UbuntuIRC / 2008 /06 /13 /#ubuntu-x.txt
Initial commit
[01:51] <bryce> is it correct that xserver 1.5 has a required dependency for libpciaccess?
[01:52] <jcristau> bryce: yes
[01:53] <bryce> 'k thx
[02:35] <bryce> filed lp #239614
[02:35] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 239614 in libpciaccess "main inclusion report for libpciaccess" [High,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/239614
[08:25] <tjaalton> bryce: I think we should get a newer mesa (7.0.x) in proposed.. there are a lot of fixes for lockups and crashes
[08:25] <tjaalton> I'll prepare a diff
[08:26] <tjaalton> even if it's post .1
[08:50] <tjaalton> bryce: no need to modify the maintainer address for fakesyncs ;)
[08:51] <tjaalton> since the version is !ubuntuN
[09:32] <bryce> tjaalton: re:mesa agreed
[09:32] <bryce> tjaalton: the ume guys asked me about it too
[09:39] <seb128> hey bryce
[09:39] <seb128> bryce:
[09:39] <seb128> [dpkg-source output:] dpkg-source: error: file x11proto-dmx_2.2.2.orig.tar.gz has size 45403 instead of expected 45375
[09:39] <seb128> [dpkg-source output:] dpkg-source: error: file x11proto-bigreqs_1.0.2.orig.tar.gz has size 42386 instead of expected 42493
[09:39] <seb128> those syncs a not working
[09:39] <tjaalton> bryce: I'll upload a new merged version to intrepid soonish, debian pulled stuff from the stable branch that had a lot of 965 fixes
[09:55] <bryce> seb128: is it just those two packages?
[09:55] <seb128> yes
[09:57] <bryce> hmm
[09:57] <bryce> I put sync requests in for those two packages (#238712, #238713). I wonder if they got sync'd incorrectly
[09:58] <seb128> right, that's what I'm telling you
[09:58] <seb128> the sync didn't work because the orig.tar.gz are different in debian and ubuntu
[09:58] <seb128> you have to do manual syncs
[09:59] <bryce> is there any way we can just chuck our orig.tar.gz and go with debians? it sucks having to fakesync all these proto libs every time
[09:59] <seb128> no
[09:59] <bryce> bleah
[09:59] <seb128> we can't override a published orig.tar.gz
[10:00] <tjaalton> bryce: convince upstream to release new versions :)
[10:00] <bryce> why not?
[10:00] <seb128> because that would break hardy for example
[10:00] <seb128> the md5sum would not correspond to the hardy checksums,e tc
[10:00] <tjaalton> the same tarball is shared with multiple releases
[10:01] <bryce> tjaalton: ahh
[10:06] <bryce> tjaalton: well upstream hardly ever seems to release new versions of the protos
[10:06] <tjaalton> right
[10:06] <bryce> tjaalton: so this sucks
[10:07] <tjaalton> bryce: yep, but the changes in them aren't that big, so bypassing them isn't a big deal
[10:07] <seb128> well, debian doesn't do a lot of change to those either
[10:08] <tjaalton> bigbig
[10:08] <bryce> I guess but look at http://people.ubuntu.com/~bryce/Xorg/versions_current.html - debian changed like half of them
[10:10] <bryce> maybe it's mostly administrivia
[10:10] <bryce> seb128: I'll just fakesync those two then.
[10:11] <seb128> thanks
[10:11] <seb128> bryce: somebody will have to do the fake syncs anyway
[10:12] <seb128> I mean for things on the merge lists
[10:12] <tjaalton> bryce: right, cleanups etc judging by the changelogs
[10:12] <seb128> tjaalton is listed for the input ones there
[10:12] <tjaalton> what where?
[10:13] <tjaalton> oh
[10:13] <tjaalton> MoM
[10:14] <tjaalton> those will be synced along with xserver 1.5
[10:15] <seb128> tjaalton: http://merges.ubuntu.com/main.html
[10:16] <tjaalton> seb128: yep
[10:16] <seb128> when will the 1.5 xserver be available?
[10:16] <tjaalton> when libdrm 2.3.1 is released
[10:17] <tjaalton> and mesa 7.1
[10:17] <bryce> tjaalton: dunno if you saw but I put in the mir req for libpciaccess today
[10:17] <tjaalton> experimental has 7.1rc, but libdrm is needed for that
[10:18] <tjaalton> bryce: yes I saw that, it's required as well
[10:21] <tjaalton> I have to make a travel expense report of the trip to UDS before I leave on vacation, but maybe there's time to merge xserver so it's easier to re-merge when it's ready for upload
[10:21] <tjaalton> :P
[10:22] <bryce> tjaalton: I've got an -openchrome merge I'm going to upload
[10:23] <tjaalton> hardy is now running on all the public workstations here, 229 in total ATM
[10:23] <bryce> cool
[10:23] <tjaalton> bryce: ok, it could be synced when the next version is uploaded on debian
[10:23] <tjaalton> it only lacks the patch to generated the pci-id's list
[10:23] <tjaalton> -d
[10:23] <bryce> tjaalton: this -openchrome is the first merging of the ubuntu version and debian version
[10:23] <bryce> yep
[10:23] <tjaalton> bryce: right
[10:24] <tjaalton> well, drop everything else than the patch and it's good :)
[10:24] <bryce> tjaalton: I'd appreciate your review of it to make sure it's correct
[10:24] <tjaalton> no problem
[10:25] <bryce> yeah I did mostly drop everything... still worth the check tho
[10:25] <tjaalton> drop the diff somewhere and I'll have a look
[10:25] <tjaalton> oh, uploaded already :)
[10:26] <tjaalton> the changelog looks good
[10:26] <tjaalton> actually you can see the commit diff on debian-x@ and compare :)
[11:31] <tjaalton> bryce: uh, pulled my (nonexistend) hair off while doing the travel report, so have to postpone the merges to next tuesday
[11:32] <bryce> tjaalton: bummer... well we can get to them eventually
[12:18] <tjaalton> bryce: well, I've merged xorg-server now, but have to test which patches are still needed. That'll have to wait until next Tuesday ;)
[12:35] <Q-FUNK> ok, it seems that bgoglin is about to upload a fixed package for NSC into unstable.
[12:35] <Q-FUNK> once he's done, we'll just need to sync into intrepid.
[12:36] <Q-FUNK> as soon as he has uploaded, I'll follow with a -geode that features a versionned Conflicts against older -nsc
[12:36] <Q-FUNK> in all cases, the only tricky part is how we approach solving hardy issues