UbuntuIRC / 2008 /06 /20 /#launchpad.txt
Initial commit
[00:23] <mathiaz> lifeless: hi
[00:23] <lifeless> thumper: ping
[00:23] <thumper> lifeless: pong
[00:23] <lifeless> hi
[00:23] <thumper> please excuse my dodgy internet right now
[00:23] <lifeless> so, thumper, mathiaz wants to work with mysql using lp merge requests
[00:23] <thumper> I have gnomes under the house wiggling wires
[00:24] <lifeless> but with packaging
[00:24] <lifeless> mathiaz: there are two sorts of merges, complete merges and partial, or cherrypick merges
[00:24] <mathiaz> right - I'm trying to figure out what kind of workflow can be put in place
[00:24] <lifeless> mathiaz: lp only supports complete merges (AFAIK) in its web UI today
[00:24] <lifeless> mathiaz: pulling a thread out of a loom is a cherrypick (because you don't want the stuff in the threads under it)
[00:27] <thumper> package branches will hopefully be coming before christmas
[00:27] <mathiaz> lifeless: ok - so it seems that bzr-loom is a good option even though I cannot use the merge request UI from launchpad for now
[00:27] <thumper> :)
[00:28] <mathiaz> lifeless: but I still can send a request with the send command to the mysql developer
[00:28] <thumper> mathiaz: you can push looms to Launchpad
[00:28] <mathiaz> lifeless: and host my looms to LP
[00:28] <lifeless> thumper: this isn't a package branch question so much as a 'support looms more deeply; and support cherrypick merge requests'
[00:28] <thumper> lifeless: ah, ok
[00:28] <lifeless> mathiaz: yes, with send is good
[00:29] <lifeless> thumper: which is why I grabbed you - I know the package branch plan; don't know of the other two enough to advise people
[00:29] <thumper> right
[00:29] <thumper> supporting looms more deeply in the UI is something of a wishlist request right now
[00:29] <mathiaz> thumper: what's the package branch thingy ?
[00:29] <lifeless> mathiaz: james_w's work
[00:29] <thumper> mathiaz: it is branches that are more about packing upstreams rather than patches for upstreams
[00:30] <mathiaz> ok
[00:30] <lifeless> s/packing/packaging/, to save thumper some embarrasment :P
[00:30] <thumper> yeah, typo
[00:30] <lifeless> (some upstreams might like being packed; most would object I think)
[00:30] <mathiaz> so my plan for mysql-server is that I'll branch mysql-server/5.0, then use looms to create one thread for each patch in debian/patches/
[00:31] <lifeless> mathiaz: yup, thats how its intended to work
[00:31] <mathiaz> and then create another thread with the debian/ directory that contains the packaging only stuff
[00:31] <mathiaz> lifeless: is the order of creation important ?
[00:31] <mathiaz> lifeless: ie should I first apply the patches or first create the debian/ directory ?
[00:31] <lifeless> mathiaz: looms are optimised for a stack, but you can insert into the stack at any point
[00:32] <lifeless> so you start with a thread called (say) upstream
[00:32] <lifeless> and thats the 5.0 branch
[00:32] <lifeless> then you can create debian, and plonk the debian contents there
[00:32] <lifeless> and you can create a thread between 5.0 and debian
[00:32] <lifeless> and so on
[00:33] <mathiaz> lifeless: ok. so start with the packaging bits and then the patches/ specific to debian
[00:33] <lifeless> mathiaz: well, any order is fine is what I'm saying, as long as you start with upstream :)
[00:34] <mathiaz> lifeless: ok - and to get the upstream, I just bzr branch lp:~mysql-server/5.0
[00:34] <mathiaz> lifeless: ?
[00:34] <mathiaz> lifeless: I don't the bzr-loom plugin installed yet
[00:34] <lifeless> install the plugin
[00:34] <mathiaz> lifeless: as there isn't a package yet
[00:34] <lifeless> bzr branch lp:~mysql-server/5.0; cd 5.0; bzr nick 5.0; bzr loomify
[00:35] <lifeless> mathiaz: hmm, I could swear it's packaged
[00:35] <lifeless> mathiaz: anyhow, bzr branch lp:bzr-loom ~/.bazaar/plugins/loom
[00:35] <wgrant> !info loom hardy
[00:35] <ubottu> Package loom does not exist in hardy
[00:35] <wgrant> !info bzr=loom hardy
[00:35] <ubottu> Package bzrloom does not exist in hardy
[00:35] <mathiaz> lifeless: there is a debian/ branch in lp
[00:35] <wgrant> !info bzr-loom hardy
[00:35] <ubottu> Package bzr-loom does not exist in hardy
[00:35] <wgrant> Gah.
[00:35] <wgrant> !info bzr-loom intrepid
[00:35] <ubottu> Package bzr-loom does not exist in intrepid
[00:35] <mathiaz> it seems that it's in debian but hasn't made to ubuntu yet
[00:35] * lifeless hands wgrant apt-cache madison
[00:36] <wgrant> lifeless: rmadison is rather more useful for that.
[00:36] <wgrant> As it allows one to see more than one's own distroseries.
[00:36] <wgrant> Without having Intrepid sources.list lines.
[00:36] <mathiaz> lifeless: ok thanks - I'll install the loom plugin before branching mysql-server/5.0
[00:36] <lifeless> wgrant: well, to each their own
[00:37] <wgrant> Can loomless clients read loom branches?
[00:37] <mwhudson_> wgrant: no
[00:38] <lifeless> wgrant: loom is a new branch object type
[00:40] <wgrant> So we probably want to backport bzr-loom to everywhere possible once it's in Intrepid.
[00:43] <mathiaz> lifeless: If I want to create a local repository before branching mysql-server/5.0, which options should I use ?
[00:43] <mathiaz> lifeless: for bzr init-repo
[00:44] <lifeless> none
[00:45] <mathiaz> lifeless: but it makes sense to create a repo ?
[00:45] <lifeless> sure (though you likely will only have one branch using a loom)
[00:45] <lifeless> (though for backports etc you may want more)
[00:45] <mathiaz> lifeless: well - we usually have a branch per release
[00:46] <lifeless> mathiaz: sure, repo it up then
[00:46] <mathiaz> lifeless: for apparmor, there is ubuntu, ubuntu-gutsy and ubuntu-hardy
[00:46] <mathiaz> lifeless: ok - thanks for your help
=== mthaddon changed the topic of #launchpad to: https://launchpad.net/ | Downtime on June 17, 18, and 19: http://tinyurl.com/5bgye5 | Next meeting, all welcome: Thu 19 June 2008, 1800UTC #launchpad-meeting | Help: https://help.launchpad.net | Questions and spam reports: https://answers.launchpad.net/launchpad | Channel logs: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com
[00:58] <Odd_Bloke> Is it possible to get information out of LP without screen-scraping?
[00:58] <beuno> Odd_Bloke, +text for bugs
[00:58] <beuno> what information are you looking to extract?
[00:58] <wgrant> Odd_Bloke: There is python-launchpad-bugs, and there's meant to be a nice complete API within a couple of months.
[00:59] <Odd_Bloke> beuno: I dunno, someone was just talking about having to screen scrape and I was wondering if they were right.
[00:59] <wgrant> Very probably.
[00:59] <wgrant> python-launchpad-bugs screenscrapes for its writable backend, I believe.
[01:01] <wgrant> Hah, I see that BitKeeper is still using a MySQL quote on their comparisons page (which is ridiculous in itself).
=== thumper_laptop is now known as thumper
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[02:03] <beuno> so... is it expected that LP shows the help in the footer?
[02:03] <beuno> and that I can't expand information on the right side?
[02:03] <beuno> https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~beuno/loggerhead/zpt.cleaner_urls specifically
[02:06] * beuno pokes kiko
[02:08] <wgrant> beuno: I believe that mpt removed the help tab last night (at least he said so on one of my bugs)
[02:08] <wgrant> That's a slightly odd place to put the help, however.
[02:09] <beuno> yes, although, you don't really see it if you don't scroll down, so I guess if it's going to be misplaced, it's a good place to put it :p
[02:09] <wgrant> It looks like the CSS was removed, or something odd like that.
[02:09] <wgrant> As the div seems intact.
[02:09] <kiko> beuno, no, something's wrong.
[02:09] <kiko> mthaddon, ^^^
[02:10] <mthaddon> kiko, let me re roll out the edge reverted code to the apache server
[02:10] <wgrant> beuno: You mean you can't expand the portlets on the left?
[02:11] <wgrant> I can't see anything on the right to be expandable, though the portlets aren't.
[02:11] <kiko> mthaddon, gotcha.
[02:12] <beuno> wgrant, not sure what a portlet is, but those grey thingies that expand
[02:12] <beuno> javascript errors and all that
[02:12] <mthaddon> beuno, try now
[02:12] <wgrant> beuno: That's a portlet.
[02:13] <wgrant> It works.
[02:13] <kiko> mthaddon, thanks. something to note in the rollout procedure?
[02:13] <mthaddon> kiko, just that I forgot to re-roll back to the apache server - sorry
[02:14] <kiko> no problemo
[02:14] <wgrant> Is +icing served directly by Apache, so gets out of sync?
[02:14] <kiko> yeah
[02:14] <beuno> mthaddon, fixed, thanks
[02:14] <wgrant> A good idea.
[02:14] <mthaddon> because we want it to be static (served faster)
[02:14] <mthaddon> beuno, cool - sorry about that
[02:14] <kiko> mthaddon, I think this is what mars and tom b. were trying to diagnose in our previous rollout.
[02:15] <mthaddon> kiko, I'll have a think about ways to ensure we always rollout to the apache server when we do a CP
[02:15] <kiko> cool.
[02:17] <mthaddon> kiko, maybe just a script that checks if the app servers and apache servers get out of sync with bzr revnos would do it
[02:17] <kiko> yeah, that actually sounds like the best idea -- can you easily differentiate between edge, lpnet and staging?
[02:17] <mthaddon> yep
[02:20] <beuno> or revids, revnos can be a bit elusive
[02:20] <beuno> :)
[02:20] <beuno> (probably not with pqm though)
[02:20] <kiko> mthaddon, beuno has a good point because of cherry-picks.
[02:21] <kiko> mthaddon, i.e. if you have edge version 4+1 cherry pick you can't tell it apart from RF version 5
[02:21] <mthaddon> true
[02:25] <mthaddon> ok, I'm out of here - have a good one
=== kiko is now known as kiko-zzz
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[08:00] <mpt> Goooooooooooooooooooooooooood morning Launchpadders!
[08:03] <leoquant> morning mpt
[08:04] <mpt> wgrant, every time someone needs to learn what a "portlet" is, an angel loses its wings
[08:09] <wgrant> mpt: How *do* you do that?
[08:10] <wgrant> I only unlocked my screen about 2 minutes ago.
[08:10] <wgrant> After being gone for 6 hours.
=== stu1 is now known as stub
[11:23] <asac> i have a launchpad branch synched from SVN and have another branch i synched using bzr-svn ... now i want to merge the bzr-svn branch on top of the other, but merge complains that the repository formats are incompatible :(
[11:23] <asac> rick-root-pack vs. pack-0.92
[11:24] <asac> any way i can get bzr-svn use pack-0.92? or do i need to request a sync in launchpad to get that format
[11:24] <asac> ?
[11:24] <jelmer> asac: you'll only be able to merge if you upgrade the pack-0.92 branch to rich-root-pack
[11:24] <asac> jelmer: unfortunately thats not an option because that pack-0.92 branch is auto synched on launchpad
[11:25] <asac> its lp:network-manager
[11:25] <wgrant> I tried to do the same thing using bzr-rebase some months ago, but gave up.
[11:25] <jelmer> asac: you can create your own copy of lp:network-manager and upgrade that
[11:25] <asac> jelmer: but thats a dead end :)
[11:25] <asac> i dont want to upgrade that branch everytime i want to merge in a new snapshot
[11:26] <asac> jelmer: maybe i can make bzr-svn use a different branch format that is compatible?
[11:26] <jelmer> asac: rich-root-pack will probably become the default bzr format in the next release of bzr ni favor of pack-0.92
[11:26] <asac> e.g. an older one?
[11:26] <asac> jelmer: but when will launchpad branches get upgraded?
[11:27] <jelmer> asac: bzr-svn uses rich-root-pack for a reason, it doesn't work with pack-0.92
[11:27] <jelmer> asac: not sure, maybe the lp folks can say (I'm just a bzr developer, not related to lp)
[11:27] <asac> but i used something else before :) ... just wondered if that old format is "more" compatible
[11:27] <laga> <rant> bzr is full of crack for changing the repo formats all the time </rant>
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[11:28] <jelmer> laga: we're just more vocal about it. A lot of other vcs'es will upgrade your repository silently
[11:29] <jelmer> asac: afaik not
[11:29] <asac> mwhudson__: lifeless: ^^ any idea?
[11:29] <jelmer> abentley: hi
[11:30] <asac> mwhudson__: lifeless: maybe we can upgrade the lp:network-manager branch to use rich-root-pack ?
[11:30] <mwhudson__> you can pull from packs to rich-root-pack
[11:31] <mwhudson__> but i am not here
[11:31] <asac> mwhudson__: ok. have fun
[11:31] <asac> ill play around in the meantime
[11:31] <jelmer> asac: why are you interested in upgrading to the same format as lp:network-manager, btw?
[11:32] <jelmer> if that's a vcs-import, you can't push to it anyway
[11:32] <asac> jelmer: i am not interested in upgrading to the same format, but to upgrade lp:network-manager
[11:33] <asac> jelmer: thats why i cant upgrade network-manager to locally ... i would ahve to do that everytime i want to get a new snapshot from it
[11:34] <jelmer> asac: merging from a pack-0.92 (e.g. lp:network-manager) into a rich-root-pack branch happens on the fly
[11:34] <jelmer> no need to have a local upgraded copy of lp:network-manager
[11:35] <jelmer> asac: mixing the use of bzr-svn and vcs-imports will be problematic though
[11:35] <jelmer> asac: you may want to use the GNOME bzr mirror instead (http://bzr-mirror.gnome.org/), which was made with bzr-svn
[11:35] <asac> jelmer: ok. here is the point. i have a svn branch that has debian/ only in svn.debian.org
[11:35] <asac> i want to convince the debian developer to join forces by moving this work to launchpad
[11:35] <asac> so we can share the branch
[11:35] <asac> however, the branches should be "full-source" branches
[11:36] <asac> so to start with i wanted to take the network-manager branch and merge the debian/ directory only branch on top of that :)
[11:36] <jelmer> asac: in that case, you may indeed want to use the bzr-mirror.gnome.org copy of network-manager
[11:36] <jelmer> that should work as you would expect, no format issues involved
[11:37] <asac> jelmer: yeah. major point about doing that is that i already have branches with lot of work based on the lp: branch
[11:37] <asac> but anyway thanks for the hint about bzr-mirror.gnome.org
[11:37] <asac> didnt know abut that
[11:38] <asac> jelmer: are the branches done in a "smart" fashion on bzr-mirror.gnome.org?
[11:41] <asac> jelmer: using that thing just worked. now i have to figure what to do about my legacy work here :/
[11:41] <jelmer> asac: smart as in automated? yes
[11:42] <asac> jelmer: i mean smart in that bzr knows about the branch relation :)
[11:42] <jelmer> asac: It knows about the relation between branches imported using bzr-svn
[11:45] <jelmer> hmm, somebody should mass-register the bzr-mirror branches in Launchpad
[11:46] <asac> jelmer: yeah!
[11:46] <asac> ill do that for NM now :)
[11:46] <asac> ...NETWORKMANAGER_0_6_0_RELEASE$ bzr merge ../trunk/
[11:46] <asac> doesnt complain about not common parent
[11:46] <asac> great
=== kiko-zzz is now known as kiko
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[13:28] <Toftegaard> I'm trying to download the xorg-edgers-live-test from http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~xorg-edgers/xorg-server/xorg-pkg-tools/files.
[13:28] <Toftegaard> Any idea why it isnt working?
[13:29] <Hobbsee> mpt: THE SKY IS FALLING!!!
[13:29] <mpt> hwuh?
[13:29] <Hobbsee> Please try again
[13:30] <Hobbsee> Sorry, there was a problem connecting to the Launchpad server.
[13:30] <Hobbsee> Try reloading this page in a minute or two. If the problem persists, let us know in the #launchpad IRC channel on Freenode.
[13:30] * Peng bursts out laughing.
[13:30] <Hobbsee> Thanks for your patience.
[13:30] <Hobbsee> mpt: THE SKY IS STILL FALLING!!! Search for large poles to hold it up!
[13:30] <mpt> Large pole? ... Would a long pointy stick do?
[13:31] <Hobbsee> mpt: there's only one Long Pointy Stick of DOOM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!™
[13:31] <Hobbsee> mpt: if you're going to be able to hold the sky up with it, go ahead.
[13:31] <mpt> That's a shame, we really need two for the sky
[13:31] <mpt> Ask kiko, he knows more about this than I do
[13:31] <Hobbsee> Toftegaard: seems to work?
[13:31] <Toftegaard> Yep Thanks!
[13:32] <Hobbsee> mpt: okay, sky has stopped falling now.
[13:32] <mpt> that's good
[13:33] <Toftegaard> good luck with the falling sky.
[13:38] <abentley> jelmer: hi
[13:40] <kiko> Hobbsee, hmm, weird. mpt, can you ask herb to look into this when he's up? I'm outta here
=== mrevell-lunch is now known as mrevell
[13:41] <Hobbsee> kiko: herb? under that nick? OK.
[13:41] <Hobbsee> oh, that was to mpt. never mind.
[13:42] <kiko> Hobbsee, you can ask too -- to him or to mtomhaddon.
[13:42] <mpt> kiko, but it's working now
[13:42] <kiko> mpt, yes, but we should know why it wasn't a minute ago.
[13:42] <mpt> ok
[13:42] <kiko> mpt, btw, cprov bets that your branch is the one causing failures on apa-logs
[13:42] <kiko> you should talk to him
[13:43] <cprov> mpt: #lp-code
[13:46] <jelmer> abentley: I was going to ask about mass-registering the GNOME bzr mirror branches on lp but thumper and mwhudson already indicated they liked the idea
[13:59] <abentley> jelmer: okay.
[14:04] <jelmer> abentley: Somewhat related to that - are you aware of some way to override the registrant name when registering a branch using Launchpads XML/RPC API?
[14:05] <abentley> No, I'm entirely ignorant about the API stuff.
[14:05] <jelmer> I'd like to set the registrant to "gnome-bzr-mirror" to avoid myself being the registrant of all these branches
[14:05] <kiko> jelmer, or use ~registry
[14:05] <jelmer> abentley: Do you know who I should talk to about it ?
[14:07] <abentley> jelmer: thumper, mwhudson_ or jml might know.
[14:08] <jelmer> abentley: thanks
[14:08] <jelmer> all asleep probably though :-/
[14:45] <seyed-mehdi> hi everyone,
[14:46] <seyed-mehdi> I can't open any https pages. can anyone please help ?
[14:48] <lamalex> Can I delete a series?
[14:50] <seyed-mehdi> any suggestion ?
[14:51] <Hobbsee> seyed-mehdi: please don't repeat questions in multple channels simultaneously.
[14:52] <seyed-mehdi> Hobbsee: but im searching for solution . so what can I do ? just stop asking and going on with problem ?
[14:52] <Hobbsee> ah, not quite simultaneous.
[14:52] <Hobbsee> seyed-mehdi: for a start, mentioning *which* https pages you can't open
[14:53] <seyed-mehdi> Hobbsee: ANY https, such az https://addons.mozilla.org and others
[14:53] <Hobbsee> in which case, it's not a launchpad problem, and not relevant to this channel.
[14:53] <persia> Oh. That's clearly not a launchpad issue then.
[15:10] <lamalex> So does anyone know how I can delete a series?
[15:11] <persia> lamalex: Nobody actively responding right now (and there's only one person here who didn't see when you asked before). You might wait some more, or if it takes too long, ask a question on launchpad.
[15:12] <lamalex> thanks
[15:17] <SpookyET> hi
[15:27] <mpt> herb, from about 1228 to about 1230 UTC, for multiple people, <http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~xorg-edgers/xorg-server/xorg-pkg-tools/files> returned a "Sorry, there was a problem connecting to the Launchpad server" error. kiko would like you to investigate why this happened.
[15:27] <mpt> <kiko> Hobbsee, hmm, weird. mpt, can you ask herb to look into this when he's up? I'm outta here
[15:30] <herb> mpt: ok
[15:31] <mpt> thanks
[15:43] <dgmorales_> Hello,I've just tried to browse the code for lp:mailman, but "there was a problem connecting to the Lanchpad Server" ...
[15:44] <dgmorales_> posting here as asked on the error message
[15:45] <beuno> dgmorales_, it's been slow since yesterday, and AFAIK, they're working on it. Give it a few more tries and it will stick eventually :)
[15:46] <dgmorales_> ok, thanks :)
[15:46] <Hobbsee> herb: ^ another victim, then.
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[16:57] <asac> jelmer: can you remove your -applet branch so i can create one in the realm of ~network-manager team?
[16:57] <asac> jelmer: launchpad doesnt allow me to mirror it twice ;)
[17:02] <jelmer> it should be possible to have two branches with the same name but a different owner
[17:02] <jelmer> what url are you trying to push to?
[17:02] <asac> jelmer: no it doesnt work
[17:02] <asac> jelmer: please delete your branch
[17:02] <asac> launchpad tries to be smart and it always directs to your branch
[17:03] <asac> when i want to use the bzr-mirror one
[17:03] <jelmer> my branch is a registration of the bzr-mirror one
[17:03] <asac> jelmer: alternatively i can add you to network-manager team and you change ownership
[17:03] <asac> then i can drop you again :)
[17:04] <jelmer> asac: you should in either case be able to push to lp:~network-manager/network-manager/branch-name
[17:04] <asac> jelmer: i can push there
[17:04] <asac> jelmer: please drop your sync branch
[17:04] <asac> i cannot create a second mirrored branch from the same source :)
[17:04] <asac> and i want that main mirror branch not to live in ~user realm :)
[17:06] <asac> try to create a new mirrored branch for http://bzr-mirror.gnome.org/NetworkManager/trunk in the network-manager product and you'll see what i mean
[17:06] <jelmer> asac: We'll hopefully change the registrant of all those branches to "gnome-bzr-mirror" soon
[17:06] <jelmer> once Launchpad allows it
[17:07] <asac> jelmer: yes. but still for now ;)
[17:09] <jelmer> asac: What's the problem with the current situation? I'm just the registrant of that branch, not the owner
[17:09] <asac> jelmer: its ~jelmer
[17:10] <jelmer> asac: Yes, that's because I registered the URL, not because I'm the owner
[17:11] <jelmer> It's a mirrored branch, nobody can modify the copy on launchpad anyway
[17:12] <asac> hmm
[17:12] <asac> ok
[17:12] <asac> doesnt look nice. but well
[17:12] <asac> not sure why you insist on keeping it ;)
[17:13] <asac> i cannot change branch description and so on
[17:14] <jelmer> I can't actually change it right here
[17:14] <asac> jelmer: you can delete it
[17:15] <jelmer> asac: I mean, there is no lp XML-RPC for deleting branches, only for registering them
[17:15] <jelmer> asac: and I don't have access to the LP web UI from here
[17:15] <jelmer> I'll happily change it once I do
[17:15] <asac> jelmer: you can hit "delete branch" on the left
[17:16] <asac> jelmer: not access to LP web UI?
[17:16] <asac> i mean you can reach XML-RPC ... how cant you have Web UI?
[17:16] <jelmer> asac: I'm on a VT100 and w3m doesn't appear to like lp's cookies :-(
[17:18] <asac> jelmer: elinks works
[17:18] <jelmer> links didn't but I'll give elinks a try
[17:19] <asac> err even w3m works
[17:19] <asac> i can happily "delete branch" :)
[17:19] <asac> in w3m
[17:19] <jelmer> I can't get past the login
[17:20] <asac> start X ;)
[17:20] <jelmer> it just redirects me to the same login page
[17:21] <jelmer> uhm, X is not going to work on a dumb terminal :-)
[17:21] <jelmer> I'll be home in a few hours I can delete it then
[17:21] <asac> jelmer: cool
[17:21] <jelmer> I still think the point is moot, but anyway
[17:21] <asac> just remember ;)
=== salgado is now known as salgado-lunch
[17:27] <jelmer> asac: ah, you're right
[17:27] <jelmer> elinks is less pedantic than w3m
[17:28] <asac> :)
[17:28] <asac> jelmer: what w3m versin are you running?
[17:30] <jelmer> asac: fixed
[17:30] <jelmer> 0.5.1+cvs-1.968
[17:31] <asac> jelmer: most likely a regression then
[17:32] <jelmer> yeah, probably
[17:32] <asac> thanks. now i am happy again ;)
[17:33] <asac> lets see when it gets scanned ;)
[17:33] * jelmer doesn't hope there won't be more people requesting a change of registrant..
[17:33] <jelmer> any lp folks about?
[17:33] <asac> hehe
[17:34] <jelmer> Either the registrant shouldn't matter or lp should allow the same URL to be registered more than once
[17:34] <asac> well. i am probably the one of the more concerned in ubuntu about synched branches ;)
[17:36] <jelmer> asac: just curious though - why does the registrant matter?
[17:36] <asac> jelmer: otherwise i cannot edit branch details
[17:36] <asac> jelmer: and if its in an unauthorized user account it can just be deleted which is painful
[17:37] <asac> it might not be deleted physically, but virtually its gone and you have to figure what source the mirror was from
[17:37] <jelmer> asac: Hmm, so changing the registrant to "gnome-bzr-mirror" wouldn't help either then?
[17:37] <asac> jelmer: it would as long as people trust gnome-bzr-mirror ;)
[17:38] <asac> but having a team is probably better to accumulate trust over time than individual users
[17:38] <asac> so yes. i could live with that
[17:38] <jelmer> asac: but you still wouldn't have the ability to change the branch details then
[17:38] <asac> right.
[17:39] <asac> for me having the "delete" issue is more important. the branch details should be properly maintained in the upstream bzr repo
[17:39] <asac> or the gnome-bzr-mirror team should offer to update the details
[17:39] <asac> e.g. by bug report
[17:42] <jelmer> asac: hmm, that'd be more complicated than I'd like
[17:42] <asac> jelmer: right. anyway if its in a team its ok :)
[17:42] <asac> unless the team becomes untrusted for whatever reason.
[17:43] <jelmer> well, it includes the person behind bzr-mirror.gnome.org
[17:44] <asac> jelmer: sure. but that looks pretty trustworthy judging from the domain :)
[17:45] <jelmer> hmm, guess I could've just changed the owner to the team then
[17:45] <asac> jelmer: yes. if you do that for every sync branch registered itw ould be a good start :)
[17:45] <jelmer> asac: That was the idea, but the Launchpad UI doesn't allow that yet
[17:46] <jelmer> and I don't feel like manually updating the owner of ~100 branches
[17:46] <asac> what is important is that i lives in ~gnome-bzr-mirror and not ~jelmer :)
[17:46] <asac> ah ok
[17:46] <asac> jelmer: yeah. you should have thought about that before :-D
[17:46] <asac> but well ... maybe launchpad team can help?
[17:47] <jelmer> asac: I really don't see the issue there given that I am a member of gnome-bzr-mirror
[17:47] <jelmer> yes, it's not ideal but hopefully that'll be fixable soon
[17:47] <asac> jelmer: it is not about you in person ... its just that its good to have a line in the long run
[17:48] <asac> jelmer: its not an important issue. i have what i want for now and in the end we should go for gnome-bzr-mirror ... or even allow multiple virtual instances of the same mirror branch
[17:49] <asac> now i just have to figure how to migrate my work done on the old branch to this new one
[17:49] <asac> :)
[17:49] <asac> i have the feeling that this will end up being just one monolithic commit for what i have done so far :/
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[17:49] <jelmer> asac: if your old branch was based on the vcs-improts copy you'll have to use diff+patch
[17:50] <asac> yeah i understand that. i hoped for something smarter :(
[17:50] <jelmer> the rebase plugin has an open bug about allowing this
[17:51] <asac> jelmer: is there a workaround to overcome current rebase issue?
[17:51] <jelmer> asac: s/bug/wishlist
[17:51] <asac> but i doubt that it will work as i merged multiple times to get latest snapshot
[17:52] <jelmer> asac: no, there's no workaround - it's just missing functionality
[17:52] <jelmer> asac: merge won't work either - the file ids don't match
[17:52] <asac> jelmer: all this wouldnt be painful if bzr merge would have a feature that would allow me to automatically use the cherry-picked commit message
[17:53] <jelmer> asac: it's not just that - cherrypicking will break as well
[17:53] <jelmer> because bzr won't recognize that the two files with the same path in both branches are the same file
[17:53] <asac> jelmer: if i merge -cREV1 ?
[17:54] <asac> sure?
[17:54] <asac> hmm
[17:56] <jelmer> yeah, I'm pretty sure about this
[17:56] <asac> how demotivating :(
[17:56] <jelmer> implementing a workaround around a similar issue in bzr-svn (upgrading the mapping scheme) took ages
=== salgado-lunch is now known as salgado
[19:20] <doctormo> is jamesh or flacoste here?
[19:20] <doctormo> I'm wondering about how I can get user information (attributes) when people logon using openid. So far i'd have to make http requests and skim details.
[19:22] <doctormo> Infact if anyone here knows of methods to use with launchpad to get public data in xml or some striped down way. do let me know
[19:38] <RzR> hi
[19:39] <RzR> how long could it take to "scan" a bzr branch ?
[19:40] <beuno> RzR, usually, minutes. In some ocasions, it can take a couple of hours, if any big imports are going on
[19:40] <beuno> from the looks of it, something is going on at the moment :)
[19:40] <RzR> lp:~rzr/firefox-extensions/flashblock.ubuntu 0 New 2008-06-20 18:26:54 CEST 2 hours 10 minutes ago This branch has not been scanned yet.
[19:41] <beuno> I'd give it a while longer, it'll catch up
[19:41] <RzR> ok
[19:42] <RzR> BTW, I deleted a branch and created one w/ the same name, is it a problem ?
[19:43] <beuno> it shouldn't, but I'm just guessing
[20:17] <db-keen> I have a feature request for Launchpad, should I register a blueprint, or ask here, or what?
[20:19] <db-keen> ah well, here goes: Launchpad allows an arbitrary email address for bug reporting, why not allow an arbitrary URL as well, for bug tracking services not known to launchpad? For that matter, it's easier to paste a URL and have launchpad figure out if it's familiar with the service than trying to find it in that long list.
[20:29] <bialix> hi, I have a question: how can I create new super-project at Launchpad?
[20:30] <RzR> db-keen: blueprint is best IMHO
[20:33] <matsubara> bialix: Ask in https://answers.launchpad.net/launchpad. Provide the URLs to the projects you want to include under the super-project
[20:33] <bialix> ok
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[21:53] <RzR> beuno: It's done now took 2 hours or so :)
[21:54] <beuno> RzR, it's usually faster, but I'm glad it's done
[22:20] <bdmurray> Is there a problem w/ code.launchpad.net? I got an e-mail about a branch change about an hour after the fact
[22:22] <RzR> same for me
[22:22] <bdmurray> I think the web page was slow to update too
[22:23] <RzR> some overload probally
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