UbuntuIRC / 2008 /07 /08 /#ubuntu-meeting.txt
Initial commit
=== Rafik_ is now known as Rafik
=== asac_ is now known as asac
[06:06] <Belutz> @schedule Jakarta
[06:06] <ubottu> Belutz: Schedule for Asia/Jakarta: 08 Jul 18:00: Asia and Oceania Ubuntu Membership Approval Board | 08 Jul 18:00: Asia and Oceania Ubuntu Membership Approval Board | 08 Jul 22:00: Server Team | 10 Jul 00:00: QA Team | 10 Jul 05:00: Platform Team | 10 Jul 20:00: Desktop Team
=== doko__ is now known as doko
=== dholbach_ is now known as dholbach
[11:38] * persia does the dance of preparedness (which may take 20 minutes)
=== ubottu changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: Current meeting: Asia and Oceania Ubuntu Membership Approval Board | Calendar: http://fridge.ubuntu.com/event | Logs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MeetingLogs/ | 08 Jul 11:00 UTC: Asia and Oceania Ubuntu Membership Approval Board | 08 Jul 15:00 UTC: Server Team | 09 Jul 17:00 UTC: QA Team | 09 Jul 22:00 UTC: Platform Team | 10 Jul 13:00 UTC: Desktop Team
[11:56] <amachu> elky: TheMuso: persia: lifeless: Hi
[11:56] <TheMuso> amachu: Hi. There is nobody on the agenda.
[11:56] <amachu> Yes
[11:56] <TheMuso> amachu: And lifeless said he likely may not be around.
[11:56] <amachu> ok
[11:57] <TheMuso> I'm all for postponing the meeting, unless there is something else we need to discuss.
[11:57] <elky> i second postponing
[12:00] <persia> Why postpone? Let's have the meeting now, and call it done, and have another next week.
[12:00] <elky> heh
=== ubottu changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: Current meeting: Asia and Oceania Ubuntu Membership Approval Board | Calendar: http://fridge.ubuntu.com/event | Logs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MeetingLogs/ | 08 Jul 15:00 UTC: Server Team | 09 Jul 17:00 UTC: QA Team | 09 Jul 22:00 UTC: Platform Team | 10 Jul 13:00 UTC: Desktop Team
[12:00] <TheMuso> haha
[12:00] * persia moves to adjourn the meeting
[12:00] <elky> whichever way works
[12:01] <TheMuso> Seconded.
[12:01] <elky> that's probably the word we were looking for
[12:01] <elky> my brain started switching off about half an hour ago
[12:01] <TheMuso> lol
[12:01] * persia waits for our fearless leader to take a decision based on the motion
[12:01] <persia> elky: slow switch, or just intermittent for a while?
[12:01] <elky> we have a leader?
[12:02] <elky> persia, like water cooling
[12:02] <elky> so the former ;)
[12:02] <persia> Didn't we declare amachu lord high leader, secretary for life, and continual chair so the rest of us could get out of writing anything up?
[12:02] <amachu_> persia?
[12:02] <elky> ah right, indeed!
[12:03] <elky> amachu, no agenda: luke, emmet and i all voted for postpone. aye or nay?
=== Rafik_ is now known as Rafik
[12:03] <persia> s/postpone/adjourn
[12:03] <amachu_> elky: persia : TheMuso : so shall we have our next meeting on 22 Kuly
[12:03] <amachu_> July
[12:03] <amachu_> elky: I agree
[12:03] <elky> persia, stop making me look like a fool :Þ
[12:03] <persia> 22 works for me.
[12:03] <elky> yep
[12:04] <TheMuso> Yep that works for me also.
[12:04] <persia> elky: Sorry. It's a bit earlier here, so I have an advantage :)
[12:04] <elky> persia, cheat!
[12:04] <elky> g'nite guys
[12:04] <TheMuso> Night.
[12:05] <amachu_> so we decide to have our next meeting on 22 July 08, 11.00 AM UTC
[12:05] <elky> amachu, i believe so
[12:05] <amachu_> elky: g'nite
[12:05] * elky wanders off to tv land for a few hours
[12:05] <amachu_> fine then
[12:05] <amachu_> anything else to shared, discussed?
[12:07] <persia> amachu: Nope.
[12:08] <amachu_> persia: ok. I will update the wiki accordingly. Thank you everyone for participating
[12:08] <amachu_> have good day/ evening/ night ;-)
[12:09] <amachu_> bye!
[12:39] <Belutz> hi all, sorry I just finished a meeting
[12:40] <persia> Belutz: No problem. We had a quick meeting. The only agenda items were 1) to schedule the next meeting for the 22nd, and 2) to adjourn.
[12:40] <Belutz> persia, ah ok
[12:40] <Belutz> persia, 22nd with the same time?
[12:41] <persia> Yep.
[12:41] <Belutz> ok, thanks persia :)
[12:41] <persia> My understanding is that we're skipping the 15th as the third Tuesday, which would be conflicting with the CC meeting.
[12:49] <Belutz> persia, ok :)
=== ubottu changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: Calendar: http://fridge.ubuntu.com/event | Logs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MeetingLogs/ | 08 Jul 15:00 UTC: Server Team | 09 Jul 17:00 UTC: QA Team | 09 Jul 22:00 UTC: Platform Team | 10 Jul 13:00 UTC: Desktop Team | 10 Jul 16:00 UTC: Ubuntu Mobile | 11 Jul 12:00 UTC: MOTU
=== effie is now known as keffie_jayx
=== thekorn_ is now known as thekorn
=== ubottu changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: Current meeting: Server Team | Calendar: http://fridge.ubuntu.com/event | Logs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MeetingLogs/ | 09 Jul 17:00 UTC: QA Team | 09 Jul 22:00 UTC: Platform Team | 10 Jul 13:00 UTC: Desktop Team | 10 Jul 16:00 UTC: Ubuntu Mobile | 11 Jul 12:00 UTC: MOTU
[15:59] <kirkland> howdy all
[15:59] * mathiaz waves
[15:59] <sommer> yo
[15:59] <nxvl> \o\ |o| /o/ |o| \o\
[16:00] <lukehasnoname> Kernkraft - Zombie Nation
[16:00] <zul> hello
[16:00] <nijaba> o/
[16:00] <mathiaz> allright - let's get started
[16:00] <Koon> \o
[16:01] <mathiaz> for today's server team meeting !
[16:01] <mathiaz> #startmeeting
[16:01] <MootBot> Meeting started at 10:02. The chair is mathiaz.
[16:01] <MootBot> Commands Available: [TOPIC], [IDEA], [ACTION], [AGREED], [LINK], [VOTE]
[16:01] <mathiaz> Today's agenda: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ServerTeam/Meeting
[16:02] <mathiaz> last meeting logs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MeetingLogs/Server/20080701
[16:02] <mathiaz> I've updated the Roadmap
[16:03] <mathiaz> so that we knwo what's we're working on during this release cycle
[16:03] <mathiaz> if things are missing there, add them to the wiki page
[16:03] <mathiaz> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ServerTeam/Roadmap
[16:03] <kirkland> mathiaz: i still owe you an update to the Roadmap on the LSB init script stuff
[16:03] <kirkland> mathiaz: I'll do that today
[16:03] <mathiaz> kirkland: great - thanks
[16:04] <mathiaz> [ACTION] kirkland to update the lsb section on the roadmap
[16:04] <MootBot> ACTION received: kirkland to update the lsb section on the roadmap
[16:04] <nxvl> need to add the augeas thing also
[16:04] <mathiaz> kirkland: do you know what you wanna add there ?
[16:04] <nxvl> i will try to do it tonight
[16:05] <kirkland> mathiaz: yeah, so the status_of_proc() function is in Ubuntu's lsb, and has been pushed to Debian, where the maintainer says he likes it, and will integrate after the Debian freeze is over
[16:05] <kirkland> mathiaz: there's a list of package in this bug: https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/debian/+source/lsb/+bug/203169
[16:05] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 203169 in samba ""status" function for init scripts" [Wishlist,Confirmed]
[16:05] <mathiaz> kirkland: ok - so now we need to update the package to use this lsb function
[16:05] <kirkland> mathiaz: those are the key server packages where I'd like to submit a stack of very small patches to use this function
[16:06] <kirkland> mathiaz: I'm going to try and knock all of those out today
[16:06] <mathiaz> kirkland: ok - great !
[16:06] <kirkland> mathiaz: should only take a few hours
[16:06] <nxvl> kirkland: so finally the DM accepted the patch? Awesome!
[16:06] <kirkland> mathiaz: I will need sponsorship, of course
[16:06] <zul> kirkland: feel free to bug me
[16:06] <nxvl> kirkland: and me
[16:06] <kirkland> zul: awesome!
[16:07] <kirkland> nxvl: cool!
[16:07] <nxvl> i have some time this weekend
[16:07] <mathiaz> kirkland: I'd advise you to go through the sponsorship queue
[16:07] <kirkland> mathiaz: right, i will certainly do that
[16:07] <mathiaz> great - let's move on
[16:08] <mathiaz> [TOPIC] #
[16:08] <mathiaz> Review progress made on the specification listed on the Roadmap.
[16:08] <MootBot> New Topic: #
[16:08] <mathiaz> [TOPIC] Review progress made on the specification listed on the Roadmap.
[16:08] <MootBot> New Topic: Review progress made on the specification listed on the Roadmap.
[16:08] <mathiaz> nealmcb: any new factoids ?
[16:09] <mathiaz> sommer: I've looked into the splitting the server guide from the big ubuntu-doc branch
[16:10] <mathiaz> sommer: It seems really easy to achieve
[16:10] <mathiaz> sommer: so one option we could do is to push our own branch - and then you could merge it the ubuntu-doc branch
[16:10] <mathiaz> sommer: I'm not sure if that would work well, but we could give it a try
[16:11] <sommer> mathiaz: yep, and the more I think about it the more I'm all for it :)
[16:12] <mathiaz> sommer: the ubuntu-doc bzr branch uses a format that support sub-tree, so it's really easy to split a sub-directory in its own branch
[16:12] <sommer> mathiaz: do you know what needs to happen as far as the current LP branch? I guess I'm not too familiar with the branching process
[16:12] <mathiaz> sommer: however I haven't figured out how to deal with translations
[16:12] <mathiaz> sommer: no yet - I'm still experimenting with it
[16:13] <sommer> mathiaz: translations, are really one of the biggest issues when dealing with the docs... for me it's easy to forget about them
[16:13] <nxvl> i have some workaround on a bzr branch on how to do translations
[16:13] <sommer> mathiaz: great, just let me know how I can help :)
[16:13] <nxvl> the script is ubuntu-course specific, but it won't be hard to change it
[16:13] <mathiaz> sommer: well - what I don't understand is where/when the translations are included
[16:14] <mathiaz> sommer: IIUC they're done in rosetta - but how do they end up in the bzr tree ?
[16:14] <sommer> mathiaz: the when is after string freeze, the new strings are translated and the packages are created
[16:14] <nxvl> https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~nvalcarcel/ubuntu-desktop-course/ubuntu-desktop-course-translation
[16:14] <nxvl> this a po maker script
[16:14] <mathiaz> sommer: right - so there is not point in having the .po files in the bzr branch ?
[16:15] <sommer> mathiaz: I think they're synced sometime after SF
[16:15] <nxvl> this is*
[16:15] <sommer> mathiaz: I don't think so, at least not right away
[16:15] <LaserJock> .pot files are created from the docbook, put in the source package, and they get extracted to Rosetta, then the .po files are downloaded, converted back into docbook
[16:15] <mathiaz> sommer: hm - ok - I think I'll ask about that on the ubuntu-doc ml or IRC channel
[16:15] <nxvl> mathiaz: rosette generates .pot files
[16:16] <nxvl> mathiaz: so at some point you only need to download them and include in your release
[16:16] <nxvl> rosetta*
[16:16] <sommer> LaserJock: ah, thanks that makes more sense :)
[16:16] <LaserJock> nxvl: rosetta generates .po files, you send it .pot files
[16:17] <mathiaz> LaserJock: well - can I ask more detailed questions about the process after the meeting ?
[16:17] <nxvl> LaserJock: :D I'm not a translation expert, thanks for clearing it
[16:17] <LaserJock> mathiaz: sure
[16:17] <mathiaz> LaserJock: thanks - let's move on
[16:17] <LaserJock> mathiaz: I'm not a translation expert but I do it for edubuntu-docs
[16:17] <mathiaz> [TOPIC] Migrate openldap configuration to cn=config
[16:17] <MootBot> New Topic: Migrate openldap configuration to cn=config
[16:17] <mathiaz> so I've started to work on that spec - and got some preliminary code
[16:18] <mathiaz> I've finally understood the packaging bits and have a plan now
[16:19] <mathiaz> I'd like to talk with slangasek about it and get some if his input on this
[16:19] <mathiaz> [TOPIC] Boot Support for Degraded RAID
[16:19] <MootBot> New Topic: Boot Support for Degraded RAID
[16:19] <mathiaz> kirkland: anything new ?
[16:19] <kirkland> mathiaz: nope, not yet
[16:19] <mathiaz> kirkland: ok
[16:20] <mathiaz> kirkland: are you blocked on something ?
[16:20] <kirkland> mathiaz: the Ecryptfs work is pretty much done, i'm turning my focus now to Degraded RAID and ISCSI
[16:20] <mathiaz> kirkland: or just not enough time ?
[16:20] <kirkland> mathiaz: time ;-)
[16:20] <mathiaz> [TOPIC] Encrypted ~/Private Directory in Each User's Home
[16:20] <MootBot> New Topic: Encrypted ~/Private Directory in Each User's Home
[16:20] <mathiaz> kirkland: anything to test ?
[16:20] <kirkland> mathiaz: I think I'm going to tackle Degraded RAID first
[16:20] <kirkland> mathiaz: yes, this stuff is in pretty good shape in Intrepid now
[16:21] <nealmcb> mathiaz: sorry - was distracted - we have a new kvm factoid and an updated virtualization factoid
[16:21] <mathiaz> kirkland: so it's uploaded - can we ask for more widespread testing ?
[16:21] <nealmcb> !kvm
[16:21] <ubottu> kvm is the preferred virtualization approach in Ubuntu. For more information see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/KVM
[16:21] <nealmcb> !virtualization
[16:21] <ubottu> There are several solutions for running other operating systems (or their programs) inside Ubuntu, while using the native CPU as much as possible: !kvm is the preferred approach in Ubuntu. See also !QEmu (with !KQemu), !VirtualBox, !VMWare, as well as !WINE and !Cedega for Windows applications
[16:21] <kirkland> mathiaz: I'll update the testing instructions in the Spec and send an email out to the server mailing list
[16:21] <mathiaz> kirkland: great - could you also add an item to the Testing section on the Roadmap ?
[16:21] <kirkland> mathiaz: there's one thing that has to be done manually still....
[16:22] <mathiaz> nealmcb: great - thanks
[16:22] <kirkland> mathiaz: one line has to be added to /etc/pam.d/common-auth, and one line to /etc/pam.d/common-session
[16:22] <mathiaz> kirkland: does this need to be documented somewhere ?
[16:22] <kirkland> mathiaz: i need some advice from slangasek on how to do this automatically or on install
[16:22] <kirkland> mathiaz: it's documented in the Spec
[16:22] <kirkland> mathiaz: basically, the pam_ecryptfs.so module needs to be added to the stack
[16:22] <kirkland> mathiaz: I don't understand how we can do this automatically and within Debian policy
[16:23] <kirkland> mathiaz: any help here would be much appreciated
[16:23] <mathiaz> [ACTION] kirkland to update the testing instructions in the Spec and send an email out to the server mailing list about ecrypts fs
[16:23] <MootBot> ACTION received: kirkland to update the testing instructions in the Spec and send an email out to the server mailing list about ecrypts fs
[16:23] <mathiaz> kirkland: I'd suggest to send an email to ubuntu-devel@
[16:23] <kirkland> mathiaz: okay, will do
[16:23] <dendrobates> kirkland: I have some ideas as well.
[16:23] <kirkland> dendrobates: yeah?
[16:24] <kirkland> dendrobates: let's talk offline, then
[16:24] <dendrobates> kirkland: ok
[16:24] <mathiaz> [ACTION]: kirkland to ask for feedback on how to add the pam_ecryptfs module to the pam stack
[16:24] <MootBot> ACTION received: : kirkland to ask for feedback on how to add the pam_ecryptfs module to the pam stack
[16:25] <mathiaz> [TOPIC] Migrate new installs and upgrades of client and server packages to use SSL v3 or TLS
[16:25] <MootBot> New Topic: Migrate new installs and upgrades of client and server packages to use SSL v3 or TLS
[16:25] <mathiaz> ivoks: ?
[16:25] <ivoks> hi
[16:25] <ivoks> sorry for being late
[16:25] <ivoks> this is just configuration change
[16:25] <mathiaz> ivoks: np - just in time for your spec :)
[16:25] <ivoks> for all services, so only patches needed are for config files
[16:26] <ivoks> this is a no brainer, and will be done at the end of this week
[16:26] <mathiaz> ivoks: do you have a list of services that needs to be updated ?
[16:26] <ivoks> (i'm just busy these days with exams on faculty; tomorrow is the last one)
[16:26] <mathiaz> ivoks: I don't see it on the wiki page
[16:26] <mathiaz> ivoks: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MigrateOffSSL2
[16:26] <ivoks> apache2, dovecot, postfix
[16:27] <ivoks> i'll finish wiki after tomorrow
[16:27] <mathiaz> ivoks: these are the only services ?
[16:27] <ivoks> only that come to my mind atm
[16:27] <mathiaz> [ACTION]: ivoks to update the MigrateOffSSL2 wiki page with a list of services that needs to be checked and fixed
[16:27] <MootBot> ACTION received: : ivoks to update the MigrateOffSSL2 wiki page with a list of services that needs to be checked and fixed
[16:28] <ivoks> i'll take a look at openldap also
[16:28] <mathiaz> ivoks: great - thanks.
[16:28] <mathiaz> [TOPIC] Integration of Dovecot SASL and Postfix
[16:28] <MootBot> New Topic: Integration of Dovecot SASL and Postfix
[16:28] <mathiaz> ivoks: while you're around - ^^
[16:28] <ivoks> shoot :)
[16:28] <mathiaz> ivoks: one question I have is why use dovecot sasl ?
[16:29] <ivoks> yes, openldap is a config change too
[16:29] <ivoks> TLSCipherSuite HIGH:MEDIUM:-SSLv2
[16:29] <mathiaz> ivoks: while doing some prep work for the kerberos spec, I quickly looked at sasl
[16:29] <ivoks> mathiaz: saslauthd?
[16:29] <mathiaz> ivoks: there are indeed two implementations of sasl in main, cyrus an dovecot
[16:30] <ivoks> right
[16:30] <mathiaz> ivoks: unfortunately support for dovecot sasl is almost inexistent (only exim and postfix)
[16:30] <mathiaz> ivoks: so we need to keep cyrus-sasl in main for the other services
[16:30] <nxvl> mathiaz: i have deploy dovecot with sasl before, is painful but it can be done
[16:31] <ivoks> so... basicaly, why not do postfix and cyrus too?
[16:31] <ivoks> s/cyrus/dovecot
[16:31] <mathiaz> ivoks: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NetworkAuthentication/KerberizeServices
[16:31] <mathiaz> ivoks: ^^ there is a list of services in main that support sasl
[16:32] <ivoks> ok
[16:32] <mathiaz> ivoks: so the aim is to provide an easy way to enable sasl auth in postfix - why not choose cyrus ?
[16:33] <sommer> mathiaz: don't you have to change the cyrus socket location if using postfix in chroot? which could cause an issue if running those other services on the same box?
[16:33] <mathiaz> sommer: well - you'd have the same problem with dovecot
[16:33] <sommer> with dovecot you have to change the location as well, but since less services can use it less are affected
[16:33] <ivoks> well... there is no special reason, except the chrooted postfix, but that's the same problem with dovecot
[16:33] <ivoks> doh.. :)
[16:34] <sommer> heh
[16:34] <sommer> it just feels to me that dovecot and postfix make a good match... plus they're both mail related so they might be more likely to be installed on the same box
[16:34] <ivoks> i don't recall what were the reasons to move to dovecot
[16:34] <mathiaz> well - my main argument is that most of services in main use cyrus sasl
[16:34] <ivoks> except that setting dovecot's sasl is easy and all packages are already there
[16:35] <mathiaz> and it seems that it will be the case for quite some time as supporting dovecot sasl require hacking the src code IIUC
[16:35] <sommer> and postfix is by default in chroot
[16:35] <ivoks> fwiw, we will have the same packaging problems with both variants
[16:35] <mathiaz> ivoks: aggreed
[16:36] <sommer> would un-chrooting postfix alleviate some of the pain?
[16:36] <mathiaz> ivoks: so it may worth looking into improving cyrus sasl experience
[16:36] <ivoks> sure
[16:37] <ivoks> if cyrus is way to go for everything else... well, it would be silly not to go there with postfix and dovecot, too
[16:37] <mathiaz> ivoks: so - should we retarget to integrate cyrus sasl instead of dovecot sasl for postfix ?
[16:38] * ivoks cries...
[16:38] <ivoks> ah well, ok :D
[16:38] <mathiaz> ivoks: could you look into that and report back what needs to be done to integrate postfix and cyrus sasl ?
[16:38] <ivoks> life would be much easier if postfix wouldn't be chrooted :/
[16:39] <ivoks> mathiaz: simple: get postfix out of jail or add another 'meta' package that would delete cyrus socket, create it in postfix chroot, and then link old location
[16:40] <mathiaz> [ACTION] ivoks to look into cyrus sasl/postfix integration
[16:40] <MootBot> ACTION received: ivoks to look into cyrus sasl/postfix integration
[16:40] <mathiaz> ivoks: I'll update the roadmap then.
[16:40] <ivoks> ok
[16:40] <mathiaz> [ACTION]: mathiaz to update the Roadmap wrt postfix sasl integration
[16:40] <MootBot> ACTION received: : mathiaz to update the Roadmap wrt postfix sasl integration
[16:40] <mathiaz> [TOPIC] Ubuntu Manpage Repository
[16:40] <MootBot> New Topic: Ubuntu Manpage Repository
[16:40] <mathiaz> kirkland: ?
[16:41] <kirkland> mathiaz: awaiting Kees' security audit
[16:41] <kirkland> mathiaz: elmo has agreed to provide hosting for it
[16:41] <kirkland> mathiaz: elmo just asked kees to sign off on the code
[16:41] <mathiaz> kirkland: ok - great
[16:41] <kirkland> mathiaz: there's a Launchpad project if anyone else wants to review
[16:41] * nealmcb cheers
[16:41] <mathiaz> kirkland: where ?
[16:42] <nxvl> kirkland: i can make a security audit on it, did you have some branch or link i can break?
[16:42] <nxvl> :D
[16:42] <kirkland> mathiaz: nxvl: https://edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu-manpage-repository
[16:42] <nxvl> (just to make things faster on kees revition)
[16:42] <kirkland> mathiaz: i might add that the command line interface, "dman" absolutely kicks arse!
[16:43] <mathiaz> kirkland: could add a reference to dman to the spec somewhere ?
[16:43] <kirkland> mathiaz: instant access from a command line to any man page in any ubuntu release dapper - intrepid, main/universe/multiverse/restricted
[16:43] <mathiaz> kirkland: so that we can keep track of it ?
[16:44] <kirkland> mathiaz: well, i'd like to actually submit that to the "man" package once the backend repo is up on it's permanent ubuntu.com home
[16:44] <kirkland> mathiaz: it's only about 20 lines that does a wget and pipes to man
[16:44] <kirkland> mathiaz: just a shell wrapper
[16:44] <mathiaz> kirkland: sure
[16:44] <kirkland> http://ubuntu.dustinkirkland.com/dman
[16:44] <MootBot> LINK received: http://ubuntu.dustinkirkland.com/dman
[16:44] <kirkland> mathiaz: it's temporarily housed in the same LP project as the repository code
[16:45] <mathiaz> kirkland: seems great to me
[16:45] <mathiaz> let's move on
[16:45] <kirkland> mathiaz: I'm going to send it to cjwatson eventually
[16:45] <mathiaz> [TOPIC] Call for user experiences on WBEM/CIM Servers
[16:45] <MootBot> New Topic: Call for user experiences on WBEM/CIM Servers
[16:45] <mathiaz> Koon: ^ ?
[16:45] <Koon> I've been investigating possibilities we have for integrating a WBEM/CIM server in Ubuntu server
[16:46] <Koon> I was wondering if anyone in the team had any experience with that he would like to share
[16:46] <Koon> the possibilities are : OpenWBEM, SBLIM, OpenPegasus (others ?)
[16:46] <Koon> anyone uses them, or has an opinion on them ?
[16:47] <ivoks> guess not :)
[16:47] * sommer hasn't used any
[16:48] <Koon> ivoks: heh ;)
[16:48] <Koon> ok, let's move on then :)
[16:48] * nxvl doesn't even know what they are or do
[16:48] <mathiaz> [TOPIC] Intrepid alpha 2
[16:48] <MootBot> New Topic: Intrepid alpha 2
[16:48] <mathiaz> A reminder that we're gearing up for Alpha2 to be released this thursday
[16:48] <ivoks> nxvl: something blabla enterprise blabla :D
[16:49] <ivoks> already?!
[16:49] <mathiaz> there is a soft freezr in effect as announced by pitti:
[16:49] <ivoks> doh...
[16:49] <mathiaz> https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-devel-announce/2008-July/000445.html
[16:49] <nxvl> ivoks: that's what i thought
[16:49] <mathiaz> that means we'll some -server isos to be tested in the next few days
[16:49] <mathiaz> we'll *have*
[16:50] <mathiaz> #ubuntu-testing and the iso qa tracker are the place to keep track of that
[16:50] <sommer> do the isos work with kvm?
[16:50] <kirkland> yeah, the kvm business is really hurting my testing
[16:50] <nxvl> i always download them on my class of thursday and start testing them
[16:50] <nijaba> soren said he would upload a patch to fix that shortly
[16:51] <mathiaz> sommer: I don't know - I'm not sure :/
[16:51] <sommer> Yay!
[16:51] <nxvl> sommer: i always test them using KVM
[16:51] <nxvl> sommer: with virt-manaer
[16:51] <nxvl> manager*
[16:51] <mathiaz> sommer: a new kernel has been uploaded - I was able to boot an intrepid guest
[16:51] <mathiaz> sommer: but there were tons of oopses
[16:52] <sommer> mathiaz: oh cool, I checked a while back and wasn't able to boot... will try again :)
[16:52] <mathiaz> sommer: yes - 2.4.26-2 wasn't working at all
[16:52] <mathiaz> sommer: 2.6.26-3 should work
[16:52] <nxvl> i have some intrepid guest generated by u-vm-builder without problems
[16:53] <nxvl> u just needed to create them as a hardy and then upgrade
[16:53] <nealmcb> Koon: if you have a version of your request for wbem/cim info that is a bit more expanded and in context I'd be happy to forward it to folks that should know....
[16:53] <Koon> nealmcb: great, will send that to you
[16:53] <mathiaz> [TOPIC] Open Discussion
[16:53] <MootBot> New Topic: Open Discussion
[16:53] <mathiaz> anything else to add ?
[16:54] <nxvl> o/
[16:54] <sommer> I was wondering if we could get a serverguide factiod?
[16:54] <sommer> at least that's a url I copy and paste a lot :)
[16:54] <mathiaz> nealmcb: ^^ could you take care of that ?
[16:54] <nxvl> yes please!
[16:55] <mathiaz> nxvl: you wanted to add something ?
[16:55] <nxvl> yep
[16:56] <nxvl> Augeas is about to reach the archive
[16:56] <nxvl> i have already worked on a list of suggested/needed services
[16:56] <nxvl> and i have already get some lenses
[16:56] <nxvl> i talked to raphink earlier today and he said he has some and he will mail them to me
[16:56] <nxvl> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuCentralizedServiceAdministrator/Augeas
[16:57] <nxvl> this is the list
[16:57] <nxvl> if you have some suggestions on it, or want to add/remove something
[16:57] <nxvl> i will be really grateful
[16:57] <nxvl> (if you want to write some lenses better)
[16:57] <nxvl> i also wrote a call for lensers
[16:58] <nxvl> but i thing i do it on a bad time (sunday)
[16:58] <mathiaz> @schedule
[16:58] <ubottu> mathiaz: Schedule for Etc/UTC: Current meeting: Server Team | 09 Jul 17:00: QA Team | 09 Jul 22:00: Platform Team | 10 Jul 13:00: Desktop Team | 10 Jul 16:00: Ubuntu Mobile | 11 Jul 12:00: MOTU
[16:58] <nxvl> mathiaz: so if you make echo on the ubuntu server blog it would be really cool
[16:59] <nxvl> original post can be found here: http://nvalcarcel.aureal.com.pe/?p=199
[16:59] <mathiaz> nxvl: I'll write something up - it will be in the minutes anyway :)
[16:59] <mathiaz> anything else to add ?
[16:59] <nxvl> not from me
[16:59] <nxvl> that's all i wanted to add
[17:00] <mathiaz> [TOPIC] Agree on next meeting date and time
[17:00] <MootBot> New Topic: Agree on next meeting date and time
[17:00] <mathiaz> same place, same time, next week ?
[17:00] <sommer> works for me
[17:01] <ivoks> yes, sound good...
[17:01] <mathiaz> excellent than - see you all next week here at the same time
[17:02] <mathiaz> thanks for coming and happy iso testing !
[17:02] <mathiaz> #endmeeting
[17:02] <MootBot> Meeting finished at 11:03.
[17:02] <sommer> thanks mathiaz, later on all
[17:02] * nealmcb will talk to sommer about serverguide factoids
[17:03] <nijaba> Thanks mathiaz
[17:03] * nealmcb was distracted by a house guest...
[17:05] <nealmcb> !documentation
[17:05] <ubottu> documentation is to be found at http://help.ubuntu.com and http://wiki.ubuntu.com - General linux documentation: http://www.tldp.org - http://rute.2038bug.com
[17:06] <sommer> nealmcb: could we get a !serverguide, with a specific link... and maybe linking the development docs?
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[17:10] <nealmcb> sommer: I would think so - but it seems like the existing documentation factoid could be enhanced also
[17:10] <nealmcb> wiki.ubuntu.com isn't really documentation - and there is much confusion as a result
[17:11] <sommer> nealmcb: sounds good to me :)
[17:11] <nealmcb> we can continue the chat in u-s in a bit after I finish something else
[17:12] <sommer> nealmcb: cool, I'm at lunch as well
=== ubottu changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: Calendar: http://fridge.ubuntu.com/event | Logs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MeetingLogs/ | 09 Jul 17:00 UTC: QA Team | 09 Jul 22:00 UTC: Platform Team | 10 Jul 13:00 UTC: Desktop Team | 10 Jul 16:00 UTC: Ubuntu Mobile | 11 Jul 12:00 UTC: MOTU | 12 Jul 13:00 UTC: Xubuntu Community
[18:05] <slangasek> kirkland: munging pam configs - can we fix that once for all this cycle?
[18:07] <kirkland> slangasek: dendrobates has pointed me to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/AuthClientConfig for that
[18:07] <slangasek> kirkland: which is not what I'm talking about at al
[18:07] <slangasek> all
[18:07] <slangasek> AuthClientConfig is just not scalable, it only lets you switch between profiles
[18:08] <slangasek> we should probably take this to #-devel, though
[18:08] <kirkland> slangasek: agreed, i'm on a call at the moment
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