UbuntuIRC / 2008 /07 /02 /#ubuntu+1.txt
Initial commit
=== threethirty is now known as threethirty_away
[00:26] <AtomicSpark> well i'm downloading the alpha and am going to try to run a vm of it. wish me luck! :P
[00:32] <ASULutzy> Anyone else had problems with virtualbox in Intrepid?
[00:33] <ASULutzy> I tried to point my Intrepid install to the .vdi's located on my hardy install (which are Windows XP disks) and it blue screens almost immediately when I try to boot the XP disk in Intrepid. In Hardy it works fine.
[00:43] <ASULutzy> It's probably Windows' fault, not virtualboxes
[00:45] <AtomicSpark> yes
[00:46] <AtomicSpark> but again nothing works in intrepid
[00:47] <G_009> kernel is smooth
[00:49] <Fujisan> hello
[00:49] <Fujisan> i have a question about the latest ubuntu
[00:53] <lymeca> Could anyone help me out with a problem I am having in upgrading perl in INtrepid?
[00:53] <lymeca> ErrorMessage: subprocess post-installation script returned error exit status 9
[00:53] <lymeca> Package: base-passwd 3.5.17
[00:54] <lymeca> base-passwd configuration is shutting down anything I try and do with APT
[00:54] <lymeca> I have a feeling upgrading perl and perl-base will fix it but I can't do anything with APT at the moment.
[00:56] <G_009> try aptitude
[00:56] <lymeca> G_009: I did. And Synaptic.
[00:56] <G_009> it's beyond me then
=== threethirty_away is now known as threethirty
[02:42] <AtomicSpark> hmm.
[02:42] <AtomicSpark> a wise man once told me, eveyrthing is broken.
[02:42] <RAOF> Although you can certainly put a partial ordering on the set of all broken things.
[02:43] <AtomicSpark> hmm. maybe.
[02:44] <AtomicSpark> i tried installing it. it failed at loading xserver.
[02:48] <RAOF> Any sort of debugging output at all would be useful, if you'd like to fix it :)
[02:50] <AtomicSpark> i'm sure the output will be "haha i failed to create a virutal machine"
[03:55] <lymeca> So I noticed the default fglrx in Intrepid is 8.50
[03:55] <lymeca> And the default kernel is now 2.6.26 (even though it's not stable)
[03:55] <lymeca> Do these work together?
[03:55] <lymeca> I thought fglrx only worked on 2.6.25 or less
[04:00] <RAOF> lymeca: There isn't a default fglrx in Intrepid.
[04:00] <RAOF> Any packages you find will be uninstallable, I believe.
[04:00] <lymeca> So I'm thinking of sticking with Hardy's 2.6.24-19 kernel
[04:01] <lymeca> And Hardy's 8.3 fglrx
[04:01] <lymeca> I can't figure out how to get direct rendering otherwise
[04:01] <lymeca> Everything else on my system is INtrepid.
[04:02] <RAOF> If you've got an old-ish ati card you can use the ati driver, but fglrx isn't ready for Intrepid.
[04:02] <lymeca> I have a Radeon 2600 HD, and I know 3D support will be coming in the coming months from Free drivers, and I'm happy about that
[04:02] <lymeca> But right now I want direct rendering, and my only option is fglrx
[04:05] <RAOF> Right. But Intrepid doesn't have a working fglrx driver, and this is known, and is being worked on.
[04:07] <lymeca> Cool
[04:07] <lymeca> I'll just use Hardy's Linux and fglrx
[04:07] <lymeca> I blame proprietary shens
[04:19] <fulat2k> hi folks, why am i constantly getting BUG: unable to handle kernel msg in kubuntu intrepid a1?
[04:28] <RAOF> fulat2k: Because of a kernel bug.
[04:33] <fulat2k> RAOF: has it been fixed?
[04:34] <RAOF> fulat2k: I don't know. Has it been reported?
[04:34] <fulat2k> RAOF: good question. haven't checked :D
[04:49] <G_009> i had lost interest in rythmbox, but it's been doing good lately
[04:57] <DanaG> Argh, I wish wine would work under PulseAudio.
[04:57] <DanaG> It doesn't, for me.
[04:57] <DanaG> At least, not for directsound apps.
[04:59] <DanaG> Oh hey, does the packaged compiz-fusion include atlantis2?
[05:00] <DanaG> That's about the only non-packaged plugin I can think of, that I use.
[05:00] <DanaG> What others are not packaged? Oh yeah, Snow is another one.
[05:03] <DanaG> Oh hey, not only do nvidia's linux drivers suck... their Windows ones suck, too.
[05:04] <DanaG> at least, they're who I'm blaming for the fact that just one of my HL2-based games (gmod) gives BSODs when run (windowed), and yet all the others run fine (fullscreen).
[05:04] <DanaG> Ohhh, I'm going to be SO glad to be free of nvidia next time.
[05:08] <hydrogen> yea.. because ati is so much better </sarcasm>
[05:08] <DanaG> Well, at least it's open-source now.
[05:09] <DanaG> nvidia doesn't even do 2D acceleration in their 'nv' driver, I believe.
[05:09] <hydrogen> nv is a community driver, nvidia has nothing to do with it
[05:09] <hydrogen> afaik
[05:09] <RAOF> No, it's maintained by nvidia.
[05:10] <RAOF> At least, there's an nvidia dev who maintains it, and it's (for the nouveau guys) annoyingly obfuscated.
[05:10] <DanaG> I like to give my money to open-source-supporting things.
[05:10] <DanaG> s/things/companies/
[05:11] <hydrogen> so uh
[05:11] <hydrogen> has ati actually done anything
[05:11] <hydrogen> that shows they support it
[05:11] <DanaG> nvidia-settings -l
[05:11] <hydrogen> beyond just making the source availible?
[05:11] <DanaG> Umm, have you read phoronix lately?
[05:12] <hydrogen> nope
[05:12] <hydrogen> can't say I have
[05:12] <RAOF> Releasing specs, paying a dev to work on the radeon driver, sponsoring Novel to develop radeonhd,...
[05:12] <hydrogen> meh
[05:12] <hydrogen> they have a really long way to go
[05:12] <hydrogen> before I ever buy another ati product
[05:13] * hydrogen goes back to trying to determine why cpu-freq is fubar and ranting about how bad #ubuntu is for support
[05:14] <DanaG> Plus, comparing my days with my 9800 Pro to my days with my GeForce Go 7600, the latter has given me far, far, far more problems in Windows than the former ever did.
[05:15] <DanaG> argh, no surround support in Wine.
[05:16] <hydrogen> we arn't talking about windows :)
[05:16] <hydrogen> at least, I'm not
[05:16] <DanaG> (When I had the 9800 Pro in Linux, I was too new at it to be able to tell anything about it. I did use fglrx, though, at the time.)
[05:16] <DanaG> The last time I used that card was when the X800 series was new.
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[06:02] <cypherdelic> chears
=== DanaG1 is now known as DanaG
[06:41] <DanaG> Argh!
[06:41] <DanaG> Gnome panel just randomly moved everything around.
[06:41] <DanaG> I hope the developers lock their doors better than the panel locks its applets.... =þ
[06:42] <DanaG> Because that sure as heck isn't "locked" if it can still move and change order!~
[06:45] <RAOF> It's not random; it does that when the available space changes.
[06:45] <RAOF> But it could definitely be improved.
[09:00] <bobby> hello, is there some kind of link or information about the energysaving plans, for next ubuntu?
[09:01] <bobby> i read somewhere that ubuntu plans on saving more energy, especialy for laptops
[09:01] <bobby> but i cant find anything concrete
[09:01] <h3sp4wn_> That was probably old information
[09:02] <h3sp4wn_> and afaik ubuntu is it the mercy of the upstream kernel developers
[09:02] <user___> bobby: maybe https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu has something. or at least it could tell you what people are planning for the foreseeable future
[09:02] <h3sp4wn_> s/it/at - if they are paying someone specifically to do it then it would be a first
[09:02] * bobby is having a look
[09:03] <mvo> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DesktopTeam/Specs/PowerManagementSettings is one of the plans for intrepid
[09:10] <bobby> thx mvo
[09:11] <h3sp4wn_> I hope that is easy to configure - I don't think I would want anything more than suspend to ram
[09:11] <h3sp4wn_> when the lid is shut
[10:33] <cbr> hi, where is the iwlwifi firmware in latest intrepid? ubuntu-modules isn't supplied anymore so it's nowhere to be found, the 2.6.26 kernel doesn't install it
[10:37] <cbr> okay, copied the firmware from 2.6.24
[10:37] <cbr> it's still a bug though :P
[10:38] <cbr> woow, and the wireless led actually work?
[10:38] <cbr> s
[10:40] <Hobbsee> iwl3945? works OOTB for me.
[10:41] <cbr> ootb?
[10:41] <EqUaTe> out of the box
[10:42] <Hobbsee> with a flashing light
[10:42] * Hobbsee is unsure why i'ts flashing, but it does seem to work, so...
[10:42] <cbr> with 2.6.26 it doesnt for me
[10:42] <cbr> kernel module cant find firmware
[10:43] <cbr> luckily i had a 2.6.24 kernel installed too so i copied the firmware from there
[10:43] <cbr> it flashes on network activity imo
[10:55] <enyc> I would like to know, from anybody in-the-know, if 8.04.1 is expected no time tomorrow... if not i shall change my plans ;-)
[10:56] <enyc> err... on-time
[11:06] <gnomefreak> enyc: here is not the place for hardy topics
[12:21] <enyc> gnomefreak: ok understood... where do 'updates' 'patches' etc get discussed?
[12:34] <gnomefreak> enyc: depends most of time #ubuntu-motu
[12:35] <gnomefreak> if intrepid it can be here but -motu is best place
[12:49] <mouz> grep -i does not work as expected on my system: http://paste.ubuntu.com/24451/ . Is this a known problem? If not: could some confirm?
[12:58] <gnomefre1k> its known
=== gnomefre1k is now known as gnomefreak
[13:05] <joaopinto> grep was broken :P ?
[13:06] <hyperair> so it seems
[13:07] <gnomefreak> is broken
[13:07] <gnomefreak> just grep -i
[13:07] <gnomefreak> that is it
[13:08] <hyperair> meh
[13:08] <hyperair> what happened?
[13:08] <gnomefreak> me and anonther mozilla dev for ubuntu saw it last week and im asking to see if he found a bug on it yet or if he filed one so i can point people to it and maybe ill look into fixing it since im thinking its fairly easy since its one flag but we will see
[13:08] <gnomefreak> hyperair: grep -i doesnt output what it should
[13:08] <gnomefreak> some cases it didnt output anything
[13:08] <joaopinto> that is a SERIOUS bug
[13:08] <hyperair> no i mean what happened.. how did it get broken
[13:08] <hyperair> it is a serious bug
[13:09] <gnomefreak> i think most people are no output
[13:09] <hyperair> god knows how many things depend on grep
[13:09] <gnomefreak> hyperair: merge or upstream
[13:09] <joaopinto> it must be merge, since upstream version is the same, at least from the package version
[13:09] <gnomefreak> grep -i isnt critcal just for most part annoying
[13:09] <gnomefreak> -i is case
[13:09] <gnomefreak> there are 100 other flags that work fine
[13:10] <joaopinto> gnomefreak, uh ? is is used extremly in scripts
[13:10] <joaopinto> it
[13:11] <hyperair> yeah that's what i meant
[13:11] <joaopinto> -i is one of the most used because it provides a common function, unlike the other 100 flags :P
[13:11] <gnomefreak> joaopinto: yes it is but as for critcal its not i would say meduim-high but thats about it
[13:12] <gnomefreak> none of ubuntu scripts have been affected by it at this time that i have heard of thats why its not critical, user scripts/uses maybe affected but ubuntu doesnt support them.
[13:13] <joaopinto> oh gnomefreak nice defition for criticality "how it affects other ubuntu pieces", I thought it was about how it affects users :)
[13:13] <joaopinto> or may potentially affect
[13:14] <hyperair> actually if it affects other ubuntu pieces then it's definitely critical
[13:14] <hyperair> imagine if the kernel compiled wrojngly
[13:14] <gnomefreak> jacob: ubuntus importance settings are relative to ubuntu packages
[13:14] <hyperair> and every single intrepid user would onyl see a damn kernel panic
[13:14] <gnomefreak> so its not a show stopper so critical is really out of bounds
[13:14] <gnomefreak> hyperair: but it hasnt and this problem didnt just happen
[13:15] <hyperair> hence the word "imagine"
[13:16] <gnomefreak> the problem is found already
[13:16] <gnomefreak> fta found it and added a description to bug 243717
[13:16] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 243717 in grep "case sensitive grep broken with UTF8 in intrepid, breaking scripts" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/243717
[13:17] <hyperair> aah
[13:17] <hyperair> utf-8
[13:17] <hyperair> i see
[13:18] <gnomefreak> yep simple fix just waiting for it maybe ill ping the dev about it later today
[13:19] <hyperair> why wait?
[13:21] <gnomefreak> hyperair: i can drop the patch and fix it but still have to wait for it to be checked uploaded than uploaded again
[13:21] <hyperair> meh
[13:21] <hyperair> red tape
[13:21] <gnomefreak> hyperair: im asking the devs atm since i dont personally know the last uploader.
[13:21] <hyperair> how nice
[13:21] <gnomefreak> hyperair: yes for main repo its very tight so we dont upload major bugs its tested by atleast 2 people
[13:22] <hyperair> i see
[13:22] <hyperair> that's good i guess
[13:22] <gnomefreak> but it has to go to query than archives admins hav eto push it
[13:22] <gnomefreak> hyperair: drop the patch and rebuild it
[13:22] <hyperair> lol i'm not even using ubuntu at the moment.
[13:22] <hyperair> nvidia's broken
[13:22] <gnomefreak> but its still gonna fix one issue and not the other
[13:22] <gnomefreak> hyperair: its known they are having issue with it atm
[13:23] <hyperair> i knwo
[14:55] <sacarde> hi
[14:55] <sacarde> have a problem with kubuntu-ppc 8.10 alpha
[14:55] <sacarde> I download iso install
[14:56] <sacarde> when installer go to find cdrom
[14:56] <sacarde> it doesnot find /dev/hdb
[14:56] <sacarde> in fact, /dev/hdb doiesnot exist
[14:56] <sacarde> can you help me?
[15:01] <ASULutzy> sacarde: Sorry I just joined, what are you trying to do?
[15:01] <ASULutzy> So as far as I can tell this is a Windows problem, not an Intrepid or Virtualbox problem, but figured I'd ask to make sure... I've got a .vdi image that has XP on it, it boots fine in Hardy, but when I use Virtualbox in Intrepid it goes to the Windows menu about safe mode, or boot normally etc, and no matter what I pick it blue screens and reboots immediately. Who's to blame? :P
[15:02] <sacarde> I download iso image kubuntu-instal-8.10 alpha
[15:02] <sacarde> for ppc
[15:02] <sacarde> I burn cdrom
[15:03] <sacarde> I reboot my mac-mini-ppc whith that
[15:03] <sacarde> installer runs
[15:03] <sacarde> when it detect cdrom, it doesnot find it
[15:03] <sacarde> in fact I dont find /dev/hdb
[15:04] <sacarde> but in dmesg it found /dev/hdb CDROM iso9660 OK
[15:20] <sacarde> https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bug/244883
[15:20] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 244883 in ubuntu "(ppc arch) dont find cdrom /dev/hdb (mac-mini)" [Undecided,New]
[15:21] <ASULutzy> sacarde: Your cd rom is /dev/hdb ?
[15:21] <sacarde> yes
[15:21] <sacarde> in dmesg I find it
[15:22] <sacarde> ...
[15:22] <sacarde> hdb: ATAPI CD/DVD-ROM drive...
[15:22] <sacarde> can I create device ?
[15:23] <sacarde> in another working linux I have:
[15:23] <sacarde> brw-rw---- 1 root optical 3, 64 2 lug 2008 hdb
[15:42] <jonpackard> anybody need/want help setting up Intrepid in Virtualbox?
[15:43] <joaopinto> I believe it fails to run on VBox at the moment
[16:04] <h3sp4wn_> I don't believe thats true
[16:05] <h3sp4wn_> unless its changed from yesterday
[16:05] <joaopinto> I have seen it reported on the ubuntu devs ML
[16:05] <h3sp4wn_> there is at least 2 people yesterday who have reported it working
[16:05] <h3sp4wn_> and loads of different ways to get to the same point
[16:07] <sacarde> I retry booting kubuntu 8.10alph ppc
[16:07] <sacarde> I go to modprobe ide_cd
[16:08] <sacarde> but it there is not
[16:08] <sacarde> I load cdrom module
[16:08] <h3sp4wn_> I think the legacy ide support is now not even built
[16:08] <sacarde> but I dont know how to restart rilevation udev
[16:08] <sacarde> ah
[16:09] <sacarde> ide is not supported?
[16:09] <sacarde> ah
[16:09] <h3sp4wn_> No it is but by the libata subsystem
[16:09] <sacarde> how can I create /dev/hdb ?
[16:10] <sacarde> in dmesh hdb is detect
[16:10] <sacarde> dmesg
[16:10] <h3sp4wn_> and that is the cdrom right ?
[16:11] <sacarde> hdb: ATAPI CD/DVD-ROM drive...
[16:11] <h3sp4wn_> mknod -m 0660 /dev/hdb b 3 64
[16:12] <h3sp4wn_> you could try netboot/mini.iso and try to get the cdrom working after the install if you have a decent network connection
[16:13] <sacarde> but it there is not
[16:13] <sacarde> sorry
[16:13] <sacarde> after mknod
[16:13] <sacarde> I have to restart udev ?
[16:13] <h3sp4wn_> hmmm perhaps you have to stop udev for mknod to work
[16:14] <sacarde> ?
[16:14] <sacarde> whish step I have to try?
[16:14] <sacarde> which
[16:14] <h3sp4wn_> normally you use mknod with a static /dev (no udev or devfs)
[16:15] <sacarde> I am in kubuntu cdrom running
[16:15] <h3sp4wn_> Inside in an initramfs everything is wierd
[16:15] <sacarde> 1. I load module : cdrom
[16:15] <h3sp4wn_> Is it a desktop cd or alternative cd ?
[16:15] <sacarde> 2. mknod ...
[16:15] <sacarde> alternative
[16:15] <sacarde> is kubuntu alpha 8.10
[16:16] <h3sp4wn_> and its a mac right ?
[16:16] <sacarde> yes
[16:16] <h3sp4wn_> Is there an existing os ?
[16:16] <sacarde> yes
[16:16] <sacarde> YDL, archppc
[16:18] <sacarde> in kubuntu installer cd , runs busybox
[16:18] <sacarde> not a real bash system
[16:18] <h3sp4wn_> thats still inside the initramfs
[16:19] <ASULutzy> sacarde: If you're getting dropped to busybox, are you sure the cd burned properly?
[16:19] <sacarde> I think
[16:19] <ASULutzy> sacarde: Most often getting dumped to busy box while trying to boot off an ubuntu cd means the burn didn't work properly
[16:19] <sacarde> md5sum are ok in k3b
[16:19] <h3sp4wn_> I wouldn't bet alpha one was well tested on ppc
[16:19] <sacarde> no no
[16:20] <sacarde> I go to console: with ctrl-alt-f2
[16:20] <ASULutzy> sacarde: You should always verify the burn when dealing with an OS disc
[16:20] <h3sp4wn_> have you a spare partition
[16:20] <h3sp4wn_> You could deboostrap using the debs on the disk from YDL
[16:21] <sacarde> h3sp4wn_, I don know how
[16:21] <ASULutzy> sacarde: so you checked the md5sum of the .iso you downloaded, but did you verify the burn afterwards?
[16:21] <sacarde> yes, it is OK
[16:22] <sacarde> <h3sp4wn_> You could deboostrap using the debs on the disk from YDL
[16:22] <sacarde> how ?
[16:23] <h3sp4wn_> I am trying to work out the best way to do itt
[16:25] <jonpackard> I am running Intrepid in virtualbox 1.6.2 downloaded from virtualbox.org
[16:26] <jonpackard> it gets kernel panics occasionally right after the boot loader.. rebooting the guest once or twice allows a successful boot
[16:27] <h3sp4wn_> sacarde: Have you anything else you could potentially boot from ? usb key or whatever
[16:28] <jonpackard> if you need full mouse/video desktop integration, i had trouble with installing the guest additions in virtualbox-ose-1.5.6 - the modules did not compile.. i switched to virtualbox-1.6.2 and all is well =)
[16:29] <jonpackard> one more tip.. install guest additions BEFORE installing any updates.. i get some weird graphics glitches installing guest additions on an updated alpha1 system
[16:29] <h3sp4wn_> jonpackard: did you build ose from source ? (played with the 3d acceleration ?)
[16:29] <jonpackard> nah.. i used the ose from hardy repos
[16:30] <ASULutzy> virtualbox inside of Intrepid keeps failing to boot XP correctly
[16:30] <ASULutzy> I'm sad ;)
[16:31] <jonpackard> LOL.. what a bummer =)
[16:31] <jonpackard> I haven't installed Intrepid natively yet.. I'm tempted to on my home PC >:)
[16:32] <jonpackard> for an alpha1 release I have been very impressed with it
[16:33] <h3sp4wn_> I am running it on a xen virtual server - less hassle to track intrepid than backport ocaml
[16:34] <molgrum> nvidia-drivers soon please? :)
[16:35] <h3sp4wn_> tru neavou (or however you spell it)
[16:36] <molgrum> they aren't really cutting edge on 8800gts :/
[16:36] <h3sp4wn_> I wasn't that bothered with nv for my quadro 1600m
[16:37] <h3sp4wn_> accelerated 2D and Xv
[16:37] <ASULutzy> I have it installed natively to a separate partition
[16:37] <ASULutzy> There are some weird things going on with it, but overall I like it. I just like the dark theme ;)
[16:38] <h3sp4wn_> Interestingly its more stable than hardy for me
[16:38] <h3sp4wn_> (This is a remote xen at a hosting company - but nothing important - hardy was crashing 2-4 times a day)
[16:39] <ASULutzy> h3sp4wn_: Weird, my desktop at home is running hardy and has never crashed, haven't restarted it in about 2 weeks or so too
[16:39] <molgrum> well i need accelerated 3d and GLX
[16:39] <molgrum> :)
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[17:18] <sacarde> hi
[17:18] <sacarde> I have try to create /dev/hdb
[17:19] <sacarde> with mknod -m 0660 /dev/hdb 3 64
[17:19] <sacarde> but I have: segmentation fault
[17:20] <jonpackard> well that went right over my head.. how about a haiku? =)
[17:20] <jonpackard> wind catches lily
[17:21] <jonpackard> scatt'ring petals to the wind:
[17:21] <jonpackard> segmentation fault
[17:21] <jonpackard> -- Nick Sweeney
[17:24] <hyperair> ...wtf
[17:25] <Pici> jonpackard: Try #ubuntu-offtopic
[17:25] <hyperair> it was on topic
[17:25] <hyperair> see
[17:25] <hyperair> segmentation fault
[17:26] <sacarde> I run mknod from busybox tty2 !
[17:27] <h3sp4wn_> There will be a way around it have you read about debootstrap ?
[17:28] <sacarde> no
[17:28] <h3sp4wn_> https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromKnoppix
[17:28] <h3sp4wn_> have a look at that - but instead of the http somehow you have to use a file:/// url to use the cd
[17:28] <h3sp4wn_> What is your native language ?
[17:29] <sacarde> it
[17:29] <sacarde> but knoppix for ppc ???
[17:29] <sacarde> exists?
[17:31] <h3sp4wn_> Use the yellow dog linux you already have installed
[17:31] <sacarde> ok
[17:31] <sacarde> I try
[17:32] <h3sp4wn_> Do you have another machine anywhere ?
[17:32] <h3sp4wn_> You can setup a web or ftp on that and host the cd their thats another option and use mini.iso
[17:34] <sacarde> exist kubuntu mini.iso ?
[17:35] <h3sp4wn_> its in the debian-installer directory of the archive and there is just a single one
[17:36] <h3sp4wn_> (It only has just enough to boot and connect to the network)
[17:37] <h3sp4wn_> You can use a hardy netinstall cd to install something newer if you have to and a few other tricks
[17:37] <sacarde> make: dpkg: Command not found
[17:38] <h3sp4wn_> have you got alien ?
[17:39] <h3sp4wn_> https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromAnotherDistro
[17:39] <h3sp4wn_> Thats slightly better docs
[17:39] <h3sp4wn_> sacarde: does ydl use rpms ?
[17:39] <sacarde> yes, yum
[17:40] <h3sp4wn_> I can make you a debootstrap rpm if you give me 10 mins
[17:43] <h3sp4wn_> http://hydra.audio-science.org.uk/junk/debootstrap-1.0.9-2.noarch.rpm#
[17:43] <h3sp4wn_> http://hydra.audio-science.org.uk/junk/debootstrap-1.0.9-2.noarch.rpm
[17:44] <h3sp4wn_> just rpm -i (maybe without deps if it complains but it shouldn't)
[17:46] <h3sp4wn_> Anyone happen to know how the install from windows method works
[17:47] <h3sp4wn_> I would guess but not tried it given a kernel with all drivers needed in statically that could be booted from any bootloader
[17:47] <sacarde> I dont understand which is the trick
[17:48] <sacarde> metod to boot an image-cdrom
[17:48] <sacarde> from another distro
[17:48] <h3sp4wn_> install that rpm and then use debootstrap from that cdrom
[17:48] <sacarde> when I prepare all things
[17:49] <sacarde> I boot from YDL... no?
[17:49] <h3sp4wn_> No after its prepared you install a bootloader and kernel and boot
[17:49] <sacarde> from YDL I run my iso-kubuntu ?
[17:49] <h3sp4wn_> with or without the yellow dog kernel depending on whether you want to build one
[17:49] <sacarde> in finaly, what I have?
[17:50] <sacarde> I have kubuntu installed ?
[17:51] <sacarde> I dont understand
[17:51] <h3sp4wn_> yeah
[17:51] <h3sp4wn_> perhaps you might be better asking in the -it channel someone to explain debootstrap to you
[17:51] <sacarde> I have YDL + kubuntu (in target partition).... ok ?
[17:52] <h3sp4wn_> (I am useless at explaining stuff as it is really)
[17:52] <sacarde> ok
[17:52] <sacarde> thanks a lot for now
[17:52] <h3sp4wn_> or another generic linux channel for -it
[17:52] <sacarde> ok
[18:49] <DanaG> Here's what O
[18:49] <DanaG> Here's what I've done on a few laptops with broken CD drives: remove the drive, and insert a good one. =þ
[18:50] <DanaG> (borrowed from my current laptop.)
[18:54] <DanaG> Error: Error opening /tmp/vm-builder-WTXan26474/root.raw: Invalid argument
[18:54] <DanaG> trying to use simple-mobile-builder
[19:01] <DanaG> mkdir: cannot create directory `/home/dana/ubuntu-vm-hardy-lpia': File exists
[19:02] <DanaG> /usr/bin/ubuntu-vm-builder: line 230: vm_getopt_args: unbound variable
[19:02] <DanaG> Various errors from trying to use the thing.
[19:02] <DanaG> I'd say it's broken.
[19:13] <h3sp4wn_> why not just use a usbkey or pxe or whatever
[19:13] <DanaG> Can't boot USB in virtualbox.
[19:14] <DanaG> Anyway, I found they have a KVM image (cdimages.ubuntu.com link in topic of #ubuntu-mobile).
[19:14] <DanaG> I can just use that virtual hard drive in virtualbox.
[19:18] <ethana2> hey, does intrepid ship with greasemonkey scripts to make web pages follow our theme properly?
[19:22] <ethana2> blast
[19:23] <ethana2> the google logo has white in it instead of alpha
[19:23] <ethana2> I guess it would be a bit much to try to have greasemonkey take white to alpha on that and such images
[19:25] * DanaG hugs his bright orange... because his screen is too dim to use well if he uses a dark screen.
[19:26] <DanaG> s/orange/orange theme/
[19:34] <ethana2> oh hey, when are we going to be able to monitor gpu load in the system monitor applet?
[19:48] <h3sp4wn_> DanaG: Mine can (and I don't care its binary only)
[20:05] <jonpackard> h3sp4wn: How do you tell virtualbox (non-ose) to boot from usb? will the usb drive show up in the boot menu (F12) if it is properly detected?
[20:07] <h3sp4wn_> jonpackard: Should do if passthrough is working
[20:08] <h3sp4wn_> It works with Linux host anyway but not on this Solaris host
[20:10] <h3sp4wn_> Anyone happen to know how to get the run button back
[20:10] <h3sp4wn_> (add it to applications or whatever)#
=== DanaG1 is now known as DanaG
[21:08] <DanaG> ARgh, my brightness keys are slow and laggy.
[21:09] <DanaG> hit.....change.....hit......change (where "hit" is me hitting the hotkey, and "change" is when it changes).
[21:09] <DanaG> There's like 2/3 of a second of lag on it.
=== Webspot_ is now known as Webspot
=== henri is now known as ph8
=== DanaG1 is now known as DanaG
=== threethirty is now known as threethirty_away
[23:45] <RoC_MasterMind> how do I disable gnome video thumbnails?