UbuntuIRC / 2008 /06 /17 /#ubuntu-mythtv.txt
Initial commit
[00:01] <whoDat_> light: maybe try mythfrontend -v playback
[00:08] <a1fa_> anybody running mythbuntu + ltsp on top of that?
[00:15] <tgm4883_laptop> lightdarkness, sounds like dpms/screensaver issue
[00:15] <tgm4883_laptop> do you have a mouse hooked up?
[00:15] <lightdarkness> Yes
[00:16] <lightdarkness> I don't know if I've tried moving it... how do I access the settings for the screensaver?
[00:16] <tgm4883_laptop> well test moving it first. You can access the screensaver settings from the main menu (not in the frontend
[00:17] <hads> You could also try running `DISPLAY=:0 xset dpms force on` via ssh
[00:19] <lightdarkness> but wouldn't hitting a key on the keyboard exit out of the screensaver?
[00:21] <tgm4883_laptop> lightdarkness, if you want to verify, bust open the xfce control panel, set the screensaver to 1 minute, then see if it blanks in 1 minute during tv
[00:22] <lightdarkness> Well... I just checked and there was a screensaver after 10 minutes... which has activated int he paste while not watching tv... I disabled that... and I ran the command you gave me
[00:29] <Solarbaby> ok this ASX stream in Mythweb is the coolest thing ever
[00:29] <Solarbaby> my congrats go to anyone who deserves them ;)(
[00:43] <hads> Well I converted to using packages, it was painless.
[01:39] <hads> What does the ivtv tweak in MCC do?
[02:05] <foxbuntu> hads look at the tooltip
[02:15] <hads> foxbuntu: Aha thanks, silly me didn't see that :)
[02:45] <tritium> Well, no X from the 8.04 desktop CD. Downloading the alternate now. X worked on the 7.10 desktop CD, however.
[02:47] <tritium> Anyone else experienced this regression?
[02:49] <tritium> When X tries to load, the TV goes blank, and then colored stripes are displayed.
[03:51] <MythbuntuGuest48> trying to set up diskless front end and it will not boot. get a tftp timeout displayed and the following in the log Jun 16 21:44:57 myth-tv in.tftpd[31333]: cannot set groups for user nobody
[10:03] <baalsgate> hey just tried to upgrade a festy machine and the upgrade keeps failing yet i upgraded an identical machine just a day ago
[10:04] <baalsgate> says .... packages.bz2 hash mismatch
[11:59] <Ace2016> Hi all
[11:59] <Ace2016> how much space is required to install mythbuntu?
[11:59] <Ace2016> i plan to have the recordings stored in an external mount point
[12:02] <hads> "depends", I'd allow 20GB if it were me
[12:24] <Ace2016> what for?
[12:25] <hads> Base install, package cache, nfsroot for diskless clients, scratch space for encoding, etc.
[12:28] <Ace2016> i want to install to a usb pen drive
[12:29] <Ace2016> and then have hard drives mounted to /storage/drive-1,2,3...
[12:29] <Ace2016> so that my hard disks can go to sleep if they are not being used
[13:46] <tafkaz_73> hi everyone.
[13:46] <tafkaz_73> does anyone know what i could do here ? i am trying to install libocamlnet-ssl-ocaml-dev
[13:46] <tafkaz_73> doing apt-get install libocamlnet-ssl-ocaml-dev
[13:46] <tafkaz_73> then it say that it cant install because the lacking libssl-ocaml-dev
[13:46] <tafkaz_73> so i go
[13:47] <tafkaz_73> apt-get install libocamlnet-ssl-ocaml-dev libssl-ocaml-dev
[13:47] <tafkaz_73> libssl-ocaml-dev: depends: libssl-dev (>= 0.9.6) but isnt going to be installed
[13:47] <tafkaz_73> E: broken packages
[13:48] <tafkaz_73> any idea ?
[14:46] <laga> can someone with a vanilla sources.list for mythbuntu please put it on a pastebin for me?
[14:55] <tafkaz_73> hehe
[14:55] <tafkaz_73> i could !
[14:55] <tafkaz_73> but i guess its not vanilly anymore
[15:01] <jphillip> !status
=== Tuv0k is now known as darthanubis
[15:29] <matthijs_> hi, ive installed mythbuntu 8.04 and im trying to install saa7134-alsa (a sound driver or something) and i cant get it to work
[15:33] <matthijs_> oh wait, it works
[15:35] <matthijs_> how can i improve the tv + sound quality? i'm also hearing noise sometimes
[16:33] <Haffe> Hi, I could really need som help. I want to bind the input from my Nova-T 500 ir-reciever to /dev/input/dvb-ir. I have the following in /etc/udev/rules.d/10-local.rules KERNEL=="input*", ATTRS{name}=="IR-receiver inside an USB DVB receiver", SYMLINK+="input/dvb-ir" I have rebooted, and still there is no device node for /dev/input/dvb-ir I', running ubuntu 8.04
[16:48] <tritium> Thank goodness for alternate CDs and backups of old xorg.conf from 7.10, or I'd have no working X.
[17:21] <MythbuntuGuest47> trying to set up diskless front end and it will not boot. get a tftp timeout displayed and the following in the log, "Jun 16 21:44:57 myth-tv in.tftpd[31333]: cannot set groups for user nobody"
[17:48] <tritium> How to fix error message "Cannot login to database?" when running mythtv-setup? I've already "sudo dpkg-reconfigure mythtv-common", and set the desired mysql password.
[17:51] <tritium> Also, on the MCC "MythTV Configuration" tab, all of the MySQL Server Information section is grayed out.
[17:53] <tritium> Also, I recall setting the password during install, so I'm surprised to be getting this error at all.
[17:57] <tritium> Broken alternate install CD, I guess. Perhaps I'll re-install 7.10 (with *working* X), and upgrade, unless there are any ideas.
[18:14] <sebrock> checked my.sql?
[18:15] <sebrock> sorry mysql.txt
[18:16] <sebrock> And where do you download 7.10, I think 8.04 has to many bugs and stuff that doesnt work at all... for once kjournald and pdflush keeps writing to my disk like every second.
[18:16] <tritium> sebrock: yes
[18:16] <tritium> I've noticed that mythbuntu 8.04 is extremely buggy as well. I may revert to 7.10.
[18:17] <sebrock> tritium, mmm though I will miss dkms support
[18:18] <sebrock> you have B/F on the same machine?
[18:18] <tritium> I also see mythweb doesn't work.
[18:18] <tritium> yes, I do
[18:18] <sebrock> and the DB doesnt work after install then?
[18:18] <tritium> No, it does not.
[18:18] <sebrock> can you manually connect to the db with admin?
[18:18] <tritium> How would I do that?
[18:19] <sebrock> open console
[18:19] <tritium> yes
[18:19] <sebrock> then mysql-admin or something like that
[18:19] <sebrock> wait I'll check
[18:19] <tritium> yes, mysqladmin
[18:20] <sebrock> then login as user mythtv
[18:20] <sebrock> -u mythtv -p
[18:20] <sebrock> and you will be asked the passwd
[18:21] <tritium> wow, it does not ask
[18:21] <sebrock> if you are able to login then it at least is accessable
[18:21] <tritium> It does nothing
[18:21] <sebrock> ok wait
[18:22] <sebrock> sorry never mind mysqladmin
[18:22] <tritium> right, I used taht
[18:22] <sebrock> mysql -u mythtv -p
[18:22] <tritium> that*
[18:23] <tritium> That fails as well.
[18:23] <tritium> ERROR 1045 (28000): Access denied for user 'mythtv'@'localhost' (using password: YES)
[18:24] <sebrock> so somethings wrong with that passwd
[18:24] <tritium> I'm using the one that I setup during install.
[18:24] <sebrock> u really really sure you are using the right one?
[18:24] <tritium> Quite.
[18:25] <sebrock> what says cat ~/.mythtv/mysql.txt
[18:25] <tritium> DBPassword=, followed by the password I'm using
[18:26] <sebrock> ok
[18:26] <tritium> same password is at the bottom of /etc/mythtv/mysql.txt
[18:27] <sebrock> have you got the root access to mythtv
[18:28] <tritium> sebrock: what do you mean?
[18:29] <sebrock> mysql -u root -p
[18:30] <tritium> yes
[18:30] <sebrock> otherwise try to google "recover lost mysql mythtv" and so on
[18:30] <sebrock> alright, then change the mythtv user password if you are logged in as root
[18:30] <tritium> Amazing you can lose something you never had.
[18:31] <tritium> I'm unfamiliar with mysql. I'll have to do some reading.
[18:32] <tritium> In the past, I've not had to delve in to mysql to use mythtv.
[18:33] <sebrock> well, its strange that it doesnt work if you set the password
[18:33] <sebrock> anyway, just read up on how to change the password for user mythtv
[18:33] <sebrock> probably something like passwd mythtv
[18:34] <tritium> Thanks, I'll give that a try. I appreciate your help.
[18:34] <sebrock> np
[18:34] <sebrock> good luck
[18:34] <tritium> thanks
[18:40] <tritium> sebrock: even "mysql> UPDATE user SET Password=PASSWORD('mythtv') WHERE user='mythtv';
[18:40] <tritium> " results in ERROR 1046 (3D000): No databse selected
[18:41] <tritium> I'm going to attempt a reinstall, and if it still fails, revert back to 7.10
[18:41] <tritium> sebrock: thanks again for your help
[18:43] <laga> sebrock: re your flushing issues: are you running the latest kernel?
[19:09] <sebrock> laga yes
[19:10] <sebrock> happens on both the shipping kernel and the latest
[19:14] <sebrock> any godsent clues?
[19:45] <sebrock> laga?
[19:45] <sebrock> superm1 ?
[19:52] <laga> huh
[20:00] <sebrock> yes laga, you asked about me running the latest kernel, thus giving me the impression you've heard about this before?
[20:00] <jphillip> !status
[20:00] <Zinn> I am alive. Logging is off.
[20:01] <laga> !status
[20:01] <Zinn> I am alive. Logging is off.
[20:02] <laga> sebrock: no, i was just guessing. there have been some interactiveness problems with older kernels
[20:03] <sebrock> laga, ok well 7.10 worked fine
[20:09] <foxbuntu> !rhpot1991
[20:09] <foxbuntu> !foxbuntu
[20:09] <foxbuntu> :(
[20:16] <whoDat_> cool, Wine 1.0 was released
[20:27] <MythbuntuGuest47> trying to set up diskless front end and it will not boot. get a tftp timeout displayed and the following in the log, "Jun 16 21:44:57 myth-tv in.tftpd[31333]: cannot set groups for user nobody" any iders?
[20:29] <laga> no. :)
[20:29] <laga> that's odd
[20:29] <jphillip> !help
[20:29] <Zinn> help - commands: !logging, !learn, !delete, !#topic#, !status
[20:30] <slundell> I installed mythbuntu 8.04, and my hard drive rattles constantly. It worked quite and nice under gentoo
[20:31] <laga> slundell: i think sebrock has that problem, too.
[20:31] <slundell> Ok, did he solve it?
[20:31] <laga> i dont think so.
[20:33] <laga> MythbuntuGuest47: let's see about that message
[20:35] <laga> MythbuntuGuest47: what does "grep tftp /etc/inetd.conf" return?
[20:36] <slundell> sebrock_, you there?
[20:38] <laga> MythbuntuGuest47: what does "grep nobody /etc/group" return?
[20:41] <laga> MythbuntuGuest47: you're probably affected by http://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=245017 but if you're not responding i can't help ya ;)
[20:42] <sebrock_> slundell, yess
[20:42] <sebrock_> please tell me you got the magic solution :D
[20:42] <slundell> Well... it worked well under gentoo :-)
[20:43] <sebrock_> tell me :D
[20:43] <slundell> I have no idea...
[20:43] <slundell> What have you tried=
[20:43] <slundell> ?
[20:43] <sebrock_> ah you ran gentoo
[20:44] <slundell> Do you use LVM?
[20:44] <sebrock_> well I have tried noatime when mounting
[20:45] <sebrock_> its similar to this: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=369759
[20:45] <laga> what file systems are you running?
[20:45] <laga> does it happen when the backend isnt running?
[20:46] <sebrock_> ext3
[20:46] <sebrock_> yes all the time
[20:46] <laga> hum
[20:46] <jphillip> maybe check things out with hdparm?
[20:46] <sebrock_> its not heavy writing just a constant flicker approx 1-2/sec
[20:46] <jphillip> wonder if maybe its a chipset issue or something
[20:46] <sebrock_> I tried some yesterday but it didnt help
[20:47] <sebrock_> hm... well I did update the BIOS actually
[20:47] <sebrock_> but this is clearly kjournald and pdflush
[20:49] <sebrock_> dont know how chipset will get affected y that
[20:49] <sebrock_> also no problems using 7.10
[20:50] <slundell> Just switched SATA ports... no difference... Have you tried to boot the disk on another computer?
[20:51] <MythbuntuGuest47> laga sorry for the delay, "grep nobody /etc/group" returns nothing
[20:51] <laga> same here. ;)
[20:54] <laga> MythbuntuGuest47: what's in /etc/inetd.conf for tftp?
[20:55] <MythbuntuGuest47> 9571 stream tcp nowait root /usr/sbin/tcpd /usr/sbin/ldminfod
[20:56] <MythbuntuGuest47> 9572 stream tcp nowait root /usr/sbin/tcpd /usr/sbin/nbdswapd
[20:56] <MythbuntuGuest47> 2000 stream tcp nowait root /usr/sbin/tcpd /usr/sbin/nbdrootd /opt/ltsp/images/i386.img
[20:56] <MythbuntuGuest47> are the 3 entries
[20:56] <laga> how are you running the tftp server? did you do any manual setup?
[20:58] <MythbuntuGuest47> I tried not to, it was a conversion from running minimyth then did the install of 8.10 with the diskless options
[20:58] <laga> 8.10?
[20:58] <MythbuntuGuest47> sorry 8.04
[20:58] <laga> heh, good
[20:59] <laga> MythbuntuGuest47: is tftpd-hpa installed? use apt-cache policy tftpd-hpa to find out
[21:01] <MythbuntuGuest47> Installed: 0.48-1ubuntu1 Candidate: 0.48-1ubuntu1 *** 0.48-1ubuntu1 0
[21:01] <laga> yeah, that looks good.
[21:01] <slundell> sebrock_, do you use LVM?
[21:02] <MythbuntuGuest47> no
[21:02] <MythbuntuGuest47> sorry, that question was no for me
[21:02] <laga> MythbuntuGuest47: does "echo "get tftpd-hpa/use_inetd" | debconf-communicate" return true or false? (ignore the error message)
[21:03] <sebrock_> slundell, I dont think so, unless it is default
[21:03] <slundell> its semi-default... You can select guided partitioning with lvm during setup
[21:04] <sebrock_> ok no I dont use it, its a basic mythbuntu setup
[21:04] <MythbuntuGuest47> 0 true is returned
[21:05] <laga> MythbuntuGuest47: that's interesting. so, if you run "sudo dpkg-reconfigure tftpd-hpa", it should add the missing tftpd entry in /etc/inetd.conf
[21:07] <slundell> sebrock_, When you upgraded from 7.10 to 8.04 did you do a complete reinstall or a dist-upgrade?
[21:08] <sebrock_> slundell, its from scratch
[21:08] <sebrock_> CD install
[21:11] <MythbuntuGuest47> I should answer "yes? tftpd-hpa can be started by the inetd superserver ?
[21:12] <laga> yes
[21:13] <MythbuntuGuest47> ok, there are the same 3 entries in the /etc/inetd.conf file
[21:13] <laga> and there is no entry for tftp?!
[21:14] <MythbuntuGuest47> no
[21:14] <laga> that's scary.
[21:18] <laga> something is broken on your box :)
[21:18] <MythbuntuGuest47> that doesnt sound good
[21:19] <laga> MythbuntuGuest47: you can just add this line manually to /etc/inetd.conf
[21:19] <laga> http://pastebin.com/m7ab18c48
[21:19] <laga> then sudo /etc/init.d/openbsd-inetd restart
[21:22] <MythbuntuGuest47> that is done
[21:22] <laga> now stuff should work..
[21:23] <MythbuntuGuest47> i still get cannot set groups for user nobody
[21:23] <laga> what do you have in /etc/default/tftpd-hpa ?
[21:24] <MythbuntuGuest47> RUN_DAEMON="no" OPTIONS="-l -s /var/lib/tftpboot"
[21:26] <barknic> Hi all... wonder if anyone can help... i have an LCDProc issue
[21:26] <laga> okay
[21:27] <laga> MythbuntuGuest47: do you have any clue why the tftpd is actually started? i mean, it shouldnt be started if it's not in inetd.conf
[21:29] <MythbuntuGuest47> I have no idea
[21:29] <MythbuntuGuest47> myth-tv:~$ ps -ef |grep tftp nobody 6591 5800 0 15:22 ? 00:00:00 in.tftpd /tftpboot
[21:30] <MythbuntuGuest47> udp 0 0*
[21:32] <sebrock_> god what will I do with this HD thing, my disc will be dead by the end of this year...
[21:33] <barknic> i have been using mythbuntu for some time with a HD44780 LCD, a few days ago myth stopped displaying on the vfd/lcd. Does anyone know if an update has been known to break myth and the vfd
[21:34] <MythbuntuGuest47> tftp get hda.txt Transfer timed out.
[21:37] <laga> MythbuntuGuest47: do you have other tftp servers installed?
[21:40] <sebrock_> crapp
[21:40] <sebrock_> nite
[21:49] <MythbuntuGuest47> how do i tell
[21:52] <laga> MythbuntuGuest47: look at the output of dpkg -l tftp*
[21:55] <MythbuntuGuest47> ii tftp 0.17-15ubuntu1, pn tftp-hpa <none>, rc tftpd 0.17-15ubuntu1,ii tftpd-hpa 0.48-1ubuntu1
[21:55] <MythbuntuGuest47> four entries
[22:03] <MythbuntuGuest47> here is the full output http://pastebin.com/d5e19cc2d
[22:45] <MythbuntuGuest47> laga, are you still there?