UbuntuIRC / 2008 /07 /06 /#xubuntu.txt
Initial commit
[00:51] <stargazer> hi! i just installed xubuntu but for some reason i can't find my Windows partition nor my second hard drive. any ideas ?
[00:52] <Genelyk> mount manuality
[00:53] <stargazer> oh, is that something i type in the command line ?
[00:53] <stargazer> Terminal*
[00:53] <Genelyk> firts sudo fdisk -l , then sudo mkdir /media/disk_c
[00:54] <Genelyk> second sudo mount -t ntfs-3g /dev/sdXX /media/disk_c
[00:54] <Genelyk> XX= number partition
[00:56] <stargazer> now does it have to be disk_c ? or can i name it w/e i want it ?
[00:56] <Genelyk> create in /media
[00:58] <stargazer> ok under 'Id' that's where i would get the XX from, right ?
[00:58] <Genelyk> 1 sudo fdisk -l
[00:58] <Genelyk> 2 sudo mkdir /media/name_diretory
[00:58] <Genelyk> amm
[00:58] <Genelyk> XX= is el numbner your partition of windows
[00:59] <Genelyk> example if windows installed in sda2 then sudo mount -t ntfs-3g /dev/sda2 /media/name_directory
[01:00] <stargazer> how do i find if it's on sda2 ?
[01:00] <Genelyk> not , is example
[01:00] <Genelyk> paste your show " sudo fdisk -l "
[01:01] <stargazer> it's kinda big
[01:01] <Genelyk> whats , how many disk ?
[01:02] <stargazer> well i have my main hard drive with about 5 partitions (windows, xubuntu, extended, swap). then i have my other hard drive with 3 (storage, windows back-up, swap)
[01:03] <stargazer> o shi- i see it now
[01:04] <Genelyk> posted your partition
[01:04] <stargazer> i see it now, sorry, i wasn't looking on the left
[01:04] <stargazer> " /dev/sda2 * 1267 22061 167034759+ 7 HPFS/NTFS "
[01:04] <Genelyk> ok
[01:04] <stargazer> so i do the same thing for the other hard drive ?
[01:06] <Genelyk> have 2 disk hard?
[01:07] <stargazer> yeah my main with Linux and Windows. then i have another with my Anime and stuff
[01:07] <Genelyk> write the show in terminal the " sudo fdisk -l "
[01:07] <Genelyk> ok
[01:08] <Genelyk> who want to partition mount?
[01:08] <stargazer> " /dev/sdb1 * 1 1854 14892223+ c W95 FAT32 (LBA) " that's the main part but i don't care too much about mounting the Windows back-up partition
[01:08] <Genelyk> the partition for mount is ntfs or fat ??
[01:09] <stargazer> well that Hard drive is FAT32
[01:09] <Genelyk> ok
[01:10] <Genelyk> sudo mount -t vfat /dev/sdb1 /media/name_directory
[01:12] <stargazer> seems i mistook the FAT32 for the real one. the real one is a Linux "System" partition
[01:12] <stargazer> " /dev/sdb2 4480 9729 42170625 83 Linux "
[01:13] <Genelyk> sudo mount -t vfat /dev/sdb2 /media/name_directory :)
[01:14] <stargazer> " wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on /dev/sdb2, missing codepage or helper program, or other error"
[01:15] <Genelyk> uhmmm
[01:15] <Genelyk> bad hard disk
[01:15] <Genelyk> in windows, open , the partition ?
[01:16] <stargazer> it's not a bad partition, i was using it on Ubuntu
[01:16] <pierrereimertz> Hello? Anyone here who wants to help a swede with serious problems? :)
[01:17] <Genelyk> u.u my englis is low , I am speak spanish u.u
[01:17] <pierrereimertz> okok
[01:17] <pierrereimertz> first question, do you know how i boot xubuntu in failsafe mode?
[01:18] <Genelyk> ??
[01:18] <Genelyk> one moment
[01:18] <pierrereimertz> when i boot xubuntu now, my resolution is fucked up
[01:18] <pierrereimertz> i installed vnc4server and started a vncsrver
[01:18] <pierrereimertz> then i rebooted
[01:18] <Genelyk> stargazer , pàste your text of " sudo fdisk -l "
[01:19] <stargazer> http://paste.ubuntu.com/25300/
[01:21] <Genelyk> ammm . sdb1 is extend or primary partition ?
[01:22] <stargazer> sdb2 is the main
[01:22] <stargazer> but i might change that in a few minutes
[01:23] <Genelyk> :S
[01:23] <Genelyk> why ?
[01:23] <pierrereimertz> does you guys have any idea?
[01:23] <stargazer> cause i have a 19gb empty partition that i can use on there
[01:24] <Genelyk> pierrereimertz please , translation to spanish
[01:24] <stargazer> but anyways i need to mount it first
[01:24] <pierrereimertz> is it possible that the resolution fucked up after the installation
[01:24] <pierrereimertz> aha, ok
[01:24] <pierrereimertz> then i wait until someone else arrives. :)
[01:27] <stargazer> Genelyk: i need to mount that hard drive first, it's ext3
[01:29] <Genelyk> ah
[01:30] <Genelyk> sudo mount -t ext3 /dev/sdb2 /media/directory_create
[01:35] <Genelyk> created , directory in /media?
[01:35] <stargazer> gracias Genelyk todo sta bien :D
[01:35] <Genelyk> sabes español
[01:35] <Genelyk> -.-
[01:40] <pubo> Genelyk, are you there?
[01:44] <Genelyk> nuuuuuuu
[02:02] <pubo> Genelyk, do you have xubuntu 8.04?
[02:03] <Genelyk> nop
[02:03] <Genelyk> my is xubuntu 8.04.1
[02:03] <pubo> pues vaya cagada xD
[02:03] <Genelyk> xD!
[02:03] <pubo> en español?
[02:03] <Genelyk> claro
[02:03] <Genelyk> po q
[02:03] <Genelyk> xD!
[02:03] <pubo> porque yo lo he instalado 2 veces, y la mitad de cosas me aparecen en inglés...
[02:03] <pubo> más cosas que incluso en la 7.10
[02:03] <pubo> eso es normal?
[02:04] <Genelyk> si
[02:04] <Genelyk> es normal
[02:04] <Genelyk> mira intenta
[02:05] <Genelyk> instalado el pack gnome es_ES
[02:05] <Genelyk> en el synaptic
[02:08] <pubo> y se soluciona?
[02:08] <pubo> coño, que tengas que instalar la localización de gnome para que XFCE se ponga en castellano, manda huevos!
[02:08] <Genelyk> jajaja
[02:09] <Genelyk> y eso q no te oinstala el gimp en español
[02:09] <Genelyk> tambien tienes q instalar el gimp es_ES
[02:09] <Genelyk> o era es_PE
[02:17] <pubo> mi caso es_ES :)
[02:17] <pubo> mola Genelyk. Gracias!
[02:18] <Genelyk> okz
[02:50] <bloodrock> what would be best choice for adding a browser for browsing my network with in xubuntu
=== Adam is now known as Stargazer
[06:18] <Stargazer> In ubuntu i used to have both panel at the bottom of the screen, the one with all the app launchers on top and the one with the windows on the bottom. for some reason im having trouble doing so in Xubuntu
[06:47] <Stargazer> (Xubuntu) ok big mystery: why aren't my media controls working ? (play/pause, fastforward, rewind, stop)(as well as my Calculator button)
[06:48] <crimsun> are they recognised at all?
[06:48] <crimsun> (xev)
[06:48] <Stargazer> Um, idk ?
[06:48] <Stargazer> My volume buttons work
[06:55] <Stargazer> Crimsun, are you going to tell me how i check ?
[06:55] <crimsun> sorry.
[06:55] <crimsun> you should use the `xev' command in a terminal
[06:55] <crimsun> then press the media control keys, and see if they generate events
[06:56] <Stargazer> This is the last line of it when i hit a media control key: XFilterEvent returns: False
[07:06] * Stargazer raps on crimsun with pokes
[07:07] <crimsun> sorry, was in another buffer
[07:07] <crimsun> does it work on an Ubuntu desktop cd?
[07:07] <Stargazer> Yes
[07:07] <Stargazer> I just came from Ubuntu
[07:07] <crimsun> ok, so it's not hal-info, which is good.
[07:10] <crimsun> are you using keytouch?
[07:11] <Stargazer> Not that i know of. it's a stock eMacines keyboard
=== Stargazer is now known as Rezagrats
[09:34] <nikolam> I have (I would think) stupid question: How do I make directory permissions on Linux, (ext3 partition) so that new data and directories have the same permissions like directories above them?
[09:35] <nikolam> I want that new written data/dirs in /home/user have permissions belonging only to that user (and maybe group if i want) but no access from others
[09:36] <nikolam> E.G. I want this permissions for new dir: drwx------ but when I make new dir as a user, i get these: drwxr-xr-x
[09:47] <siggjen> nikolam: you might want to look into umask
[09:54] <nikolam> there is no manual page for umask
[09:56] <TheSheep> nikolam: try umask 0077
[09:58] <siggjen> that will only set umask for the shell you are working in
[10:01] <siggjen> it's set to 022 by default in /etc/profile, either change it there or «echo umask 0077 >> ~/.bashrc»
=== nikolam_ is now known as nikolam
[10:38] <nikolam> Will I have some side-affects if I install GNOME beside existing Xfce? I use Xfce exclusively but I want to have both GNOME and Xfce on machine. Shoul I install GNOME beside my beloved Xfce?
[10:56] <imjscn> anybody there?
[10:57] <nikolam> yes
[10:58] <imjscn> nice
[10:58] <imjscn> I am excited about my brand new virtual machine
[10:58] <imjscn> I fear it might be messed up later
[10:58] <imjscn> so I want to back up
[10:59] <nikolam> What Vm software do you use
[10:59] <imjscn> vmware
[10:59] <imjscn> vmware player
[10:59] <nikolam> Are you running Vm under Xubuntu or Xubuntu inside Vm?
[10:59] <imjscn> I use this code to make a copy of entire virtual machine:
[11:00] <imjscn> sudo cp -r myvmfolder /data
[11:00] <imjscn> yes, Xubuntu host, winXP guest
[11:01] <imjscn> after run this copy code, I got the folder copied in the /data folder, but not completely, some pieces are not copied
[11:02] <imjscn> oh, my god, you are gone, all I need is a commond to copy this folder totally
[11:03] <nikolam> How it is working under graphic applications, could you measure disk speed in some win test program?
[11:03] <nikolam> It would be nice to compare vmware , virtualbox, kvm with VirtualMachinemanager and qemu
[11:03] <nikolam> ;)
[11:03] <imjscn> it runs as fast as I wished
[11:03] <imjscn> I'm suprised
[11:04] <imjscn> last year I installed winxp guest in winxp host, that sucks
[11:04] <imjscn> that frozen , I meant
[11:04] <imjscn> but now, not sure it's because vmware, or because of Linux techniec, the vm runs like real
[11:05] <imjscn> the host doesn't feel heavy
[11:05] <nikolam> Anyway, If you have a lot of Ram, then Linux host and Win gusetS are best solution. I like to use 64-bit linux so I can use 8+GB of ram, etc..
[11:06] <imjscn> the only thing you might feel a bit inconvenient is---if you send guest to another workspace, and later you switch between, you'll feel it takes some seconds to wake up
[11:07] <imjscn> I have small RAM, actually, I plan to upgrade the RAM someday when I have time to go to the market for shopping.
[11:10] <nikolam> ram is cheap these days. I got 2 megs and plan to go to 4. My next machine will not be without 8+
[11:11] <nikolam> So I use 64-bit Xubuntu.
[11:15] <imjscn> yes, computer stuffs might be the only things that stay in low price these days, other things including noodles are sky rocketing
[11:16] <imjscn> need to go now, talk later
[11:27] <jimmy_the_saint> I just switched to Xubuntu from Ubuntu and I am disappointed that I am being pestered by the old keyring manager every time I log in. I saw a work around on the forums, but is there a way to replace the keyring with whatever Ubuntu is using? Whats with the difference anyway?
[11:34] <nikolam> jimmy_the_saint, I don`t understand your problem, keyring manager for your personal gpg keys or for distribution packages in xubuntu?
[11:35] <nikolam> As I see here, xubuntu uses ubuntu-keyring package for keys
[11:40] <jimmy_the_saint> After I logon to Xubuntu, as the wireless connects, I am prompted for my keyring password. This used to happen with previous versions of Ubuntu, but I haven't seen it since I switched to Ubuntu Hardy. It still appears to be present in Xubuntu though. I was just curious why.
[11:51] <nikolam> Hmm, maybe you should post a bug abou that. as I see it (never used wireless connection before) System encrypts your Wireless keys for connection in order to prevent them from being stolen, i suppose.
[11:52] <nikolam> Anyway, paste a bug with detailed description. i suppose You done clean install of Xubunutu, not an "upgrade" from existing Ubuntu installation?
=== pv2b_ is now known as pv2b
[14:05] <pv2b> hi. i'm trying to put xubuntu on an old laptop with a trident cyberblade i1 card, but I can't push it above 800x600, 1024x768 is not an available option. i've tried changing the driver line to "trident" in xorg.conf. still doesn't show up. tried ddcprobe, that finds no monitorrange. what else can i try?
[14:08] <TheSheep> sudo displayconfig-gtk
[14:08] <TheSheep> and reading the /var/log/Xorg.0.log to see why it's rejecting the higher resolutions
[14:08] <TheSheep> specifying your montiro sync ranges might help
[14:10] <pv2b> displayconfig-gtk seems to have fixed my issues. just forced it to a generic setting for a 1024x768 panel and it seems to have worked
[14:10] <pv2b> thanks
[14:10] <pv2b> i'll just reboot to make sure that works now :-)
[14:10] <pv2b> oh, on a related note, how do you disable touchpad tapping? (i hate that :-)
[14:11] <TheSheep> pv2b: there is a number of options you can specify in xorg.conf
[14:12] <TheSheep> pv2b: see 'man synaptics' for details
[14:12] <pv2b> thanks again. hm. the settings seem not to have stuck. i'll fiddle with that a bit.
[14:16] * TheSheep just discovered some new functions of his touchpad :)
[14:16] <pv2b> hm. and now the menu bar seems to have disappeared
[14:16] <pv2b> it was always there before, but now it's gone.
[14:17] <TheSheep> pv2b: press alt+f2 and type 'xfce4-panel'
[14:17] <TheSheep> pv2b: must have crashed
[14:17] <TheSheep> does it sometimes
[14:17] <pv2b> i had an xterm up from an earlier session, so i did that. strange thing was - it was gone even after logging in again.
[14:18] <pv2b> well, i started the panel, logged out and in again, and now it seems to have stuck. weird, that. thanks. and now i don't have to worry about accidentally clikcing everything either :-)
[14:21] <TheSheep> pv2b: I just start the synaptics daemon to disable touchpad when I'm typing
[14:23] <pv2b> ah, thaqt's not my problem. my problem is, if i keep tapping on, i keep accidentally clicking stuff when i just want to move the cursor
[14:23] <pv2b> so i just click with the little buttons instead :-)
[14:24] <TheSheep> you can tweak the timings... I never had this problem, weird
[14:24] <pv2b> i find it's faster anyway.
[14:24] <pv2b> well, it's a question of taaste
[14:24] <TheSheep> of touch :)
[14:24] <TheSheep> unless you're licking it
[14:25] <pv2b> well, i use osx on my other machine. we mac users know a thing or two about lickable interfaces ;)
[14:25] <TheSheep> I don't want to know
[14:25] <pv2b> you brought it up :-)
[14:26] <pv2b> anyway, i find myself swearing at any computer with tapping turned on
[14:26] <MacGyverNL> I'd lick the mac interface...
[14:26] <MacGyverNL> With a sledgehammer.
[14:26] <pv2b> of course people who try to use my computer with tapping turned off are equally frustrated ;-)
[14:26] <TheSheep> anyways, good luck, gotta run
[14:26] <pv2b> i guess you could clal it a primitive security measure
[14:26] <pv2b> cya, thanks for your help
[14:26] <homebrewcider> hey there, is there anybody that can help me get my sony walkman mp3 player mounted and browseable, with Xubuntu 7.10 is was done automatically, not so with 8.04
[14:27] <MacGyverNL> pv2b: Oh, I've got one of those :P Touch typing colemak on a qwerty-laid out keyboard ^_^
[14:27] <MacGyverNL> People who try to type on my pc == epic fail :P
[14:27] <pv2b> i'm also left handed, so i keep my mouse buttons swapped for maximum confusion
[14:27] <pv2b> no alternate keyboard though. :-)
[14:28] <TheSheep> you should really consider dvorak ;)
[14:29] <TheSheep> and swap space and return keys
[14:29] <TheSheep> also backspace and escape
[14:43] <homebrewcider> hey there, got cut off before, Xubuntu 7.10 used to auto mount my sony walkman mp3 player, 8.04 does not, and i have no idea what to do, please help.
[15:02] <pv2b> in xubuntu, how can i make a desktop icon to access my windows partition?
[15:02] <pv2b> i know how to use mount, fstab, etc, but i
[15:02] <pv2b> i'm trying to make this machine "dad-friendly" so to speak :)
[15:16] <pv2b>
[15:22] <arf`> pv2b: I think by just creating a mount point in /media, and add a line to mount it in the fstab, with the good options
[15:25] <pv2b> oh, that
[15:25] <pv2b> hmmm, i tihnk i see whats wrong
[15:26] <pv2b> for some reason it thinks the windows drive wasnt unmounted cleanly
[15:26] <pv2b> i guess ill have to boot into windows to shut it down
[15:26] <TheSheep> or use the force option
[15:27] <TheSheep> use the Force, Luke ;)
[17:33] <ubuntu__> iam on the live cd and the sda6 is not mounted. $ sudo fsck.ext3 -p -c -v /dev/sda6 fsck.ext3: Bad magic number in super-block while trying to open /dev/sda6 /dev/sda6: The superblock could not be read or does not describe a correct ext2 filesystem. If the device is valid and it really contains an ext2 filesystem (and not swap or ufs or something else), then the superblock is corrupt, and you might try running e2fsck with an alternate
[17:33] <ubuntu__> superblock:e2fsck -b 8193 <device> help?
[18:15] <trollboy> This happened once before.. all my desktop icons as well as the background and the ability to right click have gone away
[18:16] <trollboy> apparantly its due to some service not running and I have to start it
[18:16] <trollboy> does anyone know what it is?
[18:25] <slow-motion> hi
[18:26] <trollboy> hi
[18:27] <slow-motion> hi trollboy
[18:50] <trollboy> so how do I restart the xfce desktop?
[18:50] <burner> ctrl+alt+backspace restarts x
[18:51] <trollboy> right that's x though
[18:51] <trollboy> This happened once before.. all my desktop icons as well as the background and the ability to right click have gone away
[18:53] <zoredache> possibly do a 'alt-f2' then run xfwm4
[18:53] <trollboy> got it from #xfce
[18:54] <trollboy> its xfdesktop &
[19:00] * burner wonders what xfce people use to play music? I was so used to rhythmbox, but xubuntu bloggers compelled me to try out xfce for awhile again
[19:01] <burner> exaile is ok, but not great
[19:02] <Myrtti> personally - mpd
[19:03] <Myrtti> which in reality means I use audacious, xfmedia, whatever I've got installed to play the stream
[19:04] <burner> hrm
[19:05] <burner> i guess i'm content with exaile... songbird shows a ton of promise though
[19:06] <soshka> hey guys
[19:06] <soshka> anyone up to give someone some help
[19:08] <soshka> ..
[19:10] <soshka> ok i'll post a question and wait....basicaly everytime i close a program like skype it disappears but it doesnt fully shutdown so i have to manually close it in session manager
[19:16] <Myrtti> do you have your system tray on your panels?
[19:17] <soshka> i have an icon box?
[19:18] <soshka> ty
[19:18] <soshka> that worked
[19:18] <Myrtti> well my icon box doesn't show rssowl...
[19:18] <Myrtti> so..
[19:19] <Myrtti> yeah.
[19:19] <soshka> i needed to add the system tray to my toolbar
[19:19] <soshka> silly newb me
[19:19] <Myrtti> I've seen that same mistake with people who've used Ubuntu for three years
[19:24] * bobdoss2 move to #xubuntufr for the french language
[20:25] <hobbsc> just a thought, but a "skip all" option in thunnar on file copies would be peachy
[20:25] <hobbsc> you have a 'replace all', but there isn't one for 'skip all'
[20:25] <hobbsc> at least by default
[20:25] <hobbsc> unless i'm missing an option somewhere
[20:30] <madgeek> I cant preform an alt install on an old box......the video signal is lost!
[20:30] <madgeek> shortly after the loggers start
[21:26] <jeanne> hi
[21:26] <jeanne> I need some help
[21:26] <jeanne> I have no sound anymore.. what do I have to do ?
[21:36] <floating> reboot or restart sound server
[21:36] <floating> i guess :P
[21:39] <CostaRicanQuaker> hey
[21:39] <CostaRicanQuaker> i just uploaded to hardy
[21:39] <CostaRicanQuaker> compiz is installed
[21:39] <CostaRicanQuaker> how do i use it to make cool windows and stuff
[21:40] <jeanne> reboot doesnt help
[21:51] <walle> hi, i'm having some problems setting up xorg with a intergrated sis chipset (771/671). I have tried to change the driver to "sis" but i'm only able to use 640x480.
=== Stargazer is now known as Rezagrats
[22:38] <TheMinister> hi all, anybody know a thing or two about ndiswrapper?
[22:42] <TheMinister> hellloooooo?
[22:43] <jeanne> unfortunately I dont know anything about it
[22:43] <jeanne> do you maybe know what to do when you have no sound anymore ?
[22:45] <slow-motion> n8
[22:49] <mjburling> Anyone running xubuntu on an eeepc?
[22:55] <Usuario> guys i just installed buntu on a machine that is connected in my friends internet cafe in guanacaste costa rica, and i'm not sure why i can't get the internet connection to work, is there anyone who can help me troubleshoot\=_
[22:56] <Usuario> i am on a machine next to it, so i can run back and forth if someone anyone can help
[22:57] <TheMinister> can anyone help as to why my wireless usb dongle isn't working?
[22:58] <TheMinister> ndiswrapper has what im fairly sure are the correct drivers installed, but nothing....
[22:59] <TheMinister> also sudo ndiswrapper modprobe does nothing
[23:05] <jeanne> here are more ppl which need help than ppl which can help I guess..
=== holo is now known as blaaaaaa
[23:10] <frosty2> how do i edit an xfce menu with a gui>?
[23:11] <frosty2> anyone?
[23:24] <jeff_> can anyone help me with using vnc server in xubuntu?
[23:26] <Inside> Hey guys, what's the default pdf reader that comes with xubuntu called?
[23:29] <jeff_> can anyone recommend the best way to start a vncserver at startup?
[23:31] <Odd-rationale> Inside: evince
[23:31] <Odd-rationale> !vnc | jeff_
[23:31] <ubottu> jeff_: VNC is a protocol for remote desktop. https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VNCOverSSH describes how to use it securely. It works best over fast connections, otherwise look at !FreeNX
[23:31] <Inside> ah thanks, Odd-rationale
[23:32] <Inside> poo, no windows version
[23:32] <Odd-rationale> Inside: nope... i've heard that foxit is pretty good. but it is not open-source
[23:33] <Inside> I use foxit, it's kind of slow though. I think it tries to load everything into memory. >_>
[23:34] <jeff_> Hi ubottu, thanks for the response. the thing is, I've not be able to get the vnc server to load at startup
[23:34] <Odd-rationale> why are you using windows anyways? :P
[23:34] <Odd-rationale> jeff_: ubottu is a bot...
[23:35] <Inside> cause windows has msvc and all the games I play :[
[23:35] <Inside> I have eexubuntu on my eeepc though!
[23:36] <jeff_> Odd-rationale: thanks. I guess the bot in the name should have been a hint.
[23:37] <Odd-rationale> jeff_: see also: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VNC
[23:38] <jeanne> could some help me too ? I have no sound anymore.. I have xubuntu installed
[23:39] <Odd-rationale> !sound | jeanne
[23:39] <ubottu> jeanne: If you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP3
[23:40] <Inside> jeanne!
[23:40] <jeanne> yes ?
[23:40] <jeanne> ty Odd-rationale
[23:40] <Odd-rationale> jeanne: hope that helps...
[23:43] <jeanne> unfortunately I dont find the alsamixer
[23:44] <Odd-rationale> jeanne: run "alsamixer" in terminal
[23:46] <jeanne> dont know what to do there
[23:49] <Rezagrats> Wth... why isn't Prt Scrn working ?
[23:49] <jeanne> wow I hear something
[23:49] <jeanne> thank you !! :D
[23:49] <jeanne> even I dont know why exactly..
=== Odd-rationale_ is now known as Odd-rationale
=== leche_y_galletas is now known as leche
[23:56] <Usuario> Odd-rationale: hello, my favorite teacher, it's me, nubuntu, i'm in costa rica, and i turned one of my friends internet cafe computers to ubuntu, BUT, i cannot seem to actualize internet connection, can you help
[23:56] <Odd-rationale> Usuario: wireless? or wired?
[23:57] <Usuario> Odd-rationale: i don't know if you can get into the private conversation i had open with AlphaXero so you can see what we tried already
[23:57] <Usuario> wired
[23:57] <Odd-rationale> Usuario: are you on the live cd?
[23:58] <Usuario> no, installed ubuntu already
[23:58] <Odd-rationale> i mean, is the computer you are trying to connect on the live cd?
[23:58] <Usuario> installed
[23:58] <Usuario> dhcp no work
[23:58] <Odd-rationale> pastebin the output of "iwconfig"
[23:59] <Odd-rationale> do you know whether the server is running a dhco server?
[23:59] <Odd-rationale> dhcp
[23:59] <Odd-rationale> wait, you can't pastebin because no connection... :(