UbuntuIRC / 2008 /06 /25 /#ubuntu+1.txt
Initial commit
[03:56] <RAOF> !xrandr
[03:56] <ubottu> XRandR 1.2 is the new method of running dual screens in !X. Information/HowTo here: http://wiki.debian.org/XStrikeForce/HowToRandR12
[05:29] <pottytheshitter> I like to dine on my own shit
[05:34] <pottytheshitter> I also race gerbils up my ass
[05:35] <pottytheshitter> Peace
[05:35] <pottytheshitter> !ops
[05:35] <ubottu> Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Mez, LjL, elkbuntu, imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, ompaul, Madpilot, Seveas, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda, nixternal, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, Jack_Sparrow, nickrud, jdavies, bazhang or jussi01!
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[06:04] <derekS> hello all. i have interpid running and i noticed new behavior in dual screen mode. my 2 panels (one for each screen) become the length of both monitors (so i now only need one). The catch is I can't have a window list for each screen, is this expected>
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[09:08] <DanaG> Odd: I can't seem to use this bluetooth headset with my computer.
[09:08] <DanaG> Gnome bluetooth thingy shows audio service: stopped.
[09:08] <DanaG> And I can't check or uncheck any of the "Services" boxes.
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[15:13] <amikrop> Hello. Excuse me, but I woud like to express and idea. From Intrepid and on, I think this tactic should be followed: During the installation, the system checks how many root (or something else) partitions there are, and if there is only one, should set "timeout 0" instead of "timeout 3" in /boot/grub/menu.lst.
[15:15] <amikrop> I mean, I think there is no point in slowing down the boot process for no reason.
[15:16] <lamalex> amikrop: that's a terrible idea
[15:16] <amikrop> lamalex: And why's that?
[15:16] <lamalex> what about when you need to run memtest, or get into single user mode
[15:17] <lamalex> or boot an old kernel after a bad upgrade
[15:17] <amikrop> lamalex: Then, you would start pressing "Esc" before even GRUB starts up.
[15:18] <lamalex> :\ that's very cryptic and ugly
[15:18] <lamalex> 3 seconds is a very short period of time
[15:18] <marcreichelt> hi there
[15:19] <marcreichelt> does anybody know how I can install Kubuntu 8.10 (with KDE 4.1 Beta2) in a virtual machine for testing purposes?
[15:24] <Hobbsee> marcreichelt: same as you would on a normal machine....
[15:25] <marcreichelt> yes, but where do I get the images? ;)
[15:25] <marcreichelt> or do I have to install Kubuntu 8.04 and do a manual upgrade?
[15:26] <Hobbsee> correct.
[15:26] <marcreichelt> okay, that was helpful
[15:27] <marcreichelt> one last question: if I want KDE 4.1 Beta2 as the standard system, should I use Kubuntu 8.04 with KDE4?
[15:30] <Hobbsee> um, i don't think it matters.
[15:30] <Hobbsee> it looks like it's switching to kde4 by default (one of my kde3 apps just upgraded to a kde4 one)
[15:34] <mcquaid> not entriped related but kinda desperate. gutsy --> hardy upgrade seemed to go fine but hardy fails to boot. Also fails in recovery mode and even the old gutsy kernel left behind fails to boot as well
[15:34] <mcquaid> i've booted off a live cd. apt-get update says everything is up to date. Is there a way to reconfigure everything from a chroot envrionment?
[15:34] <mcquaid> dpkg-reconfigure -a didn't go well
[15:34] <marcreichelt> okay, thanks Hobbsee
[15:35] * marcreichelt is ready to test Intrepid...
[15:35] <Hobbsee> marcreichelt: you're welcome, but it's still kinda broken.
[15:35] <Hobbsee> !chroot
[15:35] <ubottu> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebootstrapChroot use this to build 32 bit environments on a 64 bit box
[15:36] <Hobbsee> mcquaid: use sudo chroot /path/to/bad/system su
[15:37] <mcquaid> su at the end?
[15:37] <mcquaid> didn't use that...
[15:37] <Hobbsee> you can use either, i think
[15:37] <Hobbsee> as in, either su, or nothing.
[15:37] <Hobbsee> i think either dump you in a root shell, from memory
[15:38] <mcquaid> ok well i did that (without su) and it seems like a noraml chroot environ, but doing dpkg-reconfigure -a gives a lot of errors like:
[15:38] <mcquaid> stuff dealing with /proc filesystems
[15:38] <Hobbsee> !pastebin
[15:38] <ubottu> pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)
[15:38] <mcquaid> cause their not mounted/setup
[15:38] <Hobbsee> er, they shouldn't be errors - or at least, not fatal ones
[15:42] <mcquaid> Hobbsee, this is what i get doing dpkg-reconfigure -a from the live cd via chroot:
[15:42] <mcquaid> http://paste.ubuntu.com/22872/
[15:42] <mcquaid> certainly doesn't look like a complete reconfigure...
[15:43] <Hobbsee> mcquaid: i suspect you wanted dpkg --configure -a?
[15:44] <Hobbsee> but no, it doesn't.
[15:44] <mcquaid> actually i tried dpkg --configure -a first but it does nothing
[15:45] <mcquaid> it's been a long time but i thought there was a way to make a more complete chroot environ with dev/sys/proc set up
[15:45] <mcquaid> i'm wondering if it would avoid these errors
[15:49] <Hobbsee> figuring out how to mount /proc is probably a good idea, yes.
[15:53] <h3sp4wn_> either mount --bind or just mounting a seperate /proc will work
[15:56] <mcquaid> not sure if i'm correct did it this way: sudo mount -t proc proc /media/gutsy/proc
[15:57] <mcquaid> but not dpkg-reconfigure -a fails at acpid: can't open /proc/acpi/event: Device or resource busy
[15:57] <mcquaid> so i've probably setup proc incorrectly...
[15:59] <mcquaid> hmm, it looks setup ok. but there is no event under proc/acpi
[15:59] <mcquaid> is there a way to tell dpkg-reconfigure to skip/continue
[16:01] <mcquaid> i'm wondering if i don't have event cause it's a chroot environ
[16:01] <mcquaid> there should be an easier way to reconfigure pkgs from a live cd
[16:08] <h3sp4wn_> basically you can just look in /var/lib/dpkg/info and change the right line to - echo 'whatever' and then it will past it
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[16:58] <EagleScreen> hello
[16:59] <EagleScreen> will kubuntu 8.10 use desktop effects?
[16:59] <rsk> dunno
[17:00] <Luckrider_> !pastebin
[17:00] <ubottu> pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)
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[17:46] <cbr> is it a known bug that kernel 2.6.26 and usplash fail?
[17:46] <cbr> and iwl-wifi fails too
[19:38] <Kaivijz> Hi everyone
[19:38] <ethana2> hello
[19:43] <Kaivijz> How can i help the community to develop ubuntu further?
[19:44] <ethana2> alpha testing, brainstorm...
[19:44] <Kaivijz> I really want to help, but i am not that great in programming
[19:44] <ethana2> ah
[19:44] <ethana2> ...yes, alpha testing and brainstorm
[19:44] <ethana2> I don't code either
[19:44] <Kaivijz> Ok
[19:45] <Kaivijz> And bug resolving? Do you know in what language ubuntu is made, C++, C#,Python
[19:45] <ethana2> all
[19:45] <ethana2> the kernel and core utils are C
[19:46] <Kaivijz> Ok, do you know what mentoring is?
[19:46] <ethana2> a lot of the configuration scripts are bash and python
[19:46] <Kaivijz> Ok
[19:46] <ethana2> some apps are C++, C#, and python
[19:46] <ethana2> mentoring? yeah
[19:46] <ethana2> you ever done any packaging?
[19:46] <Kaivijz> Is it just like a teacher? Who helps you learn things and advices you.
[19:47] <ethana2> #ubuntu-motu may be able to use you
[19:47] <Kaivijz> No
[19:47] <ethana2> yeah, pretty much
[19:47] <Kaivijz> Ok
[19:48] <Kaivijz> Packaging is making .deb files?
[19:48] <ethana2> pretty much
[19:52] <Kaivijz> Ok, i am actually reading the MOTU site at the moment
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[20:25] <WelshDragon> Any word on first alpha yet?
[20:54] <ethana2> postponed
[20:54] <ethana2> may be the word you're looking for
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