UbuntuIRC / 2008 /06 /29 /#ubuntu-devel.txt
Initial commit
=== macd_ is now known as macd
[02:32] <pwnguin> hmm. it's never good when the first page of google search for an idea contains a patent hit
[02:34] <ion_> A software patent? Just ignore it. :-P
[02:35] <pwnguin> i wasn't planning on implementing it anyways
[02:35] <pwnguin> i could see a future where software patents exist
[02:36] <pwnguin> 3 year terms and working source code
[02:42] <pwnguin> fortunately, it looks like they're all taking my small idea and building something bigger with it, rather than claiming the small idea as their own
[02:42] <pwnguin> just lookin to see if there's a standard way of doing DAGs in XML
[08:02] <Hobbsee> Keybuk: ping?
[09:03] <Iulian> G'morning
[12:22] <LCID_Fire> Hi
[12:22] <LCID_Fire> Does anyone know how to properly package a autotools build app?
[12:29] <RAOF> LCID_Fire: Almost everyone here, I'd wager.
[12:31] <persia> LCID_Fire: In fact, it's the default, for any packaging guide you might find.
[12:32] <LCID_Fire> the guides I found till now are not very clear about this :(
[12:33] <persia> LCID_Fire: Which guide?
[12:33] <brt> HI All how to sync wm6 smatphone in linux ?
[12:33] <ion_> brt: The first step is to read the topic.
[12:34] <persia> brt: You'll want to ask that question on #ubuntu, or if there is no response, post it on questions.launchpad.net/ubuntu
[12:35] <brt> ah thx
[12:36] <RAOF> LCID_Fire: Oh, is this writing the autofoo to _build_ said app, or doing the Debian packaging?
[12:37] <LCID_Fire> RAOF: Autotools chain is running fine - but packaging the whole thing for debian is confusing me pretty much
=== Kopfgeldjaeger2 is now known as Kopfgeldjaeger
[12:39] <persia> LCID_Fire: In short, just make sure that debian/rules build contains everything required to build the package, including any autotools stuff.
[12:39] <LCID_Fire> I have - but now it complains about the autocreated files
[12:40] <persia> When does it complain?
[12:40] <LCID_Fire> e.g.:
[12:40] <LCID_Fire> dpkg-source: cannot represent change to INSTALL:
[12:40] <LCID_Fire> dpkg-source: new version is plain file
[12:40] <LCID_Fire> dpkg-source: old version is something else
[12:41] <persia> You also need to make sure debian/rules clean restores the directory to the state it had prior to debian/rules $(anything else)
[12:42] <LCID_Fire> That would mean I'd have to remove all autocreated files!?
[12:42] <persia> Yes.
[12:43] <LCID_Fire> I just hope there is some call to do this easily
[12:59] <LCID_Fire> Did not really help. I now added ./autogen.sh and ./configure before doing 'make distclean' but it still complains
[12:59] <RAOF> Is there not already a nice clean upstream tarball? (Presumably not)
[13:00] <ion_> It’s better to run the auto* stuff yourself and let it stay in the diff.
[13:00] <LCID_Fire> No it's my own app ;)
[13:00] <RAOF> LCID_Fire: Then why don't you release a tarball with "make dist"?
[13:00] <RAOF> Nice and easy.
[13:01] <LCID_Fire> Because I don't know shit about debian packaging!?
[13:01] <ion_> That’s not related to Debian at all.
[13:03] <LCID_Fire> Where is the difference between make dist and make install?
[13:03] <Robot101> one makes a dist tarball of the source, the other installs the compiled program to your system
[13:05] <LCID_Fire> k, but I still need to compile & package the tarball since I have users that are presumably not experienced enough to compile for themselfs
[13:07] <persia> LCID_Fire: Sure, but you'll find it easiest if you get the upstream tarball all perfect first, and then package it. Less confusing that way.
[13:07] <RAOF> Traditionally, the way to distribute a release is with a tarball made by make dist (note: for added bonus marks, ensure that make distcheck works)
[13:08] <RAOF> That way, people don't need to mess with the autofoo; they just run ./configure
[13:09] <LCID_Fire> Does anyone have a good tutorial on make dist? Google is not very good for such topics
[13:09] <RAOF> Its an automagic target created by autotools.
[13:10] <RAOF> It basically tar-s up everything that's needed to build the package.
[13:13] <LCID_Fire> Ok, I fixed it. I had an error in a configuration switch I usually never compile - which 'make dist' chocked on
[13:13] <emgent> morning
[13:13] <LCID_Fire> more like good afternoon :)
[13:17] <persia> Depends on one's location. It's even night some places :p
[13:17] <LCID_Fire> Not to mention one's getting up habits :)
[13:24] <LCID_Fire> k, I give up - not in the mood fore more headache anymore. Thanks for now though
=== |Baby| is now known as Baby
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[15:35] <brandonperry_> nixternal: ping
[15:39] <nixternal> brandonperry_: pong?
[15:39] <brandonperry_> uh, I had a question about install KDE4.1-beta 2 for leonov, but I was tol dto go to #leonov
[15:40] <brandonperry_> but thanks for responding :-)
[15:40] <nixternal> np
[19:22] <BenC> pitti, doko: Any chance one of you is around?
[19:25] <BenC> cjwatson: ?
[19:52] <eric_medintux> hello
[19:52] <eric_medintux> I need some help to create a paquet debian for ubuntu
[19:53] <eric_medintux> need to transfert ini files into $home dir of user
[19:53] <eric_medintux> in the structure /etc/skel do this ?
[19:57] <BenC> eric_medintux: there's better channels than this for packaging questions
[19:58] <Chipzz> eric_medintux: 1) #ubuntu-motu 2) what you're trying to do is against debian policy
[19:58] <eric_medintux> BenC : which ones ?
[19:58] <Chipzz> eric_medintux: #ubuntu-motu
[19:59] <eric_medintux> Chipzz : ok thanks. against debian policy ? Lots of apps put things into $home/.***
[19:59] <eric_medintux> this is not recommanded ?
[19:59] <BenC> eric_medintux: they create them in $HOME when the app is run, not when it is installed
[19:59] <BenC> eric_medintux: You cannot install config files in every $HOME when the package is installed :)
[20:00] <Chipzz> eric_medintux: let me clarify: you are allowed to put files in /etc/skel . You are (for obvious reasons) NOT allowed to touch any file in users homedirs
[20:00] <eric_medintux> BenC : Ok my app need to install not the package
[20:00] <BenC> eric_medintux: ok, then that's not a packaging question at all
[20:00] <BenC> eric_medintux: and /etc/skel is the wrong place
[20:01] <eric_medintux> what is the right place ?
[20:01] <BenC> eric_medintux: if your app needs to copy it from somewhere when it is started up, then the best place is /usr/share/<pkgname>/base.config or something
[20:01] <Chipzz> eric_medintux: the reason is very simple: by creating or changing files in the users homedir, you are altering the behaviour of applications, which the user didn't ask for
[20:01] <eric_medintux> ok but this is a supplementary step into getting app working
[20:01] <BenC> Chipzz: your confusing this, applications are allowed to modify their own config files in a users homedir
[20:01] <Chipzz> anyway -> #ubuntu-motu
[20:02] <BenC> Chipzz: that has nothing to do with packaging
[20:02] <eric_medintux> my files does contain only user parameters
[20:02] <Chipzz> BenC: no I'm not confused. just trying to explain him why packages can't alter files in the users' homedir
[20:02] <BenC> Chipzz: he's not asking for the package to change it, his app is
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[20:04] <eric_medintux> Benc, Chippzz : I'm french so... I wish my package to install *.ini of my app into $home. Maybe creating a group named <myapp> ?
[20:04] <eric_medintux> then user tells i want to be a myapp user and get the ini files
[20:04] <BenC> eric_medintux: Uh, now you're way off base...go to #ubuntu-motu
[20:04] <eric_medintux> K bye and thank you for all.
[23:11] <Yud_Zroc> any people on to help me with something real quick on a definition
[23:14] <wgrant> !ask
[23:14] <ubottu> Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-)
[23:15] <Yud_Zroc> what is this error mean "svn: Malformed network data"
[23:16] <wgrant> Yud_Zroc: You want to ask in a Subversion channel, I believe.
[23:16] <wgrant> As it's not Ubuntu development, and it's not really Ubuntu at all.
[23:16] <Yud_Zroc> ok tyvm for the tip
[23:17] <Yud_Zroc> do u know what the channel is called