UbuntuIRC / 2008 /06 /25 /#kubuntu.txt
Initial commit
[00:00] <nowshining> candive, I have a P4 and kubuntu installed fine - at least 7.10 did. What version of Kubuntu are you trying to install?
[00:00] <candive> nowshining, 8.04 32 bit
[00:01] <nowshining> ah! candive I have to a 32bit P4 hmmmm
[00:01] <nowshining> candive, have u tried cleaning out your CD-ROM, DVD-ROM, etc.. drive with a cd cleaner lately?
[00:02] <nowshining> candive, was this also a shipped cd or one u burned urself? if burned urself - did you burn it at a low setting? I heard a lot of problems when burning at full speed.
[00:02] <candive> nowshining , no its not my machine but I will
[00:02] <candive> shipped
[00:03] <nowshining> ah! candive there should be an option to check the CD for defects - have u tried this?
[00:03] <gaboo> Hi
[00:03] <candive> nowshining how do i tell if its 32 bit or 64 bit??
[00:04] <gaboo> I have a problem with installing kde4.1 beta 2 packages, am I in the right channel for question related to this ?
[00:04] <nowshining> candive, you should of known that when you ordered it? did you order it from shipit.kubuntu.org?
[00:04] <candive> Inowshining I ran all checks cd good, i do not think the cd would read at all if it was the cd player
[00:04] <nowshining> gaboo, u can also try the kde support channel
[00:04] <candive> yes
[00:05] <candive> nowshining, yes
[00:05] <candive> I ordered a few
[00:06] <nowshining> candive, have you cleaned out your computer lately? the fan, etc? you can also run a memory test from the CD with memtest
[00:06] <gaboo> nowshining: this is a distro specific issue, I don't think #kde is appropriate
[00:06] <nowshining> gaboo, is this beta2 of kde4 from the repos?
[00:06] <nowshining> or the kde site? gaboo
[00:07] <gaboo> anyway, I'll just ask ... is there someone having conflict when installing kde4.1 beta2 between kdebase-workspace kde-window-manager packages ?
[00:07] <candive> nowshining, it is not a computer I have continuous access to it is a doctor
[00:07] <gaboo> nowshining: from the kubuntu ppa repos
[00:07] <nowshining> ah! gaboo i see
[00:08] <unixboy1> k guys someone could help me out with Kubuntu ?
[00:08] <unixboy1> I cannot see my networkd card
[00:08] <unixboy1> but it seem to be detected in Lspci command
[00:08] <unixboy1> comeone could help me out
[00:09] <nowshining> candive, "it is not a computer I have continuous access to it is a doctor" I don't understand that sentences, unless you mean that you can continuous access to it as a computer and ur installing for the hospital?
[00:09] <nowshining> unixboy1, hmmm
[00:10] <candive> nowshining, I am installing it in my doctors Work pc
[00:10] <el1te> is there any version of kubuntu (live cd) that has BTAUDIO enabled
[00:10] <el1te> BTAUDIO = booktree audio
[00:10] <nowshining> what kubuntu unixboy1 are you running? 7.10, 8.04?
[00:11] <candive> nowshining, I will follow all the steps but with liumited access it may take a while. thank you for the reminders.
[00:11] <ubuntu_> hey am i on freenode?
[00:11] <nowshining> el1te, prob. not, you'll probably have to install it from the repos ie: synaptic, adept, apt-get, etc.. or make ur own live unoffical CD/DVD, etc..
[00:11] <nowshining> ubuntu, yes ur on freenode the kubuntu channel
[00:11] <ubuntu_> thx man
[00:12] <nowshining> candive, now i get u/understand u
[00:12] <el1te> nowshining i only have 1gig free on that drive....im really looking for a live cd with builtin support
[00:12] <nowshining> ubuntu, ur welcome
[00:12] <el1te> is there a version i dont care if its old
[00:12] <ubuntu_> does kubuntu have firefox ?
[00:12] <candive> nowshining, thank you. fingers not as fast as thoughts
[00:13] <nowshining> el1te, like I said u will prob. have to make ur own CD/DVD with it, all of them carry the same apps, etc.. ie: are the same.
[00:13] <candive> :)
[00:13] <Schuenemann> ubuntu_, not by default
[00:13] <el1te> nowshining you are saying probably
[00:13] <el1te> i need to know for sure
[00:13] <nowshining> el1te, no i'm saying NO
[00:13] <nowshining> sure
[00:13] <nowshining> unless u make ur own live CD el1te
[00:13] <nowshining> with it on it el1te
[00:14] <nowshining> candive, :)
[00:14] <unixboy1> nowshining: 8.04
[00:14] <candive> I take my laptop everywhere trying to convert people to the Great Kubuntu. chow.
[00:14] <nowshining> ubuntu, yes - however Hardy haron 8.04 has a beta of FF3, however FF3 was just finally released so u'll need to do some updates to get the final FF3.
[00:14] <el1te> nowshining what? you are no sure?
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[00:15] <JDSBlueDevl> hi, I just installed KDE4 and want to remove KDE3.5. How do I do that?
[00:16] <nowshining> el1te, i'm sure - you can try other distros - again there is a way to make ur own CD/DVD - i know u said u have only 1GB, have u well tried removing un-needed items, etc..?
[00:16] <ubuntu_> kubuntu is faster than ubuntu, weird...
[00:16] <nowshining> ubuntu_, lol
[00:16] <ubuntu_> :)
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[00:17] <Soul_Sample> are there any applications that i should remove by all means if i've decided to switch from gnome to kde? i've removed the synaptic package manager, but what else?
[00:17] <nowshining> JDSBlueDevl, prob. apt-get remove kde3.5 or go thru adept - to remove it as a gui. but i'm not sure i've never had to do it
[00:18] <JDSBlueDevl> kde3.5 doesn't exist as a package by that name
[00:18] <JDSBlueDevl> there's kde and kde4
[00:18] <nowshining> Soul_Sample, you didn't have to remove synaptic? heck you can mix and match and plus both use apt-get as backends
[00:19] <Soul_Sample> nowshining: oh, i thought that i'd just end up in application conflicts. that's one of the reasons i've removed gnome and installed kde. i managed to render gnome completely useless. :S
[00:19] <nowshining> JDSBlueDevl, then kde might be 3.5.x IDK tho as again ur going to have to try urself unless others know how - if so they should speak up
[00:19] <nowshining> Soul_Sample, you can just re-install gnome?
[00:19] <nowshining> use the completely remove part Soul_Sample
[00:20] <nowshining> that way Soul_Sample itta purge config files, etc..
[00:20] <Soul_Sample> nowshining: that is what i tried at first. but i don't know what happened, to be honest. i've installed the lcars gtk theme in linux, and upon restarting i couldn't login anymore. i would get an empty screen with my cursor. so i've reinstalled gnome, and managed to login, but if i even tried to change anything in the appearance menu, it crashed again
[00:22] <nowshining> Soul_Sample, again yeah u can mix and match - example I use synaptic in kubuntu and other things of gnome as well. For one thing you could of well removed the gnome session files - i forget exactly how but it's in a hidden folder in ur home folder
[00:22] <nowshining> so Soul_Sample ur prob. could of probably been easily fixed
[00:22] <Soul_Sample> nowshining: ok, i'll remove those. to be honest, i really want to try using kde, so i guess now it's a good opportunity.
[00:23] <elec> i have an HP2133, the built in camera works within skype using /dev/video0 (using the test feature in skype) but camorama says it cant open /dev/video0.. any ideas?
[00:23] <nowshining> Soul_Sample, do you remember the errors on crash? lol yeah kde is nice - it's more Windows like to let you know compared to gnome
[00:23] <Soul_Sample> but i (here i go again with the themes) cannot apply any windows decorations in kde, i have Human applied, still... so i guess that'll disappear when i delete the remaining gnome preferences?
[00:23] <nowshining> Soul_Sample, at least kde 3.5.x is
[00:23] <nowshining> backup first Soul_Sample
[00:24] <Soul_Sample> nowshining: no, no errors. upon logging in i just got an empty screen with a cursor
[00:24] <nowshining> ah! hmmm yeah Soul_Sample and this is KDE right?
[00:24] <Soul_Sample> nowshining: yes, 3.5
[00:24] <Soul_Sample> nowshining: but when i select plastik, or crystal, or anything, it doesn't apply. and human isn't even on the list (logically)
[00:25] <nowshining> Soul_Sample, those themes are more than likely for GNOME not KDE - KDE is diff.
[00:25] <nowshining> kde-look.org
[00:25] <Soul_Sample> nowshining: it says that crystal is the default kde theme. it actually shows only when i turn on all window effects
[00:25] <Soul_Sample> nowshining: turn OFF, i meant :S
[00:25] <nowshining> Soul_Sample, yeah i see that now, it's human that's not
[00:26] <nowshining> Soul_Sample, it's okay lol
[00:26] <regginald> Hi!
[00:26] <Soul_Sample> nowshining: i think it has something to do with compiz, but i'm really lost right now
[00:27] <d1os_mio> how do you get mp3 support in kubuntu?
[00:27] <d1os_mio> !restricted
[00:27] <Schuenemann> !restricted | d1os_mio
[00:27] <ubottu> For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats
[00:27] <ubottu> d1os_mio: please see above
[00:27] <nowshining> U can session into a Command prompt Soul_Sample and mv ur .kde folder to ur desktop and try logging into ur reg. session, I think the overall prob. is ur session, if u think it's compiz try selecting a new session for login if can.
[00:27] <d1os_mio> thanks man
[00:27] <Soul_Sample> nowshining: i figured that KDE is a new session, being that i just installed it
[00:28] <regginald> Fresh install of Kubuntu, need to configure administrator access, can anyone help?
[00:28] <tycale> Hi
[00:28] <tycale> How kill compiz ?
[00:28] <Schuenemann> !root | regginald
[00:28] <ubottu> regginald: Do not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth... there is no root password. Then you will see that it is 'sudo' that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo
[00:28] <regginald> ty
[00:28] <tycale> I've write ccsm in my shell
[00:28] <tycale> and now, I've compiz
[00:29] <tycale> and I DON'T WANT THIS ONE !
[00:29] <delilaz> I need help w/interpreting the instructions of a MakeFile, can anyone help!???
[00:30] <nowshining> Soul_Sample, u'll prob. have to kill compiz then
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[00:30] <nowshining> idk really
[00:30] <Soul_Sample> nowshining: kill or reinstall?
[00:30] <nowshining> u can try re-install Soul_Sample
[00:30] <tycale> I want to kill compiz too \o/
[00:30] <nowshining> in terminal try killall compiz
[00:31] <Soul_Sample> nowshining: i'll do it now and see
[00:31] <tycale> aptitude remove compiz
[00:31] <nowshining> or ctrl+alt+del
[00:31] <nowshining> u can dothat too
[00:31] <nowshining> if u want to remove it
[00:31] <nowshining> if so i suggest adding --purge maybe?
[00:32] <tycale> ><
[00:32] <tycale> Doesn't WORK
[00:32] <tycale> How desactive COMPIZ :(
[00:32] <delilaz> It states, "if u want to bild the kernel under kernel 2.4.x one has to let the variable KERN_24=y and comment the KERN_26=y like as the example above..
[00:33] <nowshining> delilaz, are you trying to re-build the ubuntu kernel or vanilla?
[00:33] <delilaz> "... and modify the variable KERNEL_SOURCE to the path which u install the kernel source" I don't get it...
[00:33] <delilaz> ubuntu
[00:34] <tycale> Nobody hears me ?
[00:34] <tycale> How switch off compiz forever ?
[00:34] <Schuenemann> tycale, kill the process
[00:34] <tycale> No !
[00:34] <nowshining> if ur trying to install delilaz and make u gotta install certain packages - then issue make-kpkg --initrd --append-to-version=-rtbotnetgodalphamale kernel_image kernel_headers - change rtbotnet, etc.. to whatever u want
[00:34] <tycale> FOREVER
[00:34] <tycale> Don't want it at my start
[00:34] <Schuenemann> tycale, uninstall?
[00:34] <tycale> I've tried aptitude remove compiz
[00:34] <_CrashMaster_> tycale: Do it from Adept. Search for COMPIZ and uninstall it
[00:35] <nowshining> tycale, go into the compiz settings, try kmeny - system settings
[00:35] <tycale> doesn't work !
[00:35] <tycale> There is no place where they speak about compiz there
[00:35] <nowshining> delilaz, ur kernel source should be in /usr/src/
[00:36] <tycale> I try adept
[00:36] <nowshining> to make menuconfig - u need to be in the kernel's folder, cd /usr/src/linux- , etc..
[00:36] <d1os_mio> kubuntu rulez
[00:36] <nowshining> tycale, try a search
[00:36] <tycale> yeah
[00:36] <nowshining> and d1os_mio lolz
[00:36] <tycale> yeah
[00:36] <Schuenemann> tycale, try #compiz-fusion then. By is you uninstalled it, it can't be running
[00:36] <_CrashMaster_> tycale: from console type "sudo apt-get remove compiz
[00:36] <tycale> I've done it with adept
[00:37] <tycale> come back
[00:37] <delilaz> that looks confusing... I'm just trying to install a wireless adapter...
[00:37] <Soul_Sample> nowshining: i can apply all themes except crystal now
[00:37] <genii> alt-f2 kwin --replace then uninstall compiz
[00:38] <delilaz> this one step is preventing me... do to how it's worded
[00:38] <nowshining> delilaz, oh then u need to enable the ubuntu source repositories, install the kernel header, etc.. and install the kernel source.
[00:38] <nowshining> then delilaz
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[00:38] <nowshining> more than likely, delilaz ./configure
[00:38] <tycale> compiz :@
[00:38] <Soul_Sample> nowshining: if i try applying crystal, i lose all window decorations
[00:38] <tycale> It sucks !
[00:38] <Soul_Sample> nowshining: lol
[00:39] <nowshining> make and for a deb sudo checkinstall -D make install - delilaz
[00:40] <nowshining> Soul_Sample, then it's a decorations problem. ie: a theme prob. or u really got something messed up somewhere. or do you still got compiz doing something somewhere, a settings, etc.. try kwin --replace && in terminal
[00:41] <Soul_Sample> nowshining: yup, it's a decorations problem, i can apply any of them if my effects are on off, but if i change that option to anything else it crashes
[00:41] <delilaz> I tried ./configure and it wouldn't work... I installed build-essentials, checkinstall, automake, cvs.. etc
[00:41] <msi> buenas tardes, alguno en español
[00:42] <genii> !es | msi
[00:42] <ubottu> msi: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.
[00:42] <msi> gracias
[00:42] <genii> delilaz: What program exactly is it you are trying to install/compile?
[00:42] <nowshining> delilaz, what does ./configure stop on? if you get a lib error, try installing that libs - -dev and any other libs until u get a ./configure sucessful message then do make
[00:43] <Daisuke_Ido> delilaz: it would work better if you installed build-essential rather than build-essentials
[00:43] <Daisuke_Ido> though i don't think that's the actual issue here
[00:43] <delilaz> a wireless usb adapter that is compatible w/linux
[00:43] <Theend> Soul_Sample: As I understand it. KDE is more than a window manager, kwm is the KDE window manger. Themes for kwm will not likely work when Compiz is used as your window manager.
[00:43] <genii> If it compiles for 2.4 kernel it might be outdated anyhow, or a version might be in the repos if we knew what it was
[00:44] <delilaz> ./configure makes an error stating no such file command
[00:44] <nowshining> delilaz, u need to be in the untared folder or src folder if there is one
[00:44] <Daisuke_Ido> delilaz: what's the driver?
[00:44] <el1te> does anyone in here KNOW kubuntu good?
[00:44] <nowshining> also heed genii & Daisuke_Ido and take their suggestions - they prob. know more
[00:44] <genii> nowshining: Then again it might only have a Makefile and no configure :)
[00:45] <el1te> has anyone got alot of experience with kubuntu
[00:45] <Daisuke_Ido> el1te: yeah, kubuntu and i go out for beers fairly regularly
[00:45] <delilaz> zd1211-4715
[00:45] <el1te> used all the distros in the past
[00:45] <Daisuke_Ido> el1te: now, do you have a question?
[00:45] <el1te> yes
[00:45] <el1te> what version of kubuntu live cd has btaudio support...btaudio = booktree audio
[00:45] <el1te> its uusally for tv cards
[00:45] <nowshining> genii, yeah then just doing make should work and adding the prefix to like /usr/local should work if libs go into /usr/local like mine changed too.
[00:45] <Daisuke_Ido> on the live cd, probably none
[00:45] <el1te> i dont care if its older release
[00:46] <Daisuke_Ido> on an actual install, you should be able to get it
[00:46] <el1te> btaudio was used quite a bit
[00:46] <delilaz> I did nowshing, I know it's just one error I'm doing or misinterpreting
[00:46] <el1te> <Daisuke_Ido> on the live cd, probably none <<<<you said probably
[00:46] <el1te> i need to know
[00:46] <Daisuke_Ido> so go look
[00:46] <el1te> listen i asked if anyone knew kubuntu good
[00:46] <genii> el1te: BrookTree was bought by Conexant. But the bt828 drivers still work fine on them
[00:47] <el1te> you either do or you dont
[00:47] <delilaz> it does have only MakeFile
[00:47] <el1te> genii http://www.domenech.org/bt878a-adc/index-e.htm <<<<thats the project im doing
[00:47] <el1te> it says i need btaudio
[00:47] <Daisuke_Ido> el1te: knowing it *WELL* doesn't mean knowing every file that exists in every release.
[00:48] <el1te> in that project he uses mandrake 9.1
[00:48] <el1te> Daisuke_Ido knowing it well means you can find out pretty easy if you dont know
[00:51] <Theend> el1te: have you checked Synaptic, searched for 'btaudio'? There might be a package that includes it. I can't check b/c its updating.
[00:51] <genii> el1te: There is no previous or current release of Kubuntu which was provided with the btaudio driver by default. If you want it on your box you'll need to compile it. The bt828 and bttv drivers are standard however.
[00:52] <el1te> genii is the bt828 basically the btaudio module?
[00:52] <genii> e
[00:52] <el1te> e?
[00:52] <genii> el1te: Yes, but more usually video..eg: it makes /dev/video0 and so on
[00:53] <genii> el1te: Typo
[00:53] <el1te> ahh and it probably just dont use audio at all
[00:53] <el1te> and passes it through
[00:57] <genii> el1te: Instead of btaudio snd-bt87x (for ALSA) is normally used
[01:01] <genii> delilaz: What is the make and model of the wireless usb adapter?
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[01:04] <genii> !ping
[01:04] <ubottu> ping yourself ;-) really the diodes all down my left side are sore
[01:04] <genii> Hmm
[01:05] <delilaz> zydas zd1211-4715 genii
[01:05] <o_> I'm trying to ugrade update, but get an error. Anyone up to helping a real greenhorn?
[01:05] <genii> delilaz: So the manufacturer of the modem is Zydas and the model of it is zd1211-4715 ?
[01:06] <o_> E: Type '<!DOCTYPE' is not known on line 1 in source list /etc/apt/sources.list.d/medibuntu.list
[01:06] <o_> E: The list of sources could not be read.
[01:06] <delilaz> yep it's a wireless usb
[01:07] <genii> o_: Please use the pastebin website to copy the contents of that file there for inspection. It looks like it's contents have by oddness XML in it instead of repository locations
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[01:08] <genii> delilaz: OK. I'll google around for it
[01:08] <nowshining> genii, is this pastebin site automatic in it's inspection, etc..?
[01:08] <genii> !pastebin
[01:08] <ubottu> pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #kubuntu channel topic)
[01:08] <o_> genil.. thank you. I'm reallt new to this. "paste bin website".. ??
[01:08] <genii> nowshining: Not yet but they're working on it
[01:09] <delilaz> thx genii, I'm currently reading yet another website found to see if it helps too... and this one says manufacturer is Belkin F5D7050 ver 4000
[01:09] <genii> o_: The link provided above. You copy on your computer then paste to the site, then give us the URL
[01:10] <genii> delilaz: Good, Belkin is easier to find drivers for than Zydas :)
[01:10] <Schuenemann> currently I have only my user. If I create a second one, which password will it have to use for sudo?
[01:10] <o_> got it genii :)
[01:11] <Odd-rationale> Schuenemann: well, if that new user is part of the admin group, he will use his login password
[01:11] <Schuenemann> and he will be able to do anything just as I am?
[01:11] <Odd-rationale> Schuenemann: yes. but new users are not admin by default...
[01:12] <Schuenemann> being a non-admin, can he run apt-get?
[01:12] <Odd-rationale> Schuenemann: no.
[01:12] <Schuenemann> not even to install something for himself?
[01:12] <nowshining> sudo apt-get
[01:12] <nowshining> ur pw won't show as you type
[01:13] <Odd-rationale> Schuenemann: i think, you might be able to edit the sudoers file to make something like that possible...
[01:13] <Theend> Odd-rationale: Any user having access to Sudo just uses their own login password for sudo?
[01:13] <Odd-rationale> Theend: correct
[01:14] <Schuenemann> gee... guess he won't do much, except for running what is already installed :)
[01:14] <Odd-rationale> man sudo
[01:14] <genii> delilaz: Please try: lsusb and then copy the single line of it that has the name of the modem here please
[01:14] <Theend> so what happened to Root user and Root password? Obsolete/Unsupported in ubuntu?
[01:15] <genii> !root
[01:15] <ubottu> Do not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth... there is no root password. Then you will see that it is 'sudo' that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo
[01:15] <genii> Theend: About the gist, yes
[01:15] <Schuenemann> Odd-rationale, is GID 1000 the admin group?
[01:15] <Odd-rationale> Schuenemann: i don't remember... not on a ubuntu system atm...
[01:16] <Schuenemann> well, that the only group I see and the group I belong (I'm UID 1000 too)
[01:16] <genii> Schuenemann: No, 1000 onwards is for regular user GIDs
[01:16] <Odd-rationale> i think it is 0...
[01:16] <genii> 0=root
[01:16] <Odd-rationale> oh, ok.
[01:16] <Schuenemann> oh well, where should I create a second user, then?
[01:17] <Schuenemann> for an ordinary person
[01:17] <delilaz> genii: I don't have the wireless usb plugged in yet
[01:17] <Odd-rationale> Schuenemann: in kcontrol --> admin --> users and groups.
[01:17] <genii> Schuenemann: adduser will just increment 1000 to 1001 or so as needed
[01:18] <Schuenemann> Odd-rationale, by "where" I mean "which group", not which screen/menu/whatever :p
[01:18] <Schuenemann> genii, how about the group?
[01:18] <genii> Schuenemann: sudo usermod -G adm -a username
[01:19] <Odd-rationale> Schuenemann: in ubuntu, each user has his own group. e.g. odd-rationale:odd-rationale
[01:19] <genii> Schuenemann: Adds username to group admin (adm) in this case
[01:19] <Schuenemann> weird. Shouldn't a group have a set of users?
[01:19] <Schuenemann> genii, you mean I should move myself to the admin group before creating a new one?
[01:20] <Odd-rationale> Schuenemann: a users can be part of several groups. although the main one is it's own...
[01:20] <genii> Schuenemann: If you can successfully use sudo you are already in that group
[01:20] <genii> Default user created at install time has sudo rights, subsequent users do not
[01:20] <Schuenemann> ahh...
[01:21] <Schuenemann> is there a command for listing all my groups?
[01:21] <genii> Yes. groups
[01:22] <genii> delilaz: OK. It would be useful to see the vendor:device part of that result.
[01:23] <root> hola
[01:23] <root> alguien habla español
=== root is now known as Guest7228
[01:23] <genii> !es
[01:23] <ubottu> En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.
[01:23] <Schuenemann> I created a user called 'joao' and his only group is 'joao'
[01:24] <genii> o #ubuntu-br pr Brasil
[01:24] <genii> Schuenemann: Normal behaviour
[01:25] <Schuenemann> I see... and he can't use sudo, right?
[01:25] <genii> Nope
[01:25] <Schuenemann> alright, thanks
[01:25] <delilaz> ok I'll plug it in then... what was the command again??? genii
[01:25] <Schuenemann> (nope means you agreed?)
[01:26] <genii> Schuenemann: If you want him to be able to mount cds or use sound devices etc you might want to add him to groups of audio video cdrom and plugdev
[01:26] <Schuenemann> I see
[01:27] <genii> delilaz: In konsole: lsusb and then copy the single line of it that has the modem in it to here
[01:28] <genii> Schuenemann: For clarification... he cannot use sudo unless in the adm group or else by way of messing with the /etc/sudoers file
[01:28] <Schuenemann> messing? :D
[01:29] <genii> err...editing ;)
[01:29] <Schuenemann> "This file MUST be edited with the 'visudo' command as root." Why?
[01:29] <delilaz> Bus 004 Device 003: ID 0ace:1211 ZyDAS 802.11b/g USB2 WiFi
[01:30] <genii> Schuenemann: It lies. But the visudo checks the syntax before exiting to make sure it's valid.
[01:30] <genii> delilaz: Thanks
[01:30] <delilaz> no prob, thank u :)
[01:30] <Schuenemann> okay
[01:31] <Theend> genii: and /etc/sudoers requires root access to edit.
[01:31] <genii> Theend: sudo <editorname> /etc/sudoers works fine
[01:31] <genii> But no syntax checking
[01:32] <genii> !info zd1211-source | delilaz
[01:32] <ubottu> delilaz: zd1211-source (source: zd1211): Source for the zd1211 wireless driver module. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.0.0.svnr67-2 (hardy), package size 176 kB, installed size 232 kB
[01:32] <genii> delilaz: Someone has already ubuntufied your driver source code there.
[01:33] <Theend> genii: what I meant was if the user cannot do sudo, then they cannot edit /etc/sudoers.
[01:33] <Schuenemann> Theend, yeah, but my question was why visudo and not any editor
[01:33] <genii> Theend: Yup. So only admins or so can add others. Which is how it's supposed to be.
[01:34] <genii> Schuenemann: It lies about "MUST be edited with visudo" etc etc. It's just a strong recommendation because as I stated, it checks the syntax of your entries so you don't do something stupid like lock root out of running anything.
[01:35] <Schuenemann> ok
[01:36] <delilaz> cool, so I just search for zd1211-source?
[01:37] <genii> delilaz: So: cd ~/ ; apt-get install zd1211-source then cd into the directory it makes and do the usual try of compiling it with ./configure;make then create a deb file with: sudo checkinstall
[01:38] <genii> delilaz: Then install the deb file by: sudo dpkg -i debfilename.deb
[01:39] <genii> delilaz: In this way then you could later remove the deb file by: sudo dpkg -r debfilename.deb
[01:39] <genii> delilaz: sudo dpkg -r debfilename rather since it will then be the packagename
[01:41] <downandout> hey all, is there a date set for when kde4 is going to replace the 3.5 branch?
[01:41] <genii> No time soon.
[01:41] <downandout> ok
[01:44] <delilaz> hey thx much genii, I will try that then and hopefully it'll work... should I remove the wifi usb from the usb slot while installing??
[01:44] <genii> Schuenemann: To answer one of your previous questions. A user can run apt-get without root to get source packages. Which they can build in their own directories for their own use.
[01:45] <Schuenemann> genii, they have to create a .deb ?
[01:46] <genii> delilaz: I made a booboo in the one command... it should be: apt-get source zd1211-source and not apt-get install zd1211-source
[01:47] <genii> Schuenemann: They could with checkinstall, or make install. Both without sudo
[01:47] <Schuenemann> he can't run sudo apt-get install firefox, then
[01:48] <delilaz> :) ok I'm off to try this then
[01:48] <genii> Schuenemann: No, running apt-get install <anything> fails but apt-get source <name> grabds the sources so they can compile it themselves locally
[01:48] <Schuenemann> I didn't know apt-get source existed
[01:48] <Griz> Hey Gang. What package(s) have the DYMO LabelWritter 400 drivers/ppds???
[01:49] <Griz> or, how do I FIND out which files have the DYMO LabelWritter 400 drivers/ppds?+
[01:49] <genii> I'm not sure that animal exists
[01:50] <Griz> genii, was that for me?
[01:50] <genii> griz: I'm not sure that animal exists
[01:50] <downandout> Not even in your pants?
[01:51] <Griz> genii, it does in other distro's, so it's hard to believe that it wouldn't in ()ubuntu. I just need to find out WHICH package it lives in. That and google shows it does, in ()ubuntu also.
[01:51] <downandout> well... that seemed funnier in my head
[01:52] <genii> Griz: According to http://www.openprinting.org/show_printer.cgi?recnum=Dymo-LabelWriter_400_Turbo It works with CUPS.
[01:52] <Griz> genii, yeah, but there is no drivers listed, which is where I'm getting my ascii kicked. :-(
[01:53] <genii> Battery dying, AFK
[01:56] <Griz> (sigh)
[01:57] <Griz> Off to do more research.
[01:59] <Theend> Farewell all
[02:00] <genii> My neighbour needs me for a few minutes so I'm gonna let this thing charge up and read scroll when I get back :)
[02:15] <gsdg> i need help...
[02:21] <lonran> hi everybody
[02:21] <cadoo> gsdg: whats the problem
[02:25] <ubuntu> hey there, how to I access my desktop through a live CD when it tells me it's locked
[02:26] <ubuntu> holy cow......whats going on?
[02:27] <ubuntu> hi all
[02:27] <ubuntu> anyone alive in here?
[02:29] <msi> salidos alguien en español
[02:30] <msi> saludos alguien en español
[02:31] <msi> como cambio a kubunti español
[02:32] <askand> Is KDE 4.1 Beta 2 packages in the kubuntu-members-kde4 ppa?
[02:32] <q_a_z_steve> Where can I find the "ubuntu" text from nelson mandela's speech?
[02:32] <alucardromero> Espere un momentito
[02:33] <alucardromero> !es | msi
[02:33] <ubottu> msi: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.
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[02:33] <msi> gracias
[02:33] <alucardromero> ;)
[02:52] <shawn__> hi, I'm trying kde 4.1 beta 2 and for some reason folder view doesn't show up in the list of plasmoids... any idea?
[03:01] <kurumin> Ola
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[03:02] <Biel> Ola
[03:05] <mr---t-> !br
[03:05] <ubottu> Por favor use #ubuntu-br ou #ubuntu-pt para ajuda em português. Obrigado.
[03:08] <Makuseru> Hi, im trying to install Skype, i went to their website and got a .deb, when i went to install it it says "An older version is available in the software portal" how would i go about getting that older version? Because i cant get this newer verison (the .deb) to install.
[03:08] <EagleScreen> KDE 4.1 beta2 is now in ppa repository
[03:09] <MachinTrucChose> Hi. About once a week, Kubuntu fails to shut down properly. After X stops, I see some scripts running in command line, then I can type at the console, and issue the reboot/shutdown command, at which point it shuts down. The problem is that when I next boot Kubuntu, it says "unclean shutdown" and spends 15 minutes checking the drives.
[03:10] <MachinTrucChose> I was wondering if there's a way to stop this disk check after an unclean shutdown. I don't care about data corruption, I need to be able to use my computer immediately without waiting the 15m.
[03:10] <Daisuke_Laptop> press esc
[03:11] <MachinTrucChose> Tried that, obviously. It lets you skip during the routine checks (every 30th boot), but in the case of unclean shutdowns, it doesn't.
[03:13] <obadiah_> My kde4 desktop has died, and I've not been able to revive it---my monitor is a blank screen except for the mouse cursor. Would it be safe and possible to remove kde4 and replace it with kde3?
[03:15] <BluesKaj> obadiah_, if you are at the TTY , then, sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop
[03:16] <BluesKaj> kde3 is still the default desktop for kubuntu
[03:16] <genii_> obadiah_: sudo apt-get remove kubuntu-kde4-desktop; sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop
[03:17] <BluesKaj> yeah, good one genii...must be getting late :)
[03:18] <obadiah_> BluesKaj and genii, that will not delete my e-mail? I'm using Kmail for KDE4.
[03:19] <MachinTrucChose> I doubt it will. Removing software does not remove their files from their directory in \home\you\.Programname
[03:20] <MachinTrucChose> check whether Kmail's files are there first
[03:20] <MachinTrucChose> and back them up just in case
[03:20] <BluesKaj> won't kde3 install alongside kde4 ?, then he can choose which desktop at logon
[03:21] <genii_> BluesKaj: He didn't ask that. He asked about removal of kde4 and install of kde3
[03:21] <genii_> BluesKaj: But it should run alongside, yes
[03:21] <shawn__> yes it runs along side
[03:21] <BluesKaj> maybe he doesn't realize they can co-exist
[03:22] <obadiah_> BlueKaj, thanks, I'll try that first.
[03:22] <Rioting_pacifist> !ath
[03:22] <ubottu> Factoid ath not found
[03:22] <Rioting_pacifist> !madwifi
[03:22] <ubottu> Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs
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[03:52] <sergiodimanche> hola genteeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
[03:53] <sergiodimanche> puedo preguntar algo ?
[03:53] <mr---t-> !es
[03:53] <ubottu> En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.
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[03:56] <genii> !helpersnack | mr---t-
[03:56] <ubottu> mr---t-: Wow! You're such a great helper, you deserve a cookie!
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[03:58] * mr---t- says mmm chocolate chip
[04:01] <lsemple> how do I get the java runtime thing for firefox ?
[04:02] <genii> sudo apt-get update;sudo apt-get install sun-java6-jre sun-java6-plugin
[04:03] <lsemple> thanks
[04:04] <genii> lsemple: np
[04:04] <jimmy51_home> when i last tried KDE4 (when 8.04 came out) it had a lot of issues with font sizes on my screen (some where way too small, some were way too big). does anyone know if that's cleared up by now in the kubuntu-desktop packages?
[04:05] <Jucato> jimmy51_home: try asking in #kubuntu-kde4
[04:05] <jimmy51_home> sorry about that... just saw the note
[04:12] <rbrown391> hi
[04:12] <rbrown391> can someone help me with Evolution mail please
[04:26] <aib> whats the deal with firefox? its still at 2.0 on hardy? and firefox-3.0 is still some early alpha called Grand Paradiso??
[04:30] <sergiodimanche> español
[04:30] <genii> aib: Perhaps you're running an earlier version of Kubuntu than 8.04 (Hardy Heron)
[04:30] <genii> !es | sergiodimanche
[04:30] <ubottu> sergiodimanche: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.
[04:31] <genii> sergiodimanche: Also #ubuntu-br por Brasil
=== francisco is now known as francisco_
[05:05] <RiotingPacifist> how do i connect to a WPA ap without networkmanager?
[05:05] <Reformer> Does anyone have any experience with PearPC? I've got the hard disc image and Leopard ISO, but when starting PearPC, it says "0 bootable partitions." And it doesn't seem Google knows anything about this...
[05:06] <NickPresta> Is there any way to get back data that was "deleted" (using shift+delete)
[05:06] <RiotingPacifist> NickPresta: depends on the file system, generally no
[05:07] <NickPresta> RiotingPacifist, hmm. okay
[05:07] <RiotingPacifist> ext2=yes, reiserfs=very messy, ext3=no(afaik), JFS/XFS= no idea
[05:08] <RiotingPacifist> ofc if you mean can it be done by forensic experts, then yes for all of them
[05:12] <NickPresta> RiotingPacifist, I deleted my "Desktop" folder by mistake. I wanted to get it back - but its fine. I don't keep important stuff on my Desktop
[05:22] <namzug> hola
=== richard_ is now known as reymodestomillon
[05:22] <namzug> estoy perdio
[05:22] <namzug> alguien puede aydarme?
[05:30] <RabidWeezle> heya, anyone know a kde applet for volume control I can install?
=== katsurou is now known as Otsuka
[05:35] <numan> hi usama?
[05:37] <usamahashimi> numan: hello, how are you?
[05:37] <numan> fine
[05:37] <numan> you have some problem?
[05:37] <usamahashimi> numan: no:)
[05:38] <numan> ok
[05:39] <usamahashimi> numan: are you paki?
[05:39] <numan> usamahashimi: yes
[05:40] <usamahashimi> numan: me too, city?
[05:40] <numan> usamahashimi: Gujrat
[05:41] <usamahashimi> numan: me from ISB :)
[05:41] <numan> usamahashimi: come to offtopic to chat
[05:42] <usamahashimi> numan: what do you mean?
[05:42] <numan> i said come to #kubuntu-offtopic for chatting
[05:42] <numan> this is support channel
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[07:07] <ubuntu_> hOLAS a Todas y todos!
=== ubuntu_ is now known as davidcito
[07:08] <davidcito> alguien despierto?
[07:08] <davidcito> buee
[07:08] <davidcito> se me cuidan
[07:08] <davidcito> saludos por alla
=== dwidmann is now known as dwidmann|sleep
[07:28] <SlimG> I have static IP setup on my Kubuntu (KDE 3.x) 8.04, and now both Konqueror and Kontact complains that there is no internet, but all the other applications like Kopete, Konversation and FireFox are connecting online just fine, whats this about?
[07:34] <dwidmann|sleep> SlimG: how did you go about setting the static ip? I know knetworkmanager has caused a lot of people a lot of grief.
[07:39] <SlimG> dwidmann|sleep: I got help from someone else, they told me do quit knetworkmanager, and that made Konqueror work again like before
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[07:42] <SlimG> dwidmann|sleep: Is knetworkmanagare causing less grief in KDE 4 ?
[07:45] <ik_> flaccid, you there?
[07:46] <ik_> flaccid: i want to thank you for your help, everything works now! even heavy 3D applications!
[08:00] <ik_> hey, does anyone know how to get compiz working? i finally managed to get my graphics card working properly for me, and i want to try it out.
=== angus is now known as eightmillion
[08:00] <ik_> !ubottu compiz
[08:01] <ubott2> Factoid ubottu compiz not found
[08:01] <ik_> or what was it >.<
[08:01] <eightmillion> i have a question i was hoping to get some help with
[08:01] <ik_> !ubotto compiz
[08:01] <ubott2> Factoid ubotto compiz not found
[08:01] <ik_> what is it, eightmillion?
[08:01] <CostaRicanQuaker> how many gb does kubuntu recquire to work?
[08:02] <CostaRicanQuaker> will 10gb be enough in the long run?
[08:02] <Rioting_pacifist> !compiz-fusion
[08:02] <ubott2> Kubuntu is not shipping with compiz installed or enabled by default. You can still install it and have your eyecandy goodness. The instructions are at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager/CompizFusion - further help in #compiz-fusion
[08:02] <serzholino> !compiz
[08:02] <ik_> WAY enough
[08:02] <Rioting_pacifist> basically install compiz-kde
[08:02] <eightmillion> ok, i'm using fusion-icon to switch back and forth between kwin and compiz
[08:02] <ik_> thx serzholino
[08:02] <ik_> ok, thx rioting_pacifist
[08:02] <eightmillion> sometimes when i switch i'll just get a black screen and a cursor that i can move
[08:03] <eightmillion> but i can't use any keyboard commands to get a console or restart x
[08:03] <eightmillion> any ideas on what i could do in that situation other than reboot?
[08:04] <ik_> no, it was about compiz, wasnt it?
[08:04] <Rioting_pacifist> alt+prtscr+r puts keyboard into raw mode, magic sys keys are the only option when a graphics driver has completly killed x
[08:04] <ik_> maybe they have some info on #compiz-fusion
[08:04] <eightmillion> thanks, i'll try that next time
[08:05] <Rioting_pacifist> alt+prtscr+k can kill the kernel for a vtty or something like that, but as ik_ said #compiz-fusion are more likely to be of use than me
[08:06] <eightmillion> Rioting_pacifist: will that enable me to get a terminal with the usual ctrl+alt+f1?
[08:08] <Rioting_pacifist> eightmillion: possibly, i found on nvidia it would sort out most crashes but on my new laptop (ATI) i normally have to fallback to reboot (alt+prntscr+b) but i try and sync(s) discs first, but #compiz-fusion deal with propritary drivers a fair bit so they probably know better
[08:09] <eightmillion> ok, thanks for your help
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[08:37] <DarkWizzard> hello
[08:37] <DarkWizzard> Mind helping me out?
[08:37] <DarkWizzard> http://pastebin.com/m7a465371
[08:38] <DarkWizzard> There are some problems with the kde 4.1 beta 2 packages
[08:41] <loctar> did you try a dist-upgrade instead of 'apt-get upgrade'?
=== gordon is now known as change
[08:43] <NickPresta> DarkWizzard, I would ask in #kubuntu-kde4
[08:43] <DarkWizzard> I did
[08:43] <DarkWizzard> :)
[08:43] <NickPresta> :)
[08:43] <DarkWizzard> yes
[08:44] <DarkWizzard> I tried
[08:44] <DarkWizzard> seems like de kdelibs5 package is not compiled yet
[08:44] <loctar> hm, kay
[08:44] <DarkWizzard> maybe I should wait
[08:44] <DarkWizzard> "Some packages are still compiling. Run the above command periodically to check for new additions."
[08:44] <NickPresta> DarkWizzard, waiting is your best bet. I would imagine within the next 12 hours, an update will be out for it
[08:44] <DarkWizzard> lets hope :)
[08:44] <slaughters_> anyone here
[08:45] <slaughters_> like to help me on my madwifi drivers ?
=== slaughters_ is now known as slaughters
[08:45] <slaughters> please
[08:45] <slaughters> anyone ?
[08:45] <NickPresta> !ask | slaughters
[08:45] <ubott2> slaughters: Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-)
[08:48] <ik_> hi guys, i have a question, i cant get more then 2 desktops, i think it doesnt save the preferences or something, because i set it to 6, click "apply" and "done" and then it just pretends it didnt happen >.<
[08:48] <NickPresta> ik_, KDE 3 or 4? Are you using the desktop switcher or compiz?
[08:49] <ik_> i think im using KDE3, and i installed Compiz, but either with compiz or desktop switcher nothing happens. (i just get 2 desktops)
[08:49] <NickPresta> ik_, in a KDE application, go to Help > About KDE. What version do you see?
[08:50] <ik_> yeah, 3.5.9
[08:51] <DarkWizzard> If you are using Compiz you have to set the number of desktops in ccsm
[08:52] <NickPresta> so when you change the number of desktops to anything more than 2, and apply the settings, the number of desktops are reset to =< 2?
[08:52] <ik_> nickpresta: yes
[08:52] <NickPresta> and yeah, if you're using Compiz, you need to set it in the Compiz Settings Manager - it doesn't play nice with KDE
[08:52] <ik_> darkwizard: where is that?
[08:52] <ik_> ow ok
[08:52] <NickPresta> ik_, you can press Alt+F2 and type in: ccsm
[08:52] <DarkWizzard> alt-f2 ccsm
[08:53] <ik_> got it.
[08:53] <DarkWizzard> general settings
[08:53] <ik_> wut
[08:53] <ik_> i cant change the amout
[08:53] <ik_> its locked
[08:53] <NickPresta> well, I'm off for the night. It is just about 4am. ik_ I'm sure DarkWizzard can help you if you need more assistance. Goodnight all.
[08:54] <DarkWizzard> godd night
[08:54] <ik_> k thx nick, cya
[08:54] <DarkWizzard> good
[08:54] <ik_> good (morning?)
[08:54] <DarkWizzard> Number of desktops
[08:54] <ik_> yeah, got that, but it doesnt let me change it
[08:54] <DarkWizzard> hmmm, it's locked for me too
[08:54] <ik_> its locked on 1
[08:54] <DarkWizzard> try horizontal virtual size
[08:55] <ik_> can increase.
[08:55] <ik_> yay
[08:55] <DarkWizzard> It's set to 4 for me
[08:55] <ik_> got 4 desktops :-3
[08:55] <ik_> me too
[08:55] <DarkWizzard> and the cube has 4 sides
[08:55] <ik_> jep
[08:55] <ik_> me too
[08:55] <ik_> thx
[08:55] <ik_> its working now.
[08:55] <DarkWizzard> but when you change back to kwin, it will reset it
[08:55] <DarkWizzard> I think
[08:56] <ik_> ok
[08:56] <DarkWizzard> Don't know if they fixed that bug
[08:56] <ik_> ok
[08:56] <ik_> how do i get that water and fire effect
[08:57] <ik_> lol, im FULL of questions :-3
[08:57] <DarkWizzard> the water effect only works if you have pixel shaders in your video card
[08:57] <ik_> i got it
[08:57] <DarkWizzard> then find it in plugins and assign shortcuts to it
[08:57] <ik_> i got a ATI HD2300, and got the 3D part working finally
[08:57] <ik_> ok
[09:01] <apparle> how to install drivers for ATI graphics accelerator
=== lol is now known as Guest79785
[09:13] <suze> hello i could i check if an mp3 is VBR Or CBR (variable bit rate encoded or costant bitrate encoded)?
[09:14] <suze> hello how could i check if an mp3 is VBR Or CBR (variable bit rate encoded or costant bitrate encoded)?
[09:14] <suze> no idea abot that
[09:14] <suze> on kubuntu
[09:22] <Guest79785> suze: you might get some info with file <your-mp3-file>
[09:25] <suze> I Think i have solved
[09:25] <suze> with file inputfile.mp3
[09:25] <Guest79785> suze: how
[09:25] <suze> :)
[09:26] <suze> but i get MPEG ADTS, layer III, v1, 128 kBits, 44.1 kHz, JntStereo
[09:26] <suze> i am not pretty sure about this v1
[09:26] <suze> anyway i have used , encoding commandline , lame -V1 --vbr-new INPUT OUTPUT
[09:26] <suze> so i think v1 mean i have used that profile
[09:27] <suze> means
[09:27] <Guest79785> doesn
[09:27] <Guest79785> doesn't tell me if it is vbr or cbr
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=== nick1 is now known as niiii
[09:28] <niiii> could be ...
[09:28] <suze> mm
[09:28] <suze> no
[09:29] <suze> damn i have used now lame -V2 --vbr-new INPUT OUTPUT
[09:29] <suze> but i get the same message MPEG ADTS, layer III, v1, 128 kBits, 44.1 kHz, JntStereo
[09:31] <niiii_> nice player by the way if you like the cli
[09:31] <suze> i have amarok
[09:31] <suze> xD boh
[09:32] <niiii_> amarok is cool to ... i work most of the time without X but love music ... so moc is a must :)
[09:33] <suze> moc mm
[09:33] <suze> now i will search
[09:34] <niiii_> sudo apt-cache show moc
[09:34] <suze> sudo apt-get install moc?
[09:34] <suze> well i am installing
[09:34] <suze> xD
[09:34] <niiii_> only if you like
[09:35] <niiii_> it looks like mc middnight commander
[09:36] <niiii_> mocp will start it and press h for help :)
[09:37] <niiii_> you can configure the settings in ~/.moc/config
=== AV1611 is now known as alexz
[09:40] <suze> mmm i have not libasond
[09:40] <suze> pretty silly
[09:40] <suze> xD
[09:48] <suze> well solved
[09:48] <suze> :)
[09:48] <suze> wow wow
[09:48] <suze> mocp works fine
[09:48] <suze> thank you alll
[09:51] <sexwax> hi i'm running the kub 8 live-cd, i have a 7.8g archive i need to transfer to two dvds in order to reformat partition, nor ark nor keep gives me any option to split the file, do you know any other way to copy this file to the dvds? thanks!!
[09:54] <niiii_> sexwax: rar can split files
[09:54] <suze> niiii_: thank you man i have solved
[09:55] <niiii_> :) suze
[09:55] <suze> :P
[09:55] <suze> bye bye bye
[09:55] <sexwax> niiii_: cool i forget it, i'm downloading it righ now
[09:55] <sexwax> tnx!!!
[09:58] <nikolas_> hi everyone, i try to install an app but i "get no KDE headers installed"
[09:58] <nikolas_> hwo do i face this?
[09:58] <niiii_> rar a -m5 -v5M -R myarchive /where-ever sexwax
[09:59] <nikolas_> can anyone help?
[09:59] <niiii_> -v5M splits it into 5MB parts ... sexwax
[10:00] <niiii_> what are you trying to install nikolas_
[10:00] <nikolas_> a program to read chm files
[10:00] <djdarkman_> hy, I asked on #kubuntu-kde already, but no reply, what happend to kde4?
[10:00] <niiii_> !kde4
[10:00] <ubott2> KDE 4.0.5 is the latest major release of the K Desktop Environment. Packages can be found at http://kubuntu.org/announcements/kde-4.0.5.php - Support in #kubuntu-kde4
[10:00] <nikolas_> it is called kchm
[10:00] <nikolas_> i need it for ebooks
[10:01] <nikolas_> i did ./configure and got me that error
[10:01] <Rioting_pacifist> nikolas_: if something says no headers installed you need to install something-dev
=== yacc_ is now known as yacc
[10:02] <nikolas_> and how do i find out what i need to install?
[10:02] <niiii_> nikolas_: try sudo apt-get install kchm
[10:02] <Rioting_pacifist> for something like kde it may be abit more complicated but just fire up a package manager and have a look for kde development files
[10:02] <niiii_> that will at least give you some errors if it doesn't work
[10:03] <nikolas_> apt-get doesnt work
[10:03] <Rioting_pacifist> nikolas_: niiii_.is right, you can just install kchmviewer
[10:03] <nikolas_> how i do that?
[10:03] <niiii_> nikolas_: doesn't work
[10:03] <nikolas_> with apt-get?
[10:03] <niiii_> open a terminal ... konsole
[10:03] <niiii_> black window
[10:04] <Rioting_pacifist> fire up a package manager if your not sure what your doing, (e.g adept and search for the software you want, kchm)
[10:04] <nikolas_> it doesnt find it in the repos
[10:04] <nikolas_> this is why the apt-get doesnt work i think
[10:04] <niiii_> and type sudo apt-get install kchmviewer
[10:05] <niiii_> did you just install kubuntu nikolas_
[10:05] <sexwax> niiii_: sorry! i was bussy installing rar and learning it's switches, i'll take a look at your 'tutorial' thank you very much!
[10:05] <nikolas_> no i have it for a dew days on
[10:05] <niiii_> than run sudo apt-get update; sudo apt-get install kchmviewer
[10:06] <niiii_> rar a -m5 -v5M -R myarchive /where-ever sexwax
[10:06] <niiii_> nikolas_: ever updated the via apt-get update?
[10:06] <nikolas_> yes
[10:06] <sexwax> niiii_: just out of topic but why is so important adept and why it's said it 'keep your system clean' better than apt-get?
[10:07] <nikolas_> this system is running for about 2 weeks,so it has been updated
[10:08] <Rioting_pacifist> sexwax: because alot of linux software depends on shared libraries and so if you dont go through adept it can get quite complicated to keep track of which libraries you need and keeping them all upto date
[10:08] <Rioting_pacifist> !universe
[10:08] <ubott2> The packages in Kubuntu are divided into various sections. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories/Kubuntu - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RecommendedSources for the recommended way to set up your repositories
[10:09] <niiii_> sexwax: no idea never heard of that i always use apt- and that works fine for me ... i know most of the people like gui tools bette but once you learned the cli way it is much faster and gives you more info about what is happening sexwax
[10:09] <nikolas_> i got it now working, it downloads kchmviewer
[10:09] <niiii_> !info kchmviewer
[10:09] <sexwax> hi rioting, ubott2 =) but it isn't supposed apt-get resolves dependencies too?
[10:09] <ubott2> kchmviewer (source: kchmviewer): CHM viewer for KDE. In component universe, is optional. Version 3.1.2-0ubuntu1 (hardy), package size 319 kB, installed size 1100 kB
[10:09] <sexwax> lol i just greet a bot xDDDDD
[10:09] <nikolas_> it worked!
[10:10] <nikolas_> tnx guys!
[10:10] <niiii_> sure it does sexwax
[10:10] <niiii_> nikolas_: cool
[10:10] <nikolas_> but why didnt it work before?
[10:10] <Rioting_pacifist> oh right apt vs adept, erm well adept is just a frontent to apt which ties in all the tools like autoremove so you dont have to, personally i use aptitude unless im just windowshopping
[10:10] <nikolas_> i couldnt get anything like that in the adept list
[10:11] <Rioting_pacifist> nikolas_: make sure your searching all the repos and by description & name, i got it 1st time
[10:11] <sexwax> cool Rioting, tnx!!
[10:11] <nikolas_> ...
[10:11] <nikolas_> but i do..
[10:12] <Rioting_pacifist> The real argument is between apt and aptitude because apt didnt used to have all the functionality of aptitude but now it does so the arguments a moo point
[10:12] <Rioting_pacifist> nikolas_: thats wierd, probably why most of the time instuctions are givin to use apt so less can go wrong
[10:13] <nikolas_> hm... well thanks anyway guys!
[10:13] <nikolas_> i m glad it worked!
[10:13] <sexwax> I see Rioting =)
=== nikolas_ is now known as Assurbanipal
[10:14] <Johnny-Five> I need some wireless help
[10:15] <Johnny-Five> I need to be walked through on how to connect to my wireless network through Kubuntu ( WPA2 )
[10:15] <sexwax> love you people, you'll see, i found linux chat's and forum one of the kindest of all types, linux community is full of willing to help people, you rules =)=)=)=)=)=)==)=)
[10:16] <mooper> can I have ff3 and ff2 on the same kubuntu?
[10:16] <sexwax> and after trying hundred of distros including openSUSE 11 -what i was ansious about- kubuntu is the really best and i love it, whoa to developers!!
[10:17] <lumm> sure mooper
[10:17] <Johnny-Five> OpenSUSE did sometime of deal with Microsoft, if I'm correct.
[10:18] <Rioting_pacifist> mooper there may be a horrible bug, or atleast there was for me :(
[10:18] <sexwax> hi J5, something like that, novell did a dark -at least- agree about potentially being sued for patents infringement
[10:18] <Johnny-Five> Yeah, that's what I thought
[10:18] <Johnny-Five> Someone about Silverlight?
[10:18] <sexwax> the same Mr. Shuttleworth said: fuck-off! to M$ lol xDDDDDDDDDDDDDD
[10:19] <jussio1> !ohmy | sexwax
[10:19] <ubott2> sexwax: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.
[10:19] <Rioting_pacifist> Johnny-Five: what type of card are you using
[10:19] <sexwax> oops!! very sorry =)=)
[10:19] <Johnny-Five> What do you mean card?
[10:19] <Johnny-Five> Network card?
[10:19] <jussio1> sexwax: Id also appreciate if you would consider changing nicks ;)
[10:19] <Rioting_pacifist> yeah is it broadcome or intel or atheros or something reaky
[10:20] <Eruaran> Looks like aseigo has locked down his blog to invites only because of all the trolls... thanks a lot trolls you bastards, now I can't get my fix on whats cooking on Aarons blog.
[10:20] <Johnny-Five> I have no idea, I can look it up.
[10:20] <Johnny-Five> One sec
[10:20] <Johnny-Five> It's an HP computer, one sec.
[10:23] <Rioting_pacifist> !ohmy Eruaran.
[10:23] <ubott2> Factoid ohmy eruaran. not found
[10:23] <Rioting_pacifist> !ohmy | Eruaran.
[10:23] <ubott2> Eruaran.: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.
[10:23] <Eruaran> ?
[10:24] <Johnny-Five> Intel(R) PRO/Wireless 4965AGN Network Connection and Bluetooth(TM)
[10:25] <Rioting_pacifist> Johnny-Five: ahh in that case im useless to you you should just be able to connect through knetworkmanager no problems though
[10:25] <Johnny-Five> KNetworkManager won't open :|
[10:25] <Johnny-Five> I've clicked it, and it refuses to open. I'm on the live-cd if that helps.
[10:26] <Johnny-Five> Wanting to install Kubuntu on this computer, if I can ever get my DVD tray to recognize DVD's correctly ( Don't know what's up, bad I guess )
[10:26] <sexwax> till next time guys, i'll be hanging here, owe you some beers =)=)=)=)
[10:26] <Rioting_pacifist> ahh well ive not used the liveCD, but kry killing knetwork manager then restarting it killall knetworkmanager ; knetworkmanager
[10:26] <Rioting_pacifist> in a terminal
[10:29] <Johnny-Five> I typed in "killall knetworkmanager" and it said that no processes were killed. ( Without the "" )
[10:30] <Johnny-Five> Would it be called "networkmanager" ??
[10:32] <apparle> how to install ATI drivers
[10:32] <mooper> lumm, how?
[10:32] <mooper> Rioting_pacifist: what kind of horrible bug?
[10:32] <Rioting_pacifist> !ATI
[10:32] <ubott2> For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto
[10:32] <niiii_> use the restricted driver part in the system settings apparle
[10:33] <Johnny-Five> Well, I offically love Kubuntu, even though I don't know how to get it to recognize a network. Maybe I just have to install it.
[10:33] <Rioting_pacifist> mooper: erm well i think, but im not 100% on this, that it a firefox2 dependancy will cause firefox3 to become unusable, but this may just be on MY 64 bit system
[10:34] <Rioting_pacifist> Johnny-Five: there should be a utility called knetworkmanager that acts as a from end to the networkmanager
[10:35] <Johnny-Five> Is there any way I can get TrueCrypt installed on the live CD? ( truecrypt.org )?
[10:35] <Johnny-Five> Rioting_pacifist: Eh, I'll mess with it later.
[10:36] <Rioting_pacifist> Johnny-Five: i think you can download a .deb from thier site and double click it
[10:36] <niiii_> Johnny-Five: it is called network-manager-kde see under apt-cache show network-manager-kde
[10:37] <Johnny-Five> niiii: I'll check that out, just restarted said laptop. Give me a sec.
[10:37] <niiii_> Description: KDE systray applet for controlling NetworkManager
[10:37] <Rioting_pacifist> i think easycrypt offers a nice GUI for it which you can install with sudo apt-get install easycrypt
[10:38] <Johnny-Five> It's pretty much like TrueCrypt? ( Can I still access my TrueCrypt volume? )
[10:38] <Johnny-Five> Accessing my KeePass database, and my TrueCrypt volume is all I care about. If I can do those two things, I'm sold.
[10:38] <Johnny-Five> And I can already access my KeePass database
[10:39] <apparle> niiii_: The problem is I don't have net at home so I can download the required packages in college and install them at home now tell me what to do??
[10:39] <Rioting_pacifist> Johnny-Five: yes truecrypt on linux didnt used to have a GUI but it can open all truecrypt volumes because it should use the same truecrypt executable
[10:40] <Johnny-Five> Rioting_pacifist: Wow! That's awesome o__O
[10:40] <Johnny-Five> And all this can happen on Live-CD... correct?
[10:41] <Johnny-Five> Or.. no?
[10:41] <Rioting_pacifist> if you have enough memory
[10:41] <Johnny-Five> Sweeeeeeeet
[10:41] <Rioting_pacifist> you might need to go to the truecrypt website to install the underlying program though
[10:42] <Johnny-Five> You guys are definitely a lot nicer and all around more helpful then when I messed with my first Linux OS ( SUSE ) they were, to say the least, mean.
[10:43] <apparle> how to install ATI drivers offline
[10:43] <Johnny-Five> "niiii: it is called network-manager-kde see under apt-cache show network-manager-kde" Explain please
[10:43] <Rioting_pacifist> its ok were not always like this, i once came in to ask a guestion about flash only to an hour of abuse
[10:43] <Johnny-Five> Ouch
[10:44] <Johnny-Five> Depends on who's in here, I guess?
[10:44] <Rioting_pacifist> probably the same with most distros tbh
[10:44] <Johnny-Five> *Shrug* Eh, if you guys weren't so nice right now, I wouldn't be so interested in Kubuntu :P
[10:44] <Johnny-Five> But seriously, it's an awesome OS
[10:45] <Johnny-Five> You guys can get more people if you act like this all the time, customer service ( err.. I didn't know what else to say? ) is important
[10:45] <Johnny-Five> You've got me sold, ( lol? ) atleast
[10:46] <Rioting_pacifist> apparle: im not sure its possible because the debs dont contain the actual drivers, erm i suppose you could look up manually installing the driver, and download the files straight of the ati site but im not 100% if that will work, i use the OSS drivers for ATI, but they dont support compiz
[10:47] <Johnny-Five> Would the .deb from Ubuntu work on Kubuntu?
[10:48] <Eruaran> yes
[10:48] <Johnny-Five> Cool :]
[10:48] <Johnny-Five> Brb
[10:48] <Rioting_pacifist> yes ubuntu and kubuntu share almost everything apart from the UI but even they can be mixed
[10:48] <oblenob> Hello :)
[10:48] <Eruaran> hi
[10:48] <Johnny-Five> How can I tell how much RAM I am using in Kubuntu?
[10:48] <Rioting_pacifist> !hi | oblenob.
[10:48] <ubott2> oblenob.: Hi! Welcome to #kubuntu!
[10:49] <oblenob> :D
[10:49] <oblenob> ubott2?
[10:49] <oblenob> shouldnt it be called Kubot?
[10:49] <oblenob> :P
[10:49] <apparle> Rioting_pacifist: Can I send you personal message
[10:49] <definitely> hello, i need help. i just installed Kubuntu 8.04, download all updates, then installed video drivers, and now my monitor running only by max 53hz :(
[10:50] <ik__> johnny-five: i think in the ksysguard.
[10:50] <Rioting_pacifist> Johnny-Five: there is probably a nice gui way to do this my brain is saying (ksysguard), but otherwise free -m should do it in a konsole
[10:50] <oblenob> anyone by any chance know of any good burning stuff for windows?
[10:50] <Rioting_pacifist> sure but i really dont know much about ATI
[10:51] <definitely> :(
[10:51] <jeroen__> Hi
[10:51] <oblenob> Kubuntu has finished Downloading the ISO and I just need to get it burning at a nice speed
=== jeroen__ is now known as jeroen__HD
[10:51] <Rioting_pacifist> oblenob: like an iso or more generally
[10:51] <oblenob> I have an ISO for Kubuntu
[10:51] <Rioting_pacifist> id recomend asking in #compiz-fusion they know about binary troubles
[10:51] <definitely> hello, i need help. i just installed Kubuntu 8.04, downloaded all updates, then installed video drivers, and now my monitor running only by max 53hz :(
[10:51] <Rioting_pacifist> !iso
[10:51] <ubott2> To mount an ISO disc image, type « sudo mount -o loop <ISO-filename> <mountpoint> » - There is a list of useful cd image conversion tools at http://wiki.linuxquestions.org/wiki/CD_Image_Conversion - Always verify the ISO using !MD5 before !burning.
[10:51] <jeroen__HD> Anyone know why my "minimize,maximize,stop" toolbar disapears when I change my layout settings?
[10:52] <Rioting_pacifist> !install
[10:52] <ubott2> Ubuntu can be installed in a lot of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall. Don't want to use a CD? Try http://tinyurl.com/3exghs - See also !automate
[10:52] <oblenob> I am running Wondows at the moment :(
[10:52] <definitely> oblenob: Burn by nero..
[10:52] <Rioting_pacifist> jeroen__HD: it may have crashed are you running compiz or kwi
[10:52] <oblenob> okay
[10:52] <definitely> So anyone can help :( ?
[10:53] <Eruaran> !monitor
[10:53] <ubott2> Factoid monitor not found
[10:53] <Eruaran> !resolution
[10:53] <definitely> !monitor
[10:53] <ubott2> The X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type « sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart » in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto
[10:53] <jeroen__HD> IRioting_pacifist I don't know :s I just installed ubuntu (newest) updates it and I wanted to have better graphical options
[10:54] <oblenob> 12X a good speed to burn linux at?
[10:55] <Eruaran> If it boots off the disk after, then it was a good speed ;)
[10:55] <oblenob> :D
[10:55] <oblenob> okay :)
[10:55] <oblenob> I will go and find out :)
[10:55] <definitely> !resolution
[10:55] <ubott2> The X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type « sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart » in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto
[10:56] <oblenob> luckily my computer is suspended in an elastic "vortex"
[10:56] <oblenob> verry little movement
[10:58] <oblenob> ... ooh crud
[10:58] <oblenob> the computer I want to put linux on does not have a DVD drive
[10:58] <oblenob> just a CD drive
[10:58] <oblenob> 700MB
[10:58] <oblenob> not enough for 3.5 gigs
[10:59] <apparle> My sound is not working when I install using DesktopCD (I haven't tried alternate CD). Will the installation with alternate CD make any diffrence
[10:59] <oblenob> got all the drivers?
[11:00] <apparle> oblenob: you talking to me?? If yes I don't knwo
[11:01] <Rioting_pacifist> jeroen__HD: alt+f2 then run kwin --replace
[11:01] <Eruaran> use the CD image instead of the DVD one
[11:01] <oblenob> there is a CD image?
[11:01] <oblenob> where?
[11:01] <ik__> jep
[11:02] <ik__> http://www.kubuntu.org/download.php
[11:02] <ik__> click on CD
[11:02] <ik__> on a mirror near you.
[11:02] <Johnny-Five> Well, TrueCrypt seems to have not installed. Is there anything I can use on the live-cd ( or anything really.. ) that I can use to access a TrueCrypt volume?
[11:03] <jeroen__HD> Rioting_pacifist: I'll try that
[11:04] <Rioting_pacifist> Johnny-Five: nope, why didnt the truecrypt .deb install?
[11:04] <jeroen__HD> mmh, looks like it doesn't works, it gives an error
[11:05] <Johnny-Five> Rioting_pacifist: I'm doing all of this on the live-cd
[11:05] <oblenob> I am happy :)
[11:05] <oblenob> happy happy happy :)
[11:05] <oblenob> I could be getting rid of windows for good :)
[11:06] <Rioting_pacifist> jeroen__HD: thats not good whats the error? you could try rebooting x with ctrl+alt+bkspace
[11:06] <Johnny-Five> Rioting_pacifist: I clicked on it, hit 'install package" and it did nothing, I can't find anything that it was suppose to install.
[11:06] <apparle> ANyone here isong kubuntu 8.04 remix with all repositories enabled?? Please
[11:06] <apparle> Also i386
[11:07] <Rioting_pacifist> Johnny-Five: well my flatmate is torrenting or something so i cant get to the truecrypt website but what type of file did you download?
[11:08] <Johnny-Five> truecrypt_5.1a-0_i386.deb
[11:09] <Rioting_pacifist> what happens if you double click on it?
[11:09] <Johnny-Five> I just have to click it once, and...
[11:09] <Johnny-Five> It brings up a window that says "Package Installer - truecrypt"
[11:09] <Johnny-Five> It has the description, details, and included files, in three tabs
[11:09] <Johnny-Five> In that order
[11:10] <Johnny-Five> At the bottom right corner, it says "Install Package" and "Cancel" without the ""
[11:10] <Rioting_pacifist> what happens when you click install, that should install it
[11:10] <apparle> Johnny-Five: What happens when you click install package
[11:12] <Johnny-Five> It doesn't install.
[11:12] <apparle> Anyone here using kubuntu 8.04 remix i386
[11:13] <apparle> It must show an error msg
[11:13] <Rioting_pacifist> try nopening a konsole, navigating to where the .deb is then running sudo dpkg -i truecrypt_5.1a-0_i386.deb
[11:14] <Johnny-Five> It's on the desktop
[11:14] <Rioting_pacifist> ah well in that case open a console and sudo dpkg ~/Desktop/truecrypt_5.1a-0_i386.deb should install it (or atleast telll you whats wrong)
[11:15] <Johnny-Five> And I do this in a terminal window?
=== idanwin is now known as Idanwin
[11:15] <Rioting_pacifist> yes, well a terminal or a konsole only you need to rember the i which i didnt sudo dpkg -i ~/Desktop/truecrypt_5.1a-0_i386.deb
[11:16] <apparle> no one here using kubuntu 8.04 remix i386 that's shocking
[11:17] <Rioting_pacifist> !kde4
[11:17] <ubott2> KDE 4.0.5 is the latest major release of the K Desktop Environment. Packages can be found at http://kubuntu.org/announcements/kde-4.0.5.php - Support in #kubuntu-kde4
[11:17] <Johnny-Five> How do I make the window smaller in Kubuntu? It's rather large and I can't see everything.
[11:18] <Rioting_pacifist> drag the corners, or alt + right click
[11:18] <Johnny-Five> Doesn't do anything
[11:18] <Johnny-Five> It's still kind of large
[11:19] <Rioting_pacifist> perhaps its at the smallest its allowed to go, what kind of window is it?
[11:19] <Johnny-Five> The height doesn't change, but I can change the width
[11:19] <Johnny-Five> I'm not sure what you'd call it
[11:19] <Johnny-Five> If you open up a folder, that type of window
[11:20] <jeroen__HD> Rioting_pacifist: Well the error was that he couldn't find the file i thnk
[11:20] <Johnny-Five> I'm pretty sure it didn't install. And everything IS pretty big.
[11:20] <Rioting_pacifist> ah dolphin, yes that program can be abit of a pain, you can always use konqueror instead though
[11:20] <Johnny-Five> How do I change the resolution??
[11:21] <Rioting_pacifist> launch the control center or systemsettings (i dont know which comes by default)
[11:23] <Johnny-Five> systemsettings , and I can't make the screen size bigger. It's at 800 x 600. How would I make it bigger?
[11:23] <Rioting_pacifist> !truecrypt
[11:23] <ubott2> Truecypt is a free open-source on-the-fly disk encryption software. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/TruecryptHiddenVolume
[11:24] <oblenob> !linux
[11:24] <ubott2> Linux is the kernel (core) of the Ubuntu operating system. Many operating systems use Linux as kernel. For more information on Linux in general, visit http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Linux
[11:25] <oblenob> !doyouknoweverything
[11:25] <ubott2> oblenob: Error: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)
[11:25] <oblenob> !okay
[11:25] <ubott2> Factoid okay not found
[11:25] <Johnny-Five> I'll brb, going to plug this monitor into the laptop.
[11:27] <Rioting_pacifist> Johnny-Five: its probably not going to work, the monitor configuration for the liveCD isnt too good, you can try installing it, but it will probably be trickey
[11:27] <Eruaran> wb definitely
[11:27] <definitely> Thank you alot :}
[11:28] <Eruaran> :)
[11:29] <Eruaran> definitely: KDE couldn't give you the higher refresh rates before becuase it could only give you what X was giving it. Thats why you couldn't change it from System Settings.
[11:29] <oblenob> !screen cap
[11:29] <ubott2> Factoid screen cap not found
[11:30] <oblenob> !screen
[11:30] <ubott2> screen is a terminal multiplexer. See http://www.kuro5hin.org/story/2004/3/9/16838/14935 and http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/GNU_Screen
[11:30] <oblenob> !capture
[11:30] <ubott2> Factoid capture not found
[11:30] <definitely> Ok :) Maybe you know something about amarok ? I download and installed theme, but when i set it, dont seem smth to be chancged
[11:30] <definitely> changed"
[11:30] <oblenob> Anyone know of any good screen capture software for linux?
[11:30] <ik_> i have a problem with wine, is this the right channel?
[11:31] <Eruaran> oblenob: press Print Screen
[11:31] <Eruaran> :P
[11:31] <oblenob> no
[11:31] <oblenob> I mean for screencasts
[11:31] <Eruaran> oh
[11:31] <oblenob> like video
[11:31] <Eruaran> sorry, misunderstood
[11:31] <oblenob> my problem
[11:31] <oblenob> I didnt explain fully
[11:32] <Eruaran> definitely: the theme might be a bit stuffed
[11:32] <definitely> Eruaran: What that means ? :?
[11:33] <Eruaran> definitely: try a few different themes... you might also want to check what version of Amarok its supported for ?
[11:33] <definitely> Eruaran: aaa ok, and what about emerald, is it fully supported by KDE ?
[11:33] <Eruaran> I've installed Amarok themes a little... they usually work
[11:33] <Rioting_pacifist> recordmydesktop
[11:33] <Rioting_pacifist> !recordmydesktop
[11:33] <ubott2> Factoid recordmydesktop not found
[11:34] <Eruaran> oblenob: what Rioting_pacifist said
[11:34] <oblenob> eeh?
[11:34] <Eruaran> definitely: I dunno, I haven't been running compiz for a while
[11:35] <Rioting_pacifist> ik_: it depends on the problem put ask and if its more suited to wine will send you there
[11:35] <definitely> aaa ok :)
[11:35] <Eruaran> definitely: I think its ok if you're using Kubuntu 8.04... but it was broken on 7.10
[11:36] <ik_> rioting_pacifist: nvm, im already in the #wineHQ channel
[11:36] <definitely> Eruaran: Hmm, but i still dont understand, why KDE 3 is used in Kubuntu 8.04
[11:36] <Rioting_pacifist> definitely: because kde4 is not ready
[11:36] <Eruaran> definitely: KDE 4 isn't quite ready for the masses yet
[11:37] <definitely> aaa ok :)
[11:37] <definitely> when it'll be ready, it will be like update for Kubuntu
[11:37] <definitely> ?
[11:38] <Eruaran> definitely: We're expecting KDE 4.1 to be much more stable (release is July 29)... and Kubuntu 8.10 won't use KDE 3 any more.
[11:38] <Pennycook> definitely: The next release of Kubuntu in October will ship with KDE4. At the moment you're welcome to install KDE4 yourself, though.
[11:38] <Rioting_pacifist> i doubt it will be ready until 4.2 (probably 4.3) which means 9.04 or 9.10 for the masses your free to try it out
[11:38] <Rioting_pacifist> ^ignor1 that! oh, will kde3 still be in repos
[11:39] <definitely> Hmm, so i will not need to download new ISO of Kubuntu, just doing upgrade ?
[11:39] <niiii_> kde4 is still not in debian/sid ... so it is still experimental ...
[11:40] <Eruaran> definitely: I'd give it a try when 4.1 comes out (only a few weeks away)
[11:40] <Eruaran> niiii_: Its in Lenny isn't it ?
[11:40] <definitely> <Eruaran>: Ok :)
[11:40] <niiii_> not that i would know ... sid is unstable ...
[11:40] <definitely> Now going to install Compiz :P
[11:40] * jussio1 remids people that the kde4 support channel is #kubuntu-kde4
[11:41] <Eruaran> roger that jussio1
[11:41] <Eruaran> definitely: go for it, its fun
[11:42] <Eruaran> And tell me how it runs on that old graphics card of yours ;)
[11:42] <apparle> anyone here has 8.04 remix 1386
[11:43] <HUNTER_byt1> I'd like to know where are Suspend and Hibernate in KDE 4. I can't find them in KDE 4.
[11:43] <Eruaran> They were there last time I checked KDE 4.1 beta1
[11:44] <Eruaran> but... #kubuntu-kde4
[11:44] <definitely> Eruaran: ok :)
[11:46] <Eruaran> Rioting_pacifist: 4.1 in svn seems stable
[11:47] <Eruaran> I installed KDE 4.0 back in January... it ate my cat you know... rather disconcerting for the cat.
[11:47] <Rioting_pacifist> stable but after reading the recent fallout on planet KDE it seams a bad idea to push it out into kubuntu already
[11:48] <Johnny-Five> What would be a good program for encryption on Kubuntu / Linux in general?
[11:49] <Eruaran> Rioting_pacifist: What fallout ? (I haven't kept up with Planet KDE lately)
[11:49] <definitely> Euaran: Hmm problems while installing
[11:49] <definitely> :/
[11:49] <Eruaran> definitely: missing stuff ?
[11:50] <definitely> Eruaran: Something with Xgal when try compiz replace--
[11:50] <definitely> XGL''
[11:50] <Eruaran> oh
[11:51] <definitely> Checking for Xgl: not present.
[11:51] <definitely> No whitelisted driver found
[11:51] <Johnny-Five> What Linux Kernel does Kubuntu 8.04 have?
[11:51] <Rioting_pacifist> well there seamed to be an argument between 2 of the developers over users using the kde4.0.x releases, but as i cant read the comments im not entirely sure what happend, hopefully it will all blow over as its just stress in the push to finish 4.1
[11:52] <Rioting_pacifist> Johnny-Five: 2.6.24
[11:52] <Eruaran> definitely: oh well... might as well just install Xgl then :P
[11:52] <flaccid> no need for xgl
[11:52] <lonran> hi all
[11:52] <lonran> i want to use gmail with kopete in kde4 so i have installed qca-tls, but even like that i keep getting the same ssl error when tryin to connect. any idea?
[11:52] <Eruaran> flaccid: thats what I thought
[11:52] <flaccid> yeah aiglx etc.
[11:52] <Eruaran> But I'm just going with the flow
[11:52] <Rioting_pacifist> xgl == bad
[11:52] <Johnny-Five> Rioting pacifist: Would 2.6.24 be lower then 2.6.5, or am I reading that wrong?
[11:52] * flaccid agrees with Rioting_pacifist
[11:53] <Johnny-Five> Rioting pacifist: I'm sorry, I'm really tired. Lol
[11:53] <Eruaran> !compiz
[11:53] <ubott2> Kubuntu is not shipping with compiz installed or enabled by default. You can still install it and have your eyecandy goodness. The instructions are at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager/CompizFusion - further help in #compiz-fusion
[11:53] <definitely> !compiz
[11:53] <Rioting_pacifist> Johnny-Five: bigger only dots count as deviders so .24 > .5
[11:53] <definitely> so how to run compiz without xgl
[11:53] <definitely> ?
[11:54] <Johnny-Five> Rioting_pacifist: Mmkay, thanks
[11:54] <Eruaran> With aiglx
[11:54] <flaccid> definitely: just run it. it will check but it doesn't need it
[11:54] <definitely> flaccid: Noone of effects wont to work.
[11:54] <definitely> :/
[11:54] <Eruaran> flaccid: ah... so it complains but still runs ok
[11:54] <Rioting_pacifist> Johnny-Five: just never look into the history of kernel branches because your head may explode
[11:54] <definitely> Not runs for me..
[11:54] <Eruaran> definitely: you'll need to turn them on ;)
[11:55] <definitely> Eruaran: I tryed.. but dont work..
[11:55] <flaccid> definitely: there are many other variables it depends on. goto #compiz-fusion for help. this chan is for kubuntu support
[11:55] <flaccid> Eruaran: pretty much
[11:55] <definitely> ok
[11:55] * flaccid runs ati and uses no xgl but has decent performance with compiz
[11:55] <Johnny-Five> Does Kubuntu come with dmsetup?
[11:56] <Johnny-Five> !dmsetup
[11:56] <ubott2> Factoid dmsetup not found
[11:56] <Johnny-Five> Hmm..
[11:56] <Rioting_pacifist> try typing it in a konsole
[11:56] <niiii_> !info dmsetup
[11:56] <ubott2> dmsetup (source: devmapper): The Linux Kernel Device Mapper userspace library. In component main, is optional. Version 2:1.02.20-2ubuntu2 (hardy), package size 39 kB, installed size 144 kB
[11:57] <Johnny-Five> It doesn't come standard on Kubuntu?
[11:59] <flaccid> Johnny-Five: yeah
[12:05] <apparle> Are the repositories same for 8.04 simple and remix
[12:05] <Johnny-Five> flaccid: it DOES come with it, or it doesn't?
[12:05] <flaccid> Johnny-Five: yes. it can be installed if you want.
[12:06] <flaccid> thus the 'optional'
[12:06] <Johnny-Five> ...So it DOESN'T come with it installed :?
[12:06] <flaccid> i'll check for sure one sec
[12:06] <flaccid> Johnny-Five: are you on kubuntu atm?
[12:06] <Johnny-Five> No, not right now.
[12:07] <flaccid> well its installed for me so it probably does get installed by default
[12:07] <definitely> They send me back ;DD
[12:07] <Johnny-Five> Hmm, thanks. One sec
[12:08] <flaccid> Johnny-Five: i cant say for sure. i dont know where the list of default pkgs is ..
[12:14] <definitely> :S
[12:16] <Draycos> uuuuu, llok at all teh ppl
[12:17] <Draycos> can someone help me install et:tce?
[12:18] <Draycos> *prod*
[12:18] <bin> hey i hope someone can help me with a problem: i cant manage to install adobe flash player plugin for firefox 3 on Kubuntu :/
[12:18] <Draycos> i remember i had this problem...
[12:19] <bin> how did you solve it?
[12:19] <Draycos> i think there's a package on adept
[12:19] <Draycos> flashplugin-nonfree
[12:19] <bin> yeah ive tried that
[12:20] <Draycos> try that
[12:20] <Draycos> oh
[12:20] <bin> but it doesnt work
[12:20] <Draycos> hmm
[12:20] <Draycos> i should remember how to do these things =P
[12:20] <bin> adept says it is installed
[12:21] <bin> but i cant view any flash thing in firefox
[12:21] <Draycos> ok, open firefox and type about:plugins
[12:21] <bin> firefox doenst know that plugion is installed
[12:21] <bin> ok
[12:21] <bin> none listed there
[12:21] <Draycos> the first group of stuff...no flash?
[12:21] <bin> nothing
[12:21] <Draycos> Shockwave Flash?
[12:22] <|massi|> Guys, I have problems making the Fn-* buttons work on my Thinkpad T61. Anyone with a solution?
[12:22] <Draycos> fn- buttons...what are they? XD
[12:22] <ik__> FuNction keys
[12:22] <Draycos> oh
[12:22] <ibm_> hi for all
[12:22] <Draycos> alt ctrl etc?
[12:23] <ik__> for example: fn+F7 is sound louder
[12:23] <ik__> depends on the laptop though
[12:23] <Draycos> i think i'll assume i dont have them
[12:23] <ik__> i thought you had to activate special support for thinpads on linux.
[12:23] <Draycos> anyways, bin...have you closed firefox since installing flash?
=== vistakille1 is now known as vistakiller
[12:23] <ik__> not sure where though
[12:24] <bin> yes i even rebootet several times
[12:24] <|massi|> The various Fn-F2 for session lock, Fn-F3 for battery status applet and so on
[12:24] <Draycos> o_o
[12:24] <ibm_> i ask about url to dowload Kiba-dock
[12:24] <|massi|> Special (Acpi) related functions any laptop has.
[12:24] <ik__> maybe you can run the windows vresion tru wine
[12:25] <bin> ill try the tutorial on the mozilla pages now
[12:25] <Draycos> k
[12:25] <ik__> kk
[12:25] <bin> anyway thx for you help
[12:25] <Draycos> i can only try
[12:25] <bin> 1. Download Flash Player 9.0.
[12:25] <bin> 2. Decompress it, then copy libflashplayer.so to your Mozilla plugins directory and flashplayer.xpt to your Mozilla components directory.
[12:25] <bin> thats all i guess :D
[12:26] <Draycos> oh yeah, there's that way too =P
[12:26] <ik__> i thought you had to run it using sudo ./flashplayer.
[12:26] <Draycos> yeah
[12:26] <ik__> anyway, for me it just installed automatically as i entered youtube
[12:27] <Draycos> lol
[12:27] <Draycos> mine installed thru synaptic...
[12:27] <ik__> for both konquerer aswell as firefox 2
[12:27] <Draycos> not sure for konquerer
[12:27] <Draycos> i dont think it did...
[12:27] <Draycos> besides i ditched kubuntu =P
[12:27] <ik__> konquerer automatically installs it thru a adept-batch
[12:28] <ik__> if you dont have kubuntu, it prolly doesnt work ^^
[12:28] <Draycos> im not the one with the problem -_-
[12:28] <ik__> the only distro's i worked with before are suse and (k)ubuntu
[12:28] <ik__> ow yeah, and DSL
[12:28] <Draycos> anyway...
[12:29] <ik__> getting of the topic lol.
[12:30] <Draycos> i cant install tce...
=== ubuntu_ is now known as Silverz
[12:35] <sebastian> is there anyway to get the k menu to use the kickoff style?
[12:35] <Silverz> hi all
[12:35] <Silverz> i need help
[12:36] <Dr_willis> Kickoff? isent that the Mandrake customized kde menu thing?
[12:36] <Silverz> hi can someone help me ?
[12:36] <sebastian> maby not the name but i mean the same style, and opensuse has that style aswell
[12:37] <sebastian> this looks like windows 2000 when u open k menu
[12:37] <Dr_willis> its possible someone ported the suse menu thing over to ubuntu.
[12:37] <Dr_willis> I disabled that menu thing when i use suse :) or mandrake.
[12:37] <Dr_willis> kde-look.org may have some others also
[12:37] <sebastian> u just jumped from mandriva to opensuse to kubuntu :P
[12:38] <Silverz> hi can someone please tell me how do format my harddisk so that i can install windows?/
[12:38] <sebastian> ok, so there are no setting built in?
[12:38] <Silverz> im using kubuntu right now
[12:38] <sebastian> apt-get gparted
[12:38] <sebastian> and format to ntfs
[12:38] <Dr_willis> Silverz, clarify, a bit. You wish to remove linux totally and install windows?
[12:38] <Dr_willis> Theres no need to format befor insgatlling windows.. the windoes installer willfor mat for you
[12:39] <Silverz> yes and i have the Kubuntu CD
[12:39] <sebastian> Dr_willis if the format is ext it can't format
[12:39] <sebastian> not if it's vista anyway
[12:39] <Silverz> i want to install windows xp
[12:39] <Dr_willis> Silverz, use gparted, to delete all the partitions. and then reboot/run the windows insttaller
[12:40] <Dr_willis> assuming youn dont want to keep anything
[12:40] <Silverz> my friend installed gentoo on my computer and now it wont let me install windows xp
[12:40] <Silverz> gparted?
[12:40] <Silverz> wut is that?/
[12:40] <sebastian> partition manager
[12:40] <Dr_willis> Theres 'partioning' tools, then theres formating.
[12:40] <Silverz> ah ic
[12:40] <Dr_willis> You need to delete the linux partitions.
[12:41] <Silverz> do i have to burn it to disk?
[12:41] <Silverz> i mean cd
[12:41] <Dr_willis> Its probrely on the livecd
[12:41] <sebastian> no u have to format the disks into ntfs
[12:41] <Silverz> u mean on the kubuntu cd?
[12:41] <Dr_willis> Or with the windows cd. you could delete all the partitions. and remake them
[12:41] <Dr_willis> if its not on the livecd, you can 'sudo apt-get install gparted'
[12:42] <Silverz> when i put in my windows cd on my computer, the screens say something like 'set up is checking your hardware configuration' and then the screen just go blank
[12:42] <Dr_willis> Silverz, just to clarify - you dont want to keep ANYTHING on the computer? or is ther stuff you want to save?
[12:43] <Silverz> nope i have backup cds
[12:43] <Silverz> im a newb at linux
[12:43] <sebastian> when i activate desktop effects nothing happends
[12:43] <Dr_willis> use gparted, delete all partitions, (apply changes) pop in windows cd.. reboot
[12:43] <Silverz> i tried linux, but i want to go back to windows
[12:44] <sebastian> windows is only good for games
[12:44] <Dr_willis> or the command line fdisk command. to delete the partitions
[12:44] <Silverz> ok ic so basically u just use gparted to delete all partitions
[12:44] <Dr_willis> Silverz, i think ive said just that like 3 times now. :)
[12:44] <Silverz> ok i got it
[12:44] <Silverz> i just typed fdisk
[12:44] <Silverz> by the way i have 2 harddrive
[12:45] <Dr_willis> Silverz, then you need tobe very carefull with these tools
[12:45] <Silverz> how do i delete both hard drive using fdisk function ?/
[12:45] <Dr_willis> is there any data on either disk you want to keep?
[12:45] <Dr_willis> use fdisk on one, delete partitiosn, use fdisk on other.. delete partitions
[12:45] <Silverz> nope none i made backup already
[12:45] <Dr_willis> sudo fdisk /dev/sd##
[12:45] <sebastian> why can't i activate desktop effects?
[12:46] <Dr_willis> sebastian, is your video card 3d drivers insstalled?
[12:47] <sebastian> i press extra affects and then apply and done, but nothing happends, shouldn't there come a warning if it werent?
[12:47] <Dr_willis> Silverz, in fdisk you use the d ) to delete. then w) to write the changes
[12:47] <Silverz> my harddrive is sata
[12:47] <Silverz> one is 80gig the other is 250gig
[12:47] <Dr_willis> sebastian, if you havent installed the 3d drivers - it wont let them be enabled.
[12:47] <Silverz> is fdisk a commandline?
[12:47] <Dr_willis> Silverz, yes it is.
[12:47] <Silverz> so i just type fdisk that's all?
[12:47] <Dr_willis> Silverz, or use gparted for a gui tool
[12:48] <Dr_willis> ------------->>>>>>>>> sudo fdisk /dev/sd##
[12:48] <sebastian> where can i get 3d driver for nvidia geforce 4?
[12:48] <Silverz> im chatting to u thru a live cd now
[12:48] <Dr_willis> where sd$## is the proper name for your hard drive
[12:48] <Silverz> nothing is on my disk except messed up gentoo
[12:48] <Dr_willis> ie: /dev/sda or sdb
[12:48] <Dr_willis> 'sudo fdisk -l' will show all disks and their partitions
[12:49] <Silverz> how do i find out the name of my harddrives?
[12:49] <Dr_willis> 'fdisk -l'
[12:49] <FoxIII> I would just like to thank everyone who helped me set up my wireless network card. Everything is working perfectly! Thank you :)
[12:51] <sebastian> so where can i download 3d driver for geforce 4?
[12:52] <Silverz> hi Dr_willis
[12:52] <Silverz> Disk /dev/sda: 80.0 GB, 80026361856 bytes
[12:52] <Silverz> is this the name of my harddrive?
[12:53] <sebastian> no
[12:53] <sebastian> it's where u drive is placed in linux
[12:53] <sebastian> ur*
[12:53] <Silverz> ic
[12:53] <Silverz> can someone please the command line to delete my partition?
[12:54] <Dr_willis> Silverz, /dev/sd## is how drives are 'named' in linux as that line shows... its /dev/sda
[12:54] <Dr_willis> Silverz, so using what was stated earlier.. use 'sudo fdisk -l /dev/sda' and then the 'd' command in fdisk to delete the partitions.
[12:55] <Silverz> d command ?
[12:55] <Pici> the letter d
[12:55] <Silverz> u mean sudo fdisk -l /dev/sda1 d like that?//
[12:56] <Dr_willis> d as in d)elete
[12:56] <Dr_willis> hit 'h' to read the fdisk help
[12:56] <Dr_willis> no... run the command like i showed with the quotes
[12:56] <Dr_willis> sudo fdisk /dev/sda
[12:57] <sebastian> please, dont someone know where i can get 3d drivers? im new to kubuntu
=== tillmann is now known as tilli
[12:57] <Dr_willis> THEN use the features of fdisk menus to do the work.
[12:57] <Silverz> can u just give me the command so i can simply copy and paste?
[12:57] <Dr_willis> sebastian, whats your video card.
[12:57] <sebastian> geforce 440 mx
[12:57] <sebastian> i installed nvidia glx, but it didnt work
[12:57] <Dr_willis> Silverz, there is no such command that i know of. basicially youi do the fdisk command i gave.. hit d a few times, then hit w to write changes to disk
[12:57] <Dr_willis> sebastian, it may need the nvidia-glx-legacy
[12:58] <sebastian> but it said up to geforce 2
[12:58] <Silverz> on konsole right?
[12:58] <sebastian> but i try
[12:58] <sebastian> Silverz: there is a gui for it
[12:58] <Dr_willis> Silverz, or the CONSOLE on alt-ctrl-f1, any terminal will do
[12:59] <Nyad> Hi, how can I convert a 3gp file to an mpeg? with what application?
[13:01] <Dr_willis> !find avid
[13:01] <ubottu> Found: avida-base, avida-qt-viewer, avida-viewer, sword-comm-tdavid, avidemux (and 3 others)
[13:01] <Dr_willis> Nyad, try avidemux
[13:02] <DeepThought> sebastian: geforce 440 is not like geforce 4.. it's legacy allright
[13:02] <sebastian> so i should install glx-legacy?
[13:03] <DeepThought> sebastian: would be a good try,
[13:03] <sebastian> i did but didn't work, maby need to restart x
[13:03] <Nyad> Dr_willis, thanks
[13:04] <DeepThought> sebastian: nononono, wait, I'm wrong, it IS geforce 4, so up to 2 is to old; try geforce 4 series; either that or legacy willlll work
[13:04] <DeepThought> fersure
[13:04] <sebastian> where can i find that?
[13:04] <DeepThought> sebastian: and you definitely need to restart x to try a new setting
[13:05] <DeepThought> sebastian: go into system settings, monitor & graohics (coukld be named slightly different, I'm on a dutch sys here), and choose in hardware new driver
[13:06] <sebastian> u mean monitor and display?
[13:06] <sebastian> ok
[13:06] <sebastian> sorry :P
[13:06] <geega> Hi
[13:06] <geega> i installed compiz
[13:06] <DeepThought> sebastian: be sure to click administrtor mode once you're in graphsettings, else you can't change anything..
[13:06] <geega> how to start and work on gui works well. like sliding workspace.. like that
[13:06] <geega> means
[13:07] <geega> how to utilize compiz
[13:07] <flaccid> geega: goto #compiz-fusion
[13:07] <flaccid> + google
[13:07] <sebastian> what do u mean new driver?
[13:08] <DeepThought> sebastian: once it's installed and working you might want to change to proprietary driver (for 3d and open GL) with hardware drivers manager (in setings-menu, not settings-app)
[13:09] <geega> after installing compiz .. my desktop is working differently
[13:09] <geega> :(
[13:09] <geega> slowly windows is shading out for each movement
[13:09] <geega> is it like that only
[13:09] <flaccid> thats to be expected as its a different window manager
[13:09] <flaccid> !enter | geega
[13:09] <ubottu> geega: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!
[13:10] <flaccid> geega: support is in #compiz-fusion
[13:10] <sebastian> thx, i gotta restart my computer
[13:10] <DeepThought> sebastian: good luck !
[13:10] <geega> ok let me try that
[13:13] <sebastian> haha now my resolution is lower then 640 :P
[13:14] <sebastian> help i cant get the resolution higher then 640 :(
[13:16] <cremm> hello
[13:16] <matko> hello
[13:16] <matko> kubuntu 8.04 is very good
[13:16] <cremm> :-D
[13:16] <cremm> J'avoue
[13:16] <matko> Do you speak czech ?
[13:17] <cremm> No i'am french
[13:17] <evgen> haha
[13:17] <cremm> :?
[13:17] <jussi01> !fr
[13:17] <ubottu> Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr
[13:17] <cremm> thanks
[13:17] <jussi01> :)
[13:17] <evgen> =)
[13:18] <sebastian> please help
[13:18] <cham_eleon> sth killed my firefox if i try to start ff i get the error that libjmalloc.so could not be found
[13:18] <matko> please havey you got adobe shockwawe player ?
[13:18] <matko> *have
[13:19] <flaccid> matko: doesn't exist on linux sorry
[13:19] <jussi01> !fixres | sebastian, have you read this:
[13:19] <ubottu> sebastian, have you read this:: The X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type « sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart » in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto
[13:19] <matko> i read about shockwawe player on wiki.ubuntu.com
[13:20] <happytiger> Help with vim needed I cant make my vim remeber my history between sessions i have set history=1000 in /etc/vim/vimrc and logged in and out but vim doesnt remeber the command I put in last timne i had vim open
[13:21] <matko>
[13:21] <matko> It is not something that would přehrálo. Swf?
[13:21] <matko> sorry :
[13:21] <matko>
[13:21] <matko> It is not something that would play. Swf?
[13:27] <soze> bonjour
[13:27] <flaccid> !hi
[13:27] <ubottu> Hi! Welcome to #kubuntu!
[13:27] <soze> qui peux me dire comment passer mon compte superuser
[13:28] <soze> car la je peux rien installer
[13:28] <flaccid> !fr | soze
[13:28] <ubottu> soze: Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr
[13:28] <soze> merci
[13:28] <soze> thx
[13:28] <soze> bye
[13:28] <flaccid> np comshou
[13:28] <flaccid> cia0
[13:29] <geega> hi.. still my desktop is slow .. after i am done the setting like https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager/CompizFusion
[13:31] <Spencer_tt> hi, what are the minimum install requirements for Kubuntu?
[13:31] <flaccid> !requirements | Spencer_tt
[13:31] <ubottu> Spencer_tt: Hardware requirements to install, boot and comfortably use Ubuntu are listed at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/SystemRequirements - For a !flavor with lower requirements, see !Xubuntu
[13:33] <Spencer_tt> ty
[13:57] <dany_> bonjour a tous
[13:58] <Pici> !fr | dany_
[13:58] <ubottu> dany_: Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr
[13:58] <dany_> oupsssss désoler
[14:02] <esperegu> anyone knows how to use 'smb://' in kubuntu? it worked but after upgrading to 804 i only get The file or folder smb://myip/folder does not exist.
[14:03] <flaccid> esperegu: problem is your smb server not kubuntu
[14:03] <Dr_willis> yep - theres some issues with that in 8.04 esperegu
[14:03] <Dr_willis> flaccid, i have issues with my linux box's not seeing each other. or theirselves for that matter. :)
[14:04] <esperegu> but is it fixable in kubuntu? (since I have a NAS I can't use kubuntu there ;-) )
[14:04] <flaccid> Dr_willis: thats smb browsing, totally different.
[14:04] <flaccid> esperegu: use smbclient. and make sure the hostname or IP is resolvable/accesible
[14:04] <engineer> ping
[14:04] <Dr_willis> flaccid, thats what hes using - the smb browsign feature.. also fusesmb was not working for me any more.. But smb4k does work. :) it must be calling smbclient.
[14:05] <esperegu> so smb browsing will not work? only mounting it?
[14:05] <flaccid> Dr_willis: no its was explicit so browsing does not occur. fusesmb nothing to do with it. smb4k does work normally, doesn't mean it will for this client. there is smbclient and nmbclient as well etc..
[14:05] <Dr_willis> esperegu, it seems that way
[14:05] <flaccid> esperegu: go learn samba :)
[14:06] <geega> hi i installed compiz-fusion
[14:06] <Dr_willis> but given the # of forum/bug reports ive seen on this.. theres some deep bugs somewhere.
[14:06] <geega> rendering is taking toomuch time for every actions
[14:06] <geega> how to improve it
[14:06] <Dr_willis> It is working fine for me under MintLinux ive noticed.
[14:06] <flaccid> Dr_willis: no there isn't, i've researched this ;)
[14:06] <flaccid> its working fine under hardy. i configure complex samba servers so i know.
[14:06] <engineer> glxinfo | grep rendering
[14:07] <engineer> what does that show geega ?
[14:07] <Dr_willis> flaccid, go tell people in the bug reports then. In short ive seen the browing not working with the gnome and kde file manager, or the fuse tools. so aprently somthing is not working fine.
[14:07] <Dr_willis> ive also seen it blamed on a dozen things. :)
[14:07] <flaccid> Dr_willis: you don't understand smb/samba :)
[14:07] <geega> Error: unable to open display
[14:07] <Dr_willis> flaccid, you dont seem to understand the problem then.
[14:08] <flaccid> Dr_willis: you have not specified any thing but generalisations
[14:08] <Dr_willis> or you are thinking of a similer/related issue.
[14:08] <Dr_willis> kde file manger - the smb:// stuff fails to see the network shares, same with gnome file manager.
[14:08] <esperegu> flaccid: the whole idea of starting to use kubuntu was that I would not need to learn that but it would just work.
[14:08] <flaccid> Dr_willis: yes and you do not know why, so you are making assumptions
[14:09] <flaccid> esperegu: if only it were that simple
[14:09] <Dr_willis> flaccid, go post a bug fix then. you are claminig its working when its not.
[14:09] <Dr_willis> or make a wiki page to send people to. :)
[14:09] <flaccid> Dr_willis: thats ridiculous, the onus is on your claims, not mine.
[14:09] <flaccid> http://samba.org no need to
[14:10] <Dr_willis> flaccid, you claim theres no problem, and theres dozens of users that have issues with the gnome/kde file manager share browsing tools I never said it was a bug with samba. but with somthing related to samba
[14:10] <flaccid> point me to your bugs and i'll look at them OK.
[14:10] <flaccid> Dr_willis: yes you have no idea what it is.
[14:10] <Pici> flaccid, Dr_willis: do you mind taking this to a private message?
[14:10] <flaccid> yes
[14:11] <Dr_willis> flaccid, aparently a lot of people dont.. ioe seen a dozen 'posibilities'
[14:11] <flaccid> nothing concrete so far
[14:11] <flaccid> people who don't know what they are talking about like to guess, i deal with that everyday
[14:12] <Jucato> hm...
[14:12] <flaccid> hmmm..
[14:13] <Jucato> I don't have to say it do I?
[14:13] <flaccid> say what?
[14:13] <genii> say what?
[14:14] <nexpo> join #polska
[14:14] <Jucato> "Be nice. No cat fights. etc etc etc"
[14:14] <flaccid> there is no tone on the internet.
[14:14] * Dr_willis guesses smb:// after upgradeing .. isent a bug then.. and will leave it at that.
[14:15] <flaccid> need specific evidence which is what smbclient and other tools are for. general claims say nothing
[14:16] <flaccid> me0w
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[14:43] <geega> when i do kwin --replace .. i am getting error like kwin: cannot connect to X server
[14:43] <geega> somebody help me
[14:43] <geega> this compiz is killing me here
[14:44] <Dr_willis> did ya read/follow the !compiz guide?
[14:44] <Dr_willis> !compiz
[14:44] <ubottu> Kubuntu is not shipping with compiz installed or enabled by default. You can still install it and have your eyecandy goodness. The instructions are at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager/CompizFusion - further help in #compiz-fusion
[14:44] <Dr_willis> sounds like you are running the command as the wrong user
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[14:45] <geega> actually rendering is taking time
[14:45] <geega> i feel that
[14:45] <Dr_willis> whats your video card?
[14:46] <geega> let me check
[14:47] <geega> Intel
[14:49] <flaccid> geega: fps in glxgears?
[14:49] <geega> means
[14:49] <flaccid> huh
[14:50] <nacer> do you think we can migrate from ubuntu to kubuntu witout re-isntallation ?
[14:50] <geega> ok let me study and go for the compiz.. currently let me know how to remove Xgl
[14:50] <Daisuke_Laptop> nacer: sudo aptitude install kubuntu-desktop
[14:50] <flaccid> nacer: yes
[14:50] <Daisuke_Laptop> nacer: then log out, select kde from the session menu, and log back in
[14:50] <TWD> nacer: aptitude install kubuntu-desktop
[14:50] <TWD> apart for bootsplash, you'll be set
[14:50] <flaccid> geega: xgl is not required and in some cases will slow down rendering
[14:51] <geega> it is only using 99% cpu
[14:51] <Daisuke_Laptop> only?
[14:51] <geega> yes
[14:51] <flaccid> geega: that explains it. remove xgl server.
[14:51] <Daisuke_Laptop> that seems a very high number to have "only" added
[14:52] <geega> where
[14:52] <geega> how to remove xgl server
[14:52] <flaccid> geega: remove the package xserver-xgl
[14:53] <geega> doing .. just got that pkg name :))
[14:53] <geega> removed.
[14:53] <flaccid> geega: why did you install it in the first place
[14:53] <geega> http://www.revis.co.uk/site/?q=node/173
[14:53] <geega> i refered this
[14:53] <geega> thats why
[14:53] <flaccid> we don't support that 3rd party site... no wonder
[14:54] <flaccid> logout to kdm and restart X then login
[14:54] <geega> :)
[14:54] <geega> ok
[15:00] <nacer> tks Daisuke_Ido flaccid TWD
[15:02] <yao_ziyuan> i have a buggy mouse which often sends out 2 clicks when i only click once
[15:03] <yao_ziyuan> i wonder if kubuntu can interpret 2 almost-at-the-same-time clicks as 1 click
[15:04] <Daisuke_Laptop> yao_ziyuan: it might be time for a new mouse
[15:04] <yao_ziyuan> Daisuke_Laptop: yeah, i bought 2 new mouses of the same type, one of them being buggy
[15:10] <geega> i removed that Xgl pkg and logout and logged in back
[15:10] <geega> now initialy it is working fine.. after few seconds.. monitor is blinking and desktop is slowing down
[15:10] <geega> i couldn't see close buttons on any of the windows.
[15:11] <geega> i could see 8 desktops instead 4.. changing after few sec of log in back
[15:11] <geega> any idea to revert my desktop
[15:12] <geega> can i install kde again
[15:14] <Daisuke_Laptop> a patient one.
[15:26] <wesley_> !adeptfix
[15:26] <ubottu> If an APT front-end crashed and your database is locked, try this in a !terminal: « sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a »
[15:26] <nacer> so
[15:27] <nacer> i am on kubuntu
[15:27] <nacer> big problem with twinview
[15:27] <nacer> how can i mode a panel bar ?
[15:27] <nacer> sorry for saying but like in gnome ?
[15:28] <nacer> i am going to the kde4 channel :)
[15:41] <sebastian> how do u make compiz to work with kubuntu?
[15:41] <pim> try google
[15:41] <noaXess> smbfs is gone in hardy i see.. is there another way to get smbfs work without recompiling samba with smbfs? i need smbfs to a synology diskstation.....
[15:41] <Dr_willis> !compiz
[15:41] <ubottu> Kubuntu is not shipping with compiz installed or enabled by default. You can still install it and have your eyecandy goodness. The instructions are at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager/CompizFusion - further help in #compiz-fusion
[15:41] <genii> sebastian: Ask in #compiz-fusion please
[15:42] <sebastian> thx ubottu
[15:42] <Dr_willis> ~info smbfs
[15:42] <Dr_willis> !info smbfs
[15:42] <ubottu> smbfs (source: samba): mount and umount commands for the smbfs (for kernels >= than 2.2.x). In component main, is optional. Version 3.0.28a-1ubuntu4.2 (hardy), package size 91 kB, installed size 188 kB
[15:42] <Dr_willis> noaXess, its not gone.
[15:42] <genii> noaXess: It's still there just not installed by default
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[15:43] <noaXess> genii: okay.. then.. how is the package name :)
[15:44] <Dr_willis> <ubottu> smbfs
[15:44] <Dr_willis> the name is 'smbfs' it seems.
[15:44] <noaXess> okay
[15:44] <genii> noaXess: See above factoid
[15:46] <reese> do I have to uninstall firefox 2 before installing firefox 3? because I get an error when trying to install it
[15:46] <noaXess> genii: ok.. smbfs seems to be installed earlier.. but i can't use it.. i work with smb4k and if i try to connect a sare that needs smbfs, it will connected, but i see no conent in the mountpoint
[15:47] <Dr_willis> installing smb4k, did install smbfs here. :) i just tried it. now lets see if smb4k works
[15:47] <noaXess> i set smb4k to smbfs but it mounts with cifs
[15:48] <Pici> cifs is compatible (and may be the same thing as) smbfs
[15:49] <noaXess> Pici: sorry.. but if i mount my NAS with cifs.. it will be mounted but i can't see any content.. if i go to preview in smb4k.. i see content
[15:49] <Pici> noaXess: Interesting.
[15:49] <noaXess> yes
[15:49] <noaXess> thats why i need really smbfs
[15:51] <Dr_willis> Hmm.. i see the same issue here noaXess i set it to use smbfs and it mounted with
[15:51] <genii> Maybe your NAS needs it's smb.conf file to have "browseable = yes" or simile in the share definition
[15:51] <Dr_willis> /TINKERBELL/Cboot on /home/willis/smb4k/TINKERBELL/Cboot type cifs (rw,mand,nosuid,nodev,user=willis)
[15:51] <noaXess> genii: i can't do any on the NAS:. it's a synologs ds-101.. www.synology.com
[15:52] <john> hi, links from pidgin keep opening in opera even though i have firefox set as the default browser in default apps, any way to change this?
[15:52] <noaXess> Dr_willis: see mine: //BACKUP/backup on /home/thomi/smb4k/backup/backup type cifs (rw,mand,nosuid,nodev,user=thomi)
[15:52] <noaXess> Dr_willis: i have set smb4k to use smbfs for this share
[15:52] <noaXess> but it uses cifs
[15:53] <Dr_willis> noaXess, yep. seeing exact issue here it seems. Not that it matters on tmy network.. but it does seem to ignore the smbfs setting
[15:53] <Dr_willis> could just mount the thing manually i guess , and not use smb4k
[15:53] <noaXess> on a server i use the command line of smb4k: smb4k_mount -n -t smbfs -o rw,mand,nosuid,nodev,user=user,password=pass //backup.win-soft.ch/backup /home/thomi/share/backup/backup
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[15:53] <noaXess> and it won't work too
[15:54] <noaXess> Dr_willis: maybe a smb4k problem/bug?
[15:54] <Dr_willis> theres a smb4k_mount command? Hmm wny not just the normal mount command/
[15:54] <Dr_willis> noaXess, seems to be.
[15:54] <Dr_willis> smb4k dosent get much love these days. :)
[15:54] <noaXess> Dr_willis: i don't know why i used the smb4k command line.. there was any problem with the other.. lng away ;)
[15:55] <noaXess> with gutsy it worked
[15:55] <noaXess> :)
[15:55] <Dr_willis> noaXess, right click on the share, and theres a custome options dialog also where youc an pick smbfs, or cifs also
[15:55] <noaXess> Dr_willis: aha.. i know why i use smb4k.. cause i can then mount a share with user priv's.. and if i use mount or smbmount i use root priv's..
[15:56] <noaXess> Dr_willis: yes i done the fs change in the option of the share.
[15:56] <Dr_willis> noaXess, theres the 'fuse' smb tools that let users mount them as well.
[15:57] <Dr_willis> noaXess, i right clicked on the share on the left. did 'custome options' and selected cifs and it DID mount with cifs just now
[15:57] <noaXess> Dr_willis: and if you do the other way.. select smbfs?
[15:57] <Dr_willis> lets see... i forget what one we were wanting.. :)
[15:58] <noaXess> cifs works.. but if i select smbfs it mount the share with cifs
[15:58] <machiel> ?list
[15:58] <system366> Hio all
[15:58] <geega> atlast i reverted the kdm desktop :))
[15:58] <Dr_willis> still did cifs.. no love there. :)
[15:58] <geega> thatnks <flaccid>
[15:58] <geega> i want to put good theme for kubuntu
[15:59] <geega> any good site or tool available.
[15:59] <noaXess> Dr_willis: jep.. about fuse. do you mean the fuser and fusermount commands?
[15:59] <geega> i am using kde desktop
[15:59] <noaXess> kde-look.org
[15:59] <system366> Please coul some1 help me install my LightScribe Firmware Drivers from a .rpm file??? once i cd to the folder and typ rpm -i (FileName) it lists about 7 dependancies, but if i aptitude search them i cant find them... any helpwould be much appreciated :)
[15:59] <noaXess> geega: kde-loog.org
[15:59] <Dr_willis> !info fusesmb | noaXess
[15:59] <oblenob> !help
[15:59] <noaXess> Dr_willis: aha.. i found it.. thanks
[16:00] <Dr_willis> noaXess, the fusesmb stuff lets you have a single directory that you access and it can show the whole network
[16:00] <Dr_willis> noaXess, its handy, but i dont use it a lot lately
[16:00] <noaXess> Dr_willis: okay.. will test it..
[16:00] <Dr_willis> noaXess, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FuseSmb
[16:00] <noaXess> Dr_willis: are the fusesmb tools command line based or is there also a gui?
[16:01] <noaXess> ok
[16:01] <noaXess> reading :)
[16:01] <Dr_willis> noaXess, no reall need for a gui. you set up a config file.. and run 'fusesmb NetworkDirectory' and the dir now shows the whole network of shares
[16:02] <Dr_willis> some disrtos are including it by default these days. which is handy
[16:02] <noaXess> Dr_willis: aaa.. i see... the user/pwd will set in the conf file
[16:03] <Dr_willis> noaXess, yep.
[16:04] <system366> Please coul some1 help me install my LightScribe Firmware Drivers from a .rpm file??? once i cd to the folder and typ rpm -i (FileName) it lists about 7 dependancies, but if i aptitude search them i cant find them... any helpwould be much appreciated :) i think i just need to know the right name as the dependancie names it gives arnt like a normal apt search result
[16:04] <Dr_willis> noaXess, that guide may be a little out of date. Some of the steps are allready done in hardy.
[16:04] <Dr_willis> LiteScribe firmware drivers?
[16:04] <Dr_willis> what do they do?
[16:05] <blistov> where is the console keymap set in ubuntu?
[16:05] <system366> updates the lightscribe firmware for my lightscribe opticle drive
[16:05] <system366> i cant use the drive for labeling without the firmware installed
[16:05] <system366> i can use it as a normal cccd/dvd-rw drive tho
[16:06] <system366> i think ;p i havnt tested lol
[16:06] <Dr_willis> Hmm.. bummer. I just foind some litescribe software for linux yesterday.
[16:06] <system366> well u know how to install .rpm files?
[16:06] <system366> coz i have toinstall the firmware b4 using any labeling things
[16:06] <system366> otherwise the discs will come out with streaks all over
[16:06] <Dr_willis> using rpm stuff to install/patch firmware sounds risky.
[16:07] <system366> well i got it from the lightscribe official website
[16:07] <Daisuke_Laptop> system366: yes, but ubuntu isn't an rpm distro
[16:07] <Dr_willis> May be safer/easier to put the drive in some other machine and update it with windows.
[16:07] <Daisuke_Laptop> do they not provide a deb?
[16:07] <system366> they have a .deb file but it doesnt work, when it gets to the dependancies bit it just closes, i have to do it via the .rpm
[16:07] <Dr_willis> 'it just closes' - what just closes?
[16:08] <Daisuke_Laptop> i don't see the point of lightscribe anyway, too much time for poor results
[16:08] <system366> Dr_Willis, its software firmware, it doesnt flash anything in the hardware :)
[16:08] <Dr_willis> you may have better luckj troubleshooting the deb stuff.
[16:08] <system366> the .deb package manager thingy
[16:08] <Dr_willis> system366, that sounds very icky.
[16:08] <Dr_willis> system366, install it from the shell, and look for error messages
[16:08] <system366> well it wworks fine in windows :p
[16:08] <system366> ummmmmmmm
[16:08] <system366> how do i do that? :)
[16:08] <Dr_willis> sudo dpkg -i whatever.deb
[16:08] <system366> ty
[16:09] <Dr_willis> My new laptop has Litescribe.. so ive just been playing with it.
[16:09] <system366> ill try it now brb
[16:09] <Dr_willis> the disks were on sale.
[16:09] <system366> ah ha kool
[16:09] <system366> i just baught an external one for £100 0.o
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[16:10] <system366> ummm
[16:10] <system366> didnt work
[16:11] <system366> ill paste the output in private tab DR_Willis
[16:12] <reese> after the upgrade, when I try to build some apps, it says that ruby isn't installed, although it works fine
[16:12] <arab_> hy
[16:12] <genii> reese: PErhaps it's saying something like "requires ruby=>someversionumber"
[16:12] <Dr_willis> system366, that looks like it susceded to me..
[16:12] <system366> oh...
[16:13] <arab_> anywhere here
[16:13] <system366> i thought it would give more output than that? :S
[16:13] <Dr_willis> like what? :) heh
[16:13] <reese> genii: it says "The Ruby programming language is not installed"
[16:13] <arab_> hy system366, who are you?
[16:13] <system366> iunno but whenever ive installed anything via the command line its always 1. printed atleast 10 lines of output and 2. asked me to accept it by typing y/n ;P
[16:14] <system366> hi arab... im system, who r u? :P
[16:14] <reese> genii: I have ruby 1.8, and 1.9 installed
[16:14] <Dr_willis> system366, with apt-get it will ask to confirm. and so on..,
[16:14] <Dr_willis> system366, but we dident use apt-get :) we used dpkg -i
[16:14] <system366> ah ha!
[16:14] <genii> reese: 1.something?
[16:14] <genii> !info ruby
[16:14] <system366> ok so how come the .deb doesnt ask for dependancies? :S
[16:15] <Dr_willis> system366, now IF it actually did anything I got no idea. there may be some commandyou run to set it up
[16:15] <Dr_willis> system366, im guessing they are all ready installed
[16:15] <ubottu> ruby (source: ruby-defaults): An interpreter of object-oriented scripting language Ruby. In component main, is optional. Version 4.1 (hardy), package size 20 kB, installed size 100 kB
[16:15] <reese> genii: what do you mean?
[16:15] <system366> well if i try the .rpm again now it will work if the depandancies installed automaticly from the .deb... right? :0
[16:15] <geega> how to upgrade firebox in kubuntu
[16:16] <genii> The lightscribe site says to look for the binaries in /opt/lightscribeApplications by the way
[16:16] <system366> ooo how do i look for them please?
[16:16] <system366> just cd to it and ls -l?
[16:17] <genii> reese: Seeing as Ruby is on version 4.1, either you have some ancient version of Kubuntu or else it's version 1.8 and 1.9 of some other thing
[16:17] <system366> if i cd to /opt/ and ls / ls -l there is nothing in the folder
[16:20] <Dr_willis> what do you expect the rpm package to do that the deb dident do?
[16:20] <Dr_willis> You could look in the package manager and see what files it installed where.
[16:20] <sebastian> when i type su and my pass i get this: su: Authentication failure
[16:20] <Dr_willis> !sudo | sebastian
[16:20] <ubottu> sebastian: sudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for more information. For graphical applications see !gksu (Gnome), or !kdesu (KDE)
[16:20] <Dr_willis> sebastian, use 'sudo -s' to get a root shell if you REALLY need one,
[16:21] <sebastian> sebastian@Sebastian:~$ sudo apt-get amarok
[16:21] <sebastian> E: Invalid operation amarok
[16:21] <Dr_willis> sebastian, you dident tell it to 'install'
[16:21] <sebastian> aha
[16:21] <sebastian> hehe
[16:22] <reese> geega: I have the same problem: updating firefox
[16:22] <sebastian> so how do i log in with su?
[16:22] <Dr_willis> sebastian, you dont,
[16:22] <Dr_willis> why do you need su anyway?
[16:22] <sebastian> settings
[16:23] <Dr_willis> clarify that a bit more...
[16:23] <genii> system366: Does: ls /opt/lightscribeApplications/* produce anything?
[16:23] <sebastian> and if i dont want people to acess my files and if i want to change setting in a program
[16:23] <LinuxWorld> !nvu
[16:23] <ubottu> kompozer is WYSIWYG HTML editor for easily creating web pages, and the continuation of the dead Nvu project. It is available in !Universe on !Gutsy, !Backports on !Feisty, and from « deb http://ppa.launchpad.net/tonyyarusso/ubuntu edgy universe » for Edgy. (Dapper still pending)
[16:24] <genii> reese: I'd recommend trying sudo apt-get install ruby and see what it says
[16:24] * Dr_willis is afraid to ask for clarification on the clarification. :)
[16:24] <sebastian> ruby is already the newest version.
[16:24] <sebastian> 0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded.
[16:25] <Dr_willis> sebastian, you are wantong to change root stuff? or just switch to another user?
[16:25] <reese> genii: solved it, I didn't have the dev package
[16:25] <sebastian> wantong?
[16:25] <genii> reese: :)
[16:26] <sebastian> Dr_willis: what do u mean wantong?
[16:26] <Dr_willis> I get 1 letter wrong.. :) a
[16:26] <Dr_willis> wanting
[16:26] <Dr_willis> :)
[16:26] <sebastian> i guess ubuntu is for new linux users?
[16:27] <Dr_willis> sebastian, its focused on 'useable by all levels of users'
[16:27] <sebastian> ok
[16:27] <sebastian> when i used mandriva and wanted to restart samba i typed: samba restart as root, what do i type now?
[16:28] <genii> sebastian: Incidentally that command of sudo apt-get install ruby was not intended for you, but for reese. If you execute commands randomly spit out in IRC for others you could quickly have an inoperable system. Good thing it wasn't some grub command.
[16:28] <Dr_willis> sudo /etc/init.d/samba restart
[16:28] <Dr_willis> note the use of 'sudo' not 'su'
[16:28] <Dr_willis> its a bad habbit to switch to a root shell. unless you really need to.,
[16:29] <sebastian> genii: i didn't see that
[16:29] <geega> how to add new theme to kde
[16:29] <Dr_willis> geega, theres several dozen in the package manager/repos not installed by default. Thats the easy way
[16:30] <geega> i downloaded from kde-look.org
[16:30] <geega> it is just files.. we need to copy some theme location
[16:32] <Dr_willis> totally depends on what the specific theme 'part' was. it may need to be compiled.
[16:32] <Dr_willis> Lets see what was that bot factoid on the kde themes..
[16:32] <Dr_willis> !theme
[16:32] <ubottu> Find your themes at: http://www.gnome-look.org - http://art.gnome.org - http://www.kde-look.org - http://kubuntu-art.org - http://themes.freshmeat.net/browse/58/ - http://www.guistyles.com - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Artwork/ - Also see !changethemes and https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuEyeCandy
[16:32] <Dr_willis> !changethemes
[16:32] <ubottu> To change gnome themes: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuEyeCandy. Kubuntu themes: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CustomizeKubuntu. Xubuntu users should /msg ubottu xfce-themes
[16:33] <Dr_willis> https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CustomizeKubuntu seems good. :)
[16:33] <oblenob> YAY!!
[16:33] <oblenob> I think I got linux burned succesfully
[16:36] <Dr_willis> 'burn baby burn' 'FOSS Fever!' :)
[16:38] <oblenob> damnit
[16:38] <oblenob> there are three really loud
[16:38] <oblenob> big beefy
[16:38] <oblenob> military looking
[16:38] <oblenob> helicopter flying over head
[16:39] <oblenob> two blades ontop
[16:39] <oblenob> the room is shaking
[16:39] <Pici> oblenob: Try #kubuntu-offtopic
[16:39] <oblenob> sorry
[16:40] <oblenob> I was just worried that the burn might go wonky
[16:40] <oblenob> cause of the helis
[16:42] <oblenob> YUSSSSSSS
[16:42] <oblenob> It works :)
[16:42] * oblenob is extremly Happy :)
[16:42] * oblenob is gonna go an run up the hill in excitement
[16:44] <Dr_willis> hmm..
[16:44] <Dr_willis> !info sl
[16:44] <ubottu> sl (source: sl): Correct you if you type `sl' by mistake. In component universe, is optional. Version 3.03-15 (hardy), package size 24 kB, installed size 192 kB
[16:44] <sebastian> i am using compiz and i have only 2 dekstops but i want 4 how do i change that?
[16:44] <Dr_willis> sebastian, install the ccsm tool, general tab - set a 4 row desktops
[16:44] <Dr_willis> !cube
[16:44] <ubottu> Compiz-Fusion (and the older Compiz and Beryl) are window managers that employ the "composite" extension of X to draw windows using graphics cards' 3D hardware. They can additionally provide "desktop special effects" (such as the "cube") by means of plug-ins. Join #compiz-fusion for help and support with advanced features. See also « /msg ubotu compiz » and « /msg ubotu effects »
[16:45] <asfak> i am running kde4.1 beta2 on ubuntu hardy. how do i move icon on panel ? there is no option to do that
[16:46] <sebastian> Dr_willis: i can't find it
[16:46] <sebastian> on desktop size i can't change number of desktops
[16:47] <RurouniJones> !kde4 | asfak
[16:47] <ubottu> asfak: KDE 4.0.5 is the latest major release of the K Desktop Environment. Packages can be found at http://kubuntu.org/announcements/kde-4.0.5.php - Support in #kubuntu-kde4
[16:48] <sebastian> how do i install gnome on kubuntu? the apt-get install gnome dont work
[16:48] <system366> Back ya'll
[16:48] <genii> sebastian: sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop
[16:48] <sebastian> thx
[16:48] <system366> Dr still here?
[16:49] <system366> !pastebin
[16:49] <ubottu> pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #kubuntu channel topic)
[16:49] <Dr_willis> run the ccsm tool, its under the gerenal settings somewhere
[16:49] <asfak> ubottu, i am already having kde 4.1beta2 installed. i just wanted to know how do i move icons on panel. it's very much easy on opensuse 11 but no option in kubuntu
[16:49] <ubottu> asfak: Error: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)
[16:49] <sebastian> !desktop
[16:49] <ubottu> A desktop environment is what "puts the pieces of a !GUI together". The available desktop environments in Ubuntu are !GNOME (ubuntu-desktop), !KDE (kubuntu-desktop), !Xfce (xubuntu-desktop), IceWM, !Fluxbox, WindowMaker (wmaker), FVWM and others - See also !Flavors
[16:50] <system366> http://paste.ubuntu.com/22887/ Any help on fixing this woulld be much appreciated :)
[16:50] <Dr_willis> sebastian, ccsm --> general options -> desktop size
[16:50] <Dr_willis> hmm....
[16:50] <Dr_willis> ccsm
[16:50] <Dr_willis> Info: No sexy-python package found, don't worry it's optional.
[16:50] <Dr_willis> !info sexy-python
[16:50] <ubottu> Package sexy-python does not exist in hardy
[16:50] <Dr_willis> Must be VERY optional. :)
[16:50] <genii> sebastian: ccsm assumes you have the package compizconfig-settings-manager installed
[16:51] <system366> ?
[16:51] <stdin> !info python-sexy | Dr_willis
[16:51] <ubottu> dr_willis: python-sexy (source: sexy-python): python language bindings for libsexy. In component main, is optional. Version 0.1.9-1ubuntu1 (hardy), package size 13 kB, installed size 132 kB
[16:51] <Dr_willis> heh heh,, so who reversed the name?
[16:51] <sebastian> Dr_willis: i can't change Number of desktops its set to 1 and i cant get more
[16:51] <stdin> all the python package are python-* in debian/ubuntu
[16:51] <system366> sebastian, do this in the desktop cube hight options or length
[16:52] <system366> the daces are the desktops now :)
[16:52] <genii> system366: Firstly you shouldn't be running as root inside of a specific users home directory
[16:52] <system366> why not? :S
[16:52] <system366> i have to be in the directory with in the rpm file i thought?
[16:53] <Dr_willis> system366, from those error messages. . im betting you will never get that rpm working
[16:53] <system366> with the rpm file in*
[16:53] <genii> system366: Because when you do things there as root it makes entries in their filesystem which can make things Not Work when they are logged in
[16:53] <system366> errors? i thought dependancies just meant libraries i have to install?
[16:54] <lyhana8> hi, I've a problem with mysql (already ask on #mysql without any answers) :
[16:54] <lyhana8> i got the following error :DB connexion error: SQLSTATE[28000] [1045] Access denied for user 'lyhana8'@'localhost' (using password: YES)user exist and have privileges on the DB :User Host Type Privileges Grant Actionlyhana8 % database-specific ALL PRIVILEGES No Edit Privileges
[16:54] <system366> so if i stay as system366 but use sudo it might work?
[16:54] <genii> lyhana8: Try specifying host as instead of localhost
[16:54] <Dr_willis> system366, dependencies are a more general term. :) and that thing is wanting specific version of some very core library files.
[16:54] <genii> system366: Stay as your regular user and use sudo
[16:55] <Dr_willis> system366, whats the url to the deb file you got eaarlier?
[16:55] <system366> ummm
[16:55] <system366> just go to www.lightscribe.com click downloads atthe top and go to linux, its top one in the linux section
[16:55] <system366> it tells you how to install it there aswell
[16:55] <wesley_> !adeptfix
[16:55] <ubottu> If an APT front-end crashed and your database is locked, try this in a !terminal: « sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a »
[16:55] <Dr_willis> system366, so you have burnt litescribe disks under linux and they had goofed up labels?
[16:56] <genii> If you're insisting on using rpm packages don't use rpm to install them. Use Alien to make them into deb packages
[16:56] <lyhana8> genii: how can i do this ?
[16:56] <sebastian> system366: what do u mean ?
[16:56] <system366> i havnt tried burning in linux yet
[16:56] <system366> i dont wanna waste disks coz without the latest firmware they will get streaks all over
[16:57] <system366> sudo while under normal user doesnt work iether
[16:58] <sebastian> i can't use the cube without 4 desktops, how do i get more?? :(
[16:58] <Dr_willis> here...letrs make this a LOT easier...
[16:58] <system366> sebastian
[16:58] <Dr_willis> wget http://download.lightscribe.com/ls/lightscribe-
[16:58] <Dr_willis> wget http://uploads.mitechie.com/lightscribe/4l_1.0-r6_i386.deb
[16:58] <system366> go to kmenu
[16:58] <Dr_willis> Install those 2 packages. :)
[16:58] <system366> settings
[16:59] <system366> advanced desktop effects > desktop cube
[16:59] <system366> thange the size of the cube there and it will add faces to the cube
[16:59] <Dr_willis> that is a newer deb on the web site however.
[16:59] <system366> what do i run them with?
[17:00] <Dr_willis> sudo dpkg -i same as you install any other deb. :)
[17:00] <Dr_willis> http://onlyubuntu.blogspot.com/2008/05/howto-install-lightscribe-in-ubuntu.html
[17:00] <sebastian> system366: how do i change the size then? :P
[17:00] <system366> when i clicklink it says Open With tho
[17:00] <Dr_willis> You are just trying to get the litescribe stuff working eh?
[17:00] <Dr_willis> dont click.,use the shell.
[17:00] <system366> i want it to work with propper quality
[17:00] <system366> no streaks
[17:01] <Dr_willis> so you HAVE burnt labels under linux?
[17:01] <Dr_willis> all those docs say to get the thing working was install that one package,, then the laberl program. I imagine the label program loads the firmware updates
[17:01] <system366> no only windows
[17:01] <Dr_willis> Unless thers somne totally different packages/files going on
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[17:02] <Dr_willis> get that first lightscribe package and install it wget http://download.lightscribe.com/ls/lightscribe-
[17:03] <genii> lyhana8: eg mysql --host=
[17:03] <Dr_willis> then the other label maker program --> wget http://download.lightscribe.com/ls/lightscribeApplications-
[17:04] <system366> 1sec
[17:04] <Dr_willis> Hmm i wonder why that tutorial site has a different label maker package name.
[17:04] <system366> coz there are several label makers
[17:04] <lyhana8> genii mysql --host= 1045 (28000): Access denied for user 'lyhana8'@'localhost' (using password: NO)
[17:06] <Dr_willis> ive only seen the one from litescribe for linux the simple maker one.
[17:07] <system366> ooo kk
[17:07] * genii gets some Advils
[17:07] <Dr_willis> that simplelable maker program is... VERY simple. :)
[17:10] <genii> lyhana8: perhaps more like: mysql -p -D databasenamehere
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[17:11] <system366> i dont think its worked :(
[17:12] <Fyl0n> people, I have an Logitech USB Headset and I want to make a skype call and play a game at the same time..
[17:12] <Fyl0n> This headset will only do one of the two.. is it possible to have 2 source at once?
[17:14] <Dr_willis> system366, all i did earlier was install those 2 packates and ran the labelmaker software
[17:14] <Dr_willis> i dident have time to actually burn a label however.
[17:15] <lyhana8> genii it work, i never do this before...
[17:17] <genii> lyhana8: You should probably read up on mysql, since it can be tricky stuff.
[17:19] <Makuseru> Hi, Im having a slight problem. I have a program open and its too long to fit on the screen, but it wont let me resize it horizontally, only vertically. How can i fix this?
[17:20] <FrauHansen> Makuseru: close it? (with xkill) and restart the program...is that an option?
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[17:21] <Makuseru> FrauHansen: no, the program starts like that
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[17:22] <FrauHansen> Makuseru: than try rightklick on window-border->maximize
[17:22] <Dr_willis> Makuseru, hold down the alt key, click and drag also - may help
[17:22] <Makuseru> FrauHansen: all that does is fill it out vertically, its still to long horizontally
[17:22] <Dr_willis> on my laptop theres some games that dont like the vert size. they over hang a little. :(
[17:23] <Dr_willis> Makuseru, what program is this anyway>
[17:23] <Makuseru> Ardour
[17:23] <asfak> i want kde4 theme without square background of desktop icon (similar to opensuse 11). i am running kde4.1b2 on ubuntu
[17:23] <Dr_willis> !info ardour
[17:23] <ubottu> ardour (source: ardour): digital audio workstation (graphical gtk2 interface). In component universe, is optional. Version 1:2.3.1-1 (hardy), package size 8196 kB, installed size 25712 kB
[17:24] <asfak> btw, where are kde4 desktop theme located on my desktop ?
[17:25] <genii> asfak: #kubuntu-kde4 please
[17:25] <asfak> thanks
[17:31] <genii> Makuseru: PErhaps see if you have gtk-qt-engine installed. It should try to make the gkt2 (gnome) applications conform to your qt styles of kde
[17:31] <Makuseru> genii: alright
[17:44] <genii> Makuseru: http://tracker.ardour.org/view.php?id=1240 seems to have some extensive stuff about this specific issue of resizing
=== trojkolka is now known as Trojkolka
[18:10] <helpy> i hate that D-line about freenode
[18:10] <helpy> dynamic IP is a curse.
[18:10] <helpy> anyways how do you configure phpmyadmin in kubuntu ?
[18:11] <Flare183> helpy: I know there is a way
[18:11] <Flare183> hold on
[18:11] <helpy> ok
[18:11] <helpy> i have LAMP installed
[18:11] <john> what default app can i resize an image with?
[18:11] <helpy> i have installed joomla but i can't add database
[18:11] <helpy> johnn gimp
[18:11] <Flare183> !lamp | helpy
[18:11] <ubottu> helpy: LAMP is an acronym for Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP. However, the term is often used for setups using alternative but different software, such as Perl or Python instead of PHP, and Postgres instead of MySQL. For help with setting up LAMP on Ubuntu, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP - See also the Server CD installation process (different in Edgy+)
[18:11] <john> it's not a default app
[18:12] <john> i don't want to download something, i need it right now
[18:12] <helpy> no idea. i resize it with it
[18:12] <helpy> you can have irfanview too
[18:13] <john> there's irfanview for linux?
[18:14] <helpy> wine ?
[18:14] <maccam94> what is the state of kde4 in the remix cd? is it beta or what?
[18:15] <helpy> dunno
[18:15] <helpy> and dont use kde4
[18:15] <helpy> its awful
[18:15] <maccam94> i don't, a friend of mine wants to try it out
[18:16] <Trojkolka> kde4 is awesome, it is just not finished yet, i think normal users should wait for kde4.1 final coming end of july. this kde4.1 is now in beta 2
[18:19] <helpy> its buggy Trojkolka
[18:19] <helpy> if you just want to see graphics all day long freel free to use kde4
[18:20] <stdin> 4.0 is stable, 4.1 is not
[18:20] <helpy> both aren't
[18:20] <stdin> I state fact, it's not up for debate
[18:20] <Trojkolka> i know it's buggy still... it took kde3.5 quite a long time to get stable everywhere too... i'm just saying if you are a normal user you should wait till it's stable released... i'm not a normal user on the other hand
[18:20] <genii> stdin: Hmm. Depends how you define "stable" I suppose
[18:21] <stdin> genii: a non-{alpha,beta,svn} release :)
[18:21] <maccam94> stdin: by that definition Windows ME was stable
[18:21] <voicu> I know I'm asking for much but is there a way of using a ftp site more transparently? Like mounting it to a directory or something
[18:22] <stdin> maccam94: a non-{alpha,beta,svn} release of anything that is not made my microsoft or apple
[18:22] <voicu> Or do you have a better idea on how to share something between a linux and a windows machine easily except samba?
[18:22] <helpy> it won't be stable until 4.3
[18:22] <helpy> thats how it worked for 3.5
[18:22] <lg188> again an kubick atack ?
[18:22] <lg188> krubick*
[18:23] <stdin> helpy: it's your choice if you want to use it, but it'll be default in the next version of kubuntu
[18:23] <stdin> with no option to use 3.5
[18:23] <genii> stdin: NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOoooooooooooooooo.............
[18:23] * genii grumbles obscenities
[18:24] <stdin> kde3 is unmaintained, no choice
[18:24] <helpy> you can always uninstall and get kde3.5
[18:24] <stdin> yeah, and you can always use slackware
[18:24] * BluesKaj seriously considers other linuxes if that's the case ...kde4 totally confuses me
[18:25] <stdin> other distros are going the same way
[18:25] <helpy> hehe they'd lose ppl then..
[18:25] <BluesKaj> oh well, i understand XP to some degree
[18:25] <helpy> kde4 is awful
[18:25] <helpy> back to windows
[18:26] <helpy> :)
[18:27] <trappist> hey what package alters /etc/resolv.conf? I don't even do dhcp, and mine got clobbered and I ended up with no nameservers
[18:28] <helpy> what were you trying to do ?
[18:28] <jussi01> trappist: knetwork manager does iirc
[18:29] <helpy> anyone uses PhpMYadmin on kubuntu ?
[18:30] <trappist> jussi01: this is actually on a server, so maybe I should be asking in the other channel
[18:30] <voicu> how i do i find out my kernel version?
[18:31] <trappist> voicu: uname -r
[18:31] <voicu> thanks
[18:33] <lars_> Is there a way to change what happens when the lid to my laptop is closed. And if so how to i access this?
[18:33] <rfunk> trappist: maybe resolvconf pkg. at least, it's intended for managing that file
[18:33] <trappist> lars_: /etc/acpi/lid.sh I think
[18:34] <trappist> rfunk: I think you're right, thanks - now to figure out which part of it is screwing with my config
[18:36] <lars_> Trappist: you were right it is /etc/acpi/lid.sh but is there any way to do this through the gui and not konsole?
[18:37] <trappist> lars_: I don't know, I'm not much of a gui guy
[18:37] <lars_> trappist: dang, thanks thougth
[18:37] <rfunk> trappist: if it's resolvconf, you should probably put yourcustom stuff in /etc/resolvconf/resolve-conf.d/ files
[18:39] <trappist> rfunk: if it's resolvconf, and I'm not doing dhcp or ppp or anything, it should leave my file alone! but since it's not, yeah, I'll look there, thanks
[18:40] <MurielGodoi> Hi all, anyone had problems with openoffice after lastest updates? I can't see images (toolbar icons and slides backgrounds) in my machine
[18:41] <lars_> not i
[18:42] <voicu> Hi, I need to compile something form source and I need a linux headers. I installed (and reinstalled) linux-headers-2.6.24-16-generic. What else do I need?
[18:42] <voicu> Nevermind, my mistake :P
[18:47] <voicu> OK, I have the 2.6.24-19-generic kernel and the configure for vmware says the files in /usr/src/linux-headers-2.6.24-19-generic/include don't match the kernel
[18:47] <voicu> wtf?
[18:48] <voicu> can i just change include/linux/version.h?
[18:48] <trappist> voicu: what version is your running kernel?
[18:49] <voicu> 2.6.24-19-generic
[18:49] <trappist> voicu: why is it looking in /usr/src?
[18:49] <trappist> or, why do you have your kernel headers there?
[18:50] <voicu> are they not there by default?
[18:50] <voicu> I mean they are there
[18:50] <voicu> dpkg -L says /usr/src/linux...
[18:50] <trappist> voicu: oh, they didn't used to be, but it looks like that's the default now... my bad :)
[18:51] <trappist> voicu: then unless there's a packaging error, I don't know why they wouldn't match your kernel
[18:51] <voicu> can't i change the version.h? what should i put there?
[18:52] <voicu> What is version_code 132632 supposed to mean?
[18:52] <voicu> Or is it just incremented with each release or something?
[18:52] <trappist> voicu: beats me, I think that's new-ish too
[18:52] <voicu> can i find the internal code the kernel uses?
[18:53] <trappist> voicu: I think there's an #ubuntu-kernel channel. you might try there, #ubuntu-devel, and/or #kernelnewbies on irc.oftc.net
[18:53] <voicu> ok, thanks
[19:00] <Admiral_Chicago> anyone know the regex to append to grep to match only lines beginning with numbers
[19:00] <Admiral_Chicago> ls | grep ... etc.
[19:02] <trappist> Admiral_Chicago: egrep '^\d'
[19:03] <trappist> hrm, that didn't work... grep '^[0-9]'
[19:05] <helpy> is anyone running wine ?
[19:06] <helpy> i am sick of configurations
[19:06] <helpy> ;s
[19:08] <trappist> there we go, ls | pcregrep '^\d' :)
[19:09] <dani_> hi
[19:10] <dani_> where is the spanish room for kubuntu?
[19:10] <helpy> #kubuntu-es
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[19:11] <dani_> how can i do to change to this room?
[19:11] <Pici> dani_: /join #somewhere-else
[19:12] <helpy> type /join #kubuntu-es
[19:12] <dani_> thanks
=== damien__ is now known as StultusApparatus
[19:15] <StultusApparatus> Hi, how can I make the music in Amarok (or just in general) come out of my USB headphones?
[19:17] <Admiral_Chicago> trappist: that didn't work...I have a whole bunch of files names in digits and none got listed
[19:18] <StultusApparatus> Anyone?
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[19:18] <trappist> Admiral_Chicago: did you catch my second one?
[19:18] <trappist> 13:03 <trappist> hrm, that didn't work... grep '^[0-9]'
[19:20] <Admiral_Chicago> trappist: yea...copied the wrong one...thanks that works
[19:21] <StultusApparatus> Does anyone know how to get the audio to come out of my headphones?
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[19:26] <voicu> You mean the sound?
[19:32] <Domker_> Hi -> i need help to installation graphic driver for Asus AH2600 Pro (AGP) Someone can help me?
[19:33] <Admiral_Chicago> trappist: how would I do s and then digits? grep .'^[09-]' ?
[19:33] <Admiral_Chicago> err you know what I mean
[19:33] <helpy> you mean drivers for video card Domker_ ?
[19:33] <trappist> Admiral_Chicago: '^s[0-9]' if I understand you correctly
[19:33] <helpy> !ati | Domker_
[19:33] <ubottu> Domker_: For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto
[19:33] <Domker_> @ helpy YES
[19:34] <Admiral_Chicago> trappist: perfect
[19:35] <Domker_> @ubottu i know about this 'howto' but i have only black screen after computer reboot
[19:37] <czarny> heja szukam kogoś z polski
[19:37] <Domker_> to znalaz³e¶ :P
[19:37] <trappist> !po
[19:37] <ubottu> Factoid po not found
[19:38] <trappist> oops
[19:38] <genii> !pl | czarny
[19:38] <ubottu> czarny: Mozesz uzyskac pomoc w jezyku polskim na #ubuntu-pl
[19:38] <raphael__> essai
[19:38] <trappist> there it is
[19:38] <genii> trappist: :)
[19:38] <helpy> Domker_: ubottu is a bot
[19:38] <helpy> why is your computer giving black screen?
[19:40] <Domker_> after videocard drivers instalation i have black screen. I dont know why my computer giving black screen
[19:43] <genii> Domker_: Try the second video plug out on the card
[19:46] <Domker_> genii: oki i try
=== engineer is now known as GoGermany
[20:10] <harmental> hey guys...maybe someone can help..i have realized that my kde applications dont have soud...for instance when a mail arrives kontact doesnt play the notification sound, the login in kde show no sound whatsoever, the same thing with kopete....other than that sound works great on amarak, real player or kaffeine....any ideas?
[20:17] <ScorpKing-Laptop> harmental: check you application settings. for example, you have to set in in kopete before it will work.
[20:18] <harmental> ScorpKing-Laptop: yeah of course...ive already done that...
[20:20] <ScorpKing-Laptop> harmental: under settings -> configure notifications in kopete? does the sound play when you test it there?
[20:20] <harmental> ScorpKing-Laptop: nop
[20:22] <siofwolves> harmental, try alsamixer in a terminal for any obvious volume settings
[20:23] <ScorpKing-Laptop> harmental: you can also check if the sound works in kcontrol -> sound & multimedia -> sound system
[20:23] <ScorpKing-Laptop> g2g. hope you get it fixed. nite guys
[20:23] <ActionParsnip> hey all
[20:26] <ActionParsnip> if im running apache and wanna show web based apps that are running locally on my system. How can I treference these "sites"
[20:28] <ActionParsnip> like running ktorrent with web admin
[20:29] <ik__> still havent got a answer?
[20:29] <ActionParsnip> no :(
[20:29] <ActionParsnip> thought i had one on a site but it was soething different
[20:34] <gabbler> hi, does anyone know that if i install the 4.1 beta when the final version comes out can i just update it once again
[20:35] <jussi01> gabbler: try asking in #kubuntu-kde4
[20:35] <tomasz> hello all
[20:35] <willluongo> Hello! Is it possible to login to another user (let's say User1) without knowing User1's password using superuser credentials in KDE? I want to be able to configure things (on my box) in other user's settings without having to ask for or change their password
[20:35] <gabbler> jussi01: thanks will do
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[20:36] <t0m3k> who have the problem with skype on ubuntu ?
[20:36] <jmichaelx> will grub recognize an installation of freebsd after installing linux to a free partition
[20:36] <jmichaelx> ?
[20:37] <mooperd> I want to install kubuntu onto a usb key
[20:37] <mooperd> does anyone have a good guide for doing this
[20:38] <ActionParsnip> mooper http://digg.com/linux_unix/Run_Ubuntu_7_10_Gutsy_Gibbon_from_your_USB_Flash_Drive
[20:38] <t0m3k> is enybody there?
[20:38] <ActionParsnip> t0m3k: sup
[20:38] <ActionParsnip> !ask | t0m3k
[20:38] <ubottu> t0m3k: Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-)
[20:41] <t0m3k> who have the problem with Skype?
[20:42] <mooperd> Action parsnip
[20:43] <mooperd> ActionParsnip, ta
[20:54] <Miroku-Sama> hey does kubuntu find codecs and such automatically like ubuntu does? I need that ability I'm setting this up for a windows user so..
[21:01] <zipper> I have 2 soundcards in my pc. One onboard, and an audigy2. I have a keyboard with volume control keys (logitech ultraX) and they work perfect, the OSD volume thing shows up, but there is no actual change in volume. I had to use asoundconf to set my audigy as default instead of the onboard card. How do i make the volume keys work with this setup?
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[21:10] <zipper> Anyone? Dont be shy
[21:11] <ActionParsnip> sup zipper?
[21:12] <zipper> I have 2 soundcards in my pc. One onboard, and an audigy2. I have a keyboard with volume control keys (logitech ultraX) and they work perfect, the OSD volume thing shows up, but there is no actual change in volume. I had to use asoundconf to set my audigy as default instead of the onboard card. How do i make the volume keys work with this setup?
[21:13] <mado> hi guys ...
[21:13] <zipper> hi
[21:13] <mado> hello zipper :)
[21:13] <ActionParsnip> zipper: do you use the onboard at all?
[21:13] <zipper> not really, no
[21:13] <ActionParsnip> zipper: disable it on bios
[21:13] <mado> well guys ... i heard about something strange ...
[21:14] <zipper> i guess that would work, but i dont really like that way of solving it =/
[21:14] <zipper> there must be somewhere where you can specify what soundcard the volume keys are supposed to use
[21:14] <ActionParsnip> zipper: it makes sense
[21:15] <mado> a company must erase their digital files on a hard disk completely so that no one can read them again ... because one could recover the files with a recoveryprogram ... so ...
[21:15] <ActionParsnip> it forces your sound stuff to point to the only sound device which is your audigy
[21:15] <mado> i wanted to know how these companies should delete the files
[21:15] <zipper> mado, physically destroy the harddrives
[21:15] <zipper> only way to be 100% sure
[21:15] <ActionParsnip> zipper: you may find its looking at your onboard
[21:15] <mado> and if you don't want to destroy them but to sell them?
[21:16] <mado> or if you want to give them away for schools or something like that?
[21:16] <zipper> mado, then you just format the harddrive a few times and hope none of the buyers never attempt to bring back the old data
[21:16] <ActionParsnip> mado: on the ultimatebootcd theres a scrubber which does 6 passes of bit invertion
[21:16] <ActionParsnip> zipper: formatting doesnt destroy data
[21:16] <mado> ActionParsnip, ... what does that mean? ... i'm a beginner
[21:16] <zipper> afaik formatting in dos automaticly overwrites the sectors
[21:16] <ActionParsnip> mado: drives contain bits stored as 1s and 0s
[21:17] <mado> *listens to ActionParsnip*
[21:17] <ShadowKnight> Hello all.
[21:17] <ActionParsnip> mado: formatting resets up the FAT of the drive so the partition seens empty
[21:18] <ActionParsnip> mado: to remove data fully you have to overwrite the data
[21:18] <ActionParsnip> mado: disk scrubbers will either fill the drive with 1s or 0s
[21:18] <Shirakawasuna> load knoppix/a livecd
[21:18] <Shirakawasuna> dd if=/dev/null of=/dev/yourhd
[21:18] <ActionParsnip> mado: or write 1 then 0 then 1 then 0 a number of times
[21:18] <Shirakawasuna> that'll write 0s to the HD
[21:19] <Shirakawasuna> dd if=/dev/urandom of=/dev/yourhd will write 'random' bits to he drive
[21:19] <Shirakawasuna> I do both when I get rid of a drive
[21:19] <ActionParsnip> mado: doing it a few times helps to kill data as oscilloscopes can be used if you simply write a single sweep to a partition
[21:19] <zipper> There is no such thing as "fully" remove the data. I really cant recommend your company reselling those drives if they contain sensitive data
[21:19] <zipper> if someone is dedicated enough, there is a risk of them being able to recover that data
[21:19] <Shirakawasuna> you can run what I listed above (both) a couple of times
[21:19] <Shirakawasuna> that will do a pretty good job, iirc
[21:20] <mado> well ... hmm ... could you possibly tell me how i can do it on my own computer just for a test to see if it works?
[21:20] <ShadowKnight> Don't do it if you only have one hard disk!
[21:20] <mado> well ShadowKnight ... i would like to do it and then just install the system again :)
[21:20] <mado> or does this procedure destroy my hdd?
[21:21] <mado> just for fun :)
[21:21] <zipper> if it destroyed your hdd, it wouldnt be very nice of you to sell those hdd =)
[21:21] <Shirakawasuna> mado: if you want to wipe the disc for security purposes, do what I recommended...
[21:21] <Shirakawasuna> mado: if you just want to reinstall and don't care about old data being found, you can just reformat
[21:21] <ShadowKnight> You WILL lose any data you had that wasn't backed up, regardless of system reinstall
[21:22] <lyhana8> does anybody us word translation feature of google toolbar on firefox 3 ?
[21:22] <mado> yeah ok ... but i wanted to try this out ... i'd like to delete everything ...
[21:22] <mado> and then try to recover it :)
[21:22] <genii> !info wipe
[21:22] <ubottu> wipe (source: wipe): Secure file deletion. In component universe, is extra. Version 0.21-3 (hardy), package size 42 kB, installed size 132 kB
[21:22] <mado> wipe doesn't work with "ntfs" and "ext3"
[21:23] <mado> and shred too
[21:23] <ShadowKnight> Oh well, just make sure you have anything you need on tape or dvd.
[21:23] <mado> i hope i don't sound crazy
[21:23] <ShadowKnight> Nah, actually sounds fun.
[21:23] <mado> do you really mean that? :)
[21:24] <Shirakawasuna> mado: do dd if=/dev/null of=/dev/yourhd and wee if you can recover ;)
[21:24] <ShadowKnight> I would do it if I had enough back up space.
[21:24] <mado> and where do i write "dd if=/dev/null of=/dev/yourhd" ??
[21:24] <ShadowKnight> And the funds for a new hard disk, in case I screwed up too much.
[21:24] <ShadowKnight> But I don't :(
[21:24] <ActionParsnip> mado: ultimatebootcd does it for you :)
[21:24] <ActionParsnip> mado: plus its got some other sweet apps
[21:25] <mado> so ok ... how much is the cd?
[21:25] <ShadowKnight> Is that the one that gets the passwords?
[21:25] <mado> or is it for free?
[21:25] <mado> a cd that gets passwords? ... that'll be great for another thing i'd like to try out :) ... but that's more a sad than a happy story
[21:26] <ActionParsnip> mado: hell yeah!
[21:26] <ActionParsnip> mado: yeah it can reset NT passwords too
[21:26] <ShadowKnight> Oh, there definitely is a password one for free. The one I heard of only does XP though.
[21:26] <mado> so ... wait a sec ActionParsnip ...
[21:27] <ActionParsnip> ShadowKnight: yeah its got the password cracker
[21:27] <mado> i download the ultimatebootcd
[21:27] <mado> then i run the cd
[21:27] <lyhana8> someone use google toolbar on firefox 3 ?
[21:27] <mado> and just write "dd if=/dev/null of=/dev/yourhd" ?
[21:27] <ActionParsnip> mado: yeah, md5 check it, burn it, boot to it
[21:27] <ActionParsnip> mado: no, its an option in the menu
[21:27] <ActionParsnip> lyhana8: i do
[21:27] <ShadowKnight> For sensitive data though, I'd use a powerful em pulse generator after any wipe software. But I'm just paranoid.
[21:28] <mado> and it can delete and overwrite files on "ext3" AND "ntfs" ?
[21:28] <lyhana8> ActionParsnip: do you have wordtranslation feature ?
[21:28] <ActionParsnip> mado: could bet anything
[21:28] <ActionParsnip> mado: its gonna write 1s and 0s to your drive
[21:28] <stdin> the command "dd if=/dev/null of=/dev/yourhd" will overwrite the whole drive with 0's
[21:28] <stdin> think "factory reset"
[21:29] <ActionParsnip> mado: if you use MoD setting it'll do 6 passes and is sufficient for the ministry of defence
[21:29] <ShadowKnight> EM pulse all the way.
=== benoitj is now known as nightrow
[21:29] <mado> i don't want to kill myself ShadowKnight :)
[21:29] <zipper> What happend to good old fashioned magnets?
[21:29] <stdin> give it a few blasts from /dev/urandom then /dev/zero ;)
[21:29] <ShadowKnight> EM pulses don't kill you! You've been watching too much Star Trek.
[21:29] <ActionParsnip> lyhana8: not sure, i dont use that function
[21:30] <mado> it could kill me ... what if was a machine instead of a human? :)
[21:30] <mado> sorry!
[21:30] <mado> didn't want to sound that crazy :)
[21:31] <ShadowKnight> I'm assuming your not an IRC bot, or I'm calling the FBI. Rogue AI! Run for your lives!!
[21:31] <ActionParsnip> lyhana8: install it, if its not for you, uninstall
[21:31] <lyhana8> i just install it 15m ago
[21:31] <mado> i am a human ... i'm just ... well ... let it put that way ... i'm just trying out to say some crazy things sometimes
[21:32] <ShadowKnight> lyhana8 , google translations aren't too reliable, but they basically do the job.
[21:32] <ShadowKnight> If mind not read message this like.
[21:33] <lyhana8> ShadowKnight: yes i know, i use it only for word translation not page translation and often double check with stardict
[21:33] <mado> one more thing guys ... i'm sorry but i can't find the function on the cd
[21:33] <joker123> hello room
[21:33] <ActionParsnip> hi joker123
[21:33] <joker123> how are you to day
[21:33] <ShadowKnight> Hi joker123
[21:33] <mado> because there are more than one as it seems
[21:33] <lyhana8> hi joker123
[21:34] <ShadowKnight> lyhana8 so what's the trouble?
[21:34] <lyhana8> i used it on Fx2, but it was not supported on Fx3 until few days
[21:35] <ShadowKnight> Right. So the problem is/
[21:35] <ShadowKnight> ?
[21:35] <joker123> i am new to linuxs can enny one help me figure out why my 2nd hard drive isnt reading
[21:35] <lg188> wat is the extesion of a script that normaly is typed in cosole ?
[21:35] <lyhana8> ShadowKnight: but now i can't find the tool tabs
[21:35] <mado> i hope you're not mad at me ShadowKnight
[21:35] <ShadowKnight> Why, mado?
[21:35] <lg188> Konsole
[21:35] <ActionParsnip> lg188: anything you want
[21:35] <lg188> ?
[21:35] <mado> because i said some silly things
[21:35] <ActionParsnip> lg188: sh ./scriptname.thisisascript
[21:35] <willluongo> joker: Do you know if it is mounted?
[21:35] <lg188> just a plain text is also good
[21:35] <ShadowKnight> So? This is irc.
[21:36] <lg188> oh kk
[21:36] <lg188> thnx
[21:36] <ActionParsnip> lg188: just chmod u+x it
[21:36] <joker123> it dosnt seam to want to mount
[21:36] <mado> well ... you shouldn't think that i'm a dumb person
[21:36] <mado> or crazy
[21:36] <ActionParsnip> lg188: file extensions dont mean masses in linux
[21:36] <ActionParsnip> lg188: thats a dos constriction that windows still panders to
[21:36] <ShadowKnight> What I think is that you're over-defensive, mado
[21:37] <ShadowKnight> The general form is .sh lg188 .
[21:37] <mado> do you mean that because i want to erase and overwrite my hdd?
[21:37] <willluongo> joker123: Did you add the hard drive after installing Linux?
[21:38] <ShadowKnight> No, because you're afraid you sound crazy.
[21:38] <joker123> this is a hole new exp for me i am trying to lern how to build progs an such but i am all to new at this .
[21:38] <ShadowKnight> I don't mind sounding crazy.
[21:38] <ShadowKnight> Watch:
[21:38] <ShadowKnight> Squirrel.
[21:38] <ShadowKnight> See?
[21:38] <ShadowKnight> Crazy.
[21:38] <ActionParsnip> you crazym ShadowKnight
[21:38] <joker123> i think it is installed
[21:38] <ShadowKnight> Why thank you ActionParsnip .
[21:39] <mado> well ... i'm not always like that ... i just want to try it out sometimes to write some nonsense
[21:39] <ActionParsnip> does anyone know how long a kipper is? my chinese blunderbuss malfunctioned when i ingested a kernel module
[21:39] <willluongo> joker123: what I mean is did you physically add the hard drive after your linux was already installed on the first?
[21:40] <joker123> it was alredy in the comp
[21:40] <ShadowKnight> The alpha phase reductor is going into anti-gravity mass! Launch escape zig!
[21:40] <joker123> srry
[21:40] <mado> zig? ... that reminds me of the game that hasn't been translated quite good
[21:41] <Rioting_pacifist> does anybody know where i can find out about using sudo in scripts (or more precisely not using it)?
[21:41] <mado> ShadowKnight, ... look at this ... it doesn't support "ext3" http://dban.sourceforge.net/features.html
[21:41] <ActionParsnip> Rioting_pacifist: in what way?
[21:41] <mado> that's one of the programs that is on the cd
[21:41] <lyhana8> why does Fx3 always reset the hiding status of my toolbar (google, webdev, etc.)
[21:42] <willluongo> joker123: what does it say when you type df -h into a konsole (or hit alt-f2)
[21:42] <Rioting_pacifist> well ive written a script to unload my modules when my wireless card is turned off, but i dont want to be prompted for my password everytime this happens.
[21:42] <ShadowKnight> Well, I honestly don't know much about filesystems.
[21:43] <mado> ok :)
[21:43] <mado> ActionParsnip, ... what do you say? ...
[21:43] <joker123> nuthing
[21:43] <ShadowKnight> Really, the best way to protect the data would be to toss the hard disks into the furnace. Reselling them is not a good idea.
[21:43] <mado> http://dban.sourceforge.net/features.html ... looks like this program on the cd doesn't support "ext3"
[21:43] <ActionParsnip> Rioting_pacifist: dont you need sudo to turn the card off?
[21:43] <joker123> the box went a way .
[21:43] <ShadowKnight> lyhana8 what is the name of your plugin?
[21:44] <Rioting_pacifist> ActionParsnip: no theres a physical switch that turns it on/off
[21:44] <ActionParsnip> mado: it doesnt matter whats on there, its gonna blast 1s and 0s, or you coulld repartition with fdisk, not format it then run it
[21:44] <willluongo> joker123: sorry, just do it directly in a terminal (konsole)
[21:44] <lyhana8> it's the official google toolbar 3
[21:44] <ActionParsnip> Rioting_pacifist: ahh i see
[21:44] <joker123> what do you mean
[21:44] <willluongo> joker123: hit alt-f2 then type konsole
[21:45] <willluongo> then type df -h in the little box that comes up
[21:45] <Rioting_pacifist> im not sure if i should do something freaky with setuid or do something freaky with sudo/sudoers or if im completly wrong
[21:45] <lyhana8> ShadowKnight: Google Toolbar version 3.1.20080605L
[21:45] <mado> well guys ... i think i will just try it out then
[21:46] <joker123> ill be back in a minut
[21:46] <ShadowKnight> Hmm... Well, I've never used that plugin, so I can't really help you, sorry lyhana8
[21:46] <mado> if i have another question i will use my brother's computer to ask you or other guys
[21:46] <nightrow> i'm looking for a mp3 player like xmms, which seems not to be packaged in recent kubuntu releases. Any idea on a lightweight player ? (amarok is way too big and complicated for what i need)
[21:47] <Rioting_pacifist> !xmms
[21:47] <ubottu> xmms is no longer being developed, see http://bugs.debian.org/461309 for more details. Consider using audacious instead.
[21:47] <Jahromeo> anyone around to toss me a bit of help wrt grub and error 17?
[21:47] <Rioting_pacifist> nightrow: i think there is either xmms2 or beep
[21:47] <Jahromeo> !grub
[21:47] <ActionParsnip> nightrow: aplay is good or mplayer
[21:47] <ubottu> grub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto
[21:47] <lyhana8> ShadowKnight: -.- i explain which addons it was since the beginning, you're crazy XD
[21:47] <joker123> im back
[21:47] <nightrow> xmms2 is more a client/server i think ? don't want to bother with complicated configuration
[21:48] <Rioting_pacifist> isnt audacious a 'big' player (ala amarok)?
[21:48] <ShadowKnight> Yes lyhana8, yes I am.
[21:49] <Jahromeo> I have windows on 1 drive, Kubuntu on another - but i just installed kubuntu after windows was installed and now the grub is throwing out error 17 - both os's are on 2 sep hdd's
[21:49] <ActionParsnip> Jahromeo: does it boot either system?
[21:49] <Jahromeo> no it just says grub error 17
[21:50] <joker123> when i typ hf-h into the konsole it says comand not found
[21:50] <Jahromeo> ActionParsnip: it just says grub error 17
[21:50] <Jahromeo> my windows is on a 320gb sata and my kubuntu on a 40gb ide - which i partioned as 20/20 and will shortly be moving my new windows install to that drive
[21:50] <Jahromeo> so as to free up the 320 gb for media
[21:50] <ActionParsnip> Jahromeo: what does grub error 17 mean?
[21:51] <Jahromeo> ActionParsnip: i dont know thats all it says
[21:51] <Jahromeo> grub - error 17
[21:51] <Jahromeo> hence im here
[21:51] <ActionParsnip> Jahromeo: www.google.com
[21:51] <Jahromeo> ActionParsnip: couldnt boot into anything - on the livcd atm, despite the fact kubuntu is installed
[21:51] <ShadowKnight> It might be on the ubuntu forums, Jahromeo http://ubuntuforums.org/
[21:52] <ActionParsnip> Jahromeo: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=442945
[21:52] <ActionParsnip> Jahromeo: http://forums.gentoo.org/viewtopic.php?t=120802
[21:52] <joker123> willuongo it says com not found
[21:52] <Jahromeo> thanks
[21:53] <Jahromeo> looking at that as is
[21:53] <ActionParsnip> Jahromeo: thats in a gentoo forum but grub is grub
[21:53] <willluongo> joker123: When does it say that?
[21:53] <joker123> willuongo i typed it in and hit enter then it says it
[21:54] <ShadowKnight> Hmm... this is strange. Has anyone had trouble recording with audacity in Hardy Kubuntu?
[21:54] <willluongo> joker: when you typed in konsole?
[21:54] <Jahromeo> seems to be bios related
[21:54] <joker123> yes
[21:54] <willluongo> joker123: are you sure you are running Kubuntu then?
[21:54] <joker123> yes i insalled it last knigh t
[21:55] <Jahromeo> rebooting
[21:55] <Jahromeo> thanks
[21:55] <poon> i've got a question
[21:56] <poon> i've got a question, i'm trying to set up a jailed ssh system for my clients to login to my box and edit thier files.. I've been googling for quite some time but no luck :/
[21:56] <willluongo> joker123: Are you sure you spelled it correctly? alternatively, in the kmenu --> System you can select konsole
[21:56] <poon> when someone gets a chance, any help would be greatly appreciated :D
[21:56] <joker123> fd-hi have it up
[21:57] <willluongo> joker123: df -h
[21:57] <joker123> srry i hav the konsolke up
[21:57] <willluongo> !ask | poon
[21:57] <ubottu> poon: Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-)
[21:57] <joker123> konsloe
[21:58] <willluongo> joker123: now type df -h into the konsole
[21:58] <lyhana8> poon you need a ssh server, add it as default rc
[21:58] <poon> i'm already running the ssh server
[21:59] <joker123> it says
[21:59] <joker123> df-h: command not found
[21:59] <willluongo> joker123: you need the space
[22:00] <joker123> what do you mean i nead the space
[22:00] <zipper> I have 2 soundcards in my pc. One onboard, and an audigy2. I have a keyboard with volume control keys (logitech ultraX) and they work perfect, the OSD volume thing shows up, but there is no actual change in volume. I had to use asoundconf to set my audigy as default instead of the onboard card. How do i make the volume keys work with this setup? There must be somewhere you can specify what soundcard the keys are connected to....?
[22:00] <lyhana8> poon
[22:00] <lyhana8> install :
[22:00] <lyhana8> sudo aptitude install openssh-server
[22:00] <lyhana8> update-rc.d ssh defaults
[22:00] <lyhana8> usage :
[22:00] <lyhana8> ssh user@ip_or_alias
[22:00] <lyhana8> or to enable launch of GUI :
[22:00] <lyhana8> ssh -Y user@host
[22:00] <lyhana8> or using konqueror :
[22:00] <lyhana8> fish://user@host
[22:00] <joker123> ok srr y it brough tsomthing els up
[22:00] <poon> ok lyhana8, then what to jail them?
[22:01] <poon> i've already got that package earlier today, so i'm ready for the next step
[22:01] <joker123> willuongo it only shows the on that it is installed on
[22:02] <mafesa83> hello people.... how are you?
[22:02] <willluongo> joker123: I'm sorry I have to get going, hopefully someone else will be able to help you further from this point.
[22:02] <joker123> ty for helping me this fare
[22:02] <ShadowKnight> Hello mafesa83
[22:03] <lyhana8> poon do YOU manage to access your server from another computer ?
[22:03] <mafesa83> my lenguage of english is bad
=== ubuntu__ is now known as Jahromeo
[22:03] <poon> yeah lyhana8
[22:04] <Jahromeo> meh k so that didnt help - grub 17 error upon installing kubuntu to a seperate hardrive than the existing win xp install - any ideas how to fix?
[22:04] <poon> the ssh server is up and running, has been for months, but i'm taking on new clients and they need shells.. i just want to jail them so they cant leave thier directories
[22:05] <lyhana8> poon jail them ? you mean on a specific folder ?
[22:05] <poon> yes sir
[22:05] <ShadowKnight> jahromeo, keep looking on ubuntu forums till you find something that helps you
[22:05] <mafesa83> you speaking in spanish? <shadow knight>
[22:05] <ShadowKnight> No, sorry mafesa83
[22:05] <Jahromeo> meh its a pain in the ass to keep resetting
[22:05] <Jahromeo> i only got 1 pc
[22:05] <Jahromeo> so icant stay on irc
[22:05] <mafesa83> ummm..... ni modos
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[22:07] <lyhana8> poon i think you will do this with user/group right
[22:07] <poon> well i was looking for a different way to do it
[22:07] <mafesa83> i'm problem of the kmail and configuration of hotmail
[22:07] <poon> half is because every time i try to set it up so only one person can look at one file, i mess it up
[22:07] <ShadowKnight> Oh, well I can't get kmail to work at all mafesa83 , sorry.
[22:07] <Jahromeo> what can i type in konsole to get a list of my partitiions/hdds?
[22:08] <ShadowKnight> Did you try change file permissions for directories, poon ?
[22:08] <poon> i'm not sure the approach i should take to do that ShadowKnight
[22:08] <mafesa83> ok
[22:08] <ShadowKnight> Just use chmod on directories.
[22:08] <poon> i've tried to do it via groups but :/
[22:09] <poon> i suppose i could make a group for every person, and limit thier /home/<user> directory to only thier group
[22:09] <mafesa83> bay
[22:09] <ShadowKnight> That could work poon
[22:09] <poon> but how do you chmod a directory for groups again?
[22:10] <ShadowKnight> http://www.linuxcommand.org/lts0070.php#chgrp poon
[22:10] <poon> thanks man
[22:10] <Lupus> Hello everybody :) Question about sound/audio/alsa/skype/etc - I'm trying to setup my system to be able to record things and I've had limited success but I've managed to set the default recording channel with amixer to 'MIX' to record basicly everything which I was certain would work... but if skype plays a sound or as it seems tries to use the sound system... the recording is interupted - What can I do?
[22:12] <Lupus> This is not the case with my OTHER applications which, instead, either get recorded (yay) or claim the device is busy
[22:13] <Lupus> What I need to do is allow my mic to be recorded by skype.... and everything by audacity
[22:13] <ShadowKnight> try setting audacity to record only audio out.
[22:14] <Lupus> I don't know if I'm being clear enough
[22:14] <Lupus> I need to record my mic and everything from skype... how does one do this?
[22:14] <Lupus> !skype
[22:14] <ubottu> To install Skype on Ubuntu, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Skype - To record on Skype, check: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SkypeRecordingHowto
[22:14] <Lupus> That said... I had o success with the Skype Recording HowTo
[22:15] <Lupus> Might just be the version I'm using, but theres no vsound package on hardy
[22:15] <ShadowKnight> Did you activate all your repositories?
[22:16] <Lupus> Yes!
[22:16] <ShadowKnight> Did you have the vsound package on any older versions of kubuntu?
[22:16] <poon> hey ShadowKnight, i cant seem to find the command to add a person to a group, do you know it off the top of your head
[22:17] <Lupus> ShadowKnight: No, before this I never knew that such a package existed
[22:17] <ShadowKnight> no, but I can find it poon hold on.
[22:18] <Z0RG> À òóò êòî-íèáóäü ðàçãîâàðèâàåò ïî-ðóññêè? )
[22:18] <zipper> I have a keyboard with volume keys. When i press them, the volume picture-thingie shows up, but i have 2 soundcards and apparently it changes the volume for the wrong soundcard. How can i make those key affect all soundcards, or just the right one?
[22:19] <Level15> zipper: fix sound card numbering by inserting modules in the approrpiate order
[22:20] <zipper> How to do that?
[22:20] <ShadowKnight> poon, heres a tutorial http://www.yolinux.com/TUTORIALS/LinuxTutorialManagingGroups.html
[22:20] <Nece228> i have problem, i cant watch youtube clips in konqueror
[22:20] <zipper> i just used asoundconf set-default-card to specify what card i want to use
[22:20] <ShadowKnight> It includes group creation.
[22:20] <Level15> zipper: mess up your modules.conf or the like
[22:20] <Nece228> i see only grey screen
[22:20] <ShadowKnight> Nece228 do you have Adobe Flash Player installed?
[22:21] <Nece228> sure
[22:21] <Nece228> and in firefox everythoml works fine
[22:21] <Nece228> *everythink
[22:21] <zipper> Level15, uhm... okay....
[22:21] <Nece228> in konqueror and opera i cant watch clips
[22:22] <zipper> Anyone know how to do what level15 is suggesting?
[22:22] <Nece228> i hear the sound of clip but the clip screen is gray
[22:22] <ShadowKnight> Well, I'm not sure if flash is supported in konq and opera
[22:22] <Odd-rationale> flash is supported in konqueror and opera.
[22:23] <Nece228> yeah, and flash games working fine in konqueror
[22:23] <ShadowKnight> Hmm.
[22:23] <Z0RG> I'm see flash in Firefox, all good +)
[22:23] <Level15> zipper: look for your modules.conf or modprobe.conf or something like that on etc. there, write which modules you want on what order
[22:24] <Nece228> i see clips in firefox, but i dont see them in opera and konq
[22:25] <ShadowKnight> So, err... Just use firefox. It's faster and more secure anyway.
[22:25] <Z0RG> oooh understand you )
[22:25] <Z0RG> I know how fix this problem
[22:25] <Z0RG> Use Firefox! =)))
[22:26] <Nece228> i hate firefox
[22:26] <zipper> level15, all i could find was /etc/modeprobe.d/alsa-base - but as far as i can see, both soundcards are set to index = -2... whatever that means
[22:26] <Nece228> memory hog
[22:26] <ShadowKnight> Actually, the new version uses less memory than opera
[22:26] <Nece228> and opera is still faster than ff
[22:26] <ShadowKnight> Did you install Firefox 3?
[22:26] <Level15> zipper: not sure, but try setting the one you want controlled by the keyborad buttons to index 0 and the other one to 1, reboot and try
[22:26] <Level15> it might just work
[22:26] <Nece228> it working slower
[22:26] <Odd-rationale> Nece228: here. try this. download the tarball from adobe (http://fpdownload.macromedia.com/get/flashplayer/current/install_flash_player_9_linux.tar.gz)
[22:26] <Nece228> it runs slower
[22:27] <zipper> worth a try, thanks.... now to the joy of figuring out which of these unreadible lines are connected to my soundcard....
[22:27] <Odd-rationale> Nece228: extract it, but ignore the inxtructions...
[22:27] <Z0RG> hmmm in version 3.0 fix many memory leaks
[22:27] <Odd-rationale> instructions...
[22:27] <Odd-rationale> Nece228: tell me when you got that....
[22:27] <Jahromeo> man i hate bloody installs that dont work
[22:27] <Jahromeo> makes me doubt linux
[22:27] <ShadowKnight> You can see your installed driver in opera by going to tools/advanced/plugins
[22:28] <ShadowKnight> *driver = plugin
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[22:29] <Nece228> i extracted
[22:30] <rimen> can someone help me with source.list
[22:30] <Odd-rationale> Nece228: ok. now create a folder called ~/.netscape/plugins
[22:30] <Odd-rationale> Nece228: remember it is case-sensitive. and don't forget the "."
[22:30] <Jahromeo> man im a bloody noob and it makes it hard
[22:30] <Jahromeo> grrr
[22:31] <Nece228> ok i created
[22:31] <rimen> can someone help me with source.list, I realy need help
[22:31] <Odd-rationale> Nece228: now move/copy the libflashplayer.so that you extracted to ~/.netscape/plugins
[22:32] <ShadowKnight> any luck, poon?
[22:32] <Nece228> ok
[22:32] <Nece228> i did
[22:32] <Odd-rationale> Nece228: you created 2 folders. right? put "plugins" inside ".netscape"?
[22:32] <Nece228> yeah
[22:32] <Odd-rationale> Nece228: just checking... :P
[22:33] <Odd-rationale> Nece228: now go to konqueror --> settings --> configure konqueror --> plugins
[22:33] <doflex> acabo de instalar kubuntu a ver si aprendo algo , viva linux
[22:34] <Schuenemann> I just turned on my computer and it seems KDE is using some sort of zoom and I can't see the whole screen. The screen "pans" whenever the mouse touches the border. How do I disable this annoying feature?
[22:34] <mooperd> how do I check if my pen drive is bootable? I have been trying to set up a kubuntu usb pen but it wont boot. it just gets to Veryfying DMI pool data.......
[22:34] <doflex> jajajajaja, que pasa que nadie dice viva !!!!!
[22:34] <Nece228> ok
[22:34] <Odd-rationale> Nece228: in the plugin file path list, make sure $HOME/.netscape/plugins is at the top.
[22:34] <Nece228> ok
[22:34] <Nece228> i did that
[22:35] <Odd-rationale> Nece228: then click "scan for new plugins" --> save
[22:35] <zipper> How do i enable fan-control? Right now both my GPU and CPU is running on full speed - permanently (core2duo and geforce 8600)
[22:35] <Nece228> ok i did that
[22:35] <Odd-rationale> Nece228: double-check the plugins tab to make sure that it detects the flashplayer
[22:36] <Odd-rationale> Nece228: then restart konqueror. and try going to http://www.youtube.com/
[22:36] <Nece228> it detected
[22:36] <ShadowKnight> Schuenemann : Your resolution is probably too high. Lower it by right clicking on the desktop and selecting configure desktop
[22:37] <ShadowKnight> Actually, wait.
[22:37] <ShadowKnight> In the new version, it should be in the K menu
[22:37] <Schuenemann> I switched to 1440x900 and nothing changed
[22:38] <Nece228> Odd-rationale: thanks, now its working
[22:38] <ShadowKnight> That's still very high. What does your monitor support?
[22:38] <Schuenemann> actually no resolution is changing anything
[22:38] <Schuenemann> it supports 1440x900, that what I've been using
[22:38] <Odd-rationale> Nece228: same in opera. i don't remember where the plugins config settings are. but point it to the ~/.netscape/plugins/libflashplayer.so file
[22:38] <Odd-rationale> Nece228: good luck!
[22:38] <Schuenemann> ShadowKnight, I'll shut X down. brb
[22:38] <Nece228> Odd-rationale: thanks!
[22:40] <Schuenemann> ShadowKnight, it's better now
[22:40] <Schuenemann> very weird though
[22:40] <reese> hi! i've installed firefox 3, but internet doesn't work on it
[22:40] <ShadowKnight> Why weird/
[22:40] <ShadowKnight> ?
[22:41] <reese> how can I switch from offline mode to online mode?
[22:41] <Schuenemann> first, because I didn't change it. Second, because I had to restart X to see the changes.
[22:42] <ShadowKnight> Hmm... That is weird.
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[22:52] <Z0RG> reese: file -> uncheck "work offline" ?
[22:53] <reese> solved it, thanks
[22:53] <Z0RG> There is nothing )
[22:57] <ShadowKnight> hmm... I'm having an interesting problem. This is the first time I'm using Audacity in Hardy, and it worked fine in LTS, but now Audacity and in fact any sound recorders just freeze when I try to record. Can someone help me?
[23:00] <Z0RG> sorry man i don't know )
[23:01] <zipper> I have a keyboard with volume keys (logitech ultraX). When i press them, the volume OSD-thingie shows up, but i have 2 soundcards and apparently it changes the volume for the wrong soundcard. How can i make those key affect all soundcards, or maybe just the right one?
[23:01] <Z0RG> At me happens freezy amarok but it is not connected in any way with record
[23:02] <Z0RG> [01:19] <Level15> zipper: fix sound card numbering by inserting modules in the approrpiate order
[23:02] <ShadowKnight> mmm. Sounds like this is a widespread problem then Z0RG
[23:03] <zipper> Z0RG, Yeah, i need some help doing that. Cant find the file where the soundcard modules are specified. I wanted to ask level15 but he left =/
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[23:05] <blistov> i accidentally installed using Canadian key layout, but the console can't deal with the accents.How do I switch it back to US?
[23:06] <ShadowKnight> Try installing SCIM
[23:06] <zipper> Z0RG, if you know anything about this, it would be greatly appriciated
[23:06] <Z0RG> Excuse, but I think, that I cannot help you with this question. At most there was no necessity to be engaged in such distortions:)
[23:07] <ShadowKnight> Or, blistov, you can go to systemsettings/regional_and_language and try changing it.
[23:07] <blistov> Thats kde.
[23:07] <blistov> not my tty's man.
[23:07] <blistov> its system wide.
[23:08] <blistov> In most distro's it'd just be in /etc/
[23:08] <blistov> Normaly configured in /etc/locales
[23:08] <ShadowKnight> Right. So go to system_settings/regional_and_language and install the US language pack. It should work for all environments.
[23:08] <blistov> That doesn't change it system wie.
[23:09] <blistov> wide.
[23:09] <blistov> only in kde
[23:11] <ShadowKnight> Well, SCIM works system wide and emulates basically any language, so you could use that.
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[23:16] <oblenob> I am moving over to kubuntu tomorrow :) when I will finally say goodbye to Micro$oft windows
[23:16] <oblenob> :)
[23:16] <dorian_> is kubuntu better than ubuntu?
[23:17] <dorian_> i ave ubuntu 8.04 lts
[23:17] <dorian_> have
[23:17] <dorian_> :)
[23:17] <dorian_> Let me know when you install it
[23:17] <dorian_> oops
[23:17] <dorian_> :(
[23:19] <ShadowKnight> oblenob: make sure everything works in kubuntu before getting rid of windows!
[23:20] <Tonren> Can someone help me enable 256 colors mode for Konsole, please?
[23:21] <blistov> I just want my locale back to en_US.
[23:21] <Tonren> blistov: sudo locale-gen en_US.UTF-8
[23:21] <Tonren> blistov: sudo dpkg-reconfigure locales
[23:22] <blistov> will that actually switch the default locale?
[23:23] <Tonren> blistov: Ooh. I'm not sure. Hmmm.
[23:24] <blistov> Neither.
[23:24] <blistov> Gentoo I know how :)
[23:26] <dorian_> i am downloading kubuntu
[23:27] <DariToK> ey, does any body have a list of servers to conect to efnet?
[23:28] <DariToK> ???
[23:37] <r0cks0ul> hi need a littile help here making a parition active
[23:37] <r0cks0ul> and boot
[23:37] <r0cks0ul> i've done it before but i forgot hehe
[23:39] <ShadowKnight> Oh well, I'm leaving, everyone. Bye.
[23:41] <genii> r0cks0ul: From gui or commandline?
[23:43] <jp88> hi err im having probs booting into kubuntu
[23:46] <genii> jp88: More details concerning the exact problem or message might help in diagnosing the isue
[23:47] <rickest> 42!
[23:49] <jp88> genii: i updated the os with the latest patches. i restarted and then before the grub screen can load up the machine reboots itself everytime. I used the livecd to check and when i try to mount the drive it says something about bad superblock or something like that. Basically it wont let me mount my ubuntu drive. What do i do??
[23:50] <genii> jp88: By "latest patches" you mean you ran the Adept Updater, or perhaps sudo apt-get upgrade or similar? Or something else entirely?
[23:51] <jp88> this thing just popped up and told me to download the latest patches and stuff to fix vulnerabilities
[23:51] <jp88> so i did
[23:51] <genii> OK.
[23:53] <jp88> Any hints???
[23:54] <genii> jp88: Have you tried to boot to the Recovery Mode kernel? eg: interrupt grub boot with esc key then select it from the list. Then you could run the file system check on the drive
[23:55] <SnoopyDog> hello
[23:55] <jp88> genii: i cant even get there. before it gives me the countdown the machine reboots
[23:56] <SnoopyDog> i have GNOME on my ubuntu and i recently installed kweather, so am I suppose to have KDE on my system too or no need to?
[23:56] <genii> jp88: Did you re-set your bios lately or so?
[23:56] <jp88> nope
[23:56] <zipper> SnoopyDog, only if you want the KDE window manager. There is nothing stopping you from installing kde applications and running them in gnome (or the other way around)
[23:57] <Ange|us> SnoopyDog: you're snoop dogg the rapper?
[23:57] <genii> jp88: I've seen where the hd geometry got changed in the bios from LBA to something else and it acted exactly as you describe
[23:57] * SnoopyDog looks at Ange|us and shakes his head: no.
[23:58] <Ange|us> ok
[23:58] <jp88> genii: by geometry u mean boot sequence or am i lost
[23:58] * SnoopyDog wonders if everyone forgot about Snoopy on Charlie Brown cartoons.
[23:58] <Ange|us> lo
[23:58] <Ange|us> *lol
[23:58] <SnoopyDog> eh
[23:58] <genii> jp88: From the cd can you run fsck on the old / ?
[23:58] <SnoopyDog> in order for KDE applications to work, must have KDE windows manager ?
[23:59] <jp88> genii: im a noob. do i boot into the os first