that if this problem persists, to let you guys know. "Please try again Sorry, there was a problem connecting to the Launchpad server. Try reloading this page in a minute or two. If the problem persists, let us know in the #launchpad IRC channel on Freenode. " I was trying to login, and after quite a while, I got that.
[03:38] <alecwh> and it has persisted for about 9 minutes now.
[03:39] <jml> alecwh: what page are you trying to access?
[03:39] <alecwh> The URL says "https://launchpad.net/phpns/+announce"
[03:39] <alecwh> but I was just logging in to make an announcement. I believe the previous URL was https://launchpad.net/phpns/+login
[03:40] <jml> Peng: btw, have you seen any access from Launchpad on your webserver?
[03:41] <jml> alecwh: I'll take a look.
[03:41] <alecwh> jml: I believe the issue is resolved... I refreshed and it worked.
[03:41] <alecwh> You should know though, I refreshed several times before this. =)
[03:41] <jml> alecwh: hmm. thanks.
[03:42] <Peng> jml: No, I haven't.
[04:01] <mwhudson> wgrant: hm, that's a good point and might explain why so many people supply wrong urls for imports...
[04:02] <wgrant> mwhudson: Was I right this time, putting /trunk on the end?
[04:02] <jml> mwhudson: I filed bug 246803 for that.
[04:02] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 246803 in launchpad-bazaar "New import page should provide help on choosing right URLs for branches." [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/246803
[04:02] <mwhudson> wgrant: yes
[04:03] <mwhudson> wgrant: i approved your import btw
[04:03] <wgrant> mwhudson: So I saw. I thought long and hard about which I was meant to use.
[04:03] <wgrant> Thanks.
[04:03] <mwhudson> wgrant: thanks for conveying your confusion rather than suffering in silence
[04:04] <wgrant> mwhudson: I do that a bit. I think I've filed over 120 LP bugs.
[04:24] <Peng> jml: LP just accessed the first branch 5 minutes ago, and failed for a new reason: "AssertionError: <bzrlib.bzrdir.BzrDirMeta1 object at 0x94d294c> is not a RemoteBzrDir".
[04:24] <Peng> Heh, that's 13 failures total now. :D
[04:24] <jml> Peng: right. I think we talked about this yesterday :)
[04:24] <Peng> Oh, right.
[04:24] <Peng> Never mind then.
[04:25] <Peng> Sorry.
[04:25] <jml> Peng: :)
[04:25] <jml> Peng: no worries.
[04:25] <jml> Peng: Sorry it's been such a hassle getting your branches mirrored.
[04:26] <Peng> It's no problem. AFAIK only one person uses the mirrors. :P
[04:28] <Peng> Ah, LP just tried to mirror the second branch, and another one I just registered.
[04:28] <Peng> They both failed for the same reason.
[04:55] <kgoetz> if i'm oopsing is it worth filing a bug, or will it get dealt with 'when its ready'?
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[05:07] <pwnguin> should i report a missing .css or do we know about it?
[05:08] <mwhudson> pwnguin: have you tried shift-reloading?
[05:08] <pwnguin> hmm
[05:08] <pwnguin> i did not try that
[05:09] <pwnguin> but it works
[05:09] <spiv> mwhudson: don't we rename the CSS files every time they change to avoid that problem?
[05:09] <mwhudson> spiv: not any more, it seems
[05:10] <mwhudson> pwnguin: cool
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[08:57] <parumi> hi, is there any launchpad operator here? i have a pending question in the web app which I need to have answered. is here the right place to ask?
[08:58] <beuno> parumi, it is, you just need to wait an hour or so for all of them to get to work. What's the URL to your question?
[08:58] <parumi> this is the url. https://answers.launchpad.net/launchpad/+question/37456
[08:59] <parumi> ok, i'll ask again in few hours
[08:59] * beuno pokes mwhudson
[09:00] <beuno> parumi, stick around, if nobody answers, I'll start poking more people :)
[09:00] <mpt> Goooooooooooooooooooood morning Launchpadders!
[09:00] <beuno> mornin' mpt
[09:00] * beuno continues packing
[09:01] <mpt> packing?
[09:02] <beuno> I'm being moved to another hotel
[09:02] <mwhudson> parumi: it would be way way easier to respond to that question if you included links to the relevant pages in launchpad
[09:02] <beuno> don't worry, I'm not running away :)
[09:02] <mpt> oh, ok
[09:02] <lifeless> hmm ubotu should be able repo lp questions
[09:03] <lifeless> *to report*
[09:20] <parumi> mwhudson: what do you mean? i added 4 direct links (home page, wiki, downloads, screenshots) in the clam project page...
[09:21] <mwhudson> parumi: not to the launchpad project page you didn't?
[09:23] <parumi> mwhudson: i'm a little confused, you mean the "question" page (https://answers.launchpad.net/launchpad/+question/37456) ?
[09:23] <mwhudson> parumi: you requested a vcs-import, right?
[09:24] <parumi> well yes. the story is: i requested a vcs-import of our svn trunk, and i got an import of a subdir of that trunk. and we got stuck here :-(
[09:25] <mwhudson> parumi: please give me a link to this import
[09:25] <parumi> sure: this is the our svn trunk: http://iua-share.upf.edu/svn/clam/trunk
[09:27] <parumi> mwhudson: and this is the launchpad page for the currently imported branch (which is trunk/CLAM and should be trunk/)
[09:27] <parumi> https://code.launchpad.net/clam/trunk
[09:27] <mwhudson> parumi: ah, finally
[09:28] <parumi> mwhudson: (you where asking for this url??
[09:28] <mwhudson> parumi: yes
[09:29] <mwhudson> parumi: anyway, the right thing is probably to suspend this import and request a new one
[09:29] <parumi> mwhudson: ok, so i'm going to suspend this branch right now
[09:30] <mwhudson> parumi: ok
[09:30] <mwhudson> er
[09:30] <mwhudson> can you do that? :)
[09:30] <nijaba> if someone has an idea on what "failed to upload" error means in a ppa... https://launchpad.net/~nijaba/+archive/+build/665216
[09:30] <parumi> so, no i can't find the way :-) how we proceed then?
[09:31] <mwhudson> parumi: i've suspended it
[09:31] <parumi> mwhudson: good
[09:31] <mwhudson> parumi: and i've renamed the branch
[09:31] <mwhudson> parumi: so please request a new import at https://code.edge.launchpad.net/+code-imports/+new
[09:32] <parumi> mwhudson: right away
[09:34] <parumi> mwhudson: one question regarding the import form (https://code.edge.launchpad.net/+code-imports/+new). i specify the "branch name" which is "tunk". then in the svn url i should skip the "trunk/" part?
[09:34] <mwhudson> parumi: no, put in exactly the url you want imported
[09:34] <mwhudson> (we'll try to make the help messages less confusing about this very soon)
[09:35] * beuno waves at mwhudson
[09:35] <mwhudson> beuno: hi, there are conflicts merging bzr-search-integration into loggerhead trunk, want to fix?
[09:35] <parumi> mwhudson: ok, the import has been requested
[09:35] <beuno> mwhudson, yeap, sure. I'll merge and push in a bit
[09:36] <mwhudson> parumi: approved
[09:36] <parumi> mwhudson: i love things going fast ;-)
[09:37] <mwhudson> parumi: hopefully the import will go smoothly
[09:37] <parumi> mwhudson: you've been very helpful. thanks! (i'll close the open question thread now)
[09:38] <mwhudson> parumi: happy to help
[09:41] <lifeless> who looks after team pacges at the moment?
[09:41] <Laibsch> I suggested gnucash to use LP for translations. It seems they might have some special requirements. The answer I received was a positive attitude.
[09:41] <Laibsch> "So far no external translation tool was able to set up gnucash translations correctly because of our importing of the translation message from C source code, Scheme source code, and GConf schema files."
[09:41] <Laibsch> Can LP do that?
[09:42] <lifeless> Laibsch: sure AFAICT
[09:42] <mwhudson> lifeless: probably mars
[09:42] <Laibsch> lifeless: Awesome
[09:42] <lifeless> mars: hey, team pages 'most recently applied' links to the person, not to the +approve page
[09:57] <Laibsch> I am not always sure what project really owns the vcs-import stuff so I'll drop this information here. https://code.launchpad.net/~vcs-imports/gnucash/main can be dropped in favour of https://code.launchpad.net/~vcs-imports/gnucash/trunk
[09:58] <Laibsch> Same goes for https://code.launchpad.net/~vcs-imports/gnucash/aqbanking3 which has been merged into trunk yesterday
[10:00] <jamesh> Laibsch: could you file a ticket at https://answers.launchpad.net/launchpad-bazaar about this?
[10:00] <Laibsch> sure
[10:01] <Laibsch> now that I know the correct place ;-)
[10:03] <Laibsch> done
[10:03] <Laibsch> https://answers.launchpad.net/launchpad-bazaar/+question/38637
[10:34] <klette> So, the company I work for approved our request for changing bugtracker from sf to lp (finally :-)) - So comes the migration part; Any admin with the earlier mentioned "import from sf"-script that have the time to help us moved all bugs and feature requests over? The project name is NAV (Network administration visualized), both on sf and lp. The existing data in lp can be removed as it was only for testing. Whats important to get are unresolved
[10:43] <Peng> klette: That ended at "Whats important to get are unresolve".
[10:43] <Peng> (Actually, it probably ended one byte later, but my IRC client has an off-by-one issue. Anyway...)
[10:43] <LarstiQ> yes, there was a d ;)
[10:43] <Peng> :(
[10:45] <jamesh> klette: you probably want to get in contact with gmb
[10:46] <jamesh> klette: graham@canonical.com
[10:49] <gmb> klette: Hi. Like jamesh just said, if you send me your details by email I'll be more than happy to explain the process to you.
[11:24] <Laibsch> Does Launchpad PPA support building packages for debian or is it ubuntu-only atm?
[11:25] <beuno> Laibsch, ubuntu-only atm
[11:25] <Laibsch> OK
[11:25] <laga> any plans for debian support?
[11:25] <laga> that'd be awesome
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[11:43] <klette> gmb: Will do :-)
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[14:42] <aantn> hello
[14:42] <aantn> Is there a way to remove a team's mailing list completely?
[14:42] <aantn> I'd like to rename the team, but it wont let me do so because we have a mailing list that we haven't even started using yet
[14:44] <intellectronica> barry: do you know the answer?
[14:45] <barry> sec. on a call...
[14:47] <barry> aantn: no, you cannot remove the list. there's an open bug on allowing team renames when the team has a list, but right now it takes a launchpad admin request to make it happen
[14:48] <aantn> barry: who should I put in the request with?
[14:50] <barry> aantn: probably here: https://answers.launchpad.net/launchpad/+addquestion
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[15:00] <Abelian> I have something wierd going on with lp now where revisions aren't getting pushed pushed straight away, it says "in", for example:
[15:00] <Abelian> 71. By Adam Rooke <adam@jesse> in 43 minutes
[15:01] <beuno> Abelian, what URL would that be?
[15:01] <Abelian> launchpad.net/pyroom
[15:02] <beuno> that *is* odd
[15:02] * beuno pokes abentley
[15:02] <beuno> https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~pyroom-dev/pyroom/trunk
[15:03] * abentley pokes beuno
[15:03] * beuno un-pokes abentley and pokes rockstar
[15:04] <rockstar> Ouch.
[15:04] <rockstar> beuno, hi
[15:04] <beuno> howdy rockstar
[15:05] <beuno> I think Abelian has hit something that's related to bug #238663
[15:05] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 238663 in launchpad-bazaar "Last modified date for a branch is set to when it was scanned, and not when committed" [Low,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/238663
[15:07] <Abelian> what should I do then?
[15:07] <rockstar> Hm, I don't know much about that part of the code, but that is likely.
[15:08] <beuno> Abelian, it's just a UI bug, it doesn't affect the code at all
[15:08] <Abelian> kk
[15:09] <beuno> I'd just add a comment to the bug above, and maybe subscribe to help reproduce it :)
[16:00] <andrea-bs> barry: bug 246936 is simply related to 194126 or is duplicate?
[16:00] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 246936 in launchpad "Should allow non-members to subscribe to mailing list at admin discretion" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/246936
[16:01] <barry> andrea-bs: well, is a partial duplicate, with the other part already handled by an existing feature (imo). so, i guess yeah, it should be a duplicate
[16:01] <andrea-bs> barry: should I update the summary of bug 194126?
[16:01] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 194126 in launchpad "Let people lurk on mailing lists" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/194126
[16:02] <barry> andrea-bs: to what?
[16:03] <andrea-bs> barry: to make the partial duplicate a full duplicate
[16:04] <barry> andrea-bs: better perhaps to mark bug 246936 as a duplicate of bug 194126. the comment in the former makes it clear that the other half is already covered
[16:04] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 246936 in launchpad "Should allow non-members to subscribe to mailing list at admin discretion" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/246936
[16:04] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 194126 in launchpad "Let people lurk on mailing lists" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/194126
[16:05] <andrea-bs> barry: ok, thank you!
[16:05] <barry> andrea-bs: thanks!
[16:44] <wormsxulla> hello. is there a reason for which launchpad updates its cookie "lp" *every time* you change page, while being logged in? it is extremely irritating when you have "ask for each cookie". couldn't there be one or two session cookies, and be done with it?
[16:44] <wormsxulla> i saw nothing about this in the "answers" about launchpad, so i'm asking here
[16:49] <Rinchen> salgado-afk, do you know anything about wormsxulla's comment above? I'm not sure how we handled cookies.
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[17:07] <Festor>
[17:07] <Festor> When I attempt to upload a package to my PPP I receive this message. I do not know what to do
[17:07] <Festor> "Rejected:
[17:07] <Festor> MD5 sum of uploaded file does not match existing file in archive
[17:07] <Festor> Files specified in DSC are broken or missing, skipping package unpack verification."
[17:09] <Festor> I am trying upload packages to Intrepid
[17:09] <Festor> but with Hardy I have the same problem
[17:10] <Festor> sorry, I want mean PPA, no PPP
[17:13] <cprov> Festor: you have to use the corresponding orig.tar.gz already published in ubuntu.
[17:14] <Festor> in ubuntu or in my PPA?
[17:14] <Festor> cprov, in ubuntu or in my PPA?
[17:14] <cprov> Festor: they should be the same, if it's not older than 6 months
[17:15] <Festor> but this package is new in my PPA
[17:15] <Festor> I have not any older versions
[17:16] <cprov> Festor: wait, let me explain it again
[17:16] <cprov> with examples :)
[17:17] <cprov> Festor: which package are you trying to upload and what the orig.tar.gz filename ?
[17:17] <Festor> cprov, eclipse
[17:17] <Festor> eclipse_3.2.2.orig
[17:18] <Festor> eclipse_3.2.2.orig.tar.gz
[17:18] <cprov> 3fdc031903f1a76196b1d84bf451ab17 53271145 devel optional eclipse_3.2.2.orig.tar.gz
[17:18] <cprov> Festor: right ? do the checksum matches what you are trying to upload ?
[17:18] <Festor> no
[17:19] <cprov> Festor: I just got this information from the rejection email that was sent to you some hours ago.
[17:20] <Festor> I think that I found the problem
[17:20] <Festor> thanks cprov
[17:20] <cprov> Festor: okay, the ubuntu checksum is 0c96c6499a8a9d7a69ed26f3f53d7895
[17:21] <cprov> Festor: let me know if you have any other problem with this upload.
[18:51] <asac> cprov: i regularly get timeouts when visiting ~ubuntu-langpack ppa page. known?
[18:51] <asac> cprov: (Error ID: OOPS-921EC136)
[18:51] <asac> https://edge.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-langpack/+archive
[18:52] <gnomefreak> checking
[19:36] <gnomefreak> if a build in PPA fails due to deps once i upload the deps do i need to restart the build or will it restart on its own?
[19:38] <geser> gnomefreak: is it in DEPWAIT or FAILED_BUILT?
[19:38] <gnomefreak> failed
[19:38] <gnomefreak> checking dep
[19:38] <geser> then you need to retry it, only DEPWAIT gets automatically restarted
[19:38] <gnomefreak> its in FAILED_BUILT
[19:38] <gnomefreak> ok
[19:39] <gnomefreak> thanks
[19:39] <nxvl> hi!
[19:39] <nxvl> does ppa already supports debian archive?
[19:44] <cprov> nxvl: no, it builds only for ubuntu
[19:45] <nxvl> ok, thanks!
[19:55] <gnomefreak> ok where did the rebuild button go
[19:55] <gnomefreak> i thought it was in the menu on the PPA page
[19:56] <gnomefreak> i dont remember having to re upload package to rebuild it if it failed
[19:58] <geser> gnomefreak: go to the build record and you should see a retry button there
[19:59] <gnomefreak> geser: under failed to build?
[19:59] <geser> yes
[20:00] <gnomefreak> ah ok i see it i wasnt clicking on the failed build and i had to but will 386 re build option rebuild all
[20:00] <gnomefreak> https://edge.launchpad.net/~gnomefreak/+archive/+builds?build_text=&build_state=failed
[20:00] <gnomefreak> that doesnt have it
[20:00] <gnomefreak> have to click on the failed build
[20:01] <gnomefreak> better yet https://edge.launchpad.net/~gnomefreak/+archive/+builds?build_text=libflashsupport&build_state=failed
[20:01] <geser> gnomefreak: https://edge.launchpad.net/~gnomefreak/+archive/+build/665845 should have a retry button
[20:02] <gnomefreak> geser: its for 386 do i have to do that for each arch?
[20:02] <geser> gnomefreak: yes
[20:02] <gnomefreak> ah ok i was hoping for a rebuild all arch type selection
[20:04] <gnomefreak> geser: thanks
[20:08] <nedko> hi, can i import git branch?
[20:12] <mpt> gnomefreak, what you're talking about is a bit different from bug 204141, right?
[20:12] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 204141 in soyuz "Retrying build shouldn't be a separate page" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/204141
[20:13] <gnomefreak> mpt: thats the one
[20:13] <gnomefreak> apty
[20:13] <gnomefreak> mpt: thanks
[20:13] <mpt> er, hang on
[20:14] <mpt> gnomefreak, that's about Retry shoulding a button on the build page, instead of a link on the build page
[20:14] * mpt realizes that English is missing the word "shoulding"
[20:14] <gnomefreak> mpt: either way as long as you hit retry once to build all archs (to re build source)
[20:14] <mpt> gnomefreak, but what you want is a step further than that, you want the retry button on the *PPA* page.
[20:14] <mpt> Right?
[20:15] <gnomefreak> yeah that might be better that way its full source rebuild instead of doing each arch separate
[20:16] <gnomefreak> although each arch is good if only one fails
[20:16] <mpt> So that's kinda sorta bug 172573
[20:16] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 172573 in soyuz "RFE: Add a "retry all builds" and a "rescore all builds" menu item" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/172573
[20:16] <gnomefreak> ah yes
[20:16] <gnomefreak> looking
[20:17] <gnomefreak> yep that is exacly it
[20:17] <gnomefreak> thanks mpt
[20:18] <mpt> well, kinda sorta because I think there Hobbsee is still asking for it to be on the build page
[20:18] <mpt> I'll add a comment about putting it on the archive page too
[20:19] <mpt> This is all a bit woolly for me because I don't have a PPA, so I haven't seen much of this interface in action
[20:19] <gnomefreak> the page itself doesnt matter its more of the hit rebuild and it rebuilds all archs
[20:21] <mpt> Well, the point of putting it on the archive page is that it would save a page load :-)
[20:21] <gnomefreak> yep
[21:16] <foxmike> Is there anyone here having problems uploading to their PPAs?
[21:20] <nedko> hi, can i import a git branch?
[21:21] <foxmike> Anyone? I'm trying to dput a source package to my PPA and the upload hangs at the end... can somebody here help me?
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[21:55] <Rinchen> nedko, not at the moment
[21:56] <Rinchen> mwhudson, do you have any ideas on git -> LP?
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[23:01] <wormsxulla> hi again. i've asked earlier about a problem with the refresh of the "lp" cookie each time one changes page when being logged in launchpad, does anyone know something about that?
[23:15] <wormsxulla> Peng: ping
[23:21] <Peng> wormsxulla: pong
[23:21] <Rinchen> wormsxulla, I don't know the answer. The gent that does will be here tomorrow. I've asked some others to see if I can get some info on that.
[23:22] <wormsxulla> Peng: i just wanted to know when is this channel most active :)
[23:22] <wormsxulla> Rinchen: yes, thanks for that (but when is "tomorrow"? :) )
[23:22] <Peng> wormsxulla: I dunno.
[23:22] <mwhudson> probably around 1500 utc
[23:22] <wormsxulla> mwhudson: thanks! i'll set my alarm :)
[23:23] <mwhudson> heh
[23:23] <mwhudson> it's certainly not when _i_ am here
[23:23] <wormsxulla> hehe
[23:23] <Rinchen> wormsxulla, hehe.. there are a few folks away at europython and guadec this week so this channel is a bit slow
[23:23] <mwhudson> Peng: out of curiosity, where are you? i'm sure you shouldn't be around for the same hours as much as me
[23:23] <wormsxulla> i'll lurk, but set a reminder for 1500 zulutime
[23:24] <wormsxulla> Rinchen: wow. europython!
[23:25] <Peng> mwhudson: GMT -0400, but I'm insane and have no sleep schedule. A lot of people think I'm in Europe. :\
[23:25] <wormsxulla> Peng: i thought you were in europe!
[23:25] <wormsxulla> (joking)
[23:25] <mwhudson> Peng: if it makes you feel any better, i think Odd_Bloke is even worse than you
[23:26] <mwhudson> he got up around 11 am my time yesterday
[23:26] <mwhudson> and he's in the uk :)
[23:26] <wormsxulla> oh, but people in britain are odd, that is true
[23:28] <Peng> 16:00-17:00 UTC is most active.
[23:28] <Peng> 12:00-13:00 comes in a close second.
[23:30] <wormsxulla> i really need Mitch to do that plugin. thanks, Peng :)
[23:31] <Peng> 02:00-03:00 is least active. :)
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