UbuntuIRC / 2008 /06 /25 /#ubuntu-x.txt
Initial commit
[01:53] * pwnguin is one step closer to world domination
[02:05] <bryce> pwnguin: congrats! :-)
[02:08] <pwnguin> bryce: thanks for your help
[02:08] <pwnguin> i donno what vorian's problm is
[02:09] <bryce> *shrug* probably just grumpy
[02:11] <pwnguin> bryce: should i file a bug report that inkscape diagrams suck? :)
[02:12] <bryce> I'm pretty sure that's already known, but suck in what way exactly?
[02:12] <pwnguin> in a broad range of ways related to arrow layout
[02:12] <bryce> oh, yeah that's already fairly well known
[02:13] <bryce> in fact originally inkscape didn't have any arrows at all.
[02:13] <pwnguin> hint: this sort of thing is highly related to your last blog entry
[02:14] <bryce> I hooked up the code to enable them, but there's still a ton of mis-features. I think a lot are still on my todo list, but my inkscape hacking time has gotten pretty piss poor the last few years
[02:14] <pwnguin> i bet
[02:14] <pwnguin> well, as long as its known, no need to rattle cages or anything
[02:15] <bryce> yeah
[02:16] <bryce> regarding the streams ui concept, actually I've got a LOT more I plan to go into in upcoming blog entries, but I wanted to split it all up into more easily digested chunks
[02:17] <bryce> sometimes I think I'm the most long winded blogger... but sometimes it's easier to explain something in a lot of words than in a short few
[02:17] <pwnguin> heh
[02:17] <pwnguin> pictures help
[02:18] <pwnguin> im using inkscape right now to make a picture of package flow
[02:19] <bryce> kewl
[09:14] <bryce> tseliot: I've got a meeting with ATI tomorrow morning, are there any particular -fglrx bugs you'd like me to bring to their attention?
[09:22] <tseliot> bryce: nothing comes to my mind, apart from having support for Xen-enabled kernels
[09:22] <tseliot> since Intrepid will ship with Xen enabled by default
[09:22] <pwnguin> its already tomorrow morning
[09:22] <pwnguin> bryce: when do you sleep?
[09:23] <pwnguin> oh right, you're -2 hours
[09:24] <bryce> tseliot: so like lp: #151327 ?
[09:25] <tseliot> bryce: yep
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[17:52] <bryce> tseliot: I mentioned the Xen issue to AMD. They said it isn't something they've tested before, but they may try testing it. BenC also made some points that the current kernel (in intrepid I guess?) has xen disabled at the moment.
[17:54] <tseliot> bryce: ok, good. Only a few minutes ago did I become aware of the fact that BenC has disabled xen
[17:54] <tseliot> bryce: BTW have a look at my screencast (in my email) when you have the time
[17:55] <bryce> will do
[20:28] <Q-FUNK> howdy
[20:28] <Q-FUNK> bryce: here?
[20:29] <bryce> yes
[20:31] <Q-FUNK> ah, cna you come to #ubuntu-devel ?
[20:31] <Q-FUNK> steve is trying to make his final decision for the geode issue and 8.04.1
[23:13] <Q-FUNK> re
[23:13] <Q-FUNK> bryce: did we get the updated -all and -geode packages into the hardy-proposed queue already?
[23:14] <bryce> Q-FUNK: you should apt-get src and doublecheck
[23:15] <Q-FUNK> ok