UbuntuIRC / 2008 /06 /25 /#ubuntu-server.txt
Initial commit
[00:26] <mathiaz> zul: did you test the apache2 debdiff before uploading it ?
[00:34] <mathiaz> zul: I was waiting for feedback on my debdiff from the sru team before uploading to -proposed
[03:05] <michalski> when your at ther terminal and you hit ctrl-z it stops the process your doing and puts it on hold......how do you get it back? :P
[03:07] <sommer> michalski: fg
[03:07] <sommer> (foreground)
[03:08] <michalski> awesome thanks sommer
[03:08] <sommer> np
[03:09] <hads> or bg
[03:09] <michalski> im having a super hard time getting mysql to work , stupid language :P
[03:09] <hads> Which may not be what you want in this case, but it's useful
[03:09] <michalski> hey cool hads, thanks :)
[03:47] <emgent> dendrobates: morning :)
[04:50] <halcyonCorsair> hey, does anyone know about upstart scripts?
[04:54] <halcyonCorsair> i'm trying to figure out how to make a service depend on another before it starts, can anyone point me in the right direction?
[06:45] <osmosis> anyone know how to use cpu frequency scaling?
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[07:19] <jussio1> hi all, Im trying to set up svn correctly... sigh... I have it set up and working, but it just wont prompt for authentication. any Ideas. ( I set up http auth according to the ubuntu wiki)
[08:35] <exot> hello, I want to make a file writable by another server, what is the easiest way to do though ?
[08:43] <kraut> moin
[08:51] <exot> hello, how can I export only one file from a file system, I need to make a file editable by another machine
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[09:29] <rodneyk> are there any packages for ubuntu that facilitate remote installation and a repository of software on win32 systems using krb5 and winbind on a domain with admin privileges to have permissions to exec
[09:47] <Bert_2> Hi, is there still a way to run MySQL 4 on an ubuntu 7.10 server (ppa or backports or whatever) or do I need an older version of ubuntu server to do that ?
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[10:21] <uvirtbot`> New bug: #242869 in firestarter (main) "dnsmasq's dhcp blocked to clients by firestarter" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/242869
[10:51] <slim1> hi
[11:00] <sethalton> anyone know about lamp? I think I downloaded an olderversion or something off of the ubuntu site... have the server installed.. but no lamp option came up
[11:02] <slim1> how to open port 25 ?
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[11:02] <slim1> sethalton, what you mean by " no lamp option come up " ?
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[11:03] <slim1> lamp ( Linux Apache Mysql Php ), which option from all this not work ?
[11:05] <GeekSquadSF> I was looking for a gui way to manage the server (used to windows)
[11:06] <GeekSquadSF> and one of the forums said that you had to install LAMP in order to run the gui side...
[11:07] <hads> GeekSquadSF: LAMP stands for Linux Apache MySQL PHP, it's not a GUI just a collection of programs.
[11:08] <GeekSquadSF> ah... hmm... Im just looking to setup an internal email server
[11:09] <GeekSquadSF> and possibly learn to setup a domain controller... (not sure what that all includes
[11:12] <hads> An email server isn't too difficult to setup but it will be a bit of work if you're only used to a GUI environment.
[11:12] <hads> There should be a few howtos on the wiki etc. for setting up a mail server. I like Postfix (mail server software) myself.
[11:14] <slim1> i can't send email i think because port 25 closed how to know if this port closed or not ?
[11:16] <hads> slim1: `netstat -plnt | grep 25` should show you if there is anything listening on port 25
[11:17] <slim1> hads, no result
[11:17] <slim1> this mean that is closed ?
[11:18] <hads> Yes
[11:18] <slim1> how to open it ?
[11:18] <hads> Well, it means nothing is listening on that port.
[11:18] <hads> Well, what mail server do you have installed?
[11:19] <slim1> i don't have mail server
[11:19] <slim1> i have only mail client
[11:19] <slim1> mail server is not in my side
[11:20] <slim1> i only get information to connect to it
[11:21] <hads> Ah OK, you want to use an external mail server. Well outbound traffic is enabled by default so I doubt that's your problem.
[11:22] <slim1> then i try to contact mail server admin
[11:26] <GeekSquadSF> does postfix get installed if I chose email server during the setup process?
[11:28] <hads> GeekSquadSF: I'm not sure what's installed by tasksel. You can check by running `dpkg -l | grep postfix`
[11:28] <hads> If you get no result then it's not installed.
[11:29] <GeekSquadSF> cool.. thanks for the help
[11:30] <hads> No worries
[11:30] <GeekSquadSF> and the army wonders why they have IT issues all the time
=== GeekSquadSF is now known as MCROSFT_MONKEY
[11:31] <hads> heh
[11:31] <kraut> MCROSFT_MONKEY: get the fuck out of here! ;)
[11:32] <MCROSFT_MONKEY> thats what IT guys are in the army
[11:33] <tomsh> hi, is there some snapshot features (like vmware) on ubuntu kvm?
[11:34] <MCROSFT_MONKEY> you can run VMware with ubuntu as a VM
[11:34] <MCROSFT_MONKEY> and take snapshots of it
[11:35] <tomsh> no...
[11:35] <hads> tomsh: You can pause guests and resume them but there isn't a snapshot feature at the moment.
[11:35] <tomsh> hads: thanks, the only solution is a traditiona backup solution?
[11:35] <MCROSFT_MONKEY> I have no problem with creating snapshots of mine... running ubuntu server
[11:36] <hads> tomsh: AFAIK yes at the moment. One of the virt gurus may be able to come up with a better solution thouhg.
[11:37] <hads> MCROSFT_MONKEY: We're talking about kvm, the main supported virtualisation solution in Ubuntu
[11:38] <tomsh> hads: ok
[11:38] <hads> i.e. something like VMWare
[11:38] <hads> You could take a snapshot and backup that but taking a snapshot shuts down the guest I believe (I don't use them myself).
[11:38] <MCROSFT_MONKEY> same end result... you're running ubuntu-server... need to take snapshots of the system for later retrieval right?
[11:39] <hads> MCROSFT_MONKEY: Not quite
[11:39] <MCROSFT_MONKEY> i'll shut up then
[11:39] <MCROSFT_MONKEY> srry
[11:40] <hads> Talking about taking snapshots of guests running in kvm on top of Ubuntu
[11:40] <tomsh> hads: for using on a datacenter i need sapshot feature...
[11:40] <tomsh> snapshot
[11:56] <MCROSFT_MONKEY> looking through the forums... someone posted that "sudo aptitude install x-window-system-core gnome-core" would install the gnome gui desktop...
[11:56] <MCROSFT_MONKEY> not working...
[11:57] <hads> I would say `aptitude install ubuntu-desktop` though you are better off learning the hard way.
[11:59] <hads> If you're using the GUI tools you'll likely also need to ask for assistance in the #ubuntu channel as people here will be using the command line.
[11:59] <MCROSFT_MONKEY> ok.. wilco.. thanks
[12:48] <tomsh> ubuntu-desktop install xfce?
[12:48] <tomsh> or gnome?
[12:52] <soren> gnome (but this sort of question *really* belongs somewhere else)
[12:53] <slim1> i just install mailserver , and notice that ISP block port 25, is it possible to change smtp port for mailserver or this is standard ?
[12:54] <tomsh> soren: probably the correct question is "ubuntu-desktop package on ubuntu server install gnome?
[12:55] <ScottK> slim1: You can change it.
[12:57] <soren> tomsh: It's the same.
[12:57] <soren> ScottK: Whuh?
[12:57] <soren> ScottK: Er... Yeah, he can listen on a different port, but how's that going to make other mail servers deliver to it?
[12:57] <tomsh> soren: ok sorry
[12:58] <ScottK> soren: That's a good question.
[12:58] * ScottK answered what was asked.
[12:59] <soren> Well, half of it :)
[12:59] <slim1> i'm using webmail for thunderbird to retreive hotmail emails and with wenmail i can change smtp to any value
[12:59] <soren> "this is standard"> Yes, port 25 is the standard.
[13:00] <soren> It's what other servers will attempt to connect to.
[13:00] <slim1> in this image i can change smtp port to any value and send through it, http://webmail.mozdev.org/images/screenshots/page1.png
[13:01] <slim1> of course, i don't know how it work
[13:02] <soren> Er.. Yeah, if both server and client are yours, you can change their smtp port, but if you're going to be talking smtp to anyone else, they're going to be listening on (and sending to) port 25.
[13:04] <slim1> soren but i can use this smtp also not for hotmail but for other mails and still working
[13:55] <lukehasnoname> So according to our offices in Leatherhead, UK, it is almost pm.
[13:55] <lukehasnoname> er, 2pm
[13:59] <GeekSquadSF> anyone know if x-server is on the orig. ubuntu-serv?
[14:00] <lukehasnoname> it is not
[14:02] <GeekSquadSF> know where I can download it? or another gui for managing ubuntu-server?
[14:02] <GeekSquadSF> used to windows.. trying to get weined off of gui's
[14:10] <lukehasnoname> download it onto your server via apt-get
[14:10] <lukehasnoname> if you download a window manager it will likely be a dependency
[14:10] <lukehasnoname> so say you "apt-get install xfce"
[14:14] <soren> Er.. No, it won't.
[14:14] <soren> You don't need X to run a window manager.
[14:15] <soren> Besides, these are #ubuntu questions. Not #ubuntu-server questions.
[14:15] <GeekSquadSF> hehe... alright... you have a good site with lists of commands that I can use as a guide for managing the mail server and samba?
[14:16] <lukehasnoname> https://help.ubuntu.com/8.04/serverguide/C/
[14:16] <lukehasnoname> soren pwned me
[14:17] <GeekSquadSF> awesome... thanks guys.... hopefully I can quit using problem infested windows
[14:23] <soren> sour code? That doesn't sound good.
[14:47] <exot> hello, can I send a mail to my gamil account using sendmail ?
[14:55] <exot> hello, can I send a mail to my gamil account using sendmail, any help ?
[15:01] <kraut> exot: echo foobar | mail -s "subject foo" foo@bar.com
[15:02] <ScottK> Only 13 pre-requisite MIR needed to get spamassassin in Main. Everyone is welcome to help ... List is in https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/clamav-spamassassin-in-main
[15:04] <exot> kraut, thank you really ..
[15:04] <exot> u mean sendmail instead of mail ?
[15:04] <kraut> mail uses sendmail
[15:04] <kraut> exot: watch out the manpage
[15:47] <musa22> hello people
[15:48] <Petrov> hello
[15:48] <musa22> pls how can i install ubuntu server on a machine
[15:48] <musa22> ?
[15:49] <Petrov> do you have the install cd?
[15:50] <musa22> yes
[15:51] <musa22> i am even running on hardy
[15:52] <Petrov> and your question is how can i install ubuntu server ?
[15:52] <musa22> yes
[15:53] <Petrov> http://www.howtoforge.com/perfect-server-ubuntu8.04-lts
[15:53] <musa22> install and configure it for a small LAN
[15:53] <musa22> ftp, print server, etc
[15:54] <musa22> thanks man
[15:55] <Petrov> when you install ubuntu server you can choose: mail, samba, printer, dns, ...
[15:55] <Petrov> no problem
[15:56] <musa22> thanks a lot
[15:56] <Petrov> :p
[15:58] <musa22> but, is it going to work with clients runnin windows
[15:58] <musa22> ?
[16:01] <Petrov> no idea, i never tested, but i think it will work
[16:08] <musa22> ok
[16:08] <uvirtbot`> New bug: #242956 in bind9 (main) "Bind9 (8.04) not returning 'ad' flag when dnssec is enabled" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/242956
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[16:52] <zul> mathiaz: apache sru taken care of
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[17:53] <lamont> soren: around?
[17:53] <lamont> dm_crypt hates me
[17:53] <lamont> I hear you have the beating-stick
[18:01] * delcoyote hi
[18:07] <soren> lamont: I might. :)
[18:07] <lamont> so I have 2 partitions that I put into dm_crypt... and the bootup process politely asks for the passphrase for the first (swap), and then dies because / isn't found
[18:08] <lamont> can I recover that from initramfs's prompt, or do I need to be back in the installer?
[18:11] <lamont> soren?
[18:11] <soren> lamont: Sorry, bad timing. I have to run. I'll be back later.
[18:12] <lamont> meh
[18:12] <lamont> I may get bored and just install it without encryption.
[18:15] <bluk> hi there; I just installed Hardy server, and set up some service there, but although I can access them via LAN, I can't see them from the outside. I've disabled ufw and stopped apparmor; iptables seem to be empty. I also set another test-server to the same local IP, and it worked, so it's not a router misconfiguration. Any help would be very welcome.
[18:18] <Deeps> bluk: netstat -anp|grep <service>, check what ips its bound to
[18:18] <jdstrand> bluk: if you are switching around machines and using the same ip, you'll need for your arp cache to clear, or make sure that the interfaces use the same mac address
[18:18] <Deeps> bluk: or rathar, sudo netstat -anp
[18:18] <Deeps> and what jdstrand said
[18:19] <bluk> ok, a minute (I think messages are delayed because of server split)
[18:21] <bluk> so the service is bound to IP
[18:22] <bluk> also the ssh is the only service bound to an IPv6 address (dunno if this might be a problem)
[18:23] <bluk> jdstrand, it seems the arp cache was automatically cleared, it seems ok
[18:25] <ScottK> ssh binding to IPv6 is normal.
[18:25] <bluk> maybe i didn't really stopped the firewalls: i issued "ufw disable" and "/etc/init.d/apparmor stop" is this sufficient?
[18:26] <ScottK> Neither should be needed.
[18:26] <ScottK> ufw by default doesn't block anything and apparmor isn't a firewall.
[18:26] <jdstrand> bluk: apparmor doesn't have anything to do with the firewall. unless you explicitly enabled ufw, it wasn't on
[18:26] <bluk> can you confirm iptables won't block anything by default too?
[18:27] <jdstrand> bluk: you can run 'ufw status' to see the status, and run 'iptables -L -n' to be ultra-sure
[18:27] <bluk> ok, i just wanted to make sure it wasn't interferring so i enabled/disabled it
[18:27] <bluk> ok i'll do it again :-)
[18:28] <bluk> so ufw is "not loaded" and iptables just contain a rule i added (maybe useless but I had to try)
[18:29] <bluk> ACCEPT tcp -- tcp dpt:50
[18:29] <bluk> (in chain INPUT, policy ACCEPT)
[18:29] <bluk> was a test rule (I'm testing with nc -l -p 50)
[18:29] <jdstrand> bluk: mind, I don't know your network, but all the arp caches along the way need to clear
[18:30] <bluk> ok I have 3; this comp, the server, and the router, I'll do that
[18:38] <soren> lamont: You should be able to fix that from initramfs.
[18:39] <soren> lamont: You have cryptsetup in there, so you should be able to grab the right options from /etc/cryptblahb/blah
[18:39] <lamont> except that when it prompts for the key, it does that in the usplash screen, which I can't get back to once I get into innitramfs
[18:39] <soren> lamont: Unless it's luksFormat'ed, in which case it's much easier.
[18:39] <soren> lamont: It can ask on the console, too.
[18:39] * lamont does a swapless install attempt for now
[18:39] <lamont> well, it doesn't ask on the console
[18:40] <bluk_> hi again; unfortunately, no progress with arp cache reset
[18:40] <soren> lamont: Try booting without splash on the kernel cmdline.
[18:40] <soren> lamont: Maybe it decides based on that.
[18:40] <lamont> I already flattened it.
[18:40] <soren> Oh, ok.
[18:41] <lamont> btw, my normal trick of booting to the partitioner and then bringing up a shell? not so good for recovery with dm_crypt.
[18:41] <lamont> pls to fix0r that. kthx
[18:42] <bluk_> something in Hardy-server is blocking incoming internet packets, but allows incoming local packets, but it's neither uwf nor iptables... what can it be?
[18:42] <bluk_> i mean ufw*
=== bluk_ is now known as bluk
[18:56] <jklock> bluk: the second machine that you tried, did it have iptables installed and configured?
[19:16] <mathiaz> soren: have you tried running a 2.6.26 based intrepid vm on a hardy host ?
[19:16] <mathiaz> soren: It seems to be stuck in the boot process, just after the kernel has booted
[19:17] <mathiaz> soren: http://people.ubuntu.com/~mathiaz/ifail.png
[19:21] <Fenix|work> Greetings
[19:22] <Fenix|work> anyone have a sendmail how-to for 8.04?
[19:22] <ScottK> It starts with apt-get install postfix.
[19:22] <Fenix|work> hehe
[19:23] <Fenix|work> ok, and then with postfix, to set it up as a relay...
[19:24] <ScottK> IIRC relayhost is an option presented to you when you install.
[19:25] <ScottK> The server guide has docs on setting it up.
[19:25] <Fenix|work> I'm reading it now
[19:25] <Fenix|work> I assume I'm installing as 'internet with smart host'
=== bluk_ is now known as bluk
[19:35] <lamont> soren: screw it. it doesn't like to boot without swap, either.
[19:36] * lamont decides that the laptop gets to be his dm_crypt playground, and leaves the desktop machine to post-boot happiness
[19:47] <Fenix|work> ScottK, ok... postfix installed and working... now how do I make all local user accounts use a different domain name?
[20:04] <bluk> I solved my server problem; the default gateway was incorrectly set by default, but the effect was weird: incoming local packets were accepted only if they were local: internet incoming packets were dropped. All of this because of an incorrect gateway, I noticed this by accident, I'm feeling lucky :-)
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[20:23] <lukehasnoname> ScottK: what is the name of that dedicated host
[20:51] <uvirtbot`> New bug: #243061 in openldap2.3 (main) "slapd error while update from feisty to hardy" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/243061
[21:00] <mathiaz> ScottK: do you plan to integrate clamav and spamassassin in the mail-server task once they're moved to main ?
[21:00] <Koon> mathiaz: there is a known problem with 2.6.26-based intrepid VMs.
[21:01] <Koon> mathiaz: iirc colin pushed the issue to the kernel guys.
[21:08] <mathiaz> Koon: ok - thanks.
[21:13] <mathiaz> ScottK: I've created a wiki page to keep of MIR for spamassassin and clamav
[21:13] <mathiaz> ScottK: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ClamavSpamassassinInMain
[21:14] <mathiaz> ScottK: could you update the spec url in the blueprint to point to it ?
[21:22] <soren> lamont: I'm not sure I understood why you didn't just use the default encryption options in the installer (splits the drive into a boot partition and an encrypted PV, and puts everything else on LVM)?
[21:22] <lamont> soren: show me where in the default installer options I get a 4 drive wide RAID setup with encryption on top of it.
[21:23] <leonel> mathiaz: ScottK If you need help to test clamav spamassassin to move it to main Just let me know .. This is a great news
[21:24] <lamont> soren: for bonus points, give me RAID5 for the filesystems, and raid0 for swap (so as to have one partition spread across the bunch of them, letting the partition sizes be sane, etc.
[21:24] <lamont> and then you'll run into the issue that it only actually initializes one dm_crypt partition, and then blithely goes on to try mounting things (root, for example) from the others
[21:25] * lamont freely admits that his use case is maybe 2 sigma out
[21:26] <lamont> soren: hence my "I give up. I'll just do dm_crypt on the single-disk laptop, which is clearly the use case"
[21:30] <lamont> also, it'd be nice if the partman screen wouldn't let me go change the raid drive parameters after the dm_crypt setup runs (and the raid drive gets smacked back to "do not use" instead of "physical partition for encryption"
[21:30] <lamont> and it would be extra nice if I could go in and say just do the config portion of dm_crypt without overwriting all the data"
[21:31] <lamont> since that's my trusty tried-n-true method for doing recovery on disks: boot up to the partitioner, bail, exec a shell, and presto.
[21:31] <lamont> for RAID, add in a "configure software raid" in the middle to start md0 et al
[21:38] <soren> lamont: Er.. I suggest you talk to Colin about all of that :)
[21:38] <lamont> heh
[21:39] <soren> In such a case, I'd set everything up manually, but that's rather painful, too.
[21:39] <soren> painful, but possible. Unlike through the installer, apparantly.
[21:41] <lamont> well, I expect that it's just a matter of catching it at the "please hit return after removing the CD" and fixing cryptroot to have more than one line in it
[21:41] <lamont> OTOH, I grew tired
[21:41] <ScottK> mathiaz: From my perspective integration is dependent on the server flavor spec. That's how I'd do it.
[21:42] <ScottK> mathiaz: wiki page is linked
[21:45] <ScottK> lamont: http://archives.neohapsis.com/archives/postfix/2008-06/1215.html enjoy.
[21:45] * ScottK runs off.
[21:47] <lamont> ScottK: heh
[21:50] <lukehasnoname> ScottK: what is that dedicated server hosting you recommendeD?
[21:53] <osmosis> how can I check if cpu frequency scaling is being used?
[21:56] <lukehasnoname> soren: have you looked at xVM?
[21:56] <osmosis> does the linux-image-server have support for cpu-frequency scaling ?
[21:59] <lukehasnoname> ...
[22:16] <lukehasnoname> ScottK and soren: set up an intelligent bot to respond to questions directed at y'all 24/7
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[22:48] <bigfootmachado> alguem utiliza msn-proxy ???????
[22:48] <hansin> Does anyone know why the standard Ubuntu Server 8.04 install (I only chose to install the SSH services) runs Exim4 as a deamon? It appears to be listening to the loopback host, but not sure. I am not expert on this matter, and just want to get a sense of its purpose. Thanks.
[23:05] <hads> hansin: Exim is a mail server
[23:10] <ScottK> Someone please tell lukehasnoname http://www.softlayer.com/ if he shows up again.
[23:10] <ScottK> hansin: exim4 is not installed by default. You installed something else that needed a mail server.
[23:14] <hansin> hads: Thanks.
[23:15] <hansin> ScottK: Thanks, I'll try nd figure out what did it. I don't remember what it could have been, but will take a look. I'll see if I can hit port 25 from the outside, or if it truely is just listening on loopback.
[23:18] <ScottK> hansin: If you set this up recently you can grep /var/log/dpkg.log* for exim and then see what else was installed about that time.
[23:18] <hads> A mail server is usually a good thing to have installed anyway (I prefer postfix but that's personal preference) you can just firewall it (which you should have anyway).
[23:18] <ScottK> hads: I'd argue installing the minimal set of services is generally better.
[23:18] <hads> You can also try uninstalling it with aptitude and it will complain if something depends on it and show you what it is.
[23:19] <hads> ScottK: True, that is a good thing, but a bunch of things will try and mail if there is a problem on the system so I like to have an MTA installed personally.
[23:20] <ScottK> Yes. But then you want to configure it to deliver mail where it's wanted and so you should have it on purpose and not by accident.
[23:21] <hads> Quite
[23:21] <ScottK> leonel: It would be good to get some help doing the MIR paperwork. That's the main thing needed.
[23:23] <hansin> Thanks all. But can you not just call the MTA on an "as needed" basis instead of running as an daemon, or maybe I am off here?
[23:23] <ogra> <slangasek> I wonder if ScottK was interested in taking care of the selinux merges?
[23:23] <ogra> ^^^^^ from -meeting
[23:23] <uvirtbot`> ogra: Error: "^^^^" is not a valid command.
[23:24] <ScottK> ogra: If I do it I only promise a minimal diff from Debian. I don't know enough to get them working.
[23:25] <ogra> i'll forward that to steve, thanks