UbuntuIRC / 2008 /06 /27 /#xubuntu.txt
Initial commit
[00:00] <floating> theres a long list of .so files, and its quite slow to check them one by one prior the install
[00:04] <floating> oh that ldd lkeyholetv output stuff... it says not found only on libglitz.so.1
[00:05] <floating> i wonder how i install libglitz.so.1 not with apt-get at least ;o
[00:06] <floating> synaptic package manager does not find libglitz.so.1
[00:14] <TheSheep> floating: libglitz1 or libglitz-glx1
[00:15] <floating> libglitz.so.1
[00:15] <floating> libz.so.1 => /usr/lib/libz.so.1 (0xb7772000)
[00:15] <floating> libglitz.so.1 => not found
[00:15] <floating> etc
[00:33] <floating> libglitz1-dev: Depends: libx11-dev but it is not installable
[00:33] <floating> Depends: xlibmesa-gl-dev but it is not installable or
[00:33] <floating> libgl-dev but it is not installable
[00:33] <floating> i need to install libglitz1-dev but i get this... do i need some repos ?
[00:48] <floating> how to add repo that has http://packages.debian.org/testing/libdevel/libglitz1-dev or those dependencies
[00:48] <floating> deb http://packages.debian.org/testing/libdevel/libglitz1-dev in sources.list ?
[00:54] <Dezine> I'm trying to install xubuntu from ubuntu via install the xubuntu-desktop package. I select it is a session but when It logs in it's just a blank screen
[00:54] <TheSheep> Dezine: kill it with alt+ctrl+backspace and try again
[00:55] <TheSheep> Dezine: there is a race condition that leads to this block sometimes, it's fixed (well, worked around) for 8.10
[00:55] <Dezine> Well restarting doesn't work, I have the latest version of ubuntu
[00:56] <TheSheep> the lates is 8.04
[00:56] <TheSheep> latest
[00:56] <TheSheep> they fixed it for the next version
[00:56] <Dezine> I see what you mean
[00:56] <Dezine> For Intrepid
[00:57] <TheSheep> it's actually there since dapper, it's just very random
[00:57] <TheSheep> and it's in ubuntu too
[01:03] <Dezine> It decided to work, interesting
[01:05] * pronto is Away, Reason: ( food ) | Since: ( Wednesday, June 25, 2008. 17:16:19 ) Xlack v2.1
[01:18] <dabud> hi i need some help getting xubuntu to recognize a hard drive
[01:18] <dabud> it is listing it as a FAT but I know it is an ntfs
[01:20] <dabud> it gives me a permission denied error when i try to access it
[01:25] <dabud> hi xbj9000
[01:28] <dabud> how would i change it from FAT to ntfs
[01:28] <xbj9000> oh hi dabud
[01:28] <dabud> and why wud it see it as a FAT when it is an ntfs
[01:28] <xbj9000> I was wondering what happened with your issue
[01:29] <dabud> well i got sidetracked had to be away for a few days
[01:29] <xbj9000> can you remind me what we were working on? it's been about a week I think
[01:29] <dabud> yes about that
[01:30] <dabud> i have a hardrive [ide] that xubuntu is seeing as a fat altho it is a ntfs
[01:30] <dabud> i cannot access this it gives me a permission denied error
[01:31] <zoredache> what do you mean specifically when you say you cannot access it?
[01:31] <dabud> i went back into windows and confirmed that it is ntfs
[01:32] <xbj9000> hmm
[01:32] <xbj9000> and last time we talked you were setting up the entry for fstab right?
[01:32] <dabud> i mean when i double click on the desktop shortcut or anywhere else i get an error "Permission Denied"
[01:32] <dabud> yes xjb9000
[01:32] <dabud> xbj9000
[01:33] <xbj9000> well did you set it to fat in the fstab line?
[01:33] <xbj9000> if you are sure it is ntfs you should make sure that is reflected in fstab
[01:33] <DaveKong> Is it normal to have more than one of the same process running?
[01:33] <dabud> it was fat to begin with i don't know how it got that way in the fstab can i changeIt?
[01:34] <xbj9000> yes
[01:34] <xbj9000> dabud yes I mean
[01:34] <dabud> k i will change it there
[01:37] <xbj9000> dabud you should change where is says "vfat" to "ntfs-3g"
[01:38] <dabud> k i am trying to remember code to open fstab sudo gedit something or other
[01:38] <xbj9000> sudo mousepad /etc/fstab
[01:38] <dabud> k
[01:39] <dabud> /dev/sdc1 /media/music ntfs-3g iocharset=utf8,umask=000 0 0
[01:40] <dabud> that is the whole line does it look right?
[01:40] <xbj9000> yes
[01:40] <xbj9000> is that what it already was?
[01:40] <dabud> do i have to reboot for it to work?
[01:40] <xbj9000> yes
[01:40] <dabud> no i changed it to ntfs-3g from vfat
[01:40] <xbj9000> ok
[01:41] <dabud> k i will reboot now bbiab ty
[01:41] <xbj9000> sure
[01:48] <marek`> hello
[01:48] <Odd-rationale> !hi | marek`
[01:48] <ubottu> marek`: Hi! Welcome to #xubuntu!
[01:49] <marek`> thanks :]
[01:49] <marek`> i am trying to get a dual monitor dual video card setup working with one internal intel integrated graphics card and one pci ati rage card
[01:50] <marek`> zoredache advised me to make sure that i could get both video cards working before trying to set up dual so i did
[01:50] <dabud> it didn't work xbj9000
[01:51] <marek`> but when i put them together and enable xinerama only the intel card will output anything
[01:51] <dabud> still get 'failed to open file' Permission denied'
[01:51] <marek`> the pci ati card only shows "ATI MACH64 BIOS P/N 113-40102-101" on the screen
[01:52] <xbj9000> dabud http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/mountwindows
[01:52] <xbj9000> you may like this : http://www.ubuntugeek.com/widows-ntfs-partitions-readwrite-support-made-easy-in-ubuntu-feisty.html
[01:53] <dabud> k ty i will try those
[01:55] <dabud> the second one i have done already it is how i can access my winxp drive
[01:58] <marek`> cant you just do mount -t ntfs /dev/hda# /mnt ?
[01:58] <dabud> i already have these installed and they work just fine for my other drives
[01:59] <dabud> also it used to work ok for this drive too but when ever i would boot back into windows it would get messed up
=== Odd-rationale_ is now known as Odd-rationale
[02:55] <Mecha25> does anyone know if it is possible to put xubuntu on a thumb drive? what size thumb-drive would be needed?
[02:56] <Odd-rationale> Mecha25: yes it is possible. you will need at least a 2gb for a live install. and a 4gb for a full install.
[02:57] <Odd-rationale> Mecha25: but i would suggest DSL or puppy linux (my favorite) if you are planning to run off a usb...
[02:57] <Mecha25> ugh.... I only have a 4gb stick, I'm running puppy linux on it and liking it, but I wanted to see if there was something more full-featured
[02:57] <Mecha25> mainly, puppy is awesome but I'd like the Ubuntu/Xubuntu repos
[02:58] <Odd-rationale> Mecha25: faunos is also a good choice.
[02:58] <Mecha25> I'll look into that, there are Puplets (puppy sub-distros) that run XFCE, but they don't boot nearly as fast as I'd like, and they aren't as well put together as the original.
[02:59] <Odd-rationale> it uses the archlinux repos and probably has as much packages available as ubuntu. i know what you mean by lack of packages gor puppy linux...
[02:59] <DaveKong> My computer had been running for three days and there were several duplicates of processes for some reason but restarting got rid of them... anyone know what may cause this? stuff like xorg and gvfs
[02:59] <Mecha25> DaveKong, you running compiz?
[03:00] <DaveKong> Mecha25: yea
[03:00] <Mecha25> mine does that too, both Xorg's have identical ram usage?
[03:00] <DaveKong> Mecha25: yea
[03:00] <DaveKong> but the copy has no cpu usage
[03:01] <Mecha25> Identical to what I've got, same with duplicate GVFS's. as far as I can tell, it's part of the design, I've tried killing one or both, but they just come back in a split second
[03:01] <Mecha25> double ram usage is, I guess, just part of Compiz
[03:01] <DaveKong> hmm
[03:01] <DaveKong> seems like poor design
[03:02] <DaveKong> restarting did clean it up but as I run my ram usage just keeps going up
[03:02] <Mecha25> ditto that, but frankly I'm running 1GB of RAM, and I have yet to see my comp swapping out for anything, it hardly ever even has anything in the swap partition
[03:03] <Mecha25> although, do tell, how'd you get Compiz running on Xubuntu? I tried it a while back and had absolute hell, I'm running Ubuntu with it now, and Puppy on my thumb drive
[03:04] <DaveKong> I actually am just running xubuntu on my other computer I tried to put it on this one and the xserver crashed
[03:04] <Odd-rationale> Mecha25: it is rather easy. just install compiz and run compiz --replace
[03:05] <Mecha25> odd: I think back then it was before compiz was in ubuntu by default, I think it was even still called extras, not even fusion
[03:06] <Odd-rationale> Mecha25: well for Xubuntu Hardy, all you need is "sudo apt-get install compiz compizconfig-settings-manager emerald"
[03:08] <Mecha25> ah! so you do need to use Emerald for the window manager? back then I attempted to keep xfce's default one, it refused to display window decorations and work with compiz at the same time. by the time I finally managed to get it somewhat working, I had gotten a new laptop, one that could run Ubuntu full speed
[03:08] <Odd-rationale> Mecha25: for xfce, yes you need to use emerald instead of xfwm4
[03:09] <Mecha25> I'll keep that in mind if I ever start up using it again, thanks man. anyway, so 4GB minimum for full Xubuntu thumb drive install... I'll get a bigger drive eventually. Peace out all, you've been a good help
=== adam is now known as maxamillion
[08:37] <dw269> im sure there must be a solution to this but the only one i can think of requires a nicer monitor.
[08:38] <dw269> ijust installe 8.04 onto a nivida chipset board and using the built in driver restults in 800x600 res
[08:39] <dw269> so enabeling the nv ones requires a restart but pushes the monitor beyond its 1024 max res and i can't do anything from the gui, only reset it or get to the terminal
[08:39] <dw269> any ideas?
[09:46] <Shaba2> Hello anyone here and at the keys
[10:29] <[zEr0-x]> yeap, me :)
[11:35] <microwaver> Hello people, where can I find to option to adjust keyboard layout?
[11:36] <khajavi> HI All: I don't have 1024*768 resolution. what should I do? (in restricted drivers my nvidia-legacy is in red color)
[12:45] <floating> i need to install libgl-dev
[12:45] <floating> it says there is no installation candidates
[12:45] <floating> what repos do i need
[12:52] <ablomen> floating, try libgl1-mesa-dev
[12:52] <floating> no installation candidate
[13:01] <moDumass> hi all, we are tryingt o install xubu on an old laptop, with 128 megs of ram, once the loading bar has completed it turns off the monitor
[13:10] <pleia2> moDumass: you need more ram than that for an install with the livecd, have you tried the alternate installer?
[13:10] <moDumass> hmm, pleia2 no i have not, what is that?
[13:11] <pleia2> moDumass: it's a text based installer, the xubuntu-8.04-alternate is the iso you'd download instead
[13:11] <moDumass> pleia2, it seems the alternative is whats being used
[13:12] <microwaver> Hello, i'm experiencing troubles logging in with xcfe session, it only gives a black screen with a cross as cursor
[13:41] <CostaRicanQuaker> is xubuntu userfriendly to someone switching from windowsxp?
[13:41] <CostaRicanQuaker> moreso than kubuntu?
[13:44] <piouwa> hello
[13:48] <Odd-rationale> CostaRicanQuaker: not really. they are about the same.
[13:49] <CostaRicanQuaker> what about repositories?
[13:50] <CostaRicanQuaker> do they share the same? kubuntu and xubuntu?
[13:52] <Odd-rationale> CostaRicanQuaker: yes. all *buntus share the same repos
[13:54] <ablomen> all official(ish) *buntus that is
[13:55] <Odd-rationale> yeah, true. thanks for correction...
[13:55] <ablomen> heh sorry bored so i thought i'd say something semi inteligent ;)
=== adam is now known as maxamillion
[14:30] <wrtpeeps> I have 2 sound devices, #0 is my onboard and #1 is my audigy. How can I tell ubuntu to always use my audigy, because I think it's using my onboard at the moment and there are no speakers connected to it.
[14:34] <Riotta> turn off it in bios
[14:35] <Riotta> or pick it up in aumixer / alsa mixer from devices list
[14:35] <Riotta> but better do disable it by hardware (bios way)
[14:37] <wrtpeeps> ok thanks
[14:39] <g00LiPoP> Hi! Does anyone know how to customize the design on xubuntu?
[14:39] <g00LiPoP> Cuz I can't find it
[14:43] <Odd-rationale> g00LiPoP: applications --> settings manager
[14:45] <g00LiPoP> ok
[14:45] <g00LiPoP> whait a second
[14:46] <g00LiPoP> I'm using regular ubuntu right know so I'm just going to switch to xubuntu
[14:53] <g00LiPoP> thx for the help:)
[15:00] <floating> The following packages have unmet dependencies:
[15:00] <floating> libglitz1-dev: Depends: libx11-dev but it is not installable
[15:00] <floating> Depends: xlibmesa-gl-dev but it is not installable or
[15:00] <floating> libgl-dev but it is not installable
[15:01] <floating> can anyone help ?
[15:18] <The_Kernel> floating try this
[15:18] <The_Kernel> sudo aptitude install libglitz1-de
[15:18] <The_Kernel> sudo aptitude install libglitz1-dev
[15:20] <Odd-rationale> I got a problem and i wonder if anyone can confirm this. When I run screen inside terminal, I can't backspace... :|
[15:20] <floating> The_Kernel: http://up.k10x.net/finzzykfoxziv/aptitude01.txt
[15:20] <Odd-rationale> i do not have this problem with gnome-terminal
[15:20] <Odd-rationale> or konsole, or tilda...
[15:22] <floating> The_Kernel: if you try for example apt-cache search libx11-dev do you find it ?
[15:28] <luckbuntu> I feeling lucky now.
[15:28] <luckbuntu> Sorry.
[15:29] <test> Can anybode help me with Firefox? I can't switch into German.
[15:37] <floating> ok, i uncommented some of the libraries and i got it installed. now my problem is on the program when i try to run it. it says : (lkeyholetv:6966): Gdk-CRITICAL **: gdk_colormap_get_screen: assertion `GDK_IS_COLORMAP (cmap)' failed
[15:37] <floating> (lkeyholetv:6966): Gdk-CRITICAL **: gdk_colormap_get_visual: assertion `GDK_IS_COLORMAP (colormap)' failed
[15:37] <floating> Segmentation fault
=== maxamillion is now known as notMax
=== adam is now known as maxamillion
[17:02] <xubuntuuser> does anybody know how to use the german language-pack in thunderbird
=== notMax is now known as maxamillion
[17:26] <jokoon> Hello I have xubuntu on a power pc machine, using rhythmbox is taking 60% cpu, whats wrong ?
[17:31] <Valsum> Rythmbox is quite resource-expensive, but 60% of a powerpc...wow, no idea
[17:31] <jokoon> any lighter player ?
[17:31] <jokoon> for xfce ?
[17:33] <Stroganoff> audacious
[17:33] <Stroganoff> joakim12
[17:33] <Stroganoff> jokoon
[17:34] <Stroganoff> jokoon: audacious
[17:34] <xubuntuuser> My thunderbird doesn't use the language-pack. What can I do?
[17:36] <TheSheep> xubuntuuser: is it installed?
[17:36] <TheSheep> xubuntuuser: is it listed in addons?
[17:36] <xubuntuuser> Yes, Yes
[17:38] <Riotta> jokoon: xfmedia
[17:38] <Riotta> is lightest
[17:38] <Riotta> :d
[17:39] <TheSheep> xubuntuuser: is it selected in addons?
[17:40] <xubuntuuser> selected? what do you mean?
[19:21] <Shaba2> hello is there anyone here and at the keyboard
[19:22] <wozz> ask your question
[19:22] <Shaba2> I followed the instructions at this page. http://grumpymole.blogspot.com/2006/12/xubuntu-remote-desktop-with-vnc4server.html
[19:23] <Shaba2> But when I log into my xubuntu machine from a windows machine running vncviewer. the screen I see in windows looks nothing like what is on the actual monitor of the xubuntu machine
[19:23] <Shaba2> ok is that enough wozz
[19:23] <Shaba2> ??\
=== Shaba2 is now known as Shaba1
[19:27] <Shaba1> Ok now wozz after being sarcastic
[19:27] <Shaba1> you ar silent
=== deniz_ogut is now known as hezarfen
[19:40] <wozz> take it easy
[19:40] <wozz> some of us actually work for a living
[19:40] <wozz> what do you see?
[19:51] <zoredache_> Shaba1: if it doesn't look like what you expect can you tell us what you are seeing?
=== zoredache_ is now known as zoredache
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=== fezarfen is now known as hezarfen
[20:38] <whileimher> Hi. what is the cli to start the terminal?
[20:39] <wozz> what?
[20:39] <whileimher> I want to add the terminal to my panel and I need to know the command to start it?
[20:39] <wozz> oh
[20:40] <wozz> in /usr/bin
[20:41] <whileimher> Some just gave it to me its xfce4-terminal
[20:42] <wozz> it depends on if you are using xfce or not
[20:42] <wozz> are you using xubuntu?
[20:42] <whileimher> Yes
[20:42] <wozz> /usr/bin/xfce4-terminal
[20:42] <thinkmassive> generally people in here are using xubuntu unless they specify otherwise
[20:43] <wozz> well i didn't want to give bad advise
[20:43] <wozz> advice, rather
[20:43] <whileimher> :) Thanks for thinking of it wozz
[20:43] <whileimher> its the 4 that throws me off
[20:43] <wozz> no worries
[20:43] <whileimher> I had just xfce-terminal
[20:46] <whileimher> I have to say that Digikam under XFCE sure is snappier than under GNOME or even KDE.
[20:49] <whileimher> Well got to go back out to work on the lawn Thanks for the help
[21:13] <nikolam> I get strange message when I try to Use ntop: http://paste.ubuntu.com/23354/
[21:24] <maxamillion> nikolam: yeah, that appears to be a bug ... i might recommend either searching launchpad.net for the bug report or if there isn't one yet, file one yourself so that the developers can fix that up
[21:26] <nikolam> i managed to start it with sudo ntop -p /root/ntop (providing I previously made /root/ntop dir) I could access ntop Through browser on
[21:26] <nikolam> Is that what it should be doing?
[21:26] <nikolam> -P sorry
[21:28] <cody-somerville> NOTICE TO TESTERS: Please help test Xubuntu Intrepid Alpha 1 Candidate. CD Images available at http://cdimages.ubuntu.com/xubuntu/daily/ and http://cdimages.ubuntu.com/xubuntu/daily-live/
[21:28] <nikolam> Only problem now is that ntop stays in memory and After Ctrl+c it, i need to kill ntop process with kill -9 command
[21:32] <nikolam> cody-somerville, I need help with running 64-bit virtualization software that support VT instructions, so that I could Use 64-bit OS inside virtual machine, together with 64-bit Host machine runing Xubuntu
[21:33] <cody-somerville> nikolam, You should probably ask someone on the virtualization team.
[21:34] <nikolam> ok, what channel/newsgroul/mailing list/forum/ is that?
[21:36] <Genelyk> started download...
[21:39] <cody-somerville> nikolam, JeOS
[21:40] <nikolam> Maybe I could use JeOS functionality in my current Xubuntu install..
[21:41] <cody-somerville> Probably
[21:41] <nikolam> JeOS is only i386
[21:41] <cody-somerville> Try asking in #ubuntu
[21:42] <cody-somerville> Someone there may know more about virtualization.
[21:45] <nikolam> Its all because I am interested in testing 64-bit Xubuntu exclusively
=== awec is now known as wrtpeeps
[22:38] <sulle> hi, why cant i see my other drives on thunar ?
[22:47] <maxamillion> 2 minutes?
[22:47] <maxamillion> he waited 2 minutes
[22:48] <maxamillion> i can't even go to the fridge for something to drink in two minutes
[23:01] <Genelyk> full /home T_T ,
=== deniz_ogut is now known as hezarfen
[23:28] <owen1> how to support japanese (when writing)?