UbuntuIRC / 2008 /07 /09 /#kubuntu-devel.txt
Initial commit
[07:18] <dAskreeCh> Jucato: Grats on 100
[08:09] <Tonio_> hi there
[08:40] <maltedik> hi. i compiled kopete from trunk but it doesnt allow connecting to jabber via ssl because qca-tls is missing. isnt that part of qt-copy?
=== emonkey is now known as \emonkey
[09:53] <Xand3r> hi
[09:54] <Xand3r> does an german-english english-german dictionary for python, ruby or c++ exist?
[09:55] <Xand3r> if where i can find it and is it licensed under GPL or comparabel licens?
[09:56] <Xand3r> apachelogger: maybe you know something about it ^
[09:56] <apachelogger> sudo apt-get install ding
[09:56] <apachelogger> !info ding
[09:56] <ubottu> ding (source: ding): Graphical dictionary lookup program for Unix (Tk). In component universe, is optional. Version 1.5-2ubuntu1 (hardy), package size 90 kB, installed size 412 kB
[10:00] <Xand3r> apachelogger: thx a lot
[10:15] <Xand3r> apachelogger: hmm i dont need the things arround i only need a db wich i can use
[10:35] <apachelogger> Xand3r: then only install the db
[10:35] <Xand3r> hmm
[10:36] <Xand3r> to much in there not what i want
[10:36] <Xand3r> i am searching
[10:39] <Xand3r> hmm
[11:56] <Xand3r> apachelogger: i could cry, why i could not compile gtk-qt-engine?!
[12:41] <vorian> morning
[13:36] <Xand3r> hi vorian
[13:36] <vorian> heya Xand3r :)
[13:36] <vorian> sorry i havent had time to revu your package yet
[13:36] <Xand3r> nevermind
[13:36] <vorian> nevermina?
[13:36] <vorian> grr
[13:37] <vorian> nevermind, rather?
[13:37] <Xand3r> mom
[13:38] <Xand3r> i wanted to say: "Never mind"
[13:39] <Xand3r> so what did you get wrong?
[13:39] <vorian> do you not want the package reviewed?
[13:40] <vorian> or do you mean, "no problem" or "i can wait as long as it takes" :)
[13:40] <Xand3r> yea
[13:40] <vorian> oh! OK!
[13:40] <vorian> :)
[13:40] <Xand3r> you see my english is not the best
[13:41] <vorian> mine english is terrible, don't worry about it
[13:41] <vorian> the sad thing is, I only speak english :o
[13:42] <Xand3r> vorian i want to create an shell emulator like yakuake only as plasmoid, what knowleg i need for it
[13:42] <sebas> Xand3r: Why a plasmoid?
[13:42] <Xand3r> then i have it on the desktop or dashboard
[13:43] <Xand3r> or later i only have the button for it on the panel and than it comes from the left or so
[13:43] <Xand3r> sebas: is plasmoid not a good idea?
[13:44] <sebas> Depends on what you actually want :)
[13:44] <sebas> That's why I asked
[13:44] <sebas> Usually, you go "I want something that does this", then you decide how it's implemented
[13:45] <sebas> Not "I want to do a plasmoid, dunno what it should do" :)
[13:45] <sebas> (The latter can be useful for learning, of course)
[13:45] <Xand3r> i know that i want a shell emulator as plasmoid
[13:45] <Xand3r> so how i do that
[13:45] <Xand3r> easyest way
[13:46] <sebas> You drop konsole into the window plasmoid :)
[13:46] <Xand3r> sebas: i have to say that i never programmed
[13:46] <sebas> You can also put a KPart from konsole into a plasma applet of course, and then do the interaction bits
[13:47] <sebas> Then you want to learn programming first I guess
[13:47] <Xand3r> but i have theproblem everytime i started i stoped cause it began to be boring
[13:47] <Xand3r> i need somthing where i cann see what i learnd
[13:48] <Xand3r> so i want to learn with the project
[13:48] <sebas> C++ is probably not a good language to start with though
[13:49] <Xand3r> i have started with python
[13:50] <sebas> Good call :)
[13:51] <Xand3r> ^^
[13:51] <Xand3r> but i have forgotten the most^^
[13:51] * Jucato hugs C++... the underdog :)
[13:51] <vorian> haha
[13:51] * sebas likes C++, too
[13:53] <Xand3r> i love plasmoids, for me one of the best things in kde4, so i want to practice my knowleg, programming an plasmoid
[13:53] <Xand3r> some times i have good ideas what is needed but no clue how to do it
[13:54] <Jucato> yeah... I know the feeling... :/
[13:55] <Xand3r> sebas: may be you can teache me how to implement the konsole to a plasmoid
[13:55] <Xand3r> with python
[13:56] * Jucato was about to say "wasn't there something like that already".. but then saw the "with python" :P
[13:57] <Xand3r> Jucato: using something what is already there is quit useles if you whant to know how it works
[13:59] <Xand3r> i have to go, was nice to talk to you folks, c ya
[15:14] <vorian> smarter: i'm getting a failed build with kvpm
[15:14] <vorian> http://paste.ubuntu.com/26211/
[15:15] <nixternal> hola
[15:15] <nixternal> como estas
[15:15] * vorian runs
[15:15] <nixternal> you better run!
[15:15] <vorian> ITS NIXTERNAL!!!
=== nixternal changed the topic of #kubuntu-devel to: Welcome to the Kubuntu developers channel | https://wiki.kubuntu.org/Kubuntu/Todo | https://wiki.kubuntu.org/Kubuntu/Teams | 8.04.1 released | Hug Day Tuesday! https://wiki.kubuntu.org/UbuntuBugDay/20080708 | Congratulations vorian! our newest MOTU member!!!
[15:15] <nixternal> ;)
[15:16] <vorian> haha
[15:16] <vorian> thanks :)
[15:19] <Xand3r> hi
[15:19] <vorian> howdy Xand3r
[15:20] <Xand3r> howdy vorian
[15:21] <Xand3r> hey apachelogger
[15:22] <apachelogger> howdy Nightrose
[15:22] <apachelogger> hey vorian
[15:22] <apachelogger> yo Xand3r
[15:22] <apachelogger> hi nixternal
[15:22] <vorian> aloha apachelogger
[15:23] <Xand3r> hi Nightrose
[15:23] <vorian> haha
[15:23] * Nightrose hugs apachelogger
[15:23] * apachelogger is listening to Rocko Schamoni & Jogging Mystique - Der Mond
[15:24] <Xand3r> apachelogger: please look in the querry
[15:26] * apachelogger takes Nightrose for a dance
[15:26] <Nightrose> yay
[15:27] <apachelogger> Nightrose: you know that song, right?
[15:27] <nixternal> howdy apachelogger and Nightrose and Xand3r and Jucato and Hobbsee and Riddell and vorian and anyone else who is trolling right now :P
[15:27] <Xand3r> hi nixternal
[15:27] * Hobbsee beats nixternal
[15:28] * apachelogger hands Hobbsee a cookie
[15:28] <nixternal> hahhaa, why?
[15:28] <nixternal> no love
[15:28] <Hobbsee> evil highlights
[15:28] <Hobbsee> apachelogger: thanks!
[15:28] <nixternal> hob b see
[15:28] <vorian> hahaha
[15:28] <Nightrose> apachelogger: don't think so :(
[15:29] <Nightrose> heya nixternal :)
[15:29] <apachelogger> Nightrose: you shoudl check it out
[15:29] <Nightrose> k
[15:29] <apachelogger> <3 rocko schamoni
[15:29] <Nightrose> ;-)
[15:31] * Hobbsee is pondering changing phone carrier.
[15:31] <Hobbsee> which is...not fun.
[15:31] <Jucato> lol hi Nightrose!
[15:31] <Jucato> er.. hi nixternal!
[15:31] <vorian> Hobbsee: it's like going to the dentist!
[15:31] <jjesse> morning
[15:31] <Hobbsee> vorian: a bit. and i should do that next week.
[15:31] * Hobbsee also has to get stabbed today :(
[15:32] <Hobbsee> for more not fun things.
[15:32] <apachelogger> bonjour jjesse
[15:32] <apachelogger> Nightrose: did tagging work, btw?
[15:32] <jjesse> bonjour apachelogger
[15:32] <Nightrose> apachelogger: yes and no - tagged it as beta1 first... doh!
[15:32] <Nightrose> fixing now
[15:32] <Nightrose> alpha is tagged
[15:32] <apachelogger> Oo
[15:32] <vorian> no stabbing :/
[15:32] <Nightrose> apachelogger: that 2.0-beta3 in the dialog is evil ;-)
[15:33] <apachelogger> oh
[15:33] <apachelogger> well
[15:33] <apachelogger> Nightrose: you should have used 1.85 anyway :P
[15:33] <Hobbsee> vorian: damn injections.
[15:33] <apachelogger> status tags as part of the release version is pretty stupid IMO
[15:34] <Nightrose> *shrug*
[15:34] <apachelogger> Nightrose: a package manager doesn't care whether it is alpha or beta or rc, it cares whether the version is higher than the installed one ;-)
[15:35] <apachelogger> humans always think everything has to think like them :S
[15:35] <Nightrose> ;-)
[15:35] <apachelogger> but well
[15:35] <vorian> Xand3r: what's your package again?
[15:35] <apachelogger> you are the release manager :P
[15:35] * vorian is blind today
[15:35] <apachelogger> vorian: mailody-kde4
[15:36] <vorian> ah, there it is
[15:36] <vorian> ta
[15:37] <vorian> any reason it's -kde4?
[15:38] <Nightrose> apachelogger: anything else i need to do besides delete the folder in /tags/amarok/?
[15:38] <apachelogger> Nightrose: nope
[15:38] <Nightrose> *deleting
[15:38] <Nightrose> ok thx
[15:38] <apachelogger> vorian: it's alpha
[15:38] <apachelogger> therefore shouldn't replace the KDE 3 version yet
[15:38] <vorian> groovie
[15:51] <apachelogger> so
[15:51] <apachelogger> who deleted the amarok2 package from the -kde4 ppa?
[15:52] <Hobbsee> me! muhahahaha!
[15:52] <jjesse> i did cause i don't like you
[15:52] <apachelogger> -.-
[15:52] <apachelogger> that looks like I have to redo the packging a 3rd time
[15:52] <apachelogger> yay
[15:52] <apachelogger> bah
[15:53] <Hobbsee> you can access the old ones
[15:55] <apachelogger> Hobbsee: where?
[15:55] <Hobbsee> on +archive - there's a filter that you can show all statuses, not just published
[15:57] <apachelogger> omg
[15:57] * apachelogger hugs Hobbsee
[15:58] <Hobbsee> :D
[16:05] <Xand3r> i start to hate my system, i can bet, if i overwrite the hole system nothing changed
[16:05] <Xand3r> why ervertime me?
[16:07] <vorian> Xand3r: manpage problem
[16:07] <vorian> this line
[16:07] <Xand3r> vorian: what is with the man?
[16:07] <vorian> sets the client geometry of the main widget - see man X for the argument format
[16:07] <vorian> sets the client geometry of the main widget \- see man X for the argument format
[16:07] <Xand3r> aha
[16:07] <Xand3r> ok
[16:08] <vorian> :)
[16:09] <apachelogger> Nightrose: you could update the AUTHORS file :P
[16:10] <Nightrose> apachelogger: i did
[16:10] <Nightrose> yesterday night
[16:10] <Xand3r> vorian: that you see such litle mistakes
[16:10] <apachelogger> Nightrose: Alexandre Oliveira <aleprj@gmail.com>
[16:11] <apachelogger> alex is not around for >1 year now
[16:11] <vorian> Xand3r: hmm?
[16:11] <Nightrose> apachelogger: ye i was asked to leave him in
[16:11] <apachelogger> why?!
[16:11] <Nightrose> substantial contributions to amarok
[16:11] <apachelogger> yeah
[16:11] <Nightrose> don't ask me...
[16:11] <apachelogger> like a life time ago
[16:11] <Nightrose> :P
[16:11] <apachelogger> he is certainly not coming back because his name is in the authors file :P
[16:11] <Nightrose> true true
[16:12] <Nightrose> will kick him after 2.0
[16:12] <Xand3r> vorian: thx for review
[16:17] <apachelogger> Nightrose: libvisual still didn't get dropped?
[16:17] <Nightrose> don't think so no
[16:20] <apachelogger> ah
[16:21] <apachelogger> Nightrose: appears strange to me
[16:24] <apachelogger> d'oh
[16:25] <apachelogger> amarok crashed
[16:26] <apachelogger> hm
[16:26] <apachelogger> Nightrose: I would suggest you activate some kind of crash manager
[16:26] * apachelogger doesn't have a bt now
[16:27] <Nightrose> apachelogger: how?
[16:27] <apachelogger> Nightrose: use the KDE crash thingy
[16:29] <apachelogger> having an alpha without simple way to obtain a bt seems rather useless IMHO
[16:31] <Nightrose> apachelogger: that doesn't really answer the "how?" ;-)
[16:32] <apachelogger> Nightrose: exactly the other way round how you guys created an overrride for it back in the years :P
[16:32] <apachelogger> markey probably did it
[16:33] * apachelogger recalls that everything that somehow was overriding a KDE default was developed by markey :P
[16:33] <Nightrose> haha
[16:33] <Nightrose> no suprise...
[16:39] <apachelogger> hmm
[16:39] <apachelogger> vorian: do you have time for a sanity review of the new quassel packaging?
[16:40] <vorian> sure
[16:40] <apachelogger> vorian: https://code.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-dev/quassel/ubuntu
[16:41] <vorian> grabbing
[16:42] <apachelogger> \o/
[16:42] <apachelogger> amarok packaging is mind raping
[16:42] <vorian> :o
[16:42] <vorian> note to self: stay away from that
[16:43] <apachelogger> good idea :S
[16:43] <vorian> hehe
[16:45] <Xand3r> apachelogger: you said packaging digikam is like packaging amarok
[16:46] <vorian> apachelogger: you have no pod2man rule for quasselcore-makecert.pod
[16:46] <apachelogger> Xand3r: well, mindraping ;-)
[16:46] <apachelogger> vorian: thx
[16:46] <vorian> np
[16:47] * apachelogger should do a for loop
[16:47] <apachelogger> though, I doubt a loop in a make file doesn't look good either ;-)
[16:48] <Xand3r> apachelogger: do something useful and say me what the problem is betwen the gtk-qt-engine and my system
[16:48] <Xand3r> _P
[16:48] <Xand3r> :P
[16:49] <apachelogger> Xand3r: we could change problems
[16:49] <apachelogger> you ssh on my machine and package amarok and I ssh on your machine and fix our gtk-qt :P
[16:49] <Xand3r> ?
[16:49] <vorian> apachelogger: watchfile no workie
[16:49] <apachelogger> vorian: because we are in prerelease state
[16:50] <vorian> well, there you go :)
[16:50] <Xand3r> apachelogger: hmm
[16:50] <apachelogger> that said, I would be happy if quassel was settling on a version schema some time ;-)
[16:50] <vorian> :)
[16:51] <vorian> looks great though
[16:51] <apachelogger> ok, thank you very much
[16:53] <vorian> :)
[16:53] <vorian> bbl
[16:53] <apachelogger> -rw-r--r-- 1 me me 4.3M 2008-07-09 17:51 amarok-kde4_1.83-0ubuntu1_i386.deb
[16:53] <apachelogger> -rw-r--r-- 1 me me 31M 2008-07-09 17:52 amarok-kde4-dbg_1.83-0ubuntu1_i386.deb
[16:53] <apachelogger> yay!
[16:53] <vorian> ^5
[16:54] <apachelogger> Xand3r: I am faster with stupid amarok than you with lovely digikam :P
[16:55] <Xand3r> apachelogger: yea, now, but you will become old and than .... :P
[16:55] <apachelogger> uh
[16:55] <apachelogger> :(
[16:56] <apachelogger> hm
[16:57] <apachelogger> what do you people think
[16:57] <apachelogger> amarok-kde4 OR amarok2?
[16:57] <apachelogger> Nightrose: ?
[16:57] <apachelogger> Xand3r: ?
[16:57] <apachelogger> everyone: ?
[16:57] <Nightrose> amarok2
[16:57] <Nightrose> hmmm otoh
[16:58] <Nightrose> you might want to go for amarok at one point
[16:58] <Nightrose> intepid+1 likely
[16:58] <apachelogger> yes
[16:58] <apachelogger> that's why I think -kde4 is more appropriate
[16:58] <Nightrose> yea
[16:58] <apachelogger> because we will have to provide a transitional package
[16:58] <Nightrose> yea
[16:58] <apachelogger> which means that amarok2 package is gonna stick around for some time
[17:12] <Xand3r> apachelogger: i upload digikam right now on revu, maybe in 40 min you can review it
[17:12] <apachelogger> :D
[17:24] <Xand3r> apachelogger: 1/3 of the orig.tar.gz is up
[17:24] <daSkreech> hi Xand3r
[17:24] <Xand3r> hi daSkreech
[17:49] <smarter> [16:14:01] <vorian> smarter: i'm getting a failed build with kvpm
[17:49] <smarter> strange, I just pbuilt it and no problem
[17:50] <apachelogger> maybe it is the include error that occurs on my system as well?
[17:50] * apachelogger notes that some things in intrepid are very strange
[17:50] <smarter> [16:14:17] <vorian> http://paste.ubuntu.com/26211/
[17:51] <smarter> I don't understand the error, it looks like some parts of libqt4-dev are missing
[17:53] <apachelogger> hm
[17:53] <apachelogger> black magic
[17:53] <\sh> there is an include statement missing
[17:54] <apachelogger> \#include <KProcess>
[17:54] <apachelogger> \sh: ^
[17:54] <\sh> it wants qprocess
[17:54] <\sh> not kprocess
[17:54] <apachelogger> kprocess probably inherts from qprocess
[17:54] <\sh> therefore you need to include qprocess as well
[17:54] <Xand3r> apachelogger: now it is up
[17:54] <\sh> apachelogger: sure...but I don't trust it ;)
[17:54] <apachelogger> http://api.kde.org/4.x-api/kdelibs-apidocs/kdecore/html/classKProcess.html
[17:54] <apachelogger> well
[17:55] <apachelogger> the thing is
[17:55] <apachelogger> it build some days ago for me and smarter
[17:55] <apachelogger> *built even
[17:55] <smarter> and it stills build for me
[17:55] <smarter> (I update my pbuilder #two hours ago)
[17:55] * apachelogger doesn't even wanna try
[17:55] <smarter> s/#/~/
[17:55] <\sh> hae=
[17:56] <\sh> is there any full build log?
[17:56] <smarter> working build or failed build?
[17:57] <\sh> pbuilder --logfile <foo> ?
[17:57] <\sh> failed build
[17:57] <\sh> the other one makes no sense ;)
[17:57] * smarter uploads the package to his PPA to see what happens
[17:59] <smarter> Maybe the universe will collapse on itself
[18:00] <apachelogger> my universe ain't gonna collapse!
[18:00] <smarter> multiverse then? ;)
[18:01] <apachelogger> hm
[18:01] <apachelogger> fair enough
[18:01] <apachelogger> that thing could easily collapse with all the dangerous software in
[18:01] <smarter> Estimated build start:
[18:01] <smarter> in 22 minutes
[18:02] <apachelogger> -.-
[18:02] * apachelogger gets beer and popcorn for tonight's build show
[18:02] <smarter> that's approximately one South Park episode
[18:03] * smarter /away for 20 minutes
[18:07] <Nightrose> apachelogger: *strike* I finally deleted the tag
[18:08] <Nightrose> release notes and upload next
[18:09] <Xand3r> apachelogger: here the damn digikam package http://revu.ubuntuwire.com/details.py?package=digikam-kde4
[18:10] <Xand3r> please review it
[18:10] <Xand3r> i need the knowleg building it in the right way
[18:12] <apachelogger> Xand3r: first, dinner
[18:13] <Xand3r> apachelogger: ok thx, your the best
[18:29] <smarter> hmm, it FTBFS on Launchpad with the same error than vorian
[18:30] * smarter is confused
[18:33] <Xand3r> i whant to compile a plasmoid but i could not find plasma/widgets/widget.h
[18:33] <Xand3r> has the place moved or what?
[18:33] <Xand3r> cause i have the dev package
[18:34] <smarter> do you have libplasmaX-dev?
[18:35] <Xand3r> smarter: aptitude cant find it, i have hrady btw
[18:36] <apachelogger> smarter: well include process
[18:36] * apachelogger suspects that the cmake thingy is just b0rked somehow
[18:37] <apachelogger> s/process/qprocess
[18:40] <apachelogger> hm
[18:40] <apachelogger> smarter: go write your motu-contribution-wiki-page-thingy
[18:41] <daSkreech> the cmake is a lie!
[18:42] <apachelogger> Xand3r: does showfoto really depend digikam?
[18:42] <Xand3r> apachelogger: yea i asket in the digikam channel
[18:42] <apachelogger> k
[18:43] <apachelogger> Xand3r: COPYING.LIB is missing
[18:43] <Xand3r> apachelogger: ?
[18:44] <apachelogger> a complete copy of the LGPL
[18:45] <apachelogger> Xand3r: please tell upstream to add such a thingy
[18:46] <Xand3r> why i could not copy one in the debian?
[18:46] <Xand3r> apachelogger: ^
[18:47] <apachelogger> because the upstream stuff contains lgpl licensed stuff
[18:47] <apachelogger> not the debian dir
[18:47] <Xand3r> ok
[18:49] <Xand3r> apachelogger: is that the only mistake :D
[18:49] <apachelogger> Xand3r: dunno
[18:49] <Xand3r> -.-
[18:49] <apachelogger> we don't need a new tarball I guess
[18:49] <apachelogger> but the file should be in SVN
[18:50] <Xand3r> look in #digikam
[18:50] <apachelogger> Xand3r: poke someone
[18:52] <Xand3r> ok
[18:53] <apachelogger> Xand3r: the manpage copyright is wrong
[18:54] <Xand3r> ?
[18:54] <apachelogger> well
[18:54] <apachelogger> look at the manpage
[18:54] <apachelogger> you also forgot to add the showfoto.manpage to debian/copyright
[18:54] <apachelogger> only digikam.manpage listed
[18:56] <apachelogger> Xand3r: the xpm icons for the debian/*.menu files are missing
[18:58] <Xand3r> urg
[18:59] <Xand3r> working
[19:01] <apachelogger> Nightrose: you should work together with digikam
[19:02] <apachelogger> analyze pictures and assign them a certain mood
[19:02] <Nightrose> apachelogger: ?
[19:02] <Nightrose> ah
[19:02] <Nightrose> hehe
[19:02] <apachelogger> anazlye tracks and assign them a certain mood
[19:02] <Nightrose> yea
[19:02] <Nightrose> sounds good
[19:02] <apachelogger> create slideshows with music fitting the pictures
[19:16] <Xand3r> apachelogger: i have two digikam pics, the 16x16 i have to name digikam-16.png how i make that via *.install?
[19:16] <apachelogger> huh?!
[19:16] <apachelogger> for debian/menu files you need xpm icons
[19:17] <apachelogger> see debian policy about that
[19:18] <Xand3r> kk
[19:41] <Xand3r> apachelogger: xpm added, copyright for the manpages setted
=== serzholino_ is now known as serzholino
[19:58] <vorian> jpds: did you get irssi-plugin-otr uploaded?
[19:58] <JontheEchidna> Here are some quick stats for yesterday's bug efforts:
[19:58] <JontheEchidna> 13% Confirmed bugs closed/changed
[19:58] <JontheEchidna> 4% New bugs closed/changed
[19:58] <JontheEchidna> 3% more Incomplete bugs
[19:58] <JontheEchidna> 21% more triaged bugs
[19:58] <vorian> \o/
[19:58] <vorian> triage ftw
[19:59] <JontheEchidna> The graphs look nice though, lawl: https://wiki.kubuntu.org/UbuntuBugDay/20080708#head-da542d40dfa39fd2edcce72d674b3c8bd5da2ed9
[19:59] <JontheEchidna> probably because they only show the top portion of the graph <.<
[20:00] <JontheEchidna> Anyway, good job everyone!
[20:52] <Xand3r> apachelogger: are there more mistakes?
[20:52] <apachelogger> dunno
[20:52] <apachelogger> busy with helping NickNak
[20:52] <apachelogger> Nightrose even
[20:52] <apachelogger> NickNak: can help you as well, if you want, though ;-)
[20:54] <gnomefreak> apachelogger: are kdesu and kdesudo not linked like gtksu and gtksudo?
[20:54] <vorian> haha
[20:55] <Xand3r> NickNak: ? what is he doing?
[20:57] <vorian> he's comming over for the party
[20:57] <vorian> Xand3r: did you get that lgpl doc yet?
[20:58] <Xand3r> vorian: nop
[20:58] <vorian> :/
[20:59] <Xand3r> i ask again
[20:59] <smarter> gnomefreak: kdesudo links to kdesu
=== milian_ is now known as milian
[21:00] <gnomefreak> smarter: why am i hearing one doesnt work
[21:00] <Xand3r> vorian: apachelogger loded it in the svn
[21:00] <smarter> KDE's stock kdesu has been renamed to /usr/bin/kdesu.distrib
[21:00] <smarter> and it caused some problem in the paste, but nobody use it anymore on kubuntu
[21:00] <vorian> excellent
[21:00] <gnomefreak> double checking
[21:06] <gnomefreak> smarter: user is stating neither kdesu or kdesudo works for him (command not found)
[21:07] <smarter> gnomefreak: if he has kubuntu-desktop, kdesudo is installed
[21:07] <smarter> if not, sudo aptitude install kdesudo
[21:09] <gnomefreak> hes on kde4 so im assuming its kubuntukde4-desktop
[21:13] <apachelogger> sebas: Nightrose needs a quicky
[21:13] <apachelogger> ....news
[21:13] <gnomefreak> s/gnomefreak/smarter 16:12 < jb__ > gnomefreak: GENIUS!
[21:14] * gnomefreak though smarter deserved that instead of the messenger ;)
[21:14] <smarter> glad I could helped ;)
[21:16] <apachelogger> question is - why don't we build kdesu with sudo support as well
[21:17] <gnomefreak> smarter: what to gparted on the kubuntu disk :( j/k he asked not me
[21:17] <gnomefreak> apachelogger: linking it was good enough (atleast for gk*
[21:17] <apachelogger> well
[21:17] <smarter> apachelogger: asks Tonio_ ;)
[21:17] <apachelogger> but since only kubuntu-desktop depends on kdesudo
[21:18] <apachelogger> either we make kdelibs depend kdesudo
[21:18] <apachelogger> or build kdesu with sudo support
[21:18] <smarter> kdesu sudo support sucks
[21:18] * gnomefreak gone, them people are crazy in #kubuntu
[21:18] <smarter> (hey, that looks like a poem or something)
[21:19] <apachelogger> smarter: suckish support > no support
[21:20] <smarter> I think it's a config option, not a build option
[21:22] <apachelogger> smarter: in kde4 it's build
[21:23] <smarter> oh, ok
[21:48] <ScottK> mhb: Is there any hope of getting that klamav change from you soon? I'm otherwise ready to upload to Debian ....
[21:48] <Xand3r> apachelogger: btw you have loaded the lpg doc in the svn, what have i to fo with it?
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[21:49] <Xand3r> apachelogger: and i had done a mistkae in screenie-qt
[21:50] <Xand3r> it is libqt4-dev (>=4.4) needed, i only said libqt4-dev
[21:50] <Xand3r> how i can repair that mistake?
[21:53] <Xand3r> ScottK: is it possible the the change is mad only in the backport version
[21:54] <ScottK> Xand3r: It is, but it's equally needed in the Intrepid version. We strongly prefer to do no change backports, so it would strongly be preferred to fix it in Intrepid first and then backport that package unchanged.
[21:55] <Xand3r> ScottK: i am new in the stuff, but is qt4 in íntrepid only 4.4?
[21:56] <ScottK> True, but the idea is to get the versioned dependencies correct in the main package (in intrepid) so it will not try to build on something that doesn't have 4.4.
[21:56] <ScottK> You should have the versioned depends until 4.3 is no longer in any supported release.
[21:58] <Xand3r> hmm
[21:58] <apachelogger> Xand3r: create an ubuntu2
[21:58] <apachelogger> make the change
[21:58] <apachelogger> upload to revu
[21:58] <apachelogger> find a sponsor
[21:58] <Xand3r> hmm
[21:59] <Xand3r> i mail the upstream asking for an icon of screenie, so i can do both together tomorrow
[21:59] <Xand3r> if i dont get tomorrow an email with the icon i do it without
[22:00] <Xand3r> apachelogger: btw what i have to do with the LGPL doc?
[22:00] <Xand3r> have i build a new orig.tar?
[22:02] <apachelogger> you can
[22:03] <apachelogger> but note in the changelog that you did so and that the copying.lib was added in upstream svn
[22:05] <Xand3r> kk
[22:05] <Xand3r> apachelogger: end of the week i get the new upstream cversion of rubberband
[22:11] <Xand3r> apachelogger: where is get the nice LGPL doc?
[22:11] * ScottK notes KDE 3.5.10 in August and wonders about hardy-updates ...
[22:12] <JontheEchidna> http://digg.com/software/First_alpha_release_of_Amarok_2_0_Malina
[22:12] <apachelogger> Xand3r: websvn.kde.org
[22:12] <apachelogger> trunk
[22:12] <apachelogger> extragear
[22:12] <apachelogger> graphics
[22:12] <apachelogger> digikam
[22:12] <Xand3r> kk
[22:12] <Xand3r> danke
[22:12] <apachelogger> de rien
[22:12] <Xand3r> ^^
[22:13] <apachelogger> omg
[22:13] <apachelogger> JontheEchidna: who is gonna package that?! :O
[22:13] <apachelogger> oh right
[22:13] <apachelogger> I already did :S
[22:13] <JontheEchidna> lol
[22:17] <Xand3r> apachelogger: have i any where to refer to the COPYING.LIB ?
[22:22] <apachelogger> Xand3r: no, just state that it was added to SVN
[22:23] <Xand3r> no i mean in the copyright
[22:31] <apachelogger> stdin: the kde4 ppa doesn't have taglib 1.5, so I can't package amarok2 :(
[22:31] <apachelogger> Xand3r: no
[22:31] <Xand3r> apachelogger: alright
[22:35] <Xand3r> so the thing is done
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[22:42] * gnomefreak buys apachelogger a drink
[22:42] <apachelogger> uh thank you :)
[22:42] * gnomefreak can yell at him now for amarok2+taglibs ;)
[22:42] * apachelogger is fine with that
[22:42] <gnomefreak> is that all it needs is taglib 1.5?
[22:43] <apachelogger> well, it breaks at taglib dep
[22:43] <gnomefreak> with the rest of kde4
[22:43] <gnomefreak> oh
[22:43] <gnomefreak> taglib is going to need everything else respun on it if changed (or atleast most of kde4)
[22:45] <apachelogger> I think we could throw taglib into usr/lib/kde4
[22:45] <apachelogger> thus avoid abi breakage
[22:49] <gnomefreak> but we dont use kde4 anymomre?
[22:49] <gnomefreak> its /usr/lib/kde now isnt it?
[22:50] <apachelogger> gnomefreak: not in hardy
[22:50] <apachelogger> and hardy is the problem
[22:50] <gnomefreak> true
[22:50] <apachelogger> intrepid already got 1.5
[22:50] <gnomefreak> ;)
[22:50] * gnomefreak off to bed for tonight
[22:50] <dasKREech> NIght
[22:51] <Xand3r> night
[22:53] <gnomefreak> night