UbuntuIRC / 2008 /06 /29 /#ubuntu-bugs.txt
Initial commit
[00:37] <kahrytan> Hello
[01:37] <kahrytan> Anyone around
[01:38] <kahrytan> I found new bug. Bug #243845
[01:38] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 243845 in exaile "Exaile breaks with language-pack is missing. " [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/243845
[01:49] <kahrytan> No one around?
[01:51] <emma> Hello.
[01:53] <kahrytan> Hallo, emma
[01:53] <kahrytan> emma, im good at finding unintended bugs in ubuntu it seems
[01:55] <emma> I see, well I suppose this is the place for that.
[02:06] <kahrytan> emma, are you mad at me?
[02:09] <emma> That's off topic for this channel.
[02:15] <kahrytan> emma, why are you here?
=== macd_ is now known as macd
[02:33] <kahrytan> aloha macd
=== rockstar` is now known as rockstar
[04:36] <bliZZardz> Whenever there is a kernel ugrade X11 seems to break. I have stumbled on this problem quite often. I use Fiesty(i know quite old, it is wat it is) and did an upgrade yday and NVIDIA bonked.
[04:36] <bliZZardz> is this noticeable even in Gutsy?
[04:45] <bliZZardz> got it : Question #12774
[09:03] <Iulian> G'morning
[12:01] <kahrytan> Hello
=== parthan is now known as techno_freak
[13:19] <qense> hello
[13:22] <Iulian> Hey qense, ompaul.
[13:24] <kahrytan> aloha, Iulian
[13:24] <kahrytan> Iulian, I found myself yet another bug that no one expects to find.
=== bliZZardz is now known as bliZZardz_
=== bliZZardz_ is now known as bliZZardz
[14:31] <ompaul> Iulian, hi
[14:43] <raedwald> Hi, wonder if anyone can help at all?
[14:43] <raedwald> Has anyone come across an issue with an ALI MoBo chipset under 8.04 where CD/DVD drives on the second IDE channel don't work?
[14:45] <philsf> I'm trying to report a bug following suspend debugging, but the wiki doesn't mention against which package should I report it. Is it the kernel, acpi-support, or something else?
[14:45] <philsf> suspend to ram, that is
[14:46] <philsf> the wiki I'm following is https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingKernelSuspend
[15:25] <philsf> fwiw, I reported it as bug #243967, against linux package
[15:25] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 243967 in linux "resume fails after suspend in Lenovo 3000 v100" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/243967
=== wolfger__ is now known as wolfger
=== _neversfelde is now known as neversfelde
[19:09] <copyofjohan> #244026
[19:09] <copyofjohan> bug 244026
[19:09] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 244026 in gimmix "gimmix needs restart after wakeup from suspend" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/244026
[19:10] <copyofjohan> anything usefull to add?
=== redline is now known as dee-line