=== vistakille1 is now known as vistakiller |
[12:35] <vtkix> hello |
[15:19] <stgraber> ogra: all bugs/suggestions I had for 1.0.9 are now implemented (I just uploaded a patch to add auto-arranging of screen preview). We'll probably have 1.0.9 released soon. |
[15:20] <ogra> yay |
[15:20] <stgraber> that also means I now have all the bits I wanted for the backport |
[15:20] <ogra> perfect |
=== calimer- is now known as calimer |
=== ubott2 is now known as ubottu |
[19:55] <blkdg> hello, how fast does edubuntu PPC run on a G3 imac? |
[19:55] <blkdg> does anyone here use edubuntu PPC ? |
[19:59] <blkdg> Thanks PriceChild. |
[20:00] <PriceChild> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PowerPCDownloads for anyone else reading this (PMd blk after seeing a different channel) |