UbuntuIRC / 2008 /06 /22 /#kubuntu-devel.txt
Initial commit
[01:50] <nosrednaekim> what happened to nixternal?
[01:58] <JontheEchidna> He died in a bizarre gardening accident
[02:02] <nosrednaekim> hah
[03:11] <EagleScreen> anybody can help me with d3lphin package???
[03:51] * nixternal went out and rode about 90 miles today
[04:35] <vorian> nixternal: skateboard?
[04:49] <nixternal> vorian: bike
[04:49] <nixternal> skateboard, jeesh man, I would kill myself on that
[04:50] <nixternal> in 2 weeks, I have put almost 500 miles on my bike
[04:50] <vorian> lol
[04:50] <vorian> nixternal: my wife got me a bike for fathers day
[04:50] <vorian> a stairmaster
[04:50] <nixternal> nice, you ride it yet?
[04:50] <vorian> :/
[04:50] <nixternal> hahahahaha
[04:50] <nixternal> I got a Trek 7.3 FX
[04:51] <vorian> I have a trek 5000 that's about 12 years old
[04:51] <nixternal> still a good bike though
[04:51] <vorian> sure it
[04:51] <vorian> I love it
[04:52] <nixternal> maybe I will ride out to OLF
[04:52] <vorian> haha
[04:52] <vorian> in October!
[04:52] <nixternal> yup
[04:52] <vorian> that would be something
[04:54] <nixternal> my legs would fall off
[04:54] <nixternal> has to be about 300 miles
[04:54] <nixternal> lets see, 30 miles == 1.5 hours
[04:55] <nixternal> so a full day of riding :)
[04:55] <vorian> more than that i think
[04:55] <vorian> close
[04:56] <vorian> 350
[04:56] <nixternal> fun
[04:56] <nixternal> ya, anything more than 50 miles with a cadence of 70, my legs will explode
[04:56] <vorian> plus, Indianapolis to Columbus is quite hilly
[04:57] <vorian> i bet they would explode
[04:57] <nixternal> hehe, 351 miles avoiding highways
[04:57] <vorian> or
[04:58] <nixternal> if I split that up into a couple of days, that might be a fun ride
[04:58] <vorian> yeah, depends on the weather
[04:58] <nixternal> october is usually perfect biking weather
[04:59] <vorian> yeah, but it rains 29 of the days in October, in Ohio
[05:00] <nixternal> that sucks, but I have wet gear and a read fender
[05:00] <nixternal> rear
=== milian__ is now known as milian
[14:07] <seele> apachelogger: what are the urls for the kgrubconfig packages again? i'm going to try to get some people to try it out today
[14:07] <seele> (i dont think they would want me emailing them packages to install)
[14:08] <apachelogger> seele: http://aplg.kollide.net/kubuntu/kgrubeditor/
[14:21] <seele> apachelogger: thanks
[14:21] <apachelogger> you're welcome
[14:34] <yao_ziyua1> how about ff3 for kubuntu now?
[14:34] <JontheEchidna> What about it?
[14:35] <yao_ziyua1> some bugs
[14:35] <yao_ziyua1> i'm using the ff3 package from ubuntu's repository under kubuntu 8.04
[14:35] <JontheEchidna> Kubuntu and Ubuntu use the same repos for everything
[14:36] <yao_ziyua1> one bug is the autoscrolling mouse icon isn't drawn transparently
[14:45] <yao_ziyuan> the bug is not only specific to kubuntu, but also to ubuntu
[14:45] <yao_ziyuan> i'm going to #ubuntu-devel
[14:47] <Hobbsee> no one ever got through to him the idea of using a bugtracker, did they?
[14:50] <jussi01> Hobbsee: that would be actually inteligent
[14:50] <nixternal> what's a bugtracker?
[14:50] <jussi01> :D
[14:51] <nixternal> 2 hours and 14 minutes to ride 50 miles, or just over 80km
[14:52] <jussi01> not bad at all
[14:52] <nixternal> err, that is 3 hours and 14 minutes
[14:52] <nixternal> not 2
[14:52] <nixternal> I would have been flying
[14:52] <jussi01> yeah, was just thinking, 40km per hour? steady?
[14:52] <jussi01> :P
[14:53] <nixternal> that would have hurt :)
[14:53] <ryanakca> wow... 40km per hour... that's slower than on our city streets
[14:53] * apachelogger never drives faster than that
[14:53] <nixternal> I can do that, but not for that long
[14:53] * apachelogger dislikes fast movement
[14:53] <jussi01> apachelogger: do you have a mopo car? :P
[14:53] <ryanakca> what were you riding?
[14:53] <nixternal> my bike
[14:53] <ryanakca> car?
[14:53] <apachelogger> bike
[14:53] <apachelogger> ;-)
[14:54] <ryanakca> oh, ouch, that's fast :)
[14:54] <apachelogger> loads of training
[14:54] <Jucato> skateboard?
[14:54] <Jucato> oh, bike..
[14:54] <ryanakca> skidoo :)
[14:54] <nixternal> somebody stole my skidoo
[14:54] <ryanakca> ouch...
[14:54] <nixternal> the double ouch was I just bought it
[14:55] <ryanakca> <offtopic> I wonder if they have sandoos :) </offtopic>
[14:55] <nixternal> didn't pay the first note
[14:55] <apachelogger> http://aplg.kollide.net/images/snapshot020.png <-- my nu color scheme
[14:55] <ryanakca> *nods*... what were you biking in?
[14:55] <ryanakca> marathon/race or just for fun?
[14:55] <jussi01> apachelogger: very nice!
[14:56] <nixternal> I kind of like it
[14:56] <nixternal> ryanakca: just for fun with the club
[14:56] <nixternal> I have a few years before I am race ready
[14:57] <apachelogger> Nightrose: http://aplg.kollide.net/images/snapshot023.png
[14:57] <apachelogger> 1.1
[14:57] <nixternal> eww
[14:57] <Nightrose> apachelogger: haha awesome
[14:57] <jussi01> argh, apachelogger what is that horribleness? :P
[14:57] <ryanakca> incredible how ugly KDE3 looks after having spent a few months in KDE4
[14:58] <ryanakca> apachelogger: 020 is very nice ):
[14:58] <ryanakca> :)
[14:58] <apachelogger> Oo
[14:58] <nixternal> ryanakca: yes, I am stuck on KDE 3 right now with my work lappy until intrepid settels down
[14:58] * jussi01 is stuck on windows cause he killed his grub :/
[14:58] * apachelogger thinsk kde3 is beautiful :(
[14:58] <jussi01> and I have no cds
[14:58] <nixternal> hehe
[14:58] * ryanakca comforts jussi01
[14:58] <nixternal> apachelogger: with plastik it is, not with that nasty theme you have in that screeny
[14:58] * jussi01 cries on ryanakca's shoulder
[14:59] <nixternal> haha
[14:59] <ryanakca> jussi01: you could download the CD and an app to run isos under Windows, and then install it through Wubi :)
[14:59] <JontheEchidna> http://i31.photobucket.com/albums/c355/Woremar/kde4_1b1.png
[14:59] <jussi01> ryanakca: meh, Ill wait
[14:59] <apachelogger> nixternal: that was default for the majority of KDE 3 releases
[14:59] <jussi01> I only have a 1mb connection here anyway
[15:00] <ryanakca> jussi01: ...
[15:00] <jussi01> and Im going home tomorrow
[15:00] <ryanakca> 1mb?!? I have 256kb/s :)
[15:00] * jussi01 comforts ryanakca
[15:00] * JontheEchidna has 1.5 mbit
[15:00] * jussi01 has 5/3 at home
[15:00] <JontheEchidna> 180 kb/s :(
[15:01] <ryanakca> Of course, my ISP tells me I should have 1mb/s to 2mb/s ... but if you read the really fine print it says "Up to <x>mb/s" and they could serve me 1B/s and still not be sued for false advertising
[15:01] <nixternal> apachelogger: I remember, and it was the first that I changed
[15:02] <nixternal> Debian at least defaulted to Plastik, so I never had to change it
[15:02] <apachelogger> you have absolutely no taste for good artwork :|
[15:07] <apachelogger> debian 3.1 didn't even have plastik in the repos :S
[15:07] * apachelogger has to compile kde 3.4
[15:16] <ryanakca> nixternal: d'you have a Debian install handy?
[16:25] <nixternal> ryanakca: at home I do, I just got to the LUG meeting
[16:26] <ryanakca> nixternal: ok, well, when you get a chance, could I convince you to install my updated kguitar package? I can't get MIDI playback in kguitar working on my install, so I'm wondering if it's my package or my install...
[16:28] <nixternal> hrmm, it is a Debian server
[16:28] <nixternal> I need to isntall a Debian desktop box though
[16:29] <ryanakca> nixternal: Ok, thanks anyways :)
[17:03] <JontheEchidna> Ooh, big thunderstorm
[17:03] <JontheEchidna> Hope I don't lose power...
[17:08] * seele sighs
[17:08] <seele> how can something as simple as a clock widget suck so bad?
[17:09] <seele> maybe graphics are harder than i give credit for
[17:09] <seele> but i wish they would stay consistent in what clickable areas are
[17:10] <ScottK> One of the consistent downfalls of small projects is they tend to start off with "Hmm, sounds cool. I'll code something up." rather than a lot of thought about design.
[17:12] <ScottK> Thinking about design doesn't always get you a good design, but odds are better than not thinking about it.
[17:12] <seele> i'm not even talking about design
[17:12] <seele> resize looks awful.. subtext isnt even centered
[17:12] <seele> they don't seem to be using a standard timezone list because i can't find UTC/GMT
[17:13] <seele> every reason why i might want two clocks instead of one, theyve broken
[17:13] <ScottK> Then again, some people are just gifted.
[17:13] * seele is getting a bit nervous about shipping 4.1.3 for ibex :P
[17:14] <ScottK> Did you see my marketing slogan I posted here a week or two ago for Ibex?
[17:15] <seele> no, what was it?
[17:15] <ScottK> "The Intrepid Ibex explores the wild jungle of KDE4. Some days you eat the tiger. Some days the tiger eats you. Which will it be? Upgrade and find out."
[17:15] <seele> LOL
[17:15] <ryanakca> lol :)
[17:15] <seele> ouch that hurts
[17:16] <ScottK> There are people that would actually attract.
[17:16] <ScottK> And folks certainly couldn't complain they weren't warned.
[17:57] <seele> hmm.. kgrubeditor still needs a lot of work
[18:54] <ryanakca> Riddell: did you add the redirects to the RT?
=== milian__ is now known as milian
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