UbuntuIRC / 2008 /06 /14 /#ubuntu-mythtv.txt
Initial commit
[00:39] <MythbuntuGuest00> test
[01:04] * Seeker` is still annoyed by the fact that mythtv retunes when it starts to record a program, even if the channel to be recorded is the one you are currently watching
[01:08] <Seeker`> it means that if there are two programs in a row that I want to watch, I tend to miss 5 or 6 seconds at the end of a program
[01:08] <Seeker`> which usually happens to be the "important" bit
[02:30] <superm1> hey kees you were mentioning issues with NFS and mythplugins at some point right?
[02:30] <superm1> kees, would you be able to test the SRU packages for hardy to see that they resolve the issue?
[02:52] <foxbuntu> superm1, so...since the "upstream" for the apple trailers is a static version while the upgrades I have made are going to be maintained in our branch do I just change TARFILE to the tar file name where I got it?
[02:54] <superm1> foxbuntu are you forking their project?
[02:54] <superm1> or will the upstream still be maintaining
[02:54] <foxbuntu> I am forking as the author seems to have dropped it
[02:55] <superm1> well if that's the case you are the upstream?
[02:55] <foxbuntu> yeah I guess...since I modfied the code and gave credit where its due
[02:55] <superm1> okay well so then you'll need to package it just like we do packages that we've become the upstream
[02:55] <superm1> where we build the orig.tar.gz
[02:56] <superm1> from the branch, but dont include debian/ in that direcotry
[02:56] <superm1> all of our packages except for mythtv-theme-* do that
[02:56] <foxbuntu> superm1, this is my rules file
[02:56] <foxbuntu> http://paste.ubuntu.com/20028/
[02:57] <superm1> okay so use that rule to build an orig.tar.gz file
[02:57] <superm1> that's what its there for
[02:57] <superm1> do you understand what it does?
[02:57] <foxbuntu> no
[02:57] <superm1> so when you call debian/rules get-orig-source
[02:57] <superm1> get-orig-source is the argument
[02:57] <superm1> so it runs all the stuff before get-orig-source, and then the get-orig-source target
[02:58] <superm1> so decipher the lines in get-orig-source one by one
[02:58] <superm1> it checks out from bzr
[02:58] <superm1> tars that up w/o debian/
[02:58] <superm1> and then removes the directory it just checked out
[02:58] <foxbuntu> ok
[03:00] <foxbuntu> so how is this effecting the lintian issue?
[03:01] <superm1> well you are entirely missing that orig.tar.gz file
[03:02] <superm1> when you run this rule you build it for the first time
[03:02] <foxbuntu> and it runs via debuild right?
[03:04] <superm1> no
[03:04] <superm1> you run it your self
[03:04] <superm1> debuild calls dpkg-buildpackage
[03:04] <superm1> which calls debian/rules binary at some point
[03:05] <foxbuntu> oh... so the rules file is actually just a script?
[03:05] <foxbuntu> thats what I was missing
[03:07] <superm1> its a type of makefile
[03:07] <superm1> so to say
[03:08] <foxbuntu> ok.. so now that I have that what do I do?
[03:09] <foxbuntu> dpkg-buildpackage and then double check it with lintian?
[03:10] <superm1> have you not read the packaging guide at all?
[03:10] <foxbuntu> no I read it...parts anyways
[03:10] <foxbuntu> I knew you could help :)
[03:11] <superm1> well i'm just saying, you learn the best when you find on the guide pages what you are looking for
[03:11] <superm1> it sinks in better
[03:11] <superm1> if i just tell you do step a, then step b, then step c, you dont learn what step a b and c really are doing
[03:11] <superm1> so when you need to do step b.2 in the future, you dont understand what step b is supposed to accomplish
[03:12] <foxbuntu> no I really am learning it this way...
[03:12] <foxbuntu> I learn better this way than reading
[03:12] <superm1> you should attend the next packaging session that they hold in #ubuntu-classroom :)
[03:12] <superm1> they hold sessions teaching intricacies and $stuff
[03:13] <foxbuntu> sure...but for the sake of now... what is step c? (and dont say Profit!)
[03:14] <superm1> well build the package with your favorite builder, and make sure that it is lintian clean
[03:18] <foxbuntu> superm1, ok do I have to have the motu folks nuke my previous upload to upload my clean one?
[03:18] <superm1> no
[03:18] <foxbuntu> oh...but the package name has changed
[03:19] <foxbuntu> I had a the version as 0.1-0ubuntu1 and now its 0.1ubuntu1
[03:19] <superm1> um
[03:19] <superm1> that was right before
[03:19] <superm1> upstream version 0.1
[03:19] <superm1> debian 0
[03:19] <superm1> ubuntu 1
[03:20] <foxbuntu> oh...well debuild failed with the -0 in there
=== tgm4883_laptop_ is now known as tgm4883_laptop
[05:05] <kees> superm1: uhm -- a while back with the video viewer I had ended up in some weird endless symlink loop -- not sure why. technically over NFS, but nothing since then.
[05:06] <superm1> kees, well these should have been errors at package upgrade/install time
[05:07] <superm1> causing the postinst to bork out
[05:07] <kees> hm, that wasn't me. I did have _X_FS destroy my libc upgrade, but that was only related to mythtv in that it was the myth box's root partition that got destroyed.
[05:07] <Solarbaby> forking sporking.. I love programming tech talk
[05:25] <superm1> hum. i thought bryce said you also had issues with NFS
[05:25] <superm1> okay
=== mindframe_ is now known as mindframe
[10:50] <baalsgate> mythbuntu 8.04 suxs broke my ir sending from 7.10 :(
[10:52] <baalsgate> using ledxmit cant compile lirc-0.8.3pre1 thus cant fix :(
[10:55] <baalsgate> I said upgrading would break things but no I get told in here its all fixed in 8.04 I have more problems now then before upgrading not sure if its fixed the cron jobs
[10:56] <baalsgate> ok cron is now working that is something good
[10:57] <baalsgate> but my serial IR blaster is now broken :(
[10:57] * baalsgate crys and walks off to get some chocolate cake
[14:22] <jo1> hello, I'm having a problem with epg, using 2 DVB-T cards and Mythtv works mostly ok. I'm in Finland where the EPG is in two languages, most of the program info is in Finnish, but randomly has some programs in Swedish. I had this problem very rarely in Gutsy, but after upgrading to Hardy this problem appears in every channel everyday. Can anyone help with this?
[14:42] <baalsgate> hello ??
[16:06] <sebrock> whats up with NFS in 8.04? I get mount.nfs: internal error on boot but works fine when I do mount -a logged in
[16:07] <bazzawill> I moved to sshfs only used nfs for a few months
[16:08] <sebrock> that would be painfull on performance....
[16:09] <bazzawill> never been a problem for me I use it for compressed avi's mainly but I have used it for HD with no problem
[16:10] <tgm4883_laptop> sebrock, my guess would be that the network isn't up when it tries to mount them at boot
[16:10] <sebrock> was my guess aswell...
[16:11] <sebrock> now is it dhcdbd that starts the network?
[16:13] <sebrock> at what point is fstab run?
[16:14] <sebrock> moved it in rc.2 but didnt change anything
[16:14] <sebrock> I must say 8.04 just seems buggy right now
[16:17] <tgm4883_laptop> sebrock, all things seem buggy when they don't work for you
[16:18] <sebrock> if you would experience what I do here on this fresh install of mythbuntu 8.04 I think you would be convinced... same HW ran fine on 7.04
[16:18] <sebrock> 7.10 sorry
[16:18] <tgm4883_laptop> you missed my point
[16:18] <tgm4883_laptop> it's all relative
[16:18] <sebrock> of cause it is
[16:18] <sebrock> I didnt mean to be rude
[16:19] <sebrock> anyway, what starts the networking?
[16:20] <sebrock> I cant see anyhting in rc.2 that is networking, except dhcdbd. I still can see that the networking icon on the upper right is crossed out the first second I enter the desktop
[16:24] <tgm4883_laptop> sebrock, maybe start hal before dhcdbd
[16:38] <sebrock> nope does not work
[16:38] <sebrock> tgm4883_laptop, still mount.nfs: internal error (the best debug info ever :)
[16:40] <sebrock> rpc
[16:41] <sebrock> its def about the networking not beeing up anyway, rpcbind gets timed out
[16:44] <sebrock> why mythbuntu configures it this way is still a mystery for me
[16:45] <ShiftyPowers> is it possible to instlal mythbuntu on an existing desktop?
[16:45] <ShiftyPowers> using hte packages?
[16:45] <tgm4883_laptop> yes
[16:45] <tgm4883_laptop> install mythbuntu-control-centre
[16:45] <tgm4883_laptop> then configure the system from there
[16:47] <ShiftyPowers> not mythbuntu-desktop?
[16:47] <ShiftyPowers> just install mythbuntu-control-centre first
[16:47] <ShiftyPowers> ?
[16:47] <tgm4883_laptop> yes
[16:47] <tgm4883_laptop> do mcc first
[16:47] <tgm4883_laptop> and configure it
[16:47] <tgm4883_laptop> mcc will pull the packages it needs
[16:47] <tgm4883_laptop> depending on what you select
[16:50] <ShiftyPowers> gotcha
[16:50] <ShiftyPowers> was having all sorts of issues installing it just now
[16:50] <ShiftyPowers> i'm purging my system and going to try again
[16:55] <ShiftyPowers> shoudl I be running mythbuntu or just standalone mythtv?
[16:55] <ShiftyPowers> hmm
[16:56] <tgm4883_laptop> you can convert a ubuntu system into a mythbuntu system. It really depends on what you want to use it for
[16:57] <ShiftyPowers> it will 99% of hte time be running mythfrontend
[16:57] <tgm4883_laptop> and when not?
[16:57] <ShiftyPowers> but it already has been configured for FTP server, www server
[16:57] <ShiftyPowers> i'd rather not mess with those settings by reinstalling
[16:57] <tgm4883_laptop> are you going to be using it as a desktop?
[16:57] <ShiftyPowers> so hence i think installing the package for mythtbuntu is a better approach
[16:57] <ShiftyPowers> nope
[16:57] <ShiftyPowers> it's the HTPC
[16:58] <tgm4883_laptop> is it the primary backend?
[16:59] <ShiftyPowers> yeah it's the primary backend an dth efrontend
[16:59] <ShiftyPowers> it had mythtv installed for a while
[16:59] <ShiftyPowers> but i was running SVN trunk
[16:59] <ShiftyPowers> and now i'm trying to revert back to a stable system
[16:59] <ShiftyPowers> and thought mythbuntu might be a good way to do it
[16:59] <tgm4883_laptop> hmm
[17:00] <tgm4883_laptop> did you remove all things related to that?
[17:00] <ShiftyPowers> yep
[17:00] <tgm4883_laptop> install mcc, then select primary backend and frontend. It should also grab the theming stuff and set autologin
[17:00] <ShiftyPowers> yeah doing that right now
[17:00] <ShiftyPowers> let's see if it works
[17:01] <ShiftyPowers> should i select a desktop role?
[17:01] <tgm4883_laptop> no
[17:01] <ShiftyPowers> it's applying
[17:01] <ShiftyPowers> let's see if this works
[17:01] <ShiftyPowers> last time it gave me some issues with libmyth
[17:02] <ShiftyPowers> should i reboot now
[17:03] <ShiftyPowers> it installed
[17:03] <ShiftyPowers> or should i stay in mcc?
[17:03] <ShiftyPowers> and finish the config?
[17:03] <tgm4883_laptop> configure the backend first
[17:05] <ShiftyPowers> ah yes the old familiar backend config
[17:05] <ShiftyPowers> at least it works now
[17:11] <ShiftyPowers> tgm4883_laptop, do you have an HD card in your setup?
[17:14] <tgm4883_laptop> not anymore
[17:14] <tgm4883_laptop> I moved an can only get directv now
[17:16] <tgm4883_laptop> why whats up?
[17:33] <ShiftyPowers> what the? how do i start the mythbackend?
[17:36] <tgm4883_laptop> ShiftyPowers, should start automatically at boot
[17:36] <tgm4883_laptop> you can also do
[17:36] <tgm4883_laptop> sudo /etc/init.d/mythbackend restart
[17:37] <ShiftyPowers> there is not mythbackend in my init.d
[17:37] <ShiftyPowers> that's what's weird
[17:37] <tgm4883_laptop> mythtv-backend?
[17:38] <ShiftyPowers> nope
[17:38] <ShiftyPowers> if i start it manually it works
[17:39] <ShiftyPowers> weird
[17:41] <ShiftyPowers> yeah that's weird
[17:41] <ShiftyPowers> maybe something was missing on the install?
[17:41] <ShiftyPowers> so odd
[17:50] <tgm4883_laptop> nope, it would have grabbed all necessary packages
[17:50] <ShiftyPowers> yeah it's weird man
[17:50] <tgm4883_laptop> did you reboot and all?
[17:50] <ShiftyPowers> i don't know how to get the script in there now
[17:50] <ShiftyPowers> i did
[17:50] <ShiftyPowers> but there is no script in the init.d
[17:54] <ShiftyPowers> well wtf...i'm stumped
[20:39] <friggityfrog> whenever I do a manual record, it only shows up in my recorded shows if I change it to "live tv" profile. Why doesn't it show up when I record it in default?
[21:19] <wilberfan> LOVE my mythbuntu! kudos to everyone involved!
[21:37] <MythbuntuGuest79> hi
[21:37] <MythbuntuGuest79> anybody here? i could use some help
[21:39] <laga> just ask a question :)
[22:37] <rory> can someone tell me how to change the verbose logging levels of xorg so that i can figure out why my tv is not getting set to the correct resolution
[22:45] <hads> startx -- -logverbose 6
[22:48] <rory> hads: my problem is if i kill x, it just restarts... how do i stop it so that i can start it manually with those flags
[22:49] <rory> hads: or better yet, is there some type of init script for xfce or xorg that i can change so that it always logs at a higher leve
[22:59] <rory> hello?
[23:02] <hads> Depending on what mythbuntu uses (I'm not sure as my setup is custom) then you should be able to stop it with `sudo invoke-rc.d gdm stop`
[23:04] <hads> You can quite possibly adjust the logging level in there too.
[23:26] <Solarbaby> Hello Rory
[23:40] <rory> ok, got the logging working
[23:41] <rory> anyone have any luck getting a plasma or lcd tv to work using the right modelines