UbuntuIRC / 2008 /06 /29 /#xubuntu.txt
Initial commit
[00:28] <Joelito> hi, all...is compiz default or enable in xubuntu 8.04?
[00:30] <Genelyk> nit
[00:30] <Genelyk> not
[00:32] <Joelito> Genelyk: I need to download it and install it from the repos?
[00:33] <Joelito> I though that it was pre-installed like in ubuntu :(
[00:35] <Genelyk> mmm
[01:09] <Zeeded> [17:09:29] You do not have the appropriate Gstreamer plugin installed to play this file: file:///home/zeeded/Music/epoxies - stop the future/02-this day.mp3
[01:10] <Zeeded> I downloaded the Gstreamer updates and the plugins, anyone know why I keep getting this?
[01:12] <Zeeded> oh
[01:12] <Zeeded> I missed one, nvm
=== Zeeded is now known as Zeeded|AFK
[03:03] <LetsGo67> How do I use an iPod in iTunes in Ubuntu?
[03:07] <cody-somerville> LetsGo67, You can't use iTunes in Ubuntu
[03:08] <CostaRicanQuaker> what doi you do then?
[03:08] <CostaRicanQuaker> i mean just curious
[03:08] <LetsGo67> cody-somerville: wine
[03:08] <LetsGo67> cody-somerville: gtkpod is ugly.
[03:10] <cody-somerville> http://www.linuxjournal.com/article/9266
[03:10] <cody-somerville> http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=798
[03:10] <cody-somerville> http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/itunes
[03:14] <LetsGo67> Thanks.
[03:16] <CostaRicanQuaker> i c an't install xubuntu
[03:16] <CostaRicanQuaker> everytime i burn an iso file
[03:16] <CostaRicanQuaker> onto the cdrw
[03:16] <CostaRicanQuaker> and checck for errors
[03:16] <CostaRicanQuaker> it says there's a corrupted file
[03:16] <CostaRicanQuaker> and i don't dare install just liek that
[03:18] <LetsGo67> CostaRicanQuaker: use another CD/drive?
[03:23] <LetsGo67> Do you have other CD-RWs?
[03:23] <LetsGo67> !ipod
[03:23] <ubottu> For information on how to sync and add tracks to your iPod, see the guide at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IPodHowto - See !RockBox for information on liberating your iPod
[03:25] <CostaRicanQuaker> no more cd.rw's
[03:25] <CostaRicanQuaker> i'll have to get some new ones
[03:25] <CostaRicanQuaker> meh
[03:27] <LetsGo67> iPod isn't detected in Banshee, cody-somerville!
[03:27] <LetsGo67> CostaRicanQuaker: hope you find some.
[03:28] <LetsGo67> 0.13.2!? What is this! They have version 1.0 now!
[03:30] <LetsGo67> Why does Ubuntu take forever to update its reps!?
[03:30] <cody-somerville> LetsGo67, We need more volunteers! :P
[03:32] <LetsGo67> cody-somervile: how?
[03:34] <cody-somerville> LetsGo67, http://wiki.ubuntu.com/MOTU/GettingStarted
[03:38] <mrwislr> firefox in xubuntu will not give me an option to "open with" when downloading a document and such from webpages..... like email attachments.... it only gives the option to save as or cancel
[03:38] <mrwislr> please help
[03:43] <LetsGo67> mrwislr: 3.0?
[03:43] <mrwislr> yes
[03:45] <mrwislr> LetsGo67: yes
[03:45] <CostaRicanQuaker> what advantages are significant when choosing xubuntu as compared to kubuntu?
[03:48] <LetsGo67> mrwisir: sorry, not sure what to say.
[03:48] <mrwislr> xubuntu is speed
[03:48] <LetsGo67> CostaRicanQuaker: Xubuntu runs on 500mhz/256MB RAM/10GB hard drive better than (K)ubuntu.
[03:49] <mrwislr> kubuntu is flashy windows with too many options and controlled by trolltech
[03:49] <mrwislr> ubuntu is mac like simple beauty
[03:49] <mrwislr> tied to no one but the community
[03:50] <mrwislr> kubuntu is heavy
[03:50] <mrwislr> xubuntu is light
[03:50] <mrwislr> ubuntu is just right
[03:50] <CostaRicanQuaker> trolltech?
[03:50] <mrwislr> yes trolltech
[03:50] <CostaRicanQuaker> what's that?
[03:50] <CostaRicanQuaker> !trolltech
[03:50] <ubottu> Sorry, I don't know anything about trolltech
[03:51] <mrwislr> company that is responsible for the qt library
[03:51] <mrwislr> which kde is built on
[03:51] <mrwislr> which is the interface to kubuntu
[03:51] <LetsGo67> Ubuntu has roughly the same requirements as Vista/Leopard.
[03:51] <CostaRicanQuaker> so xubuntu will run faster
[03:51] <CostaRicanQuaker> and it's simpler
[03:51] <LetsGo67> Xubuntu is more like Windows XP.
[03:52] <mrwislr> not likely lets
[03:52] <mrwislr> xubuntu is more like classic mac
[03:52] <LetsGo67> Mac OS 9? No way!
[03:52] <LetsGo67> (There is a skin that mimics it, though)
[03:52] <mrwislr> ubuntu will fly on a machine that crawls with vista
[03:52] <LetsGo67> Maybe.
[03:52] <CostaRicanQuaker> and with xubuntu?
[03:53] <LetsGo67> I upgraded from 1GB to 3GB but it did nothing to Xubuntu's performance.
[03:53] <LetsGo67> RAM
[03:53] <mrwislr> xubuntu is very fast and simplistically beautiful
[03:53] <CostaRicanQuaker> is xubuntu faster than ubuntu?
[03:53] <mrwislr> but it won't be quite as user friendly as ubuntu
[03:53] <LetsGo67> No way.
[03:53] <mrwislr> yes lots faster
[03:53] <LetsGo67> No accessibility.
[03:54] <LetsGo67> JWM is the fastest.
[03:54] <mrwislr> jwm isn't a destkop though
[03:54] <mrwislr> like the others
[03:54] <CostaRicanQuaker> what do you mean user friendly?
[03:54] <mrwislr> take ubuntu
[03:54] <CostaRicanQuaker> will i be able to switch from xp to xubuntu?
[03:54] <mrwislr> seriously dude
[03:54] <mrwislr> if your just getting into linux
[03:54] <mrwislr> take ubuntu
[03:55] <CostaRicanQuaker> I prefer kubuntu to ubuntu though
[03:55] <mrwislr> y?
[03:55] <mrwislr> because the task bar is on the bottom
[03:55] <mrwislr> please
[03:55] <mrwislr> windows thinking there
[03:55] <CostaRicanQuaker> seems simpler
[03:55] <mrwislr> besides you can move and arrange the friggin toolbar however you want in ubuntu
[03:56] <CostaRicanQuaker> why not xubuntu then?
[03:56] <CostaRicanQuaker> i also want my girl to switch and she's got pretty old laptop
[03:56] <mrwislr> because ubuntu is setup to be much more intuative and user friendly
[03:57] <mrwislr> xubuntu requires you to know quite a bit more about linux to truly enjoy it and get everything running
[03:58] <CostaRicanQuaker> how long for me to learn it?
[03:59] <mrwislr> take a good 3/4 months with ubuntu and you should have enough down to know what your doing for the most part
[04:06] <CostaRicanQuaker> can you open .doc files
[04:06] <CostaRicanQuaker> with abi word
[04:06] <CostaRicanQuaker> and sve them
[04:06] <CostaRicanQuaker> so MS office will open them
[04:11] <LetsGo67> Thanks for your help guys, I'm heading off, ttyl.
[04:11] <LetsGo67> (IMO AbiWord > OO.o)
[05:55] <MrLukipela> So.. after a fresh install, when i go to terminal, for a command prompt, i am logged off.
[05:55] <MrLukipela> Any ideas?
[06:00] <Zeeded> huh?
[07:11] <BoltClock> my school computers run on 128 mb ram, is that enough for xubuntu?
[07:11] <MrLukipela> Yes
[07:11] <MrLukipela> im running that right now :D
[07:11] <BoltClock> funny, sources say i need more than that
[07:11] <BoltClock> like 192 or even 256 mb
[07:12] <BoltClock> those are for better performance i think?
[07:12] <MrLukipela> Give me a minute and ill look at my system specs
[07:12] <Zeeded> well your sources are wrong
[07:12] <MrLukipela> but im running on a laptop thats 9 years old.
[07:12] <MrLukipela> erm 8 years old
[07:13] <BoltClock> im trying xubuntu by live cd now
[07:13] <BoltClock> but its going to take me a little bit to get used to the differences from ubuntu
[07:14] <MrLukipela> Im trying to get it to load all the way right now :D
[07:14] <Zeeded> lol not really Bolt
[07:14] <MrLukipela> when i try to get a command prompt my system crashes
[07:14] <Zeeded> I have been switching back and forth for a while now
[07:14] <Zeeded> there about the same
[07:14] <Zeeded> you just have to install some different stuff
[07:14] <MrLukipela> which is always fun, because we all know you dont need a command prompt for xubuntu :P
[07:14] <Zeeded> and the interface is alittle bit different
[07:14] <Zeeded> lol
[07:15] <BoltClock> can see that Zeeded
[07:15] <Zeeded> funny jokes there
[07:15] <BoltClock> MrLukipelia lol
[07:15] <BoltClock> MrLukipela: weird, havent heard of such crashes
[07:15] <MrLukipela> Zeeded, im not sure wth i did, i updated my video drivers and now it crashes.
[07:15] <MrLukipela> I have no clue what i did, and i cant get into terminal to check and see :D
[07:16] <BoltClock> i just hope my school computers allow me to boot from my thumb drive, im planning to install xubuntu on it
[07:16] <Zeeded> lol sweet
[07:16] <MrLukipela> If they dont, all you have to do is get into the bios and make USB the primary boot deice
[07:16] <BoltClock> its 4 gb, but the fact that my school is so poor restricts me to xubuntu
[07:17] <BoltClock> MrLukipela: now im unsure if accessing the bios is allowed
[07:18] <BoltClock> my school tends to get paranoid over these things
[07:18] <MrLukipela> It would be pretty tough to restrict BIOS access, reboot the PC, press f10 or f8 depending.
[07:24] <BoltClock> i cant believe i just text messaged my teacher asking if bios access is allowed
[07:24] <MrLukipela> i cant believe you have a teacher that knows how to text message
[07:24] <BoltClock> lol
[07:35] <MrLukipela> Anyone in here actually know anything about Xubuntu, or do you all just lurk?
[07:35] <BoltClock> i lurk
[07:35] <BoltClock> and ask stuff
[07:36] <MrLukipela> i havent ever seen anyone answer a question in here :(
[07:36] <BoltClock> lol
[07:36] <BoltClock> i didnt know it was that bad for xubuntu
[07:37] <MrLukipela> hahahaha
[07:38] <MrLukipela> i broke it
[07:38] <MrLukipela> ok fixed
[07:38] <MrLukipela> Still having the same terminal issue
[07:39] <MrLukipela> but i can live without that
[09:08] <the-erm> Is there a way to manually save a session?
[09:09] <the-erm> Is there a way to enable a right-click on grouped task to "close all"
[09:09] <the-erm> That is all ...
[09:10] <Zeeded> yep
[09:10] <the-erm> Great ... how?
[09:11] <the-erm> gnome has gnome-session-save :)
[09:11] <the-erm> alas I haven't found anything similar for xfce.
[09:12] <Zeeded> No clue ;/
[09:13] <Zeeded> :/
[09:14] <the-erm> You wouldn't by chance know how to change the font size of the tool bar/menu?
[09:14] <the-erm> I guess I should look in the menu editor before I ask simple questions like this..
[09:17] <the-erm> Alas it is not there.
[09:25] <BoltClock> is it dependent on the machine itself whether changing bios boot settings is permanent or can be temporary?
[09:48] <Valsum> Font size in Settings\User interface
[09:49] <Valsum> BoltClock: I've only seen permanent ones. You save changes, and they're stored ;)
[09:49] <BoltClock> Valsum: well... i dont think my school will be too happy seeing me boot xubuntu from my thumb drive then :S
[09:50] <Valsum> you can restart later and put the boot settings in the bios back
[11:32] <Rhorse> :leave
[15:24] <xTheSaintx> yo guys
[15:24] <xTheSaintx> How do i get the cube effect on xubuntu?
[15:29] <xTheSaintx> Anyone?
[15:30] <siggjen> you can set it in advanced desktop effect settings
[15:40] <xTheSaintx> and were do i find that?
[15:50] <siggjen> i use to find it in system/prefs
[15:53] <TheSheep> siggjen: that's in ubuntu
[15:54] <siggjen> oki, just execute ccsm then
[15:57] <TheSheep> siggjen: ccsm?
[15:58] <siggjen> compizconfig-settings-manager
[16:00] <TheSheep> siggjen: no such thing in xubuntu default install
[16:01] <siggjen> probably time to install it then
[16:02] <TheSheep> siggjen: why not isnatll whole gnome then?
[16:12] <xTheSaintx> TheSheep how do i get gnome?
[16:13] <TheSheep> xTheSaintx: install ubuntu :)
[16:13] <TheSheep> xTheSaintx: xubuntu doesn't have such special effects, you can add them by installing compiz, but it's not standard xubuntu then
[16:13] <TheSheep> !compiz
[16:14] <ubottu> Compiz (compositing window manager) and XGL (X server architecture layered on top of OpenGL) - Howto at http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager - help in #compiz-fusion
[16:21] <xTheSaintx> im on a laptop
[16:21] <xTheSaintx> so ubuntu wouldnt really go at all fast
[16:21] <xTheSaintx> So i got xubuntu
[16:28] <TheSheep> ubuntu wouldn't really go fast because of, mong other things, cube desktop
[18:03] <MrLukipela> So am i ever going to be able to get support for xubuntu or should i just uninstall and go back to windows..?
[18:07] <TheSheep> MrLukipela: you have to ask a question
[18:07] * cody-somerville nods.
[18:10] <MrLukipela> Yah, sorry, been asking the same question for 3 days with no response.
[18:10] <MrLukipela> Here is my issue: On Xubuntu, my screen has big black bars on the sides, when i run displayconfig-gtk and try to change it, it goes to low graphics mode. I am using the correct driver, from what ive seen. Any ideas?
[18:14] <TheSheep> MrLukipela: is that an lcd screen?
[18:14] <MrLukipela> Yes, its a laptop
[18:14] <TheSheep> MrLukipela: do you know what is its native resolution?
[18:15] <MrLukipela> 1024x768
[18:15] <MrLukipela> What its doing is puting it at 800x600 but instead of streatching to meet the screen it just centers it
[18:15] <MrLukipela> Stretching^
[18:16] <TheSheep> what does lspci | grep VGA say?
[18:16] <TheSheep> (type that in a terminal)
[18:16] <MrLukipela> .. i just tried to copy and paste from one computer to the other.
[18:17] <TheSheep> there are programs that make it possible :)
[18:17] <MrLukipela> VGA Compatible controller: intel corp. 82815 Chipset Graphics Controller (CGC) (rev 11)
[18:17] <MrLukipela> Yah but im not loading synergy till i get the screen fixed :P
[18:18] <TheSheep> you cannot switch to 1024x768 with displayconfig-gtk?
[18:18] <MrLukipela> When i do it goes to low graphics mode.
[18:18] <MrLukipela> brb.. wife is yelling ;)
[18:19] <TheSheep> even if you select intel as the driver?
[18:38] <dkkong> The onboard soundcard in my system doesn't work. I put in a Creative Labs SB Audigy, and lspci shows it's recognized, but I have no sound. Help?
[18:52] <MrLukipela> Yes, even if i select the intel drivers :D
[18:54] <MrLukipela> TheSheep, Yes. Even if i select the intel drivers.
[19:00] <cyzie> is smp not supported in kernel 2.6.24?
[19:20] <TheSheep> cyzie: it is
[19:21] <cyzie> yes, should go for the generic rather than 386
[19:21] <cyzie> iguess that's the different
[19:35] <slow-motion> hi
[19:38] <cyzie> what is the default runlevel in xubuntu ?
[19:39] <TheSheep> cyzie: they are all the same
[19:40] <cyzie> mm i just check, if you dont have inittab in /etc/, then it goes to runlevel 2.
[19:40] <cyzie> why are you saying they are all the same ?
[19:44] <TheSheep> because there is no differencebetween them -- they all start the same services
[19:44] <TheSheep> except for the special ones, obviously
[19:45] <cyzie> mmm, not really though, 0 to shut down, 1 for single mode, 5 for the x with multi user, 3 for no x multi users. 6 for reboot
[19:47] <th0r> cyzie, close. I think ubuntu uses 2-5 interchangeably, but 0,1,6 are correct. Your definitions of 2-5 are for suse/redhat
[19:48] <cyzie> th0r, check, /etc/event.d/rc-default . if you dont have inittab, it goes to N 2. so there is no interchangeably 2-5.
[19:49] <cyzie> anyway, strange that my hardy does not have /etc/inittab.. :-s
[19:50] <th0r> cyzie, right...2 is default, but I think 3,4,5 do the same thing in ubuntu. In suse, 2 is non-X, non-network, 3 is non-X with network, and 4 is X with no network
[19:50] <th0r> cyzie, http://www.debianadmin.com/debian-and-ubuntu-linux-run-levels.html
[19:51] <cyzie> i see. this runlevel eventually fall back to the services/daemon start configured in /etc/rc.X . ok, i think i have my answer default runlevel is 2 if it dont have /etc/inittab.
[19:51] <cyzie> thanks th0r
[21:40] <cyzie> hi, after we initiate connection to the ISP using pon, how does actually the dns process works?
[21:50] <gofigure> Hey UBuntuers I am a sorta IRC and UBUNTU noob and have a question
[21:52] <gofigure> I once installed a different linux distro and when I pressed ctrl-alt-F4, I would get a command line terminal. Does Ubuntu have a similar feature??
[21:52] <gofigure> Cause my hardy heron doesn't do anything
[21:53] <gofigure> hello?
[21:54] <cyzie> u need /etc/inittab
[21:54] <gofigure> cyzie my new friend!
[21:54] <gofigure> Thank allah for you!
[21:54] <gofigure> i have heard of this initab thing before
[21:55] <gofigure> Do I need to put something in it??
[21:55] <cyzie> yes
[21:55] <cyzie> check for some example, gtg now
[21:55] <cyzie> bye
[21:59] <gofigure> gee that helped a lot
[21:59] <gofigure> php people are so much cooler
[21:59] <firsm> is there a xubuntu theme for opera?
[22:04] <gofigure> why does xubuntu crash all the time?
[22:07] <gofigure> is there any way to make xubuntu more stable like my xp?
[22:36] <slow-motion> n8
[22:38] <bminuk> anyone know when a patched xubuntu livecd will be made (with the SSL vuln fixed)
[22:41] <bminuk> (tap tap) is this thing on?
[22:57] <bminuk2> hello
[23:05] <bminuk2> any know if an update livecd will be made available with fixes to the ssl vuln
[23:16] <TheSheep> bminuk2: all images has been updated as soon as tthe fix was released
[23:41] <bminuk2> TheSheep: sorry for the delay - on #ubuntu. The website indicates that the livecd does not contain the fix.