UbuntuIRC / 2008 /07 /06 /#launchpad.txt
Initial commit
[00:08] <Grommet> I updated pidgin and now my pidgin screenlet always says "pidgin not running" anyone else have this?
[00:32] * Yhouse e' away (Sto andando via)
=== Yhouse is now known as Yhouse|off
[00:34] <Peng> Somebody has a sucky connection.
=== Grommet is now known as Grommet|away
[00:42] <jml> Peng: hi
[00:42] <Peng> jml: Hello.
[00:42] <Peng> Launchpad disabled updating all of my branches. :(
[00:42] <jml> Peng: I think the bug that was stopping your branches from mirroring has been fixed
[00:42] <jml> Peng: you can get it to try again, I think.
[00:42] <Peng> Yes, I can.
[00:42] <jml> Peng: it should work this time :)
[00:43] <Peng> I just hit the button.
[00:43] * Peng waits.
[00:44] <Monkey_arma> Hi, i registered my email and password with launchpad but i cant login....
[00:45] <Monkey_arma> ive even tried resetting my password
[00:45] <Peng> jml: It still thinks it failed.
[00:45] <jml> :(
[00:45] <Peng> jml: (fwiw, I pressed the button on edge)
[00:45] <jml> Peng: URL please?
[00:45] <Peng> jml: https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~mnordhoff/pytz/pytz-2008c
[00:45] <jml> Peng: it's possible the new code hasn't rolled out (I wasn't 100% clear on that)
[00:45] <Peng> jml: Also, LP seems to have used nosmart+http.
[00:46] <jml> Peng: yeah, that's deliberate
[00:46] <Peng> jml: All it did was request the format files (plus .bzr/repository/shared-storage).
[00:46] <Peng> jml: :(
[00:46] <Peng> jml: bzr+http is nice.
[00:46] <jml> Peng: it is, but it also creates problems at the puller's end.
[00:46] <Peng> Over bzr+http, a no-op pull uses a few hundred bytes of bandwidth (not counting headers) vs. a few hundred KB.
[00:47] <jml> Peng: yes. we're going to change the bzrlib APIs we use to fetch branches fairly soon.
[00:47] <jml> I'm hoping that will let smart server stuff work.
[00:48] <Peng> Aww.
[00:48] * jml frowns at that error.
[00:50] <Peng> Too bad. I was really looking forward to bzr+http.
[00:53] <jml> Peng: you shouldn't have to wait long.
[00:53] <Peng> Oh no, IRSeekBot. /me runs away.
[00:54] <Peng> jml: ok
[00:56] <Peng> So the current fix is just to not use bzr+http?
[00:56] <jml> Peng: yes. although the 'no such directory' thing is a bug I need to fix.
[00:57] <Peng> No such directory?
[00:57] <jml> Peng: sorry, 'directory already exists''
[00:57] <Peng> ok
[00:57] <jml> I'd link you the bug, but my firefox keeps hanging :\
[00:58] <Peng> Heh, I know the feeling.
[00:58] <jml> bug 245915
[00:58] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 245915 in launchpad-bazaar "Puller breaks when dest directory is not a branch but has a bzrdir" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/245915
[01:00] <Peng> Ok.
[01:00] <Peng> Thanks for your help. :)
[01:01] <jml> bug 245918 also
[01:01] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 245918 in launchpad-bazaar "Puller should use bzr+http when it can" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/245918
[01:02] * jml goes to make some toast and work on personal projects.
[01:07] <Monkey_arma> OK on my previous point it turns out you need to have cookies enabled to login. I suggest you may want to add a page that informs users when they have cookies enabled. At the moment there is no explanation of why logins dont work without cookies.
[01:07] <Monkey_arma> *disabled
=== Grommet|away is now known as Grommet
=== Grommet is now known as Grommet|away
[01:59] <Stavros> hello
[01:59] <Stavros> how can i add a second developer to a project?
[02:08] <thumper> Stavros: I'm not sure what you mean
[02:08] <thumper> Stavros: what are you trying to do or enable?
[02:09] <Stavros> thumper: i'm trying to enable another dev to commit to a project branc
[02:09] <Stavros> h
[02:09] <thumper> ah
[02:09] <Stavros> just the standard collaboration features
[02:09] <thumper> ok
[02:09] <thumper> what you need to do is to make a team with all the people that are going to commit
[02:09] <thumper> and change the ownership of the branch tot he team
[02:10] <Stavros> oh aha
[02:10] <Stavros> how do i make a team?
[02:10] * thumper thinks
[02:10] <thumper> something like https://launchpad.net/people/+newteam?
[02:10] <thumper> although that was just from memory
[02:10] <Stavros> h,,
[02:10] <Stavros> hmm
[02:10] <Stavros> oh yes
[02:10] <thumper> hey
[02:10] <Stavros> thanks :P
[02:10] <Stavros> :)
[02:10] <thumper> whaddya know
[02:10] <Stavros> haha
[02:10] <thumper> its right
[02:10] <Stavros> launchpad usability isn't that hot :/
[02:10] <thumper> we are working on it :)
[02:11] <Stavros> that's good to know, it's great overall
[02:13] <thumper> thanks
[02:14] <thumper> Stavros: if you are using branches, be sure to check out the new code review features
[02:14] <Stavros> ah, where's that?
[02:14] <Stavros> that sounds great
[02:14] <thumper> Stavros: the code reviews are attached to the branch merge proposals
[02:14] <thumper> what you do is "propose for merging"
[02:14] <thumper> and select the trunk branch
[02:14] <thumper> that creates the proposal
[02:15] <thumper> people who are subscribed to the source or target branch will get emails then
[02:15] <thumper> also
[02:15] <Stavros> select "propose for merging" on someone else's branch?
[02:15] <thumper> you can go to the proposal page and add comments
[02:15] <thumper> sure
[02:15] <thumper> normally trunk
[02:15] <thumper> so you work on a feature branch
[02:15] <thumper> and propose to merge on trunk
[02:15] <Stavros> oh, that's nice
[02:16] <thumper> you can reply to the email that you get sent
[02:16] <thumper> and they are threaded on the proposal page
[02:16] <thumper> like the bug mail
[02:16] <Stavros> oh, that's great
[02:16] <thumper> we found that most of our review workflow was over email
[02:16] <thumper> so it made sense to have LP handle reviews that way too
[02:16] <Stavros> yes, it's more useful as well
[02:16] <thumper> rather than making people go through the web app
[02:16] <Stavros> yeah
[02:17] <thumper> soon now we will have the ability to email out the diffs against trunk with the email
[02:17] <thumper> that work is in progress
[02:17] <Stavros> in bzr format?
[02:17] <thumper> well we are thinking normal unified diff at this stage, but perhaps we could do merge directives
[02:18] <Stavros> ah
[02:18] <Stavros> that's also useful
[02:18] <thumper> I can't think of any reason why we couldn't use merge directives
[02:18] <thumper> on the person and project pages there are now links to active reviews and approved merges on the main code tab
[02:19] <thumper> these will take you to the merge proposals that are in "needs review" state, or "approved"
[02:19] <Stavros> ah
[02:19] <Stavros> that's great for non-core developers
[02:19] <thumper> yeah
[02:19] <thumper> that is one place where bzr shines
[02:19] <thumper> is to allow casual contribution
[02:20] <Stavros> yeah, i love it
[02:20] <Stavros> and the idea that you can push to your own branch
[02:20] <Stavros> without being a part of the project
[02:20] <Stavros> by the way, blueprints are feature requests?
[02:20] <thumper> yeah
[02:20] <thumper> the are kinda heavy weight
[02:20] <Stavros> ah, i was looking for feature requests earlier
[02:20] <Stavros> yeah, a bit :/
[02:20] <thumper> some use wishlist bugs
[02:20] <Stavros> they're this big scary thing
[02:20] <Stavros> yeah, i was thinking of doing that
[02:21] <thumper> blueprints aren't that bad
[02:21] <thumper> just use the title and summary
[02:21] <thumper> you don't need the rest
[02:21] <Stavros> true, now that i saw them
[02:21] <thumper> good karma for blueprints too :)
[02:22] <Stavros> does karma do anything?
[02:22] <thumper> no
[02:22] <Stavros> ah :p
[02:22] <Stavros> just a sort of reputation?
[02:22] <thumper> just a track of how much you do in different projects
[02:23] <thumper> top karma contributors for the projects are shown on the main project page
[02:23] <thumper> just a way to show appreciation
[02:23] <Stavros> ah, i see
[02:27] <Stavros> i have to go now, thank you very much for your help
[02:27] <Stavros> keep up the good work!
[04:29] <ion_> Suggestion: https://blueprints.launchpad.net/malone/+spec/base-36-bug-ids
[06:41] <khalderon> hi there
[06:41] <khalderon> does anyone know how to solve my problem?
[06:41] <khalderon> yesterday I came here and asked about it
[06:41] <khalderon> and I was told that an admin should tackle with it
[06:42] <khalderon> now I still see that the bug is not fixed
[06:42] <khalderon> why is that?
[06:49] <LaserJock> khalderon: well, it is the weekend
[06:50] <khalderon> so what?
[06:50] <khalderon> launchpad doesn't work in the weekend?
[06:50] <LaserJock> khalderon: well, quite often employees have the weekend off
[06:51] <khalderon> you mean, that if there is a problem, it can't be solved until monday?
[06:51] <LaserJock> I didn't
[06:51] <LaserJock> but it might be harder to find somebody
[06:52] <LaserJock> and I wouldn't be surprised if it wasn't looked at until Monday, depending on the problem
[06:53] <khalderon> now I know that launchpad is just a perfect service!!! :(
[06:54] <LaserJock> well, sorry about that, but there aren't a lot of admins just hanging out
[06:54] <khalderon> I am leaving until monday
[07:30] <alencool> hello
[07:33] <alencool> anyone here that may be able to help me?
[07:33] <wgrant> !ask
[07:33] <ubottu> Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-)
[07:35] <alencool> i just registered a new branch for my project https://launchpad.net/elloquence , .. i create branch of my main line branch (trunk) . and now i wish to push that to the newly registered in launchpad
[07:36] <alencool> bzr push lp:~alencool/elloquence/simple-avatar-select
[07:36] <alencool> bzr: ERROR: Transport operation not possible: http does not support mkdir()
[07:37] <wgrant> alencool: Run bzr launchpad-login.
[07:37] <wgrant> Otherwise it will assume that you don't have a Launchpad account, so can't upload.
[07:37] <alencool> wgrant: thanks, i will try that :D
=== Grommet|away is now known as Grommet
=== Grommet is now known as Grommet|away
[10:22] <skavez> just wondering - is there any reason why underscores aren't valid for project names?
[10:33] <mwhudson_> skavez: "harder to pronounce" is the idea
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[10:35] <skavez> mwhudson: my project's name includes an underscore (plugin for a cms - unfortunate naming convention)
[10:35] <skavez> but i think i can compromise on a dash :)
[10:35] <mwhudson> right
[12:52] <Hobbsee> ack
[12:52] <Hobbsee> launchpad changed again.
[12:52] <Hobbsee> how do i shrink the panels?
[12:52] <Hobbsee> er, collapse them?
[12:53] <Hobbsee> mpt: any idea?
[12:57] <wgrant> Hobbsee: Greasemonkey!
[12:57] <wgrant> Or just wait until they have the whole new theme sorted out. It might work then.
[12:58] <Hobbsee> wgrant: why doens't it work anymore?
[12:58] <Hobbsee> wgrant: i can't even manually collapse them.
[12:59] <wgrant> Hobbsee: Because they're probably part-way through the UI redesign. Things are meant to be borked.
[13:00] <Hobbsee> that is a point
[14:41] <Stavros> hello
[14:41] <Stavros> is it possible for me to delete a branch?
[15:13] <Stavros> hello
[15:13] <Stavros> i'm trying to push to a branch but i've pushed to the wrong one, can i delete it?
[15:13] <Hobbsee> !weekend
[15:13] <ubottu> It's a weekend. Often on weekends, the paid developers, and a lot of the community, may not be around to answer your question. Please be patient, wait longer than you normally would, or try again during the working week.
[15:13] <Hobbsee> you can mark it obsolete, iirc.
[15:13] <Stavros> oh, hmm
[15:14] <Stavros> the link was telling me to push under my account, but then it told me to push under lp:projectname
[15:14] <Hobbsee> bzr uncommit looks useful, too
[15:14] <Stavros> so now i'm a bit confused
[15:14] <Stavros> oh that's true
[15:15] <andrea-bs> Stavros: uncommit, revert (if you need) and then push to the wrong location with the --overwrite option
[15:16] <andrea-bs> Stavros: note that if you revert you will lose your changes ;)
[15:16] <Stavros> andrea-bs: it's ok, i have them on the proper branch, but it won't push
[15:16] <Stavros> even with --overwrite
[15:16] <Stavros> could it be because there are no commits?
[15:16] <andrea-bs> what does it say?
[15:16] <Stavros> No new revisions to push.
[15:17] <Stavros> oh never mind, there was a "Delete this branch" link :p
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[15:17] <andrea-bs> ;)
[15:21] <Malinthe> hi guys, i'm having some troubles accessing my launchpad account. when i try to login i get the error 'This account cannot be used' - i do some wordpress translations on launchpad
[15:22] <Hobbsee> hm, supposedly they fixed that a few days ago
[15:24] <Malinthe> ah is it a known problem?]
[15:24] <Hobbsee> well, it was. don't know about now
[15:25] <Malinthe> ah
[15:33] <ScottWegner> Hi all. I'm trying to push some changes to my personal bazaar branch on Launchpad but I get an error message: bzr: ERROR: Cannot lock LockDir(http://bazaar.launchpad.net/%7Eswegner/pwdhash-sharp/trunk/.bzr/branch/lock): Transport operation not possible: http does not support mkdir()
[15:33] <ScottWegner> Does anybody know if this is a launchpad issue, a bazaar issue, or am I doing something wrong
[15:37] <Stavros> ScottWegner: how are you trying to push?
[15:38] <andrea-bs> ScottWegner: you have to run bzr launchpad-login
[15:39] <ScottWegner> andrea-bs: ahhh, I betcha that's it.. let me try.
[15:41] <ScottWegner> hmmm, it looks like I don't even have launchpad-login command on this laptop-- does anybody know what packages it's in, offhand?
[15:41] <andrea-bs> ScottWegner: which version of bzr do you have?
[15:42] <ScottWegner> 1.3.1-1ubuntu0.1, from the repos
[15:42] <andrea-bs> oh, it's quite old; you have to use bzr+ssh
[15:43] <andrea-bs> ScottWegner: bzr push bzr+ssh://username@bazaar.launchpad.net/~team/project/branch
[15:43] <ScottWegner> really? I use the lp: syntax for bzr on my desktop machine-- is there a newer bazaar version in the hardy-proposed repository perhaps?
[15:44] <gnomefreak> ScottWegner: what ubuntu version ar eyou on?
[15:44] <gnomefreak> ah hardy has old version
[15:44] <ScottWegner> gnomefreak: hardy
[15:44] <andrea-bs> ScottWegner: I don't know if there is one in hardy-proposed, but you can use the bzr ppa
[15:44] <gnomefreak> ScottWegner: i saw
[15:44] <gnomefreak> andrea-bs: there isnt
[15:44] <gnomefreak> i think i have them
[15:45] <gnomefreak> oh missing -proposed
[15:45] <andrea-bs> there's https://launchpad.net/~bzr/+archive with bzr 1.5
[15:46] <ScottWegner> andrea-bs: thanks, I'll try installing that version
[15:47] <gnomefreak> andrea-bs: proposed doesnt have a newer version than 1.3.1
[15:47] <andrea-bs> ScottWegner: I'm not sure if launchpad-login is included in bzr 1.5 because I'm using the 1.6 beta 2 :)
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[15:48] <ScottWegner> andrea-bs: Hmm. Ok, for now I think I'll just stick to using the ssh syntax.
[15:48] <ScottWegner> it looks like I also hadn't uploaded the SSH key from this machine to launchpad-- that could've been part of the problem
[16:01] <mpt> Goooooooooooooooood afternoon Launchpadders!
[16:02] <bigdog> I am using windows, and paegaent
[16:02] <bigdog> a couple of month ago, I had no problem push branches
[16:03] <bigdog> I tried again last night, with paegent active, and my key loaded
[16:03] <bigdog> H:\launchpad\txcomputegrid>bzr launchpad-login -v bigdog
[16:03] <bigdog> bzr: ERROR: The user bigdog has not registered any SSH keys with Launchpad.
[16:03] <bigdog> I updated bzr to 1.5, and received the same error
[16:04] <bigdog> my key is still registered with launchpad
[16:04] <bigdog> has something change
[16:04] <bigdog> ?
[16:04] <bigdog> I get the same result with
[16:04] <andrea-bs> bigdog: all ssh keys have been removed from launchpad some weeks ago for a security reason
[16:04] <bigdog> set BZR_SSH=paramiko
[16:04] <Nafallo> andrea-bs: only the compromised ones surely?
[16:04] <Nafallo> hi mpt :-)
[16:05] <bigdog> andrea-bs: this key was generated on windows, and it is still on my launchpad
[16:05] <bigdog> I thought only keys generated with debian or ubuntu were problematic?
[16:06] <andrea-bs> Nafallo: yep, I was looking for the mail in the lp-users-list to link it ;)
[16:06] <andrea-bs> bigdog: I can't see your key on launchpad: https://launchpad.net/~bigdog
[16:06] <bigdog> andrea-bs: I herd about the problem, my ssh key is still on launchpad https://launchpad.net/~michaelschneider-current/+sshkeys
[16:07] <bigdog> andrea-bs: am I looking at the correct key?
[16:07] <bigdog> andrea-bs: I can generate a new key and upload if that is required?
[16:08] <andrea-bs> bigdog: I'm not sure if compromised keys were ignored or deleted
[16:08] <bigdog> is https://launchpad.net/~michaelschneider-current/+sshkeys the correct place to look for a registered ssh key?
[16:10] <andrea-bs> bigdog: yes, it is
[16:10] <andrea-bs> bigdog: I was looking in the wrong account :)
[16:10] <andrea-bs> bigdog: so your launchpad login is michaelschneider-current?
[16:11] <bigdog> yes
[16:11] <bigdog> andrea-bs: bigdog is my id
[16:12] <bigdog> when I log into launchpad
[16:12] <Nafallo> ehrm
[16:12] <bigdog> and click on the bigdog link "logged in as bigdog"
[16:12] <Nafallo> the sshkeys is bound to accounts... if you have several (for whatever really odd reason) it needs to be on the one you'll be using.
[16:13] <andrea-bs> bigdog: is it your launchpad page? https://launchpad.net/~bigdog
[16:13] <bigdog> it takes me to https://launchpad.net/~michaelschneider-current
[16:13] <andrea-bs> bigdog: oh, I have understood
[16:13] <andrea-bs> "bigdog" is the displayed name
[16:13] <Nafallo> aaah
[16:13] <andrea-bs> "michaelschneider-current" is the launchpad ID
[16:14] <bigdog> andrea-bs oh, so I am using bigdog instead of michaelscheider-current ?
[16:14] <andrea-bs> bigdog: so you have to run `bzr launchpad-login michaelschneider-current`
[16:14] <andrea-bs> bigdog: yes :)
[16:15] <bigdog> andread-bs: thank you
[16:15] <bigdog> H:\launchpad\txcomputegrid>bzr launchpad-login michaelschneider-current
[16:15] <bigdog> H:\launchpad\txcomputegrid>
[16:15] <bigdog> success
[16:15] <bigdog> I am very sorry
[16:15] <andrea-bs> no problem, you are welcome ;)
[16:15] <bigdog> michaelschneider-current is my email
[16:15] <bigdog> that must be the base of the launchpad id
[16:16] <Nafallo> there should be a merge feature somewhere if you want to collapse them into one.
[16:55] <soulrider> hi
[16:55] <soulrider> i just registered my project https://launchpad.net/twins but im not sure how to use launchpad as a bug tracker
[17:00] <andrea-bs> soulrider: first of all, go to https://launchpad.net/twins/+edit and make sure you have selected "Bugs are tracked: In Launchpad"
[17:15] <soulrider> andrea-bs, thanks for the tip
[17:15] <andrea-bs> soulrider: if you need other help, feel free to ask ;)
[17:16] <soulrider> thanks
[17:16] <soulrider> actually
[17:16] <soulrider> i enabled translations but im not sure how they work
[17:16] <soulrider> does launchpad somehow scan the code lookinf dor strings?
[17:18] <andrea-bs> soulrider: to make translations available for your project, you have to put all strings in a .po or .pot file
[17:18] <soulrider> oh
[17:19] <soulrider> i will ahve to look into it when i have more time
[17:21] <andrea-bs> soulrider: yes, it's a process a bit long to understand
[17:21] <andrea-bs> soulrider: I'm searching for some help docs for you
[17:23] <andrea-bs> soulrider: here you are: https://help.launchpad.net/Translations/YourProject/Draft
[17:23] <andrea-bs> soulrider: it's a draft, but the information are correct
[17:24] <soulrider> thank you.
[17:24] <andrea-bs> you are welcome :)
[17:35] <domas> hi!
[17:36] <domas> bazaar web interface decided not to work, 'please try again', or directing to this channel
[18:08] <gnomefreak> oh webinterface
[18:20] <Volans> Hi, there is on LP the possibility to setup a MailingList for a project? (I know is possible for a Team)
[18:24] <gnomefreak> Volans: yes
[18:24] <gnomefreak> only for a team sorry
[18:25] <Volans> Hi gnomefreak, thanks for the reply... you know also why is not possible for a project?
[18:25] <Volans> I think is useless create a team for a small project... a ML attached to the project will be enough IMHO
[18:25] <gnomefreak> Volans: it hasnt been added yet?
[18:26] <gnomefreak> not sure i know LP is going through major changes atm
[18:28] <Volans> gnomefreak: I don't have found it in the project menu... but is possible that I don't have see it ;)
[18:29] <gnomefreak> Volans: you wont i have beta LP and its not there
[18:30] <Volans> so I have to setup a Team and ask for a ML or wait this new feature...
[18:32] <gnomefreak> Volans: or you can get mailing list through ubuntu on lists.ubuntu.com
[18:32] <gnomefreak> they work well for projects
[18:33] <Volans> yeah, of course
[18:38] <Volans> but there is a substatial difference between ubuntu lists and lp that hosts also project not related with ubuntu ;)
[18:38] <Volans> s/project/projects/
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[19:02] <zoli2k> It is possible to make a private bazaar branch on launchpad?
[19:03] <LarstiQ> zoli2k: as in noone else can read it?
[19:05] <zoli2k> LarstiQ: I am working on a application based on unpublished scientific results. The application will be released in GPL right after the publication of the algorithm.
[19:06] <LarstiQ> zoli2k: I see.
[19:07] <zoli2k> So, I would like to use launchpad for the development but making the code visible just after the paper is published.
[19:10] <Volans> zoli2k: you need other people can use this branch ?
[19:11] <LarstiQ> zoli2k: private branches in the context of launchpad are only writable by you, but readable by everyone else. I don't think launchpad offers something that is invisible for others.
[19:12] <LarstiQ> zoli2k: but as Volans says, if you don't need to collaborate on it, why push it to Launchpad at all?
[19:13] <zoli2k> I wish Launchpad would be open source ...
[19:13] <LarstiQ> zoli2k: how would that help you?
[19:13] <Volans> there are other bzr or at least svn free repositories online that allow to "close" a branch/repository iirc
[19:14] <LaserJock> github might be another option
[19:15] <zoli2k> I need to collaborate with few developers on the code.
[19:15] <zoli2k> LarstiQ: It would solve my problem.
[19:15] <LarstiQ> zoli2k: I don't see how.
[19:15] <Volans> if you have a public IP address a local bzr/svn server can done the work zoli2k ;)
[19:23] <LarstiQ> zoli2k: you will need to have a place to host anyway, and if you do you can push to there without Launchpad.
[19:26] <zoli2k> I don't like the idea of local bzr server. It can not be compared with the services of Launchpad. I was experimenting with trac, but it's bazaar plug-in is very experimental.
[19:36] <LarstiQ> zoli2k: you can still use launchpad for all the non code-hosting bits?
[19:38] <Volans> zoli2k: you can use svn+trac for the developmente part and after import it into launchpad as a normal project I think
[19:40] <LarstiQ> zoli2k: I've heard redmine bzr support is better than trac
[19:43] <zoli2k> LarstiQ: I will definitely give a try.
[19:43] <zoli2k> Volans: LarstiQ: Thanks
[19:44] * Volans gone for dinner bye bye
[21:11] <kgoetz> hi all. I'm getting an oops timeout trying to do an advanced search. should i wait a while, or is this a bug
[21:13] <kgoetz> fwiw i do see that it says waiting a while might help, so i am, but i thought it might be worth asking about :)
[21:19] <kgoetz> waiting a few minutes doesnt seem to have helpe d:\
[21:37] <Stavros> hello
[21:37] <Stavros> how can i create a milestone/
[21:44] <Stavros> hmm, how can i delete a series and a milestone? :/
[22:27] <woodyPL> Hello, I want to set up a translation group at Launchpad and in Launchpad Answers somebody proposed to contact the responsible person - could anyone help me?
[22:52] * Yhouse e' away (Sto andando via)
=== Yhouse is now known as Yhouse|off
[22:53] <ion_> yhouse: Thanks a lot for the information! I might not have noticed it if you’d used only one line to notify us.
[22:58] <zyx386> hi
[22:58] <zyx386> wher is rosetta from launchpad team?
[23:00] <zyx386> how can i contact to launchpad team Rosetta?
[23:02] <mwhudson> zyx386: answers.launchpad.net/rosetta
[23:03] <zyx386> thanx
[23:05] <zyx386> is another person from tranlation team her?
[23:05] <zyx386> i need help