UbuntuIRC / 2008 /06 /27 /#ubuntu+1.txt
Initial commit
=== DanaG1 is now known as DanaG
=== DanaG1 is now known as DanaG
=== jtechidan is now known as JontheEchidna
[11:33] <amikrop> Hello. In System->Preferences->Windows, I have chosen "Maximize" as the choice of "Titlebar action", but windows roll up, instead of maximizing when I double click on their title bar.
[11:34] <pheeror> works here
[11:34] <amikrop> I use Compiz Fusion and Emerald. May these cause the problem?
[11:35] <pheeror> now i've realized i am another box (not intrepid) ;-)
[11:35] <bazhang> ibex has a working version?
[11:35] <amikrop> :P
[11:36] <pheeror> I don't have compiz on intrepid anyway
[11:36] <amikrop> So, any workaround on this?
[11:44] <gnomefreak> bazhang: define working
[11:44] <gnomefreak> its in shambles atm
[11:44] <bazhang> gnomefreak, not all command prompt
[11:44] <gnomefreak> bazhang: GUI is working
[11:45] <bazhang> gnomefreak, tempting
[11:45] <gnomefreak> except kubuntu-kde4-desktop
[11:46] <bazhang> that gives me problems in hardy :)
[11:46] <amikrop> So, any ideas fo rmy problem?
[11:46] <amikrop> * fro my
[11:46] <amikrop> * for my
[11:46] <bazhang> amikrop, read the /topic
[11:48] <amikrop> bazhang: I have done so. So?
[11:48] <bazhang> amikrop, it's pre-alpha. you honestly expect support?
[11:49] <amikrop> bazhang: Hmm I, actually, use Hardy.
[11:49] <bazhang> amikrop, wrong channel then
[11:50] <amikrop> bazhang: Alright...
[14:24] <gribelu> the RSS 2.0 planet.ubuntu.com is broken .. http://planet.ubuntu.com/rss20.xml
[14:24] <gribelu> is there a bug tracker for planet?
[14:25] <LordOllie> broken or empty?
[14:25] <gribelu> empty.. has been empty for a few days
[14:25] <gribelu> rss 1.0 works
[14:26] <gribelu> http://planet.ubuntu.com/rss10.xml
[14:26] <gribelu> not empty :)
[16:33] <anakron> hi
[16:33] <anakron> hey, i wanna know something
[16:33] <anakron> how i can help translating in intrepid
[16:33] <anakron> and how
[16:34] <Pici> !translate | anakron also
[16:34] <ubottu> anakron also: Translate Ubuntu into your own language, important translations that are needed are listed first. See https://translations.launchpad.net/ubuntu/
[16:34] <anakron> and how?
[16:35] <anakron> its there any software?
[16:35] <anakron> or handly
[16:47] <WelshDragon> Hmm...just out of interest, why is the focus for translations on gutsy rather than hardy or intrepid?
[19:04] <aminh> hey guys where can i find the intended features and updates for the next ubuntu release?
[19:06] <aminh> hello?
[19:07] <aminh> does anyone know where i can find the expected featres and updates for the next ubuntu release?
[19:07] <Pici> aminh: https://blueprints.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/intrepid
=== jlu__ is now known as jlu
[21:48] <Kenichiro> Wanna Play Fun RPG game ? /q me or join #HypeRPG
[22:04] <theunixgeek> ok how come Intrepid alpha 1 isn't out yet?
[22:04] <theunixgeek> it's long overdue
[22:05] <danbhfive> theunixgeek: did you get the original announcement?
[22:05] <jbroome> obviously the devs are slacking off
[22:05] <theunixgeek> danbhfive: no
[22:05] <theunixgeek> jbroome: apparently ;)
[22:06] <danbhfive> theunixgeek: Due to a number of factors, however, chief among them
[22:06] <danbhfive> the current division of developer attention between the upcoming 8.04 point
[22:06] <danbhfive> release and Intrepid, the alpha release will not be made available today.
[22:06] <danbhfive> oops
[22:06] <danbhfive> wonder why it pasted like that...
[22:06] <theunixgeek> and today is a loong time ago
[22:06] <danbhfive> hehe, yep
[22:07] <jbroome> i think you blew my mind
[22:07] <danbhfive> today was June 12, FYI
[22:08] <theunixgeek> yeah that's a long time ago :P
[22:08] <theunixgeek> at least on my watch
[22:08] <theunixgeek> erm... calendar :P
[23:36] <soc> hi
[23:36] <soc> did someone experience problems with koffice-kde4 apps?
[23:36] <soc> at my system the fail to start saying they can't find libkomain.so.5 ...
[23:36] <soc> altough i have that file in /usr/lib/kde4/lib ...