UbuntuIRC / 2008 /06 /17 /#edubuntu.txt
Initial commit
[09:36] <Comete> hi
[10:54] <bimberi> !hi | Comete
[10:54] <ubottu> Comete: Hi! Welcome to #edubuntu!
[12:51] <jodgi> Hi people!
[12:54] <jodgi> any LTSP admins on today?
[17:38] <joebaker> Is there a problem with tftpd-hpa that is keeping ltsp from working besides the bug report I filed?
[18:40] <ogra> there are no known problems with tftpd-hp, no
[18:41] <ogra> it runs fine for many many users out there, whats your prob ?
[20:15] <aarmelvin_Linux> ?
[20:17] <aarmelvin_Linux> can we set up edubuntu to control all students.....like locking Desktop Screens and things like that..
[20:17] <aarmelvin_Linux> since i am Lecturer i need some details regarding this
[20:18] <stgraber> have a look at iTalc
[20:18] <stgraber> it's included with 8.04
[20:19] <aarmelvin_Linux> since we are going to launch Netop software (a commercial software) to monitoring students laptop screen....and to control them..
[20:19] <aarmelvin_Linux> ok
[20:19] <aarmelvin_Linux> thanks...
[20:19] <aarmelvin_Linux> i will try
[20:19] <aarmelvin_Linux> can i know some features of that Utility
[20:19] <stgraber> iTalc is an opensource classroom management that can be used for both Linux and Windows. I did the integration with Ubuntu for Hardy
[20:20] <aarmelvin_Linux> thanks a lot..
[20:20] <stgraber> demo mode (fullscreen/windowed), screen locking, remote control, logout, shutdown, reboot, wakeup (if you have wake-on-lan), text message to the student
[20:20] <stgraber> http://italc.sourceforge.net is the upstream website
[20:21] <stgraber> packages in Ubuntu are italc-client (installed with Edubuntu) and italc-master
[20:21] <aarmelvin_Linux> thats cool...
[20:21] <aarmelvin_Linux> ok
[20:21] <stgraber> the connection between the master and the clients is done using some SSL so you'll need to copy keys from the master computer to the clients (the public key) so you can then add them and control them
[20:22] <stgraber> (that's something we'd like to make easier in the future)
[20:22] <Lns> stgraber, i was just looking at italc - is this pretty stable in hardy?
[20:23] <stgraber> we still have some crashes with the integrated X11VNC server, I have built some debuging packages yesterday and hope to have time debuging that soon
[20:23] <stgraber> for normal use it should work fine
[20:24] <stgraber> the new release (that'll probably be backported to hardy) also has avahi so you get an auto-generated classroom with computers near you
[20:24] <stgraber> the x11vnc crash seems to happen more often when using computers with high resolutions (> 1024x768) and stressing the VNC (compiz effects, video). Other than that it's stable
[20:33] <Lns> hmm...1024x768 is pretty common for me
[20:35] <Lns> that sounds nice though... so it's going to replace thin-client-manager eventually?
[20:37] <stgraber> indeed
[20:37] <stgraber> tcm is no longer maintained
[20:39] <Lns> gotcha
[20:44] <aarmelvin_Linux> can we restrict students from installing softwares thro Synaptic Package manager.....since as far as Ubuntu is concerned, he/she can install softwares with his/her login passwd
[20:45] <aarmelvin_Linux> i mean normal user passwd without root passwd
[20:46] <Lns> aarmelvin_Linux, pretty sure you have to be in the 'admin' group to do that
[20:46] <Lns> First created user has that, but subsequent users don't
[20:46] <aarmelvin_Linux> oh.....thats a good idea....thanks..
[20:47] <Lns> np