UbuntuIRC / 2008 /07 /02 /#ubuntu-marketing.txt
Initial commit
[16:29] <m-c> Looking for a one-page, single-side informational flyer, for use as handout at an Ubuntu table.
[16:29] <m-c> Not seeing it on DIYMarketing. Anyone here know of a resource?
[16:33] <m-c> Nevermind. I produced my own and submitted all jobs to the printers. Thanks!
=== pep` is now known as pep
[16:33] <pep> hoi m-c
[16:33] <pep> what's up? :)
[16:36] <m-c> hoi pep - I think I am all set. I was looking for a nice product slick, like what is in ~/Examples , for home use, but I realized I already had some flyers of my own that I could reproduce. Thanks for your response.
[16:39] <pep> ah yeah
[16:40] <pep> btw, what do you think about the flyer design from lilit ? with FOSS explained at the back?
[16:52] <m-c> Not sure which is from lilit ... I liked the brochure from Filip Dominec with a long explanation on the back
[16:53] <m-c> Maybe you have a link for the reference?
[16:57] <pep> yeah, sure...
[16:58] <pep> http://lilit.be/pdf/lip-20080705-4A6-NB.pdf this one, explaining GNU/Linux at the back
[16:58] <pep> I like the idea
[16:59] <pep> when I was given the flyer I really liked it :)
[17:02] <hubuntu> m-c you can always share that goodness with us ;)
[17:02] <hubuntu> upload it to the wiki page for DIY or something
[17:04] <pep> mhh just hang on a sec before uploading to the wiki :)
[17:04] <m-c> I did not even see the back before! Yes, I liked that one very much. I will have to use it if I go to a conference in Quebec.
[17:04] * m-c thinks about going to Quebecian conferences...
[17:06] <m-c> Hmm ... it is a nice place up there, in this time of year.
[17:08] <pep> I bet
=== jackster__ is now known as jackster